Golf Players

Chase Daniel On The Dan Patrick Show Full Interview | 1/5/24

[Applause] for Chase Daniel who does an awesome job in really everything he does you know quarterbacks have such an advantage breaking down some of this stuff I hate them they have advantage in every aspect of life and Chase is doing the same thing with his Terrific show on YouTube

Chase it’s Ross Tucker man good to see you thanks for coming on the show yeah thanks for having me man I appreciate it and it’s hilarious so I saw the Tweet the unman Ubers are real because like we we go to Phoenix we we’re home based in

San Diego and we go to Phoenix once or twice a year to play golf because best golf in the world in my opinion over there and um dude I’ve seen a few of them but you look and there’s no one driving there’s no one in the front seat

And there’s like three people in the back seat and oh by the way it’s like $6 to go to the airport so they’re taking over it’s just it’s creepy as all get out though man like I like I can’t I don’t trust like you see all these problems that

That Tesla’s having with these autopilots like unmanned vehicles I don’t know but yeah that that was it’s weird so so wait so so two interesting things there Chase so number one I never thought about that but of course they would be a lot cheaper because you don’t

Have to pay the person so that makes sense way cheaper secondly I agree that it’s weird but then I think about how many people are driving that probably shouldn’t be driving and I think I don’t know maybe I’d rather have a computer than some of these people that

Are like not paying attention or might not be the brightest bulbs yeah I I mean I agree with that it’s just it’s just weird to see unman vehicle like I’m with you I’m not ready for it I’m Pro technology but I’m just I’m just not ready for it all right so

What you are ready is to break down week 18 so here’s the first question did you ever start one of these games did you ever start one of these you know we we’re resting the starters so you get the last start of the Year games yeah two two actually it’s wild my first

Start ever um was against the San Diego Chargers it was 2013 I think it was our first year Andy Reid Chiefs we had locked up like the five seed I don’t think we could have gone e either like higher or lower so it was the game I don’t know if you

Remember but it was the game where like I think we were like 10 and five and the Chargers were nine and like four nine and five something like something crazy they had to win to get into the playoffs so they they were they were playing everybody and we literally sat as many

People as possible for the Chiefs we ended up um kicking a 40-yard field goal with no time to win the game the kicker missed it we went to overtime and they actually beat us in overtime on this like crazy fourth and 15 play uh um to

Actually get into the playoffs so it was it was cool to go into to San Diego and almost beat Philip Rivers and the Chargers starters when I was there so it was interesting and that’s what a lot of these people understand like like I got a graphic from minl Network sent to me

Um about all the backup quarterbacks that are going and I sent a tweet out I was like hey this is electric and it was like blae Gabbert vers Easton stick and look those it it’s just like I actually enjoy it because it’s a great opportunity for people in guys who have

Been backup quarterbacks um to show what they got and this game to these guys means a lot now to fans it might not mean so much but it’s a good opportunity for for them to show not only themselves but their teammates and their teams and and people around the world like hey you

You belong here right because anytime you get an opportunity to start like in the NFL there’s only 32 jobs right so um to be able to get one of those On Any Given Sunday it’s it’s a pretty cool cool thing and I was saying earlier in

The show Chase and I think it’s more for it’s any position but more for quarterback than other positions do you guys have like an equation because I’m buddies with some backup quarterbacks like Chad henn’s from my hometown right and I’m convinced right if you start one

Game and play well that adds like like you’re good for the next two years like you like you start one game you play well three years yeah you get two or three years out of that unless unless you have to go in again in between and

Play back but like it I mean is there like a math equation but you guys know that that’s how it works well you you you realize like it’s this league is like it’s there’s some bad quarterback play like let’s just be honest and so when somebody comes in like a jake

Browning or like I wouldn’t even put gner mchu as a backup because he’s been a starter but what gner menchu’s done to be able to have the Colts in a playing game this year he was brought into Mentor Anthony Richardson in the second game of the year he’s playing the entire

Year so I think teams are going to put way more of a value on backup quarterbacks but yeah all it takes I mean look you’re not only playing these guys that are playing this this week all the backups they’re not just playing for their team because a lot of these guys

Are in short-term contracts they’re playing for 31 other teams they’re putting their their their stuff on tape so when the backup quarterback and the starting quarterback Carousel goes round and round like it does every off season some of these guys who play well in this last game they’re going to have a spot

And I think and what I’m hearing is like teams are going to put more of an emphasis on backup quarterback because look at this year right like there’s been so many different quarterbacks 70s something quarterbacks to play this year and so I think you not only need a

Number one but teams are going to spend to be able to get a number two and those number twos at the top of the list they’re going to go fast and they’re going to go for a lot of money over $5 million um on a yearly salary but it’s

Worth it for teams like like the Bengals like they didn’t make the playoffs but to have Jake Brown no one in the right mind thought Jake Browning was going to play and play well and put them in a position to even remotely have a shot at

The playoffs and look at what he’s done this year he’s made himself a lot of money and and extended his career at least three years in my opinion talking with longtime NFL quarterback Chase Daniel here on The Dan Patrick Show Ross Tucker filling in for Dan on a meat

Friday check out the Chase Daniel show on YouTube it is fantastic so here’s my question about CJ Stroud and Bryce Young right I don’t really remember Chase many people saying that they likeed stad more than young there might be somebody out there that said it but most people the

Consensus was young ones troud to and Lovey Smith blew it for the Texans because he won that last game last year what did we miss about both these guys and I’m not I’m not right in their careers yet it’s only year one I get it but man stoud looks really good and and

Young really does not what did we miss what what did all the EV valuators Miss well I think at the end of the day like with CJ right the whole thing is like the testing and is he smart is he like I hate when media members especially and

Even teams put any emphasis at all on like you’re taking a test that has nothing to do with football okay like just go and meet with the guy if you think if you want to get an opportunity on how he how he processes things or how when you get onto the field it’s

Completely different and and to be honest i’ I always liked CJ strout and I agree that like in college Bryce young had a better uh a better career but I I wasn’t like you could talk me out of like Bryce young versus CJ St like I

Thought CJ St had a little bit of a higher ceiling um and you know all these attacks on character for for CJ St like like I was talking with the Houston Texans coaching staff before the draft like hey we’ll be happy with either and we think we’re going to get CJ and we’re

Actually pumped because CJ in my opinion he’s built like an NFL quarterback I didn’t real realized like when I put on the film of CJ in the NFL and I broke him down every single week this this year because he’s fun to watch I didn’t realize how quick of a release he had

How well he processed stuff how good of a leader he was talking with the coaching staff and that’s a big deal and when you go over to the other side of um the Spectrum and you go to um Bryce Young I just think like it’s not he’s not you

Look at the Players around him I’m trying to say this in in a nice way because I I I got players and and people on that team um The Players around him just they’re not as as good as the players around CJ Stout if that makes sense so your quarterback is only as

Good as The Playmakers you put around you look at that offensive line for Carolina like like Bryce has very little time to throw and I don’t think this year is any indication on what he can be in his career but you also have to sort of build an offense around him just like

Any other quarterback you got to put pieces around him you got to put receivers like everyone’s just playing man coverage against Carolina because those receivers can’t beat man coverage and Bryce is having to hold on to the ball a little bit longer these receivers are getting hemmed up at the offensive

Uh at the line of scrimmage and there’s nowhere to go with the football and so he’s having to try to make plays outside of him and he just looks fragile man like he looks like if he takes one more hit he might not make it but I think if

You if David terer gets this higher right in Carolina and I think you have to go offensive mind like a Ben Johnson that he’s gonna have to overpay for or something like that like I I think this time next year you you’re going to be sitting here and saying wow okay yeah

Maybe it was coaching maybe it was the players around him that caused him to not not have such a great season talking with Chase Daniel here longtime NFL quarterback host of The Chase Daniel show on YouTube you see him on NFL Network he’s got a lot of stuff going in

The media now I see him with Trey Wingo uh it’s interesting Chase because you said uh CJ stra built like an NFL quarterback you know you’re what 5’10 something like that oh I’m six foot come on bro okay okay six foot but what but you but you but you were but chase you

Were one of the original like short quarterbacks like now it’s like it’s cool for Kyler Murray and Baker Mayfield but when you were in the league chase you might have been like the only guy less than 6’2 when you first my question is and you played Big

Time Texas High School Football like how many times were you told you were too short High School College NFL to have the career you did I think I think mainly the the biggest thing was the NFL career because in high school like we went 47 and one in three years at South

Carol and in Dallas and won two two uh state championships lost a third state championship by a point and we threw for so many yards and touchdowns go I had I had over 75 offers to go to college ended up choosing Missouri set records at Missouri so I don’t know why it would

Be any different at the next level but I remember on draft night or draft day like the third day my guy was like look hey my agent was like Hey I just I just don’t think you’re G to get drafted like you’re just not tall enough is what I’m

Hearing I’m like I measured six foot and an eighth at the combine I measured six foot at the at at the um East West Shrine like what do you mean like it doesn’t really matter and you see and that was sort of the start you look at like Russell Wilson Kyler Murray Bryce

Young all these other guys who’ve had success and obviously the number one guy was Drew Brees right right at six foot first ballot Hall of Famer and so it was a little bit annoying to me because I’m like I put my tape on the film and put

It on the field and you’re going to tell me that one thing outside of my control is the reason why I’m not going to get drafted and so I think I used that as a chip on my shoulder not necessarily for motivation but for a way to be like okay

I’m going to prove not people um like wrong but the people who believed in me I’m going to prove them right if that makes sense that was my motivation not really the doubters or anything else and I turned it into a 14-year career and

And uh it’s been it’s it was it was a fun career that’s for sure so when people uh Chase and you know a lot of people talk about how much money you made you know given how many games you played or started does that bother you

Or does it make you laugh or does it make you proud you think it’s hilarious I I was SC your reaction yeah I think it’s hilarious I mean look look um you know you are worth what somebody is willing to pay you and I um prided myself on being the hardest

Worker at every single team I was on um at helping the quarterbacks out uh the starters out um I had a lot of offensive coordinators two or three to get head coaching jobs um and then I think once you’re in the league and you get and you

Actually play I think I’ve started five or six games and you play and you play well it just extends your career we talked about it and then I think you become like okay he’s the guy that can come in and Mentor with Carson Wentz or Mitch trabis or Justin Herbert or all

These guys and so it’s kind of not your fault it’s kind of not your fault right that your the starter didn’t get H hurt more often I mean you you easily could have started like 30 or 40 games but the starter like almost never got hurt I

Know and in all in all the areas that I was in and teams I was in that’s the one thing like the starter was abnormally like healthy like the 2013 start I did that I talked about we had already locked up the fist seed 2014 Alex Smith

Like busted his spleen open the week before in Pittsburgh I I got two days notice I was starting on Christmas and then trabis gets hurt um in Chicago and really those are the only starts and and trabis came back so it wasn’t like an extended start so yeah I just um

Starters in front of me just we uh we healthy hey you mentioned Chicago last one cuz I just did their game on Sunday against the Falcons and they got a big one against the Packers this Sunday how do you feel about Fields I mean the Bears have the number one pick man they

Could get anybody Caleb Williams Drake may do you would you draft somebody or would you stick with Fields I do not think that the Chicago Bears should trade Justin fields and I’ve been very very vocal on social media on my YouTube channel on everything and and the and

The main reason is you just don’t know what you’re getting in Caleb Williams Drake mayor Michael pinnick Jr like you have no clue you know what you have in Justin fields and you know that the ceiling is rising his stock is going up and and every time that he stepped on

That field and the offensive game plan that um Luke getsy has put together has been something that he’s liked to do and what he does well unlike like the under Center play action stuff that they were doing early last year or even this year you put them in a shotgun have them RPO

I think I think his decision uh making and his processing has gotten a lot faster that was the biggest thing I wanted to see him and he’s just he’s going up like I Justin Fields is going to be a starting quarterback somewhere next year and I could just imagine like

Like I do a bunch of like uh hits on like Chicago national sports radio and it’s a circus over there right now man everyone’s split I feel like the fans want Fields but I can just imagine that if the Chicago Bears were to pick a quarterback at number one they’re they

Would trade Justin Fields I can’t imagine them keeping them together trade Justin Fields And what if the fields goes to the Las Vegas Raiders like that’s that’s a good Lane spot or the Atlanta Falcons and the first six games of the year the Bears are struggling because they’ve started the quarterback

Clock over you know they have a good defense but they’re trying to get this offense what is this quarterback new quarterback like and Justin field six games in is ball in has the Raiders at 4- two or the Falcons at 4- two like could you imagine the explosion in

Chicago sports radio um there like that’s just what I think and look at the end of the day Ryan poles I guarantee you at the beginning of the year he was probably thinking hey we’re probably going to take a quarterback at number one if we end up

Getting the pick that decision right now is not so cut and dry and so he’s probably thinking like oh man now I got a serious decision to make um the future of the franchise is in my hands that’s why he got paid all these big bucks to

Do it so I’ll be interested to follow his decision Chase thanks so much for the time man really appreciate great talk with you thanks guys there he is Chase Daniel make sure you check out the Chase Daniel show on YouTube


  1. I missed Ross this morning????? Fuuuuuuuuuuuu@&. Spicy mustard bro. I'm so mad. Where can I watch entire show??

  2. For years, the problem with the game has not been the role changes, they could always be tweaked. The issue is the pace of play. Why we don’t have picture and picture showing commercials and allow the game to continue Organically is beyond me.

  3. That Chiefs kicker Chase was referring to was Ryan Succop. I always remember his name because my father, a Steelers fan, was pissed off that he missed. That Chiefs loss against the Chargers costed Pittsburgh a trip to the playoffs

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