Hogan’s Right Arm Move Makes the Downswing Easy

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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So in this video we’re going to talk very much about the right arm and we’re going to use Hogan as our reference because Hogan was obviously a golfing great and he used to talk very much about the trail arm in his fundamental books that he wrote and I think it’s

Really important it’s something that I introduce into my teaching on a day-to-day basis so first of all what are we trying to do with the trail arm what what’s its role and it’s going to be doing two things one of the things is that as our arm moves to the side of the

Body in the downswing that will help us get our hands forward okay so when we hit the golf ball we want to make sure that the hands end up ahead of the club head what we don’t want is we don’t want the club head overt taking the hands and adding L like

So so that’s the first thing and the second thing that it’s going to do is it’s going to help you keep the golf club on plane so what I mean by this is can you see the way that if I let my elbow lead my hands like so the way that

Gets the club coming down and play if the hands lead the elbow then we’re going to have a real problem and we’re going to get real really steep now what’s happened in lots of instruction nowadays is that we have more access to bi mechanical information so we can

Isolate what a movement is doing and a lot of people talk about the right arm straightening this is true okay so your right arm is going to straighten but I still like using Hogan’s reference of driving the elbow and the reason why is because like I said most amators end up

Pulling down in the club and not moving the upper arm to the side of the Hardy enough so the reluctancy that I tend to find with some people is they worry about well if I Russ if I just move this arm like this I’m going to get really narrow with my

Hands like so and what I tend to say to them is don’t worry about that you don’t need to worry about that for two reasons one because what will happen is your lower arm will naturally move away from your upper arm okay this is going to

Happen very naturally so you can you can exaggerate this feeling of this upper arm moon to the side of your body as much as you want and the second second thing is if you when you move like this it’s not an isolated movement anyway you

Should be turning you see as I turn my chest towards the target that’s going to help me then get that feeling of moving more to the left so my upper arm can stay to the side of my body so if you’re somebody who’s tried Hogan driving elbow

Techniques and you don’t like it you feel stuck the reason why you feel stuck is because you’re not moving your chest now as ever this is my favored uh training aid the swing buddy and this is something that will feature a lot moving forward into this year because I just

Think it’s so simple and this is a real simple draw that you could do with it or something alike now I like the swing buddy because it’s manufactured here in the UK it’s the length and the weight of a 7 ey which means that you can do some

Practice swings striking the ground like so so the way I’m getting that just to catch the edge of the ground there and what this exercise always does is it gives you that liberated feeling of as I come down down I’m trying to move this like this I’m trying to drive my elbow

In similar to what Hogan used to talk about but because I’m also turning my chest that moves my shoulder which means I can extend that arm through that hit and with students that I get the opportunity to work with who end up doing that for a few repetitions it

Gives them that liberated feel of exactly what it’s like to swing through so the point is you can’t necessarily just work on driving the elbow on its own you have to move the chest with it but the feeling of moving the chest towards the target whilst driving your elbow is going to

Have a real natural and good positive effect on releasing the club correctly I’ll see you soon


  1. I can't believe you have those balls laying there in such a mess, they need to be organized and looking nice and tidy. You need to pick up your game.

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