We had to leave the Good Good X Foreplay trip early..

Good Good Apparel ►

More Good Good X Foreplay content coming soon here!

The Squad:
Stephen Castaneda ►
Colin Ross ►
Matt Scharff ►
Max ►
Bubbie ►
Luke Kwon ►

So we had to leave the good good Fourplay trip a little early and Garrett will explain more in a second but it wasn’t because Francis and his chess matches led to any fights it was more because while the Bahamas usually looks like this it started to look

Like less like this and more like enemy i130 above and while we’ve never experienced bad weather on a good good trip before go I don’t even know what’s going on we decided to call an audible and get the soonest flight we could to [Applause] Miami all right guys we we actually had

To leave the Bahamas today which I believe is 4 days early than we were planned to we were going to stay in the Bahamas till Sunday but the weather was getting so bad and it was only going to get worse it was blowing up to 40 mph

Raining sideways it was said that if we waited to leave on Sunday we might not have even been able to fly out cuz the airport there doesn’t even have air traffic control so we made a little bit of an audible made some calls and we got

Set up at Trump Dural here in Miami Florida we’re going to check into the hotel now and that’s where we’re going to be filming that’s the current situation we just landed in Miami we’re waiting on bags got to get some rental cars get to the hotel and we’re going to

Go film today somehow Steve’s going to try and take a nap before the tea time and yet some somehow thought we made it out of Bahamas before that storm came in cuz I didn’t want to get stuck there for the holidays it would it wouldn’t have been

A bad place but I you know I need some food really bad you haven’t had Chipotle home in two days I haven’t had Chipotle in like a week and a half I didn’t have it when I was in Beach either really so it’s been a while for me I’m like a fe

I’m I’m why So anyways on our way to Trump Dal we got the ralar we’re kind of in a turn and bur situation though we got to check in to the hotel uh change and pretty much go straight to the course so it’s it’s a bit of a grind today but we’re

Teeing off in 40 minutes and we’re just now headed to the hotel what’s up I said I thought we were getting 3:30 would be the best cuz there’s no way all the guys well I’m just worried about life she’s fine like we don’t the by the the course

Doesn’t care we can te off whenever we want we just need to hurry if we want to finish before dark how you doing when it gets dark at like 5:10 so or at the very latest 510 which means we probably to film a knockout challenge we need about realistically we should try and

Have 2 hours we made it uh Resort Lobby this way dude this place looks sick dude it’s on the golf course you can’t beat this I’m actually so excited come on let’s go check in Big Fellas guys after landing from the Bahamas and having quite the adventure to get here

We’re now at Trump Dural where we’re going to be finishing our good good week today we’re playing the blue course also known as the Blue Monster uh which happens to be a very challenging Golf Course uh used to be one of the hardest on the PGA tour now a very challenging

Golf course on the live tour starting out here on hole number one which is going to be a par five we’re playing a straightup knockout challenge it’s been a while since we’ve done a regular knockout boys how we feeling I mean it’s a little bit windy but nothing we can’t

Fight through you know what I’m saying I’m just glad our plane didn’t crash on the way here I was anxious all all morning about it so uh happy to be alive it was pretty smooth that last like 30 seconds and all of a sudden the plane

Was freaking he was doing some speed up stuff yeah anyways you want to flip T do first yeah let’s flip till you see who goes first that’s impossible even if you tried sure go ahead that’s Steve son of a gun perfect right that’s Brad me that’s Matt all

Right qu and that’s Bubby that’s me I’m last hopefully I don’t get out first let’s play I was excited we showed up was to we in the Tiger Woods Villa walked in beautiful 50 in TVs in the rooms I’m like literally shaking I’m so hungry uh here we go par five wind off

The right driver in hand to start it Off that’ll play I’m excited for today I’ve always wanted to play this for oh is it open over there doesn’t look like it put here there’s some rough and there’s that Creek on the left I didn’t go the creek you think perfect didn’t know there was a creek there I didn’t

Know there was a creek there we’ll find it we’ll hit it again that wind is actually aggressive up there oh this is going to hurt so bad noatd that might be wet I wouldn’t be surprised or just look over that might be wet should be fun

Colin I’ve got driver a clue where this one’s going to go I’m aim way right there’s not a creek right is there more left only left only left yes sir thank you I’m aiming way right knockout challenge derail Florida Miami what other stuff can I say to

Describe it kind of gloomy da but still really pretty out here here KN out challenge yeah that one hurt theed usually for me too so I I understand I understand yeah you know that that one hurt the entire body but that’s all right you know make boey make a bogey see where it

Puts me yeah yeah or is this part five four I mean with with how bad Steve is it’s part five four Steve is terrible Steve is so bad you could beat him Lefty yeah what you stay in Skippy I’m Mak him birdie now I fre left shoulder

Popped in that t- shot how many knockout videos have you played in like three or four I’ve only played one true knockout though they’ve all been lightning or like handicapped we’ll see if I can win this one I’ve won one the one in uh Kansas City beat Garrett’s ass in the

Final I got through it nice ball bro thank you that was a hammer oh wait wait wait right here bro nice cash that’s fine if that ball was gone I literally thought about just walking home be honest um I’m got I got a shot that I’m going to go right here

With the low draw see what we can do oh all right I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take that spot all right I’m listen to my guy there I think I’m going just lay up I’m going hit a 7 you said it’s about 245 I hit 7 Thank you Luke thank you Luke is that short of the bunk bun yeah short of the bunk bun what’s up Quan all right my ball’s in a divot I’m just going to get if I’m in the front bunker that’s kind of where I want to be I’m going to go 3

Iron 247 shouldn’t get there I don’t even mind if it’s short like me I’m short just like my don’t know how that came out so Good not complaining I need like 0 yeah like 190 200 sa try to hit like a 180 shot just get it out there on the right side let it come back left give me a good shot out in the screen yep just like that Colin come on

Baby let’s make birdie here we go wind off the right I got a little three-wood 265 second shot par five I really just want to wo that wind’s coming hard and fast here we go dunk it it’s all right we hit a little chunky but it’s part Five W 167 play 175 if you’re pin seeking Man 1 quick strap I was like dude who that’s the the Colombian enemy yeah there it came out 175 should I hit a seven or a six yeah Seven’s five you got plenty of club with s just pick it

Clean all right up and down for par I’ll take that all right we got three layup balls here I think is it me sharf and Quan are all right here shar’s going to go first and I’m going to go you said we have 79 yards yeah 79 68 to cover to

Bunker we’re all in the same predicament here let’s H some good shots don’t know how receptive they’ll be but let’s just get it on the green for starters oh I love the rain oh yeah try to do a similar thing to Shar that was a nice shot there this

Weather’s really picking up I got 58° it’s h a good shot D that Q it popping out of that thing no this just a polo it’s a polo damn Straight get back there yeah B I must have hit the downst or something thank you sir W Colin I wish I hope today is as miserable as it was at St Andrews I hate you do you have a jacket uh yes I brought one I almost didn’t wow okay got One car sure don’t hate it don’t hate it greens are soft today which is huge all right uh I got like 50 yards here very lucky to be here is this is my third shot I should have been in the water now I’m in a very good position so we’ll see

If I can get close and I J wow that was lucky I chunk the living balls off that almost went in the bunker now it’s 8 ft Lev rain but I love a nice windy cold one you know what I’m saying this is St Andrew’s part two that’s what this is this is

Crazy wow wow it’s like St Andrews all over again I’m pretty sure I got to make This that’s a Bo ask that was for Eagle yeah I know that was for BS brother woo are these greens fast they’re fast okay I’m really glad g p first I did not think they were going to be that fast his was downhill I’m more to the side of

It wind going left to right pup breaking left to right should be breaking pretty good let’s put a girl on try to make a birdie that’s good thank you St butt there and I likeed it good L thank you you’re welcome on to the next where’d the wind Go all right I guess Steve’s is Steve the only one that made boogy I don’t need all right I guess Steve’s Gone to the bunker on the right we got 275 into the fan I don’t think it getting there no I don’t think so I’m just playing for cars if I make a par and get eliminated I’m happy so be it all right you’re supposed to be going before me before me but he’s

Freaking deep Thro in that Gizzy damn all right I’m going to drive it on the right Side please tell me to the bar bar going to be getting to the hole tomorrow what two for two on the left ball at least that we’re a little closer on that one at least it St it was supposed to be Garett for me but he’s eating whoever’s next some wind up there Boys I they tried to play a cut too you’re not in the bunker I’m not in the bunker I’m short of it and I’m in play that’s the good news don’t fight the f oh that was cool want playing playing for the draw that was cool hey when it’s

This windy for you when it’s this windy you don’t fight the FED for and by that by fed I mean win but don’t fight the fed by fed you mean fed don’t fight the fed I’m a hit driver same thing as Luke I hit a draw so I’m going with it oh you

Dirty stay proba left it that’s not Creek no oh I keep thinking that Creek’s a lot closer than it is it’ll be Good I actually thought it it’s windy and rainy nice wind rain windy and rainy it’s been a while been a while since we’ve had this actually Ain’t That Ain’t That the funniness I feel good for me and Bubby here I feel like if we can we can slow

Down we can focus we just keep making Paws we just keep making pars maybe uh maybe they’ll make a little mistake here I we’re literally going against Brad Quan and Garrett yeah we’re definitely the other dogs yeah if you’re Bing get it in us turn your money into something

Big yeah are you used to like conditions like this do you caddy and stuff like this all the time it’s probably been like four I’ve been counting for 10 years but it’s probably five times that I can count really yeah one time I thought I was going to go home and the

Guy started pulling out jackets and pants no they kind of make you mad deep down you’re like what am I on yeah whatever you like everything was wet already you might as well finish it right how long you’ve been caddying out here 3 years that’s okay yeah you like

It yeah man I love it it’s did you uh have you been in Miami for a while for uh yeah man at least um 30 years wow yeah I’m 46 how do you like it you’re 46 yeah I would have guess like 30 not even joking seriously 187 I got a seven iron

But I I think that’s thunder I think that’s thunder coming every time dude every time we go anywhere we bring the sh Terrible Weather I feel like it’s almost into the wind no yeah yeah I got to hit six I think oh that’s pretty good yeah I’m glad I hit six

That’s you know those Gatorade commercials where like the color of their sweat was the Gatorade do you think I did that like in camera like not they just had like Red Mist that they spray them with what even happened Club all right I got 164 I don’t have the red Club you

Need a seven yeah I got a seven it might be the red Club I don’t know I I’ll make it a red Club don’t fight the FED oh sick good shot thank you you’re welcome oh Max thank you to you we found it we got 191 yards to the pin here I’m

Going have to hit like a 200 plus yard shot here um but I’m going to try and bail out there by Louise maybe try and hit a little draw and give myself something into the screen it’s a tough one to hit that’s nice turn turn please be

There oh my gosh to go in a shot we couldn’t find mine it was on the same line as Sharps I thought but stuff’s pretty thick so I’m just taking a drop where sharp was 191 got five iron I don’t think it’s getting there well maybe I don’t know we’ll

See oh not get there We got 151 yards here thanks to Danny for finding my ball I have tree trouble so I got to go way right and sling this around to the left I got eight iron four I just had to make sure I got far enough right of that tree to get it up

There couldn’t clip them chip shots from a par need get on for bogey um I think bogy will at least get in the playoff it should it it oh my Brad oh my gosh Brad I I mean I’m not going to complain I’ll take that bogey but how in the hell

Did that not just go in take to the chin and move on sorry I messed that up that’s tough that’s something there happy to get that one out when I talked to the feds they said you’re going to make it who’s the who’s the chairman of the FED

Uh all right y’all I’m in a pretty tough spot here on a little bit of a downhill line not much green to work with downwind trying and hit a good shot give us something inside 20 ft for power I’d be happy with that right shot thereby I’m super happy with

That I’ll take it good shot there Bubby he’s got that for par I got this for par Quan’s got that for par oh my yo that’s some good speed Colin come on now well big Left Right swinger here I got a birdie look which honestly all I

Can ask for if I T putt I’m safe yeah that’s snap all right Danny and iron consensus on the line give me a good read there going hard left to right got to see Garretts let’s make a put move on to the next St good try thank you you in foro yep

That car je good ass good ass all right Snapper for my par here right to left oh my God push that’s good Luke that’s good we got a four-way well they got a little four-way going come on over here boys I like up slope it gives everyone a reasonable chance all

Right that was weird me Quan I think that’s more Kanan there than me yep that impressive on your a thank you thank you thank you thank tlip connoisseur himself that’s that’s coming for me I know I know how to control them things watch it’ll land on

You one for one look at this Kanan do you think bbby can control the T flip no so you’re saying it’s just an anomaly yes that’s fair nice fluffy lie I don’t know if this ingrain downg grain don’t really matter I just want to get it up on the green inside 5

Ft oh my goodness dang it that was thing really that was if that L on the green that would have been fny if I get out after that effort I’m fine with it everybody yeah oh that looks like a chunk City a little chunky Loop the Clum of grass probably come out

Dead so I probably have to hit it harder I bom La Bomba wow how did it spin somewhere dude that’s good come on you little Frick I got little I don’t know how that’s spun for him that might be in the hole oh all right bus you’re good all right

Do it to me I know it’s coming pressure I mean this is not an easy I mean luckily we can pick our lie so makes it easier but it’s not that easy uhoh uhoh oh no Brad freaking hot am I safe so hot looks like I’m out see yall thanks for

Watching me watch the rest of the video par 4 dog leg right 393 Ys I got driver in hand I’m going to aim at the left bunkers hope the best driver in hand going be all confused you didn’t get it that might be water that’s water that went 220 that genuinely went 220 might be short of it all right I’m going to try to hit a stinger so low I might hit the t t markers over there stop raining you can’t even see how how low this goes it literally skimmed off the ground I saw that I’m probably fine and I want

You say I got driver it’s raining I’m just going to try to go right at the Bunker thank you I don’t know why I put my hand up like there’s any sun to block straight into the wind got a for but I I think I’m going to actually have to kind of hit it hard that’s crazy that I just crushed a

Floor from 200 no Spin and I’m short the wind is aggressive today folks all right Max I suck uh I got 211 I suck and I got a hybrid and I suck oh mind how that oh good oh no BS in the water Oh no

I got a chance come on are you dropping yeah I’m going to drop as well I think mine might have hit the bank and just kind of flinged in there that’s good bail all right y’all Shar hit a nice shot Garrett hit a really good shot oh my God all right y’all Garrett hit a great shot sh hit a good shot got to wait on him to get up here in my clubs I got 175 five right back into the wind I’m have to hit at least 205 yard Shot I couldn’t see it can’t see it I can’t it was a good shot it’s either on the green or trickled off into the bunker either way I’m very happy with that effort I got 82 yards here with all my friends I’m here everyone else that

Hit the ball in the water oh it’s good company be with you can’t see Brad you can just hear him oh I almost went in the water myself actually now that I see it I didn’t even I kind of got away with one hit off this

Bank and I clutched up need a little uh bailout chunk here from from Quan no I don’t I need him to play well I it’ll make me play well as Well of course I bailed out right Danny but it’s a good bail woo GL that one carried foot on the left playing way uphill left to right putter in hand I just want to two putt bogey that wind is aggressive man that was a slow putt up the hill I’m noticing

These are Bermuda everything breaks a little bit more than it looks all right y’all let’s hit a good bunker shot here like we did last toe into the wind it’s helping not much green to work with but pretty straightforward just h a good shot let’s go another part of put let’s

Make Sandy this time a little downhill little right to left grain going that way wind also going that way got play that factor today see if we can make a par out of the bunker that’d be nice oh my Snapp it another bogey for here boy that’s fine I’m H good bunker

Shots just got to make the putts I didn’t know my ball was even on the green I thought it was in the rough we couldn’t see this part of the green back there anyways wow this guy’s good put him on good wait is that bogey that was

Bogey nice yeah that’s Quan’s bogy I got to make this for bogey as well oh my God that grain is brutal good roll frick all right well mat is now eliminated three remain onto a part three over some water 192 hold below your feet you got a

Water ends at 175 192 straight down wind I got an eight iron I mean that’s crazy though Hang that much I think it’s in the I think it’s about pin high in the bunker bu bunker yeah B go go yeah you guys you guys play me and brought go last B go g Willers did that even make it over the water I hit it high in the face plugged in the side or something I think it did plug it might be in the water that’s why I one-handed it did you not you just hit it bad I hit it high in the face yeah I

Probably te it up to too high all right I’m going to go eight IR get it up there put up there close uh let make a whole one hopefully it make y’all happy it make me happy let’s try and do that it does make you happy when you make one I’ll tell you

That huh trying to oh oh my that was short I didn’t I I didn’t catch it too well I thought it draw some though just left of the green I get this one up and down it should Advance me onto the final aing kind of at Brad’s

Ball shot wow wow that’s good je I just want to see if I would have made bird you know it literally means nothing holy plug you can only see it from like right here how’ you should I play it like that yeah sure take the

Le got lucky well not really my ball was just plugged here but try to get this stff and down yeah well done thank you all right Quan hitting a good shot makes my job easy I just got to chip it in did you just go a

Little right to left loop I was a little more to the right ball is in play oh I got you made three right so I got to chip in I’m just saying like oh y’all know in these videos as long as I don’t get out first I’m very

Happy I didn’t get out first second or third I got out fourth I’m happy with that you’re good you can pick it up Danny thank you my man hope you’re having a blessed day I’ll catch you on the next one uh Garrett versus Quan makes more sense to me versus one of

Them in the finals let’s go run it up matter day snatched to decide it all we get so unlucky with weather but it’s beautiful today got to be looking at the positives Luke and I in the final matter sash the side at all it literally is a

Repeat of the last knockout so good luck to Luke I got him last one hopefully I get him again bunker bunker or short of I just thought of a banger YouTube idea I played golf in a hurricane oh my shanky oh right by me brother maybe we might be okay though I

Almost popped it shank it this is a repeat of the last Saturday match that we did Luke and I vers each other come here Luke let me reel you in and give you a little I’m going to play it a little more or I’ll probably play at 180

But I’ll take more Club 160 I got a six iron which is insane but here we go knuckler okay short right little knuckle ball out of the rough not a good Lie from there all right man was calling wow your name where’s my glove I got

157 into the wind Brad I need a club dang that hoodie be looking clean probably going with a seven is if this is a flyer I am so that ain’t getting there have fun in that bunker boy where did it go uh I’m out of bounds left juy all

Righty here you can you can get in Danny yeah let me pull up my gosh let to get slapped in the face by that thing what the hell is this man doing you guys can’t see my ball from over there nope exactly sitting down oh my God all

Right here we go boys hitting the Hope oh wow that was bad all right Lou found me a great spot this is exactly where you want to be just kidding no it’s not that’s bar for Luke look a little Nipper Skipper that should be a par I’m

Going to need Danny’s expertise on this SP I’m going to make this I’ve got your speed on your line right here really mhm cuz that side I see what you’re saying but I I almost see a little right to left no i’ say we go um I like left Edge

Honestly man and I think the wind is going to also help play a little bit of a fart on it okay I just didn’t hit it didn’t hit it all right well kind of made it easy on Quan a par putt to win right here right now passion more passion more passion

More energy that was fun that was fun now we can go get dry little wet finish we got to keep play all right that was a lot of fun Garrett good playing yeah Saturday match to decide it all that’s right uh first day back here in Florida

Cuz the weather to try to escape the weather we did a great job of that mhm feels like we’re in Bahamas right now still feel like it didn’t rain today in the Bahamas it didn’t it didn’t rain in the Bahamas then we left and it started

Pouring so great call by us uh goodgood for some of this new apparel coming at you hard and fast luk Juan’s personal favorite shirt right here oh my get that censor that out that is he hates this shirt but I love it it’s actually my favorite shirt look it’s a

Leaderboard honestly leave a comment down below do you guys like it or do you not I think it’s my favorite shirt how many point how many points do you think this one was how many points is that 17 points dude we should play some Scrabble that sounds I’m out Scrabble is lowkey

Kind of fun high key takes as long as Monopoly that’s also fun that takes forever still fun okay anyways this in this outro is taking forever thanks for watching like subscribe we’ll see you in the next one we’ll see you guys peace less like this and more like enemy ac130 above


  1. A little disclaimer An airport not having atc has nothing to do with being able to depart, there are thousands of airports with only pilot-pilot communication through ctaf. It all has to do with aircraft limitations, performance factors, and weather

  2. The last holes Google Earth fly over non existent rendering sent me dead. Like when PUBG wouldnt load in

  3. Trump Dora is so nice… the courses there are incredible but SO DAMN EXPENSIVE. I have a vacation home at Doral and it is really beautiful to see the courses but I have never been able to play them because I refuse to pay those tee times😂

  4. Ive just watched brad hit his first drive and already im worreid about the quality if golf in this video. If the man who eats pussy likenits his 5 a day garrett is hungry and Mr masters himself is hitting quack hooks. Just fucking realise you guys arent ready to play. Surely a grouo this big in the YT scen have videos in the locker for when shit hits the fan.

  5. Wind is blowing right to left at 50 mph so Bubbie aims 100 yards to the right and his ball ends up 100 yards off the Fairway to the left. Not the right play Bubbie. Got to learn to hit it straight especially in the wind like this.

  6. Of all the places, you guys choose to fly to Miami to Escape the bad weather in the Bahamas??? That doesn’t exactly make much sense they’re like 100 miles from each other lol. That sucks would have preferred more vids with Foreplay.

  7. I like your channel
    Not the science fiction part of it.
    Where out of bounds left slingers are somehow in play just to the left of fairway… Steve got robbed

  8. I love videos like this one and St. Andrew's where you guys are battling the hardcore elements. I know it's not fun for you, but it's so much fun for us to watch you try and play golf in this stuff! Great video!

  9. Dude bubbies draw has been out of control lately. You can not be consistently drawing the ball 80 yards when you play as much as they do

  10. How is garret addicted to the most garbage fast food ever?! chipotle is trash, tastes like TV static and poorly seasoned meat

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