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Kansas City Royals 2024 top-30 Prospect List Episode!

On this week’s episode, the fellas are going prospecting! They discuss the official Royals Weekly top-30 prospect list, discuss hitting and pitching player development, and make some New Years resolutions for a few Kansas City Royals prospects.

Plus, Marc sings a line from a Color Me Bad classic and Mike improvises some jazz beats!

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Welcome back to Royals weekly I am your host  Marcus me and joining me as always four fifths   of Color Me bad my brother Mike I don’t uh I  don’t recall what was our big hit again color  

Me back I W to sex you up that was it I think  that was them it’s been it’s been a long time   but I think that was a classic 90s boy band I kind  yeah we were great we were great I don’t want at  

The other when I when I ate three of the other  four members of Color Me Bad uh it was a tragic   dark time check out the Behind the Music color me  bad about how much hair he has lost since those  

Days cuz you could tell like a lot has changed  here color me bald is is the band that they they   reformed under that name so yes thank you so  much Mike for all the R&B hits you gave us in  

The 90s on this week’s episode we’re taking a  deep dive into Royals the Royals minor league   system and an attempt to understand the future  of the organization the Royals have made a lot   of moves moves this offseason to make the major  league club better but do they have the talent  

And and Player Development necessary to build uh  the on their robust offseason and keep this train   moving uh we’ll provide the official Royals weekly  top 30 Prospect list which we slaved over we just   we really labored over this this top 30 Prospect  list it definitely wasn’t me just sort of thinking  

Like who belongs in the top 30 we’ll discuss that  we’ll discuss the pitching and the player hitting   Player Development and then we’ll do some New  Year’s resolutions for some of the system’s best   prospects but first a reminder to follow us on  all the social medias we’re putting out a ton of  

Content on Twitter on uh Facebook Instagram Mike’s  on threads Mike’s how how’s threads going threads   Revolution it’s going great we got over a hundred  followers now I get I get multiple followers every  

Day it’s like the wild west but it’s getting more  and more people so it’s it’s now like I’m an O A   Roy I’m a Royals OG on threads now yes yes you are  one of the founders of threads what do we we’ll  

Call it Royals threads you’re one of the founders  of Royals threads so that’s good um yeah make sure   you’re following us on there make sure you’re  leaving us reviews and ratings on Apple podcast   and all those sorts of things Spotify we’re  having a great time trying to build an audience  

Here and it’s going pretty well we have some big  announcements on expansion uh in the next month   or so we’ll see we’re not sure exact I’m not sure  exactly what we can announce right now and what we  

Can’t got to talk to our legal team uh and find  that out but uh we have some big announcements   coming up either way Mike yeah we’re gonna sober  Mike up and then ask him some questions about what  

We can announce uh but uh we do have some big  announcements coming in the next month or so   so make sure you’re tuning in make sure you’re  listening in all the places you possibly can   uh I also want to mention that Royals weekly  is brought to you by all in physical therapy  

For one-on-one personalized Physical Therapy we  choose all in physical therapy they took excellent   care of our mother after surgery left her with  pain and limited mobility in her arm she loves   to be active work out New Year same mom I caught  her twisting rebar into Christmas ornaments just  

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The best at all in physical therapy to learn more  give them a call at 816 42753 that’s 816 42753 or   visit their website at all inyen that’s Al  nyen this offseason has seen more attention   given to the Royals major league team as they  add veteran Talent through free agency to Boler  

Bolster the 2024 Squad Squad and let’s be honest  convince voters to buy them give them a billion   dollars I think that’s another big motivating  factor there but the longterm health of a team   is truly measured by its farm system and sadly  most public commentators see a bleak prognosis  

For the Royals farm system Mike before we dig  into our top 30 which we’re going to give here   in a second what are your thoughts on the Royals  farm system as a whole and how it’s perceived well  

I I tend to agree with the perceivers if you will  okay the people who comment on on rank systems and   that sort of thing Baseball America MLB pipeline  um does fangraphs do a systems ranking I can’t  

Remember if they do or not but um I tend to  agree with those people I think the talent   level is lacking and I’ve said that several times  on this uh podcast i i people will talk about how  

The hitters are further behind than the pitchers  I disagree with that I still think the pitching   is bad there may be a little bit more depth now in  pitching I think in the minor league system than  

What we’ve seen in the past but the top end Talent  I don’t know that it’s there and there’s not a lot   that’s close to Major League ready either so um  I agree I tend to agree with those perceivers um  

Lack of advanced pitching lack of advanced hitting  right now I’d still call it a bottom seven system   but I would say that there are some indicators  that the development side may be improving and   that’s Reason for Hope you just have to now get  the talent into that that fits that development  

And then you’ll get into one of those really  good systems again yeah I I sort of agree sort   of disagree with you I think the system lacks a  clear number one and maybe lacks topend Talent  

Especially on the hitting side I think but I also  think that it has more depth Than People realize   anytime your system lacks the sort of bigname star  power that some other systems have guys who look  

Like they might be all stars at the MLB level  then in my mind it tends to get underrated by   prognosticators and commentators and all that  sort of thing and the Royals essentially lack   any Surefire topend Talent like it had when Bobby  Wht Jr was in the system when Bobby Wht Jr was in  

The system everybody knew that the Royals had at  least one guy who could be a superstar okay and   they knew they had a couple other times guys at  that time who might be pretty good now it looks  

Like there’s nobody in this system who’s like a  Surefire gonna be a superstar looks like he has   that kind of potential kind of guy in fact you  know they don’t even have maybe that second tier  

Guy where you’re like okay this guy looks like  he could be an All-Star a lot of their guys are   more High variants than that or they look more  like guys like Nick Lofton or Tyler Gentry who   look like okay maybe they’re not they’re more  borderline everyday players slash good rooll  

Players than anything else and so because a lot  of their system has a lot of those types of guys   a lot of guys who could be back-end starters or  or good relievers or something like that then it’s  

Going to get rated less High because it’s missing  that star power but it does have quite a bit of   those guys it has a lot of guys who could be you  know maybe Fringe everyday players maybe even with  

The potential to be really good everyday players  but not a ton of guys who have that Superstar   capability or that Superstar potential and as a  result yeah it probably is a bottom 10 system I  

But I think it’s closer to 20 than it is to 30 if  that makes sense and so I think what’s interesting   is the ways that’s why I put bottom seven yeah  I I think I think it’s interesting the ways in  

Which some of those guys who represent like high  variants could also have very high ceilings and   we’ll talk about some of those guys here in a  second but uh let’s dig into that top 30 that  

Way we can have something reference Mike you got  something to say yeah I just wanted to throw one   one more thing in there you know if you are a  high a or double a player who’s a fringe major  

Leager to me you’re just an you’re a Jag you’re  just another guy okay there’s a million Fringe   Major Leaguers and a million Fringe everyday  guys who may be possible role players in double   A and Triple A so that doesn’t that doesn’t move  the needle a whole lot for me and I’m not saying  

You’re going to have guys that are superstars  just up and down your your organization but if if   you’re looking at a guy and you’re if you’re not  looking at a handful of guys that you think can be  

For sure everyday Major Leaguers or Allstars then  you have a bad system let’s talk about I mean you   have a bad system because you get years and years  to collect this talent and and bring it up through  

Your minor league baseball and the Royals just  haven’t done it and so that’s why they are where   they are and so yeah that that’s why I rate them  probably a little bit lower than you do and lower  

Than some do I’m looking for guys that can be  that are sure like maybe not sure fire because   it’s minorly baseball but our guys you’re going  yep if he’s if he develops like he should he’s an  

Everyday guy and he’s going to be a good everyday  guy yeah that makes sense but it’s also important   to note that they’ve graduated a ton of players  over the last year and a half two years right so  

Bobby Jr MJ Melendez Vinnie pasquantino like they  got a lot of guys who aren’t on our Prospect list   right now because they have so much Major League  time you know even guys like Al Martian and H zura  

They’re no longer on our list honest because of  how much time they’ve got and let’s be h honest   a lot of those guys should be in minor league  baseball still right a lot of those guys should  

Should never have gone up to Major League Baseball  um and so yes if you think of if you think of   Michael Garcia and you think of MJ Melendez and  you think of maybe Kyle Isbell and and a couple  

Of these other guys if they were still in triaa or  double A how would our system look if enhel zerpa   hadn’t been rushed up and was just pitching his  way through double A now how would they look the  

System would look greatly different I agree with  that yeah so let’s dig into this top 30 so that we   have something to reference we’re actually talking  about players this is going to be a test of Mike’s  

Reading ability so look out uh we’ll start with  guys who just missed the list and then uh and   this was tough to to put together actually because  like I said they have a whole bunch of guys who  

Probably fit in the back half of a team’s top top  30 any team’s top 30 for most teams and so we had   to sort of leave some guys off who it was really  tough to distinguish between them and guys in the  

Back half of the Royals top 30 Mike please give  us the guys who just missed out on top 30 status   in the Royal system read those for us please okay  yeah just missed out here our honorable mention  

Uh Hunter Patterson starting pitcher I believe  when we drafted him he was a going through Tommy   John or just had Tommy John so he missed most of  last year but an intriguing left-handed pitcher   somewhere out of Florida if I remember right  um Luca Tres catcher uh struggled in doublea  

Last year had some success in 2022 if I remember  right he was a free agent in that weird draft in   20 it only had a few rounds in it is that right I  don’t know i’ take a lot of pills I think so if I  

Remember right he was actually one of the top  free agents if I remember right then Ben Sears   the relief a command first reliever just missed  the top 30 Tyler Tolbert a guy that I really  

Like and a guy that is more of a utility guy very  athletic not a lot of power but he he got a long   look in spring training last year um and so it’ll  be interesting to see his trajectory will Klein  

The the flame-throwing reliever that was just  added to the 40 Man Mar and I at some point are   going to have a little discussion on here about  what we think his role might be moving forward  

In the bullpen or maybe not in the bullpen this  year a guy that I am absolutely just enthralled   with hero Wyatt hero Wyatt starting pitching  high school starting pitching Prospect we just   drafted this year why am I enthralled with him  he’s got a real loose arm a Wipeout slider he  

Reminds me very much of like a trinon McKenzie  Cleveland kind of pitching Prospect guy I’m I’m   excited for hunter or for hero Wyatt another  guy I’m excited for is Hunter Owen these are   both guys from last year’s draft that I was  excited about he’s a big bod Lefty out of uh  

Vanderbilt had some injury concerns in college  but did have some very big showings uh kind of   inconsistent but very very uh strong showings for  Hunter Owen Tyson Guerrera starting pitcher big   strikeout numbers but didn’t translate very well  to daa so he’ll get another shot there this year  

And then shandrick OD duber 19-year-old starting  pitcher in the Dominican summer league very raw   talent but great strike out to walk numbers and  we’ll see what he looks like when he gets over   here for uh you know some of that full season  ball so yeah honorable mentions of that group  

I think you really nailed on the head with hero  Wyatt he’s the one I’m really excited for as well   we’re gonna talk more about him later but a guy  who hasn’t pitched yet in pro ball still really  

Young probably only 19 years old uh but lots  of upside there his frame is not as big as a   Tristan McKenzie but he yeah he’s a lot shorter  but you’re right like McKenzie really loose arm   like McKenzie uh I don’t know Mackenzie has  a killer slider but Wyatt we’ve seen video of  

That slider it looks like a bug’s bunny pitch it  is insane how much movement and velocity he gets   on that slider it’s crazy and he looks like a guy  similar to Blake Walters I think I think why it’s  

A Northeastern guy like from northeastern part  of the United States who could be overlooked a   little bit because maybe it was a late Riser cold  weather State guy I’m really interested in him I’m   really interested to see Hunter Owen pitch as  well didn’t get any time last year after Maybe  

Some injury concern at Vanderbilt uh but you know  a guy who some people were saying has some of the   best stuff in in the uh draft and and was really  an effective pitcher for Vanderbilt so I’d love  

To see him uh next year as well so yeah those are  some guys who just missed out don’t be surprised   if some of them end up on the mid-season if we  did a mid-season I’m not sure we’re going to but  

If we do a mid-season top 30 don’t be surprised  if some of those guys end up on there because   uh a lot of potential in some of those guys uh on  that just missed honorable mention list I’m going  

To read uh number 30 through 20 for us because  you want to hear a different voice than Mike’s   I’m sure and of course I made the document I’m  reading from extra tiny so I can’t see it okay  

Here we go uh our top 30 uh begins with number  30 Andrew Hoffman a 23- year-old starting pitcher   who pitched in double A and triaa last time guy  who made big changes to his delivery during the   season last year the overall numbers weren’t very  good but his strikeout of walk numbers did get  

Better uh during last year and he’s an intriguing  guy to see what those changes will will create in   him number 29 uh a guy named jior Marte now you  might remember the Royals had another Prospect  

Named yunior Marte a few years ago this is not  the same unior Marte I think this is a I think   he was a Royals Prospect this was a diff this is a  different unior Marte he’s only 20 years old he’s  

A starting pitcher he was in the complex League  last year big athletic looking dude uh good good   strike out to walk ratios we’ll see if he makes  it to uh Colombia this year and can provide some  

Uh interesting innings for them at 28 we put the  Royals rule five pick from this year Matt sour uh   at 28 on the list he’s a starting pitcher in the  past he’ll relieve this year at the MLB level of  

Course because he has to stick with the MLB team  but a big strong physical guy good slider doesn’t   have a ton of vlo on his fastball but it’s still  pretty effective and so he’s an interesting guy   looking forward both as a reliever this year  and maybe as a starting pitching Prospect in  

The future uh number 27 we put Spencer nens a  22-year-old outfielder he he played in rookie   ball in low a last year walked him morning than  he struck out he’s a left-handed hitter Corner   Outfield type didn’t have great overall numbers  but he did have uh really good secondary numbers  

And it could be that he’s just actually too  advanced of a hitter for Loa a lot of Lowa guys   have trouble throwing strikes and if you’re a guy  like Spencer niens and you’re not going to swing  

It bad pitches Lowa can be a somewhat complicated  level for you uh number 26 we put Steven zobach   22 year-old uh starting Prospect maybe relief  Prospect we’ll see if he ends up becoming a   relever he pitched at low a and high a last year  he’s a right-handed pitcher came out of the same  

Draft as um Mason Barnett and and those guys um  an interesting dude because yeah David sandin   was another one in that draft you’re right um he’s  an interesting guy because not a ton was expected   of him but he really showed improved stuff upon  Landing in Major League or professional baseball  

And just continued to have success he limits  walks he has average to slightly above average   stuff but it’s the fact that he doesn’t walk a  ton of guys and that he still has pretty decent   strikes strikeout numbers that makes him look like  he could be a viable player moving forward number  

25 Eric Torres a 19-year-old outfielder from  the he played in the Dominican Summer League   last year he’s a right-handed hitter good overall  numbers good strikeout and walk numbers not a ton   of power in his profile right now and he’s not  a huge dude I think he’s only like 510 but if  

He can stick in center field not a ton of power  requirements from him and he still has plenty of   time to add power at only 19 years old a really  good-looking Prospect from the uh from Latin  

America number 24 Trevor Warner I know Mike’s a  big fan of his a 22-year-old third baseman played   in rookie level and and aall last year this dude  probably had a better offensive season than any   Royals Prospect last year completely exploded  when he got to pro baseball power on top of  

Power on top of power it looks like a real pull  oriented power uh right now I think he pulled 50%   of the balls he put in play last year uh but  a guy who is showing that he can take a walk  

Uh can limit strikeouts enough right now anyway  and has something that is prized in all prospects   and that’s a powerful bat and so that’s good uh  number 23 we have Jared Dicky a 21-year-old left   fielder or right fielder he played in rookie  ball and a ball last year left-handed hitter  

Another drafty from the class of of last year  like Warner a good strikeout and walk numbers   from him as well he has some power potential and  some pop in that bat uh he just needs to maybe   get a little bit more Loft consistently right  now it’s a very contact oriented approach it’s  

A slashers approach and you’d kind of like Dicky  to be a little more power focused and and have a   power disposition up there at the plate at 22 we  have Carson rocker for we have a little stretch  

Of 2023 draft right here Carson Rocka for coming  in just ahead of Jared Dicky a 21-year-old center   fielder 2023 drafty again rookie ball and a ball  last year he’s a left-handed hitter a really good  

Defender in center field uh last year he another  guy who can put the ball in play hard had decent   offensive numbers but when he starts lofting the  ball he’ll He he’ll find a lot more success at the  

Plate as well so hopefully he can do that that  in 2024 at 2021 we’re going to come in with Joe   Town’s finest Noah Cameron uh 23y old left-handed  Joe town uh 23y old starting pitcher uh from he  

Played an A A or Advanced a and doublea last year  a guy who was really mowing down Advanced a just   destroying Advanced a with really great secondary  stuff a low 90s fastball he goes to doublea and   the stuff was not playing as well the strikeouts  dropped the walks increased a little little bit  

And he started getting hit around a lot we’ll see  if he can sort of recover learn from last year and   provide some better performance as he repeats da  a next year and then rounding out our top 20 or  

Our our 20 through 30 uh samod the god Taylor uh  25-year-old utility player second base in Outfield   mostly played in Triple A and saw a little bit of  Major League time last year he’s athletic he can  

Do lots of things he needs to learn to limit the  amount he’s swinging the strikeouts as he moves to   the major league that will be the distinguishing  factor for him he’ll be a major league player if  

He can limit that strikeout number and put more  balls in play Mike what are your thoughts on that   20 through3 for us for the Kansas City Royals well  I’m gonna talk about two guys that I really like I  

Like Carson Rocka for because I feel like there’s  not a lot that you need to change with Carson   Rocka for to make him a really solid everyday  kind of guy because the defense is already there  

In center field so Carson rocker for a couple uh  swing changes to a swing plane and things like   that uh I think you’re looking at a guy who’s an  everyday guy and then Trevor Warner is extremely   intriguing to me because when he when the Royals  drafted him I thought man here’s an unathletic  

Guy who they’re gonna try and get to play Third  Base although I did not see that sticking and   I honestly didn’t think that he was gonna have  the the uh bat to ball skills that he that he’s  

Shown so far now the strikeouts are still kind a  little elevated but he’s walking a lot more than I   thought and I really did not see the power surge  and it really makes me when I’m looking at this  

List it makes me think man that Quad City’s team  this year is going to be very interesting to watch   because at some point you should have Rocka for  and Warner both come through there Carter Jensen   will probably start there um as well as some some  really intriguing pitching options so you know if  

You’re looking for who’s the team to watch and  and the Royal the Royals affiliate to watch this   year Quad City might be the one because those  guys intrigue me uh tremendously I’m not as big  

On Spencer niens by the way as most people are  I’ll just I’ll just put that out there as well   yeah with Werner with Rocka for with some of the  pitchers they’re going to have in Quad Cities um  

I think it that will be a very very interesting  and exciting team to watch next year Warner’s   a guy who if if he continues to hit the way he  does he is going he he did last year he is gonna  

Shoot up not just our board everyone’s board okay  because he showed that that thing Mike you always   mentioned that the Royals are always going to  have trouble signing power bats because power’s   so expensive by them like on the free agent market  and so to find a guy like him I don’t even know  

What round he was taken in but it definitely  wasn’t the top three uh to find a guy like   him later in the draft who looking like he could  have some serious power potential even if it is  

Pulls side power right now the dude hits the ball  incredibly hard and I don’t care if he’s not like   you know Scott Rolland over there at third base  if you hit the ball hard and you can control your  

Strikeouts and take walks and things like that you  are going to find a place in Major League Baseball   Trevor Warner showed that he could do that last  year now it was against low a competition and  

I’ll be interested to see how he does as the  competition evolves but man if he keeps it up   what a gem that the Royals found found later in  the rounds because he is uh putting bat to ball  

And crushing the crap out of it uh last year so  hopefully that that that continues Mike give us   our 20 through 10 players please I’m gonna go 19  through 10 because you screwed up and did number  

20 um sorry so I will start with number 19 a guy  that I really like and have liked since we drafted   him out of I want to say Arkansas or Alabama I  forget which one uh pton Wilson’s at number 19  

For us a 24 yearold second Blan slash outfielder  finished up in doua last year he’s a switch hitter   super athlete can really run can put a charge in  the ball although it’s not as consistent as maybe  

You would like um I really like him I’m hoping  that he can limit the strikeouts and you know   really limit The Swinging and and take more walks  and become a guy that finds the spot in Major  

League Baseball at some point uh number 18 Anthony  Veno who was through three levels double a tripa a   and I think he even got I don’t know did he did he  ever get a start in Major League Baseball I don’t  

Remember not a I don’t know if he got a start he  did only get like a couple of outings like that   but he did get a couple yeah he threw a couple  innings in Major League Baseball Lefty more of a  

Um more of a spot Lefty I don’t know that he’s not  a power arm or anything like that he’s got decent   stuff uh but can he make his uh mechanics you know  consistent can he throw strikes consistently he’ll  

Be an interesting one if somebody goes down to  see if they go to him this year because he’ll be   in that AAA rotation probably to start the year 17  James MacArthur a guy that we saw a lot last year  

Uh relief pitcher 27 year old he’ll start in the  Major League Bullpen probably assuming he doesn’t   get hurt or anything like that Sinker slider combo  who found some command and found some success uh   later in the year for the Royals it’ll be you know  we talk about bullpens being volatile we’ll see  

If MacArthur can avoid that volatility another  guy that was in the Major League Bullpen last   year went from uh High a to double a straight to  Major League Baseball that’s that’s good indicator   of poor pitching depth in your organization um  was John the whammer McMillan and and McMillan  

Had some outings that were really good I remember  that first outing that he had it was like man he   strikes guy out blowing pitches by people then he  gives up a huge home run and so you know big hard  

Throwing righty with a killer uh curveball he he’s  he was injured late in 23 and I’m not even do you   did they ever say what it was they they said it  was like a forearm strain or forearm tightness  

Or something like that one of those things that  makes you think oh no is that is that Tommy John   but it wasn’t Tommy John he just let him rest and  and I think he’s back throwing again so he’s all  

Right yeah well that was always a mystery to me uh  that’s at 16 John the W McMillan at 15 we’ve got   Javier vase a guy I think just about everybody  likes and is rooting for uh 23-year-old second  

Baseman SL center fielder who ended the year  in daa last year uh very difficult to strike   out Javier vas he does not strike out very much  he does walk he’s a versatile Defender but he is  

Power less he’s not a big Power guy and so Javier  vase if he can hit the ball hard enough to to get   you know hits and consistent uh you know some  extra base hits he’ll be a major league guy at  

Some point uh 14 is Kaden Wallace and some of you  might be surprised by that because that’s a little   lower than a lot of other places you’re going to  have him he’s a 22y old third baseman ended at daa  

Last year right-handed hitter he’s a good Defender  at third but the power hasn’t materialized at   third base just yet and he still has a little  bit of issues with the strikeout although he did  

Improve those a little bit in 2023 so it’s a big  year for Kaden Wallace we’ll see what he can do   at the doua level uh starting out there 13 is the  can Kansas City area’s own Ben cadna 20-year-old  

Starting pitcher finished at high a last year um  projects as kind of a backend work hor type guy   I saw a fantastic comp for him the other day oh  somebody compared him to James Shields kind of at  

His Peak that would be like probably Alex Alex  loves to compare sheld yeah um because he does   throw a pretty decent uh change up already as  well at times it’s just a little inconsistent   um he draws the weak contact he’s got a good  decent fast ball good change up does miss a lot  

Of bats which he like to see but he can have out  or stretches where he gets roughed up so another   big year for him and he’ll be another one in that  probably starting in that high a rotation as well  

Uh number 12 is a guy that I’ve been very high on  for a long time Carter Jensen another Kansas City   kid catcher uh ended the a year in high or was in  high a all last year I believe left-handed hitter  

Uh he’s been last year he was kind of that true  three outomes guy he had a lot of walks he had   a lot of strikeouts and then he didn’t hit for  quite as much power as maybe you want to see he  

Was hitting the ball hard he always has but they  weren’t leaving the park as much as you’d like for   a guy like that so I’m he’s probably and we’ll  talk about this more later he’s going to be one  

Of my guys I talk about most interested to see  this year is Carter Jensen and his development   another guy that you and I were high on and  watched when we were in spring training last   year and I remember thinking this guy’s swing is  terrible and he’s gonna be awful and he went out  

And he actually had a pretty good year Austin  Charles the 20-year-old shortstop thir baseman   who was in loow last year he is gigantic he’s s 66  67 somewhere in that range uh big athletic Short  

Stop SL third baseman he’s got some pop in the  bat the bat path is flat the swing is weird and   it’ll be interesting to see how he continues to  use that this year um when I saw him I was like  

Nope this guy put him on the mound or something  but after seeing it work a little bit I’m gonna   let him keep doing it and see what uh see what  it turns out because it’s very interesting to  

Watch you’re G to let him you’re large I mean are  you okay I’m not gonna tear into Austin Charles   because his swing is goofy looking Mike is the  new manager of Quad Cities everyone I’m EXT I’m  

Extremely intrigued by the guy now you know I was  always intrigued by him because he was a two-way   guy and we knew he threw heart off the mound  and he’s a big athlete and you know sometimes  

Those big athletes turn into like Frank Thomas or  you know you know somebody awesome or Aaron judge   or you know whatever um but is that now I’m even  more intrigued because when you and I watched him  

Hit tell me when you watched him hit in spring  training you thought oh this guy is going to be   great I I thought what I think when I see a lot  of hitters his age which is the mechanics they  

Need adjustment like his swing is not very good  and what’s weird is that’s some of the easiest   adjustments to make sometimes like swing mechanics  aren’t that tough to change for a guy who gets to  

Work on his swing every single day and so you know  I wasn’t too worried about the s mechanics you’re   right that he hits the ball really hard uh he does  need to LOF that ball the mechanics he needs there  

Are two elements to the mechanics that he needs  to change one there’s like a hitch in his swing   it’s like not smooth at all it’s not smooth or it  wasn’t when we saw it right and then two there’s  

Another element where he needs to Loft the ball  more than he does especially with that much power   that he’s got he’s really got to utilize it um and  so those are two things he’ll be working on you  

Know great potential in that guy though like a ton  of potential for a dude that athletic that strong   that big you’re excited to see where that go and  that young so really young for his level so Mike  

Was did you hit all of them did you go all the way  down to 11 I can’t is Charles 11 I did okay I W I   want to talk about the Kaden Wallace thing so that  I don’t get a bunch of people coming after me the  

Kaden Wallace ranking is one of those things  where it’s like if he shows that he’s got the   power then this ranking is bad right like if he  shows that the power will materialize he’ll shoot   up the board the problem is it hasn’t materialized  and if anything it looks like it’s dissipated as  

He’s tried to adjust to take fewer strikeouts and  so that worries me right he needs to be able to   hit the ball for game Power not just hit the ball  hard which is another concern I have but actually  

Tap into that with game Power by lofting it and  hitting it hard and getting out now he has some   advantages he’s relatively young remember he was  taken I think as a draft eligible sophore super  

Two guy right yeah draft and so he is a little  bit young for his sort of Journey Through pro ball   which is good you know maybe the power will come  I think he’s a little bit tapped physically but if  

He can find a way to access that power if he can  find a way to unlock it and keep the strikeouts   under control he’s shooting up this board quite  a bit because I like the defense I I think he can  

Take a good played appearance it just you cannot  be a third baseman and not have power right I know   Michel Garcia is doing it right now sort of but  he’s not our ideal for what a third baseman would  

Right he’s actually a shortstop playing third and  so if Kaden Wallace wants to be a third baseman   wants to have success moving forward he’s got  to hit for power I’m a little bit worried it’s  

Not GNA come but if it does then this ranking was  wrong and I’ll admit that right I’ll say that I’ll   come on here and just cry and apologize I promise  Mike anyone first time it ever happened not cry I  

Cry all the time uh Mike was there anybody in  the 19 to 11 range that you really want talk   about oh I’m GNA talk about most of them I really  like Carter Jensen still still on that I Javier  

Vas and and I guess we can continue to toot that  horn Javier vase is so intriguing to me he’s so he   looks like an obvious major leager it looks like  oh it’s just a matter of time for this guy can he  

Keep doing that can he keep taking fantastic plate  appearances and walking and driving the ball you   know hitting a billion line drives and if he can  he’s going to be a hell of a Major League baseball  

Player um and to get him where the Royals did it  seems almost ridiculous now after we’ve seen what   he done because he did it in college too just  nobody bought into him because he’s small and  

He does not hit the ball over the fence and so  but if he can boy if he can come in and do what   he’s done so far he’s he’s a lock and he’ll play a  good center field too right now the reason people  

Didn’t buy into him are the reason he has sort of  a cap on his ceiling which is that he doesn’t hit   the ball hard enough to have legit Major League  power and as a result he’ll never be you know  

Cody Bellinger in center field or you know n name  a second baseman who hits with serious power Jeff   Kent is is the one that comes to my mind right  now uh he’ll never be somebody Aron Bo Aaron Bo  

Remember how many roids he was doing he played  second yeah anyway uh so yeah he’ll never he’ll   have a ceiling a little bit on on that potential  offensively now that doesn’t matter still be a   valuable major league baseball player unless he  develops that power he’s not going to really be an  

All-Star caliber guy and it’ll be a question as to  whether or not he can be an everyday Major League   player but he is you’re right like a lock to be a  major league player uh and so that’s really great  

To see a guy like that in their system I’m going  to move on to the top 10 because we’re going to   this episode’s goingon to be so long right  now um I the top 10 for the Royals I get the  

Pleasure of reading for you at number 10 we have  David Sandlin a right-handed starting pitching   Prospect he pitched in low a and high a last  year guy out of Oklahoma who we took I think  

In the 11th round and gave a little bit of extra  money to a good fast ball that even improved upon   uh his Pro debut command improved in his Pro debut  a major league caliber slider right now Big Time  

Strikeout numbers from him he got hurt after went  up to high a so only pitched about 67 is Innings   last year but a guy with a ton of potential in  there hoping he’ll go back to I think a high next  

Year and we’ll see what he can do but another one  of those guys who the Royals have produced who is   getting legit strikeout numbers and looks like  the command is improving as he’s in the minor  

League level or as he’s made his Pro debut and in  the minor league level so that’s great to see uh   at number nine another uh another pitcher a guy  who’s a real strike thrower in Chandler Champlain  

23-year-old starting pitching Pro or Prospect  pitched in high a and double A and had a bunch of   success last year a big bodied strike thrower good  fast ball slider combo uh he’ll miss the question   is will he miss enough bats in the high Miners  and Major League Baseball or is he gonna sort  

Of have a ceiling of backend starter fingy major  leager because he can’t miss enough bats right   uh if he’s gonna limit walks he’ll always give  himself a chance if he keeps limiting the walks   he’ll always give himself a chance to pitch in  M Major League Baseball but the question will be  

Can he find a pitch that will help him Miss enough  bats at number eight I put the Royals 2023 first   round pick Blake Mitchell 19yearold catcher played  in the complex League last year he’s a left-handed  

Hitter um we talked about this on our draft show  last year a ton of potential in Blake Mitchell but   the profile of a high school catcher not great in  the first round he did not have tremendous success  

In the complex League though he does did show the  ability to take a walk he did show a selectiveness   at the plate he needs to swing uh at more quality  pitches and make more contact because he struck  

Out way too much but hopefully he gets a chance  to improve that offense next year the reports   on his catching were pretty good which is good to  see uh it’s always dicey on a high school catcher  

And it’s always dicey to see if those reports  will ring true as he moves forward but I look   forward to seeing him in Colombia this year I  I’ll be watching a lot of Columbia games to see  

What those bats look like at number seven we have  Nick Lofton 24y old utility player he was in triaa   and the major leagues last year a right-handed  hitter improved his power in 2023 he’s a low  

Strikeout low walk guy so he doesn’t strike out  or walk very much which means he lives on batted   ball outcomes and that can always be a little  dicey can always be a little streaky uh he had  

Good Major League numbers overall last year but  a lot of that was on a just batted ball success   balls falling his expected batting average and  expected slugging were pretty low we’ll see if   he ends up making the major league team out of  spring training the odds are a little long on  

That but maybe he gets some major league time this  year and we’ll see what he can do at number six is   the Royals Prospect darling of the moment this  guy has gotten so much heat he’s gotten so much  

Heat over the last month or so his name is no one  seen him play because no one’s seen him play and   because he had amazing numbers in the DSL last  year right uh and the few people who have seen  

Him play have raved about him and Soh that guy’s  name is Ramone Ramirez he’s an 18-year-old catcher   who played in the DSL last year right-handed  hitter big potential still a long way to go   the thing that people love is he takes a really  good plate appearance and he has serious legit  

Power as a catcher and if you’re a catcher and  you can hit for power people are going to love   you and so we’ll see what Ramon reros looks like  should come State Side this year and we’ll get a  

Chance to look and see what he looks like uh over  here at number five his 2022 first round pick gra   Gavin cross 22-year-old right fielder he played in  high a and double a last year a left-handed hitter  

He had a horrific 2023 very very bad but he still  has big Power in his Bat great exit velocities he   just needs to find consistency putting the ball in  play like his strikeout numbers weren’t horrible  

They were not good but they weren’t horrible he  needs to lower those a little bit but even when he   was putting the ball in play they weren’t falling  for hits he wasn’t getting a consistent Line Drive   rate he wasn’t getting anything that was really  helping him you know get a good enough batting  

Average seriously to be a serious Prospect and so  we’ll see what he’s still got but the potential is   still all in there for Gavin cross number four we  have Blake Walters 19-year-old starting pitching   Prospect he was drafted in 2023 but didn’t pitch  at all he’s the guy who their unders slot move  

For Blake Mitchell was really done for and there  have been great reports on how Blake Walters has   looked he’s a big athletic right-handed pitcher  flamethrower there’s reports that he’s running   his fastball up to 98 miles an hour a good slider  from him a guy who’s athletic and needs to develop  

More and more but a lot of potential and a  lot of uh hype around Blake Walters I’m very   excited to see him pitch at number three is my  boy my favorite Prospect my baby Tyler Gentry 24  

Yearold outfielder right fielder he’s in Triple A  spent spent the whole year in Triple A last year   a right-handed hitter slumped big time to start  2023 but the guy takes a great plate appearance   walks quite a bit limits strikeouts he just needs  to Loft the ball more to tap into that power and  

He is ready to go uh we’ll see he should get  Major League time this year honestly at some   point but we’ll see if if that ends up happening  at number two we have Mason Barnett a 22-year- old  

Right-handed pitcher spent time in high a and  double a last year man he has four MLB average   or better pitches a good curveball came on last  year and really showed us that he could command  

The baseball that was his big issue coming into  the draft he walked way too many people he had no   command he showed that he can command the baseball  a little bit last year needs to continue to work  

On that and walk fewer guys but that guy has some  serious potential and I know some people disagree   but I think mid- rotation starter could be his  ceiling if he can find a way to keep those pitches   consistent and keep that command consistent and  then our number one Prospect for the Royals weekly  

Top 30 Mike give me some sort of something  give me something Jazzy to introduce this thing we are the dorkiest people it’s Frank masado  Frank masato is our number one ah Frankie boy if   you don’t know him he’s a 20-year-old left-handed  starting pitching Prospect he pitched in low a  

And high a last year the the reason we put  masakado number one is the projectability   right he is getting a lot of high a hitters out  striking out a lot of high hitters I should say  

He’s also walking a ton of high hitters but he’s  striking out a lot of high hitters right now with   a tall projectable body and a fast ball that  sits in the low 90s what does that mean that  

Means he’s missing bats with all his other pitches  and maybe even his fast ball sometimes and if he   adds velocity and finds command you’re talking  about a guy with legit front end potential Frank   masakado could be an ace he could never reach  Major League Baseball but he could be an Ace and  

At 20 years old you have to give the credit and  the benefit of the doubt to the guy with the most   potential and so tall projectable body you got  to think he’s going to try and add velocity this  

Offseason you got to think he’s going to try and  add velocity constantly and work on that command   and honestly he took a big step forward in 2023  he pitched pretty well in Lo if he takes another  

Step forward in 2024 you’re talking about a guy  who is going to get a lot of Buzz among national   uh Prospect writers as well so that is our top 10  Mike what are your thoughts on that group of of  

Pitchers or sorry players there’s some players  well I was actually GNA talk more about the   pitchers anyway so Blake Walters is a guy that I’m  very intrigued by his to me his secondary stuff   is still very raw as far as command of that and  and that’s to be expected for a 19-year-old but  

It’s extremely inconsistent in the locating that  secondary stuff but also every once in a while he   throws one and you go that’s a Major League pitch  and so it’s it’s that but I’m excited to see him  

If anywhere just I mean I’m sure he’ll be in the  comp start in the complex and then probably move   to hopefully we get to see him an a ball at some  point this year um you know Blake Mitchell we’ve  

Talked a lot about Blake Mitchell the other  thing that gets me about Blake Mitchell the   the reports are that his catching is good and  that’s that’s fantastic but Blake Mitchell is   not a great athlete he’s he’s a kind of slow  you know he’s not not g to tear it up on the  

Base path or anything like that so that worries  me a little bit about him excited to see Ramon   Ramirez honestly I was never a Gavin cross guy and  I’m still not necessarily but I’m excited to see  

What changes are there for him because coming out  I when they drafted him I really thought well at   least here’s a guy who’s likely to reach Major  League Baseball because he’s a pretty decent   athlete in the Outfield and he makes contact hard  now it wasn’t home run contact because the Loft  

Wasn’t there but I thought well that’ll get him  to Major League Baseball now I’m like H I don’t   know so I’m excited to see what he can do um those  are probably the guys I’m most excited about Tyler  

Jentry they protected on the 40 man so you got  to think they got a plan for him some way or at   least they like him for depth so we’ll see yeah  I I got a big question who’s going to catch for  

Colombia Blake Mitchell or Ramone Ramirez that’s  that’s my question oh great question and I know   I know nothing about Ramon marz or his catching  ability so what’ll happen is one of them will DH   and one of them will catch like they’ll switch off  and on I guarantee that’s what happens because you  

Know that seems like it makes the most sense  but yeah you’re right that is Blake Mitchell   Blake Mitchell is an interesting athlete he’s not  a a dude his athleticism means he’s only going to   play catcher or like first base probably not the  Outfield he’ll be a bad outfielder if he is one  

Um but he does have decent athleticism for what  a catcher is asked to do he has like short burst   quickness to move around the plate which is good  that’s what you want as a catcher the problem is  

He can’t actually run very well and so you know  Salvador Perez is actually very similar in this   respect he is a big man Salvador Perez but he  moves surprisingly well around the plate he’s   agile and he is quick around the plate we’ve  seen it before a lot of catchers have that so  

It will help him catching but if he needs to Mo  off catcher his athleticism is not going to do   him any favors let’s just say that I’m really  excited to watch Blake Walters too I think he  

Goes to Loa I think he might spend some time  in the complex league but I think he’ll move   pretty quickly to Loa because his stuff is just  that good I think and so very excited to see him  

Very excited for my boy Tyler Gentry very excited  for Ramon Ramirez as well so I think there’s a lot   of talent uh potential upside in this top 10 but  we’ll see uh as we move into 2024 Mike what stands  

Out to you as you look at our top 30 what stands  out to you looking at it as a whole well to me and   I already said this and I don’t mean to be Debbie  Downer here but it seems to lack talent to me and  

It seems to lack a real Direction now here’s it  the thing to me when I look at this this list of   players is I wonder how much will it change over  the next couple of years because you remember the  

There’s a only a smattering of guys that this  front front office selected or traded for okay   most of these guys are left over from the Dayton  Moore era okay and so my thinking is when I say it  

Lacks talent and it lacks Direction well in two or  three years will we be able to look at our top 30   list and go okay these pitchers in here they were  all picked for a reason and we know why they were  

Picked and we understand what the Royals minor  league pitching system is trying to do same thing   on the hitting side like are we focus that we’re  going to look at this and say hey these guys are   focusing on these things as an organization when  it comes to their pitchers and they’re focusing on  

These things as an organization when it comes  to their hitters that’s really my goal moving   forward in the next couple of years is one yes  the talent to increase because I think we we’ve   swung and miss too much on especially High picks  and then the other thing I want to see a coherent  

Plan when we’re drafting signing and trading for  minor league Talent yeah I think a lot of the way   that this top 30 is received hinges on a only a  few guys right so I think those the two biggest  

Ones are Blake Mitchell and Gavin cross right  if those guys find a way to turn around their   Prospect status this year if Blake Mitchell comes  out and destroys Columbia if Gavin cross goes and   destroys Quad Cities and then moves to dou a  if those two things happen this this system  

Looks a lot different to people right especially  if you add things like Blake Walters looks like   he’s you know a legit pitching Prospect and and  some of these other guys continue to progress   like they have if that happens the system looks  a lot different and so a few guys especially the  

Ones who were drafted at the top are really  holding back this system because they haven’t   shown that they have the type of potential that  it looked like they had when they were drafted   right and so if Gavin cross does that if BL Blake  Mitchell does that this system will start to look  

A lot better but a lot of it hinges on their  performance and the question is can they go   out and reestablish some of that Prospect value  for themselves and for the system as a whole Royals weekly is brought to you by nap family  wealth Mike can you think of anything more  

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Fipc since this episode is focused entirely  on the farm system we’re going to devote the   spotlight segment to looking more closely at  pitching and hitting prospects I want to start   with the pitching because going into 2023 we were  adamant that the pitching Player Development had  

To improve that was the big thing we were  talking about the Royals made some changes   on that front before the 2023 season and it  looks like it paid dividends a November post   from baseball America ranked Royals pitching  prospects 10th in their stat cast pitching  

Rankings and a number of pitching prospects made  large stri large strides in 20123 Mike where do   you think this pitching Player Development is  compared to before the 2023 season well I think   that it’s it’s certainly better and I think that  that is because they have a strategy and they’re  

Working on executing that strategy but the the  odd thing is what I just mentioned there they’re   implementing a strategy with mostly players that  they did not choose and so it’s still early to me   you know if they continue with this strategy and  they’re continuing here’s how it kind of works  

You’re gonna put that strategy in place you’re  going to execute it for some guys they’re going   to be able to pick it up and they’re going to run  with it for others they’re not and they’re going  

To kind of get kicked out as time goes they’re  gonna get traded away they’re going to fizzle out   as as players altoe whatever and then you start  you continue to bring in your guys and the guys  

That you feel fit that strategy best and over time  we should see continued Improvement so yes this is   a positive it’s a step in the right direction but  I want to see those steps continue I don’t want to  

Get derailed somewhere else so next year at this  same time I want to be talking about how they’ve   taken another step forward in that pitching  development yeah and what’s interesting about   what they’ve done so far is that none of the guys  who are really the Vanguard of what looks like the  

Evidence that this Player Development has changed  represent highend draft Capital so guys like Mason   Barnett David sandin Chandler Champlain was not  drafted by the Royals but he was the third guy   in in the Andrew Ben endi trade uh Stephen zobac  A lot of these guys weren’t taken later or were  

Taken later in the draft and yet they’re looking  like legit prospects they’re looking like they’re   doing what you said some guys are going to pick  it up and run with it they’re picking it up and   running with the new attitude towards Player  Development the new disposition and approach  

Towards Player Development from this pitching  coaching staff and is pitching coordinators and   all that sort of thing they’re running with it  and they’re not even dudes who were drafted that   high this year the Royals took Blake Walters and  hero Wyatt in the second and third round I think  

I think it was second and third or second and like  compensatory second round or something like that   and so with their second and third pick they took  Walters and Wyatt and they overpaid each I think   a little bit Walters a lot and then Wyatt a  little bit to get those guys they represent  

Legitimate draft Capital they represent guys who  have high-end ceiling for pitching prospects and   so it’ll be interesting to see what the Player  Development does with them what do they look like   as they move through low a or really probably  complex League low a and then maybe High a next  

Year or the year after that right and so you’re  right I think it’s very interesting to note that   it will get even better but it does look like it  looks drastically different than in years past   are there anything things you think this pitching  Player Development staff is doing that led to the  

Improvement that we’ve seen uh in stuff and in  command from these guys I think certainly the   focus on Pitch data has heavily impacted that and  and just the use in data in general but you know   getting guys their information on their pitches  and then developing plans on how to improve those  

Pitches or sometimes to scrap those pitches and  and focus on something else I think that’s huge   the other thing I think that you and I talked a  lot about in during previous regime is that you   are starting to see signs for holding pitchers  accountable to more than just game results right  

And what I mean by that is you may go out and  dominate double a pitching but if we don’t like   the pitch data that we’re getting on you and we  know that’s not going to effectively get out tripa  

A or major league pitchers they’re not just going  to move you up because you had a stretch of six or   seven starts in double A that were effective  because you leaned on your one pitch that’s  

Really good um and and I think we’re starting to  see indications that that’s the the case I mean   take a look at a guy like Drew Parish how long  would Drew Parish have languished as a triaa  

Pitcher in the Royal system before this regime  a long time he’s gone he’s gone they said you’re   not gonna cut the things you’re doing aren’t going  to cut at Major Leagues we don’t need you around   right and so and that’s nothing against Drew  Parish Drew Parish was a fine Prospect and a  

Good pitcher but you know if they see something  that is not what they’re looking for as far as   your development they’re not just going to move  you along because you had good game results and   I think that needs to be the case uh continuing  forward I think Andrew Hoffman represents a great  

Example of what you’re talking about right like  Andrew Hoffman could do okay getting guys out at   the high a and doublea level he did all right not  great but not terrible he got to triaa and they  

Were like we’re changing a lot of stuff about you  right like we’re going to change a bunch of stuff   because we know what you’re doing isn’t going to  work as you move up like Your Arsenal isn’t good  

Enough and so we’re going to make changes to make  it better and they had him change a lot something   mechanically his vertical approach angle on his  fast ball is getting better it was noticeable even   though the overall numbers aren’t looking good for  him they know that what they’re doing will have  

Better results moving forward or has a better  chance of working moving forward than what he   was doing previously and that’s great that’s the  sort of thing that you definitely need to see and   it’s an emphasis on making arsenals better making  pitches better by using that pitch data by having  

Guys add pitches masakado added a slider last year  some you know these sorts of things are helping   make these guys will make them competitive as they  move forward they’re not just saying hey Brady   singer go out and throw two pitches and dominate  Minor League Baseball it’s like well yeah because  

They’re you know really good it’s gonna hurt him  when he gets to the major leagues though right   like and so you’re right they’re emphasizing this  notion of like we’re gonna take a modern pitching   approach by working on Your Arsenal and command  I mean they they are obviously implementing  

What they’re working on at the major league level  they’re implementing in the minor leagues as well   they’re they’re trying to have guys walk fewer  people fewer walks is a is a obvious emphasis of   this Major League or the minor league uh pitching  coaching staffs and that’s really great and so  

You’re seeing guys with profiles like Steven zobac  like Chandler Champlain have success right they’re   guys who they’re not going to strike out the world  but they’re going to limit walks and that’s really   helping them find success with multiple profiles  and that’s really important um Mike which players  

You particularly excited or sorry which pitchers  are you particularly excited to watch in 2023   from this top 30 uh I’m really looking forward  to seeing what hero Wyatt does in his debut in   professional baseball and then David sandin and  his continued Improvement uh does the command  

Continue to improve and how does the fast ball  play I expect him to go back to high a but then   does he does he perform well enough there with  the fast ball and the command uh to move up to  

Double a if he does I think David sain’s another  guy that you could see in that top 10 uh well I   think he’s already in their top 10 maybe number  nine or or something but a guy that you could  

See as as a legit rotation Prospect uh maybe in  the next couple of years uh moving forward yeah   I’m super excited to see Blake Walters uh as well  along with hero Wyatt they’re probably on roughly  

The same track I I am just looking at Walters  having seen some video of him pitch having heard   reports and things like that I’m really excited  for him I think like I think there’s a decent   chance that National Prospect writers are talking  about Blake Walters mid-season in 2024 and so keep  

An eye on him because the athleticism is there the  stuff looks great if he can command the baseball   he looks like he’s going to have some success  I’m excited to see step zobach because he’s a  

Big question mark in some ways is he gonna be a  reliever is he gonna be a starter you know you   always wonder if the wheels are going to fall off  guys who didn’t have a ton of draft pedigree uh  

But he looks like a guy who can really make it  if he continues to be consistent as a starting   pitcher and he looks like a guy that’s consistency  I think is the word for zobac the fact that he has  

Consistency and pitch ability is allowing him to  get some guys out will that continue uh seeing as   he only has probably average stuff we’ll see on  that one and then of course I’m I’m interested   to see Frank masakado did he add any velocity  this off season can he improve that command if  

He can If he if he added velocity and he improves  the command look out he’s gonna just shoot up and   just insanely uh go nuclear but he’s still very  very young for a prospect so a lot a lots of like  

There a lot of projectability we do have to talk  about the hitters as well and so M uh let’s talk   about those it was not nearly as exciting of a  year for them in 2023 uh many top royal seating  

Prospects struggled uh especially guys like Gavin  cross Mike who do you or do you have a theory   as to why the hitters struggled as much as they  did in 2023 I do yeah um I think a lot of these  

Players that are still in our system were drafted  on sort of an Antiquated way of thinking about why   hitters are successful in Major League Baseball  and and I think I think therefore you know it   they then struggle to make adjustments when a  new hitting regime comes in and says hey these  

Are the things that you need to improve on well  you know that was never my forte that was never   my thing and so some of them again are going to  struggle making those adjustments I think as we  

Move forward we’re seeing more and more that um  swing decision is a very important part of your   success in Major League Baseball your success in  professional baseball I mean but it’s specifically   Major League Baseball and then some guys who don’t  have that we we took a lot of those guys okay we  

Took Gavin cross and we took Kaden Wallace and  we took players like that who were kind of Swing   first ask questions later kind of guys not that  Gavin cross had you know didn’t walk and stuff but  

It’s those swing decisions now that are coming  back to bite them because you know you have to   improve the quality of that decision- making you  have to make sure that you’re not swing even if  

They’re in the zone you’re not swinging at pitches  that are going to get bad outcomes and we have too   many guys that do that and when when you were you  know when you had a regime in the old regime that  

Was looking at some of the wrong things I think  uh you’re going to end up with a lot of those   guys and now we’re trying to recover a lot of  those guys and it’s not working for everybody  

I think that’s mostly right I it seems like they  have very few guys who have what we would consider   good approaches and also hit the ball hard enough  to be impact bats moving forward right so you look  

At a guy like Javier vas he he has good approach  he he he can limit strikeouts and tick walks but   he doesn’t hit the ball that hard right and then  you have a guy like Gavin cross who his approach  

Isn’t great he’s not swinging at the right  pitches he’s not doing damage in the Z like   in the heart of the Zone a lot and it’s like yeah  he hits the ball super hard majorly quality exit   velocities but he doesn’t have the approach  and so we can’t we’re not getting like two we  

Not getting on the same page there right and and  what’s interesting you look at a system like the   race let ask question let me ask you this question  which one of those things is easier to improve in  

My mind it’s easier to improve approach right  and so uh you really I think it’s the other way   I think it’s easier to teach somebody to to hit  the ball hard to build muscle to to get those you  

Know your um swing velocity I I think it’s easier  to those things harder to teach them to swing   at good pitches have a cap on that and and they  are connected you can only grow so much and they  

Are connect Ed so if you swing at better pitches  you’re going to have better exit velocities you’re   going to hit the ball harder if you’re swinging  more at pitches in the heart of the plate right  

So they are connected to some degree but you look  at a system like the Rays system okay what do the   rays do they draft really athletic dudes who are  gonna be able to hit the ball hard and then they  

Teach them a worldclass approach right and so  that is the secret sauce to the Royals or the   ray hitting development is that they take  dudes who mash and then they’re like we’re   going to teach you to be super patient at the  plate we’re going to teach you to only swing at  

Pitches inside the strike zone or inside the the  heart pitches you can do damage on right and so   I think that that is an approach that could work  right but whether you’re doing it one way or the   other whether you’re drafting guys with approach  and making them hit the ball harder or drafting  

The guys who can hit the ball hard and giving them  approach you have to know what you can do well you   have to take individualized approaches with some  of these guys and find a way to make them better  

At whatever they got to do they’re just not there  right now hopefully that gets better 2024 Mike   what hitters are you particularly excited to look  at and see if they’re getting better with approach   or hitting the ball harder well two two guys we’ve  already talked about in Carter Jensen and Javier  

Vas Javier vas is simple I just want to see if he  can keep doing what he’s been doing because it’s   been very impressive to this point Carter Jensen  is I you just he’s a guy who if the reports are  

Accurate and he’s is catching his above average  the amount that he walks if he can just turn   some of those strikeouts into home runs or at  least hard hit balls the sky is the limit for  

Him and so I’m really pulling for Carter Jensen  yes of course he’s from the area so I pull for   him for that anyway but there’s there’s something  to unlock there and if you do I feel like he’s a  

Great player just waiting to come out yeah a lot  of potential in those hard hit balls he hits the   ball insanely hard and the approaches there in a  weird way a little bit passive a little bit like  

Nick might to be more aggressive very passive at  the plate might need to swing a little bit more   uh and so and his problem may also just be plate  coverage related and so does he have trouble on  

The edges of the strike zone in the shadow when  he makes contact is is it not good enough contact   with those types of pitches we’ll see as moving  forward If he if he can work on some of that I’m  

So I’m looking at Gavin cross and Blake Mitchell  obviously because so much of the system hinges on   whether or not those two recover their Prospect uh  Value Cross is a lot like Jensen right like there  

It’s in there if he finds a way to improve the  approach if he finds a way to create line drives   from his swing if he finds a way to do better in  the shadow of the plate the SKU the limit for him  

He could be a middle- of the order bat who’s a  really good defender in the Outfield but if he   you know he’s got to find a way to produce more  consistently offensively Blake Mitchell’s the  

Same way potential middle of the order bat got to  find a way to do it with his approach gotta swing   uh make more contact and that sort of thing Austin  Charles is the other one I’m looking at and he’s  

Sort of a bellweather of a lot of things right  like he can he he strikes out a little bit too   much he doesn’t walk as much as you’d like he has  swing mechanic issues he’s a bellweather for a lot  

Of the things you would want the Royals hitting  development to be able to do you would want them   to be able to fix a guy swing mechanics you would  want them to be able to work on his approach you  

Would want them to be able to help him um limit  strikeouts and improve walks and that sort of   thing so he’s sort of a bellweather and I’m sort  of watching him as like a test case for their  

Hitting development especially at at low a where  he’ll probably go back and and start 2024 so I’m   very interested in all three of those guys I think  it’s a lot of potential in Cross Mitchell and

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Want to spend your day shanking golf balls into  the great beyond Eric knows the Golf Scene like   Mike knows the his way around a bacon egg and  cheese the the secret is I’m always bacon egg   and cheesing so I’ve always got one somewhere  on me like the Hulk find Eric on Instagram if  

You can figure out how to spell his name it’s  e r i c k a x i r or just shoot him a text at   48383 9745 that’s 48383 9745 even if you’re  just curious about what he can do for you  

He’s 100% no pressure one of the best people  we know and frankly he’s got a voice of an Angel we’ll wrap up our discussion of the  Royals farm system with some New Year’s   resolutions these are our resolutions for  individual players and they’re related to  

Things that we’d love to see from those  players in 2024 we’re each going to do   three resolutions one for one so we’ll have  six total Mike kick us off with the first   New Year’s resolution that you have for for  a Royals Prospect my first resolution is that  

Carter Jensen turns some of those strikeouts  into home runs I love that it’s like just just   just hit the Home Run Stop striking out and  just hit home run H more home runs man it’s   so simple stop striking come on Carter it’s  not that hard just hit home runs instead of  

Strikeouts uh you sound you sound so much like  the guy sitting behind me at every Royals game honestly oh that’s great okay my first resolution  comes for Tyler Gentry and I resolve for him to  

Loft the ball more the the sky’s the limit  for well he he’s a four War player if he lofs   the ball a little bit more which is great you  know he could he could be that level of good   Mike round two who’s your second New Year’s  resolution my second resolution is that Ramon  

Ramirez destroys professional baseball in the  United States wouldn’t that be so exciting to   hear to see to see oh oh let me imagine  let me give you a fantasy scenario Royals   fans we have a catching uh Blake Mitchell  and Ramone Ramirez at Lo and both of them  

Are just destroying Lo what if what if that  happens wouldn’t that be hilarious and fun no oh speaking of my my next resolution is Blake  Mitchell round two uh my resolution is Blake   Mitchell makes thought you were having a stroke  Blake Mitchell makes more contact uh yeah so yeah  

I would love for Blake Mitchell to make some more  contact to show us he can be a legitimate hitting   Prospect Ramone Ramirez Blake Mitchell catching  in in Columbia can’t wait to see it should be a   really exciting time Mike round three real quick  third resolution what are you going for uh Carson  

Rocka for starts getting more Loft but keeps the  approach that he already has therefore resulting   in more extra base hits I’m excited about Carson  rockeford I didn’t talk about it a ton today but   we haven’t had a legit offensive center field  Prospect in quite a while and so uh I think he  

Can be that if he can resolve to get more Loft on  the ball yeah that’d be really cool he is a legit   center fielder and a guy who has that offensive  potential my third resolution is for my man Samad  

The god Taylor I just resolve that he swings  less swing less right uh we we’ve been saying   that with some guys swing less it is he is a dude  who hits the ball hard enough enough hard enough  

Not super hard but hard enough athletic can do  a lot of things well he just needs to swing less   because he strikes out too much right now needs  to command the center of the Zone Force pitchers  

To throw him balls in the strike zone I think he  can do it hopefully he makes that adjustment this offseason we’ll end this week’s episode like we  end every episode with our just outside segment   where we talk about something that’s interesting  to us outside the world of baseball somehow we  

Have gone insanely long probably because we had to  read a big list of 30 players Mike really quickly   what has been going on in the baseball for the  last month I guess for you uh because it’s been  

A month since we did this what’s up well I thought  I was going to do dots pretzels but then I thought   I think I’ve already done those maybe if if you  haven’t tried dots pretzels honey mustard pretzels  

They are so good they have sugar cinnamon ones  too that are also very good but I’m not going   to do that one because something happened to me  today and made me think about something so today  

I was driving home from the grocery store and  I was at a stoplight I was the first car there   there was next to me there was another car in the  same another turn lane we were both going left we  

Were both at a red light we heard uh Sirens from  a fire truck sirens go off there was a guy the L   next to the guy next to me who was also the  first one at the light firet truck’s coming  

Our lights all turn green at the same time we me  and the car next to me stay there the car on the   in the far Lane starts driving well there’s a fire  truck coming and it’s going to hit that person if  

If they stay in their Lane this person is on their  phone they’re not paying attention to what they’re   supposed to be doing and they get stuck out in  this median with a fire truck narrowly missing  

Them while it Sirens are on okay and I haon at  them when they took off to let them know you’re   about to get hit by a fir truck okay and it got  me thinking because it took a long time there was  

Actually two fir trucks took kind of a long time  for them to get through the intersection by that   time our light had turned red again so all of  us were stuck there except for the idiot that  

Did the wrong thing okay and he got to go and it  made me think like sometimes doing the wrong thing   is beneficial right but what you have to do is in  my mind I don’t believe in fate or anything but I  

Have to sit back and I have to believe that that  guy something is there’s going to be something   that happens in his life where he gets something  for doing that does that make sense it’s the only  

Way that I can choose to justify not doing the  wrong things it’s not the only reason there’s   other reasons just be a good person that’s that’s  enough but I have to in my mind think that there   are consequences for people who do the wrong  thing but get good outcomes and that’s what  

I tell myself all the time so that one I don’t  get angry about it and two I can go on living   and say I’m not going to do the wrong thing even  when I know it could get me a better outcome and  

So that’s my goal or that’s my hope for us in a  new year is when you see somebody who’s getting   you know something because they’re making a  bad choice don’t think of it as oh man they’re  

Getting away with something think of it as theirs  is coming down the road and my my thinking is like   always I think you’re right I think like often  times those people do end up getting something   bad because their process is bad right like that  person’s process is bad next time they’re going to  

Get hit by somebody like they’re fire trck right  yeah their process is bad right and so you know   a lot of times they will but sometimes we’ll see  people who are like really wealthy or you know and  

Then who’ve done like horrible horrible things  and that looks like they have a lot right looks   like they’ve W you know gotten a lot the thing I  remember about those people is that they have to   live with themselves right like they have to live  with the those people are like rarely happy right  

Like they have to live with the horror of being a  horrible person which I could not live with right   like and so they know they know what they did to  get there like they know like you know whoever  

Jeff Bezos knows that he you know Stomps on the  hearts of workers right like he knows that you   he destroys the environment all these people  know these things right like it’s not like you   know they understand what it took to get to the  top some of them are comfortable with that and  

That’s fine but they have to have moments where  they’re like wait am I just like a net negative   on the world it’s like yeah probably like and  so yeah I I sleep better at night knowing that  

That that’s nice um but yeah also maybe that’s  a good approach to it as well also dots pretzels   fantastic fantastic oh Chang my life H hone  mustard oh man so good uh I’m talking about like  

The feeling that I have now that it’s it’s January  1 so we’re literally recording this on New Year’s   Day um and I was talking to my partner earlier we  were folding some laundry and I was like you know  

What New Year feels like I got a good hand on  things and she’s like I feel like that’s just   a feeling everybody has in here I’m like yeah  you’re probably right like this is probably a  

Feeling that we all have that it feels like we  have a good handle on things and I feel like the   contest of the new year is to see how long you can  go while still feeling like you have a good handle  

On things right like so let me just be the first  one to encourage you in your new year you can   have a handle on things all the way for the rest  of this year okay I’m going to have a handle on  

Things you’re going to have a handle on things  we’re all going to have a handle on things for   the rest of this year because listening to Royals  weekly because we’re watching the Royals because  

We’re having a good time you got this we got this  we all got this that’s all I have for this week   that’s all we have for this week please tune back  in I don’t know when our next episode’s going to  

Be lately I’ve just been like randomly deciding  to to have episodes uh at the very least we will   come back in one month with another episode  until then be good to each other and go Royals


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