Golf Babe

He tried to kill her

TikTok star Ava Majury has a scary encounter with an obsessed fan.

#florida #naplesflorida #avamajory #raywilliamjohnson #drama

So this Tik tocker her name’s Ava and Ava has a problem this guy is after her with a pew pew okay so Ava is 13 she makes typical lipsyncing videos on Tik Tok and people love her she’s got over a million followers and one day her videos

Catch the attention of this guy who we’ll call Goldberg and Goldberg really digs Ava now he’s older he’s 18 but that doesn’t stop him he starts trying to get her attention and the comments it’s not really working so then he tries to get her attention by sending her a DM now

Ava actually checks her DMs because she often interacts with her fans so she sees his message and she replies and they go back and forth a little nothing inappropriate but then he asks if he can buy a few selfies from her and she thinks about it and she talks it over

With her parents and she finally says sure and she sells him a few pictures that had already been posted on Snapchat now Goldberg is super happy about this and that is when things start getting weird he has her venmo now so he starts messaging through her venmo account and

He starts asking her for a different type of photo and she’s like ew no and she blocks him on all platforms oh but that doesn’t stop Goldberg he searches around and he finds Ava’s classmates from school and he reaches out to them and they agree to sell photos of Ava to

Him photos that I assume were already public but they also allegedly sell him Ava’s phone number so now Goldberg has her number and he starts texting her and he begs her to unblock him but she won’t do it so he sends her $600 through venmo

And he tells her it’s all the money he has but Ava is not giving in now at this point things are getting a little out of hand and she’s getting scared so she tells her dad this guy who we’ll just call Dad now dad is a retired police

Lieutenant and he is not going to put up with this nonsense so Dad sends a strongly worded text message to Goldberg basically telling him don’t contact my daughter again and Goldberg gets that text and he’s heartbroken and he’s pissed off but Dad isn’t too worried about Goldberg they live in Florida

Goldberg lives in Maryland so they’re not even remotely close everything’s going to be fine until one night Dad Ava and the family are asleep and suddenly boom a loud bang wakes them all up and Dad he jumps out of bed and he runs to the front door and there’s a huge hole

In it and standing in the house is a man with a shotgun that man is Goldberg and Goldberg points his pew pew at dad and he fires again but the gun jams so dad runs out of the house and after him but he slams his knee on something allowing

Goldberg to get away so dad goes back inside the house and he gets his pew pew just in case and he waits on the front porch for police to get there before police can get there Goldberg comes back but this time Dad is ready and he points

His pew pew at him and he orders him to put down his weapon Goldberg doesn’t back down and points his right back at him so then dad shoots and he doesn’t miss and he ultimately un Alives Goldberg so police show up they find two phones on Goldberg’s body with literally thousands

Of photos of Ava on them now because of the circumstances dad doesn’t get into any legal trouble over any of this and despite everything that happened Ava’s family decided to allow her to continue posting Tik toks which she still does to this day but then later the family had

To pull her out of school and start homeschooling her after they had an incident with a second stalker yikes and all this happened in Naples Florida so shout out to Florida


  1. Ik its not a laughing matter but imagine how horrified bro kust have been when his gun jammed and he had an angry dad after him 💀

  2. The parents should take the situation more seriously! It's not worth it for your minor daughter to put herself at risk for a couple of thousand tik-tok followers!

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