Golf Babe

‘Duck Dynasty’ Cast Member Found Out His REAL Birthday at Age 16 | Duck Call Room #306

Uncle Si fans love hearing about the life of Bryan Rucker, a former Duck Commander employee and ‘Duck Dynasty’ cast member whose life has had some wild ups and downs. Rucker is back to give more insight into his rollercoaster life, from growing up and selling drugs in the roughest neighborhood in Houston, to working at Duck Commander and getting into silly shenanigans, to becoming a faith-based counselor to other people with difficult pasts. Go back and check out the other Rucker episode at:

Duck Call Room episode #306 is sponsored by: — Get 50% off right now when you use code duck50! — Cancel unwanted subscriptions with Rocket Money. The average person saves up to $720 a year! — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 & 5 FREE AG1 travel packs with your first purchase!

About Duck Call Room:

The guys who kept America laughing for 11 seasons while cranking out duck calls are back in the heart of Duck Commander to share hilarious stories, tall tales, hunting adventures, pop culture commentary, and all the antics and escapades you know and love. Join Si Robertson, Justin Martin, John-David Owen, John Godwin, Jay Stone, and Phillip McMillan where it all began — in the Duck Call Room.

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The people want Rucker and they want Bella two totally different hey is that what’s happened two totally well I you know we plan to cover all the bases but anyway welcome back before we get start what are you doing I don’t know the whole TV’s doing oh that’s just your you’re

Connected to the TV I’m sorry all right well it look hey new year new us we all of a sudden don’t know how to work this stuff but Happy New Year everybody happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year it’s a new year you didn’t realize it

Was New Year oh yeah we in 2024 big dog come on get with the program for sure we are and to kick off the new year we are bringing back by popular demand that’s right I would say to this point our most popular guest like as far as the

Comments go Phil Robertson no Brian Rucker no that’s Rucker’s back baby there’s Phil and then there’s Rucker amen okay we’re you know we’re going to make a new sticker that says Rucker podcast host 2024 like I am second we’re getting off the homeowner we’re getting off no I

Don’t move you up dog uh oh yeah yeah F no we’ll get him there it’s ruer number one that’s right okay hey let’s go let’s that’s what I’m talking about hey hey this is the real deal boys what we got here he is the real deal Holyfield I

Will say the last one it’s been a long time since I’ve when you were here that I’ve seen s so quiet just listening to somebody tell a story he well I think he’s enamored with your storytelling ability as well R good storytellers just appreciate each other’s work they

Appreciate the craft don’t they well look no any he his story okay is is is you know I don’t even have the words to describe it incredible oh oh yeah see that yeah I don’t have the words to describe it yeah somebody that’s gone through what he’s gone through okay and

Turned out like he’s turned out yeah is is you know awesome comes to mind but no that ain’t even good enough well I no no it’s spectacular it really is well well okay that’s why I want you know just talking to you yeah I would say you I would you know somebody would

Asked me I have said yeah oh that guy’s got a PhD well he does behind his name okay he does his records just are a little he does he’s got a bunch of pieces of paper there is a lot of paper definitely got a trail there’s a there’s a one there is a

Paper trail for sure and look here’s the thing I’m done there was a point when I thought that I had somehow magically avoided the paper trail like I thought I thought okay I fell through the crack there’s no way that’s right I got away with it

Right well so here’s because you moved 3 hours West no East no you want to know really what it is it’s the birthday thing oh my good this is fantastic the birthday thing the birthday thing you don’t know about his birthday no I fix say that’s going he didn’t know about

His birthday till he about 25 look wait for real no so I on paper depending on how you look up Brian Rucker have two different birthdays Grandma ruled man yeah yeah so my grandma you know we talked about my grandma a little bit all right so entrepreneur if you you and

Granny is close oh yeah entrepreneur Point she had to get him in school and there was only one way to do that a lot of my identity issues started very early in life okay and and some of them are because I didn’t know my real birthday

For the majority of my life so just to put it like this okay I was born and raised being told my entire life that my birthday was September 1st right okay and and this is what they this is what my mom and my grandma told me they celebrated it they

Told me hey this is your birthday everything else I’m incarcerated 16 years old at a place called Gulf Coast and the only way to be eligible for release is for you to get a learner’s permit a GED and a builder trade well I’m up at the DMV they take us up there

In shackles up to the DMV to go take the test and the lady at the DMV tells me um I don’t know if you’re going to be able to take your test and I’m like well why not and she says well the birth certificate that the state has says your

Birthday is September 1st but in the National computer here it says your birthday is September 13th I said well somebody made a typo I know my birthday birth September 1 my birthday is September 1st that’s it wow you’ve been living in the future your whole life

Well so so I said my birthday my birthday September 1st she goes well if you want to be eligible for release if you want to take this test we’re going to have to put it as the 13th I said whatever okay I was upset about it my

Grandma comes to visit me a week later and we’re sitting down and we’re talking and I say man can you believe that they put my birthday at September 13th uh whenever I went to the DMV and she just starts laughing and says well is your real birthday grandma a Savage no no

Yeah and I said what and she’s like well that is your real birthday and I said what do you mean she goes well September 1st is the cut off for school so we would have had to wait an entire year for you to go to school oh free child

Care and she goes and you were just so smart I was like no no no no no no miss me with that she’s like you’re just so smart that we wanted we didn’t want you to have to wait to 12 more days right right we we didn’t want you to have to

Wait till next year to start school so we just put some white out on your birth certificate recopied it and recopied it until it look legit just lighted out that three boys right and and and then she go I said well why didn’t you ever tell me she said well because you’ve

Always had a big mouth you just go up there and tell everybody loose lips think real reason is You’ been wanting two birthday parties every year and so and so I go I I’m like so obviously my whole my whole world is shaking at this point I’m like what what

El what else is a lie my last name Rucker so before but when we got done with visitation they used to have to take us into this this room and search you before you go back out into you know the commun and I remember I got in that

Room and I cried I was like man what I don’t what is real and what is real you know what I mean it was just do IA even exist right so for 16 years of my life I thought my birthday was September 1st come to find out no September 13th I

Have a lot of questions uhuh which one do you celebrate now I start on the 1 and I end on the 13th hey there you go he covers all the basic hey when You’ been through what you’ve been through abolutely you got to think about that

That’s smart that is smart hey hey just say you said you say I started the first hey and then you s me later I thought I was actually really the 13th so hey what I’ll do is I’ll just celebrate days that’s a great I me I’ve heard y’all talk about

His birthday issues I had no idea there was a 12-day discrepancy all because they wanted to s school yeah you what he say I’m so smart miss me on that yeah missed me on that one grandma look look so I uh and then for years for years after finding out I just always

Held true to the September 1st so I used that is almost like this Alias right like well you I’m off the grid because you don’t know the real birthday you just know September 1st literally up until this is no joke up until about when this is uh no uh this is janary

January this is January 2024 January up until up until September 2023 it was September 1st on my Facebook what about on your driver’s license well you didn’t have one for a minute didn’t have one for a while we discussed that in but when you got one when I got one

It it’s September which made me think I fell through the cracks right like oh man I’ll get what about your Texas driver’s license that always said 13th huh September yeah okay yeah yeah yeah but I I thought that I felt through like I thought that like man you know I want

Two birthdays yeah but turns out I didn’t fall through the cracks and I still owed Texas about 11 Grand yeah so I remember now remember now it’s becoming clear yeah uh yeah I mean that’s cool kind of my papa had two birthdays but it was just cuz his mom

Said one thing in the hospital said a different so he’s like so but they were back toback days yeah I think I if I was going to have two birthdays I’d want them like six months apart yeah it was also 1925 not 1989 yeah there’s a lot of

Stuff going on back then well and it wasn’t just based on a downright lie you know what I’m saying it wasn’t any type of like like this this just blatant dishonesty okay like there was no there’s no other way to shake it okay Grandma that right so

You were the young kid in all the grades like I was oh yeah yeah yeah I was the young kid yeah cuz he wasn’t even allowed to go without a little white out in the copy machine well I was late August birthday so I was always the

Youngest kid in the class like all all the Milestones everybody else reaching I’m over here still like 15 like what’s up you know yeah go go freshman in college still can’t go to a bar like still still waiting on being in college for about 3 weeks before I can get in

Somewhere legally remind me where did you go to college ULM ULM that’s yeah go warhawks baby yeah Talon’s out yeah that was strictly a financial decision hey man it’s a great one it’s a good one yeah solid keep the school around do it yeah Rucker just man when I thought you

Couldn’t get any more interesting my man has got two birthdays I got some more things to discuss that I we need to discuss that I don’t he he disagrees with all of us because his Grand told him something oh okay you know what it

Is don’t you oh is it yeah I think so yeah let’s uh yeah let’s take a break we’ll be back right after this it’s Suri tomato chicken and it’s delicious and I have it almost on a weekly basis that’s right at least one time a week because especially right now

Cuz I work in retail and life is crazy and I can’t be taking no lunch break so I just have them deliver my lunch to me we’re talking about Factory people then you warm it up 2 minutes you got you got a fresh flavor Pack meal

Right to your door something good to eat cuz like during when you’re in the busy time generally you end up being eating a bunch of junk like and that then that makes you feel terrible and then that just kind of you know snowballs into the rest so factor is the ultimate choice

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Heat it up and enjoy it look they got 35 Chef crafted choices to choose from people and I like them you said were roasted tomatoes yeah they the sun dried tomato chicken is one of the better ones it’s fantastic along with like the cheesy bacon ranch shredded chicken it’s

Really good fire I don’t know how they managed to cook broccoli and send it across the country from wherever it’s coming from and it still be that delicious like they just cooked it right then but they figured that out too look inside I got the Factor app right here on my phone boom

You just pick out your meal Bam Bam Bam and it just shows up at your door I know that by Wednesday I have to have my meal for the week set and then on Monday the next Monday it’s just going to be there and I’m going to be ready to eat lunch

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Well without the ha CLE simply choose your meals and enjoy fresh flavor packed meals delivered to your door ready in Just 2 minutes no prep no mess all you have to do is head to factor D50 and use code duck 50 to get 50% off that’s code duck 50F Factor

D50 to get 50% off so Rucker there you go I I just um there’s a thing about you that everybody you know it’s 2023 we I think we can get past this what What ethnicity are you Rucker cuz you said you’re from South Texas kind of Darker complected yeah

Little got a little gangster Training Day about you what does your environment determine your ethnicity no but I’m just I’m about to put together a sermon based on that statement all right but I’m just wondering what technically you’re Texan he’s Scottish English mut yeah I’m a mut technically

I’m just American but I’m just I’m a world class mut so what what what are you Rucker so uh according to my grandmother we already know there’s trust issues with at this according to my grandmother memo oh Joyce I was I’m French and Native American do you believe that uh yeah

Yeah no I you’re very French looking no well so here’s the thing I’m I’m 99.999% sure that I’m not Hispanic there you go me Rucker is a very American name yeah is that your mom’s last name last name yeah yeah so I but so we offered in this office to 23

And me but he turned it down I’ll never do it don’t do that do you know the past my man’s had yeah have you heard all these stories yeah but I’m just interested I just don’t know some stuff is best left just back there well and here’s the truth right here’s the here’s

The guy here’s the God’s honest truth growing up where I grew up that was always a huge insecurity for me like I remember whenever I was real little like to try to fit in with everybody in my neighborhood who is africanamerican I would tell people uh yeah my mom’s white

My dad’s black and Mexican just to try to fit in really yeah and so like and then I’m just over here asking you if you’re Mexican for 10 years and just bringing up old yeah trauma basically that’s what you do I’m sorry I don’t know if you’re aware yeah we’re just

Going to solve it right here the world to hear he I got a question for you cuz my great great Grandmama was was full Cherokee mhm Native American okay but hey but like you said what what uh you know what tribe I have no idea no idea

No idea so my like I said my mom and my grandmother are originally from here so my grandma’s roots go back to a lot of French Indian you know they’re Louisiana natives like born and raised so so that’s kind of what I always went with

You know what I mean and and you know but like I said growing up you know being in that environment uh whenever I was young I’d lie about it I’d just be like you know cuz I was trying to fit in I didn’t want to have to fight as much

So I thought if like maybe yeah and um you know eventually just in my journey I got to a point to where like it wasn’t a big deal to me like ultimately I I know who I am and you know who my dad was or what country he was from or anything

Else doesn’t really matter to me yeah and so I just kind of got to a point to where like man I’m good with it and that’s why the 23 and me thing I always was like which it’s funny you know what I mean I don’t want anybody hearing this

To think like oh man dude look like who it is what it is who cares you know what I’m saying like really like I don’t care what anybody’s ethnicity is I don’t even care what my own is you know what I’m saying like you know what I mean so amen

So so you know but but that’s why whenever it always got brought up I was just like man I’m good yeah right because and if I’m just being totally honest here the entire time I was locked up I had to fight certain ethnic groups and I would hate to see something that

Made me think differently about that yeah you go if if the world took your view of that right would be way better off no I agree man uh you was it’s the human race for crying out loud yeah absolutely I just think it kind of catches you off

Guard if you’ve been around man and you said well what what what exactly are and he goes French Indian well I remember that day well and I was like not where I have started I mean just just using context clues and knowing his past and his history I was

Like yeah not where I’d have started but you know if but Grandmama’s Grandmama man well from here so you really just a lot of redneck well that’s what well so French and Indian though is actually like if you you know can we say ass

On this thing I me you just did I mean no idea but yeah I mean just short of the white rubber boots right that’s what I’m saying cing re like cing people I mean and if oh we we might as well be from Missouri to those people oh yeah

We’re just we’re we’re from Arkansas like they they ain’t even they don’t even consider us louisianians and you know what I’ve been down there we’re not we’re not them no no well Louisiana’s got like five states in and of itself yeah here’s the thing a lot of the

People that I work with in recovery and a lot of the people in our Sober Living homes a lot of people at CR uh here in West Monroe Monroe Louisiana we have this huge recovery community so people from all over the state of Louisiana specifically come here yeah to get sober

Yeah and so that’s cuz there’s nothing to do well well yeah there’s not much to do but but we’re blessed we really have this Bubble Man our community is geared towards helping people in recovery yeah you know like most employers uh in this area have employed somebody that lives

In a sober living home so it’s almost The New Normal and so saying all that like I meet a lot of guys I me 80% of our sober living home right now has got uh Southern Louisiana people in it oh yeah and yeah it’s it’s vastly different

But uh but whenever I meet a lot of those guys like uh from south Louisiana like we resemble each other oh yeah you South maybe you are just south Louis you are just the the Deep South yeah that spot he’s kind of like that spot in between New Orleans and

Baton Rouge there’s a lot of folks that area down to like what’s that other deal down there hom all that area ponchatula yeah ponchatula ponchatula yeah get down I can go with that but yeah it just it was just but the the the key to the whole thing though is there there’s one

Thing that he is and that’s just Brian Rucker yeah oh absolutely abolutely yeah you’ll never meet another one I’m with you big dog stay away from that 23 of me yeah I’m not and and here’s the deal with the 23 of me is like who a how’d you get all that

Information right how do you know all of that stuff and we know my man already thought he slipped through the cracks what he ain’t about to do is put his DNA out there bad enough they found the right birth certificate right they ain’t getting this D no no no that would be an

That would be an interesting thing to do yeah what have check his DNA no it wouldn’t yeah it would no that’s not interesting that’s traumatic Going’s going to pay for it it’d be hilarious if s walk up behind you and grab a handful of hair don’t run don’t let him get the

Root man don’t let him get the root of your I would not advise that I’m just saying like I I got people running up behind me it’s very triggering oh man I love this what are you talking about Rucker you’re in I miss you here every I never realized how much I missed

You here every day until I’ve had you here like three really almost like four times in a kind of a short period of time because you just been stopping by know I’m glad I got to meet the man okay I really I we’ve been introduced but I

Really hadn’t spent time with him or learn about who he really is you to see it’s been it’s been the ho you ought to see what that man could do to chicken quarters on Friday buddy man we used to smash oh yeah that was that was good

Times there man it was well y’all remember the lunch crew that’s yeah I mean just like the everyday we had a crew we had a lunch crew with a panini press some sandwich meat and and look we’d go over there we’d press up some sandwiches grub and then we go play disc

Golf marioart Mario Kart the golden tea game Throw throw in some bags corn we were working for one of the most popular brands in America and we were all pitching in $5 for lunch and playing disc golf into a tire swing but what’s amazing is when like 12 guys go together

At $5 a week you a week for lunch is what we did is what we pay and we had money left over to buy premium lunches on Friday could we still do that now with inflation I mean really you think podcast I think we’d have to go up to

Eight bucks yeah we’d have to go probably price goes up yeah but we did I mean it’s amazing what you can do as a group of people like you can eat sandwich meat but we just got so tired of eating out like but and it saved everybody money literally that’s halfway

Where this podcast came from cuz we all just sat around and talked and every once in a while Cory or Willie would walk past and see what weirdness was happening yeah and they’re like what if we throw side into that mix yeah and here we are here we are this is what you

Got but uh let’s take hey good no we’re just going to take another break you can you can opine all you want to right after this you know what this year always reminds me this time of year reminds me of high school football and that time that rocket money saved me from paying

For watching High School football in the May June July and August because I almost did but rocket money said no you signed up to watch one game you don’t want to do this anymore amen look and I we sitting there the other day Britney signed up for some trial cuz she wanted

To watch the Grinch on demand and she didn’t have what I don’t even remember what it was so you know what’s going to happen in a month hey do you still want to be subscribing to this from rocket money thank God they’re there because if

Not it would be for me I would say it probably be at least April or March or April or May before I’m like um oh do we still pay for that and I wouldn’t be using it we’re just watching a grinch you don’t watch a Grinch in February

That’s weird I mean it’s wild so that’s where rocket money helps every everybody because most people think in subscriptions oh I’m spending 50 60 bucks ain’t that big of a deal wrong answer you more like2 $300 by the time you add all of it together and if you

Feel like money’s just flying out of your account and you have no idea where it’s going it is those subscriptions that’s what’s wild about think about between streaming services fitness apps I don’t have those delivery services parenting apps it’s endless I mean it’s unbelievable and we’re all guilty of it

So we use rocket money to help us find out what subscriptions we’re spending money on it’s ey open and look you can cancel them it’s super easy to cancel which used to be the pain right you’d start the cancel process on subscription then you just get tired of it because

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$500 million in canceled subscriptions Martin I use that app and they email you it’s super convenient look there’s the app right there it’s awesome my favorite is they do email you and they let you know hey you’re paying for this you’re paying for this you’re paying for this

They ain’t going to let you get out of whack and you not know it yeah if you got rocket money and you making bad financial decisions that’s on you not on Rocket money yeah so stop wasting money on things you don’t use cancel on one subscriptions by going to Rocket duck that’s rocket duck one more time rocket duck how old do you I was going for agenda 34 34 mhm you were born like 5 months after me right September 1st or 13th Andor have you always been this down to earth honesty yeah I think so I mean you

Know kind of like what we was talking about last time I mean I just I’m just I’m just that’s who you are right I’m just you were a drug dealer you were a liar man come on well I mean business is one thing I mean I thought we were talking

About you’re talking apples and oranges here now bu when you say get on the business side no but what made me you have to be honest in business no but honestly this is the truth what what made me really like I I hate to use the word successful at it but what made

What made me good at it was man I was just cool with everybody you know I was from the projects so I was down with everybody there cool with them I got cool with the essays which made sure I got good prices okay and then hold on hold on you’re blowing Hunter’s mind

Time out yeah just just for all of us that grew up on the street Willie lives on now um sa what is that it’s a person of Hispanic descent yeah I would I think today’s term for it could potentially be like cartel kind of Oh I thought it was

Like like a special agent yeah I’m going with today’s Fox News terms yeah probably cartel is probably the one you would most recognize I was like a special advisor that you were like sa yeah yeah he was like s do a do could you act a little bit less private school when

We’re in here hey just so we’re clear your kid goes where I went he’s that’s fine scholarship I want him to be way more like you when he grows up no no no you want his you want his 16 to 22 to be more like mine than yours

But now I want him to be way more like you yeah yeah yeah no that’s fair 16 to 22 though definitely want it keep it OCS official you know what I mean no but uh uh so but I was cool I was able to be cool with everybody and so like I you

Know I live I live in the projects I’m cool with everybody there I got to connect with the Hispanic people and then I would sell to people up in the suburbs and i’ I’d party hang out with them that’s why like I knew so much like alternative rock music was cuz like I

Would hang out with those people and like get high and sell drugs said alternative rock he’s over listening to Collective Soul come on and shine I know hey I know way more Matchbox 20 than anybody else in my neighborhood my man my man my that is going to be

Probably the most underrated comment on this podcast his pull up a Rob Thomas song pull up a Rob Thomas hey look Martin praise God Martin what is the lizard that that when he chillion Chon yeah he’s a in other words this man is a chameleon yeah he’s a master of

Camouflage he’s master just wherever he’s at he fits in but I mean for real do you know anybody in our community I’ve never met anybody that had a bad word to say about the guy so like I mean Grant did but Grant was your mentor and you were infuriating him yeah so and

That’s fair enough like that’s a different that’s a completely different relationship Grant was the head coach and we all just got to be cheerleaders no no Grant was his his teacher oh absolutely no 100% but that’s what I’m saying but out of everybody around and met you’ve never heard heard one person

Say a bad word which means you know at the root of it he’s a good guy he was doing what he had to do to make a living like well and we were just talking this is hilar this is actually super funny to me we were talking just the other day

About you you you’re newly married and we both spent some time uh this Thanksgiving with our in-laws and their food and whoa whoaa uh oh they ain’t listening I think they might oh never mind mind it was great it was great no no his in-law’s as close to this as ours

Are none of ours pay attention cuz they know we run our mouth anyway yeah well no so I’ll say this it was it it’s not he said whoa who hey whoa hey he’s learned that lesson in marriage quick I’ll say this growing up with a diverse culture of Thanksgiving

Food I’ll say that it was a little bit different what’ y’all eat we ate the normal stuff but no no because the past nine how long have you wa yeah so the past nine to almost 10 years I’m with like y’all I mean I’m over at Willies

I’m I mean that’s who that’s who I’m eating Thanksgiving with so like that’s what I was say like you grew up in the projects but then for the last decade he’s hitting the gate code to go to a different one year I’m pretty sure you ended up at Big Dave’s house eatting

Christmas then next thing I know I see a picture of you at Willie’s house for thanks I’m like how us then he was at Randy slap it to Kirby no I used to I used to call it the turkey tour okay i’ take the T the turkey tour boys I I I’m starting

At somebody’s house and I’m ending at somebody else’s you take a plate that’s what I’m say you eat for a week son you for a week off of leftovers you’re you you just forgot what I just said he was he fit he fits in anywhere slid around he done a I love it

I just I call it my so since you I you know I know most of the people that you did the turkey tour with aren’t going to listen Who had who was the best cooks out of your turkey tour what was the one that you were like I got to hit that

One all right I’mma say there it’s it’s I’mma keep out anybody in particular yeah right but I I’ll say this right it’s a tossup between Big Dave surf and turf Big Dave Surf and Turf on Christmas morning yeah I didn’t get this big by accident okay it’s a tossup between

David Owen surf and turf and memol L Kirby okay caramel pie there you go there you go hey two hey so I just apparently this past Thanksgiving ate about a half of a some kind of caramel banana pudding things that he banana caramel pie banana caramel pie that’s

What it is my sister does that too oh yeah yeah yeah she ain’t got as much experience as M got Miss Kirby she she been doing it a long time she made some pies it’s all hey and that’s just somebody whenever I think of Mary L Kirby I think of just

Hanging out with Brian Rucker there’s 15 people that listen to this that know Mary L that are cracking up yeah they are close to the same height probably she’s about 90 years old sweetest old lady in a little bit taller no she is the sweetest you know and but

Man that whole crew over there like whether you’re doing it at Randy and Joe Neils you’re doing it over at Chris and Johnny’s like man it’s just it’s a good time and it’s that Rucker was part of it oh man there’s so I’m in the background of so many family photos you’d be

Surprised I love it me me and Chris uh me and Chris just like hosted live stream at the church not too long ago and I said you know it’s getting around that time of year where you see me randomly pop up at your house she was like the food shows up oh

Yeah well she was like you think it’ll happen less now that you’re married I said probably I probably and that breaks my heart honestly so how was your first set of holidays with your in-laws good oh man it was great it was great you know I got something funny her sister live her

Sister lives in Rocky Branch so it was easy just head over to Rocky Branch eat get back home in time to watch that late game and take a nap so right there you go we do need to talk about Rucker having in-laws because that’s kind of a

Wild thing to think about is Brian Rucker showing up to marry your daughter yeah wow I mean think about it how’s that going well they only know this me that’s true they don’t know that they know this you though oh look at there it is there that is that is from a

Fishing trip with my father-in-law he showed up to the store he said Big Dave I don’t want to look dumb what do I need to do that way they think I know how about fishing and so we set top button no leave that no I kept that unbuttoned

On purpose that was so I pulled out let me just give you the rundown here and I’m going to do a little honey whole Pro no no don’t do that okay is that your is that time before we get any further is that your father-in-law’s boat yes it is

He loading oh no her her her dad is like legit fisherman I mean y’all would get along long well he’s got a ranger Z series with power poles that man got some cash yeah I don’t know I I mean he’s for those of you driving down the road listening Martin can see

Approximately one chair uh yeah in of the power what it is and I I see where you got this Z logo from but Martin knows boats yeah yeah no he’s he’s a legit fisherman I mean this is what I mean this is what he does but this day

We we’re on we’re at toita Ben and uh you know her family goes out there you know once a year for a trip and uh so basically you know we’re going on a fishing trip I’ve went fishing I was actually on one episode of Finn Commander way back yeah way and the

Whole premise of the episode was Jay Stone takes Brian Rucker fishing but y’all caught him we caught some we caught some but but you know so I’m not I’m not a Fisher man so anyways we’re going on this trip her dad is a Fisher man you know he’s a Fisher man he’s

Legit he’s legit and so I was like I don’t want to look like an idiot so I pull up to my trusty friends at the honey hole and and I say guys I’m in a bit of a pickle and I think you can help me out so you looked the part and you

Caught fish oh man oh man I caught a fish single you only sent me a photo so I just assumed that was just one of I could have played it up but I’m an honest guy you know what I mean but that’s that is the one not a fisherman

That’s the one fish that I caught my father-in-law actually took that picture uh but yeah so they equipped me with the hat the sunglasses I mean everything still on that Duck Commander shirt though I like that that’s probably mine from Shot Show yeah I’m not even kidding no no no

No you know you know where I got that shirt John gimber oh there oh yeah yeah I mean I knew it was one of ours from a shot show from years going by but hey man did you I I just before we go you said you don’t want to look like an

Idiot did your father-in-law critique you on how you’re holding that fish or no man he he knows what’s up like he I think he realizes like Hey cuz next time let’s let’s let’s go here hold him out it would have looked bigger not even looked bigger but like straight arm that

Thing I’m just were you worried about him getting away how I mean you’ve got him cradled like he’s a little baby like that’s I’m I handle all things with care with care I got you well you about to knock the sides off of him so I mean this is this

Is the last chance you got with him so I mean I get it like well I you know you know her dad he’s he’s he he’s like you right I could go out there and look the part but he definitely knew like oh yeah he was ducking when you were casting well

So he he had he had that lean you know he taught me he taught me a lot I took Big Dave’s advice he was like man just go out there and let him teach you something and I was like cool man let’s do that I get to fish with a bunch of

Professional Anglers every year that I’m fortunate enough to call friends I don’t get out there and try to do my I I watch what they do and then I try to mimic it so yeah and I’ve been fishing my whole life so you did the right thing there

But let’s let’s take another break and we’ll be back right after this Phillip you’re looking good I’m feeling good are you feeling good and I think it’s because I’ve been drinking ag1 you drink a lot of ag1 I drink it and my wife drinks it and we drink it

Every day every day every day how do you how do you go about your morning well I wake up I run in and I usually will put one scoop in cold water I’ll make one for me and one for my wife and I’ll drink mine before she gets hers that is

What I’m talking and you feel ready to take on your day if I don’t drink it I’m I’m lost carpet Dum baby now sees the day and it starts with drinking ag1 look if you’re a long time listener you know we’ve been drinking ag1 for about 2 or 3

Years look that’s because ag1 is a foundational nutrition supplement that supports your body’s Universal needs like gut optimization Stress Management and immune support since 2010 ag1 has led the future of foundational nutrition continuously refining their formula to create a smarter better way to elevate your Baseline health I decided to give

It a try cuz Christian Huff was taking it and I said well if it works for a Superman maybe it’ll work for a normal guy like me and I’m here to tell you it does you’re going to feel more focused you’re going to feel better just overall throughout day more energy all that

Stuff and not only do you replace your multivitamin or if you’re taking all these different pills and supplements you’re going to replace that with one scoop of ag1 and every scoop includes adaptogens to balance your body strps levels vitamin C and Zinc to help support your immune health and that’s

Why we tell everybody we know about it which is why everybody in this room has been drinking ag1 ag1 is the supplement I trust to provide the support my body needs daily and that’s why they’ve been a partner for so long if you want to take ship over your health it starts

With ag1 try ag1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase go to drink duck that’s drink duck check it out are you autographing the table he’s got more energy today because he

Was a lot of times people’s defense is negativity right like if it’s something they don’t understand they’re just going to perceive and assume that it’s negative I I take it I think they’re jealous oh it’s 100% a lot of that yeah cuz some of them are probably stuck in

Some of the places maybe that Rucker was and can’t get out of it well that’s what but being a former police and federal correction officer I’ve met thousands of Ruckers not many have his story most end up in prison or die stay straight Rucker yeah stay straight Rucker yeah I will

We’re coming to get you I’m try Rucker doesn’t have a choice cuz Grant will hurt him if he doesn’t well yeah well I also I also am extremely grateful for the life that I have today and I’m not I’m not risking that and unlike a lot of people too you removed yourself from

That environment and surrounded yourself with a bunch of accountability partners that that won’t won’t let you so easily slip back into a world I comment on him from him yeah my mother told me when I was a young young person very very young person yo you will be known by the

People you run with MH what what’s your comment on that so uh what I tell a lot of my clients is you’re the average of The Five People You surround yourself around right so if I’m around people that are constantly negative constantly doing things that uh put them in a bad

Spot in life you’re only going to end up with that same mindset with those same behaviors so if you get around people that are doing the right things that are chasing after Jesus and trying to be a good husband a good father a good employee then that’s what you’re going

To become that’s why Community is so important for people because if you’re not if you’re around nothing but negativity it’s going to become negative you’re going to have a negative Viewpoint they’ve done actual studies where they put people in you know case studies where they’ve putting uh groups

Of people in a room together and if the most emotionally dominant person was angry then everybody else became Ang became angry and if they were happy then everybody else became happy so I think that’s just natural and I think that’s why God never told us to live alone he

Told us to have a personal relationship with him but to go and have Community with others because we’re stronger together but if we’re not chasing after Jesus together then we’re probably going to end up in a bunch of NE together no no cuz that you know my mama told me

That and then the the saying is no man’s an island mhm okay and I’ve always said well hey look here’s the deal here’s the best advice I can give you it’s easier to be a Christian if you hang around Christians M that are chasing Jesus just

Like you said cuz like I had a guy that I used to work with okay he’s the most negative person and I literally called my brother and said hey I need to get away from this idiot mhm he said well come to work for me yeah he

Said you ain’t going to get much money but hey come to work for me he said we won’t go negative he said we’ll eat good he lied to you no no hey no no it’s it’s turned out pretty good yeah it worked out it worked worked out that is the

Story The reason no no the reason you worked out is just what he said chasing Jesus Oh amen that’s why yeah everybody asked I try to sound surround myself with people that are better than me like I want to be the lowest in my group wow

Because I know that they’ll pick me up you like you know I know it’ll bring me to the next level that’s biblically and like I Jesus says hey hey if you want to be the greatest become the least yeah you got to have three types of people in

Your life here we go you got to have your Paul you got to have your Barnabas and you got to have your Timothy you got to have somebody that’s spiritually mentoring you and guiding you you got to have somebody walking alongside with you as an accountability partner and you got

To have somebody that you’re pouring into a mentoring mhm and so whenever you have all of those that’s what I tell my clients my sponses people that I work with is you know I use the example of what I had here it it was like okay I

Have all these dudes in recovery that are my accountability partners that I’m walking this out with but I’m surrounding myself around dudes that ain’t never got high before ain’t never went to jail that have you know been going to church their whole life because they have something that I want and so

I’m going to surround myself around them have y’all as my accountability Partners to walk this through with and then I’m going find somebody that’s a little bit fresher in this and pour into them what I’ve learned yeah and so well the main thing is the reason them them three and

What you said is so important is because how you’re you’re not looking in the mirror and and saying me me me me me me right you’re looking at other people well that’s like trying and trying to do better oh man one of those comments that

I read was like h i don’t trust this Rucker guy I wouldn’t trust me I wouldn’t trust me either you’re right without Jesus I suck okay like like here’s the truth like I’m not I’m there is nothing good that lives inside of me for I have the desire to do what is good

But I cannot carry it out the things I don’t want to do other ways yeah that’s right you know what I mean like without the Holy Spirit In Jesus actively working in my life and relying on his power in order for me to conduct myself

I’m going to screw it up right so yeah don’t trust Brian Rucker you know you can you know trust the the holy spirit that lives inside me maybe but I I get it like you know I mean Y no you said it right okay cuz if you said hey you you

Trust your Robertson no you don’t trust me I said cuz hey here’s the bottom line every time you trust me I’m gonna fail you yep mhm okay cuz hey I’m a sinful person okay and I’ve got issues just like r said he’s had issues and has to

Deal with them is why we lean on Jesus yeah and if you want to look at anybody and want to put somebody on the pedestal the Lord’s the one you put up there and the Lord’s the one you take with that’s why I tell people all the time hey put

Jesus in your shirt pocket yeah and I’m really telling you hey you put him in your heart and you put him in your mind and look you take him every where you go that way hey you need to think one thing when you’re going somewhere is it okay

If I take Jesus here because if the answer is no then you don’t need to go there I can dig it no for sure let’s take our last break we’ll be back right after this I spent the majority of my life afraid I was going to die that’s why I

Did what I did was cuz that’s why you ran yeah I mean like cuz I I I mean your entire life is built on the fact that like you so I was 9 years old I seen somebody get murdered right and it was right by uh the apartment that I

Grew up in and I came to this realization that like man like that your your life could be over well you saw I mean I’m not trying to well so I seen it I was I was on my porch and it was a guy it was a car chasing another car I

Actually know the guy he’s an older dude in the neighborhood I used to see him you know by the corner store but it was a a car chasing another car and it the apartments that I grew up in it was one way in one way out we called it the hole

And so uh they chased the car down to the dead end dude jumps out of his car and he starts running through this field that we used to play games in and uh as he’s running through the field the guys in the other car jump out and they just

Start shooting at him and I see him fall down in the field and that’s when I was like okay like your life your life is well I used I used to watch like Full House and Family Matters and stuff and and it was like like yeah man like you

Know you watch that stuff and you’re like man that is not real like what when I was going outside and seeing it wasn’t that yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah uh I remember thinking cuz you know what was it full house was in San Francisco

Right that’s where I thought that was a whole another world I was like where are these it is yeah I don’t know if you’ve ever been there yeah yeah it is it’s not the Full House we grew up with anymore it’s way it’s way closer to Mars now

Than it is um Uncle Jessie was legit I prefer Uncle Joey but whatever yeah how rude yeah anyway sorry um that Danny tamberelli um uh it is wild to think I mean nine years old I mean I’m just trying to think about that like at 9 years old just I’m saying like

A different circumstance like that was never a part of my childhood and and I don’t say that to and you know to belittle or like no yeah anything like it’s just so wild how we live in one place one country and you can have such vastly different experiences but when you know

That that exists it makes it easier to realize why some people get caught up in it yeah right like I mean you used to think how can these people do this we’ve shared the gospel with them we’ve done this we’ve done that we’ve done everything and they’re still in this

Trap why don’t they know better and it’s because they’re a product of their environment and it’s like s asked the question what can we do to make it better like as a human race it’s you know that’s I mean that’s one of the answers is try to remove that

Environment from even being here right like a 9-year-old shouldn’t have to see that I know the only thing a nine-year-old should see shot in a field and fall over is a deer no no well that’s why a when people ask me if I had a Time machine i’ always tell them okay

Cuz like and and it’s probably because I’m real naive okay M but y know why can’t we just love each other and get along for crying out loud the Bible uses this way in the prodical son he actually was jealous of pigs eating slop and it

Said he came to his senses mhm this is 2023 and you turn on the news and you got War everywhere mhm yeah yeah when is the human race going to actually come to its senses and yeah yeah you know cuz like you said a nine-year-old child sees the

Friend get murdered yeah that that shouldn’t happen that shouldn’t happen that shouldn’t even be in the realm of possibilities yeah that shouldn’t even be in I mean all your innocence at nine was just ripped from well and then the Ripple so the ripple effect from a traumatic experience like that is I mean

Even after you know I quit living the way that I was living for so long it still affects you it’s stuff that you got to B like how could it not when you see the capacity of what humans are capable of doing it a it’s it’s made struggles in my marriage in my

Relationship you know what I mean it’s just like how do I fully trust people whenever I know what they’re capable of uh you know it’s as a father makes me overprotective sometimes like man I you know and and that’s where you know faith comes in and having to trust that like

God is in control more than I am because as a as just a human a natural living breathing man you see all that kind of stuff and you begin to like try to protect everything that you’re around including yourself and you over you overreact I kept people at an arms

Distance my entire life because I I don’t want nobody to hurt me yeah you know the question question that they that that I was asked is how many times in your life did you feel like you was going to die man from that day almost

Every day is like I can die today yeah you know and and that didn’t stop whenever whenever I moved up here either you know you up until I was 30 years old I used to have to sleep in the living room on a couch with a light on at each

End of the house right because I mean I’m and this is the stuff that most most people don’t hear about they hear the story they see you go through St but they don’t realize I’m a 30y old man having to sleep on my couch in the

Living room with lights on at each end of the house cuz I’ve just seen some grimy stuff man you know it talks about the Brokenness and the Fallen world that we live in oh no yeah right and and I think that’s why now even as it always

Has been and we got to turn to Jesus we got to reins our relationship that’s the only thing that’s going to solve it it’s the only thing that’s the only thing that’ll change it right yeah you know love is a purposeful commitment to sacrificial action there has to be

Purpose and commitment to the self-sacrificing acts for somebody else Jesus displayed that perfectly by going to the cross for people that hated him that’s right for people that couldn’t stand him that would spit on him people that would curse at him people that would deny him and still are still are

Right and here’s the thing Jesus went to the cross for all of them all the people that even to this day you’re like I hate Jesus right he died for them and he and they have no reason and they have no reason other than right being a human

Being a human other than being a human and maybe what they were taught was something that is not of God right uh you know and and it’s also an interesting thing too that a lot of times you go to these different parts of the world like you talk about war

Warfare and stuff man there’s a lot of people in different parts of the world world that are doing stuff that we find completely insane and un like just Unholy and it’s normal for them well they think they’re doing the right thing yeah right they think that they think

That they are honoring their God by doing it yep right and so you know I was talking about that with uh with an with an elder today it was just kind of like man the moral compass for people is based in uh you know what they believe and that’s why understanding like what

You believe is so important because one person’s belief might lead them to have the moral compass that does something completely against what another person’s moral compass is and so it’s it’s pretty interesting stuff yeah you’re an interesting guy Rucker Rucker we we don’t got heavy here folks well the

Thing about it and I was going to say something a minute ago and I’ll I’ll just you want me to land the plane with a Bible verse but yeah treat it just like Nicholas Cage on Conair so put down put her down but the thing about it is

That’s a great movie I me that’s just a great movie con a truly is Nicholas Cage with long hair you know what I mean when’s the last time You’ seen that the the best part of Rucker’s story for me and this is the second time he’s been on

So you’ve heard a lot about him it’s not even it’s what he did for me CU you know we I get made fun of a lot for having a king-sized bed and growing up on a fancy Street or whatever I thought it was a queen oh yeah it was a queen see you

Know now it gets bigger the struggle you s what I’m saying we can’t trust you JD you shouldn’t you shouldn’t trust me either I got some bad stuff in my that’s right you can’t trust you anymore but the thing about it is I you know I played Christian for the

First most of my life uh at this point been there done that and and I was always the guy that sat up and going well I’m better than a lot of kids that were born 4 months after me give or take a couple weeks cuz they don’t know their

Birthday like I’m not doing those things but I was never doing the right things I just wasn’t getting in trouble that was the essence of Christianity to me and then I started hanging out with a dude named Brian Rucker from the streets of Houston and wildly different childhoods wildly do yeah yeah

But now we do stuff together sometimes in the name of the Lord in Ministry and it’s just so cool that Jesus called me to do stuff with my background that Rucker might not can do but he called Rucker to do stuff that I I could never

Do you know and so Jesus uses every one of us to further his kingdom no matter where you’re at in life no matter what ethnicity you are no matter where you were born good side of the tracks wrong side of the tracks Jesus Christ loves

You and he wants to use you and I’ll wrap it up with Galatians 3:26 so in Christ Jesus you were all children of God through faith for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile neither slave nor free

Nor is there male and female Are For You Are All One in Christ Jesus if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and hirs according to the promise the best part about heaven is I’m going to be there with people that I don’t know and I’m goingon to be there with

People from all over yeah and it’s going to be a bunch of reunions like weird people that would never got to be friends like me you’ll be shocked that who’s there yeah there’s going to be more than you think going to be shocked ain’t there too well that’s true that’s

True that’s true I’m just saying look I’m just saying no yeah that those you can’t have one way without the other on that deal but he let just be the last thing we say hey your goal hey you want to be there yeah come there right let’s

All get there go to heaven amen Rucker come back next quarter that’s right yeah oh no maybe not in 2024 but yeah I said go to heaven in 2024 make it your goal to eventually end up in heaven you just tell everybody die this year we want you

To die this year go to heaven ensure your place in heaven in 2024 hey for me to d game hey ain’t that the truth but Rucker we’ll see you in a quarter sign me up Rucker podcast 2024


  1. Most people who’ve been told they have Native American ancestry do not. It’s is a very common oral myth that is handed down through families. Many folks, like Si, were told their great-great grandparent was full Cherokee, or some variation of that. DNA doesn’t lie and is the only real way to know.

  2. I'M ANITA: I've seen Rucker before on here but I truly love his visit today. Should give Everyone; no matter what walk of life you come from, Hope! Hope you Can Turn Your Life around if you'll take that 1st step in turning your life over to the Lord. Always luv you Si, Martin and Johnny D I have so much fun and still learn about the Lord. God Bless Y'all Sending luv from Tenn.

  3. Rucker!!!
    I know the name well. Tell Brian Rucker to check out the Historical Rucker society of Virginia for Rucker history and genealogy.
    Almost every American Rucker descends from Peter Rucker who came here on a French Huguenot ship, but it appeared as though he himself was not a Huguenot nor French. Rucker's are German but as time went on they spread into France and other areas.

    Once here in what would become known as the USA, Peter Rucker and his wife had many kids. His wife's ancestors were of nobility.

    They spread like wildfire and off they went.

    The Ruckers are one of the oldest American names. They are the most common of the royal blood line names left over and still left around scattered here and there especially in the heart of Appalacia such as West Virginia, South Eastern Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, Eastern Tennessee, etc.

  4. My buddys mom did a 23 and me ancestry thing, shes in her 60s, and by doing it she found out the man she always thought was her dad was not in fact her dad after all.

  5. Just got done watching this episode. Rucker is such a great guest. I agree with other comments, please have him on more often.

  6. More rucker. I love Willie on . He jokes, good jokes some people don't even get lol. The boss is my favorite. Fat boy is why I love duck dynasty. Id like to see Willie do an adult style stand up.

  7. My step dad was Oklahoma Cherokee from back in the day, they didnt have official records when he was born… as far as I remember he never was totally sure what day he was born. He got an "official" birthday tho when he went to work for the of Oklahoma and was basically told to choose one…he decided on a lovely November day because employees got their birthdays off and that was deer hunting season 😂

  8. I love stories so i guess ruckers stories are like si's 5% right and 95% wrong there for a minute i was thinking about believing rucker hmmmm

  9. Thank you all for your podcast. I love listening to all your stories and the Christianity aspects. God bless you all 🙏🏼😘❤️


  11. I Duck Commander 2024/ 2025, !
    TIM Willard 🦫🦆🦃🐿🐸🐟👨‍🌾❤😂🤔🥰😇
    🦌🏕🛻🚤🚓🚜🛣 MI400

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