The Importance of Head Positioning in the Golf Swing | The Why’s of Golf

The key to maintaining a consistent powerful swing lies behind optimal head positioning, which allows you to improve your precision and control in the trajectory. Perfect your form & amplify your performance with this essential step.

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Yeah all right what is head movement why is it important and how do I actually teach it okay so the first thing is is what is head moving my head could move off the ball it could move towards the target it could drop it could raise up

In the back swing there’s a lot of ways this head could move around and it’s dictated by how we extend our spine how much left Bend we have if we don’t have extension the spine if I stood straight up and down and I turned and went back

Into my spine flexion my hip flexion my head’s going to be off the ball if I don’t have any left bend my head’s going to immediately want to go around and I’m going to want to move inside and off the ball okay so to keep the head centered

All you need to remember is just stand up turn go into a left Bend get the hip and flexion and you’re in a good position that’s how easy it is okay we already taught you that if you’re up here and you have left Bend you’re going

To drop so round the spine extend the spine boom that’s how easy it is to keep your head centered through the shot now when I come down I could actually go back into hip flexion which is just basically this and it bring my head forward so I

Have a little right Bend here that offsets it and then I keep turning and my head would go here that’s when I start to extend extend means I’m knee straightening hips straightening spine straightening with some tilts that’s how I’m getting through the ball that’s what’s keeping your head

Centered so if your head is moving off forward in the down swing is cuz you don’t have right Bend if it’s actually moving back it’s probably slide your right shoulders dropping without any turn so if you combine those in this position and then you continue to turn

And not actually just go extension here in right Bend you won’t tilt back you start to turn you’ll move forward you start to turn with extension and tilts your head will stay on Center and your contact will get better that’s how easy it is to keep your head centered if you

Guys are looking for more tips or more information about the golf swing I’ve got lots more on George gas golf click the link in the description and you’ll have all the info you could ever need


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