Golf Players

Single Plane Position Training

During this May 2023 podcast, Graves Golf Co-founder Tim Graves, PGA hosts “Single Plane Position Training” in this month’s edition of Plane Talk with Graves Golf about properly training the positions of the Single Plane Swing. 

Want to learn more about Moe Norman’s Single Plane Swing? Click the link:

[Applause] [Applause] Welcome you to the May um Graves golf um plane talk I want to welcome you guys all to um actually the May it’s early May here and um and we’re actually home at our home base and um um I want to welcome you guys to the plane talk and

It’s basically our monthly webinars we have for everybody and I want to thank you guys for um you know really being an active role and having fun and hopefully you guys have fun with the single plane swing uh my name is Tim Graves I’m one of the co-founders of the graves Golf

Academy uh my brother and I started this company about almost 25 years ago now um and we’ve grown and grown and grown and grown we literally started this company with a database of about 40 people and we’ kind of family and friends and now we’ve grown into millions of people that

Um follow follow us actually pretty religiously and um we really thank you guys for that and really enjoy um working and you know teaching you guys and trying to get you guys new information um anyway what we’re going to do tonight um in this Plain Talk is it’s really about um single plane

Position training now I’m going to get into that here real quick in a couple minutes here and I’m going to go through walk you guys through some basically stuff you guys can do indoor stuff you can do outdoor you know it’s that time of year to get outdoor and start working

On the swing and so on but I’m going to start talking about single plane position training and really things that are be be very effective for you to work on becoming more consistent becoming better at the game becoming a better ball Striker okay and that’s what we’re

Going to talk about tonight um and we’ll get into that and I’m going to look at the guys we have any questions tonight we going to think going okay we’ll have some questions we we’ll end up with some questions when we do that now so let’s

Get into tonight’s topic and as we go into tonight’s topic um I’m going to talk about some specials we have going on because obviously I’m not going to bring up training AIDS and bundles and things that I’m going to bring up to you guys not and all of a sudden say oh go

And buy them at full retail prize no we’re not going to do that we’re going to give you guys a special okay tonight it’s all about single plane position training okay okay and remember what we do here the biggest thing we do at graves golf which is the biggest

Difference we do at graves golf is this is we have a system we have a model we have a method that was based obviously on M Norman single plane swing okay so this method this model is very specific on positions in the swing whether it’s a

Setup whether it’s the grip on hold of the club whether it’s a takeaway whether it’s the top of the swing and so on it’s very specific in those positions now what we’re trying to do we are trying to match the same positions most Norman hit in his golf swing obviously we’re trying

To match those positions now Mo Norman was 5’7 now when he was young in 20 in his 20s he was 140 PBS soak and wet okay when he got older he was about 100 pounds overweight so Mo not a lot of people look like Mo okay I mean the 5

Foot s guy that’s 100 pounds overweight or a 5’7 guy that’s bone skinny rail I mean I’ll be honest you don’t have a whole lot of students that look like that but it does we’re trying to match his Club being on plane no matter what size you are I don’t care how short

Short you are how tall you are doesn’t matter to me what matters is we’re trying to get your Club on the similar plane that MO is okay that MO is okay or a single plane that’s what we’re trying to do and we’re going to try to keep

This simple and simplistic for you guys and how you can train to do this okay the issue we deal with after doing years and years and years of work and teaching students I mean between me my brother and my staff we literally have hundreds of years of teaching students is we we

Know and we we found this out a long time ago that is very difficult to make significant swing changes on the driving range it is it’s tough to do if you’re on the driving range trying to make swing changes trying to change your setup change your grip change your

Position one two it’s hard because you get you start watching the ball and you get all tied up in the Ball results or you get all tied up in what’s going on and you’re trying to react to what’s going on with the ball results and and hoping that little change you made

Actually occurred and whether it did or didn’t it’s turns kind of turns into chaos and we know that so what we’ve created at gra golf is we’ve created a system a methodology a training that allows you to work on the positions of your swing anytime any place anywhere

Inside outside at the range at home it doesn’t matter okay in fact I have a lot of people that travel with us on the road you know and they will actually practice within their hotel rooms it doesn’t matter but you’re working on the same thing as you would on the Range but

For most and well I’ll tell you the straight out it becomes more significant and Improvement improves faster because you’re not focusing on the ball result you’re focused on true positions in the swing and think about it we asked Mo this a thousand times Mo when you swing

A club you know what happens in the swing M goes ball just gets in the way you know it just gets in the way okay you like he said I can’t swing it bad I don’t know how to swing it bad so basically he created a swing or

Positions in his swing that are ideal obviously for the single plane swing so if I’m saying to you guys right now how do you train the single plane swing at home how do you train the single plane swing in those positions what do you do well I’m going and hopefully most of you

Guys have seen this or have done this so hopefully for most of you guys this is review which is great if it’s review I promise you you’ll pick up some new stuff tonight okay if for those some of you guys it may be brand new stuff but

We’re going to go through this again so I have this single plane position trainer and I’ll go through that in detail here in a minute okay single play position trainer I have an alignment ball position trainer and I have a yard stick you know a yard stick you can buy

Anywhere you can go get Home Depot and get a yard stick okay but I have a yard stick I have a single plane position trainer I have the alignment ball position trainer and every person out there who’s doing the single plan golf swing who’s doing our methodology you

Better have this in your hand right now okay or you better have this in your bag or you better have this in the back of your car hopefully some of you guys got a couple of these things one in your office and one there this is everything

This is golden okay because this is the template of what we do and if you look on this ABT the slman ball position trainer you’ll see it has foot positions okay which is listed here and it has ball position so here’s iron ball position here’s driver ball position

Then obviously has wedge wedge foot position all the way to a seven iron foot position 6 and five iron 4 and three hybrids Fairway Woods up to a driver so it has ball positions on here that allows you to get the width of your stance with the perfect ball position

Think what I just said here so every time you practice whether it’s indoor or outdoor you’re going to get ideal foot position with ideal ball position that is critical I’m telling you right now the width of your stance does not match your ball position or vice versa you’re

Already behind the eightball and it doesn’t matter how your swing occurs you’re going to have problems you’re going to build conversations there because I don’t have the right width with the right ball position so on that’s what this does for you this is a template that you use every time and I

Promise you right now and I can you and guys anybody out there who watches this at home now or anybody out there I got a lot of people that are local here that watch this that come out and practice me in the driving ranges and watch or watch

Todd me practice you guys know right now every time we practice this is on our feet so you guys know that so I’m talking to the guys that actually practice with on a daily basis you guys no this is on our feet every single day you’re not going to catch this without

This out there so all you guys at home right now that are practicing indoor outdoor and you’re not using this to your feet you’re not doing what my myself and my brother uses that’s nuts the models the model you’re not even matching that that’s crazy okay so I’m

Going to set this down and what I’m going to do on the back of this is there’s slots on the back I’m going to put a yard stick in that okay and I’m going to do iron ball position today so I have a yard stick in there so right

Now I can set this down could be indoor or outdoor doesn’t matter okay I’m going to do indoor training right now and I have it set up I’m going to make sure we can get this on the camera okay I have this set up with a yard stick and our

Ball position okay now what I’m going to do is I’m going to set some golf balls down and I’m going to set it up to now make our template so we can start training and I’m going to walk you guys through this training so the first golf

Ball is set up is right where the ball would be where we make impact right in the middle okay so there’s the first golf ball the second golf ball is going to be a couple inches behind it okay now I’m going to take the length of this and

I’m going to go back okay the length of this and go back and go one foot in okay so I’ve now got the length of the single plane position trainer and one foot in I now have my template set up okay so I have three golf balls down I have the

Alignment ball position trainer and I have the single plan position trainer I a yard stick now the length of this right here is the length of a six iron so if I took a six iron out right now you will see this is the same length there’s our training six iron right here

And if you look at it it’s the same length as a six iron from the grip down so and I’m saying that for a reason because what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to stand in this setup and I’m going to get the width of my feet

I’m going to show you guys this right here I’m going to get the width of my feet at six iron width okay and I’m going to get the distance to the ball at six iron distance and six iron distance to the ball is 26 in now a lot of you

Guys out there will sit there and say well I’m 6′ four so I got to be further I got to be far no because the guys that taller tend to have longer arms the guys that are shorter tend to have shorter arms okay so we will still be within

This Zone it kind of matches up and the other thing is that if you’re taller with longer arms you tend to lean over a little bit more a little bit less and vice versa so guys 26 in works for 99% of our students okay so I’m now going to

Get so I’ve gotten what I’m going to do to make this a little bit easier is I’m going to take this club right here and I’m going to set it at the 26 Mark okay and I’m going to put this ball right at the end of the yard stick so pretend I’m

Training inside because if I wasn’t training inside I’d be hitting the AR stick so right now I can actually get one I’m perfect distance to this golf ball okay so I’m set up at 6 iron width I’ve got 26 in now I’m I’m going to set

Up and I’m going to set up pointing to that second golf ball okay so right now I’m going to start using the single plane position trainer to get my ideal setup and my ideal positions so let’s describe what the single plane position trainer does for me here’s number one it

Has the our molded grip on it not only is there our molded grip on it it has pressure points on our molded grip to feel where you shed pressure when you hold this grip when you take it back and come in the downswing and so on so this

Grip is critical because we used to use just a stick years and years ago and every single time somebody use a stick they get their hands strong and they get their hands rotated to the right they take it back and they be in bad positions so we Design This to get your

Grip set up perfectly the next thing this has on it it has the correct length it has the back end on it so I can start checking my Pivot Point and my Pivot Point is a key to a good single plane swing as your pivot point we’ll get

There in a second the other big thing this has on there is this black piece of tape that’s on here or a black mark That’s on it okay I’m going to rotate so you can see it see a black mark right here that’s going to become critical

Here as we start working with this it’s on here for very specific reason it’s not just on here at random it’s on here for very specific reason okay and I’m going to talk about that so we’ve got a length of the single p position trainer

We got the back end of it on there for a reason we’ve got a molded grip on here and we’ve got a black line on here for a very specific reason let’s go through it okay so right now I’ve got the width of a six iron okay by looking at my ABT I

Got the distance of a six Iron by looking at my yard stick okay now I’m going to set up and I’m going to point to the second ball when I start when I point to that second ball this is where I’m looking for number one this lead end

Or the the back end of the single plane position trainer is touching my Pivot Point so it is right now basically in the middle of my rib cage now that will vary for everybody here just a little bit but to be on your height but it’ll

Be basic basically in the middle of your rib cage that’s your pivot point number two when I look down I look at this black line I can’t if I’m set up properly I can’t see any white on the left hand side of that line so on the

Lead hand side of that line I see no white so right now when I look down all I see is black if my hands were in a bad position or my shoulder was in a bad position or my elbow was in a bad position or I was I could see white on

The left side and when I set up properly from my view from the golfer’s view all I see is black I see no white in the left side that’s why number one is there now when you look at the camera you’ll see some white on there when they zoom

In but when I look down I can’t see it now I’m going to have them zoom in that right now if my hands were in a bad position set up it’ be like this okay I can see white now so I know my bay hands

Are in a bad position I’m in a bad setup so now I push it to forward and now I see no white okay so that’s number one and that’s a massive check because too many golfers will get their hands rotated you guys I can have the club on

Here I can have my grip on here but I rotate him in a bad spot okay I rotate him to the right okay now my hands are on here perfect and if I want a perfect setup with a perfect grip relationship to that golf ball I look down I see no

White on the left okay perfect or on the lead side of it so right now the single plane position trainer is touching the pivot point I’m looking down not seeing any white on the lead side of that and I’m the correct distance and the correct setep to the ball now the only next

Thing I really want you to focus on before we take it back is we do not when we set up we don’t set up with flex knees in this fashion here no so my back is straight up and down I want to keep my legs relatively straight but not

Locked so a good way to do that is lock them up and then just relax them so lock them up try that and just relax them that’s how we want our lower body if we get this touching the pivot point we get the right distance we get it on the lead

Side getting the legs in that good position will then get your shoulders and get your spine tilt your shoulder tilt correct Everybody follow me on that because right now if I push it further back well I’m changing my shoulders and so on we’re not there yet we’re we will

Get a naturally good setup if I just descri just did exactly what described I’ve got a good width of the stance I’ve got the perfect distance to the golf ball okay because if I get further let’s say I get further from it I’m going to reach out too much I just increase my

Spine angle too much okay I increase the angle of my back too much if I get too close I’m going to stand up too much okay so the spine angle or the angle of your back is determined by the distance of the ball but it also with the caveat

That your legs are relatively straight because notice there’s a good spine angle on my back but if I flex the knees too much I just lost my back okay so the correct distance the correct with having the single plane position train will get you in there now here’s what I’m going

To suggest as you’re doing this inside side I would suggest having a mirror around somewhere you can film it too if you’d like I mean we’ll talk about that later but be have a way to watch it right now I’m looking at a camera in front of me I mean I’m literally looking

At a camera and I have this monitor in front of me I’m watching myself in this monitor it’s a big old monitor you guys can’t see on the screen it’s beautiful I can actually check myself on this monitor to make sure things are looking good I don’t have too much KNE flex and

So on I can check that monitor you guys at home have a mirror have a mirror behind you have a mirror in front of you film it look at it okay cuz what you see in inside is the perception versus reality doesn’t always match up and we

Know that okay so right now if I hit those positions that I just talked about I’m in a good I’m now set up in a good position I’m in a good setup so now I’m in what we call position zero okay I’m in position zero so right now I’m going

To turn from position zero to position one and turning from position Z to position one is a turn of the hips and shoulders to point to that golf ball in the background so or in other words position one that gol ball is known as position one so right now I turn the

Hips and shoulders to go to position one now the check is there’s a two-part check here part number one is it’s still the the edge of this single plane position trailer this lead stick here is still against the same position and your side in the same point as where you

Started it’s called the pivot point so right now when I go to position one it is still touching the pivot point so it did not roll across my belly it did not leave the side it did not break down and I know a lot of you right now that

Haven’t done this or a lot of you out here that haven’t done this a lot are going yeah that’s not that big a deal I can guys it’s a massive deal I will tell you right now when we do schools this is the single biggest issue we deal with

After the grip and setup this is it is when the students who some have worked on this for a long time when they take it away they break it down or that goes across their belly this is going to show you if you have proper h hip and

Shoulder movement in your back swing listen to what I just said this is going to show you if you have proper hip and shoulder movement in your back swing and for the demographic we deal with 90% of the guys have limited hip movement have limited shoulder movement or have lost

Enough flexibility this is what they’re working on so not only is a good drill for your swing it’s a great drill for flexibility so I set in position zero I turn to position one as I go to position one it is touching the Pivot Point that’s it it is not going across the

Belly it hasn’t lifted it hasn’t gone lower it is touching the Pivot Point going to one also notice something here as I set up let me get you down the line view this Shaft or this this single plane position trainer lines up with the

Bottom of my arm okay it is not above it it is not below it it’s right on the arm and as I look at down the line view my lead arm is above my trail arm that’s how we hit the proper Pivot Point okay

So if R got up and I looked at it down the line View and I’m all of a sudden I’m here that’s too low that’s not where your Club is going to end at impact it’s going to lift and that’s where we lose a single plane so right now when I look

From down the line This runs along the bottom of the forearm so when I set up and I go from position zero to position one believe it or not it’s still on the bottom of the forearm now you guys won’t see that but it didn’t lift or go down

If you maintain on that Pivot Point it’ll be in that good position so right now in position zero to position one it’s just a turning of the hips and shoulders and a slight fold of the trail arm but really folks you don’t have to worry about that it’s just relaxed so

It’s not a stiff Trail arm okay it’s just relaxed it starting to fold in now from position one to two is a continuation of the turn and a cocking and hinging of the hands and wrists to get to position two so notice what I did here I want position one position two

Now when you get to the top of position two I go position one now it’s on the pivot point now after position one it comes off the pivot point it’s still pointed at it but it’s off the pivot point I’m now cocking and hinging the Tans I’m continuing folding to the trail

Arm I’m coming up now to position two now many of you will not be flexible enough to get this to point at that golf ball and we understand that okay many of you will not be that flexible so what you can do is you can take something and

You can set it down between those two golf balls it could be a club it could be another yard stick whatever you want I put a club down there so now when I what I’m going to look at is I go to position one I’m just going to keep the

Back end of the single plane position trainer along that club whatever you laid down if that’s all I got and I can’t go back further than that that’s fine it’s not below it it’s not above it okay it’s right on on it so as I go to

It I go right on that club and that’s position two now couple things to look at when you’re going to position two and I’m going to talk about the black line on here again okay so at position zero I don’t see anything left to the black

Line I only see the black line I see no white on the lead side of it I go to position one I do not see anything right now on the left side of that line it’s exactly the same so it looks exactly the same which makes sense because I’m not

Rolling my hands not breaking down my arms I’m just going to position one now as I go to position two and I stop when I look up and if I’m in a perfect position when you look at this black line you will see equal amounts of white

On the right as you do the left it’s right in the center so listen what I just said this is massive and for a lot of you all right now this is a huge issue because when I go one and go to two a lot of you guys tend to cup your

Wrists or you tend to get flat with the wrist or you get in a bad position you cut the wrists all of a sudden all the whites on one side I need don’t see no white in the other I get a flat wrist I see the opposite to have a perfect

Position on the top I look at it right now there’s equal amount of white is there’re on both sides of that black line and that is huge so if all you did was go position one position two and check that black line that would be massive I’m not saying get back to that

Ball get back to the line in between those balls okay that’s position two so think what we’re doing right now from position 0 to one I’m maintaining the pivot point I’m getting the good hip and shoulder turn it’s not breaking down from the pivot point it’s right along

The pivot point now position two I and hinge the hands up continue the turn I look I know my hands in a perfect position as long as I see white on both sides of that line which is perfect now from this position we start driving down to position

Three position three is obviously and you guys hopefully you’ve heard this but if you haven’t it is a starting with the lead knee then going to the hips then the shoulders and obviously the club and the arms and the club and what we’re going to do is we’re going to drive down

Through imp impact so we’re going to drive down but what I want you to focus on with a single plane position trainer is we’re going to set and we’re going to drop the shoulder under trying to keep the trail elbow as close to the body as possible and this single plane position

Trainer should point to what we call right field now if for Lefty to left field to the righty to the right field so I’m going to show you this down the line so if I want position one position two and I’m going down notice it’s not a

Down my body line it is pointing towards right field it is following the shoulders in the downswing okay now it’s not going that far right field it’s following the shoulders because what most people do when they do this at first is they’ll take the down swing and they’ll start doing this and they’ll

Start doing this guys that’s the over the top move so watch the difference position one position two now we start driving this towards right field and it’ll feel like you’re going to right field the only way you can do that is to flex your knees and actually Flex both

Knees towards your lead toe so we’re going to flex both knees so notice as I do this I start dropping down both knees Flex towards that lead toe allows me to drop this shoulder down which allows me to get the elbow in front of the hip and

That’s your golden position to now get the club on plane and back to impact okay so position three and guys here’s a deal do not just take this thing Rush up there and say I’m work on position three no because if your hands cuup at the top

Or flat at the top or your thing is your Club is steep or if it’s flat in the back swing or you got a bad setup you don’t want to hit position three you’re going to snap hook it you’re going to block it you’re going to have all kinds

Of funky things going on things you don’t want to happen Okay so trust me position three is a sequence of the golf swing but you’ve got to get the setup position zero position one and position two first and you got to get them perfect or close to perfect to BU able

To ideally hit position three and to have a good path and a good on plane swing okay so now position one position two now I’m going to go to position three and I want you all to hold this and here’s the interesting thing when you look down you will not see right now

In position three you will see white on both sides of the black you will see it’s not rolled forward that’s a bod wrist down it’s not road back it’s white on both sides and that’s what you should see okay so I look down look that line

Again white on both sides now this is pointing slightly towards right field I’m trying to get my elbow in front of my hip that is critical so my elbow didn’t get behind my hip it is in front of my hip and now from position three I

Release back to position four as I go back to position four it returns back to the Pivot Point there’s your true single plane swing it didn’t go above the pivot point it didn’t go below the pivot point it released back to the pivot point now some of you all when you do this

Position one position two position three position four you go right back to the Pivot Point some of you your hands might be a little bit ahead of it that’s okay it’s still lined up with a pivot point so if you got really good compression you get really good angles you push the

Hands a little bit ahead of it that’s fine okay but it’s still lined up with what the Pivot Point okay so this single plane position trainer which is critical guys this is the nuts and bolts of what we do this single plane position trainer now gets you to work through all the

Positions and the most important thing the ultimate checkpoints of an ideal single plane swing for you okay so this is how you’re going to go train so you’re going to do what we just did and then you’re going to start doing this and stopping at the positions so number one you’re going to

Step and go okay position zero is that perfect all right and you’re going to check position zero is it touching the Pivot Point are my legs relatively straight am I the Right distance from the golf ball I’ve got all that measured out I’m great check that now you’re

Going to go to position one you’re going to stop is can I look down do I see any white on either side of that no do I have it touch my Pivot Point still Yes okay is my right arm slightly or my trail arm slightly folded yes so

Position one now and guys if you go there it goes across the belly or it’s up rolls up into the arm or you stand up or vice versa stop there’s there’s Do Not Go pass go do not don’t guess from there because now everything’s just a compensation you go to position one you

Stop you make sure it’s perfect now go to position two and check it and guys it wouldn’t hurt to sit in this position for a while and feel it okay does it feel good does it feel like what’s it feel like do I feel tight across the

Chest do I feel pressure on the inside of my knee and the leg do I feel like my the weights and the balls of my feet feel it feel it guys you can you can look at all our instructure material we talk about this a thousand times over

Okay feel that position don’t rush through it now once you hit that good now drop down to position three is this slightly point to right field for the righty or left field for Lefty is it slightly there is my elbow in front of my hip okay is the Thing released do I

Still have good angle on it when I look down do I see white on both sides of the black line okay now if you hit that all knees flexed towards the Lee toe all the feet down now go to position four so at first you’re going to go position one

You’re going to hold it go to position two you’re going to hold it you’re going to go to position three you’re going to hold it go to position four you’re going to hold it you going do it again you’re going to go position one you’re going to

Hold it guys you understand and then eventually you’re going to do it very very slow So eventually you’re going to sit here and go and you’re going to go you think your head position one position two position three position four you’re going to do it really slow and you’re

Going to think okay is still good you’re going to feel it the reason you’re going to do it slow is because you want to feel those positions you want to give your body time to recognize those new positions you want to give your brain time to feel and recognize those new

Positions if you do it fast I promise you you will break down until eventually you can speed it up a little bit position one position two position three position four okay but I cannot stress enough how to do static positions to start and then speed then go non-stop

But very very slow if you think it’s slow cut it in half and cut it in half again okay trust me because the slower you do it as we say in grest golf the faster you’ll get it okay do it again and again do it slow do it slow do it

Slow do it slow okay and then you can start speeding it up those are the positions we’re working at in the single plane swing that’s how you train with a single plane position trainer and guys this is critical in FYI of you guys know this but you can take the back end of

This off and you can travel with it so those that don’t know it screws in like a q stick and you can pull it off and travel with it okay or if you want to throw in your golf bag and throw in your golf bag guys that’s it’s huge so now

The next step is we’re on the Range maybe you got a net inside maybe you can hit some Whiffle yard balls in the backyard you set up this exact same position you set up the exact same thing so right now but the only thing I did

I’m going to take this away the only thing I did is now I have the training grip club and the reason for the training grip Club is because now we have a club head on it we’ve got the same tape on the shaft and we have the

Training grip on there so we’ve mimicked this without the back end in some of the check system so now we can take the club and we can start doing the same thing this is a six iron and we can start going position one position two position three position four now I promise you

This is what’s going to happen if you skip this and go straight to this you’re going to mess it up and I tell you why because the back end of this is so critical about the pivot point that is the name of the game it’s all about being against that pivot point because

The first thing when guys skip the single plane position trainer is literally they do this in the back swing they start cripping out they start going outside they start coming inside because there’s no check so now you’re going to drill and drill and drill maybe you warm

Up before you out the single plane position trainer maybe you do it every night maybe you do it every couple nights whatever it is and now we can sit out there and we can take the single plane the feeling of greatness Club okay we can take that and the we call it the

Fog the gra club and we can start matching those points up okay and we can start hitting some golf balls this tape on the shaft which is a red piece of tape with the white on the left side does exactly the same thing so I set

Right now I see no white if I go to position one I see no white I start cocking hinging up I see equ amount of red and white I go down I see equal amounts of red and white now I go to impact okay so now you can take this I

Would drill a little bit inside and I would actually start hitting some balls outside or hitting them into a net or whatever you want to do okay with this with the feeling of great in this training grip club guys here’s what it comes down to this does not guarantee a great setup

This only guarantees a good grip and you can hit balls with it okay and a few check systems on the way back this guarantees a great setup or helps you get into a great setup this guarantees checking the pivot point which is everything this helps guarantees the checkpoints this is the

Ultimate checkpoint tool this is the ultimate let’s go hit some balls with the tool okay that’s how this is why this system works together okay because now I can take this and obviously I won’t put the ball back but I can actually go out in the range guys this

Is what we do and I can sit out there and I can actually get I moved it back 2 inch so I’m going to set up the 24 Ines I can go position one position two position three and hit it and then I can

Go real slow and I can go back and do the same thing and hit it real slow guys follow me here and I can do it again I can take it back I can do the same thing and I’m going to do it really slow here okay I’m going go

Back and hit it guys follow me here I can go back and forth back and forth and on the Range very slow work H those positions but I promise you it’s not the check system as this or the check system as this so that’s what tonight is all about so

I’ve gone through the single plan position trainer how you go and how you start taking it to the next level check system check system check system guys we still use it I mean I watch Todd go on the Range and he does this he warms up

With this and we throw this down and we train with it and we and we warm up for the round with this guys I dare you next time you see us in person look in our bag these are all in our bag everyone every every time they’re in our bag

Promise you they are okay so this is how you get ready you warm up you strain you go through your system that’s what this about this is the nuts and bolts of the full swing for gra golf all right now before got any questions for tonight okay before we get into the

Questions there’s this we got the special for this right so these three things am I right so okay so you’re feeling of greatness training grip Club you’re single plane position trainer okay and your lineman ball position trainer and each one of these runs 100 plus when we sell them normally right I

Mean that’s actually pretty but okay so you put all three these together it’s $320 okay so you got 320 bucks for all three tonight special only for 24 hours just like we did with the schools it’s 230 bucks for all three of these so if

You buy all three of these if you got nothing you get all three of these for 230 bucks I guess it’s buy two get one free is that right just buy two get one free if you’ve got one or the other let’s say you’ve got this but you don’t

Have these two or you have this one whatever it is you can get 20% off an individual training right now so instead of paying 120 bucks you’re going to pay 80 or 90 bucks okay so you can get the link below there’s a link below this that you can purchase either the bundle

Or individual training AES now that 20% off is all training AES Thomas decided to do this I’ll give Thomas credit so right now if you guys are out there thinking I’ve got every training age you guys could possibly imagine and you go on that list you say I don’t have that

One I don’t have that one you can get 20% off right now you go get it right now so if you want to get the short game impact trainer you want to go get the the the long game impact trainer you want to go get the bunker board whatever

The throw I don’t care 20% off anything you want to get right now that’s that’s pretty big that’s big okay so Thomas said up for you guys you made it easy for you all so not only can you get if you want the bundle you get save a ton

Or you get 20 20% off of individually I would strongly suggest that their thing on that is how many Thomas how many people do you think will be watching this tonight and then the replay give me a number how many people you think will be watch this live tonight 6,000 how

Many people you think will watch the replay okay so 6,000 immediately within 24 hours how many within two days will watch this maybe 10 maybe within a week 30 40,000 maybe more okay how many of these do we have we have 6,000 of these we have a

Thousand of these okay guys what I’m asking them right now is that if you want to get this stuff and you wait three or four days you’re going to be it’s going to be back ordered we get in pretty quick but it it’s probably going

To be back ORD so get in ASAP okay when we run special we tend to get stuff back ordered you know within a couple days so anyway all right so we good okay so we got some questions okay so guys remember again and we’ll give away the sc4 here

In a second um remember again um about the specials for tonight number one is the bundle special okay the bundle um you can get those three training AIDS ones I just showed you for 230 bucks or you get 20% off any individual training aid get in get them now guys start

Training now it’s early May it’s your golf season go go go hard you guys know me go hard quit quit messing around and saying I can go figure this out for free and guys come on I mean it is amazing how many guys come to our schools and

They’ve been with us for they say for four or five years but they never bought a thing from us they haven’t got training AIDS they got nothing they show up for a school and I’m like what have you been doing for the last five years I

Mean my gosh just a couple trains at home would be massive okay think about that okay um so the bundle in that the second thing is is that sc4 and that thing rocks in fact in about an hour I got to shoot a couple more videos after

This in about an hour I’m going to go practice and I’ll have that thing out at the range I guarantee you I will and the whole world will want to know what’s going on with that thing because it is crazy cool okay non-members 00 bucks $4.99 Members $449 Plus a free case um

Non-members once you join join the membership and like get this great deal on this thing at least join for a month and get that great deal you’ll be making yourself money okay if you want to know about that email me at Tim ggra it’s crazy amount of special we do for

Members so all the non-members out there you’re losing out all right um Last Thing Before about the schools guys on the schools $250 off the next 24 hours from the release of this deal so basically next day and a you got $250 off we’re trying to get him sold out

Quick like I said we’re trying to get him sold out there is specialty schools there’s three day schools there’s 5ay schools the Orlando Phoenix Lo City I think we have what else we have on there um we have any other schools Minneapolis Chicago what do we have on

There okay okay Phoenix wel city um guys you know we sell our stuff fast okay so get in there if you’re interested I mean come see us in person okay and then obviously I told you about the club specials um I can promise you you guys

It’s going to be it’s not a nightmare for me but it’s it’s just it’s kind of chaos for me in three weeks from now or four weeks from now maybe sooner we’re going to run out of the Rogue okay and we’ll have parad down which is amazing

And guys that got Paradigm out there I’ve got Paradigm in my bag my bag is full of Paradigm and I love it but if you’re looking to make Save A Buck there’s a lot of people out there trying to save money on the on the clubs and

They they say it’s so expensive right now is the time to get clubs if you’re trying to save money you call me a month from now and they’re all gone I’m going say I’m sorry they are gone here’s what we have we have this line and this line

To offer you now you can wait till next year and they’ll go back on sale again okay but right now they’ve gone through May which is pretty shocking in the first place so if you want anything on clubs or you haven’t been custom fit if you haven’t been single plane fit come

On um timg at gra will open up a dialogue you have to buy anything just talk to me we’ll figure out what you need in your bag okay all right um we good all right questions okay first question does the degree of front Bend vary according to

The club you’re using now when I when you say front band okay I’m assuming you’re talking this way here so I’m there’s two different bends number one I’m pull my r rate my rate hybrid here the oo okay number one is there’s Bend here so there’s Bend across the back

Okay that there there’s lean okay as the club gets longer you have less angle of the back as the club gets shorter there’s more in fact it vares between 40 and 50° when you’re going from the front angle so you got side bend it stays basically the same now as you get a

Longer club with the driver and you get in that position your shoulders will tilt slightly more because of the ball position but notice if I’m here and now all of a sudden I get a narrower stance and narrower stance or I get a wider stance or a wider stance I get a little

Bit further notice my shoulder stay basically the same okay so about 20 or 25 degrees depending on the club the driver versus the irons and so on and and so on but from a Down the Line view that and that’s why I said you’re talking front Bend front Bend this direction it’s

Going to change the L by the length of the club when you go by a this way you’re talking about bend on the side here which you may want to consider front Bend okay it’s going to stay basically the same until you start get into the driver there going be a slight

Bit more all right should the lead hip be open close and neutral at position four impact okay good question Mike so as I get down to position four the hip is 15 to 20 so position four that’s three we go to four position four the

Hip is 15 to 20 de open okay it is gone from being 20 25° closed it’s not closed it means we’re turning so it’s matching the plane we don’t like to call it close because we’re turning back the plane is turning with us now as I go down the

Start of the Swing is done by the knees and the lead hip the hips get ahead of the shoulders in fact they hopefully they get 15 to 20 degrees ahead of the shoulders so as I’m going down the hip leads the shoulder so at impact the shoulders are basically Square the hips

Are 15 to 20 degrees open so we’ve got to get that separation of the hip and the knee and the hips from the shoulders and the downswing that’s why when I said go to position three and get the elbow in front of the hip if those hips aren’t

Rotating it’s starting to get open compared to the shoulders you’ll never get the elbow in front of the hip okay it’s also why I said both knees Flex towards the lead toe which allows the hips to turn properly which allows the shoulder to drop but yes the hips

Definitely get ahead of the shoulders and they get significant degrees ahead of them okay where does hand speed factor into the swing sequence where’s hand okay well Robert this is this is it’s interesting but if I sat here right now and I took this

Club and I swung it as fast as I could and kept my feet down and I didn’t move my hips and shoulders okay so I just sat here I won’t do it because I’m G hurt myself I did I’m gonna have limited swing speed so right now I’m GNA do this

I’m not going to turn my hips and shoulders and right now with this club I could probably generate probably half to a third of what I normally generate now I take the club back and I turn my hips I turn my shoulders in the proper position I’m in position two now now as

I start setting the lower body ahead of the lead of the arm so my hips are getting ahead of my shoulders which getting ahead of the clubs in the hand I’m now creating lag in this shaft and in this club so now this club is lagging behind my hips it’s lagging behind the

Start of the swing that leg in the release of that leg is what creates the speed okay so this allows the arms to generate the maximum speed by getting the the basically it’s called the k sequence by getting the hips ahead of the shoulders ahead of the arms which

Allows you to create maximum speed through impact so the hand speed Factor the speed with the hands in the club is by generating maximum lag or maximum turn okay or getting the appropriate turn that now allowing the hips and the lead knee and the lower body to get

Ahead of the upper body which creates a speed the problem is and this is why this this question is brought up so much is the problem is with our demographic a majority of our golfers the hips don’t separate from the shoulders so what happens is at the top of the Swing the

Hips and shoulders go together and when they go together they cast the club out when they cast the club out because you can’t hold the leg when they’re going together we deliver all the speed in the downswing so listen to what I just said all the speed is delivered in the

Downswing not an impact so the speed’s there it’s just delivered prior to impact so you’re trying so if you want to get maximum speed the greatest thing in the world to do is work on your hip and shoulder separation because that’s going to increase the leg of the club

It’s increase the angles of the club it’s going increase the angles of their hands and wrists which now generates what you can call more hand speed so you want a great exercise for it set up and do an exercise where your hips and your shoulders are separated so I can sit

Here literally keep my hips planted turn my shoulders as much as I can without move my hips now go the other direction turn as much as I can without move my hips now grab something I’m going to grab my I’m going to grab a nice little

Paradigm or a rogue beway would here I’m going to go to the back of my swing I’m going to get I’m I’m going to base this arm so I’m not going to let it turn now this shoulder is isolated now I’m going to move the hip and rotate the hip as

Much as I can so I’m stretching out my hips for my shoulders I’m creating separation guys go on the On Demand app our OnDemand app has hundreds of hours of flexibility and exercise work it’s got it named 100 different ways you can go the flex and exercise DVD you can go

The improve your move DVD you can go in tons of webinars on there type in hip and shoulder separation type it in there and see all the exercises that come up there’s a million of them there’s a million drills you can do that’s how you create speed that’s how you create speed

Get in the On Demand app go in the search engine type it out type in hand speed see what comes up so guys that’s the way you got to get that separation to create the leg all right we got another question okay I understand a full swing with the wedge when all I’ve

Ever heard is never swing a wedge in more than 8% can you explain this yeah Brian um Brian basically it’s every Club in your bag okay no Club in your bag are you going to sit and swing it as hard as you can okay I’m going to show you that

So I’m GNA sit up right now and I’m going to swing this hybrid I’m not going to hit a ball but I’m going to swing this hybrid in a good controlled golf swing okay so I set up I take it back I make impact I hit it all right feet were

On the ground made impact went through hit the ball probably swung this thing probably 85 miles hour probably would have hit this thing this is a oo hybrid probably would have hit it 150 yards maybe straight up and the nice okay now I can sit here and go I’m G to swing as

Hard as I can and see how hard I can swing it okay I might get five miles hour more swing off that maybe I’m going to have no control on it my smash Factor according to my sc4 just went crashing down the smash Factor was how good you hit the

Ball how much you hit in The Sweet Spot spot which is register those SC fors my f smbs got killed and all a sudden the ball’s going right going left can’t control it lost consistency lost everything so every Club in your bag is swung in control and you’ll hear good

Players say I swing at 80% maybe at Max let swing at 90% there’s no club that any good player swings at 100% so when you say I’ve got a wedge and you’re hitting a full wedge yeah it’s 80% okay I promise you right now you can take any

Great player out there may hit their wedge 130 yards they could hit it 150 if they wanted to but they can’t control it like they can 130 yard shot so every Club is swung where you can control it get it on plane swing it with control

And go now as you get faster as you increase flexibility as you increase speed and that’s how you do that your 80% will hit it further okay your it will hit it further but you’ll still be able to control it and that’s why they mean that never more than 80% that’s

What they’re saying they always they can always control hold the shot got another question what factors do you use to make the decision if you putt chip or pitch the shot in the green elevated greens as hard as sideway shot TJ’s real easy putt when you can chip when you can’t putt

Chip pitch when you have to it’s a PCP rule I’ve WR it a thousand times members you know this members you’ve you can go look at this a thousand times in all my go look at the short game workshops go look at the putting workshops go look at

The chipping workshops go look at my pitching workshops which all the members you guys get that for free it is on there um guys go look at that you know the number one rule I do put it when you can ship when you can’t put Pitch when

You have to and you guys know in those short game videos I have online and On Demand I show you all those different circumstances elevated greens not elevated greens slope in the green what I show you all those different shots in there tons and tons and tons because

Right now you just said on that question which is a good question an elevated green that means nothing does it have a false front does it not have a false front is it fast is the grain away from me is it with me is it what doesn’t tell

Me anything are you on a tight Li you’re on a thin light you on a rough or you Auto rough doesn’t tell me anything go look at my On Demand app it talks about all that all the unusual lies go in the workshops look at them go in the two

Birds with one stone look at you’re going to go look at all of that but the rule of thumb in general is always putt it when you can chip it when you can’t putt pitch it when you Al ultimately have to have to so if you never hit a

Pitch for the rest of your life you’d be ecstatic there’s just sometimes you have to okay so remember the PCP rule got another question all right I really like your smooth and confident putting stroke can you please show close-up views of how to grip at the putter from Face Down

And Down the Line yeah is this going be the last question okay so yeah so first of all if you don’t have a putter grip that doesn’t fit you in your hand size um this is pretty much a mute point because I’m going to tell you how to grip the Putter

And what I do to recommend the putter but if your grip’s too small or too big it’s not going to matter because you’re not going to be able to put it into good positions here’s number one the lead hand is always towards the top of the

Putter okay excuse me the trail hand I’m sorry the trail hand is towards the top of the putter the lead hand is going to go on top of the trail hand this is the lead hand low okay now I’m going to push this forward now I do a double overlap

Okay and you can look at this right now and I’m able to double overlap and I’m able to get my thumbs down the shaft and I’m able to do this because I have the correct putter grip size on this putter for me okay it’s very comfortable for me

I can hold this nice and loose I can make a nice smooth stroke okay now some guys will do lead hand low with a single overlap okay there’s a single overlap some will go 10 finger Jim Fury goes three overlaps there’s a lot of different variations out there okay

All I care and I do like lead hand low because it keeps your shoulders Square you guys know that I talked about in the last webinar with the putting webinar in the last excuse me with the last Workshop I talked about this dramatically how I can make you a great

Putter if you go lead hand low I talk about the drills and so on on that because this right here is what allows you to get the hands down the line keeping the face Square the longest with square shoulders that’s what this does the second I go Trail hand low it tends

To open up my shoulders for all golfers and all all of a sudden you’re going outside in and you’re flipping it and you’re like you’re releasing it lead hand low will prevent a release we don’t release a putter okay Trail hand low even guys that do a different grip of

Trail tend to still want to release it okay so guys going on demand search putting there’s workshops in there master classes in there two birds with one stone in there I’ve got T there’s faults and fix in there we got daily videos how many daily videos we do

On the putting we did like eight of them they went out like eight weekly videos that went out on putting we’ve got tons of videos on and all talk about that okay go in there research that and then go work on your putting which is only

Half your game all right we good all right what’s that two giveaways so what what are the giveaways single play position trainer giveaway Doug Johnson from alus Oklahoma alus are you serious alus Oklahoma they’ve got some storms tonight so coming up our way so Al dog I’ve been

Down to alus many times played the Air Force bace down there a couple times um got a couple good friends down in Altus um said I love Altus Oklahoma that that’s a rig deal there that’s o another oky one nope that’s a random draw okay so well congratulations okay all right now the

Sc4 and guys so the sc4 um Richard Allen from Coline Valley Colorado Richard Allen congratulations Richard so guys remember on that um and this sc4 is the coolest thing in the world guys if um the last webinar I did I put it out I had this thing down in here I was

Sitting with the thing in here and it talks to you it actually tells you how far you’re hitting you can Jo the volume up and down it’s the coolest thing in the world it is the best launch monitor out there right now um short of under a

Th000 bucks it’s the best launch monitor out there short of the track man I’m gonna just say that I mean it’s it’s incredible and I’m I’m gonna say that it’s I mean I I’d have something else in my bag if it wasn’t okay I mean I I play

For a living too and this I’m using this continually um anyway so remember um for non-members you get from $4.99 you can go anywhere online try to get it you’re not going to find anywhere else only through us and there’s a link for that right okay members 449 plus a free case

So you save 150 bucks non-members save 50 bucks so with a $100 savings why don’t the non-members out there just join our membership for at least a month and get this and Thomas like going no here we go for a month and just get this and then see all the benefits of our

Membership I mean and get and then save it on this why would you not do that oh well they won’t though so oh well okay so it’s okay so anyway guys anything else we got for tonight all right well thank you all for joining tonight two other things I want to announce before

We go on number one is some of you guys are going to be getting an invitation to what’s called The Challenge and the challenge is going to be come out in about a week and a half to two weeks all right um 23rd so the challenge is going

To be about an hour and a half to two hour program that we’re going to do that’s an amazing program that’s going to come out a lot of you guys are going to get an invitation watch your emails for the link to the challenge I’m okay

Watch for that so a lot of you guys are going to get that number one number two is on this we have a private webinar come up in a week or next week for the members members don’t miss that private we we got a bunch of good stuff on there

It’s our Q&A session a bunch of really cool stuff on there so anyway guys thanks for joining us tonight be looking for that link to the challenge we’ll talk to you guys real soon and thanks for being with [Applause] [Applause] Us

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