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RJ & IQ are Raptors and the GOAT Draft – Confederacy of Dunks

The huge trade is making a big impact on the new Raptors team and we’re joined by comedians Adam Christie and Graham Kay to talk about it, the upcoming all star game and draft the all time GOATS!

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Tonto Rap weth [Applause] baby we did it we made it um this is a it’s a big episode a big huge trade went down uh we are Confederacy of dunks with raptor Republic I am Freddy Rivas uh with my producer and co-host Andy Hall what’s up Andy hey buddy what’s

Happening Happy New Year happy new team am I right happy New Year happy new happy new team happy new you I was gonna say happy new me I’m a brand new man right uh let’s uh let’s bring in our uh guests we got two we got a bunch of fun

Stuff to talk about the trade obviously uh we’re doing an insane uh weird draft at the end of this episode um two of my greatest friends hilarious comedians uh I’m just going to introduce you both at the same goddamn time amazing standups you guys are you’re you’re the

Real Deals you tour you that to me is like makes you real you have albums uh give it up even if you’re at home alone for Adam Chrissy and Graham keg yeah thanks everyone two of the realest deals in the world two of the Real Deals I’m alive if you have the if

You have the Canadian streaming service Crave You know who you’re looking at right now that’s right and if you don’t you you do not you have no idea who you’re looking absolutely not no idea yeah yeah and if you have crave and you haven’t really poked around maybe you still don’t know

There’s still a chance that you don’t know I mean let’s be honest you know if you’re just scking at that front screen you know yeah unless you unless you because when when our stuff gets released on crave it is um Shadow released and there’s no Fanfare no it’s

Never announced unless you go to rank alphabetically and you are very very like on top of what is being added alphabetically then you probably don’t know who we are it it actually does what it’s ad Christie yeah yeah that’s true but it probably it does right what crave

Does to you what it’s doing right now to you which is uh it’s just a still image when you talk on your special actually so it’s like it’s just a a your head shot and then they play the audio of your of your special because right now

You in our thing it’s just a frozen shot Adam hasn’t moved in a long time over here yeah yeah I thought it was just my crappy computer but that’s good to know no but we know he’s still there you know we know he’s still there we we think am

I okay okay you are no this is good this is good this has happened to me listen if you’ve watched this episode or if you watched this podcast on YouTube before you know this is basically basically what we do um we we freeze and we carry

On um the people at home are just going skip ahead 15 seconds until they hear us say a basketball player’s name yes which is what I do whenever I listen to a basketball podcast honestly honestly let’s let’s uh spe there go done yeah huge uh then okay

Let’s jump right into it I’m going to uh I’m going to give it to you Graham first uh huge huge huge massive trade we’ve been waiting for this trade for a trade for such a long time um so just to just to kind of go through the you know

Details the Knicks get ogan anobi uh precious Hua and Malachi Flynn Raptors get RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and uh the Pistons uh second round pick which will be probably the 31st or 32nd overall pick uh I want to explore this from both sides so since you are in New York um

Why don’t you kick us off with the New York perspective let’s uh let’s explore this trade from New York’s POV first people are upset which makes me really happy as a Raptors fan that means like we we did we might have done it again they’re so

Upset um and uh uh yeah I mean they obviously you know OG plays in a Canadian Market his entire career so people don’t get to see him very often there’s like no National games on TNT blah blah blah we all know that so they don’t don’t they don’t know how good he

Is you look at the stats and it’s you know he he scores as much as as quickly and then then RJ scores another 18 and you’re like how does this add up we’re getting two starters they’re getting one um I obviously think it’s going to

Be good for both teams I think OG is awesome but I do I do think that we as Toronto fans overrate OG I think we just we only the whole country only watches one team I’ve said this before on this podcast so we kind of live in a vacuum

In a certain way um yeah they are uh they are upset to to to to summarize which which is great they they think they got swindled I I always love to see New York upset I love that Dolan still you know okay this deal with Messi Who

And the Raptors who he’s currently suing um he also removed himself from like the Board of Governors because he thinks there’s a Adam Silver Tenon bomb conspiracy so the fact that you know New York and and Toronto are still making deals amongst This legal battle is

Always a good sign to me you know um desperate desperate uh scenarios for both teams Adam what’s your what’s your feel uh from from the from the New York perspective like what do you do do you like this trade for them yeah I agree with that everything

That uh Graham said and I do think that we ripped them off a little bit I think it is a good trade but I’m very sad that OG is gone from a Toronto perspective if I can jump over to Toronto which is the city that I currently live in Okay jump over makes

Sense but yeah I think it’s good OG’s great they they’re a team with a lot of depth and we’re a team with not a lot of depth and uh you know we really felt that in yesterday’s game yeah 100% yeah I like I feel like Nicks fans are are upset and that’s what

Clud obviously Clues Us in as the the you know vacuumed Canadian crowd which is very true Graham mentioned um uh I love to see the other team always upset but like but like my thing with Nick fans is like like like I think like there’s a there’s a group of

Nicks fans who are like this isn’t as bad as everyone says it is and then there’s a larger group that’s probably really upset with it and those people that are really upset with it is like aside from not knowing much about about OG like did they think that they were

Ever going to hang on to both of those guys cuz all I see from them is like quickly oh we traded quickly what are we doing it’s like he was they they weren’t coming together on a deal like this was not this was going to happen he was

Always going to be traded right so you got like an elite Defender and you know a guy who replaces a lot of the um a lot of the points you know that that RJ you know now you’re missing with RJ and the guy was coming off the bench anyway so

Like I think you know this is this is decent for them and definitely better for us though we but not not like you know not because we got they got the best player in the deal I think I think we’re going to have the best player eventually but right now like like

Graham said we got two starters they they got one like that’s a that’s they you always say the best player wins the deal but in this case is it that because they only got one starter we got two like that’s it’s it’s improved our team more I think just immediately seeing the

Ben and you’re like oh there’s two guys who are starting for us coming off the bench now yeah you’re like oh that’s changes everything it’s like not it’s so it’s so it’s so huge and also they the Knicks this Market was so starved to pair someone who was on

The same time timeline as Julius Randall and they were they were in the Donovan Mitchell sweep Stakes they lost out of those m so they had to get Brunson they didn’t want Brunson but they needed a big signing quickly is really good they would have they would have waited for

Quickly they just they just the the the biggest free agent that was left over happened to play the same position as quickly so it’s not an indictment of quickly in my opinion that they got Brunson it’s that they needed to sell tickets they need to keep the the market

Happy blah blah blah yeah I one was available was like was was was on a different position than that person would be gone yeah I think we got used to I think I think fans got used to the fact that um if you trade three good assets you’re going to get something

Huge like you’re going to get like Rudy goar but I don’t think that’s happening anymore I think the person you’re gonna get is OG an anobi who is like a second Team all NBA like all defense guy um not all NBA all defense but um you know I

Think the trade is good for them I love OG they’re G to love OG it’s going to be wonderful for the Knicks my God I think I think New York is gonna fall in love with OG pretty quick like he’s he’s cool and he’s he you know he does stuff that

Wins games and you know even just seeing him guard uh you know it’s obviously one game but you know watching him guard Anthony Edwards it’s like New York just did not have a guy like that you know they didn’t have a guy who could sort of like bother him bother a superstar Wing

In that way um I mean I do feel and I I just got to say this one last time I feel like I’m on the wrong side of History here but just as he’s leaving I have to say I I I think I’m one of the

Only people that still in the camp where I don’t hate precious atua and I think that there will be a time when he puts it together he just has too much talent and maybe maybe it’s like he just there’s some kind of connectivity stuff that’s just never going to fly but I I

Don’t know man like I’ve been watching basketball a long time and he has has a lot of skill a lot of talent a lot of potential and the decision making and timing is bad obviously but I know he sort of this and I don’t think it I don’t think you can ever compute

Can by year five I think he’s in year five at least year four it’s like he’s a veteran he’s been in the league a while now more he’s been in the league longer than the average players has ever been in the league and he’s he’s just he

Can’t figure stuff out at a quick rapid Pace like and it doesn’t mean that he’s stupid it just means that his basketball computer is a little slow and it’s like I don’t think I think at a certain point you are who you are and it’s yeah I mean

He’s going to get better he’s going to be he’s still gon to be a great on ball Defender he might get his three-point back that he had two seasons ago I picked him to be most improved player two years ago I bet it on FanDuel because he had that back half where he

Was just like walking up draining threes I was like well there’s no way he’s not going to be the most improved player in the NBA he’s awesome and then he just forgot how to shoot for two seasons the odds on that must have been fabulous yeah yeah I with good reason it turns

Out turns out they know something I feel like I just I I needed to say that you know I know I know I’m in the minority sir go go ahead Adam oh no I was just going to say that probably took a lot of scroll to get

Down to Precious sucha to bet on fanduel’s most improved player you had to type in his name you had there was and then they were like pulling numbers out was this okay like yeah does this seem fair does this seem fair one billion to one we

We does your wife know you’re doing this [Laughter] sir I never even been engaged the app laughs at you um yeah okay so and you know I think let’s just uh we we already started like they got the best player obviously I think they can resign OG which is big

But um yeah from the Raptor perspective there there’s honestly a lot going on here like you know I think as Adam already said that uh or or it might have been grand but like two of our starters uh have been moved to the bench immediately I think a big thing is we

Traded one of our many power forwards for a guard finally um which just we look more like a regular basketball team yeah um yeah you know more ball handling more shooting there’s yeah we can just kind of do more stuff yeah I also feel like it’s an acknowledgement for this

Raptor team Messi Darko everybody that we’re in an era where defense it it’s not that it doesn’t matter but it’s just harder to make make your identity about defense when yeah so much of the game is picking rolls and hucking threes and getting to the line and I think we got

More guys that do that yeah and you saw that yesterday with Cleveland when they made a comeback it’s like when you have a team where like that that Cleveland team especially with like Mo and Garland out like was definitely you know had less weapons but the majority of their

Team can shoot threes and when you were watching them shoot threes and come back into the game you’re kind of like oh the Raptors didn’t used to be able we just didn’t have this in like if the Raptors are ever down by 15 we’re losing the

Game it’s not like we can start like there’s no we don’t have like a Caris LeVert or like um or like uh like someone who could just turn it on and score 30 Off the Bench like press precious wasn’t doing that like yeah how dare you with with with quickly one it’s the

First time in years that well since Kawai that we’ve had like a Hooper like like like a lot of our players are good but they’re not hoopers in that sort of sense of the word like like he like like cakam is is a great player he’s not a Hooper he’s a

Guy who like you know he’s a soccer player who converted and his shots still a little weird and he’s good but he’s not like like quickly is like a basketball player he can just shoot threes he goes downhill he can finish at The Rim a guy who can attack up the

Dribble go into the trees and finish at The Rim we haven’t had that in a long time we I don’t I can’t when have we had that I don’t I can’t I can’t we’ve had Kawai for one year and before that we would like I watch so many season like

Series playoff series and our Seasons end with Lowry going into the trees and then doing a fade away and it clanking off the top right backboard like you know we never had it and then van Fleet could never finish at The Rim he he he’s

Like a a work a Workman who like figured out how to shoot figured out some Herky jerky stuff a little bit of a floater game but he’s not like a like boom boom like it was just awesome to see it was like finally we have like a like like a

Real Hooper on our team if that makes any sense I mean watching yesterday watching go ahead I was gonna say um uh watching quickly do his like floater off the the backboard he was missing them he went through like a cold stretch in the second half but Dev had to be like he

Does hit those this is kind of he does hit this shot so don’t worry I know how this looks this looks crazy this is guys it’s gonna be fine yeah that’s a that’s a big part of Devin’s job and we’re down 14 now God you know uh I was

Going to say like like Quickly’s thing is yeah those like floaters like he get in there and like and like hits hits those like kind of short range uh um jumpers like going coming like downhill or whatever but like watching RJ come in also and just bully his way to the rim

At a couple points in that game like that was that was inspiring to me as as a raptor fan like I really liked seeing that yeah like you know I think I think quickly obviously he’s a player that like everyone’s excited about um you know he’s headed for a Payday he’s

Restricted free agent um you know he he gets compared to Maxi a lot obviously he’s not as good as Maxi but they play together in Kentucky they have the same trainer theye both very fast can shoot can kind of light people up uh but I I really think that people you know

They’re obsessed with the RJ contract like the $27 million which honestly won’t be that bad in two years because it’s just a Preposterous amount of money coming through but you know the way that RJ can kind of barrel through I don’t feel like the like again like you know

Talking about like when’s the last time we had like this just a pure pure Hooper when’s the last time we had a guard who can create for himself on a broken play and just like bulldoze and you know like like I can’t think of that like it seems

Like we got a lot of what we need in this trade you know sure we lost the best player in the trade but you know we got so much of what we need but sorry yeah go ahead no it’s okay I was just going to add to that like they they were

Saying today on the radio that like um uh this is really the first time since like at points in 2019 where we had we’ had four ball handlers be able to be out there at the same time which just obviously is something that is so important uh uh at times right so so

Just be just that and and that was like only when like Norm would be in once in a while you know what I mean like starting or whatever so so it’s it’s it’s a nice CH pure Hooper uh you know who I feel uh you know who I feel bad

For is uh it’s like whener went to the bench when he went to the bench and we tried Scotty at the point to start the game and then directly after that game Dennis schroer was like this team has like an attitude problem no one car I

Know like it was like you know in you know in 2K when you like bench a player and it’s like Dennis Schroeder’s morale is down to moderate and you’re like what one game and then and then we make a trade and then Dennis schroer comes off the bench because of Emanual

Quickly it’s not even like we’re running like Point Scotty and Dennis rer is like oh no it’s like now you’re truly a bench guy dude yeah he’s he’s sitting beside Gary and Gary’s like honestly it’s what happened to me buddy you’re gonna love

It and like if it was if it was 2K like Dennis schroer now has like a red halo like on his head when you’re playing with him like yeah like he just won’t pass anymore you’re just going to shoot um down the yellow streak goes it gets yellow again

Oh but I also you know to your to your point Adam I think it was hilarious that he brought up like his Germany experience again because one of the main features of that experience is that he was the like the sort of like be all endall ball handler person on that team

And it’s like cool you know that team was really successful and you you won and you were amazing and you know you deserve the love and was it was an incredible run but one of the main things about that Germany team is that you you basically ran every play

So yeah it’s it doesn’t come off like super super honest anyways he had so many open if you’re he just yeah this last game that he just like you’re like watching it you’re like oh you would be an All-Star if you could hit 40% from three he’s just clanging them you’re

Like all right oh yeah you know this is quickly as quickly can shoot 35% you know it’s that’s like the major difference is there just spacing Changes Everything Changes I don’t know yeah and I think you know with with uh with the Lakers last year right you’re

Playing with LeBron and LeBron just like if you have any questions about how this team works you can visit me in my office right and you know the hierarchy of this I mean probably for sure he might has a desk right I’m sure you go in there I’m sure

You go in there bronn’s there and Bron’s like hey did you have a me you have an appointment today yeah for here it’s like hey it’s one of those scenarios where it’s like well you know anyone can handle the ball but you just gotta do the system and it’s like I

Think we’re heading in into a direction where yeah like Scot it’s you know Scotty’s gonna have an office or whatever like there’s sort of the the the hierarchy setting settling in and Dennis is like oh I had I had a nice run I had a nice 30 games and it’s like I’m

I’m that guy off the bench still and man he was so good as that guy off the bench so I’m I’m hoping that you know he can kind of Buy in but I mean he’s not like I had a nice run he’s like I’m gonna do a press

Conference and I’m gonna bring up feeba yeah yeah I’m gonna remind everybody about the the International Tournament that happened six months ago yeah the only I was the only German black guy so I kind of had to have a lot of the ball yeah mean the the press

Conference was always a bad look um I’m G criticize the team I’ve been on for like a few months you know the culture of the team sure okay but um okay let’s uh let’s move on to the I think the other main Raptors thing and you know

It’s funny to me because uh you know he dropped 36 last night and it just absolutely incredible um and I’m just I think this can go to a lot of directions so I’m gonna start with you Adam just very flatly what in God’s name uh are the

Raptors going to do uh with Pascal seak what is GNA become of him I don’t know I feel like I’m I’m very sad because I mean this is my Freddy precious hasua um take but the whole this is Scotty’s team thing it’s like it’s still Pascal’s team like

Pascal’s still the best player on the team like everyone like including the broadcasters like I feel like just everyone in Raptor’s media has really forgot about Pascal and he just like yesterday he had Dean weade on him and just like exploded on him like just really took him to school and Pascal’s

Just so good yeah like Scotty’s streaky didn’t have the greatest game yesterday but like Pascal always shows up Pascal’s so good it’s kind of we’re in kind of a Demar KY era right now where I don’t know if your best player can be a guy who shoots less than or like makes what

Less than one three a game and that’s your top score I think it’s just like a difficult position to be in and that can’t be your number one guy yeah and I want to keep Pascale but I think it just with him coming off the the book I think

It’s just makes sense that we trade him and it sucks and is that is that what your gut tells tells you do you think it’s like it’s a he gets moved at the deadline yeah I I I don’t know if I don’t know if we can afford to um have

Like another Fred thing where oh we certainly can yeah yeah I don’t I don’t think Messi could Messi won’t uh he won’t survive the podcast yeah he won’t I mean it’s true because you know I think people were obsessed with what happened to Fred right and you know I mean this has been

Sort of relitigated over and over in like basketball Raptor World about like letting people walk and you know we can do the whole sort of dance and talk about each scenario with with Kawai and Danny and Mark and serge and you know whatever all the deals with Norm Kyle

But Fred did leave right and he wasn’t traded so like OG already is not in that category OG forever is GNA be linked to Barrett quickly you know this pick whatever and I think with Pascal like an all NBA player leaving in the manner that Fred did is

Just like totally unacceptable and yeah you know can’t happen uh so yeah before I you know I weigh with like what I think uh Graham let let let me go to you is that like are you he’s moved at the deadline like what’s your what’s your

Feeling I don’t know I feel like if you asked me a week ago I would say 100 he’s going to move the deadline just the way they were talking about him in the beginning of the Season calling him selfish which he was not selfish it’s very weird just seems like the tea

Leaves are there’s like they don’t like each other right now but I feel like they chose the guy they were going to move and that was obviously OG and now they’re they he’s isn’t isn’t isn’t cakam like saying like I won’t resign with whoever trades for me

Because he wants to hit free agency and I I just think they’re gonna they’re going to Max him out and then they’ll have the asset and then they’ll trade him next year or something or maybe not because this this sort of Scotty and him like started to figure out how to play well

Together I feel and he’s starting to hit threes like he’s starting to hit like a couple two three games two two three threes a game I don’t know I just feel like there’s not a log jab anymore at the same position and they’re starting

To play off each other and I and I think we could have like if Scotty gets a little better it’s kind of like the Celtics have two guys that are kind of the same and they play off each other and I don’t know Gary Trent could go

Shuder could go at the deadline like who are we going to get who are they going to get for zakum at the deadline like like kaminga a bunch of bunch of picks would we be happy with something like that like I I I don’t see like a trade

That where we would be happy about that Messi would be happy about out there you know yeah yeah especially since you know msai not a huge guy on like not not a big pick quarter you know like he’s not going to be fine with just giving a player of that caliber away for

A bunch of un untested future draft picks right as we saw like kind of with this trade right he’s more way more willing to take uh um you know players who are actually active uh uh in return so I kind of have a feeling that I mean I mean obviously we

Resign uh Pascal still a tradable uh uh asset here right like a uh this year though not this year sorry I mean like in the future um so I don’t see him I I I actually think like I don’t think we’re going to move him past

At the end of this year I I I think we’re g to we’re going to extend him or whatever resign him sorry and um and then and then yeah maybe if something isn’t really working out and the right deal comes but I don’t think there’s

This massive pressure on on MSI to do it from like internally from their understanding and what they’re comfortable with when it comes to like you know the head of you know him and Bobby or whatever yeah there’s I mean there’s there’s so many angles to this

Right and and I think a l a lot of good points here and for me there’s a couple categories of things so one there’s a rumor floating around um that’s like I think you know like sourced in the in in the way that you know we trust right

With like some some key people in Toronto um one is that they maybe would entertain a 2year Max extension but obviously he wants a four-year Max right it’s 29 so that’s just sort of like a standard contract thing where it’s like hey would you want less security and him and his agent are

Gonna be like literally obviously not um and I think the other thing is and this is sort of just a hunch but I feel like in these two years of frustration they’ve been exploring trades for OG and they’ve been exploring uh trades for seak and I think for OG there was a lot

Out there right like you know apparently New York offered three first rounds in forier and Messi was like I want players right you know to your point Andy and for Pascal I just don’t think that there is a a halberton sabonis trade out there and I think that that’s sort of what

He’s been looking around for and I I kind of don’t think that exists A and B yeah we also get to sort of if you if you think about the way Messi rolls it’s not like make this huge trade for a foundational guy like OG play out another 10 15 games and make

Another crazy trade like he’s going to watch how quickly and Barrett and you know um sakam and and and Barnes all work together like I think that’s just like how he rolls yeah and and my final point is I I was at the game yesterday

It was awesome um uh Shout out uh uh guest and uh also also comedian Matt Henry uh took me to his amazing seats and uh I’m I’m I’m looking at the the there’s a graphic on Twitter right now and it’s uh Scotty and Pascal so Scotty 21 points nine rebounds six assists true

True shooting percentage 58 Pascal uh 22 points a game uh six and a half rebounds five assists 59 true shooting percentage like pretty like comparable almost identical stats and during the game they did a whole pardon me they did a whole uh let’s get Scotty to the All-Star Game

And they just didn’t do it for Pascal and crazy it was nuts to me I was like I can’t believe how the levels of disrespect coming Pascal’s Way by this franchise and and so that’s why I’m torn right it’s kind of like we know how good

He is we know like he’s proven himself over and over and over but it’s like they’re trying to turn a page but he’s still like like you turn the page and he’s still on it you mean this before I’ve told you this before but I was at a

Wedding a couple years ago and I know a comedian who went to college with um uh uhh what’s his name I’m I’m like a bad memory I’m having brain farts but uh Bobby Webster he went to college with Bobby Webster and he was telling me that Bobby Webster and Messiah do not like

Cakam this is two years ago they’re like he’s not a finisher he’s not a closer uh he doesn’t have like the you know the alleyway thing Beverly was talking about or whatever so that mean these are two drunk guys speaking at a wedding but uh comedian who’s like who has personal

Friends like they’re they still text and talk all the time with Bobby Webster and I asked this Canadian what does Bobby say about Pascal cakam like me and me and Alex Pavone like cornered him and we’re like What huge the inside stuff and they’re like he does not like seak

So fascinating that’s some that’s an inside scoop you got right here on confeder dunks everybody hates Pascal Zak’s guts um yes yes uh but it’s it’s it also goes to that thing of like uh this obviously indicating to I think everyone that like this is not a rebuild that we’re about

To undertake here this is a retooling and then and like that thing of I think I might we might have talked about this like when I first uh started here Freddy but like it’s that that corporate thing in sports where like corporations if they own a team they’re way more afraid

Of a rebuild like a fullon break it down rebuild than like a you know a person who you know an individual owner or uh you know who are going to be more in tune with like the sports angle and understanding the sports of it the the corporations don’t give a [ __ ] about

That they just want to see consistent profit so a year where we [ __ ] the bed yeah we might get a great draft pick out of it but that’s like and not this year by the way which is important yeah ex do that right so so that’s pressure coming from that for sure right

For sure 100% but also think about this like Scotty pressure like they want to keep Scotty happy I know he’s still under contract but but remember when he got drafted and he was like yes I’m going to Toronto when they announced his name and the reason why it was not

Because he wanted to go to Canada or love Toronto as a city it’s because their team was good yeah and he wants to play on a good team he doesn’t want to play on a on a like rebuild and he certainly doesn’t want to do it in his fifth

Year start rebuilding yeah that’s not something that would help us resign him once his rookie contract is over but iess I don’t think as I don’t think as a GM Messi ever rebuilt I think he like takes Pride at like those nuggets teams where like Danilo galinari was scoring

Like 24 points a game and they won like 60 games like unprecedently like I don’t like I think it’s going to be like a Houston Indiana kind of well old Houston like that kind of model is where we want to be and I think like one funny thing about this this uh

This trade is the everyone talking about how this second rounder is basically a first rounder hilar so funny to me where they’re like it’s actually better than a first rounder if you think of it because you don’t really have them the money Koko yeah yeah it’s like so not only are

We gonna get an All-Star that leads our team into the future he’s only G to cost like $4,000 I I truly Wonder though how many teams that have done this thing where they stay yeah they stay like in sort of the that mid playoff picture for many

Years they they never really go through a rebuild a retooling like T Toronto is probably the prime example of this in of the last you know TW you know 20 years probably uh and we got we got a championship out of it on kind of a weird fluke move you know credit where

Credits due obviously but but like getting Kawai like that’s not a move a lot of teams would have done at that point right so but anyways whatever that that aside I wonder how many other teams like that turn into championship teams because it feels like again from my like

Pessimistic view of corporates that or corporations that own sports teams it feels like they don’t care if you win a championship as long as your profits are are sort of slowly going up they don’t care about the spikes or they don’t want the spikes necessarily they just want

Consistent growth so like you know what I mean like like they’re probably happy because it feels to me that those teams aren’t really the championship teams it’s the teams that either go out and make big splashes in free agency and add to those teams which those types of

Teams don’t tend to be unless you’re like a Lakers or something like that or it’s those teams that that have rebuilt from the ground up with like three or four awesome draft picks that are all coming together at the same time well um

I I was at a wedding and I talked to a comedian friend of mine and he knows Ed Rogers and Ed Rogers says you’re an idiot Andy so um no but yeah it’s it was a rare thing that happened and you know I I there’s also it’s the the

The you know road to a championship thing is is always fun to talk about because it’s there’s there’s so many different ways to do it right and um you know the Raptors it is a pretty rare way I think also to me it’s always important

To note like the Deep tank like let’s be bad for several years there also isn’t an example of that working there’s the like one year tank like the Tim Duncan tank but there’s not like the OKC if OKC does it they’re going to be the first team like the process hasn’t done it

Like that sort of like let’s gut the franchise and hoarde picks that hasn’t resulted in a championship yet I’m not saying it won’t FS is the uh starting point guard for the Philadelphia 76ers so I beg to differ but the but the single year tank

Though it is real and the the NBA is the only League where you can do it too right where you can drop for one year get the great get the best guy in the draft bounce back be one of the best teams in the league that could just

Happen happen with the other team warriors did it with wisman um yeah I mean the rap the Raptors did it too they did with Barnes um barani baby we just did the one your tank but uh okay let’s let’s uh let’s let’s do some NBA um let’s do some

NBA let me start with uh I’m GNA start with you Graham um the reek streak this is great um yeah okay so this is my this is my streaking question uh we okay yeah we didn’t even mention the trade like you know what that should have been a

Whole [ __ ] segment but we we lost to the Pistons we yeah so so the Pistons almost had the longest streak in NBA history but our uh beloved Raptors [ __ ] the bed for them and um we let them you know we gave Dwayne Casey another gift there um but so anyways they’re they 28

Games in a row there was this Steph streak where he hit a million threes like he would hit one a game or whatever uh and it it got me thinking like there’s got to be lots of other streaks going down and you know with where gambling’s at someone’s got to tap into

This because there’s a lot of meaningless dumb streaks I’m sure funny streaks so uh yeah let’s just spit ball here uh I’ll go to you first Graham what’s like a what’s a weird streak you’d like to see uh talked about more who’s had the most missed threes in a

Row yeah that’s great because not just miss shots but miss threes is funny because it there’s a certain audacity to shooting a three you’re like I could make this and who is who’s missed like 403s in like five games 10 games and just keeps cranking them up and but they

Somehow still have the green light like I want to know mystery is huge and and and also like I want people talking about it like it’s like oh Pascal sakam or you know whatever Julius Randall they’ve they’ve taken 50 threes in a row um and then like people you

Know people are going to start to wonder like when will they stop um or when will the streak end uh Adam do you have a um do well you I just pulled this up because I thought that there was an Antoine Walker thing where he I thought that he had the record for

Most attempted shots or threes in a game without hitting them it might have been broken because right now it’s uh it’s um I think Brook Lopez went 0 for 12 from three but then I saw this Antoine Walker took 4,264 three-pointers in his career and never once drew a shooting foul on a

Three-pointer wow wow wow that’s a good streak like people are literally letting you they’re like please please shoot under no circumstance I’m gonna challenge your shot yeah yeah unchallenged shots I like that it’s funny that this is actually a hard one to track down it it it looks like

Uh Grant Williams started his career zero for 25 from three um that’s a good one that’s the highest one I’m seeing uh so far um yeah that yeah that seems like it’s it’s by far the highest 20 0 for 25 to start a career apparently Dwight Howard apparently talk

Starting a career I’m talking about okay so so apparently Dwight Howard 28 consecutive Miss three Miss threes so it’s probably going to be one of these guys who just like will once in a while Huck the ball from half court you know what I mean cuz Dwight never took threes obviously right

So yeah yeah okay um here’s here’s mine or I got I I got a couple but uh jump ball who’s W who’s won the most jump balls in a row whoa got be pretty good they like and and by the way I’ve looked for some of these stat Muse

Is like listen we’re we’re not there yet um like you know what I mean every time I look for this it’s websites that it’s like you’re so nerdy that you have to pay and I’m like I absolutely will not you know or this isn’t a streak but I’d

Love to see the height the the most height dispar uh dispar and who won a jump ball the shortest person to ever win a jump ball on a did Mugsy ever take a jump ball like he did against he did he did there was like he for sure he did

Yeah yeah I think it was against Shaq or something okay video where he’s like come on for that yeah that’s pretty good that’s pretty good um he I know I know this is bad podcasting but I have some Wicked answers that I forgot about and they’re on my laptop so you guys

Carry on with because uh I have the answer Mugsy bogs won a jump ball against Yao Ming yes that’s nuts what did he get it on he must have got it on the way up he he well okay hang on let me uh let me

Just you know what I mean like as the ref is like going up he’s like I’m CL never mind I’m dumb I’m stupid this is not not real never mind don’t okay I just I just uh nixed our huge scoop gram that you brought earlier because I just

Totally put out a completely not true thing right there I I have another one that I was thinking of who okay who has played the most amount of games with the highest body fat percentage like with Zion just getting bigger and bigger and bigger who is like the fattest guy who’s

Ever played like 60 plus games big I mean Big O was here you know and that was like he he was a he was a consistent starter he played over 60 games that year for sure Big Country big country was big country was in shape for he was

Just a bigger guy he was just a big guy yeah he was like I feel like his body was similar to like a yic almost big big O full-blown had an eaing disorder or I think he did yes he did I I just read that yeah yeah yeah um so shame on us

Really um but okay failed challenges failed challenges is there oh yeah failed challenges would be good I want a fail challenge streak um uh uh the streak of of saving the ball by diving into the crowd like who has the who has this who has the

Highest like number of those you know in a row they actually save it yeah they do every game yeah you do one a g who spilled I would want streak of a person who does a half court heave but just after the time expires and you know

That they did it on purpose to not [ __ ] up their field goal percentage Yeah like who has done the most of those without going because the remember that article about Shane Bader that he would always do it a second after because he didn’t want to screw up his field goal

Percentage that’s it was like one of the only stats that are kept that he had that was good that showed up on a stat book that’s so funny that’s good stuff hold on one sec smart um I got um non sellout non sellouts at Arenas because they’re always like oh it’s a 51st

Sellout in a row I want to hear like Oh Charlotte has not sold out in three straight years like I want that data you know um who who has remained loyal to their wife the longest yeah and then it’s just like wow yeah who who’s gonna admit that you know you’re a good

Guy what’s the longest pointless Streak by a player like who just hasn’t scored points but played like over a certain amount of you know that’s def a good run that’s a good run that’s a good stat uh um guys before we do the draft do you mind if I um reset my internet

Really quick go for it yeah okay reset it yeah all right um I’ll be I’ll be right back yeah Jo join in we’re gonna We we’ll we’ll we’ll talk some Allstar and uh Adam can join in join in for that okay okay sweet so do do we want to take a little

Break yeah you you just reboot and come back and we’ll we’ll we’ll be here rocking love it uh we’re gonna stretch yeah we’re gonna stretch it out you know we just’re gonna lean in because I I I wanted I thought it was an interesting question about new all

Stars and um it’s always sort of hard to find but uh yeah I mean I got I got a nice little list going so I’ll see if there’s any any a big one I think yeah there’s a couple big ones why don’t why don’t you start Andy who do you think is gonna

Make their first Allstar appearance this year uh as far as I can tell tyres Maxi hasn’t made an All-Star team yeah Max yeah he’s gonna be up there for sure uh Anthony Edwards was on it but he has because he was a he was a a fill in

Right he was yeah he was a reserve so though those do count counts okay still those are my two big ones that I thought of right away and was like have those guys made Allstar games um yeah now I lost because I’ve been looking up all this other stupid streak

Stuff okay go ahead gra I think if the Grizzlies win a couple more games I think Desmond Bane is going to make an All-Star team he got four 24.6 4.6 rebounds five assists you know these are our best player I think for the most of the

Season yeah and and you know not now obviously that Jaws backck but he but he’s gonna be ineligible so that’s yeah picked uh picked after Malachi Flynn FYI I know yeah so our our our next pick is going to be a Desmond Bane our our pick from this trade uh what about Jaylen

Brunson Jaylen Brunson is uh he’s on my list too and I think you most of the guys are in like reserve territory yeah uh so yeah I had I had Brunson Brunson for sure I mean that’s I think BR is there you know what I mean like yeah I

Think he’s there like he’s not gonna be a starter no um and I think that he’s you know if you think about there’s going to be like seven players right so probably four guards three guards something like that he’s he’s in that category Max is in that category uh I I

Have another I I have two Max so Scotty I think there is potential yeah uh there is potential but I think because of the votes like Canada voting always gets a player who like probably doesn’t really belong there gets them in there right he’s going to be in the

Reserve territory so he’s got to be picked by like coaches and stuff okay well that still might happen right you know it might you know might still happen uh but I had um I was sort of sort of shocked at their stats but the magic needs some Allstars or an Allstar

Uh so France Vagner and uh Paulo banero both have like very well-rounded incredible stat lines yeah actually pretty similar to Scotty to be honest with a stat wise um and I gotta think one of those guys are getting in with Orlando’s record right 100% definitely yeah but but yeah

Hing Scotty I could be France um and then the West for me is really hard there’s only one player I could think of uh is there any any guys in well I think Bane uh B Bane is a chance uh but again the record’s bad but you know maybe is

The sorry go ahead no I was gonna say is there any guys uh on your end I got one who I’m like okay you know it could happen I got nothing else not really who do you got uh mine’s uh shenon Al shenon for Houston oh yeah he’s having I mean

Monster year I I I loved him coming out I was like all he’s gonna be a sleeper I I really truly am much just saying that and then he grew like an inch this past off season everyone says that he’s like noticeably taller he’s like weirdly taller and bigger and stronger and it’s

Just he’s obviously better than green it’s it’s awesome I I love it I he’s he’s he’s going to be a Flatout star for a long time he in big he’s a truly yoke it’s light uh Adam and listeners I’m goingon to give you a mini recap so just

Potential new Allstars uh we got Maxi and Brunson obviously uh Scotty’s in there uh I threw out uh France Vagner Paulo banero yeah um and in the west it’s a lot harder uh Graham was saying potentially Desmond Bane I’m saying Alin shenon is there any guy is there anyone

Else like for me that was kind of it like I can’t think of anyone else there’s one more person who I don’t think makes it but this is my this is my entry my because some of mine were covered there but the only person I could think of who isn’t is Chad holgren

As a possible oh yeah right on you know what I like that like that almost never happens because he’s a rookie but they are they do have that record right where he’s like their second in the west so yeah hm that would be dicey be would be dice yeah they they

Scored he hasn’t scored that much he’s he’s only scoring 17.7 a game it’s not really enough second best second best player on the second best team in the west you know doesn’t amount for nothing doesn’t amount for nothing everybody doesn’t amount for nothing B he’s he’s like you know top five in

Blocks I’m pretty sure I’m not saying it will happen I mean mine is obviously am I back can you see me now yeah oh yeah you’re actually moving I can beautiful I can tell you’re about to say something so I won’t just speak right over you it’s nice wonderful it’s

Still it’s still like where you’re you’re being filmed on a yeah an Acer an Acer from 201 maybe not even a a compact prario like that yeah a Yeah clean off that webcam yeah you do need a new camera I’m going to go ahead and say it

This is an old comp guys you want a Lodie you want a log send chat to uh where is the All-Star Game this year God knows is it in Vegas last year where is the allstar game I no idea I’m gonna say St John’s Newland 100% I would love that oh my God

I would love that do you think W would call St John’s Newland a dystopia I don’t think so you when he called Vegas he called they go they’re like all these reporters like after he played in Vegas they’re like what do you think of Vegas you know you’re a young

Man how what was your first impression he’s like yeah honestly this is a [Laughter] dystopia out there you know what it’s going to the St John’s of the of the of the United States is going to Indianapolis it’s going to be Indiana St John’s oh yeah St John’s of the

Indianapolis Indiana baby lot of lot of seafood a lot of fresh caught fish Indiana respect it’s a small town city is what it Indiana they call it the big rock yeah they do some people some people you go to Indiana first thinging how you getting

On now Bo yeah yeah did you come from away yeah they say they say the title of the uh they the the big thing yeah yeah no I they do say that when you go go my C driver asked if I came from away and I

I thought he was an immigrant uh but he was from Canada here’s a here’s a bit of Interest interesting trivia though the the the last time do anybody want to wager guess the last time Indianapolis hosted the NBA All-Star Game yeah I know it actually it’s 1994 let’s move on to

The next incorrect it is 1985 wow they haven’t had allar G since the mid 80s that’s crazy long time uh no just the the NBA and for good reason there’s not a I mean you’re an All-Star you’re in Indiana I’m sure there’s not a lot to do at night

I’m gonna say it is any League though uh there Graham because the other the only other team they have is the Colts and that that All-Star game is in Hawaii every year so yeah I think the Indiana uh uh Racers of the WHL had W an 86 have something to say

About that if I recall thanks for thanks for bringing in the old Racers all right I was hoping someone was going all right let’s get to the draft yeah it’s it’s it’s about draft time and I think it’s about draft time if you’re listening and you’re like wow these guys are really

Riffing this is really loose get ready for more of that Adam popped out got better internet to get looser um yeah okay uh Andy I think you’re you’re you’re this is this is is your world set the table for the draft a little bit so

People know I mean this is going to be a really confusing one but like some parameters of what’s about to go down wait can I explain I think I have a pretty good idea not not to step on Adam go go ahead actually I’ve got something to do over

Here what we’re going to be doing is uh a goat draft greatest of all time we’re going to be drafting a basketball team of what we’re going to be drafting five greatest of all time living great goats at their their own respected field it can be Sports it can be science it can

Be whatever and once we have our fives we will be deciding which team you would like to go to a dinner party most with so we’re gonna be drafting we’re gonna be going around they have to be living they have to be living it has

They have to be living yeah they have to be living it can’t be a fictional character this has to be real people they have to be living and we all have to take it very seriously that those are the parameters that’s very important and so

It’s like you know your goat like I say who my goat is and that’s my pick like it’s accepted like I don’t yeah we’re not here to argue about who the greatest film director you want to do that go somewhere else oh wow okay I like that

Yeah this is good get the hell out of here get the hell out disgusting yeah yeah this is good some animus well yeah you know you can vote on it right so if somebody has a shitty goat then it’s like wellow you’re you’re if it’s crazy but we’ll start with it’ll

Go Freddy Andy Graham I’ll go last it’ll be snake draft will come around okay now you’re really hang on now you’re really stopping on my because as we all know here Confederacy at dunks part of and proud part of the randomization community uh we uh are believer commun

In and we will be deciding we will be deciding the draft order through random names just coming how dare you yeah that was a big you know you were stepping on Andy’s toes then you started stomping on his feet I hope Ste my an I hope that the

Order comes Freddy Andy Graham and Adam let’s go there’s a chance there’s a small chance that we’ll be it okay is the goat randomizer website by the way says that the first pick goes to Graham second goes to Freddy third goes to Adam and

Fourth goes to to me w wow this is the fourth draft third draft in a row now where I am the last pick I’ll just say yeah randoms clowning you dude it is well maybe because you’re so worked up about it such an adherent okay now last time we had

Really nice uh Graphics we had it was displayed as we’re doing it that’s not going to happen this time just let everybody know so uh if you’re listening don’t worry you’re not missing out on anything all right okay first pick here uh gr what’s what’s what’s happening

Aelia okay we said we had to take it seriously and right away uh we’re not I guess so here we go former girlfriend of Nick Young think about she’s the goat former girlfriend of of Nick Young he’s probably had a lot of girlfriends so she’s the goat I’m doing all goat

Girlfriends of NBA players wow okay so you’re gonna just pick from one category also well so there’s going to be a lot of debate amongst your own team she’s the greatest she’s the greatest they’re all Divas I’ll tell you that they’re not going to like they’re not you’re gonna

Who’s the point guard we don’t know so it’s the greatest X’s of all time for specific people I love it igia yeah yeah great of all NBA players yeah I yeah I don’t know any of Nick’s other partners so honestly gotta take your word on that

One yeah I’ll take your word toing Iggy aelia the guy works at Walmart right now probably yeah right away this draft doesn’t matter it’s off the rails yeah the first pick here we go and right away take that Swaggy P take that um Freddy you’re Freddie you’re up next um okay maybe you

Guys and I’ll think of a new all everything no no Iggy is you have Iggy no no no you’re big as Iggy Alia think if you think it’s GNA be if you think it’s GNA be great to have a dinner party with igy aselia that’s just what you’re

Saying that’s all yeah she had a big hit honestly it would be fun she’s Australian she speaks with like a Atlanta accit it’s cool a true and total night okay here’s mine are you ready okay yes Freddy um Adam Sandler okay what’s he the greatest of all time it’s

Over he’s the goat at getting your friends paid by being in movies wow okay your own friends like listen there isn’t a guy in the world that’s better at casting his own friends in their movies listen the number one thing Adam was we said that this topic would be the

Draft the first thing Adam said like I don’t want it to be this it’s unequally become it with the first two picks all right love is a good basketball player he might be one of the best basketball playing comedians ever um I and I’ve I have played basketball against Adam Sandler

Really he should throw you in one of his movies bro yeah you should be dude he will not um as what Ty I went I said to him oh boy anyway so Adam did we pick joke categories or did we pick real ones you no these are real these are

Real I got real ones Mine mine’s dead serious but it’s over number one number one pick for me uh Jiro Ono Sushi’s chef from Jiro okay all right Sushi je is coming to my dinner party and that’s not a joke first pick my local sushi Jeff will kick that dude’s ass

Okay name sorry sorry Freddy what’s the name of your local sushi chef don’t know don’t care he doesn’t we don’t have that kind of relationship you know well okay you’re putting them up Oscar Oscar award-winning documentary on sushi on Eglington yeah you know okay all right um I got my

First guy on the bus uh you got your you got your number one pick you got him off the board yeah okay uh well it’s you know it’s taking a turn here in a good way uh this is a fun draft but let’s go with someone who is

So good at what they did and and what they do that the actual rules had to be changed so that they couldn’t do as well as they could possibly do otherwise it would have just been pure dominance I’m gonna go with Simone biles okay okay goat

Gymnast has to had to deal with a lot of [ __ ] got the what do they call it got The Yips big time maybe the all-time goess the goat Yips of all time Simone right so she’s she’s she’s got two ceg her not block on the ifs too I didn’t

Know that no he couldn’t throw the first he was like oh my God short stop or third basem for the Yankees or and he was like awesome and then he just forgot how to throw it first I remember I remember he was like a he was big on the

Twins and then yeah I went to the Yankees I to I totally didn’t know about the part of that some that’s some Zoolander [ __ ] but you don’t die when you can’t throw it a first but if you’re upside down spinning above a pole you could die you fully yeah honestly Vault

You’re not you’re landing on your neck you’re Landing dead yeah she made the right call all right and it’s a snake it’s a snake draft it’s snake so that’s I’m up again and I’m you know I’m gonna kind of go where Adam’s going a little bit he’s

Got goat sushi chef I’m just going to go goat chef and goat living chef and it’s Alan duas everyone this is the this is the man with the most total Michelin stars he has 21 Michelin stars currently oh my God second is Gordon Ramsey with a mere

16 okay so Al duas is the number one he’s the goat chefs I didn’t even realize Ramsey was actually that good I personality he like neglected his kids for years to get his third Michelin star he’s a go he’s a goat at that yeah okay I’m saying uh it’s back up to

Me um I’m gonna go I’m gonna draft wow this is hard I got a lot of people on my board Did anyone say Iggy iselia [ __ ] you got her I think sandman’s off of the board too remember Sandman igy alen U but I gotta go um

Jane Goodall for chimp stuff no I had Jane Goodall on my list you [ __ ] so good damn you good at that doesn’t get better I I you know I almost took good all over du cast I’m not even joking we’re talking about chimp stuff I got jro and

I got Jane Double J not bad Freddy Rivas you’re up um well I feel right over me huh based on the way my brain works no one’s going to pick the same um so that’s not gonna be an issue but listen my my my all my

Picks here are just pure Goats No One contests them yeah uh and uh next up I’m going with uh Michael Flatley lord of the river dance oh my God if you could do a river dance better than him let me know it’s kind of insulting that you picked Michael

Flatley and said Lord of The River Dance because everyone knows Michael Flatley is Lord of the Dance but he does the River Dance So and River Dance is a completely other thing sh Andy you show me you show me another person whose top half will not move when the bottom what

I’m saying cheer on his head go Andy all right Graham you got two picks we got EV Longoria I mean that is that is dating up even for Tony parkour yep um cheated on her didn’t work out but very talented very beautiful yeah stick into the one category

There yeah yeah he’s got a niche man big controversy and we need another one right away from you there AA oh well then we’re gonna go uh we’re going to go Khloe Kardashian who uh I think she was married to Chris humph of the Toronto Raptors hump yeah honestly didn’t think she’d fall

This late third round for Chloe he used a full paycheck to buy her a ring like like like a year and then she was like you know wait a second I’m getting pretty big here I probably shouldn’t be married to Chris humph of the Toronto Raptors

Yeah also I mean I always got a shout a shout out Chris Humphrey’s uh one time a ref blocked him shooting a free throw if you’ve never seen it do yourself a fav one of the best one of the best basketball clips ever imagy him from Living the rest of his

Life with his uh the love of his life you know so um all right Freddy’s up um okay so uh got I got a bunch on the board here still uh my my next pick is going to be Fergie um God right goat Anthem failure okay yeah okay you’re really

Flipping the script on this I you know that’s a can you be the greatest at failing like is that isn’t that the opposite of what we’re going for here list I have a little bit I have extras I I you know she’s the goat she’s the she’s the goat of um Sports

Anthems um like let’s that’s the opposite of what Freddy said though oh I see you mean sport an I see played a lot they can’t play Gary Glitter anymore CU he was a huge pedophile MH shouldn’t do that I mean they do though like sometimes you’re watching

Like an out of- market like hockey game and you’re like huh Gary Glitter Nashville Predator nville Predators okay well doing it down there huh Nashville Predators Predators horrible franchise um go should I go for a backup or what no no no no no no I mean I think so

Personally but I’ll if I’m not voted that’s fine I got a bunch in the hopper you I know you do I just want to hear more of what you have the hopper really you GNA have Fergie okay I’m going um with my third pick I’m going Joey Chestnut go eater

Oh okay eating all that Sushi Jo isn’t there that’s not my goat eater not my goat eer uh check the stats on that he’s the goat okay all right who eats whoever eats the most though there’s a bit of a debate lamb Shawarma is the biggest goat

Eater in my books and that’s that’s just a fact that’s tell them a lamb a goat no they’re different animals damn it that joke didn’t work on so many levels might have been racist so I apologize to everyone racist against yeah oh man okay um J J Jen Goodall getting taken

Off my list was a real big uh that’s a real shock to me um really had her high up there uh which means I have to might drop down to this pick um okay well let’s just go straight up the greatest actor of all time wow actor films I think Adam

Sandler was already taken yeah the sandman’s already off the board but we can take from the same category Bergie too I can’t believe you’re about to say pully Shore I’ve got the most Oscar Noms uh and the second most wins uh ever in history it’s mer it’s Merill yeah big

Merill not bad not bad Merill stre yeah I just watched yesterday for the first time um what’s her name’s choice no that’s what it’s called whatever her name is there it’s a real what’s her name’s Choice it’s a real name’s Choice goat or oh yep all right now you got another

Pick Andy okay uh this one I’m going off the board a bit um yeah I’m going to go with um certifiably the greatest Canadian um we of course we had an actual thing in this country where we all voted on who the greatest Canadian was yeah did you guys vote in that back

In 2004 m no remember that do you remember on the CBC I remember who won I remember Tommy Douglas won right he tomm dougas brought in the universal healthcare there of course Tommy Douglas been dead for many years um uh shout out Keir ke for severin’s grandfather y that’s right yeah yeah goat

Relation um anyways we’re just gonna skipped there’s a bunch of people I think I I think back then I voted for like Wayne Gretzky or something which is like that’s that makes sense from how old I was but uh the greatest Canadian on that list that is currently living is

Going to be my next choice here and that’s David Suzuki yeah wow uh put him right up there with greatest science Educators uh greatest you know there’s a couple of different categories you could fit them into but I’m just going to go with straight up greatest

Canadian wow okay all right and and you have another pick too uh that was no you took Merill that was it yeah it was Merill and Merill and is not ready I am ready I am ready I am ready um I’m going to go with Sultan

Cson the tallest man in the world hug yeah sorry what is he the greatest at though being tall 8 foot three that’s pretty that’s all right another question would you rather be the shortest man in the world or the tallest man in the world um um wow or rather your body be

Perfect okay perfect I’ll take that off the board no way um yeah shortest for me I think shortest shortest Catch Me If You Can you know what I mean um short no I think I’d be the tallest I mean that’d be pretty cool feel like it’s really hard on your body

Like your limbs and stuff you knowly I guess people really short people don’t have a long life as I see either I guess yeah anyway okay do I do I have to do I have to change mine I personally think so again if if if I’m I

Voted that’s fine all right well um I’m going um weird owl oh [ __ ] great weird weirdest Al or song parody great goat song parody there’s no one better her oh okay all right I guess I guess there’s not but this is going to look really funny when I make the like the

Image of just all the people with without the explanation as to why they’re there so it’s just going to be the greatest living goats and Gram’s list is going to be iky aelia a longor glor Kardashian it’s gonna be great mine’s gonna make sense all right you’re up okay

Uh I this one might get taken so I’m gonna go for it um it’s Jay Leno uh holy most hated by industry Pierce I wow see I don’t think that’s a goat it’s not really a goat and also like it’s a negative thing this is two negative

Things you’ve chosen be the best at something there’s absolute like sex criminals in like film and television if you want to say goat comedian car collector yeah that would be we we could we okay well let me let me scramble here because I do have goat all denim

Wearer maybe no no I’ll move off Jay Leno maybe like bri Adams exists you’re right go chin go chin celebrity or something but like um I’m gonna go okay then I don’t know if this is also negative but uh uh DJ khed is the goat like what did he do to acquire his

Fame I think it’s right in his name isn’t it I mean it’s it’s right there yeah he’s he’s a musician he’s a hype man and curator he’s a DJ yeah that’s what DJs are yeah okay are they hype men are they specifically yeah I guess so

Okay fair enough um well then he does put those songs together like he does you know he just there’s Arrangements involved I think listen if you Google DJ khed the first like 10 searches are what does he do that’s cuz people are stupid they don’t understand what he does I I’m representing those

People today I’m here to represent but I think you have to pick something that they’re the goat at and obviously it’s wide open what you can pick yeah but you have decided to go so niche yeah yeah oh I guess I was I was trying to go for

Unimpeachable people um because yeah but the but the other one I got in the hopper I mean it’s more Niche so go ahead hit us with it um Rudy Giuliani oh my go okay and it’s uh embarrassing pictures when you Google search image okay okay

Right I guess yeah he I let you guys down the greatest of all time at like confusing a hotel for a landscaping place if you Google somewhere in the same realm I bet you could put Rudy against anybody as far as if you Google greatest negative thing because feels like he’s got bad

Pictures yeah but they’re like they’re embarrass yeah yeah it’s a negative thing okay anyways you know what you know what this is taking too long your your goat is Rudy Giuliani and there will be no explanation people will just see the and they’ll have to pick you’re a bad guy gram you’re

Up um mine is very easily uh Khloe Kardashian um again no that was Kim Kardashian no you picked Chloe Chloe for hump you Pi Chloe for hump yeah I thought you meant Kim you meant Kim Kim was married to yes you’re right so you meant Kim you was engaged to to hump I’m

I I’m sorry I meant to say Kim Kardashian I thought I did um I’m a bad guy uh Khloe Kardashian who is uh still with Tristan Thompson yeah who was in who played yesterday right yeah yeah he had a black guy I was so surprised to see him check

Into the game people um they did the Canada thing and people booed him really it’s the only Canadian player I’ve seen booed why why do we boo Tristan Thom I don’t know people were like oh let’s give it up for Tristan and people like yeah whatever dude

We maybe it’s because he’s cheated on his wife multiple times that can’t be it people don’t care about that uh your last pick there Graham what’s what what else you’re on the snake this is the last one of my entire thing yeah um Mike fiser former captain of the GL

Gary Glitter loving yeah um national predators is married to Carrie Underwood now that is a glow up you know okay yeah um that is that is might be that might be the goat of the goats um of people dating up uh because you know these these guys they get married when they’re

At their height to famous people who are going to be famous for their whole lives and you know who knows who Mike fiser is now she has to when she goes to party she has to she didn’t used to when they were first together but now she has to

Like introduce her husband and and at the party has to go why is she with that guy cuz he’s no longer famous he hasn’t been famous for like four years even in the Nashville area now he is a good-look man he’s got a lot of scars you know

Yeah that’s what you look for yeah maybe that’s you know but Carrie Underwood Super Famous married to Mike fiser uh who was a virgin until they got married so good for him that is true W good for apparently in Ottawa also not a big drinker um would never

Drink any of the drinks people like fans bought for him and stuff that’s a that’s a story I heard from he’s gonna be fun at a dinner party yeah he sounds like a true dud no question hey man you need a DD’s gonna be dope go DD Mike Fisher

They’re both big they’re they’re super they’re super religious uh Freddy your last pick oh yeah um okay well uh I thought it one on the spot that hopefully fits properly in the in the category and uh I’m just going to go a St standard sport uh goat swimmer

Michael Phelps Michael Phelps there we go un wow wow web yeah uncharacteristic pick from you picking the actual greatest of something yeah well I I ran out of my weirdo category so uh you know I didn’t have any more in the hopper so just uh on the Fly Michael Phelps best

Swimmer web feet let’s go uh and and crazy weird like lactic acid ability right like his body processes it differently uh he’s so is that a double goat or what that’s that’s yeah he’s the goat lactic acid neutralizer and very long torso yeah very long torso I’m

Really I’m totally brutal that that they never change any rules for Michael Phelps but they they they change rules for S biles because what rule did they changeed for Simone biles there’s like a move that she the only person she the only one she can do it and it’s yeah

It’s too it’s too like there’s too much strength involved in it like it’s racism yeah it’s 100% just racism um but they banned that move from the sport so that other people won’t start trying it and someone can’t just can’t do it well because it’s dangerous wow no because she’s the only

One who can do it all right with my last pick oh okay well I can’t pick geod am the world’s smallest person that’s been taken from me so I guess I will take gritty goat mascot pretty good I I definitely wouldn’t I did you

Say it had to be a person well there’s a gr there’s a guy I picked a guy who’s he’s gonna bring gritt a character I just he’s better than Mr Met who got fired for giving a child the finger when he only has four fingers that’s great there’s no middle finger Mr

Met the guy who the guy who played Mr met in the costume literally got fired because he gave a kid a finger and he only has four fingers that’s good stuff that’s also I mean there’s the Pop-Tart guy the new poptart guy whoever whoever’s a poptart is really making it

Work you know yeah and I’m actually and I’m I’m not gonna change it my my last one is gritty Freddy was allowed to have all of his so I’m allowed to have gritty he wasn’t allowed to have all of his he struggled to find the last one I did stuck with

Rudy Giuliani that’s one of his all right fine you’re breaking your own rule you’re picking gritty which is not a real person technically not alive so you know um then I’ll just go fine greatest folk heral Robin Hood done draft done there we go wow that’s a character that’s not a real

Thing uh no uh I I mean I see that or just I pick an actual like um Mike fer was not my pick Carrie Underwood was my pick oh [ __ ] what okay I thought you were picking this the significant others of the more famous significant others sports persons Sports

Person dating above who they are right got it Carrie Underwood you picked uh what’s her name Popular Mechanics for Kids yeah Alicia cuber Alber also in there no yeah yeah that’s that’s how famous she is you you called her Popular Mechanics for Kids it’s better than calling her happy

Endings in 10 years she will be significantly more famous than him um okay so should we should we my I why I still have a last pick oh yeah sorry sorry and honestly I don’t know there’s I’ll just pick Madonna okay there we go Madonna this my last pick

You come up with the category she dated pops men sansu so it’s a bit of Graham there you go I fell for that for one second she she’s a she’s a goat goat Material Girl goat Material Girl she she has she’s the most awarded musician uh who’s currently living really so everyone everyone

Should go uh so I was jro from jro James of sushi Jane good Joey Chestnut gritty and Weird Al Yankovic yeah my picks are Simone biles Alan ducas uh the greatest Chef living Merill stre David Suzuki and Madonna and I’m coming in with uh Adam Sandler uh Michael Flatley

Fergie Rudy Giuliani and Michael Phelps and Graham Graham I forgot uh Kim Kardashian Khloe Kardashian Iggy aelia Carrie Underwood and um Ava long one evil onoria yep there you go uh go to the go to our our uh where is it Freddy is it on Twitter and Instagram is on both or

Just Twitter uh I’ll I I’ll do it on Twitter and insta so you can vote there for this for this very confusing draft but honestly whichever answers inspired you the most yeah you get to pick who has the best go team by the way Andy Won

Won uh the the last draft by big margin so did I I was last I saw I was losing oh I’m so happy about that yeah you won it was the tough that was the tough the tough guy team the NBA tough tough team yeah I had I had an unbeatable team in

That one though like on Twitter on Twitter it was more even I guess on Insta I won Eon I was watching uh Duncan Robinson’s podcast for some reason and just came up on my feed and I watched and they someone asked him who’s the strongest person in the NBA

And he was like you know there’s a lot of strong people but unquestionably if you ask anybody everyone would say Steven Adams yeah that check out inter they said he he was like Stephen Adams is by far the strongest guy and he said Stephen Adams will do a thing on the on

On the free throw line when you’re waiting for a rebound he was like Stephen Adams will will grab your bicep with his hands like a vice to see how strong you are to see how hard he has to go to get the rebound he’s he’s like it’s like the

Weirdest intimidation factor and he’s like he basically puts his whole hand around my bicep and squeezes it so hard and then goes up and beats me to I think we mentioned this when we’re doing that draft though that he’s also the he’s also the player that everyone picked

That like if you if you don’t want you like who do you not want to get in a fight with like a real fight with the most and it was him like everyone picked him the me G Grizzlies have been bad ever since he’s been out they’re

Supposed to win a championship like two years after their big run two years ago and they’ve been bad he’s been injured for two seasons they need aquam they need aquam aquam they need adult who’s gonna slap people around for being idiots yep that’s that all right well

There you go that’s the Pod um thanks for hanging in there we got messy we had internet stuff uh [ __ ] got weird I have a real question I wanted to ask you uh the all like for like the past six months cuz I was thinking about this

Leading up to the season I just want to ask you um if you had a choice between the Toronto Raptors not making the plan tournament and you know without getting a draft pick or Scotty and and and with that happening Scotty Barnes developing a three-point shot and and like scoring

Into the 20s or then making the play first round playoffs and then him not developing a shot what would you choose so the choice is Scotty Scotty good you don’t make the playoffs Scotty’s bad you do make the playoffs he didn’t he didn’t make a jump but you

Made the playoffs I’ll take Scotty’s good Scotty’s good as well that’s why I always think about this season it’s like now we have a plan now we have like a direction for we actually have a star this was the one year where it’s like is

He gonna be a star is he not and he’s like a star and it’s great I say y totally I agree Scotty made it um guys uh let me well yeah uh let let me throw to both of you if if you got anything you want to plug uh Adam you got

Anything you got got going on no oh yeah I do I have a show every Friday at comedy bar come it’s really great every Friday at 7 pm at comedy bar what’s it called it’s called the headliner and it’s one of the best comics in Canada doing extended time it happens uh during

Theater Sports never go the see theater Sports go see the headliner Freddy and I often play theater Sports so great great great great yeah how dare you do not go to see that Graham what’s up anything you want to plug I’m gonna be opening for

Neri um EX except for when he comes to Toronto because I’ll be recovering he’s playing the um the Scotia Bank place where the Raptors play and I’m not going to be on that show because I’m be I’m getting hip surgery the week before and I’m very bummed and I thought

About I thought about canceling my surgery and just not and just living in pain the rest of my life my doctor says I can’t cancel it anymore I’ve already cancel it twice can’t get hip surgery can’t perform where the Raptor play can’t tell you what it feels like to be Jamario

Moon um that’s the closest comparison it’s you andario there you go Raptor fans there you go Raptor podcast fans catch Graham on his tour everywhere where the Raptors play except for the city where you probably live that’s a plug baby you know you know why even mention it at

Some point you know what I mean is hell um uh no but that’s great that’s that’s that’s sick though that you’re you know outside of the Toronto bit obviously yeah go see gr on tour wherever you can find him uh also subscribe to Raptor Republic and uh like And subscribe to

The YouTube page give us some love review all that [ __ ] uh Andy thank you Graham thank you Adam thank you follow me at Mr gram K on Instagram please if you’re listening to this yeah everybody follow All I’m gonna headline I’m gonna headline Toronto for somebody yeah well no you’re

Actually actually you’re opening for Jamario moon like next year right so it’s gonna be big it’s GNA be huge great yeah Dan for Dan forth music hall all right everyone just yeah at a hispanico restaurant


  1. Besides the 2 young studs the Raptors acquired, the value of the cleared roster spot has been ovelooked. Dinos can take back an extra player in any trade or promote someone from the 905.

  2. Nice pod – according to Nodunks (and google) the poptart mascot is their real-life friend who was previously Benny the Bull.

  3. Some pretty stupid comments about Dennis, "only black guy on the team so he gets the ball a lot". Discriminatory comments have no place here, I wanna hear about basketball not tour bias bro

  4. Masai spoke glowing about Pascal and the end of the 2021/2022 season. They don't hate Pascal. The relationship is a little rocky right now but come on. Let's be reasonable.

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