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That’s just sports 🤷‍♂️ Joe Buck & Troy Aikman react to game-altering drop from Tyler Goodson

Troy Aikman and Joe Buck join SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt to discuss the Houston Texans’ 23-19 win over the Indianapolis Colts.

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Fresh off the broadcast Joe Buck the Hall of Famer Troy Aman join me now and gentlemen this really boils down to sports at its most basic doesn’t it at the end of a dramatic game you find yourself wondering did they make the right call this is a team who ran for

227 yards and on fourth and one they throw it to a man who hadn’t touched it all night and unfortunately for the Colts he couldn’t squeeze it I’m interested in both your reaction on it Joe I’ll start with you what’ you think well I mean you can you can quarrel with

It but he was wide open and would have picked up the first down if they end up connecting on that pass the throw a little behind Goodson didn’t make the grab so yeah I mean that’s That’s Just Sports and uh you know you you could make the other side of the argument and

Say well they’ve been running it down the field they got the ground game going they were well over 200 yards and Taylor’s been you know plowing over guys but uh the the play was there and and they just didn’t they didn’t connect and and that’s the way Sports goes and you

Know in this case uh it was a heck of a game as Troy said at the beginning it’s too bad one of these teams had to walk out of here losing and out of the playoffs but they put on quite a show here tonight yeah and Scott I think you

Look at it and say did they go outside of what they’re about and because when they’ve been in that situation as I as I said that they thrown the ball in that situation the second most in the NFL so it’s true to what they are and what

They’ve been and it got them to this point and when it doesn’t work there’s no question that the play caller Shane Sten in this case you you you question it whenever it doesn’t work you say well maybe I should have done this and then those players of course Goodson and then

Muu they’ll be talking about it as well but it’s easy to go back and second guess that’s what we all do but I didn’t have an issue so much with the call they just didn’t get it executed exactly I mean it certainly invites scrutiny Joe

And joy as you point out when it doesn’t work but it it was there even if he’d fallen down they’d have had a first down around a minute left that’s not what happened the Texans get the Victory and Troy we spoke all pregame long about CJ

Strad and just how much he has impressed leading up to this night but this is a win and you’re in scenario on the road that drive that gave them the lead he’s seven for seven I mean some jaw-dropping throws I ask you as a Hall of Fame quarterback what most impressed

You his Poise is what has impressed me throughout the year they we were getting ready for a Jacksonville game weeks ago and they had just come off of a win against the Houston Texans and I found myself when I was watching Jacksonville’s defense mesmerized by this rookie who I hadn’t yet seen play

This year CJ Stout he was phenomenal in that loss but when you go back and you study him coming into this game he’s done what he did tonight really throughout the year and it’s uncommon to see a rookie do what he’s been able to do and he’s played in big games of

Course when you play at Ohio State you’re used to the atmosphere and you’re used to going up against Great opponents but you don’t know how that’s going to look when you get to this stage on this platform and yet he showed the same kind of poise never appeared rattled starting

With the first play of the game and he’s been phenomenal he’s 20 of 26 but with all that said what impressed me the most he never put the ball In Harm’s Way did not have an interception and that’s the key that’ll be the key uh next week when

They go into the Wild Card round so uh I’m a fan of what he’s been able to do I will also point out Bobby slowick the offensive coordinator you know he deserves a tip to the Hat as well for the way that his young rookie quarterback has played this year Jo want

To close with this man a real quick thought it maybe it’s loser talk but I don’t see how you could view this season no matter what happens next week for Houston as being a massive win they’ve been a punch line they’re in the playoffs Win Win Lose or Draw next week

It’s it’s got to be seen as a a gigantic Arrow next to their name up right absolutely and it’s been almost a total house cleaning um which you hate to say when you’re talking about people but that’s what it’s been at least as far as administratively for uh Nick

Cerio the general manager he’s in his third year only seven guys are left on their roster from when he took over and they’ve got so much young Talent they had a good draft last year they had an unbelievable draft this year um and and it’s just it’s cool to see that that the

Right people were picked really on both sides and both teams come out of this game knowing that have their quarterback of the future we have to wait for Anthony Richardson will be coming off an injury and shoulder surgery but two young stars and and two players at these

Two fan bases are going to watch for a long time Scott let me also just add that you’ve got a firsttime head coach you’ve got a firsttime play caller and you’ve got a rookie quarterback this isn’t supposed to happen it it’s it’s better than than what we can even put

Into words what Deo Ryan and this Texans organization has accomplished so far Rex Ryan made that point on countdown he said I was a rookie coach I had a rookie quarterback it’s hard it’s hard to do and uh I I had a rookie head coach and Jimmy Johnson and a rookie play caller

And a rookie quarterback and myself and we won one game so I know how hard it can be yeah but then you guys started having parades so maybe this is the start of that for Houston this was a hell of a start for essentially our playoffs look forward to seeing them

Next week Joe and Troy thank you so much as we say so long to them a look at that rookie coach and that rookie quarterback [Applause] [Applause] back


  1. How could the Colts know they have their franchise QB in Richardson? Did he get through two games without being hurt? For Buck to call him a star like Stroud is absurd.

  2. When I was 22 years old me and my homies made a rag tag team of misfits to play city league softball. We were all baseball players but never played softball. We got to the semifinals of and in the semifinal game I dropped a routine fly ball in left that would have taken us to the championship. Even though it was just city league I sorta feel his pain. We were all huge competitors and wanted to win bad. I went home and cried in the shower haha.

  3. This guy would fit right in with our receivers corp in KC. At least 3 losses were directly due to drops, plus another for goofball Toney lining up offsides on a game winning TD. Tough watching guys making millions drop passes after hitting both hands.

  4. Personally, I thought it was more the QB's fault with a poor throw. Yes he could have caught it, but it should have been thrown better.

  5. Let’s be honest, Gardner Minshew was missing guys by just a yard or two all night. If it’s a better ball, he probably catches it.

  6. It does not really matter…they should have done this, done that, blah blah blah, the gods have spoken, call it fate, call it whatever you like, it's been written.

  7. Texans needed this victory after a tough season & a lot of tough victories!!! It’s only up from here this playoff experience will help Cj Stroud out tremendously going forward in his career!!!!

  8. The Colts have showed the world how to lose games and miss the playoffs like no other team They always lose when it matters. Weak organization that had the weakest schedule by far.

  9. The pass was behind him actually & he was a 3rd string RB. Can't expect him to adjust like hes Jamar Chase regardless of how open he was.

  10. What does it say about a head coach who trusts the season to an untested rookie who spent a good part of the season on the practice squad?

  11. Unfortunately that drop may end up getting that guy cut from the team since he was already a backup and only had 6 catches all year.

  12. It was a bad throw. Minschew has to stick the ball in the receiver's gut to be sure of a reception and he didn't.

  13. Great segment! Found everything Troy Aikman said…. interesting and focused. A new experience for me!
    All three agreed, "That's just sports." and the reason we watch. If that catch is made, the whole table is flipped. Great drama.

  14. Texans lined up offsides on the play like Dee Ford and it was not called. Official was looking straight down the line.

  15. BUT once again these NFL players make millions of dollars all the while we have people around the country that are homeless and have to eat at the soup kitchens. If you are paid to catch the football,,,,,CATCH THE ……. FOOTBALL.

  16. The colts are becoming the old browns. 4th and 1 with the season on the line and your player with 200 yards is on the sideline? What a joke of a franchise 😂 also minshew is a terrible qb, better story than player.

  17. ESPN was eager to put the blame on Goodson in their article
    I think the pass was trash. Goodson is running, so the you have to put the ball in front of him
    This is why Minshew is backup, not a starter. This is why the Colts ran the rock for over 200 yards, and Minshew only threw for 133 yards on 13/24 passes. Minshew is not that dude.

  18. Shout out to CJ Stroud. I though because he comes from OSU, where trash QBs are built, that he would be just another piece of trash, but he has been one of the best NFL Rookie QBs in history
    To take a team from 3 wins to the playoffs, and only turn the ball over 6 times, all season, is unprecedented. You can make the argument, after Lamar Jackson, he should be 2nd in MVP.

  19. “Let’s take Jonathan Taylor out for the most important play of the game and throw the ball to a guy with 6 receptions all year.” Genius

  20. What a great game. It didn’t come down to the play. Colts had many chances but couldn’t figure it out. Oh well on to the next one.

  21. How much longer do we have to endure all these braindead zombies that constantly run around mindlessly vomiting, "LET'S GO!"? Everyone enjoys being exactly like everyone else. What ever happened to particularity and individuality? 😵‍💫

  22. Jonathan Taylor has to be apart of that play. It's too important to get a guy who hasn't touched the ball all game and then expect him to step up in such a pressure situation.

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