Golf Babe

Two of Japan’s Most Notorious Female Killers DESPISE Each other In Prison Because of a Man

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Bada bing badao the three Japanese women had a lot of traum in between them they had irreconcilable differences that could not be talked out the problem was the three women they were highly charged in terms of emotions they all had a ton of time and a lot of deep rooted hatred

For one another they felt like everyone around them was constantly comparing the three of them yeah they run in the same circles they know all the same people but still why do they have to constantly be in competition so let me give you a drama breakdown masumi hates Miyuki

Masumi judges Miyuki for being a bad mom mumi feels like she’s a good mom why can’t Miyuki be a good mom and she hated the fact that Miyuki copied every little thing that mumi did mumi would write a book well guess who comes and becomes an author Miyuki and all of this would

Eventually lead to a lawsuit then enter into the dynamic Kanai she hated Miyuki too they both hate Miyuki but not for the same reason for a deeper one for love Kanai had a love interest who wanted to interview Miyuki for a book that he was writing that would mean that

He would be spending a ton of time talking to Miyuki working closely with Miyuki being in miyuki’s company and Kanai was stressed because everyone she talked to would say oh Miyuki yeah she’s got this like interesting Aura she almost has a way of enchanting people she’s so alluring she could quietly

Seduce just about anyone before they even know what’s happening and Kanai was worried that that skank Miyuki would seduce her love interest and her whole problem with this setup was if this man her love interest was going to write a book on female serial killers why couldn’t he just have

Written it on her today we are talking about Japan’s three most notorious female seral killers and how they all end up despising each other in prison out of of the three two of them are almost identical carbon copies of one another it’s kind of scary they’re not

Copycat killers they just had a similar look similar seduction pattern similar MMO similar time frame of crimes and they would absolutely hate each other’s guts in prison because of a man and by the end of this story one of the serial killers would face a very bizarre death behind prison Bars We would like to thank today’s sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support share our strength right now over 9 million children in America live in households that experience hunger food insecurity and lack of access to an affordable nutritious diet share our strength focused is on providing resources for

Families and tackling the root causes of hunger this episode’s Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten Mango’s growing team of dedicated researchers translators while we focus on shedding light on stories from all over the world we’d also like to thank you for your continued support as we

Work on our mission to be worthy Advocates of these causes as always full show notes are available at Rotten mingal we had our wonderful Japanese researchers help with the Gathering of the data on this case but as always with International cases or really any case at all if anything is

Lost in Translation miscommunicated or if there’s any additional information you have on this one let us know in the comments with that being said let’s get started there was a Blog in Japan you know like a Tumblr a Blog notorious for being unhinged like that’s what the blog

Is known for the blog would talk about all sorts of things the poster would write about mundane things like what they ate for breakfast what’s on their mind what are they thinking about they would go on these deep emotional long tangents about bread the poster would talk about where she lived they would

Have to import all of their bread they always got it from the same company yamazaki Baking Company each slice of bread was 163 calories and it would arrive 4 days before the expiration date and if they were lucky sometimes it would arrive 5 days before the

Expiration date now she would go on to say if you open the bread right at the time that you get it and you eat it it’s delicious it’s such a strong rich flavor fluffy but by the second day it’s still it’s disgusting and it’s not one or two

Pieces of bread that’s imported it’s a whole loaf so if it doesn’t taste good what do you do with the rest of the loaf she felt very distraught about it she felt very passionate about it she would write if the time to eat it without toasting it is a day isn’t that

Unacceptable the blog would go in depth on Bread breakfast food items but also include heated discussions of gender equality the poster would write in one blog entry what I feel now after being where I am is that women are certainly no match for men I mean outside of

Giving birth there’s nothing men can’t do if a man puts his mind to it he can rise to the top of anything no matter what it is and because women and children and men are so vastly different creatures there can’t be anything like equality I developed an aversion to

Feminism and nothing has changed since my life has always been supported by men a lot of people thought this is kind of weird a few things about this particular blog post struck people as a little hypocritical if you will first of all it was written from prison by someone on

Death row and second of all it’s written by a female serial killer who seduced manipulated and killed men for her own personal gain masumi killed people with curry there was this giant Summer Festival happening in Japan where the whole town was going to be in attendance is written by masumi no somebody else

We’re getting into the drama you know that Meme that’s like the girls are fighting I saw a couple people on Twitter refer to this case as the girls are fighting so I got to introduce you to all the girls I guess masumi was going to a Summer Festival in her local

Town and it’s supposed to be like a really fun time it’s supposed to be the one or two days that everybody forgets about work and school and they just focus on food related activities and Community or at least that’s the plan right and there was this giant pot of

Curry at event that everyone is just like flocking towards it’s hot it’s steamy which honestly feels like the last thing that you want to eat on a hot summer day but the smell that is emanating out of that giant pot of Curry it smelled so freaking delicious and it

Looked like the pot of Curry had just arrived so people start lining up and this 40ish yearold woman starts filling up bowls of hot steaming Curry to feed people and within minutes everybody is doubled over vomiting into the grass some of them like think of your local

Summer Festival some of them are laying on the grass on their backs others are in a fetal position with all of these stomach spasms four people would die from eating that Curry and the woman that brought the curry people said she was just walking around watching people being tortured by her food poisoning

Like a little bear it was weird she was so focused police would test the curry pot and there was 1,000 G of arsenic cooked into the curry that is enough arsonic to kill 100 people four people people died and two of the victims were children 63 people were sick for weeks masumi was

Labeled a mass murderer rightfully so and was thrown into prison and for a while she’s okay with it she is the most notorious female seral killer of Japan and she kept herself in prison she wrote a book she made friends she would read books until another female seral killer

Was sentenced in Japan and the whole nation is talking about this new female seral killer and everyone just kept comparing her to masumi because I don’t know they’re both female zero Killers that’s like how a lot of killers get compared to Ted Bundy and masumi is kind

Of getting annoyed she felt like the only similarity that these two shared is that we’re both women and we’re both Killers we are not the same and it’s actually insulting for people to be comparing the two of them she’s nothing like this new killer miuki masumi convicted mass murderer would file a

Civil lawsuit in Tokyo seeking close to $100,000 in emotional distress damages she was doing 50 different Publications demanding money for emotional distress the emotional distress that she suffered from being compared to another seral killer like she thinks she’s not that evil or she thinks she’s better than

That person she thinks she’s above them she hated Miyuki and there was another serial killer that she often got compared to Kanai and she said we’re not the same Miyuki and Kanai they use seduction to kill they slept with their victims they used their bodies masumi

Was above that she had way too much class and self-respect to be compared to these honestly wow this is how the girls start fighting but I do have to give you a lot of background information before we get there mumi is not as relevant to the prison drama but she does kind of

Kickstart it the other two female serial killers miuki and Kanai they have so much beef like it’s so bizarre and they’re basically carbon copies of one another I don’t think I’ve ever covered a case like this before I feel like we’ve done cases where herok killers are

Inspired by each other there’s a copycat killer or anything like that or maybe some elements are similar these two they’re one year apart in age they committed their crimes around the same time they were even apprehended just a few months apart from one another they both staged their kills to resemble self

Exits and they were both on death row with prison blogs they updated blogs from prison how do they do that they got a computer they send it to someone who has a computer they send letters to someone who’s going to post it people called them the poisonous woman of the

East and the west and it’s pretty difficult to talk about one without drawing comparisons to the other and a big chunk of that does have to do with the fact that everyone says that they both have this special charm to them and that’s not to be flattering but it is

Interesting because both of them are considered very alluring to men and to their victims and I think both of them are the same Seducer type according to Robert Green’s The Art of Seduction book there are nine archetypes of lovers or seducers and according to the author

Once you find out which type you are you can use it to your advantage in gaining attraction by whoever you’re interested in it’s interesting because the book actually calls that person the victim the whole book the victim I’m sorry the person you’re trying to seduce is the

Victim the book calls it the victim also according to the book and Robert green and I’ve paraphrased this for length let’s go over the nine archetypes of seducers the siren is defined by highly charged Sexual Energy they’re almost hypersexual everything about them feels like a symbol The Rake this is the

Quintessential dangerous bad boy bad girl Seducer they’re mysterious they’ve got a lot going on you never know what they’re thinking the Dandy they embody Freedom like being around them makes you feel like the guy is the limit they have no rules in their life no clothing rules

No body image rules everything is so open the ideal lover they’re your first love type of Love reminds you of the Girl Next Door they’re almost comforting you can imagine a life with them the natural this type is almost as a childlike charm to them they’re naturally spontaneous open-minded and

They feel blissfully unaware of real life problems the coet these are the ones that know how to play the game they know how to push and pull you never know what they’re thinking and that’s their whole appeal these people have mastered the art of delayed gratification the

Charmer two words devilish charm this is the embodiment of Prince Charming they know how to woo you the charismatic not to be confused with the charmer the charismatic is just the life of the party they’ve got crazy confidence magnetic energy they’re super animated and they’re really good at influencing

People to do what they want then lastly we have type nine the star their reputation precedes them everyone thinks highly of them and wants to be around them they’re basically celebrities in whatever field or industry they’re in and they make you want to fight for their attention but

When it comes to miuki and Kanai they’re both categorized as seductresses but a lot of people argue they don’t really fit into one of the nine archetypes instead they fit into the 10th one black widow they’re spiders by the way they get their name from a semi- myth that

They cannibalize their mail mates during reproduction there are actually two types of black widows that do this after reproduction the female black widow is exhausted and hungry and the closest thing to her is the male spider that she just engaged with so she cannibalizes him hence the name Black Widow the Black

Widow name if you will has been given to many female Sero Killers for that same reason that they cannibalize their lovers Miyuki and Kanai included I mean the categorization make sense on paper and in theory but many nens argued wait aren’t they too quote ugly to be black

Widows don’t shoot the messenger okay this is a really big topic of discussion online this is not me stating these things but I guess when people think of a woman who is able to entrance seduce and keep a man so intrigued by her that he’s willing to give up all of his money

And would end up losing his life because of his love for her I guess people have a very specific type of woman woman in mind and both miuki and Kanai I imagine did not fit that image they were both labeled as plus-size or quote obese by

Media later one of them Miyuki had a very gummy smile that’s what they called it and it was not on par with conventional beauty standards in Japan miuki herself said that she got bullied for her smile and teeth in grade school and nobody wanted to be her friend

Because of her looks which is pretty messed up by the way but both women are described by netizens of being on the quote heavier side having black hair with short bangs and quote droopy eyes could they really Lauren men and kill them Robert Green States in his book

Seduction is a game of psychology not Beauty and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at this game of Seduction and the Art of Seduction has four phases and just a quick disclaimer I’m not saying that this is how anyone should interpret this book

Clearly that’s not what I’m saying never in a million years but I’m also not encouraging the use of this book for other things even like seduction personally I think this book is pretty toxic and I’m not exactly sure what the purpose would be if you follow the steps

In this book it certainly doesn’t seem like the outcome will be love but it is a fascinating read I did go by the book’s four phases as it’s probably the most recognizable system when it comes to seduction which I think is a big part of today’s case I also think it’s

Interesting to see how the two serial killers kind of fit into the system in their own ways which are undoubtedly very extreme I also think it’s a way to show that these men who fell victim to these women they’re not just some random men who wanted a girlfriend so desperately they were psychologically

Manipulated in a very extreme way everything these women did was with a purpose phase one starts with miuki breaking into her neighbors houses as a kid okay not really but it it does lead to phase one of Seduction believe it or not miuki was actually born Mii she’s

Ethnically Korean but I believe she’s resided in Japan for most of her life she is a Japanese Citizen and if you left your house door unlocked or a window not tightly closed before leaving for work ethnically Korean Japanese citizen gummy smile Miyuki would be inside of your house oh yeah she just

Broke in a neighbor’s houses she’d be going room to room browsing snooping and she had two reasons why she went into people’s homes Uninvited the first one is the very obvious one she wanted to steal valuables which is odd because her parents were pretty well off the second

One is she just really like destroying things I mean it’s one thing to spot out the valuables and take them it’s another thing to go and completely ransack the house even after you’ve already pocketed the valuables at this point you’re just trying to mess things up for the sake of

It it’s like she got off on the destruction it was her favorite pastime growing up and I say that because miuki was born again like I said into a pretty financially well-off family so the fact that she’s breaking into her neighbor’s houses Knowing damn well that this is ruining her entire family’s reputation

For money it just doesn’t make sense she already had the money people said miuki had this combination of love for chaos but also she just wanted attention evidenced by her prison blog later miuki was very talkative and she just really wanted someone to listen which is fine

But miuki was so desperate for classmate approval she would actually talk about how much of a cool friend she was in Hope of making friends which is kind of weird like imagine you’re talking to someone and all they talk about is how cool it would be if you guys were

Friends but you’re like we could just talk about something and become friends but they’re like no think about how cool it would be if we were friends I’m such a good friend it’s really bizarre so when that didn’t work she started telling all the girls at school how she

Was just so exhausted she would come into school dark circles to her chin she would yawn and say so tired so so so so tired so sleepy barely got any sleep of course someone would say why miuki why didn’t you get enough sleep oh because I

Had to sort through all the love letters I was getting from the boys in class again yeah it’s just a lot you know I mean like 10 page letters from 10 different guys and then of course I want to be nice I got to read through them

All and sort through them it’s just tiring being such a heartthrob the other girls would laugh in her face and not a single one of them believed her and maybe that’s where Miyuki learned you got to pick the Right audience phase one stirring in and desire it’s also about knowing what kind

Of Seducer you are and then according to the book choosing the right quote victim that will be interested in you according to the book The Rules clearly state that you should not chase after someone that won’t be open to your advances not everyone can seduce everyone stick with

The people that you know will be interested in you and play with their interest in this department miuki and Kanai take vastly different approaches this is like the one part where they’re different miuki has this very youthful almost naive head in the clouds aore I’m literally trying everything to avoid

Saying childlike demeanor but that’s what a lot of people described her as having or at least she played into it she’s able to bring out this side of victims who just want to protect her she seems so emotionally immature and naive while Kanai was the opposite she’s

Very motherly she brings out the side of victims who believed that she was incredible wife material she made them feel appreciated cared for if not almost worshiped and people wanted a wife like that to build a life with so let’s break it down and start with miuki miuki

Started working at a snack bar okay so like remember how we did whole two episodes one recently and one that was just an audio pod a while back on the life of host and Hostess clubs in Japan it’s in the yand case that I posted like

A month ago or two months ago now snack bars are similar yet so different from host and Hostess clubs according to our Japanese translator a snack bar is kind of like a regular bar but it might have a theme like a special theme and unlike Hostess clubs where you have hosts or

Hostesses sitting down with you spending time with you getting to know you snack bars they operate kind of like a regular restaurant like a regular bar they will serve you your food and drinks but you’re not really going for the food and drinks usually you are going for the

Service that is focused on delivering above and beyond your needs but they typically don’t sit with you just think of it as an incredibly well-serviced restaurant and the themes are usually what pulls people in so one example is a newer establishment called muscle girls the staff are all women and they’re all

Super buff they wear leggings and sports bras and that’s the whole appeal very muscular women they’ll even play into that and squeeze fresh fruit juice into your cup with their bare hands they’ll push syringes of protein shakes into your mouth and it’s really unique it’s a fun concept honestly or some of the

Maade and Butler cafes could sometimes be categorized as a snack bar they have a theme of all the workers wearing made costumes while they run the place you get it so it’s not necessarily an establishment that you go for like a quick meal or a delicious drink you’re

Trying to enjoy the whole atmosphere The Experience Muki starts working at a snack bar that primarily hires quote heavier woman which yeah I mean who defines that but I guess they’re considered heavier by Japanese conventional beauty standards but that was considered the quote theme of the

Snack bar if you will and yeah I mean we don’t even have to to get into how loaded of a sentence that is like that’s crazy but yeah she ends up at one of those bars and at least she knows that the men coming into the bar they weren’t

Looking for someone that fits the very stereotype conventional Beauty standard and she starts working on seducing them and Miyuki just kind of has a wild life she was married two times while working at this bar she had five kids total and she still seduced a ton of guys at the

Bar and I’m not saying that as like moms can’t be seductive but more so of where is she finding the time like that’s that’s crazy two marriages they were really brief by the way but one thing was that she was adamant on when she was divorcing her husbands all she wanted

Was full custody of her children even miyuki’s friends and her family they were begging her to put up her children for adoption because they didn’t think that she had what it takes to raise five kids well but she insisted these are her babies she will never give them up but

She would prove them right she refused to cook clean she Liv in a really rundown unsanitary home with all five kids and this is not because she couldn’t afford something nicer so let’s shame her that’s not the idea no she genuinely never picked up a broom in her

Life her walls were caked with mold the floors were caked with dirt there were pots and pans laying around that had maggots on them because they had food from weeks ago just like super glued to the pots her definition of throwing something out of the house was walking a

Few steps and then placing the maggot filled trash by the front door oh my God like it was a health hazard the five kids primary diet consisted of just Bland bread and rice balls from the convenience store it’s like the cheapest thing that you can buy but it’s not

Really nutritious I mean there’s not a single vegetable in sight meanwhile Miyuki would take all the money that she earned at the snack bar and she would spend it on herself and her co-workers this is so strange but she would take her co-workers out to eat and treat them

To full Sushi dinners which is pricey if they tried to pay she would fight no no no no no like it’s nothing it’s on me but then she would go home and feed her kids rice balls most moms that we know would do the opposite they would feed

Their children the best food but Miyuki was obsessed with that outside validation and praise you’re so kind Miyuki you’re so rich miuki back to miyuki’s clients Mama which are bartenders that work at snack bars aren’t known to be super flirtatious bartenders or host compared to other establishments but miuki just

Had a way of sweeping her clients off their feet it just felt so e effortless she knew the right looks to throw at them she knew the perfect smile she knew how to start a conversation with them that focus on them and I know it sounds very like well yeah duh that doesn’t

Sound too hard but she clearly was doing something right even after the crimes were exposed journalist went to go talk to her in prison and they were shocked by her energy she’s always described in reports as this monstrous serial killer creature almost sucks the life out of

People which she is as a serial killer with no remorse right but they said when you meet her and everyone always describes her as being obese in papers she’s so petite and it must be her energy cuz they’re saying like technically I guess medically speaking she is on the heavier side than the

Average Japanese person but something about her energy makes her feel like a little kid that you need to protect her she feels so frail and petite like a little baby that’s how they describe it she’s so softspoken she seems so fragile she almost acts like a Perpetual 12-year-old and for some people that

Brings out a sight of them that wants to Shield her from the reality like the harshness of this world miuki would purposely approach middle-aged Men at Work that seemed lonely she would flirt with them put on her charm and she would insinuate that she would want to meet

Them outside the snack bar something that she’s not allowed to do by the way and once they’re captivated by her they would agree she would take them to a love Motel they would get intimate and she would just sink her teeth into these men one of her exes stated I was so

Shocked she was so good in bed I became addicted to her and it just makes the men sound simple right like they all just want to be intimate with her and like maybe but ultimately regardless of her intimate relationships with them it said that she knew how to make men feel

Wanted and special something that’s even more rare in eastern culture where women are expected to be shy and reserved she had this very bubbly energy side note a lot of these boyfriends had WIS and families and miuki would use that at her Advantage a lot of these men they loved

The idea of being family men so they loved they prided themselves in being faithful to their wives faithful and loyal to their family and anything that goes against that they’re not interested and you would think maybe if a young hot girl walks by and is like oh my gosh

Like look at how hot I am you could have this these men would say absolutely not I have a wife and children but Miyuki was so slick she would make the men Feel So Young again talking about herself and how she’s a hopeless romantic without even involving them in the equation she

Would boost up their egos in separate conversations she would take care of them in ways that made them feel like wow this is kind of nice and she did it all so innocently instead of being like oh you have a wife I bet she doesn’t treat you like this she only ever spoke

Highly of her boyfriend’s wives unless they started opening up about the marriage struggles in one relationship they literally started this friendly flirtatious banter by showing each other pictures of their own children so the married man would show her pictures of his kids and she would smack his arm

Flirtatiously and say my kids are cuter and then she would show him pictures of her children then he would say no my kids are cuter he would show other pictures of his kids and she would say they are so cute but you know my kids are still cuter and it feels technically

So innocent because he’s married and showing off pictures of his children making it clear that he has a family that he cares about she’s also showing pictures of her children without saying leave your wife and kids for me but the way they’re doing it it has this flirty

Banter feel to it it has this intimate feeling it’s almost like that fate feeling we’re not trying to be nasty we’re just getting along too well he would end up starting an affair with miuki Kanai the other serok killer would take the opposite approach so instead of

Having more of that youthful banter she focused on being the perfect motherly figure so while Miyuki is playing this oh I have a Troublesome childhood and I’m just a girl that type of energy and like this emotional immaturity is being used to make the men feel more masculine

Like they’re more in charge and like oh she’s too naive to manipulate me she cannot possibly have those complex thoughts Kanai she focused on presenting herself as the ideal wife she came from a town have you guys heard of haido cream it’s a region in Japan

That’s famous for their Dairy so like if a product uses milk from this area they’ll write it on the packaging that’s how famous they are for their dairy products the population of that town is 14,000 people and there’s 120,000 cows in that town yeah so that’s where

Kanai’s from but I digress Kanai was forced to learn the piano since she was young and that kind of kickstarted something in her where she’s like people are praising her for knowing the piano so well the piano is such a graceful thing it’s almost like a classy elegant

Thing she seemed to like that praise so she went on to do pretty well in school and she was very responsible as a kid classmates would say that yeah she’s pretty mature for her age and this is not what I’m saying this is what her classmates are saying they said that she

Was quote seally mature for her age again their wording not mine one classmate alleged that even in high school Kanai would talk about how she had this hot boyfriend and everyone was like well can we see a picture of your so-called hot boyfriend then she whipped

Out a picture and sure enough it’s a picture of Kani and a 40-year-old man so she was groomed as a minor oh and later as an adult I think this translated into her being hyper aware of what men wanted from her she presented herself as the perfect ideal

She changed her name to Sakura which felt younger more youthful a little sinere maybe when on dating websites to scout for a boyfriend she stated she was a Pianist who graduated from Tokyo University and was now studying at Le cordan blue it’s the culinary school for French cuisine to become a chef she

Wanted to open up her own restaurant these were all half truths her mom was a Pianist and conai herself did know how to play but she wasn’t really a Pianist she did get into Tokyo University but she dropped out because she decided to use her tuition money on luxury goods

Instead like Cordon BW the culinary school was true I just don’t think that she had any plans of opening up a restaurant kanai’s ultimate plan was to never work again and dangle herself in front of older men as the perfect wife and she knew how to cook to the

Point where one guy who knew her personally said that when Kanai was arrested for being a serial killer he felt really sad because quote it’s a shame I’ll no longer be able to eat another meal from Kanai kajimi that’s how good she was at cooking she would

Even start her own little recipe blog and of course every time she would start talking to a new boyfriend she would send the blog of like oh have you seen my blog just to be like look what I can do look how I can treat you that’s subliminal messaging look what I would

Love to cook for you every day three meals a day don’t you want to come home to a home-cooked meal that’s hot and ready on the table one boyfriend said her attention to detail was out of this world like it was exhilarating to be with someone like

That she would wake up every morning before he went to work made him pasta fried chicken pork and as soon as the ice in his ice Coffee started melting she would replace the ice to not water down his coffee and he would think to himself this woman right here marriage

Material so cooking was how she lured a lot of men in and secondly she just had a voice that was known to be very sweet and alluring people said it sounded like a rolling Bell I’ve never heard of that but they said it was so smooth and so

Pretty it sounds like a like a chime rolling across the ground some said it sounded more like a gasp her voice the way she speaks was So Graceful her whole demeanor they said it was incredible to watch her in person so elegant another person stated her voice

Is so beautiful her speaking voice is honestly full of sexiness and elegance that makes it sound like she’s gasping and panting for breath every second this next part is unhinged but one nzen wrote even though Kanai is fat and ugly she is able to become popular with refinement and

Technique she like I don’t even want to dice SE what this nzen is thinking okay her voice would later be described though as her Ultimate Weapon and that is how both these women would accomplish phase one of Seduction and then miuki got pregnant with triplets oh yeah she miuki has five kids

Yeah this is three more on top of five she told the father of the child who already had a wife and child she’s like I’m pregnant and you’re going to raise them uh he’s like what are you talking about I can’t raise them I already have my own children but maybe I can

Financially help you and she says okay give me $200,000 in child support he did not have that kind of money he said maybe he had $66,000 so he gave her that and moved in next door so he’s like okay since I can’t pay the rest maybe I can make up

With my time maybe I can help her sometime with the kids raise her baby here and there miuki was very serious about being a mom again she would walk around hands on her stomach complaining of backaches oh I can’t eat that I’m pregnant oops got to take my prenatals

The whole nine yards being pregnant was her whole personality and then a few months later that man saw her drinking and he was like wait a minute are you allowed to drink right now aren’t you pregnant and she’s like I’m what oh yeah oh yeah she’s not pregnant she’s not

Pregnant she would legitimately forget that she lied about being pregnant with triplets she would forget all of her lies that’s how many lies she told which brings us to Phase 2 create pleasure and confusion keep them in suspense have them asking what comes next miuki did

That by straight up lying about the most unhinged things for example Miyuki would lie about how she dropped out of high school because she got into a fight with a girl who accused her of having a hair perm she would lie that her parents had cancer and she needed help paying the

Bills sometimes it was that she had heart and kidney issues or that her five children were starving and that was an excuse that she used often and these men would pay for example one of her boyfriends was a garbage worker she ended up taking around $30,000 from

Him in total garbage collectors in Japan they make around $20,000 a year he went into debt and lost his job for her but like why would these men even keep paying for these things some of these men even spent their entire life savings went into debt to pay miuki and Kanai

Why and they’re always being confused by these like push and pull methods by these lies by these weird weird signals The Art of Seduction literally states that in this phase Phase 2 you should use the Demonic Power of Words to sew confusion inflame people’s emotions with loaded phrases flatter them Comfort

Their insecurities envelop them in fantasy sweet words and Promises not only will they listen to you they will lose their will to resist you a lot of this had to do with the fact that providing money to some of these women made the men feel like men like they

Made them feel fulfilled and useful they’re helping someone they’re doing something good A lot of people hate Kanai with good reason she’s a serial killer but they will admit that Kanai had a away with words she knew what busy businessmen wanted to hear and businessmen were her main targets

Because they had the most money she would tell them you’re so exhausted you’re so tired you deserve to be treated like a man you deserve to be greeted at home with a fresh home-cooked meal I mean I don’t see what’s wrong with that women these days they’re just they’re

Misguided and she was willing to do that for them Kanai would also write about fate when she wrote to her lovers she wanted it to seem like they’re all starcross lovers because that gives them a thrill she would always write about herself as a student in the University

Of Life how she just wanted to learn and these men were teaching her so much she said this to basically every boyfriend meanwhile miuki miyuki’s voice was also described to be nice but not as nice as kanai’s but her La was calligraphy her penmanship which is honestly held at a

Much higher level of respect in Asia than in the western areas she would use this to seduce her victims she had a habit of writing letters to her boyfriends and they felt more like the ramblings of a high school girl who just had a major crush on a boy she would

Even refer to herself in third person to sound extra cutesy very much Miyuki loves you very very much miuki hopes you have a good day like that and if she didn’t see the men because of their schedules and they didn’t match up she would give them quick five minute phone

Calls not to ask them to come to the stack bar not to ask for something just oh I was just thinking about you and I wanted to make sure your day is going well so even if these guys thought at first well she works at the bar of

Course she’s going to be nice to me she wants to make money she would disarm them with her constant displays of affection because constant open displays of affection has a connection to emotional immaturity and the men like that men feel like they are the ones in power and this girl is too emotionally

Immature to ever be able to manipulate them so they become more vulnerable around them if she was hanging out with her boyfriends and one of them kept rolling their neck side to side in the middle of a conversation she would take note of it not mention it that day but

The next day she would have ointment for his neck ready for him she just behaved like a little girl in love sending letters leaving voicemails and all of it was just Master manipulation because once she earned the trust of these men she would start gas sliding and exploiting them one of

Miyuki’s boyfriends shinichi was over it he was getting beat with a frying pan on a daily basis now yeah he was done like actually physically physically the Miyuki he met had fallen in love with the charismatic girl the childish little girl gone okay every time they see each

Other now she’s beating him up with a frying pan she would try to throw boiling water on him on his body and continuously she would say give me your money it was really confusing like what happened to that person he knew but this is the breaking point when she tied him

Up with rope he had no idea what she was going to do when he was all tied up so they end up getting into this fight she ties him up with rope he’s genuinely terrified for his life and the next chance he gets he runs off and hides at

His parents house to get away from her but she finds him breaks into his parents house and kidnaps her boyfriend shinichi back all the while the parents are just watching in pure Terror in their own home as their son is being kidnapped which is phase three phase three according to the book is

Deepening the effect through Extreme Measures this is the stage that the book recommends mixing pleasure with straight up pain not physical pain but emotional and mental pain this is when you take the quote victim past their limits getting them to act out their dark s

Sites and it adds a sense of danger to the seduction and It ultimately deepens the spell that they’re under yeah this book sounds very questionable huh Robert Green I think he’s an incred like light years ahead in terms of intelligence compared to little old me but I will say

His books are very intense the 48 Laws of Power is actually banned in most prisons in the US because it’s just it’s too much some people applaud him and say that he gets down to the nitty gritty un Rosy tinted views of human psychology other people say that he’s just creating

Guidelines on how to be toxic people I actually think it’s better to talk about this book so that if you know what’s happening and someone’s doing this to you it’s better than to be like oh I don’t know what’s going on but I’m feeling very confused by this

Relationship I always think it’s better to know if there’s things that guys are women are out there reading and they’re trying to seduce you I always think that’s you know the whole pickup artist phase I think it’s interesting to watch them because if you’re a single woman

They could be using these tricks on you and you want to be alert and aware of that yeah verus like not knowing then you don’t know what’s happening you just think oh this person’s kind of hot and cold and I don’t understand them so very interesting very intense now again miuki

Clearly is very extreme but I think even this part of the book again like I said not recommended it’s toxic morally questionable this is basically saying you’ve come to phase three where you can be as manipulative and as demanding as you want because you’ve already gotten your quote victim to the point where

They can put up with more extreme behavior in miyuki’s case she would even get her children involved in the process she would find men that were desperate for some sort of acceptance and love and then she would tell her kids to make them feel special by calling them dad

And treating them like he was their biological father wow that’s it’s so Twisted W she is on another level it made a lot of these men feel needed in their lives it gave them purpose you know it’s heartwarming to see your significant others kids love you and

Want to be with you and take care of you they would start dropping them off at school because miuki would come up with some random excuse on why she couldn’t or honestly the kids would just go up to him and be like Daddy can you take me to

School tomorrow I want to spend time with you guess what Miyuki probably told them to say that other times she would convince the men to Fork over money for the kids or even a key to their apartment which very conveniently after miuki got a key to a lot of the

Boyfriend’s places they would be ransacked yeah if any of the men tried to pull away from miuki she would have her kids text them by saying things like Dad I love you please come back why aren’t you here anymore daddy it made them feel utterly guilty one of her boyfriends said miuki turned

Children into bone broth which of course she probably didn’t but it’s a way of saying she genuinely did not care about anyone but herself like she’s willing to use her children it seems to get what she wanted and that was money maybe that’s why she wanted to keep all of

Them perhaps she was relentless about money her boyfriends would not only give up their entire life savings but they would go into debt to pay her money and even that wasn’t enough she made her boyfriends watch her own children for her which like I said by the way she’s

Getting more money she’s not spending it on her kids they still eat the same nutrition food living in the same conditions that absolutely had had to break some sort of health code for human life yet Miyuki was seen blowing tons of money on herself she would drop hundreds

Of dollars on dinners with co-workers or whoever she wanted to be friends with she still had that desperate need for acceptance by her peers she would take people to public baths like sauna houses she would buy people kimonos treat them to haircuts if something was expensive she would exclaim oh that’s so cheap

While purchasing it it weird it’s like she wanted to impress even the sales associates sometimes she went to the convenience store to stock up on snacks dropping like hundreds of dollars each time what’s so interesting is that a lot of people would assume that these two women would have an obsession with

Luxury goods right I mean they’re willing to do wild crazy things for money they must be obsessed with Gucci product now they must be like those crazy gold digger women they actually spent all their money on random things Muki would spend so much money at the convenience store and on her co-workers

That she later said she hated and Kanai would spend $155,000 a month and she would just spend it on stuff for her Shih Tzu her random pets she would buy them like these random pet gadgets at the pet store that nobody needs like a pet massager for hundreds of dollars

That really doesn’t work nobody needs it who’s buying it she never spent a lot of money on designer clothes but her hangers like she wore very affordable clothing but she would buy hangers that were very fancy and $10 a piece $10 a one hanger that’s the price of whatever you’re probably hanging she

Would go on these trips to Hot Springs Golf trips and of course she spent a ton of money on cooking classes and Kanai was really good at picking her victims she would go for men that were older and she would sell them the dream of her

Being a chef that opens up her own restaurant one day and they were more likely to help her because they’re getting old they’re financially better off and the one thing that they can’t have is that time and excitement again so they want to vicariously live through

Her you know I saw a video essay um recently on Jeff this is kind of a tangent Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez and a lot of people thought it was confusing how Jeff Bezos after his divorce started dating Lauren Sanchez people thought they just didn’t really work on paper but everybody that that

Knows Lauren Sanchez in person said that she is almost like a kid with how excited she gets about everything she’s so animated she’s like the life of the party if you buy her a present she’s probably the type to like run around the room over a small gift coming from a

Billionaire where it’s like % of his wealth you know but it’s just she’s Kanai is kind of playing into that they’re vicariously living through her and she knew that and she’s honing in on it these men they’re too old they’ve got too many rules in their life too many

Crazy professions to actually chase after their dreams but when they watch Kanai do it which are all lies by the way she had no dreams of working they would get excited again they would feel youthful again and phase four as stated in the book is moving in for the kill

The book States if your victim is to be sacrificed then it must be done swiftly and cleanly leaving you free physically and Psych logically to move on to the next victim and then the game begins all over again clearly this is meant to be interpreted as if you’re no longer going

To be with this victim that you spent all this time and energy seducing break up with them make it clean and Swift and then you get to move on but that’s clearly not what zero Killers Miyuki and Kanai had in mind May 13th 2004 A train running on the INB line slammed into

Something and came to a halting stop police are called to the scene and they find a box on on the train tracks inside the box was A 42-year-old reporter’s body the man worked for a reputable newspaper had a wife and kids and now his completely battered body was found

In a cardboard box on the train tracks is he passed already or okay so he passed from the train hit there was a note at the bottom of the box and it read I was supposed to protect her but I was doing the opposite I was happy to

Meet a woman like Miyuki when I met Miyuki I learned what true love was Miyuki is not his wife’s name to the police this just sounded like a man who had an affair could not live with himself so he exited his life and exiting via jumping in front of a train

Is pretty common in Japan so they didn’t think much of it in Japan about 600 people a year exit by jumping in front of a train while in the US about 3 to 500 people do that which doesn’t sound alarming until you factor in the population size Japan has about a third

Of the US’s population so the number of self exits by train in Japan is alarming I mean I think in both countries it’s alarming but more so in Japan it’s so prevalent that the Japanese have created a word for it in a really weird sad fact but a lot of train companies will

Actually charge families of those that exit they will charge them a large fine because the person that exited caused a public disturbance and inconvenience which is highly highly frowned upon in Japanese culture so there’s that miuki has never been officially convicted of the reporter’s murder but in hindsight

Netizens think it’s weird that the police didn’t investigate or even perform an a autopsy this is the first death associated with Miyuki and it’s just strange so we’re to believe that this reporter grabbed a box threw it onto the train tracks jumped down then curled up in there somehow managed to

Close the Box up well enough and then quietly waited in anxiety for the train to come and just like listen to it approaching usually exits are known to be impulsive this feels like a very long time to sit with your thoughts and it’s very morbid but it just doesn’t make

Sense it feels incredibly unnatural for someone to do this psychology wise now in hindsight neens believe that Miyuki drugged him put his unconscious body in the Box threw the Box onto the tracks when no one was around and now she was free to start on her next victim

Even though Miyuki would be found guilty of killing two men she’s suspected of killing upwards of six she was never convicted for the reporter in the Box her next few victims it just seemed like all of muki’s love interest they all started passing away one victim was found with four different types of

Sleeping pills in their system and drowned in like 3 in of water on the beach which again doesn’t seem like a self-chosen exit but the police would argue that it was another ex was found dead in a forest the police ruled it a self-chosen exit the victim in the

Forest was actually a police officer that she had managed to seduce another drowned at Sea while they went diving for shells the family thought it was suspicious because he didn’t know how to swim but it was deemed a natural death another one was found dead in a river

Which again is wild to me that police didn’t think of miuki at this point because he also had three to four different types of sleeping pills in his system there was evidence of assault on his face and clothes he had a visible head wound and his right eye was

Completely sunken in you could see the bones in his fingers but the police argued that was the work of crabs another boyfriend of Muki was found dead in his apartment he reported to neighbors before his passing that he was feeling unwell and he had been unconscious for 3 days and he passed

Away a few days later there is a seventh victim that some sources mention and some don’t but it’s a barber shop worker who started dating Miyuki and he divorced his wife he s exited allegedly he wrote a note that read I’m happier being deceived than deceiving as for

Kanai when she entered phase 4 she had been able to defraud men out of $2.5 million us at this point and when that wasn’t enough they just started plopping dead around her yeah her 70-year-old boyfriend was found naked and dead in a shower no cause of death was determined

For him because of his age authorities just assumed that he passed naturally then another boyfriend of Kanai ended up dead with six shiiin I think I’m saying that right but it’s basically mini charcoal stoves to cook barbecue meat weird side note Ariana Grande has a

Tattoo she did I think she covered it up that read Seven Rings cuz her song’s Seven Rings right but seven rings in Japan the characters actually put together mean shiin which is barbecue girl so I guess people were making fun of people who get separate language tattoos like you know how people get

Chinese tattoos or Japanese tattoos and they don’t ask a native speaker of that language what this means so she meant seven rings for her song but it ended up meaning barbecue charcoal girl it was like a whole thing but this is the barbecue charcoal girl and Kanai she

Would allegedly be a master Stager so most of her victims they were staged to have exited their life through carbon monoxide via these charcoal girls she would get away with this multiple times and then finally one of her boyfriends was found dead in his car with a charcoal barbecue grill burning in the

Front passenger seat this would be the one that caught conai the charcoal grills were all from the same brand by the way but the most curious thing about this is that the keys to the car were not found inside the car so the police

Are like how did he drive the car to the parking lot to do this and like there would be no logical reason for him to say you know what let me get out of the car and Chuck my keys somewhere random and then run back to the car there

Weren’t even matches found in the car none not even a used one his hands had no charcoal powder on them at all so who lit the grill and I’m talking like the charcoal briquettes you know what I’m talking about there I mean you touch them once your hands are going to have

Powder Kanai was actually arrested in her home that she shared with her boyfriend she had moved in with one of her boyfriends at the time and he was genuinely so taken back that his lovely wife soon to be wife Chef’s girlfriend fiance was getting arrested later when

He was told by officers hey we think she’s murdering and defrauding her lovers he was like you guys are mistaken this is a good woman we’re talking about after vouching for his girlfriend’s death he went home and curiously noticed that all seven fire alarms in his ceilings had

Vanished they were gone I think that’s when he was like oh okay yeah that was probably going to be me next the killers were arrested 4 months apart miuki was arrested November 2nd 2009 for fraud not even murder fraud when police started investigating her for fraud they

Realized wow this woman has a lot of people around her dying and most of them are found with large amounts of sleeping pills in their system and what’s odd is she’s got a large amount of sleeping pills in her purse which is really weird because it’s not one of those things

Where you’re like wait a minute I got a stockpile sleeping pills in my bag that I take out every day because who knows I might need sleeping pills while I’m out running errands it’s very odd what’s even more odd is the sleeping pills weren’t even prescribed to her according

To neighbors miuki would go door to door at night begging for some sort of sleeping pill 3:00 a.m. she’s like I can’t do it I’m losing my mind my prescription ran out I’m an insomnia can I please get a few sleeping pills my my doctor’s office won’t take me until like

3 days later can I just get like three or four she did this like every night to different neighbors and what’s interesting is in Japan you can get tickets for trials miyuki’s trial created so much media Buzz that over 1100 people waited for hours trying to get tickets into the courtroom everyone

Wanted to see what was going to happen to her miuki denied involvement in all the deaths and stated that the man she was dating at the time her boyfriend was the one that killed everyone out of jealousy she said that she had no idea

That he was doing any of this in the end Miyuki had been linked to at least six murders but she was only convicted of two she received the death penalty which of course she tried to appeal but was rejected she was going to be housed at the Hiroshima Penitentiary while on

Death row Kanai was indicted for murder on February 22nd 2010 which her trial was just bizarre she stated that one of her boyfriend’s exited his life because she was he was really sad that they were thinking of breaking up and the authorities were like well why were you

Guys thinking of breaking up and she said well he thought that I wasn’t good enough in bed she was convicted of three murders but suspected of killing at least seven men she was also sentenced to the death penalty which she later tried to appeal but was rejected she was going to be

Housed at the Tokyo Penitentiary while on death row so these two women they’re not even in the same prison which side note Kanai would later have a huge compl complained about her trial she said she hated the way that the courtroom artists depicted her in the courtroom drawings

She said that all they did was emphasize her as being the bigger person in a very unnatural way compared to the judges and prosecutors she said it felt like they were trying to emphasize her obesity she was very displeased and stated it caused her incredible distress during the trial

She at one point even asked followers cuz she had some fans I guess to send drawings that they had of her so if that there was a second trial she could bring them in and they could create better prettier looking sketches of her in Japan prisoners don’t know the date of

Their execution until the day of actually they don’t know until a few hours before and families of the executed don’t even know until they’re gone it’s actually been a topic of hot debate most countries that still carry out the death penalty like the US typically they have a set plan date for

Execution so that inmates and their families can mentally prepare for it to some degree Japan lets you know like 60 minutes beforehand there’s actually a reasoning behind it back when Japan used to tell tell you the date of your execution like the other countries they found that a lot of death row inmates

Were choosing to self exit so they changed it to one or two hours before so that you would not have the time to self- exit the UN Committee Against torture has previously criticized Japan for the psychological strain that this leaves on inmates and their families and

It’s kind of wild so they tell the inmates one or two hours beforehand they bring the inmates into a highly surveilled isolation cell their coffin has arrived this morning and the prison guards have already set everything up they Place handcuffs on the inmate bring them into the execution room where

They’re told to step on a giant x marks the spot a white bag is placed over their head and they tie a rope around their neck three guards exit the room and simultaneously push buttons one each so a total of three buttons but they don’t know which button is the deadly

One and then it releases the Gallow trap so like squid game the floor pops open and the inmate falls down into the room below it’s a full suspension death that room has has a glass wall where the inspector and Warden can observe and confirm the execution a lot

Of inmates on Japan’s death row have complained that they this add so much psychological pain and anxiety from not knowing when their lives are coming to an end but those who support the death penalty and again I’m not stating my opinion those who support the death penalty have stated will victims of

Crimes also don’t know when they’re going to die cuz it’s not really a choice they made so some people are for it some people are really against it so both me and Kanai journaled about it and they started blogs in prison which like two things about that they’re so similar

Like and also can you can start a blog in prison Miyuki had a section in the local monthly paper called paper bomb her Section was called from the Hiroshima Detention Center she would do a monthly column about what she was thinking about what she was eating everything about her life in prison and

She would also try to convince people that she was innocent she would also invite reporters to come visit her to write articles on her crimes and one thing that reporters noted about her was she still cared so much about what people thought about her and she hated

Hated the fact that people thought that she was sleeping with clients while she was working at the snack bar she was in jail for killing several people but it seemed like she was more occupied on the rumors that she was going to karaoke bars with some of her clients after work

She would also go on these long tangents about how all of her friends were so desperate that they were doing everything in their power to try and get her out of prison most journalists knew that she had no friends that they did not exist but she was creating them in

Her head to give herself something to look forward to she also told reporters not to talk to any of the girls that worked at the snack bar because they always quote told lies and the people that live near her her neighbors they’re not credible either because they’re on

Welfare but she she wanted her blog to segue into an autobiography about her life so masumi had written a book in prison and it had kind of humanized her I guess in a way and Miyuki wanted that for herself she wanted to show her quote Human Side her nonviolent side to reveal

The truth to the world that the trial was unfair she felt like this was her ticket out of death row what’s so interesting is that when Kanai was arrested a few months after Miyuki Miyuki actually sympathized with Kanai she hated the fact that the media focused so much on kanai’s looks just

Like they had done with her people were talking about how it was impossible like not feasible to ever think that so many men were so attracted to these women people were being disgustingly fat phobic and they straight up said these women were too ugly to commit these

Types of crimes Miyuki was on kanai’s side and Kanai she seemed to be okay with Miyuki until she reads a book in prison about miyuki’s crimes the book is called moth attracting Lantern totally suspicious deaths it was written by a reporter named Osamu Aoki Kanai had the world’s biggest one-way crush on this

Reporter Osamu she would write in her blog about him Non-Stop about how she doesn’t think that he’s in a relationship right now I mean not that any of that information was made public but she would dissect random articles that he wrote to be like see this is why

That I I don’t think that he’s in a committed relationship which means he’s single which means I have a chance with him she would continue to compliment him on her blog about his long smooth straight slightly gray hair she would talk about how it suits his face frame

So well and how excited she would be if someone that handsome ever came to visit her in prison and interview her she said she would be thrilled even just being able to look at him all day she thought nobody was as passionate as Osamu when it came to

Justice but when that book on miyuki’s crimes was released she thought did he choose Miyuki over me I’m shocked I’ve lived my whole life without ever being jealous of another person until today I am furiously jealous the only comfort was a detail that Osamu called miuki a quote plain and dull middle-aged

Woman so Kanai the reasonable ever logical completely normal understanding person that she is Wages war on serial killer Miyuki through her blog they’re not even in the same prison Kanai had a blog post where she wrote I think Miyuki is an idiot I think so no matter what

The great Osamu asked her she kept evading the question if she didn’t want to answer the question she should have just refused his interview she doesn’t understand how lucky she is to have a talented journalist who is willing to listen to a defendant story without passing judgment on someone she is a

Huge huge idiot is so mad it was a big mistake that she was even chosen by the Mr Aoki she doesn’t understand the pain that the ones that have reported on my case they were all a bunch of freelance writers you know I thought about that and I

Cried well a woman like Miyuki she’s not just going to lay down and get shot she starts hitting back she would talk to reporters agreeing to help them write stories on her but she would only do so if they promised that they would never never ever talk to serial killer Kanai

She once cut a reporter out of her life when one of the closest relationships she developed in prison because she randomly started suspecting him of also trying to do a story on Kanai if you ever brought up Kanai she would get angry which she would try to reign in

Her anger because at the end of the day you’re a reporter and she cares about what people think about her and she would just blurt I think she insults people too much I can’t stand her style of looking down on people I even feel sorry for her so filled with hatred

Sometimes if a reporter would bring up Kani they would see miyuki’s temper flash for a second almost like what did you just say that’s how she would look at them but then she would smile and become passive aggressive I don’t want you to compare me to her she and iire

Different people even if she’s a different person it feels like we’re almost different humans it’s not that there’s anything wrong with her and uh I don’t want to discriminate I just don’t think we’re the same you know these evil people they’ve been getting around in their life manipulating others getting their own

Ways in life now they meet another similar character they can’t do that to each other so they just despite and hate each other for that it also reminds me of it feels like they’re both looking in a mirror and they hate it like they’re facing reality like they hate each other

So much but they’re identical right right right they probably put thems on a pedestal and then now they look at someone else that’s like yes yeah but it’s like no that’s exactly who you are but they just don’t want to face that reality and the reporter would ask are

You talking about appearance like what discrimination are you saying well I think Miss Kanai had her way of living as do I I want people to seriously come to terms with how she lived and how it was different from me then she would promptly end the interview thank the reporter leave the

Visiting area and never contact them ever again Kanai would hit back and write blog post after blog post insinuating that Miyuki was trying to date reporters that she spoke to she wrote miuki you seem to enjoy being interviewed in the papers on TV and in the magazines no matter the platform but

Is there anyone in the press that you’re dating that truly understands you she was trying to imply that no one in the media actually cares for Miyuki and she’s just a dumb little girl that thinks they do she also took a dig at Miyuki by stating that she doesn’t even

Know what she did she was like I don’t even know about your crimes until the great Osamu wrote a book on you yeah mhm either way Kanai stated that she felt bad for Miyuki for being used by these reporters and she felt so sorry for her

For spending so much of her useless time catering to them yeah I mean it’s kind of crazy they’re taking passive aggressive Digs at each other and you have to constantly remember these are serial killers on death row side note throughout all of this Osamu never engaged in

Conversations with Kanai in fact he flat out told other reporters when asked about this he said I’m not interested but when they kept asking about Kanai what do you think of Kanai he stated that she did deplorable things and she was very intelligent women and that was

Enough for Kani to stay hopeful in their non-existent relationship what’s Wild is Kanai actually gained a few fans through her absolutely unhinged prison blog one nzen had even gone to her trial saw her in person and stated Kanai is a goddess playing the role of a villain some of

Them would even bring her butter from her hometown haido and then on January 14th 2023 so this year miyuki’s last words were you can’t just eat Ramen before she died choking on stir fry what it’s almost too horribly ironic to even mention but miuki was 49 years

Old when she died and let me explain we don’t actually know if these were her last words but these were her last recorded known words a reporter came to visit Miyuki and she was asking the reporter about what kind of food he enjoyed and he stated that he basically

Lives off of ramen kind of like a college student and she scolded him saying you can’t just eat ramen and then visitor time was over she went to her prison Meal Time where she choked and dyed on noodles what the last meal Miyuki had was rice Yaki soba grilled fish miso

Soup and veggies some sources say that she also had fried ham potato salad and spaghetti salad most people agree that yakis SOA was the culprit to her death yakis SOA is a stir-fried noodle dish with a sweet and savory sauce kind of like a chain I guess if you had to make a

Comparison yeah I mean Muki always did have uh health conditions that she was born with so she was more susceptible to choking on her food but there are some online rumors that the prison kitchen which is run by inmates always gave her intentionally really dry food in hopes

Of killing her because I guess everyone hated her for being a serial killer and she does objectively have a very annoying personality is what a lot of people stated her whole well they’re on welfare she seems very passive aggressive it’s rumored that they would specifically give her barley rice

Instead of white rice because barley rice price is drier and harder to swallow especially if you already have issues with your esophagus which Miyuki did there’s no evidence of this but it’s interesting some neens were also upset that miuki was never executed they felt cheated out of their taxpayer money they

Felt like we paid for her to stay alive so that she could be executed by the state but then she just died so why did we pay so much money to keep her alive and then some people went the other extreme and felt like what she did

Was wrong but she didn’t deserve to be demonized they felt like the media was painting her out to be this person who hated her kids but maybe she was actually good to her kids and she used that money on her kids what they got this from just like

Random interviews miuki did where she talked about how she loved being a mother but I don’t think yeah you can she’s a charmer like she can say whatever she wants to say and like I think when it comes to being a parent I get that it’s hard and people make

Mistakes but she was like a really bad parent like just continuously a horrible parent so I don’t think anything she says like think about what her kids went through we can’t just sympathize with people because they’re parents I mean again that’s not my viewpoint on the death penalty that’s my viewpoint on not

Sympathizing with her so many netizens believe Miyuki was a victim of society yeah but an interesting end is no matter how much these women hated each other I think that they’re just looking in a mirror and seeing all the worst things about themselves and having to face that

Reality and it’s just interesting one Twitter user said if you look up Kanai then Miyuki pops up if you look Miyuki Kanai pops up and it seems like they will never be able to escape this comparison game wow and this is the story of how two of Japan’s most notorious most hated

Female seral Killers despise each other in prison what are your thoughts leave it in the comments and I will see you guys on Sunday for the minod bye


  1. If theres no cut aways to the person off camera, why direct the conversion and your eyes that way?? Makes no sense.

  2. Of course they are the similar. They have the same personality disorder: psychopathy. Whatever character they played was what whatever brought them the most success over their victims. They develop that character over time. Miyukis child neglect is interesting as empathy can only be learned before the age of 3. Even if a child has their physical needs met, if no one interacts with them, they will not develop empathy and have a personality disorder later in life, the more severe the emotional neglect, the worse the PD.

    I think theres also one more kind of seductress: the Saint. The ones who feign goodness and sacrifice for attention, "good" being superior in their narcissistic eyes, like Jodi Hildebrandt, Lori Daybell or Gypsy Rose's mom. All lack real empathy and can only emulate whatever character they think will make them appear superior to others. But they really only want to manipulate others for selfish gain, take advantage, act out their rage on, control and punish. Appearing "good" is a way to access fuel/victims if they also have fetishes that are a result of abnormal brain development from social isolation. As young children they cant see the difference between people and objects. Its not rocket science. Dont ignore your infants and toddlers.

  3. Stephanie, I feel that halfway through this episode I’m groomed by you. 😂 your summary of the book is better.

  4. Stephanie bestie…you told this story way too similarly to the way you would tell a BAM… i was shocked to look up to see the RM set as i had autoplay going and i had assumed this was a MM or BAM… 🙁

  5. There is an interesting pattern, differentiating female serial killer from male ones: male serial killers chiefly chose as victims completely unfamiliar and unrelated people, using violent methods and murdering out of purely sexual (or perverse sexually-substitute) motives. Female serial killers chose victims among their own family, lovers or helpless people who they was entrusted to care (patients at hospitals, children in orphanages, elderly people), using poison and similar non-direct methods, and their motives almost always includes material profits. One of the most worrying aspect of a female serial killers is that their methods are so subtle that it is rarely obvious that crime is even took place and victim is not died from natural causes. Who knows how many female serial killers is out there, they're severely underresearched compared to male serial killers, criminologists and psychologists is barely know anything about them, how their mind works.

  6. Amazing video as always! I was only thinking how sad are the mental gymnastics and word circles we as a society have to make instead of saying fat or beautiful or get cancelled.. it's honestly sad.. so many minutes of the video wasted tiptoeing around and ruining the narration. Even calling them curvy is offensive? Curvy is a compliment. Obese a medical term. Jesus christ. We all collectively need to lie

  7. More than one woman = women
    Stephanie speaks perfect english but she still does the fob-lish women/woman mispronunciation lol

  8. Please can you cover the story of Oscar Pistorius – he was just released from jail after serving a sentence for killing his girlfriend in what he maintains was an ‘accident’

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