Golf Players

Neil Middleditch Testimonial | Challenge | POOLE PIRATES SPEEDWAY 2022

Poole Speedway presents the Neil Middleditch Testimonial meeting between the ‘County Crest’ All Stars vs ‘Meridian Lifts’ Heroes Challenge match at Wimborne Road on 31/08/2022, originally live streamed by Pirates TV.

‘County Crest’ ALL STARS
1 : Jack HOLDER
2 : Frederik JAKOBSEN
3 : Paul STARKE
4 : Richard LAWSON (C)
5 : Scott NICHOLLS
6 : Kyle NEWMAN
7 : Ben COOK
TM’s : Mark LORAM & Karen TRACEY

‘Meridian Lifts’ HEROES
1 : Jason DOYLE
2 : Danny KING (C)
3 : Chris HARRIS
5 : Brady KURTZ
6 : Dillon RUML
7 : Zach COOK

Referee : Christina TURNBULL

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Brought to you by Pirates TV:

Pirates TV Crew:
Main Camera : Rob Haywood
Roaming Camera : Paul Hague
Presenter/Commentator : Scott Mitchell
Pits Reporter : Rob Dyer
Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
Producer/Director : Andy Hague
Support : Katie Mitchell

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:17 – Neil Middleditch Interview
00:14:36 – Parade
00:18:44 – Darcy Ward Video Message
00:21:02 – Matt & Helen Ford Reveal
00:22:20 – Matt Ford Interview
00:23:21 – Neil Middleditch Interview
00:23:48 – Team Parades
00:28:01 – Team Line-ups
00:31:10 – Heat 1
00:35:13 – Heat 2
00:38:44 – Heat 3
00:41:59 – Heat 4
00:45:04 – Davey Watt Video Message
00:46:28 – Gary Havelock & Sean Wilkinson Interviews
00:50:24 – Heat 5
00:54:00 – Heat 6
00:57:21 – Heat 7
01:00:01 – Pits
01:02:49 – Chris Holder Interview
01:05:56 – Jason Doyle Interview
01:08:53 – Heat 7 ReRun
01:11:48 – Heat 8
01:15:32 – Bjarne Pedersen Video Message
01:16:17 – Mark Loram Interview
01:17:38 – Heat 9
01:21:31 – Heat 10
01:24:26 – Krzysztof Cegielski Video Message
01:25:26 – Kacper Woryna Video Message
01:25:57 – Poole Ex Riders Cavalcade
01:29:32 – Poole World Champions Parade
01:30:42 – Neil Middleditch Parade Lap
01:32:18 – Chris Holder Interview
01:34:14 – Jack Holder Interview
01:36:20 – Jason Doyle Interview
01:37:24 – Scott Nicholls Interview
01:40:08 – Danny King Interview
01:41:59 – Heat 11
01:45:27 – Heat 12
01:49:12 – Heat 13
01:52:49 – Heat 14
01:55:46 – Ben Cook Interview
01:57:39 – Paul Starke Interview
02:00:33 – Heat 15
02:03:43 – Celebrations & Interviews
02:07:44 – Neil Middleditch Interview
02:09:24 – Conclusion

Foreign Welcome to the Pirates TV viewers I’m Scott Mitchell I’m your presenter and commentator for this evening’s meeting and what a special meeting we have for you tonight it’s the nil middleditch testimonial meeting he’s been waiting for this it’s since 1984. now what was going on in 1984 well the first ever

Episode of crime watch was on in 1984 Beverly Hills Cop that was premiered in Los Angeles and Virgin Atlantic took its first flight from Gatwick but I got to meet up with midlo just a couple of weeks ago to talk about the meeting talk about his life at Paul Speedway and just

Have a general little Mage chat so this is how it turned out so some older fans will remember you’ve probably already had a testimonial those that are a bit longer in the tooth um so why now another one yes it’s amazing uh people say to me you know why

Is the manager getting a testimony well you know back in 84 I’d uh done my 10 years writing for Paul for the whole 10 years and was given a testimonial then by the then promotion um we had the meeting mum and dad were on the gate collecting the money and

Helping along and then we were told after the meeting they’d get the money they present it to me for next week and sadly the club went broke and um I didn’t receive a penny and so that’s basically why and when Matt Ford took over the pool Club he said to me he

Would give me a testimonial so you were really unlucky that that that promotion their last ever meeting was your testimony when it got yeah hooked up in the administration that’s right yeah and it was it was my testimony and a number of other Riders lost money but but say

Yeah that really hurt me because I say I’ve done 10 years at the club and and a lot of people asked the one they’re doing now I’ve been helping them behind the scenes getting things going um yeah basically we got uh you know ripped off it’s a lot of work

Goes into these things and obviously that’s a that’s a hard pill to swallow isn’t it really yeah it is very much so you followed dad Ken footsteps into speedway as a rider you know was he a a supportive dad or was he a dad that really rather you did something else no

No he was I mean it was it was something I never want to do anything else it was always at school what do you want to do when he leaves school and I said I want to be a scooter rider and they say well

What do you want to do for a real job but no dad he never pushed me he never pushed me I never sort of wrote a Speedway bike until I was sort of 15 years old um and he supported me all the way through really I mean we’ve like most

Father and Sons you had your arguments on the tracks and things like this but um all in all I looked up to him like a great deal do you remember that day when Paul came knocking on the door and and signed you do you remember that how did that come

About I was I was doing a few second half as we’d have second half back of the day there so I was doing a few second halves and and we used to race against the reserves then and got decided to beat a few um and then got off of the contract so

Yeah it was an honest something I’d always wanted to write for Paul it’s been nothing on it in my mind from from a small child to write report Pirates because so did they come through your dad to you or just no directed to you after because you were yeah through me

Baby I mean Dad obviously he came down to the track with me and helped me um because I was very young then and um he helped me set everything up and get things going and advised me um but yeah but they basically came to me and said yeah well said to that can

We sign your son so you so you signed for Paul your dad is a legendary pirate in his own right yeah was there a massive expectation from the fans from from you know oh it’s his boy he’s going to do this he’s going to do

That if I wish I had a painful time everybody said to me oh you won’t never be as good as your dad and I probably wasn’t as good as my dad and I but it doesn’t worry me I was very proud of what he did

Um as I said I started 16 did a couple of years at Eastbourne and then went to uh Paul when I was just about 18 and stayed in in the first division as it was then for my whole career until I did two years at Arena at the end

Yeah yeah it must have been a you know the way that Riders averages work it must be a hard day when you’ve been there that long and and had to leave yeah it did it did it hurt me to be fair I mean uh it’s my average turned out to

Be too high for the pool when they changed the leagues um so it did a bit but you know you’ve got to move on a little bit and I had two years at Arena I enjoyed them there but my heart and soul has always been at Paul Speedway

Many won’t know but your dad also did a bit of managing yeah in the late 60s yeah so you’ve kind of followed his footsteps in becoming a manager as well yeah yeah um and you’ve become the most successful British League manager in the modern era of Speedway how does that make you feel

It makes me very proud and as you say my father’s career we’ve actually mirrored each other he started at Eastbourne I started at Eastbourne he went to Paul I went to Paul he rode for England I rode for England he you know I’ve managed England which again was a great honor

But yeah I’m the team managing is something that I enjoy and I think that’s what comes across with the boys and with the fans they they see my passion for the club that’s it I’m it’s not just a job that stand there um I have a genuine passion for the club

And and and to get the success and luckily we’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot and I think I think you know what what is the secret is it because you’re a past Rider that you can relate to the Riders yeah I think I think I

Think it’s a lot to do with it I think you know when I go to a rider and I say something to him and and he knows that I’ve been there okay the the heroes have changed a long time since I’ve ridden a bike but the principle’s exactly the

Same it doesn’t change in Speedway um it’s my job is man management I can still hear an engine if it sounds slow or too powerful or whatever but they do kind of you’ve been there you you know what you’re talking about going to what you know what you’re talking about you’ve managed world

Champions you’ve Harvey lauransky Rickards and holder and a and a brief spell with with Greg Hancock that that must make you feel great inside did you ever feel when you when you signed as a as a manager for Paul that you would be dealing with with world champions such great Riders never

Not not in a million years and I look in my office and I’ve got the pictures of all the teams and as you say the riders that I’ve worked with I mean I’ve worked with the greatest riders in in the modern era to be fair I think there’s there’s not many that

Um I didn’t manage or work with and and it has been been an absolute honor well we know the turbo Twins were a handful for you yeah on and off the track yeah yeah um would you have managed anywhere else if Paul then to come and asked no no

Would that ever been on the equation no no no no I always said that the day Matt Ford left Paul I left Paul okay his son’s their Matt’s still behind the scenes still helping Danny but but no it’s it’s this is this is the only place

I’d manage even back at the start you wouldn’t have even considered managing anything no no not at all no no that was it it’s the club that ran through you I believe blue and white that’s that’s me and I’ve never never changed your success is a Pirates manager then saw you become

You know the world the whole of British Speedway then wanted you to become team GB manager yeah yeah again yeah that must be when you’re when when you’re involved with the country that changes things a little bit because it’s really it’s it’s something that your family

Really get into and I’m very proud of you for that yeah and it would and again it was a great if you manage your country any any sport no matter what it is um it’s a great honor isn’t it and I and I was absolutely over the moon when I

Got off of the job um almost got the World Cup 2004 but I had a lot of problems over the years with injuries um one thing and another and you know we gave it our best shot um um I don’t think we disgraced ourselves in in any way shape or form I

Was there as a fan in 2004 and for you to be the team GB manager it was on your home track the gold medal was this it must be on your manager aerial career the whole lot that must have been the hardest moment ever yeah for sure for sure it’s still

It’s still great but um it’s you know what’s done is done there’s nothing we can’t turn back the clock unfortunately but um yeah second by by one point is uh if that’s the only thing you haven’t achieved as manager then yeah yeah for me you’re going to look back with glass

R4 mate really yeah yeah that’s right yeah exactly yeah um we know you’re a Speedway family and the family here at Bailey house has been synonymous with pool Speedway yep because of the way that you know the Riders have stayed here and it’s become their home legendary parties I’m told of that have

Happened here yeah which I’m sure you can’t if you say too much about I mean how did all that start how did how did the Riders be in here start was it something started a long time ago yeah mum and dad did it originally it’s sort of because obviously it’s a big

House and and they didn’t have a lot of money and so they had to make the house work for them as we still do um and they had writer staying then um all the time but in those days they’d have the sort of Southern tourists they’d have the Glasgow Edinburgh teams

They’d come down they’d do sort of Exeter pool Oxford or Wimbledon and then sort of Base themselves here so you come from exit to here do the bikes then Paul Wednesday then Oxford Thursday or Wimbledon so that’s how it’s all it’s always been um we don’t have so many southern tours

Anymore but we’ve still remain have Riders living here they’ve been living here for over 40 odd years and again you could say the names of the Riders you know Chris Darcy Tony um Javi they’ve all stayed here and and everybody stayed he was anybody stayed here at one time

Um and I enjoy it it’s good fun I’ve got to say they’ve got their workshops here and the boys still come and stay now the poor boys if they’re racing the night before Paul they’ll come here and and they’ve got the workshops which is brilliant for them

Does that keep you young then staying involved with the younger Riders I mean I’m outside and Zach and Ben are here obviously tonight yeah um but it keeps you young and it keeps you current as well because you know how the bikes have evolved how that’s

Changed it’s good for you yeah I mean I don’t want to hang with the kids all the time but I enjoy their company they enjoy my company you know we’ll go down the pub and have a beer or watch the speedway or or every game of dance occasionally

Um but yeah I I enjoy their company they’re all good boys and we’ve been very very lucky that everybody by nun has been been absolutely a treat to have here I was going to say that was my next question is there any that you you uh

You bite your lip when they come back yeah there was one a while ago I won’t mention any names but uh there was a bit of a Ruckus with Darcy and this particular Rider in screeny and a few other boys but that was a it was a yeah all over in a flashlight

And a fire extinguisher going off that was one night I I mean I love that but um the fact that that you open your doors Paul Speedway is a club have benefited from having that it’s become like a given that if somebody comes to Paul mid low looks after yeah basically yeah

My Matt always phones me I mean it’s I mean the Aussie boys particularly because I’m married to an Aussie Susie um and and we’d like to think that if my kids are abroad somebody would do the same for us I know they would because of all the years we’ve done it everybody

Says you’ve always got a bed here there everywhere so that’s where Speedway’s a family everybody knows that it’s it’s a massive family and and your family are so synonymous and and attached to Paul yeah it’s it’s make this what makes Paul very special as well mate it really does

As a fan it makes people very special it does and I’m very proud of the Legacy that I’ve vitman that’s handed down to me so yeah and you and you deserve um this second testimonial which is on its way um at the end of August few Riders have been announced up to now

At the point of filming yep um a few more to be coming out I’m sure the team format with you being the team manager that you are it had to be a team format didn’t it yeah really I I think and also we’ve got two great sponsors on board with candy

Crest um Andy Candy Crush and Andy from Meridian lives who’ve been involved with Paul for many many years in the sponsorship and Andy’s uh put a team together for in memory of his wife Joe um and and he’s just a massive fan with his wife Karen so it’s going to be it’s

Going to be a great night so with that in mind are we going to get any other surprises on the evening that maybe people don’t know about well we hope we’ve got a few names hopefully it’s difficult isn’t it um getting who you want particularly writers I mean the

Riders I’m quite happy with um that I’m very happy with who we’ve got in the field but there there’ll be a couple of old faces coming down there for sure and then people will be able to have a memory with them so it’s going to

Be it’s going to be a good night I’m hoping that we see lots of people from over your years have been involved with the club and been involved with you and I maybe they haven’t been in the more recent times and I’m hoping to see them

Come back for you and yeah I don’t understand it’s been it’s been really touching the amount of people who’ve come up to me and said you know they don’t go as often as they’d like but they will be down for this meeting and that and that makes me feel very proud

And there’s also for those that can’t come it’s going to be streamed with pirates TV of course and um there’s Raffles and things that are going on that for for various massive pieces of Speedway memorabilia yeah um you know you’ve kept it simple it’s a pound of ticket you kept it very simple

Very affordable and open to everybody that’s that’s what I wanted to be able because this is the meeting is for the people as well not just for the fans not just me it’s about everybody involved in the pool Club the fans who make the club

Um and I want to say I didn’t want to hear Who had most money to win the to get we’ve got behind a person suits most people know now up for it for for a raffle um I wanted somebody who would generally some kid in the crowd Kenny

Could win it and that’s that that would be lovely that’d be great well I for one I know I am very much looking forward to the evening I’ve been a fan of yours forever in a day as you well know and and I had your posters on my wall as a

Kid I don’t want to make you feel too old no no no and we’ve been doing a few rounds of golf together I can’t believe that I’m I’m sat in your house that that eight-year-old kid being a set of his hero it’s uh yeah it fills me up thank you that’s

Very nice thank you thank you you’re very welcome very well we’re looking at a really bad grandstand here at Paul Stadium tonight with the a huge crowd around Ben’s uh one and two good support on Ben’s three and four and inside the glass grandstand both on the

Lower level and the upper section well it’s rammed to the gunnels and quite rightly it should be for uh Neil middleditch in his special testimonial night here at Paul stadium in the second running of course nigely he takes over commentary and uh he’s going to introduce things for you as the parade

Of riders gets underways Heroes [Applause] The heroes have been christened by Harry as the random Rockets tonight Of course the heroes ride in memory of Joanne’s Holland with his Solutions you know that I was very little and leave her husband and Kelly patient who’s been together [Applause] Heroes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh Thank you enjoying us [Applause] [Applause] and they’re providing a very special vehicle they are on Boardman as well and uh thanks to the Susie and only us ually Before uh [Applause] successful thing I have along there 38 years he’s here 38 years maybe but it’s never too late to accelerate Leo and Susie everyone [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we’ve got to imagine the friends this evening and we know that even though it’s an awfully long way to travel there’s one man who

Would daily love to have been here tonight and I can ask you to face over to our big stream over on bed number one foreign hello Susie I hope tonight goes really well and successful and I’m sure you’ll be appreciated by everybody for everything you’ve done there and it’s

Been a lot of a long long career for you there so well deserved I hope yeah tonight’s just all about a success um sorry I can’t be there of course but I’ll be watching the live streams over there at heart um but yeah I mean where do I start you

Guys were like parents to me when I first come to England so that’s all I can say is I have great memories and um yeah I’m very thankful that you took me in after Susie had to think about it for a while um but yeah I mean we had some great

Times I I mean I could flash back to um coming home pissed at three in the morning and lighting off fireworks um not only just fireworks we’re talking like 500 pounds where the fireworks and midloth running down in his gown and chasing me around the garden and

Um scaring the out of Susie and oh man um letting fire extinguishers off in the house and midload chasing me out with the shovel um yeah I mean yeah I’m gonna say thanks and sorry but um yeah just to you know it was a big

Part of my career to be able to live your house and and get treated like family and and have the people I track in the backyard um to have fun with me mates and and then uh yeah to go into the pub with midlo and and watching Speedway down

There watching the football just um just having a good time I made a character who I am and I really appreciate all that so uh it’s great to see Chris it’s great to see Chris back at Poole I’m sure that’ll be appreciate it all around and um especially for Mid lower and then

The fans um yeah I wish I could be there and be a part of it but um here at home so all the best I miss you guys [Applause] As well because of the daily love and I know one person who really really wanted to be here for all the years that they’ve worked together unfortunately apologies come from Matt Todd and Matt unfortunately could not make it as the middle of those the business of the

Chateau is booming which is good for Matt but unfortunately it prevents him from being here with mid lane but in his set of course the main man coming onto the track to make a presentation down step forward day forward everybody [Applause] thank you that he’s got a very special presentation

And either side there with our mascots with midloth Susie Danny RMS shots but wait a minute [Applause] there’s no apology thank you [Applause] [Applause] and I’ll tell you what the idea of the suits everything is all down the Mac because Matt said I want to surprise him I can’t I told him I’m not going to be there but I’m going to come in and we’ll surprise you Matt tell us

About it get the coach on the street we were really we’ve had such a busy summer and we didn’t want to shut down because we want to make hay while the sunshine but um how on Earth could I possibly miss this so we um we had to be here we

Made a decision we spoke to our partners we said a unicorn they said clothes and get over there so we’re so pleased we’re so pleased thank you I don’t know what a result [Applause] Quick closer again And thanks for indulging us everyone I know it’s a special special night and I know you’ll give us a little bit of leeway on Parade a little bit longer Neil that was absolutely amazing what a nice surprise yeah fantastic I’ve been doing a few minutes and I was going to

Be here and uh uh yeah here they are absolutely absolutely amazing yeah but what a fantastic effort for them to make it tonight on Sundays we’re pleased to do it we’re going to see more of you later on we’ve got some more surprises some more stars all coming out for

Midloth tonight it’s all about the man me on the middle next everyone [Applause] this end of the field so ladies and Gentlemen let’s meet our field of riders tonight first of all at number seven into aliens millennium-less Heroes he’s established himself as a full favorite there’s no shortage of passion it is Debut season here as a virus exactly

Number six well the answer to the last minute call to be here tonight that’s a big commitment and our grateful thanks go to Dylan Ramos number five he led the Pirates in 2019 now seen only in the Premiership it’s a welcome return for Middle owners Roger number four he’s always been pleased to

Return here give him a big big welcome as Anderson style he never gives in they call him the bomber Chris bomber [Applause] number two finished runner-up in the championship titles last week captain and still king of winmore Road Danny King [Applause] The 2017 world champion Jason Doyle on this side of the fence I think you should be shouting as loud as you can but see who you’re supporting let’s turn around to the parents Candy Crush Heroes and his number seven Benco foreign [Applause] Times British champion Scott Nicole Sublime as a pirate this year possibly he’s enjoying his best season to date he’s the Heroes pack team he’s rich and Larson [Applause] number three another good friend who answered midloth’s distress call there’s always a big big welcome here in Paul for Paul star

Number two a pirate in 2018 he was quick so I set up deciding the Kingsley in the Premiership just this month it’s Frederick Jacobson [Applause] he’s a GP Rider now with places to go we know that’s true but Jack hold on [Applause] and most importantly we had a little

Something for you as well if anything multiple Speedway is going to present Susie with a lovely birthday courtesy some Carnival flowers in Pennsylvania electron Falls Speedway so seriously and we can get on with the visit of a cost of the coin we’ve got two captains normally of course they’re in the

Business together tonight their opposing size Danny King and Richard Lawson he’s calling tails tails is Danny wins the toss that’s where the road was he’s taking one three for the heroes in Heat number one let’s get this party started everyone join us live in the commentary rocks

Here’s the team lineups we’ll start with the away side which aren’t the away side the Meridian list Heroes Jason Doyle at number one Captain Danny King finally won a toss here at wimborne Road he’s at number two at number three is the hard charging Obama Harris at number four

Hans Anderson at number five we have Brady Kurtz don’t get to see him off at wimborne Road these days at number six it’s Dylan Rummel and at number seven at Reserve there is Zach cook we go over to the County press to All Stars and it’s

Number one is Jack holder at number two is Frederick Jacobson returns to the Pirates at number three it’s Paul start and number four Captain Richard Lawson at number five Scott Nichols number six local man Carl Newman um number seven opposite number is Ben cook so team managers Mark Moran and Karen Tracy

For the county Crest All-Stars and Gary Hadlock and Sean Wilkinson for the Meridian lift Heroes see the boys out there checking See the guys now checking All the setups they’re all done obviously a longer presentation than you would usually see here at midlo’s testimonial but these are how these things work and uh yeah we got two good lineups Not surprises being carried in there But there’s the man this is what it’s all about 1984 the testimonial happened and under unfortunate circumstances things didn’t quite go their way and mid low missed out but tonight is all about readdressing it you see been doing this most weeks don’t we get a

Zoom in on him what race he’s in what color is out at Jack holder there envision he was a pirate 2017 2019. and obviously recent winner with Australia at the speedway Nations good to have him here at wimborne Road for a special night there we have Jason Doyle there in white

Four Seasons with the Pirates 2006 2007 to 11. 210. knockout Cup winner with the Pirates Obviously went on to bigger things World individual Champions so here we go here’s our lineup for heat one on the inside in yellow is the captain Danny King on gate two in white is for uh oh that’s I think those are the wrong way around That’s me I’m reading the wrong bit in Gate two in blue is Frederick Jacobson gate three and white is Jason Doyle and in gate four in red is Jack holder number one and belong to say they take me a race or two to get used to these teams and the race jackets Ah start Marshall Rob bottom calls the boys in We’re ready the tapes are up and away we go and everybody’s getting there a little bit together but it’s doily and Danny King and Jack holder comes around the outside of King this doily out front having a look behind it is it’s one of his World Cup teammates right there Jack holder Freddie nearly gets underneath Danny King there who made a mistake front followed by holder followed by Danny King and yellow and then Freddie Eckerson at the back in blue all the grip still on the inside to the boys not moving out just yet firing mechanical failure doily looks

Like he’s going to take this Jason Doyle so it’s gonna be as they come over the line white red yellow and blue white red yellow and blue 4-2 Heat score and the advantage to the immediate Meridian lift Heroes The guys pull round Pass the bikes the mechanics here’s your confirmation of the heat one result in first place it was Jason Doyle for the Meridian lift Heroes he picked up three points in second in red was Jack holder he picks up a couple for the county Crest All-Stars in third in

Yellow was Danny King he picks up a point for the Meridian lift Heroes and at the back in blue was Freddie Jacobson so he failed to score Heat score was a 4-2 advantage to the Meridian Heroes so obviously the match score after Heat won is two to the county Crest All-Stars four to the Marine lift Heroes So here we come to tapes then Finally caught caught the reserve ride but there ain’t too many reserves in this one with the talent that the field that we have here Christina Turnbull two minutes is on the boys have got to get around here So I’m already doing a bit of gardening so here we go here’s our lineup for heat two sponsored by Susie’s I can read here so here we go on the inside in red is Carl Newman four Meridian Blue is Ben Cook and in gate four in yellow is that cook so we got the cooks on the outside Here we go then let’s start heat two pretty even break up the outside from the Cook Brothers and they make it the courser on opposition sides tonight it’s Ben cook out front it’s Zach cooking second Newman in third trying to come around the outside of that cook it’s Dylan Rumble at the back It looks like Ben’s gonna clear off he’s leaving a gap now to Zach yeah we know brotherly loving this one and there’s Rommel at the back It’s looking like a 4-2 the other way Little processional again this one all the dirt’s on the inside but Ben cook out front as they come to the line it’s blue yellow red and white blue yellow red and white that’s a 4-2 Heat score in the favor of the county Crest All-Stars [Applause] it’s a result of heat too

Ben Cook comes around with a nice wheelie for the crowd very nice too thank you so here’s the result it’s the confirmation of your Heat result it’s a winning blue for Ben cook for the county Crest All-Stars in second is brother in yellow Zach Kirk he picks up a couple

For the Meridian lift heroes in third in red was Carl Newman for the county Crest All-Stars and at the back with Dylan Rumble in white for the marina lift Heroes 4-2 was the Heat score taking the match score after two Heats to sixth to the county Crest All-Stars and six to the

Meridian Heroes a huge crowd and quite rightly so for a great man that’s put a lot of time and effort and a great family that spent a lot of time and effort into this Speedway team and this club so the boys around the tapes for heat three Sponsored by Therma home and here are your Riders on the inside in white for the Meridian lift Heroes it’s Chris Harris in Gate two in blue is Richard Lawson he’s there for the candy Crest All Stars in gate three his hands Anderson for the Meridian lift Heroes

And in gate four in red is Paul Stark for the county Crest All-Stars you can hear knives with their Nigel Lee he has done a lot of work for this tonight it’s been a busy time helping midlo organize this testimonial and uh praise where praise should be given he’s done a great job

So here we go it’s hit three the bomber made a start yes Bob has made a traditional start here but he’s passed each side no he’s not what a super ride he kept it pin on Paul Stark was tried in rare on the outside someone’s trying him on the inside

But bomb has gone away Paul Stark in second in red Lawson in third in blue ready James Anderson not often you see him there here at winborne Road but it’s bomber now Chris Harris stealing a March in white he really is enjoying the track conditions and Stark in his way

Mechanical issues now it’s the last half lap for bomber and he’s going to bring home a win for the Meridian lift Heroes it’s white red blue and yellow as they come over the line White red blue and yellow it’s a three-all Heat score it’s the result of heat three

And here’s your heat three confirmation of the result the winner in white was Chris Harris he picks up three points for the Meridian lift heroes in second was Paul Stark in red he picks up a couple of points for the county Crest All-Stars in third was Richard Lawson

He’s in blue he picked up a point for the Candy Crush All-Stars and at the back failing to score in yellow was Hans Anderson for the Meridian lifts Heroes so another three a three all Heat score first one of the evening taking the match score to nine a piece after heat three And here we see the start there Chris Harris making a start I think you’ve done that at the championship Riders Championship last week in his first couple of hits he’d have been in the mix at the end so we arrive at heat four nice and early it takes it’s the Ginger

Ninja Brady Kurtz he’s in white there for the Meridian Heroes Cook Brothers having a bit of a set too there about who’s gonna start where I think they were in the wrong Gates I’m not sure but here we go Peak four sponsored by neverend doubt Corner in

Gate one in yellow is Zach Kirk he’s there for Meridian lifts heroes in Gate two in blues brother Ben Cook he’s there for the county Crest All Stars in gate three in white is Brady Kurtz he’s there for the Meridian lift Heroes and in gate four is Scott Nichols he’s in red

Four the county Crest All Stars And away we go and it’s Ben cook out there again and here comes Scotty around the outside Ben Cook’s not seen him Brady’s up the inside now he’s seen him is he gonna let Sky Skype around Brady got all so tight tight tight there with Bangkok but it’s now Scotty around the outside Oh it looks like Brady’s now past Ben Cook so it now looks like it’s going to be a 4-2 with a better lap and a bit to go can Brady Kurtz got nickels Comes home for the win it’s red white blue and then yellow all right Blue and yellow It’s a 4-2 Heat score in the favor of the county Crest All Stars There’s your winner there Scott Nichols in red winner with Scott Nichols three points he gets there for the county Crest All-Stars in second in white Brady Kurtz good pass on Ben Cook there he takes two points for the Meridian lift heroes in gate in uh third place in blue

Was Ben Cook he picks up a point for the county Crest All-Stars and at the back is brother Zach cooking yellow he failed to score this time out or two Heat score [Applause] to the county Chris All-Stars [Applause] but I just still announcing things out there before we head into uh look at the track we have another message because uh sending his uh his Joy all the way from Australia please put your hands together for one day what so we head to the video screen

Hey everyone hey midloth got your testimonial mate about time I think the first one was due when I was uh being born but uh yeah I’m I’m over the moon that you’ve finally got your day mine was back in 2011 had a fantastic day down there and uh and pool Stadium one

Of the best days I’ve ever had and uh I still remember it very very well I hope you have the exact same experience um you’re uh you’re a Cornerstone of pool Speedway your whole family’s been a part of it for uh well since Jesus was playing on the wing at Bournemouth

Um it’s uh yeah it’s just fantastic that um you can be uh be down there be a part of it and love it so much your passion is is uh is known worldwide and uh yeah I sincerely hope that um the You Feel The Love from from pool

Speedway I hope you you feel it from all around the world because uh there’s people all around the world have have been a big fan of midlo and uh and and your part in pool Speedway for a long long time so uh have a great night mate

Uh I’m sure you’re gonna have a big one and uh I hope you all enjoy it uh much love to all you guys at pool I miss you all uh all the fans there and uh sponsors thank you very much for for my time there at pool and uh uh much love

To you all have a great night support midload thank you okay well we’re up in pit Lane here and uh if you turn around guys the cameraman is coming to see us and I’ve got Gary have a look here and sure we’ll continue looking after the

Heroes tonight Gary tell us what uh you know about mid loads must be a book you could write oh no doubt about that um since Matt got involved in Med uh Neil team manager um he’s had Aussies there every year I was there at least one two uh touring

Cars and stayed there when he was in England um it’s just just fabulous people you know they just the the amount of help is for especially you know young Aussie riders coming over like the Zach the Koch brothers it’s almost like they’ve come over and and founded

Another another set of parents you know because we forget we’re all getting older and these kids are so young and um you know Neil’s got the ball for them this year I know um Petty Cuts keeps his bike says well I don’t know whether he stays there or not but

Um yeah and it was that was a great guy but a very different managerial Styles between yourself and mid low you know mid low the the calm manager you the man who’s uh gearing them up all the time and getting them going uh yeah it’s not like that um

I never realized I was nervous Neil actually gets it’s weird because the semis and finals and that last year like piercing up and down the pitch I’m obviously louder you know that’s my style you know I like to try and and see what’s going on and um you know

That’s why I always say I always I still want to fill a program I mean if if I can because in my opinion that there’s those extra 30 seconds talking to one of the Riders before he goes all the track to fill it in a piece of paper so

Um you know Sean’s glad he took on that role tonight but usually Danny Ford or somebody’s there and continues to get someone I think there’s only one last year that I did all by myself filled the program in and everything and I was aware Edinburgh and we won

Sorry Gary let’s quickly go to Sean because the rides will be out on track very shortly showing what an opportunity to come and stand next to Javi and manage a team in his presence yeah I’m obviously I’ve known Gary for a few years now um and I’ve got to know middle of the

Last couple of years and like it’s an honor to be here tonight and help him sponsor the meeting a bit as well yeah that’s a great thing because there’s a lot of sponsorship going on and I know tonight part of it is down to you so

Thanks very much indeed for that and uh as you see the meeting going on it’s been pretty even Steven so far lots of races to come but uh how are you going to turn it in your favor I will pull away in a minute with this man beside me he’s bound to do

It we’re giving ourselves an unofficial damn we are the Red Rockets a bit like the red roses then it was uh uh it was a Zack I think it was that cook came over there and everyone went yeah that’ll do we’ll be the Red Rockets well look Let’s uh

Let you guys go off because you’ve got a race coming up in a few seconds time good luck to the rest of the night thanks again for your time Gary thanks Sean enjoy the rest of your evening I’m sure you will cheers and with that we’ll pass you back to the commentary point

And Scotty Mitchell this has just been an amazing night already we’re only four Heats in lovely to see messages from Darcy Ward and obviously Davey watt spent a lot of time with midlo in their time here and lovely lovely that they’ve taken the time to to

Be able to send messages for the and it’s lovely this on the big screen fantastic it’s on the big screen so the whole crowd can see them here tonight it’s just a night of Celebration but we’ve got five more Heats or four more Heats in this block to go so here we go

It’s heat five sponsored by the gas Appliance Superstore former sponsors of the Pirates on the inside gate in red is holster for the mirror for the county Crest All-Stars in Gate two in yellow is their Captain Danny King for the Meridian lift heroes in gate three in blue is Richard Lawson

For the county Crest All-Star Zone in gate four in white is Jason Doyle for the Meridian lift Heroes Here we go then repeat five is about to get underway the green lights are on and away we go who’s made it there first looks like Doyle from the outside and his teammates followed him in has he gone too wide Lawson’s coming up the inside in blue timoth Faith the two teammates weekly

Regular going out at hammer and Tom’s own second and third place but it’s doily set the pace at making the wave riding nice and wide picking up the dirt he’s got one lap to go it’s looking like a five one to the Meridian left Heroes They look to be away Lawson in third could do nothing about it in blue so as they come over the line it’s white yellow blue red It’s a 5-1 Heat score in the favor of the really lift Heroes those Lads come round for some acknowledgment from the crowd and what a big crowd it is tonight Nice couple of wheelies there for the crowd So the heat five result is a win for Jason Doyle in white for the Meridian lift Heroes he picks up three points in second Danny King his partner in yellow he picks up a couple in third in blue was Richard Lawson for the county Crest All-Stars picked up a point and coming

In at the back was Paul Stark in red so it was a 5-1 Heat score in the favor of the Meridian lift Heroes taking the match score 14 to the All-Stars 16 to the heroes and here we come with the next Heat great because I’m doing wrong holds the start line

Meet six sponsored by Charles Trent those local to Paul will know that Charles Trent again sponsor from former years here we go on the inside in Gate one in white for the Meridian lift Heroes is Brady Kurtz in Gate two in red is Jack holder for the county Crest

All-Stars in gate three in yellow is Dylan Rummel there for the heroes and in gate four in blue it’s Freddie Jacobson for the All-Stars Start Marshall Colin there he’s calling the riders in Close the tapes and away we go it’s a good start from holder he gets over Kurtz something roaring around the outside in blues Freddie Jacobson Brady’s gone deep into the corner now is Jack gonna Shield jackalton home it’s going to be a bit of Team riding

It could be a 5-1 straight back at the heroes after they knocked one up against the All-Stars good better team ride in from jakobson and holder At the back is ramoyed yellow he’s playing no part at the moment one to go Freddie Kurtz is closed up can he get by holder is sold Jacobson a bit high and dry there going past him on the inside he’s now locked it up on the inside to make sure

Yakutson comes around the outside but it’s red blue white yellow as they go over the line red blue white and yellow as they go over the line it’s a 5-1 heat advantage to the All-Stars I’m sure Andy Tracy appeared there really happy with that here’s a confirmation of the heat six

Result three points for Freddie Jacobson in red for the All-Stars in second was Jack holder in blue now that’s the other way around I think Jack Holden was in red but anyway Jack holder was second he picks up a couple Brady Kurtz was third he

Picks up one for the heroes and at the back was Dylan Rummel failing to score so it was a 5-1 Heat score was the result of heat six taking the match score 19 to the All-Stars 17 to the heroes There are our start Lanes look Having a good look the Riders don’t just look at where they started and where they parked the bike they look forward to see what’s happened to the right after they leave the tapes So here we go heat seven sponsored by the pool tire and mot Center on the inside in red for the All-Stars is Scott Nichols in Gate two in white is Chris Harris for the heroes in gate three in blue is Kyle Newman for the All-Stars and in gate four in

Yellow for the Meridian lift Heroes is Hans Anderson two-point lead currently for the All-Stars call me old-fashioned but it’s lovely to see guys in race jackets as well I’m a traditionalist I think maybe So Rob bottoms there Exam seven we are away and it’s Bob airs made another start and his partner Hans Anderson has come around the outside Bob has shut the throttle off to try and let him buy oh hands has played a big mess of that I don’t know what happened there

But Hans got locked up crossed up and went over the bars into turn three a nasty looking incident there hands are still down on the floor and those are the ones that are the worry just good with their hands his mechanic Wheeling the bike back front mud guard looks a bit secondhand

That’s Chris Harris’s bike coming back obviously he wasn’t involved he was trying to stay tight on the inside mechanics are coming out to retrieve other bikes looks like the ambulance is coming on track so we can only presume is not a good sign at this particular moment

Well there were a couple of riders involved in that heat heading back uh hands Anderson is still being dealt with by the ambulance crew right we’re gonna hand over to the pits and uh Rob Dyer well down here in pit Lane it’s uh quite a somber atmosphere

I’ve got to say because a number of the Riders are concerned about the ambulance being out on track tending to Hans Anderson down there certainly uh a lot of concern for the Danish Rider in a meeting like this well it’s not the type of incident that you

Would want to see happen but the Medics are with hands he’s obviously in the best possible Care at the moment and do we keep our fingers crossed that there is nothing too serious and just a little bit of care and attention will be okay for hands now uh I noticed that uh

There is a stretcher being maneuvered into position in the ambulance area so we assume that hands will be taking a trip in the ambulance back to the pits for assessment let’s hope it gets to be nothing worse than uh just a winding and uh shaking up after that incident it was

Certainly shaping up to be a very interesting race with hands uh and uh bomber side by side going into turn three but uh on this occasion well hens comes off for the worst there so we keep our fingers crossed for him and we do hope that we can report on good news

Either through the pit lane or through comms with Scotty in just a few moments time so we pass back to Scotty at the commentary point yeah you just had a shot there lovely shot of uh two former world champions two former Pirates Sam malenko there and Chris holder

There’s a couple of special bikes there’s Neil middle ditch’s bike from his heyday Don’t they look the upright engine there don’t they look primitive in compared to the modern day machinery and that would have been state of the art if that’s midlow’s last bike been 84 that have been stated the art and then we move across to what is Tony ricarton’s bike who

If I remember rightly it had a Penske frame Penske the IndyCar team were based in Paul at that time when ricarton Tony ricartum was riding here for the Pirates they made him a special frame and that’s a set of uh Nearest kevlars Miller loss kevlars leather well say kevlars they were leather then and they would have weighed an absolute ton compared to the modern day Kevlar so gonna have a little chat with Chris hold up Nigel Leahy It’s a special night to midloth I think everybody in this place is just gutted but not more than you not going to be out on that track I know I’ve seen our smooth has been 100 today um yeah it’s a bit unfortunate obviously what happened but um yeah I’m stoked to

See midloth in a great turnout like we’ve got the best fans in England right so um credit to you guys for coming out because they deserve these the main Landing pool right apart from that obviously and it’s been here a long time and all the boys are having a crack

And like I said the track’s looking good so be honest we just wanted to see you race and uh we’ve been robbed again uh just like we were our whole season not so long ago but for you I mean the recruit one for you because it was a big

Crash and there’s some pretty extensive work taking place to get you back on your feet yeah like to be honest it wasn’t like a beat crash it was just didn’t run beaten up the backside was the problem that um you know you got a few injuries but I feel good

Um the bad things obviously it’s it’s always scary when it’s in the early be back or anything like that so I’m going to be careful but um I feel good my butt’s sore and I feel sore shoulder and whatnot but um yeah I would have loved

To have been here tonight but we’d love to be able to race for the guys tonight and um spin a few laps around here like I haven’t been here for a while right that would have been good to send this around me for a few laps but anyway that the

Boys are gone Jordan’s three-down Porsche and obviously hands had a nasty crash here and that just shows you man a lot easier just having a good time and it’s especially so you’ve got to be careful but um hopefully he’s all right they’re always pretty much seriousness

If we’ve seen it in the last two weeks uh field here it’s amazing I find the injuries that are taking place people that just you know the things are a sport for you though maybe you would like the chance to whip your whip your brother into Shane reindeer as well

Chuck’s doing pretty good isn’t he I know if you’ve been watching pole lately but I’ve done him every time the race so I guess you know how much died um yeah obviously it’s all like racing for a lot of years and I haven’t been here for a while and I would have loved

To have been able to spend a few laps and you know have a good time and celebrate we read a lot with his family and you know obviously there’s a reason why I can’t but um Never Say Never obviously want to come back here at one point and you know

Continue what we’re doing here but um at the minute eastpoints want to get better and getting back into hockey we can’t wait for that and we want to see you back here at winmore Road your heart belongs here and all our hearts Belong To You Chris hola foreign

For Chris there for that and obviously you can hear his disappointment not being able to ride here for Middle over this evening [Applause] and what’s a great crowd that’s come in this evening it really is a bumper crowd and it just shows the respect that everybody and the fans have from the Pirates towards Neil Benedict and his family Ah that’s Jason Doyle agreeing with Nigel just have a little listen to that

Uh you’re still giving British Speedway the thumbs up yes I’ve been 16 years when I first signed my first professional contract with pool Pirates and uh yeah I’ve been to a few clubs in in the British league but I’ve had some fun memories uh riding for pool over the years and we’ve always

Had some good support here in our tracks sometimes being amazing sometimes being not so good but it’s uh it’s been always a pleasure arrive under the mat according and you know obviously um Mike Golding was the with the owner at the time grew up and also in the

Middle of summer weeks of course no Christmas the track looks pretty good tonight you’ve actually got a spin on it give it a thumbs up which Chris is that name is that what’s in the pizza’s on the bike no it’s a it’s really good um

It’s a it’s a track that yeah you’ve got to race the defensively and Chase the dirt but it’s always enjoyable to me in good races it’s uh it’s a tough schedule and coming into a testimonial meeting I mean we’ve got to be grateful because we

Know how kind of how hard you guys were making time to come down here and just do it they should leave a midloth um that’s so it’s a great call yeah we had Sweden last night so we flew in quite early to to come down to pool and

From pool to Norwich to the long drive back home so we have about our port to move hands at the moment we don’t care how long it’s going to take so we’ll hose on to be safe um there’s a big crash in and we’re all over here since

Okay so that’s amazing I had a little bit of rules going on here and use in a little while but ladies and gentlemen for the time being thank you and give it a round of applause we remember Jason Doyle thank you yeah good good chat there with Jason Doyle [Applause] looks like hands

Manager Havelock there having a quick chat with Chris Harris crowd has just been informed hands is out of the ambulance and as you can hear Low salmon Milenko Keaton mid-low son big smile on his face seems to be enjoying it tonight getting not one that likes the Limelight likes to sit in the background Dylan Rummel is going to take spot in heat seven as India rotary replacement in yellow less than a minute for the All-Stars to

Get around but gonna make it comfortably so here we go it’s the rerun of heat seven sponsors of heat seven pull tire and mot Center on the inside in red for the All-Stars is Scott Nichols in Gate two is Chris Harrison white will he make that start again for the heroes in gate

Three is Kyle Newman in blue for the All-Stars and in gate four in yellow he comes in as an injury Rider replacement as you can see on our little screen there well done and in yellow on gate four that is Dylan Rummel so Three nights are on the tapes are up and away we go the good start on the inside there he’s got a nickel but bomber split the two All-Stars straight through the middle of a turn too what a boom from bomber oh he’s got a big lift there Scotty Nichols is right

There with him he’s not going to let him go this time goes high and then tries to cut underneath bomber these two really are going for it Bob has gone wide Nichols is up the inside further in the throttle to get grip Newman there holds third for the All-Stars

And it’s Rubble looking to go around the outside a new one at the back so the boys at the back are really going at it as well and it looks like rubble’s gone the long way around and made it in yellow what a great move from Rubble

On you and he’s gone out to find the grip again but it’s Harris who leads it home in white red yellow and blue White red yellow and blue oh it’s a 4-2 Heat score in favor of the heroes That was a rare old tussle there at the start with Nichols and Harris and here we go here’s our heat seven result confirmation in white three points goes to Chris Harrison the heroes in second in red was Scott Nichols he picks up a couple for the All-Stars in third in

Yellow was Dylan Rummel he picked up an important point there for the heroes and at the back was Carl Newman in blue for the All-Stars as you can see that 4-2 race result takes the match back to all square 21 points a piece as we come to tapes all four Riders come up

Four he ate that’s sponsored by Mark Robbins carpets and in Gate one in blue for the All-Stars is Ben Cook in Gate two in white and yellow sorry is that cook for the heroes in gate three in red is Freddie Jacobson for the All-Stars I didn’t get four

The white is Danny King but I believe he’s wearing yellow and we have two yellows out there on track Danny King should be in white I don’t know whether he’s trying to confuse me I’ll be having words with him a little later after the meeting for the technical era Having a little worm in there Now Danny’s mechanics gonna have to walk all the way back to the start to uh retrieve it lovely grabbing the throttle to keep his bike running so nobody has to push it I love this welcome to bitlow’s testimonial brilliant sir cook makes it on the inside and here comes the rider

In white but it’s black now it’s Danny king that’s who it is he comes around the outside as that cooking yellow Ben Cook and in red at the back is Freddie Jacobson it’s Danny King out front going right up under the ball to find some grip

Yakub sitting now making a move on Ben Cook Ben Cook’s trying to go high but Jacobson’s keeping him on it back there in red in fourth place but it’s the rider in black uh sir leading the race that’s Danny King the captain of the heroes almost got nipped on the inside there as

We come into the last half lap it looks like candy king bar manicanical it’s white yellow red yellow blue and red Five one each score in the favor of the heroes it’s the result of he ate Here come the boys a couple of Wheaties there and here’s confirmation of the result of heat eight the winner in white picked up three points for the heroes that’s Danny King he was followed home by his team partner in yellow Zach cook he picks up a couple

Ben Cook brother Zach he picks up a point in blue and at the back in red with Freddie Jacobson picking up nothing for the All-Stars so a 5-1 Heat score with the result there taking the match score to 22 to the All-Stars and the heroes take a four-point lead 26 to them

There we are in our commentary position and we’re going to have another message from the big screen From Brianna Patterson [Applause] hey Milo hey I’m very pleased to see you finally got your meeting on if anyone deserved meeting here users have made uh I’m sorry I cannot take part in this we’d love to um but I do in enjoy my retirement um great to be more time back home with

My family I hope you guys are gonna have a fantastic evening a great meeting and stay safe everyone look forward to see you all again one day take care bye-bye interview on Santa green with Mark Loren and Nigel um Design here as well in your farewell so how is life after Speedway study hard work because the structures but um yeah it’s been all right we’ve built quite a nice built business going in it’s going really well so I am you know I just have to work for a little bit you

Know five and a half six days a week it will move the family that’s always quite difficult but um thank you ladies and gentlemen Mark Moran we’ll try and catch the word we’re happy in America we’re here so to speak but we want to get things moving Heat number nine

Lovely to catch up there with Mark Moran explaining a little bit about his life after Speedway of course the 2000 World Speedway Champion something that can never be taken away from him so as we head on with heat nine sponsored by a by Escape

In the ins on the inside in blue for the All-Stars is Richard Lawson in Gate two in white is Brady Kurtz for the heroes in gate three in red is Paul Stark for the All-Stars earning gate four and yellow will be Dylan Rummel he has less than a minute

But I can see him belting up the back straight on the back wheel trying to get round to the start Now so Riders are at tapes So here we go then oh Lawson has stopped there at the start so small Stark’s out there on his own but Brady curse is taking the lead in white for the heroes and this is going to see them extend their lead Rubble there in third and it’s starko chasing Brady Kurtz

Using Brady curses line I’m not sure what happened to Richard Lawson there Brady Kurtz out front in white and he really is flying and starting to show a clean Ferry Hills to Paul Stark in second rommel’s not far off a Stark As you can see a few little wheelies there from Brady Kurtz he’s enjoyed himself being back at winborne Road here for Mid low tonight looks like a chain issue for Richard Lawson I could see a chain over the handlebars but as we come over the line it’s white red and yellow

It’s a 4-2 Heat score in favor of the heroes Brady comes around and takes a lap of Honor [Applause] and here’s the heat 9 confirmation of the Heat result the winner in white was Brady Kurtz for the heroes he picks up three points in second in red was Paul

Stark good ride from him he picks up a couple of points for the All-Stars Dylan Rummel takes a point in yellow and of course we saw what happened happened to Richard Lawson there he failed to get a yard past the starting tapes and leaves with a chain over the handlebars of his

Bike so as you can see it was a 4-2 Heat score advantage to the heroes and that makes the match score after heat nine 24 to the All-Stars and the heroes have stretched It Out by six points now to 30 for the heroes There we go our mattress Reed you’ve seen a turn ball smile on her face she hasn’t had a lot to do tonight so that’s good A bit of Garden in there for Freddie Need to mention really love it State letting zero event sponsor with partner sponsors therm Home West Marine County Crest pallets and of course Meridian lifts all loyal supporters to pool Speedway as a club sure Midler is very grateful for them tonight helping him put this meeting on so here we go team 10.

Sponsored by pirate cast they’re on YouTube you must listen to them all things pirates on the inside in Gate one in blue is Freddie Jacobson for the All-Stars in Gate two in yellow is Zach cook he’s the injury Rider replacement for the heroes in gate three Jack holder in red

For the All-Stars and on the outside in white is Chris Harris for the heroes oh my goodness Harris is on the outside can he make a start from there we will soon know away we go I don’t believe it no he hasn’t quite made it holder’s made a cut back

Freddie Jacobson’s gone but bombers found that grip now he’s going outside of yakasa to get into turn three cut him back inside turn four trying to get under yakiss and Jacobson’s cut him off then hit the Bermuda on the outside in blue this is looking good for the All-Stars need to

Keep Harris behind Jack holders coming into the mix now he’s taking a really tight line The Appleton lift the left Bob Harris tomboy for the heroes yakuten now Cuts back up on the sixth up on the inside but he’s not quite got the speed bomber now will go out to the pit gate hit that Burma and head on down the back straight and

As we head to the line white blue red just from yellow Heat score it’s a result of heat ten Omar Harris there making a couple of good passes he comes round Freddie comes around Palmer comes around good race that one from the crowd and here’s your heat 10 result to win in white for Chris Harris for the heroes he takes the three points Freddie Jacobson comes in

In blue he takes two points for the All-Stars in third was Jack holder he picks up a point in red for the All-Stars and at the back was that cook decided to score this time for the hero it was a three all Heat score taking the

Match score after heat 10 to 27 to the All-Stars 33 to the heroes so a couple of more messages from the screen we will take a look at those and the first one is Christoph segelski hi Niels I’m really impressed that you survived in Speedway that many years and

Really love to have the manager like you somewhere in Poland you teach me a lot I didn’t spend too much time in pool but I never forget the time with you I never forget One Moment In World Cup in Ross off I remember when Great Britain

Didn’t pass to the final I think and to your tears your emotions when I’ve been there when I’ve seen it I never forget it I really miss you I really miss pool my friends I never forget that time and all the best for you and I hope to see

You really soon all the best news [Applause] Ah we have another message from Casper Warner hi everyone hey midlo hope you have an amazing uh meeting at your big night and celebrate it like it’s in Abu Dhabi 2018. have a great night yes after that Championship win uh all the riders in 2018 headed out to Abu Dhabi and uh

Had a wait of a time I think they went to the Grand Prix if I remember rightly right we’re gonna head over to the pits and catch up with Rob dyren see what’s going on well we’re just having a look now at uh the Riders who

Are going to come out on the Cavalcade of past Pirates and some very famous names there ready to come out on show as we look at it we can see uh Mike cake there we’ve got uh Eric broadbelt and of course uh midlo as well Dons his famous uh Pirates race jacket

Because it wouldn’t be a Cavalcade of former Pirates would it without the main man on display tonight we’ll pass back over to uh Scott Mitchell when commentary position he’ll uh tell you a little bit about the Riders as they come out on their parade lap it must be very strange for these guys

To jump on these new modern machinery as my cake heads round I don’t believe you ever got to ride the middle of the poolside as Neil only made a few appearances in in the latter That season but Micah’s Mike had stepped down a league back then but nevertheless it’s a

Delight to have him your local land from Parkston here with us this evening had a good time as a career at Paul 116. appearances 513 points and 423 rides and you can see this year’s there 1970-72 and again in 74. is to see him Norman can’t wait to get back on the bike

He really is desperate to get back on a bike and do a lap there we go we’ve got him on hold on Norm hold on 961 rides for the Pirates amazing all those years from the 50s to 1973 pull through and through he’s here every week

Broad belts just sit through as well on their bike again another Legendary Pirate always rode the wide line remember him as a kid here we have Russell Foote the youngster getting us here at the Pirates in 74. [Applause] here’s another proper Legend Martin Yates few stints with the Pirates

Another one of my heroes have got to meet him Adam Ellis’s sponsor evening a couple of years back what a lovely lovely man as you can see for 1540 points from 900 rides oh here we go Two rides for Gary May in 1980. [Applause] didn’t score too many points but uh I thought he was lining up to do a wheelie then there’s Gary Havelock he turned Pirates around when he came here when he came here at that time in the management and the promoters came here at that time

Gary was a big sign in for the pool Pirates at that time oh oh suddenly sander wheelies down the back Samo malenko here in 83 did a few rides then got signed for the full season in 84. we’ve got the champions We brought Champion world championship trophy back to winborne Road here’s Mark Moran he brought it back in the year 2000 Harvey came here as a champion already and the master Tony ricarton a sixth time world champion remember that year fondly 99 and 2000 I remember being here when he came home

After winning that World Championship in 2000 the place was absolutely rammed 1001 points 403 ride superb Well I reckon I spoke about him just a few moments ago when he came around Harvey 1992 World Champion with an amazing signing and a turning point for the club [Applause] Tony ricarton doesn’t look to have a a minute mid low coming round on the bike

I think it’s been cooked Spike by the looks of it 74 to 84. 2 380.5 points that’s a bit of dead heat there somewhere over 1 500 rides and it’s why we’re all here tonight Superb to see him out there on the bike as part of the celebrations Got some Dire Straits music here that might be 1984 you know as well yeah that bit low finish winding he’s winding Ben up said he was going to do a proper practice start there superb All the Riders yeah all the Riders at the pits there we go big hugs from Tony for Mid low dear dear friends we’re gonna hand over to Rob Dyer in the pits well we come down pet side again and a chance maybe if I can just uh interrupt the two guys

Here we’re on the live stream at the moment I’ve got Chris hold over he’s filming don’t you worry Chris hey Chris uh good to see you here again at Paul but uh not so good because of the injuries how’s it going very tender mate no not not not the best but yeah

Good to see midloth got a good crowd good turnout tonight obviously a bit of a shame that Hans got himself injured there and that was a nasty one but um yeah like good crowd good bunch of people here and good to get a good night

Out the way yeah I mean you’ve been a guy who’s uh resided at the Bailey house and I bet you’ve had some fantastic nights out there I’ve never stayed there actually really no I’m not a joke no I’ve been there a few times I’ve been had to say there a few times actually

Um yeah obviously we’re mid low and he’s family are a big part of pool Speedway aren’t they so nearly every foreign Rider that comes here is you know got a story to tell from the East place and sat around that dinner uh kitchen table watched mid loaders 985 Championship

Which is probably running burnout the lvcr when that finishes you better get it you better get on DVD actually because it’s going to be not last much longer I think I’ve watched about 30 000 times um but no it’s it’s good man it’s we’ve all stayed there we’ve all had a good

Time and um he was very nervous before today but looking good crowd’s good good guys here and he’s having a good night yeah and uh I bet he’s watched your 2012 exploits a few times around the kitchen table as well no we can’t get it on

Because he’s only got a he’s got a VC up VCR up there for the purpose of my 2012 World title Lane on tape is it it’s on like uh Sky wreck or Sky plus whatever so the only thing that goes around that kitchen table is that 985 uh National League

Riders Championship I can probably tell you his race time even if I think about about no it’s always good man it’s always a good time at mid lows and um like I said good to see him get his get his show tonight and um hopefully Matt

Doesn’t run off with the money this time certainly might be the case Chris it’s great to see you back up with a lot of money Jay Chris great to see you back at pool I hope your recovery goes quick for you thank you very much thank you and

Let’s just move over to Jack Jack great to see you back at Paul and uh again we’re talking about midlo and he’s been a bit of a mentor to you in his time in the UK yeah mate for sure um you know I was lucky enough to ride on an ifia the

Team manager I think two years I did a pool and um but you know I’ve come down here many times you know even this year last year um there’s always Aussies riding so you know we like to help him out and um you know how many workshop at Mid lows so um

You know I’ll see him around a lot and yeah it’s awesome to see uh you know a great lineup for him and um you know a good crowd too he deserves it all yeah it certainly does and he’s been a mentor to a lot of riders who’ve come over to

The UK and given them food and had a bad into the sleep in and uh for your own point of view Jack progress has been pretty good left pool moved on to bigger and better things in the Premiership and onto the international circuit and GPS

As well and a chance for you to really show your metal in those yeah mate it’s been uh it’s been awesome you know it was always the child who dreamed to uh you know ride for the pool Pirates and you know I was lucky enough to do that

And um I had the number one race track at two which was um pretty cool but yeah unfortunately you know they dropped down to the the championship and you know I had to move on but um you know Paul’s always home to to us you know holders and

Um yeah and of course you know um me going abroad and doing in the GPS and stuff you know it’s um I wouldn’t be there without coming to pool and you know doing my trade here and a quick message to everybody back home in Oz I know there’ll be a lot of

People watching the stream tonight uh message to the folks back home yeah good morning um you know hopefully we’re putting on a good show for you guys I know it’s early and um I know you all don’t like getting up I’ve been there I’ve done it

Um but yeah thanks for all your support and um yeah see you all soon brilliant thanks very much and take your time Jack I hope the rest of the evening goes well for you okay thanks very much indeed and so just quickly if we can move across I

Wonder if I wonder if I can just dive in between these two boys Jason and Jason has got uh we’re on the live stream the pool live stream Jason welcome back to Paul and uh how’s it going so far looks pretty good to me yeah it’s like a

Australian dirt track meeting when it’s a dragon out that it’s a great great cause uh massive crowd for midlo and uh yeah it’s always nice to to ride in a testimonial for someone that’s done a lot of help for us and I guess you’ve enjoyed the hospitality at Beverly house

On more than one occasion yeah I guess that’s um for the Aussie boys what come to to pool they they spend a lot of time with at the Bailey house and yeah but midloth helped a lot outside of the outside of the speedway side as well so

It’s always nice to give back and for yourself personally you moved on to big things so Dome well in the uh International scene and GPS as well and uh real Stepping Stone from Paul on onwards for your career yeah when I left pool um took it a bit more serious when

I moved uh got off the the party bus and then end up trying to be a bit more sensible so it’s a bit um a bit of an up uphill one when I when I did leave but I had some great memories at pool thanks Jason enjoy the rest of your

Evening and Scotty uh good to see you back at pool again Scotty and uh Neil took up the range of teams management at more or less the same time as you came in to join the Pirates back there in 19. you know he was probably a little bit

Green behind the ears at that stage as a team manager you’re probably learning your ropes as a rider but together you’ve progressed right the way through um yeah definitely to be honest I don’t think he was screaming behind years I think he was a good teammates from the

Start he’s good at he’s good at reading Riders you know not every Rider it’s not one one rule for everybody you know he’s good at reading the riders that needed to kick up the backside the ones need to cuddle and yeah he was good fun he was a

Good motivator he knew when to to turn the jokes off and and to be serious and he had a lot of passion anyone who’s ever ridden under him or any any pool Speedway fan or British Speedway fan for that matter you can see that mid low carries a lot of passion with him

Whatever competition he’s in and uh yeah like Jason said you know he’s a good guy we spent many a fun night at Bailey house and that’s part of it and that’s what makes Speedway a great Sport and I gotta say Scotty um not only has he been

The pool manager but at times been Great Britain manager as well and I know you’ve written for him in that capacity and there was a night back here in 2004 when it nearly all came together in a world team cup but it just died to death unfortunately at the end there but so

Near and so far but again he doesn’t get where he is without a big reputation and he keeps that going right the way through oh definitely you know he um he fully deserved the team GB job when he had it and it was a it was an honor and

A pleasure to ride under him again same thing there you know on the road we had funny knew he knew he wanted the boys to enjoy their time and have fun uh as a team and it’s definitely you need to have fun to to work together as a team

But obviously you know you saw the the pride and passion he had to represent you or to to be team manage his country and yeah it was it was good fun and a pleasure to to be under his management and yeah I was fortunate to be part of

That when he came here in 99 and for you personally now Scott uh Oxford’s finished season’s finished uh but Peter Works carrying on in the Premiership no doubt some guest bookies might be coming your way yeah you never know it’s a shame that Oxford season is finished early um I

Firmly believe that we had a team that could have gone on and and had a successful season but it wasn’t to be had a bit of bad luck and a few things go against this and it cost us dearly but uh nonetheless it was great to have Oxford Speedway back

Um I really enjoyed it there and yeah it’s good good to have them back and uh I always enjoy my visit today and Paul as well well it’s always great to see you back here at wimborne Road Scott thanks for your time this evening carry on in a good performance all right thank

You thank you Scott great stuff indeed and uh who else have we got that we can just pick up on uh let’s just quickly go over to the uh other side of the uh pits area it’ll be something to Jason and uh I just quickly dive in with Danny

Danny on the live stream and uh you should be on that side of the pitch usually but this time you come over to this one and uh it’s a great night for midloth and it all going well and set for hands of course but we wish him well

Yeah obviously first of all we wish Anne’s very well um I’m pleased to see him get out from that because he was uh that was a nasty crash and um I’ve been speaking to him now and I’m just pleased that he’s up and okay um but on the

Other hand we’re here to celebrate Middle’s uh testimonial and what a turnout we’ve had it’s it’s really really good and um they’re getting behind everyone and and it’s a close meeting so I think it’s uh it’s good all around yeah it certainly is and Danny have you found working with Neil as your

Team manager it must be uh great to be able to call on all of his experience backed up with your experience as well to motivate the Pirates when the the time’s right ah yes a dream come true you know you don’t often get to work with someone like that and um you know

His track record speaks for itself so um look it’s an honor to wear the the part on my chest and it’s an honor to work with Neil middling so it’s um the last two seasons have been great and uh hopefully there’ll be plenty more to come yeah let’s hope that’s the way it

Goes stay safe Danny look forward to seeing you again next week thanks for your time tonight as always so there we are that’s just a few words from the boys down in pit Lane Scotty’s got his cup of tea and he’s probably drunk it by now so let’s pass

Back to the grandstand and Scotty will take it on from there The Riders are on two minutes so looks like heat 11 will soon be underway here we come Gotta change all my paperwork here in my commentary position So the ride is on their way to tapes for this heat 11. on the inside in white for the heroes is Jason Doyle in Gate two in red is Scott Nichols for the All-Stars in gate three in yellow there’s the Heroes Captain Danny King and on the outside in blue

For the All-Stars is Kyle Newman is heat sponsored by link fabrication so big thanks to those two or their financial help to get this meeting on for Neil middleditch so here we go Underway it’s a good start on the inside from doily puts his front wheel up on the grass Hawks around the inside but whoa who’s that coming around the outside it’s only the rider in red it’s not Nichols and he did come around the outside use the big berm out the outside and

He’s past Doyle in third is the little partner the rider in yellow is Danny King and at the back there’s Carl Newman in blue but it was a masterful move there from Scott Nichols caught doily a bit unsighted doily’s now trying to get a run around the inside and he’s nearly got there

He’s got a lap to do it now doily’s trying High wide and handsome and oh he’s gonna let it grip there is he gonna get past Scott no dickles goes tight goes wide looks like he’s gonna hang on it’s red white yellow and blue as it go over the line foreign [Applause] [Applause] here’s your heat 11 result confirmation it’s a win for Scott Nichols and a great pass by him in red he picks up the three points for the All-Stars in second in white caught a little bit by surprise there he picks up two points for the

Heroes in third was Danny King he picked up the vital point in yellow for the heroes and coming in at the back in blue before the All-Stars was Kyle Newman three or was the Heat score taking the match tour to 30 to the All-Stars and 36 to the heroes

As you see there doily really hugged the inside line tight but Scott got some drive there out of turn two and doily looked over his shoulder and he was already there he tried to fend him off going over the start Finish Line but was unable to and nickels went on

And took the win as the Riders come to the line or check it out Starts Now T12 and it’s sponsored by go catcher themselves leading goal Center in Gate one in yellow is Dylan Rummel for the heroes in Gate two in red is pulse start for the All-Stars in gate

Three in white is Chris Harris for the heroes earn it the outside in blue is Ben Cook so here we go the Riders are all in almost back a bit there we’ll have to keep an eye on that is he gonna get a roller no he didn’t

Get a roller and he got a good start and he started making starts here and it’s bomber out front and it’s a good move from Ben Cook in blue he came round the outside of the rest of the pack foreign but he gets past on the outside it was a

Good try from Starkey he was trying to get underneath brummell Still is the action’s there at the back it looks like all the stuff out front his bombers taking off again Ben Cook being left in his wake a little bit Rommel Now using that outside run Stark’s now swapped over he’s going for the big one around the outside and gonna

Cut up the inside oh it’s getting tight we’ll do the same again but it’s white blue yellow and red white blue yellow and red it’s a 4-2 heated branches again so the Meridian lift Heroes And it’s a win for Chris Harris as the Meridian lift Heroes stretch their lead to eight and here’s your heat 12 confirmation it’s a win for Chris Harrison white he picks up the three points for the Meridian lift heroes in second in blue was Ben Cook he picks up a couple for

The All-Stars in third was Dylan Rummel he picks up a point for the heroes and at the back in red not for the lack of try and mind you was Paul Stark there for the county Crest All-Stars full two heat advantage to the Meridian lift Heroes taking the match score after heat

12 to 32 to the here to the All-Stars 40 to the heroes so Jack o’kee to get heat 13 underway and there’s two minutes on the clock Scotty’s just realized he’s out now we also have a couple of Brothers spannering tonight we have Ben Reed he’s spanner in for Scott Nichols tonight oh Harry take it ill before the meeting And Ben’s brother Matt Reed is in the other side of the paddock doing a bit of spanner in for Dylan Rommel this evening oh no Zach cook sorry Zach cook he’s doing this evening Scott will get around here but here’s your lineup King gate wide in red is Jack holder for

The county Crest All-Stars in Gate two in white is Jason Doyle he’s dropped a point tonight for the Meridian list heroes in gate three in blue is Scott Nichols for the county Crest All-Stars and on the outside in gate four in yellow is Brady cuts for the Meridian lift Heroes Let’s not forget Nichols past Doyle in heat 11. go Doyle’s not missed the start this time nickels charging up the outside but he’s been cut off there by Jack holder so it’s the hit oh Jack nearly hit Doyle how did he miss him Brady Kurtz then

Gets in the mix with that little mistake and Jack Jack’s riding a Bronco there but it’s Doyle out front Curts and Jack holder grew up his kids together riding in Australia right there at the back here battling away at Mid loose testimonial superb Scott Nichols is out there trying to I

Don’t know whether he’s trying to slow the race up but whether he is just slowing the race up but he’s he’s comfortable there in blue but Brady curse is now all over him he must be able to hear him they’ve nearly touched back wheels are going there Doyle’s out front oblivious to all

That’s going on Brady tries a big red on the outside and Jaco nearly gets up the inside it’s white blue yellow red white blue yellow and red so it’s another 4-2 he advantage to Meridian lift Heroes Even after Jason Doyle here’s your confirmation of the Heat result it’s a win and a wheelie for Jason Doyle for the crowd there he picks up the three points for Meridian list Heroes second was Scott Nichols in blue he picks up a couple for the county Crest All-Stars it’s

Brady Kurtz he comes in with that all in vital those third places you don’t want any laughs he was in yellow picks up a point for Meridian lift Heroes and at the back in red who how he managed to stay on I don’t know was Jack holder so

The Heat score was 4-2 in favor of the Meridian lift Heroes and the match score now heads to a 10-point lead for the Meridian lift Heroes over the county Crest All Stars here we see it again Doyle went wide Nichols started to chase him and as Jack

Comes in here Doyle locks up and he clipped Jack clipped Doyle he didn’t expect him to more or less stop dead and he did unbelievably well to stay on there so well done Jack holder So Harris is on a Max here he’s four wins from four rides and he’s made four three starts out of four heat 14 sponsored by whiffen up t-shirts in Gate one in white will be Chris Harrod and he injured rider replacement in Gate two for the All-Stars will be

Carl Newman in blue gate three in yellow will be Zach cook for the Meridian lift Heroes and in gate four we see Richard Lawson in red for the county Crest All-Stars brawls can be slightly different for these aftermarket meetings and it’s heat 14 it takes her up and away we go

We go right up behind him is Lawson Lawson’s taking Chase it’s that cooking third in yellow back in blue it’s called human but it’s bomber Riding High wide and handsome line Lawson’s trying to feather the throttle and get around the inside and cause a problem but Harris looks

Great again looks like he’s on for his fifth win of the evening that cook has taken Chase to Lawson looks to have good Pace on Lawson ride in a similar line and Waiting for Lawson to make a steak oh the action is really in second and third here and even tailed off at the back Zach trying the outsider trying to get a bit more of a straight line to come up onto Lawson but as we come to the line

It’s another win for Harris it’s white red yellow and blue white red yellow and blue it’s another two four two heat advantage Favor of the Meridian lift Heroes and they take the win tonight [Applause] here’s your heat 14 result it’s Chris Harris he wins it in white massive Round of Applause with 15 Point Max three points to him and within lift heroes in second was Richard Lawson he was in red

He picks up a couple of points for the county Crest All-Stars third was that cup in yellow he picks up a point for the Meridian lift Heroes and it’s Carl Newman at the back in blue or two Heat score is a result of heat 14. taking the match score

A result although the score after heat 14 36 to the All-Stars 48 and a win so the Meridian lift Heroes we were seen shortly have images from the pits with Paula cameraman and Rob Dyer well still activity on the pool side of the pits here and see if I can just

Interrupt Ben Cook in his chat with Jack Ben we’re on the live stream first of all say hello to everybody at home yeah great everyone and they’ll get home safely after their holiday here yeah I think so bit of jet lag as you expect it’s a big big Journey

But um yeah all safe and yeah but tonight it’s all been about midlo and uh yourself and Zach have really uh fallen on your feet really when you’ve arrived with midlo because he’s been like a second father to you and Susie looking after everything on the uh on

The home front so you must be really grateful definitely yeah it’s a big thing obviously as you know coming across the world to live and start your dream and um I couldn’t couldn’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for us you know welcomed us into the home and

Um yeah what a what a turnout he’s got and deserves it I know certainly um a home from home from many Aussies who’ve been over to Bailey house and uh started off their UK careers there and of course not only do you get into the speedway there you get

Into other things that are in British life like uh bingo uh making cocktails uh going down the pub so not too bad place to live no it’s perfect uh we We Do It All We Do It All We golf we dance you know you name it we have a girl that

Um yeah it’s good you know there’s always um something to do and you know Brady’s there and Jack’s up the road and Chris so um you know there’s always something going on not a bad night for you tonight on track uh looks to be pretty good at

The gates and pretty fast on track as well yeah no it’s been pretty well uh made some starts which helps um yeah it’s going pretty well uh we just got a um focus now for the playoffs and um that’s our main goal certainly is well done tonight great work thanks for

Your time Ben as always always good to hear from Young Ben and uh let’s just have a look down the line here and see let me go have a quick way with Paul as we go come into the side here’s Paul Stark Paul thanks for your time mate and

Coming into the meeting at a relatively short notice but uh what a great meeting to have and uh I know you’ve ridden with four mid low on a number of occasions and he must be a great bloke to have uh boss in the team he is top blog you know

And uh one of the best in the business as far as managers goes but uh genuinely you know top look to be honest and uh enjoy my time here and it’s been great to be a part of it and put on a good show for him as well you know he thoroughly

Deserves it and then what a turnout and what a night as well yeah fantastic and uh Paul it’s been a funny season for you really a bit up and down and at the end you settled in at Oxford there and uh it didn’t quite come out as you’d have

Hoped but uh things to build on for next year yeah yeah for sure you know we started strong and everything was going really well until we just got played with injuries and it was coming back too soon um injured again and yeah but we’ll get there you know it’s coming near the

End of the year now we’ll just regroup and do the meetings that we’ve got left and then come back strong I mean if switch were in a you know a position where we could go on to do good things this year and I want to finish strong

With them so hopefully we can do that and then regroup and go again next year well it’s always great to see you down at wimborne Road Paul thanks for your time tonight and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the meeting thank you that’s postdoc everybody and as he said their work with Ipswich in the

Premiership still to do for him so here we go plenty going on in pit Lane as the Riders prep for Heat number 15. uh Jack holder in shot there so we’ll pass you back up to the tower and Scotty Mitchell will take you through Heat number 15 this evening

Yeah we’re just gonna looks like Jack holders are in red I can see Andy Tracy in the background there sponsor of the county Crest All-Stars because obviously Karen is the uh manager [Applause] so he’s obviously doing the program for us so she knows who to put her Riders where

Oh it’s got Nichols in blue he’s coming out oh Harris is out in boy he’s putting his Max in jeopardy he has a 15 Point Max will it be an 18. and it’s the rider in yellow will be Danny King Match is over but you try telling these boys out they will still be wanting to put on a show for all the people here and the viewers at home I hope you’ve been enjoying a different evening of speedway tonight to celebrate The Life and Times here of Neil middle ditch and his Association

And his family’s association with the pool Pirates track rakers have been raking it and how high the dirt is knowing Chris backfire there from the bike make a run into your jump but here we go heat 15 sponsored by Morris Holmes on the inside in Gate one

In red is Jack holder for the All-Stars in Gate two in white it’s maximum man Chris Harris for the heroes in gate three in blue it’s Scott Nichols he’s been hard charging tonight he’s out there for the All-Stars and then take four in yellow is Danny King for the heroes Crowd looking forward to this one final race of the evening We’re up and here we go as bomber made to start again oh yes he has how boring is that he’s out front in white Bob has made another start Scotty Nichols is chasing him in blue it’s Danny King in Yellow code is there in red alongside Scott Nichols Nichols trying the inside

Almost hit that rut or dirt Bank there and he’s absolutely flown Nichols is going out there to try and chase him hold us just shielding nickels just looking across giving him the shield and it’s Danny King now at the back trying to trouble the two in front of

Him he’s now gone High wide and handsome cold it gives a little look over Danny King’s got it alongside this is an over we’ve got a lap to go Danny King’s trying all he knows he’s gonna go big and wide but it’s going to

Be 18 point Max for bomber and a win for the rider in white blue red and yellow as they come over the line Point Max for bomber I’m beating on the night oh what would he have done for that a week ago at the Champions Chris Riders Championship but here we go it’s your heat 15 result it’s a three all Heat score but it’s Chris Harris that wins it in white for the Meridian lift

Heroes in second in blue with Scott Nichols he picks up a couple for the county Crest All-Stars in third with Jack holder he picks up the solitary point in red for the county Crest All-Stars and coming in at the back was Danny King for the Meridian Heroes it was a thrill

Heat score taking the match score and match result after 8 15 to 39 to the county Crest All-Stars and 51 to the Meridian lift Heroes I really hope you’ve enjoyed the racing this evening there’s your match result 39. to the All-Stars 51. to the heroes [Applause] so tank tools sponsored toolbox for

Chris Harris for winning Heat 15. but it looks like if you were second you also got a tank tools toolbox to Scott [Applause] and in third place you also won a tank tools toolbox so the boys have all won a toolbox who made Heat 15. And toolbox which I believe is sponsored by Draper for Danny King Go over there’s a few interviews coming from Center Green so we’re gonna hand over to Nigel [Applause] Put the followers on anything alive and especially responding Society you know when we went home well we saw a Riders Within These Guys in central all the central on several occasions and then uh I’m going to be here I don’t think you’re the only one Gary I love everyone

Imagine a finishing fourth place [Applause] deserves it and I know some good recipes I really was I hope everyone’s enjoyed it thanks for being boss standing team first place let’s hear from him now Jack hold up [Applause] I love you come nearly guys as well but we appreciate that but it’s nice to be back

In Australia yeah it actually is foreign [Applause] Oh you’ve been on everyone’s list as a favorite fish you’re probably on everyone’s list every time somebody does a testimonial uh fantastic mate how do you do it 18 again tonight what was it last week but uh I’m glad to turn out for a video you know he’s uh all over the years um good friend and everything so yeah you here and I know that we haven’t seen the last video when we were on road of course and we’ll all never forget that

Night when you got it through when the chips were there and you did the necessary yeah keep in mind when we kind of thing you’ve got it at night so uh no but no intense it’s a good meeting here tonight thank you guys came home and

Tell me if you’re going to lay around we do indeed thank you so much to uh our four here and to all of our Riders and their accounts taking place taking apart and they’ll do it for the man do it for midloth go on really give the last word

Before our fireworks display our fireworks finale will come in a moment but right now tonight has been about one man a lifetime dedicated to Winborn Road both of us are support her and as I say the mechanic and then a rider a captain now a team manager uh it doesn’t end and

For everybody your chance now show your love show your appreciation middle middle Edge [Applause] thank you so I hope you’ll be okay we’ll do a nice one but yeah though I mean fantastic night and of course it’s all turned out great racing um the fan is fantastic I mean I can’t

Say my gratitude for everybody who turned out tonight there’s so many things behind the scenes sponsors love it’s the blessings and the stages of uh but everybody had your prayers for it in lifts and so so many many more um just want to say thank you thanks to everybody um

Look forward to see you next week and thank you one and all those wonderful words Enjoying the fireworks until next week the fireworks complete the evening so the playoff quarter-final is next week and that’s the next time we’ll be with you Wednesday the 7th of September that will be the pool Pirates against the Plymouth gladiators yeah All that’s left to say is goodbye that’s all here Papyrus TV crew main camera of Hayward roaming camera four Hague present you accommodating myself petrified Rob Dyer Stadium presenter Nigel Leahy producer and director our boss Andy Hague in the dungeon support from Katie Mitchell Rider images Eric Garvey Jeff Davis HMS images Stephen

Waller Ian Charles David fairbrother interview video clip by classic Speedway videos all this lorranges the fireworks are done the meeting is done the result was 39 to the all to the all-star and 51 celebrity Heroes thank you for joining us tonight we hope you will join us again next week for the playoff

Quarter-final Thank you foreign finish

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