Stop The Hook – Awesome Golf Tips

Are you one of those golfers that struggles with a hook? Have you tried numerous different drills and haven’t been able to find a way to “stop the hook”?

Well look no further than one of our resident PGA Professionals Danny Malcolm, who will run you through how to get the hook under control and start playing your best golf today!

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00:00 Introduction
00:25 What is a hook?
00:44 1st Drill / Clubpath
03:34 2nd Checkpoint – Grip
04:47 3rd Checkpoint – Wrists
05:56 Stop the Hook Recap

Welcome to the channel guys my name is Danny malcol we’re here at Perth Golf Center in Perth Western Australia and here we have two indoor trackman Bays six coaching staff and the outdoor facilities here at the beautiful Western Australian Golf Club to help you guys improve your game now today’s video is

All about reducing that that hook so are you a player that’s really suffering from those left shots those low left shots with a hook where we get the club coming too much from the inside face getting to shots and we get that rapid curve to the left that sharp curvature

To the left if so I’ve got my three top checkpoints I guess one drill and two checkpoints to help you reduce that hook so number one is just a little skill drill a little environment to help test out firstly can you do it yourself without any technical interventions so

What I like to do for this and I got this drill here from many uh you know about a year or two ago from from Andrew rice great coach there recommend check out his channel over on YouTube and also Instagram so what he does for this one

Is just grabs a alignment rod and just place it foot or two in front of the golf ball right on your target line so what we’re going to do here is just make some little dry Swings with the goal of getting the club to travel left of that

Alignment Rod whilst the ball starts to the right so if your player that hooks the ball what would happen is your club would travel to the right but the ball would start to the left so you get this kind of pattern through the shot and through the hitting area there so you

Would swing to the right of that ball would start left we need to feel the opposite so what can you do yourself first so I’ll start with some dry swings dry swings means without the golf ball starting right this is not easy this but I would start very slowly and just can

You get that club swinging left if at first you start to hit the stick then just feel like you’re swinging further left well what would happen if you’re a hooker of the ball you would swing left and the ball would go miles left so what

You need to feel is your face much more open aiming much more to the right as we swing left now once you get a few dry swings there just build it up to maybe a half swing just create the fields then we’ll bring a ball in and we’ll start

Slow so we’ll start small can we get a club traveling left and ball starting to the right there so almost feeling like you’re a slicer and this is the key guys because if you’re player that hooks it if you think of a Continuum if this was

A dead shot here and this was a big hook and this was a Big Slice if you’re a player that’s hooking it we need to sprinkle in some slicey feels and ingredients to bring you back to Center more to neutral to a more you know if that’s what you’re looking for so again

Can you start the club traveling left with the ball starting to the right just starting with little shots like that so that’s a great drill not easy not easy guys I must stress that it’s not easy so start small and take your time with with that because what you’ll happen at first

As you swing left is you’ll probably get that so we need to get the club path and the club face in order to to get that desired flight then you can bring that away and hopefully you start to with those feels you can start to bring in some longer swings lengthen the swing

And from there you start to reduce there’s a nice little fade there just feeling that feels so rather than the low left you got a nice high right flight so that’s a skill piece and I would always start there rather than thinking technical but there may be something underlying so two and three

Key points is going to be checking your grip and your wrist positions because the grip has a huge influence on the club face if you’re a player that’s got the club or the grip too far underneath this way for the right hand gol for too far to the right then that’s going to

Make it more likely that the face is going to close in over time you’ll be stick of hitting it left so you’ll swing more to the right causing even you know more of a more of a pattern it we don’t want so check your grip there if your

Play it’s too far this way let’s just bring it back a little bit more to Center maybe just seeing two Knuckles rather than three or four and getting the V pointing more towards your right ear right shoulder rather than below the right shoulder and same for your right

Hand getting the grip a bit more on top as opposed to too far underneath just to help control that clove face a little bit better so that’s what I’ll do first check the grip key place to start biggest influence on the club face and then from there doesn’t mean you can’t

Play with a strong grip it just means you have to do that’s why I say go first see what you can do first yourself and then you can bring in some grip changes if necessary but I would recommend seeing a pro before you go and do that

See what’s best for you but then also you’ve got the wrists so assuming the grip’s good uh how you move the wrists in the swing is really going to affect the club face so turning down or flexing down a lot this way would close CL the face and if you continue that

Particularly in the down swing if you’re doing it much more in the down swing you’re going to have the face aiming left and the ball’s going to go left so you can get these Hooks and again players will compensate by trying to shove it out to the right to counteract

That so what you might want to feel there is a little bit less of this a little bit more of this toe up feeling a little bit more extension in this wrist rather than bowing it down particularly when you come into the ball so if you’re a player that’s you

Know hooking it that’s what you want to feel so again check where your wrists are you know it doesn’t matter so much through the back swing although we like to get it in a good spot but really it’s what’s happening in the down swing is your face you know super shot from the

Top or is it good but then you really turn it down getting that face really closed and so just just look out for that guys again I’d recommend c a pro for that but if you can check on it yourself check where your wrists are so

You’ve got number one first going to an external Focus skill based drill task to see if you can do it yourself without changing technique but if we need to then we’ve got the grip that we can check and the risk positions which I would recommend checking there with a

Qualified professional can help you either online or in person so hope that helps there guys and if you are looking for some help here at Perth Golf Center we do have six PGA professionals that can help you with your game so head over to Perth golf to book your lesson or Club

Fitting today thanks than again for watching and we’ll see you on the next video

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