Golf Babe

Always A Winner | Full Movie | A Dave Christiano Film | Do unto others…

Emily Hilton transfers to a new Christian high school for her senior year determined to repeat as state golf champion. As she begins that quest, she is greatly affected by her new golf Coach and teammates. This movie has several different messages regarding living the Christian life with the most prominent being two practical examples of what Jesus taught when He said to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Writer-Producer-Director: Dave Christiano
Cast: Jenn Cooke, Amelia Still, Evangeline Griffin, Ashley Brant, Maddy Lee Ann

This is the 3rd and final movie in the series that began with
“Remember The Goal –
and followed with
“The Perfect Race” –

DVD, Blu-ray & Digital for ALWAYS A WINNER available at

The Christiano Brothers (Dave and Rich) have produced 21 movies to date. Most of these movies are on our Christian Movies YouTube Channel.

Movies produced and directed by Dave Christiano:
A Time To Dance – Coming to YouTube in 2025
Always A Winner –
The Perfect Race –
Power of the Air –
Remember The Goal –
Me & You, Us, Forever –
Late One Night –
Pamela’s Prayer –
The Pretender –
Crime of the Age –
The Daylight Zone –

Movies produced and directed by Rich Christiano:
MindReader – Coming to YouTube in 2025
Play The Flute –
A Matter of Faith –
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry –
Unidentified –
Time Changer –
End of the Harvest –
Second Glance –
The Appointment –

One co-production with another company:
Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea –

DVDs for these movies are available at Some of them are on available on Blu-ray & Digital also at There is more information on the feature films produced by the Christiano Brothers at

Dave Christiano produced a TV series entitled 7TH STREET THEATER. This is a drama series about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show for their community. There are 3 Seasons in the series and a total of 64 episodes. Season One has 24 episodes, Season Two has 20 and Season Three has 20. This series was produced by Dave Christiano. All of these episodes are on our Christian Movies YouTube channel with the listing of them all here –
Scroll down on the page until you see 7TH STREET THEATER | TV SERIES

There are also movie versions on our YouTube channel of episodes that are either two parts or four parts edited together. These movie versions are called:
The Letter (Full Movie) –
A Sudden Change (Full Movie) –
An Actor’s Big Chance (Full Movie) –
Closed (Full Movie) –
Jamie & Shelley (Full Movie) –
Jamie’s Brother (Full Movie) –
A Christian Practical Joke? (Full Movie) –

– Can you believe that girl? She had a four-shot lead and took all that time to line up a two-foot putt. – At least we don’t have to worry about her next year. – She is only a junior, but you girls played really well today. I’m proud of you. Let’s go. – Coach Kelly. I wanna show you something. – How are you, Mrs. Ricketts? – I’m good, how about you? – I’m doing good, thanks. You ready to start a new school year? – I am. You know, this year begins my 10th year anniversary as a guidance counselor here. – Wow, well, congratulations.

– Thank you. So, let’s talk golf. – Oh, okay. – Orange Hills Academy added the golf program, what was it, three years ago? – That’s right. – And Coach Donnelly was the coach for the first two years, and then when she had her baby, you joined our staff and coach last year.

– Right again. – And both of you have done a wonderful job building this program. – Thank you. – So, does the name Emily Hilton ring a bell? – Emily Hilton, yeah, from Bart Christian? Yeah, she won the State Golf Championship last spring. – Your old stomping grounds.

– Well, if going to school there nine years ago is old, then yeah. – What place did your team finish in that tournament? – We came in 8th. – And you have two of your top three girls coming back this year, Madison and Hannah. – Right. – But you don’t have that one great golfer who can compete with the best of them,

Like Emily Hilton, do you? – I do not. – Well, now you do. – Madison? You’re not gonna believe who I just saw. – Who? – You don’t believe it. Guess – Who? – Guess. – How can I guess? – She plays golf? – Uh, I don’t know. – Guess big.

– Hannah, will you just tell me? – I just saw Emily Hilton. – What? – Emily Hilton goes to Orange Hills Academy. – You’re kidding. – No. – You mean the girl who thinks she’s the greatest golfer since God created girl golfers is going to our school? – That’s right.

– So, have either of you talked to her yet? – I haven’t. – I can’t remember what she looks like. – Well, we did lose Olivia last year, and we don’t have anyone to replace her yet. – I thought we had a couple of other girls who were going to play.

– Yeah, we do, but they’re just beginners. They’re not at Olivia’s playing level. – Well, I guess you got your work cut out for you then, Coach. – You girls, you should be thrilled that a player of Emily’s caliber’s gonna be on our team. – Yes, thrilled.

– She does give us a chance at the team title. – Wait. I think Olivia’s little sister is a freshman this year, and she’s gonna play. She’s like good as Olivia is. – Oh good, then we don’t need what’s her name. – Olivia’s little sister is in 8th grade.

See if you can become friends with Emily. I don’t have her in any of my classes, but I’ll try to talk to her when I see her around. – You got it, Coach. I’ll tell her the girls boxing team needs a new sparring partner. – Become friends with Emily.

This is a Christian school. Make it your mission. – [Hannah] Hi, Emily. – Do I know you? – Not yet, but you will. – Why is that? – Because we’re on the golf team. Like, the top two players. – I’m Hannah. – And I’m Madison. – Coach Kelly is our coach. – Coach Kelly, as in Suzanne Kelly, formerly Suzanne King?

– Yeah, do you know her? – Yeah, I broke all of her golfing records at Park Christian when she was there. Not that it was hard. – Well, she’s a great coach. – Like I said, I broke all of her records. But we need her. Somebody has to drive us to the matches.

– Well, we just thought we’d introduce ourselves. Coach Kelly is a PE teacher and coaches soccer in the fall, then we start golf in March. – You’ll like Coach Kelly. – And you’ll learn a lot from her. – I doubt it. I’m a better golfer than she was.

– Hey Emily, let me ask you something. Are you a Christian? – I’m going to a Christian school, aren’t I? – I didn’t ask if you were at school, I asked if you were a Christian. – Well, this is gonna be a fun team. – Yeah. We can’t wait. All right, well, it looks like you’ve filled out everything you’re supposed to, so submit.

– Submit. That is the first of many possible scholarships I can apply to at Zion Christian College. – And that one took forever. – Yes, it did. – Well, we’ll apply to the others in the days and weeks ahead and pray the Lord allows you to get one. – Yep.

– And you’re sure about your golf scholarship? – Yes, Coach Kia is giving me what she can, based on my current playing ability. – Okay, and we’re figuring with you working part-time, looks like you need about $5,000 more. – Per year, for four years. 20 grand. Right. Well, that’s easy, I’ll just get

A second part-time job, and that’ll cover it. – Oh no, young lady. You’ll have a full schedule, plus a part-time job, plus golf? No, you need one of these scholarships. – But what if I don’t get one? – And that’s why we’re going to apply to community college.

– But mom, I want to go to Zion. – I know, but you know where your father stands on school loans. – Lots of kids take loans. – Madison, we’ve had this discussion before. – Can’t you get Dad to change his mind? – No, your father doesn’t want you borrowing money,

Which translates, no school loans. You go where you can afford to go. – But I want to go to Zion. – Fine. If you can get the money that you need, congratulations. But if not, you need a backup plan, agreed?

– And so, I need to come up with about $5,000 more a year. – Well, maybe you could get another scholarship. – Maybe, but it’s not a guarantee. I need to come up with an alternative plan. Got any ideas? Well, you could become a scratch golfer and get a full ride.

– Improve 10 shots in golf is coming season? I wish. – Hey, the Lord knows that you wanna go to Zion, and He also knows where he wants you to go. So, you just trust Him to direct you, okay? All right, I’ve got practice, but I’ll see you tomorrow.

– Thanks, see you, Coach. – Dear Coach Kia, I hope you are doing well. I want to bring something to your attention about Madison Pierce. Her first choice for college is Zion, and she definitely wants to continue playing golf. Her father does not want her to take a school loan,

So we are trying to find her as much scholarship money as we can. I’m aware of the scholarship amount you have offered her, but would it be possible to offer her any additional money? Please let me know. Thank you for your consideration. God bless, Suzanne Kelly. – [Teen] Do you guys know what today is? – Uh, it’s Saturday? – Yeah, but it’s a special day. Do you know, Hannah? – Today’s a special day, for who? – For me. – Today’s a special day for Bree? – Not her birthday. – That’s not until October.

– It’s not her in her anniversary. – That’s not until she gets married. – But you’re getting closer. – We’re getting closer. – You’re getting married? – No. – Okay, then we give up, what? – Zach and I have been dating exactly six months today. – Oh, I thought this was something important.

– Madison. – Wow, six months already. That’s great. Bree. – And I’m in love. – Bree, you have been in love at least a dozen times. – I have not. – Yes, you have. I can think of three boys off the top of my head, right now. Carson, Jordan, and Cooper.

– Carson was in the 4th grade, Jordan the 5th, and Cooper the 7th. – But you were in love with all of them. – Those don’t count, this is real love. I’m a 16-year-old woman now, soon to be 17. And I’m truly in love. – So, Miss Truly-in-Love,

Does this affect your plans when you graduate? – Nope. We both plan to go to Bethany University, and I plan to study abroad our junior years, because that’s something I’ve always wanted to do since middle school. – And Mr. Six-Months is good with all of that?

– Yep, wherever I go, he wants to go too. Now, if that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is. – Sounds like true love to me. – Hello, Suzanne. – Hey, Rachel, how’s it going? – Well, other than trying to teach English to seniors who already had enough English their first three years, it’s going okay. How ’bout you? – I’m doing good, thanks. – Hey, so I was talking to Madison a little bit before class today,

And I found out that she wants to go to Zion. That’s where I went. And then, she also told me about her obstacle. It’s not cheap. – I know. – She needs help coming up with some extra finances? – Yes, yeah, she does. Do you have any ideas? – No.

– She’s applying for some scholarships. – Well, that’s good. – Did you like it there? – I loved it, I know she will too. – Yeah, she really wants to go there, so we’re praying. – I really like Madison. – Oh, I love that girl. She’s a born leader.

– Well Steven, I just got an an email back from the golf coach at Zion, and she doesn’t have any more money out offer Madison. – Which means? – Madison won’t be able to go unless she gets one of the scholarships she applied for. – Do you think she can get one?

– I don’t know, I’d say it’s a long shot. Just feel really bad for her. She wants to go, ’cause she wants to be a coach and it’s the best program, and it’s a really good fit for her. – Well, maybe she’ll get a scholarship. – I hope so. I really do. Hey, everybody. – [Students] Hey, Coach. – Hey, so I think we all know each other, but just for the record, Madison and Hannah are our returning seniors. Ella and Hailey are our incoming freshman, and our transfer student is a senior, Last year’s state champion from Park Christian, my old high school, Emily Hilton.

Welcome to our team. – Thank you, and I plan on defending that title. – Several interesting changes occurred in the off-season, so I’d like to go over those with you before we go to the course today. First, Nortier would’ve been the early-team favorite, – But now that you have me, that changes everything.

– Not so fast. Nortier’s number one player from last year, Jenna Willis, she transferred to Franklin Simmons. – Transferred? – [Coach Kelly] Yes. – Well, that knocks Nortier out of the top three. – We can beat Franklin Simmons, even with Jenna. – And I would’ve agreed with you,

But do you know who Chloe McCutchen is? – Yeah, I played her last summer at the State Teen Amateur. – How’d you do against her? – I lost by two shots, but she goes to public school, so what about her? – She also transferred to Franklin Simmons. Chloe’s father and Jenna’s mother,

They’re brother and sister, and their family bought a country club, so now both girls are at the same school. – What was that about defending your title? – Well, Franklin Simmons was pretty good last year, but now with adding those two girls, they’re gonna be the top team by far, not even close. Okay, onto other things. We will meet here in the cafeteria every day after school, and then we’ll ride to wherever we’re going that day.

– Wherever we’re going? Don’t we go to a golf course? – Yes, some of the time. – We practice at a farm, too. – A farm? – You’ll see. – Okay, there’s a new coaching rule that’s starting this year. So, it used to be that a coach could only speak

To the players between holes. But now, a coach can talk to a golfer at the tee after she’s hit her tee shot, and at the green before she takes her first putt. Now, a coach still can’t talk to a player while she’s on the fairway or taking approaching shots. Understand? – Yes.

– That’s a pretty significant change. Okay, another rule is that, for the state tournament, one teammate who is done playing can walk with another teammate who is still playing for the last two holes. So, in our case, if Emily is in the final twosome

And Madison or Hannah are done playing, one of you could walk with her and talk to her between shots. – Why did they do that? – You know, I’m not quite sure cause I’m not on the rules committee, but we now have that option. There’s also a new scoring rule this year.

So, each girl will keep her own scorecard, plus the opponent she is paired up with. A girl will write down her score and the girl she is playing against. She must mark it correctly and sign it at the end of the match. If the scores don’t line up,

Whoever made the mistake is disqualified. Does everybody understand that? – [Madison] Yes. – A man lost the Masters once because he signed a card with the wrong score. He would’ve tied and forced a playoff. – Wait, a pro in the masters golf tournament? – Yep. – What an idiot.

– I wouldn’t have wanted to win like that. I would’ve said fix the card and let’s have the playoff. – Me, too. – I wouldn’t have. – You’d want to win a tournament ’cause somebody wrote down the wrong score? – Sure. – Even if you knew you didn’t really win it?

– Rules are rules, and stupid is stupid. – Coach Kelly, would you want to win that way? – I would wanna do what Jesus said. “Do unto to others as you’d have them do one unto you.” – He says he wants nothing to do with me anymore. – Just like that? – No. This has been going on for over a week. – I’m so sorry, Bree. – Who is your boyfriend? – Zach, he’s a senior at the public school. – And how long have you been together?

– A little over a year. – Breakups are so tough. I’m really sorry, Bree. – We had it all planned out, and all my dreams shattered, just like that. – Why doesn’t he wanna be with you anymore? Bree, do you know why he doesn’t wanna be with you anymore? – Yes. – Can you tell us? Bree? – ‘Cause I’m pregnant. – And that’s why he doesn’t wanna be with you? – He says he can’t handle it, and sorry, but he can’t deal with it.

– Bree, are you sure you’re pregnant? – Yes, I’m sure. – Okay, do your parents know? – No, my father will kill me when he finds out. He’ll be so disappointed, and so will my mother. – Do his parents know? – No. – How old are you, Bree? – 17.

Please don’t tell anybody. I don’t know what to do. – Of course, of course we won’t tell anyone. But Bree, I know it might be really hard, but you need to talk to your parents. And I’m here if you need anything, okay? – Thanks. – I don’t see a golf course.

Why are we here? – This is Mr. Casey’s farm. His daughter, Jennifer, played for Coach Donnelly on her first golf team four years ago, and he said If we ever need a place to hit some balls, we can come here, so we do. – Yeah, but why?

Couldn’t we hit balls at a golf course or a driving range? – We come here for a change of scenery, and there’s also a putting green and a tee area on the property. But today, we’re gonna be practicing hitting balls out of the rough. – Golf courses don’t have rough like this.

– You’re right, most don’t. But if you can hit it out of this, it’ll be a lot easier when you get to the course. All right, girls, grab your seven irons and loosen up a bit. Okay, girls. So before we get started today, I wanna go over something

That is very important in golf, and life, as well. Madison and Hannah know what I’m about to say. In golf you have to, – Keep your head. – Keep your head. – That’s right, keep your head. Golf can be a very frustrating game sometimes,

Especially when you hit a bad shot, or miss an easy putt. It can really throw you, and you can’t let that happen. So, the key is to keep your head and quickly put that bad shot behind you. Understand? – Yes. – Yes. – The same is true in life.

God did not promise any of us a trial-free life. The key there, also, is to keep your head and trust in the Lord. Now, I know it’s easy for me to say trust in the Lord, but life really does come down to trusting in Him. Are you with me? – Yes. – Yes.

– Okay, now, hitting balls out of the rough. There are three main things to remember. Keep your eye on the ball, keep your head down, and when you swing, don’t try to pick up the ball out of the rough with your club, but rather,

Swing through it and let the club head do the work for you. Okay, Emily, you’re up first. I want you to aim for that tree. You see it? – Yeah. – Okay, take a shot at it. – This is stupid. – Try again. – Coach, I can’t hit the ball out of this. – Play it where it lies. – But it’s a lousy lie, I can’t hit this. – Please try. – Coach, this isn’t golf. – Madison, you wanna show the defending state champion how it’s done? – Nice shot, Madison. – Thanks. – Emily, try again. – Emily, keep your eye on the ball, head down, swing through, and let the club do the work for you. Aim for the tree. – Aim for the tree, you mean like that? – Yeah, like that. Great shot. – Hey. – Hey. – How was practice? – It was good. – You got another letter from Zion. – This is the last one to hear from. Well, that’s it. I did not get any of the scholarships I applied for, and there aren’t anymore. – And you’re sure you heard from all of them? – Yep, it took months, but we heard back from them all. Strike 10, and I’m out. – I’m sorry, honey

– Mom, Dad’s gotta let me take out a student loan. It’s the only way I can go. – Madison, please. – Mom, this is my career we’re talking about, my life. – You can go to the community college for two years, and then transfer in. It’ll be cheaper that way, and that’s something we can afford, and then you don’t have to borrow any money. – But the community college doesn’t have a golf team, and I probably won’t get a scholarship

To Zion coming in my junior year. – I’m sorry, but unless you can come up with the money, look, don’t lose heart, okay? Keep praying about it. – I have prayed about it every day, and what good has it done? – Maybe it’s not the Lord’s will free to go there.

Has that crossed your mind? – No, it hasn’t. I believe Zion is where I’m supposed to go. It’s also where I wanna go. I wanna be a coach, they have the best program. So, I’ll continue to pray and not give up hope. – That’s his spirit. – Yeah, that’s the spirit.

Like I really believe what I just said. – May I speak to a nurse please? Hello? Yes, ma’am. I would like to know about, I would like to get some information. – Why won’t he let you take out a loan? – Because he doesn’t want me to be in debt coming out of college.

– But a school loan is like buying a house or a car. Lots of people get loans and then just pay them off in time. – That’s not the way my dad thinks. You know my car I drive? – Oh, is that what that is? – Funny. I worked all last year to buy that. With my dad, you save the money first, then you buy, not the other way around. – Well, you should ask him how are you supposed to get anywhere in life like that. – He’s paying for part of my college

Based on what he can afford. I’ll work a part-time job, and then I have what I’m getting for golf, but it’s not enough. It’s just not enough. – I’m sorry. – I need a miracle. – Hey, ladies. Hey, so before we get started today, I wanted to ask you guys a quick question. What is something that you are thankful for? – What we’re thankful for? – Yeah, just something that you’re thankful for. Madison?

– My life, I’m thankful that God gave me life. – Hannah. – What Madison said. – Haley. – My family. – Ella. – My parents. – Emily. – Golf, and my dog. – I want you girls to take note that there are no wrong answers to that question. Being thankful is probably

The greatest thing that we can do. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and I’m so grateful for that. And I have a wonderful husband, and a job that I love, sports that I love to coach, and a team that I’m so thankful for. – So, tell me about Chloe McCutchen. – [Emily] What about her? – Do you know her? – No. I mean, I’ve talked to her. She hits the ball a mile, so her second shot is usually a short iron. She’s just a fair putter, though. That’s the weakest part of her game.

But that’s my strongest. I just have to get more distance to my drives. – What happened in State Teen Amateur? How’d she beat you? – She birdied two of the par fives, ’cause she can hit it so far. I just made par, so that was the difference. She’s not gonna beat me again.

– You sure about that? – Yeah, I’m not gonna lose to her. – Is winning important to you? – That’s a stupid question. – Why is it stupid? – Winning’s the reason why I play. It’s no fun coming in second. I played a win, or I don’t play at all.

– Hey Coach Kelly, do you think it’s important to God if we win or lose? – Why do you ask? – Emily and I were just talking about it. – I think God cares about everything we do. – Does God care who wins? – I don’t think it really matters to God

If you win or lose a sporting event, but how you win or lose is what I think matters to Him. – [Hannah] What do you mean? – Well, when you win, win with humility. Don’t boast, don’t rub it in. Be happy, but be humble. And when you lose, lose with grace.

Don’t be a sore loser, don’t get angry. Yeah, that’s what I think matters to God, how we win and lose. Win with humility and lose with grace. Sound like a plan? – Yeah. – Yes. – Okay, let’s practice some drives. – Do you need me to explain to you

What the word humility means? – Jealous? – I wanna remind you girls of something. If you find yourself hitting the majority of your drives in the rough, you could switch to hitting your three wood off the tee. Now, you’re not gonna hit the ball as far, but you have a better chance of keeping it in the fairway.

– [Madison] Yeah, Emily. – I can keep my drives in the fairway. – Sure, like one out of every three or four. – I’m just working on my distance, that’s all. I can keep it in the fairway if I just pull back a little. – It’s just something to keep in mind

When you’re in a match. I’m not saying that you have to do it. but if some of you wanna try, you can practice with your three wood now off the tee, just to see. – I’ll try it, even though I’ve been hitting most of my drives pretty straight.

– Doesn’t hurt to practice to have the option. – You know, Coach Kelly was wrong about winning and losing. – What? – I said, Coach Kelly was wrong about winning and losing. – Wrong? – Yeah. God does care who wins and who loses. – I don’t think that was her point.

– What was her point? – Let’s ask her. – No, no, please don’t do that. – Hey Coach, Emily isn’t sure about what you meant when you said it doesn’t matter to God who wins or loses. Can you explain it a little more? – Okay, two teams are playing a game, and both teams wanna win. Let’s say it’s really close and we’re at the end. So, you’ve got fans from both teams praying. You’ve got one side praying that their team will win, and the other side praying that their team will win.

So, if you’re God, whose prayer do you answer? Madison? – I don’t know, I never thought of it like that. – Whichever team has the more passionate fans. – Well, every team has passionate fans, plus there’s believers on both sides. So, whose prayer is God going to answer? Emily? – I don’t know.

– That’s why I say it doesn’t really matter to God who wins or loses. No, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s wrong to win or to do your best. But to me, how you win or lose is what truly matters to the Lord. – What’s this? – Look at it. – Did you call someone? – Yeah. – Bree, you can’t do this. – I don’t have a choice. – Yes you do. – Hannah, if my dad finds out, he’s gonna kill me and disown me. – He has to understand. – No, he won’t.

You don’t know him like I do. He’s always nice to you when you come over, but my dad is as straight and narrow as it comes. It’s his way, and only his way. – You can’t get an abortion. – I have to. I don’t have a choice. – Dear Lord, I’m coming to You again about going to Zion. Unless You change my dad’s mind about getting a loan, I don’t see how I can go. If you don’t change his mind, I’m asking You to come up with extra money I need. I want to go there Lord,

And I believe this is Your will for me. Help me to trust You to provide. In Jesus’ name, amen. – Hey. – Suzanne. I have a particular student I need to ask you about. I believe she’s on your golf team. – Let me guess, is it Madison? – Nope. – Hmm, Hannah?

– Not her, either. – Can’t be Ella or Hailey, ’cause they’re not seniors. – Strike three. – That’s baseball, and I coach golf, so. – So I’m talking about Ms. Hilton. Do you know the proverb that says, “Let another man praise the and not your own mouth?” – Yeah. – Well, I don’t think our young lady has discovered that verse yet. I mean, what is it with that girl?

She’s an A student, but she’s just so stuck on herself. How do you deal with her? – I try to be very patient. – Well then, you must be the most patient person on earth. Whoa. – Coach, can I talk with you for a minute? – Yeah, sure, come on in. Take a seat. Hannah, are you okay? – Coach, Bree says she’s gonna get an abortion. – No, no, Hannah, she can’t do that. – I told her that, but she hasn’t told her parents yet, and she’s afraid. – She really has to tell them. – I told her that, too, but she’s really scared. She already scheduled an appointment.

Coach Kelly, what can I do, what can I say to her? – Well, you could tell her one thing. Around each hole, I’ve placed five ball markers. Each one is four feet away. To me, this is the most pressure shot in golf. More tournaments are probably won and lost

From this distance than any other shot. You’re gonna hit a total of 20 balls, five at each hole. Keep track of how many you make. Got it? – [Students] Got it. 18. (ball clanks) 19. – Wait. Who thinks she’s gonna make it? – I do. – Girls? I think she might miss it. – I’m not gonna miss it. – I say you might. – I just made 19 in a row. – That’s great, but this one, I’m not so sure.

– You wanna bet coach? – No, I don’t wanna bet. – No, come on, bet me. – Sorry, pressure’s on. – 20. – Nice putt. – What was that? – I said, “Nice putt.” – Why’d you think I wouldn’t make it? – Just wanted to put a little pressure on you. Golf is a game of playing under pressure, girls. It can be very nerving at times. When the pressure’s on,

You have to really focus and keep your head. Good job, Emily. Okay, that’s it for today. Grab your clubs and load up. – Hey coach, I don’t miss four-foot putts. – [Steven] Hey. – Hey. – You okay? – I know. Yeah, I’m sorry Steven, I am just, I can’t stop about Emily.

That girl, she’s tough. – What is it, she doesn’t listen, doesn’t do what you say? – No, she doesn’t need me, she doesn’t need a coach. She is her own authority, she does everything her own way. – Do you know why she’s like that? – No. – So, what’s on your mind?

– I care about her soul. I pray for her every day. – Does she have Christ in her life? Try not to lose your patience, okay? You keep praying for her. – I will, I will. – You know, the scripture says, “Before honor is humility.” We all go down before we go up. – Yeah. – The Lord knows how to bring a person to their knees. – [Mom] Hey, babe. – Hey. – Hey. – Is anyone else here? – No, it’s just me. You okay? – You can’t get an abortion. – Yes, I can. – No, you can’t. – I have to. – No, you don’t. – Baby’s not very far along. – The baby was a baby at conception.

You can’t kill your baby. – Hannah, this is not your problem. – Do unto, unto others as you want them to do unto you. – What? Just what I said. Do unto unto others as you want them to do unto you. Did you want your mother to abort you?

– No, of course not. – And your baby doesn’t wanna be aborted, either. – I can’t, my father will kick me out of the house if he finds out. I’m only 17, I have nowhere to go. – But it’s wrong. – I know, but I have to. – No, you don’t.

– I can’t have a baby. – Bree. – Hannah, I have to do this. – Look, my mother had two abortions before she got married. Then, she tried to have a baby for 17 years and couldn’t. Finally, when she was 41, she had me. She named me Hannah because Hannah in the Bible couldn’t have a baby until she had Samuel.

– Well, what’s that gonna do with me? My mother regretted having those abortions, and she told me that not a day goes by without her thinking about her babies. Please, Bree, don’t do this. You’ll regret it, and it’ll affect you for life. – Lots of people have abortions.

– But it doesn’t make it right. It’s never right. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. That’s what’s right. If you think it’s okay to murder, then let someone murder you. If you think it’s okay to abort, then let someone abort you. That perspective changes everything.

– My father is gonna kill me. – All right, so what we’re gonna do today are two things. First, I wanna work with our irons on what I call in-between shots. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether to use your nine iron or your eight, or your eight or your seven,

So today, we’re gonna try and get a better understanding of which club we’re gonna use. And then second, we’re gonna practice hitting uphill and downhill lies with short irons. So, when we get there, grab your seven, eight, and nine irons, and we’ll start working on this. Emily, is that your eight iron? – Yeah. – And you’re getting everything you can out of that club? – Right. – You’re barely making it onto the green. – I’m getting it there. – I know, but you’re hitting that eight iron as hard as you can.

You could probably get a better result with an easy seven. – I like to swing hard and get all of it. – I understand, but an easy seven will give you a little more room for error. You’d have to hit your shots almost perfect every time

With the way you’re doing it right now to get that distance. Look, I know we’re on a hill, but you and I are about the same height. We are only gonna hit the ball so far. When I was playing in high school, I was not a long hitter, but I was short and straight. And when you can hit the ball straight, you can score. – Coach, I’m not like the other players. I know which club to use. – Just try an easy seven and see. – Okay.

– Hey Madison, is that an eight iron? – [Madison] Uh-huh. – [Coach Kelly] Why don’t you try an easy seven and see if it works better for you at that distance? – Okay. – Everybody listen up for a second. From my experience, if you have a choice

Between a long eight or a short seven, I always prefer the short seven, and here’s why. When you swing the club really hard, you have a better chance of losing control of the club, and the ball can go places we don’t want it to go.

Better to be short and straight versus long and wide, agree? – [Students] Yes. – Hey Coach, you’re right. That was easier to do and I got closer. – Financial records. Madison Pierce, yes. – Before class this morning, I asked Emily how the golf team was doing. – And? – I don’t know. – What do you mean you don’t know? – Well, she proceeded to tell me how she was doing.

In the last three matches, she was 2-over and won easily, and then she was 3-over and won by a lot. and then she was 6-over, but it was raining, and that was a huge factor, but she still won pretty easily. – And what is it that you don’t know?

– I just don’t know how the team did. I just know how she did. – Well, our team won all three matches. – So you do have a good team this year. – Yeah, we really do. We can finish top three at State, if they all play their game.

We have the regional coming up next. – See, I didn’t know that, either. I just know that she can win the state title again, but there is another player who is pretty good that luckily beat her once. – Yeah, Chloe McCutchen, She plays for Franklin Simmons, and she’s a really great golfer. She can drive the ball further than Emily, but Emily can chip and putt better. So, the state title should be between those two. It will be interesting. – Mrs. Ricketts, you wanted to see me?

– Yes, Madison, please come in for a minute. Did you make a final decision on the college yet? – Yes, I’m going to the community college. – But I thought you wanted to go to Zion. – I do, my family and I can’t afford it.

– Well, I got a call from Zion’s admissions office and they were asking about you. – Why? – They were wonder why they haven’t heard from you. – What do you mean? – They sent you a letter, didn’t you get it? – No, I haven’t gotten anything.

– You didn’t get a letter from them? – No. – Huh? Take a look at this. – Wait, I was $5,000 short. – You see that scholarship money they gave you? – They made it $5,000 more? – Yes, they did. – You mean I can go to Zion? – You can go to Zion. – Wait, I can go to Zion? – Yes. – How? I mean, what happened?

– They gave you more money, they want you to come. – I can’t believe this. Thank you, Mrs. Ricketts, thank you so much. My parents will be thrilled. I gotta go tell Coach Kelly. – Wait a minute, young lady. You need to call the college first and let them know that you accept.

Today’s the deadline, the number’s on the sheet. They’re waiting for your call. – Okay, I’ll tell my parents first, and then call the school. I can’t believe this, thank you very much. – Congratulations, Madison. – I still can’t believe they gave me more scholarship money. – I am so happy for you.

– Coach, you know how much I prayed to go there. I didn’t see a way, but God came through for me. – Yes, He did. – Well I just had to tell you, I gotta get to class. Never get up on God, Coach. That’s the lesson here.

Don’t ever get up on God, He can do anything. – [Coach Kelly] Yes, Madison, He can. – The first orientation is next weekend. I am so excited, I’ll be the first one there. – Hey. – [Hannah] Hey, I just got to Madison’s. – I’m really nervous.

– [Hannah] I know, we’re both here for you. – They’re in the living room watching TV. I’m gonna tell ’em. – [Hannah] I’ll text Coach Kelly and we’ll start praying. And Bree, we’re gonna pray as hard as we can. – Thanks. ♪ When all your dreams are shattered ♪ ♪ Hope has faded far from sight ♪ ♪ There’s a light from Heaven’s window ♪ ♪ That will guide you through the night ♪ ♪ It’s the prayers of God’s own people ♪ ♪ Interceding for you needs ♪

♪ So, fight the fight of faith and just receive ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying you do ♪ ♪ When you’ve reached the end, know that you’ve got a friend ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ For all the lonely people ♪

♪ The weary and the weak ♪ ♪ For the soul who’s disappointed ♪ ♪ Bound by sickness and defeat ♪ ♪ Know Jesus feels your burden ♪ ♪ And if praying faithfully ♪ ♪ You are not forgotten, just believe ♪ ♪ Know that somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ Praying for you ♪

♪ Somebody’s praying you do ♪ ♪ When you’ve reached the end, know that you’ve got a friend ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ There’s a great amount of witnesses ♪ ♪ Who stand before God’s throne ♪ ♪ Praying night and day, interceding for His own ♪

♪ Yes, Heaven’s not delayin’, somebody’s prayin’ ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ Praying for you ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying you do ♪ ♪ When you’ve reached the end, know that you’ve got a friend ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying for you ♪ ♪ Somebody’s praying ♪

♪ Oooo ♪ – How’d you do? – [Coach Kelly] The girls won the Regionals. They played really well, so now, we’re going to the State tournament. – Hey, good to hear, I’m happy for you. – [Coach Kelly] Thanks, we’re just getting in the van now, so I should be home in about an hour. – Okay.

Did Emily win the individual title? – [Coach Kelly] Oh yeah, easily, and Madison tied her personal-best score, and Hannah was just one off from hers. – Well, good for them. You’re doing great, Coach. – [Coach Kelly] Thanks, babe. – So, when’s the state tournament, in two weeks? – [Coach Kelly] Yep, two weeks.

I am getting nervous. – Okay, ladies, you’re all set. – Yeah. – Mmhmm. – Do you need anything else? – No, thank you. – Thank you. – Have a great day, have a good week. – [Madison] Hi. – Hello. – Can you pull my information please? Madison Pierce.

– Madison, yes, I remember speaking with you last week. Okay. All right, how can I help? – I just talked with my golf coach, and I thanked her the additional scholarship money, but she said there wasn’t any additional money allotted to me, so it got me concerned. I was $5,000 short from coming here, and I can’t afford it without that money.

– Everything checks out here. Looks like you were all set for fall. I’m looking right at it. – But I don’t understand, she said I didn’t get any extra money. – But you did, $5,000 per year for four years. – What does it say? It wasn’t golf. – The money was moved over

From a scholarship fund provided by a private donor. It happens quite often. – Oh, okay. What a relief. So, you’re sure about the money? – Absolutely. – May I ask who it was? – Oh, I’m sorry, it was a private donor, so we don’t give out that information. – I see.

– But we’ll see you in the fall? – Okay, thank you. Thank you very much. – Sarah. Would you have a look at this? – Hey. – Hey. How’s your dad doing? – I think he’s finally getting over the shock. Things are getting better. – That’s good. I’m glad you’re having your baby. – Thanks. I’ve already picked up my names. I wrote them down for you. Thank you for being there for me. See you later. – Coach Kelly? – Hey, Madison. – Thank you. Thank you so very much for what you did for me. – You’re gonna be the best coach. – On Friday morning, we will meet here at 7:30 a.m., and we will drive to Silver Creek Country Club. That’s where the state tournament is again.

Good news for us, it’s only 45 minutes away, so we don’t have to drive up the night before like some of the other teams do. – I love that course, but I hate the 11th hole. – You mean the Par-4 that should be a Par-6.

– Yes, that one, I’ve never made it to the green in two. – I’m lucky to make it in four. – It is a long, uphill hole, which is what makes it so hard. Okay, so to refresh your memory, it is a two day tournament,

36 holes, and we can only play our top three girls. So, on the first day, everybody plays in a threesome, so you’ll be matched up against two other players, and then whoever makes the cut, both with individual and team scores, will play the second day.

Now, on the second day, you’ll play in pairs. So, the top two individual scores from the first day will be matched together in a twosome, and so on down the line. Now, only the top eight teams from the first day move on to the second day.

And if you remember, we barely made it last year. Now, in my calculations for team rankings, we’re looking at fourth, only a shot or two behind Faith Christian in third. Franklin Simmons should easily win the team title, and Nortier has been a real surprise this year

With their star freshmen, so they should come in second. The only way we’d catch up to them is if they just don’t play well. But, top three teams get medals, so we have something to shoot for. – The battle is for third, then. – The battle is for third.

– For our whole team, that is, not for the individual title. – Right. – Chloe might have beaten me last summer, but she’s not gonna beat me again. – All right, I got your tee times. So Hannah, you’re at 9:10, Madison, 9:50, and Emily, 10:20. – Okay, thanks. – So, what’s the number one thing we’re gonna do today? – Keep your head. – Keep your head. – That’s right, keep your head. I had a substitute cover my classes today,

So I need to go inside and check on a few things. But you girls leave your clubs in the van, and we’ll meet here tomorrow again at 7:30 AM. Get some good rest. – We will. – We’re in fourth, two shots behind Faith Christian. Remember, the top three teams get medals.

Emily and Chloe are in the final twosome. Chloe leads by four. You girls did great today. We’ve got some catching up to do tomorrow, so bring your A game. See you then. – See you, Coach. – Bye. Yeah, Emily, – What’s that supposed to mean? – Bring your A game.

– You couldn’t beat Chloe if she gave you a 10-stroke lead. – If you didn’t try to hit the ball so hard, you wouldn’t be four shots behind her. – She got lucky today. – You know, you amaze me. Coach Kelly has tried to help you a lot this year,

And you reject everything she says. – She can’t teach me anything, I’m a better golfer than she is. – You may be a better golfer, but you’re not a smarter one. Remember the lesson Coach Kelly gave us about the easy seven instead of the hard eight? You’re always thinking the hard eight.

Why don’t you try it her way just once? You’re four shots behind, your way isn’t working too well. – And how many shots are you behind? – Hey, I played my best round ever. I’m only five behind you. I heard you put one in the water on the sixth hole.

I bet I know why, and I wasn’t even there. You probably tried to hit your eight iron, Instead of an easy seven. When you play that hole tomorrow, are you gonna use your eight iron again? Splash. – I had a bad shot, I got under it.

– That’s because you’re trying to hit it so hard. You do the same thing with your drives and end up in the rough most of the time. You’re 5’2, 100 pounds, not 5’9, 140. You’re only going to hit it so far. So, what did Coach Kelly say?

When you’re having trouble keeping it in the fairway, use your three wood off the tee. You could probably beat Chloe, even though she can hit the ball farther. You said she’s not a great putter, and that’s the best part of your game. Why don’t you try to make that work for you?

– You’ve never won a tournament in your life, so what do you know about playing at my level? – I don’t. One other thing. Is the word “thank you” in your vocabulary? I told you the very first time we met that you’d learn a lot from Coach Kelly.

And I wasn’t just talking about golf, I meant about life. There isn’t a coach in the world who wouldn’t have blasted you by now, but she’s never done that. She’s patient, she’s kind, and she’s tried to point you toward the Lord. Think about it, Emily. – [Announcer] Up next on the tee

Is our final twosome of the day. First is our leader, from Franklin Simmons Christian School, Miss Chloe McCutchen. Next on the tee, in second place from Orange Hills Academy, Miss Emily Hilton. – In the rough. – I’ll check on you later. I’m gonna go see how the other girls are doing. Keep your head. Was that for par? – Yes. – Good job. – [Madison] Thanks, how we doing? – Oh, we’re doing great. Emily birdied four holes on the front nine. Chloe had a double bogey on the 8th, so Emily’s two shots ahead right now. – Are you kidding? She gained six shots in the front nine?

– Yeah, can you believe that? She’s putting unbelievably well. So, we are in third, three shots ahead of Faith Christian. Is she there in two? – Yeah, she had two great shots, and I just got a bogey. And now we’re tied. – You’re playing great. Keep your head. – You know this really should be a par five. I can’t get there in two. It’s too far. It’s probably not even regulation. It’s par five, I tell ya. A par five. – Hey, Coach Kelly and Hannah are at the 18th green.

We’re in the clubhouse, two shots ahead of Faith Christian. You do no worse than par, bogey, and we get third. – Well, Chloe and I are tied, so I’d rather not bogie, if you know what I mean. – I understand, but I just wanted to give you our team’s situation. Have you been hitting your three wood off the tee? – Yeah, since the 2nd hole. Haven’t been in the rough since. What a drive. – What ya thinking? – She hit a mile. Gotta use my driver. – You sure you wanna do that? – Gotta get the distance. – I’d rather be shorter in the fairway than longer in the rough. – We’re tied. She’s got a nine iron shot to the green.

I gotta get it down there. What a lousy lie. She’s in the fairway looking great. Should have used my three wood. – What would you hear from here, seven? – Yeah. – You know what this looks like to me? – What? – Casey’s farm. Keep drying the ball, head down, and swing through it. You can do it. Emily, aim for the tree. – What a shot. – Yes. – Great shot, Emily. She hit a good shot, but she’s about 20 feet away, maybe longer. – I got this. She misses, I make, I win. – That was a great shot, Emily. – Yeah, it was. – Thanks. Can you believe she made that? How lucky can you get? – Emily, I’ve been watching, and two girls have missed putts from where you’re at. It reads straight, but breaks slightly left, so aim to the right side of the cup. – Coach, I know how to make a four-foot putt.

20 in a row, remember? – What’s wrong? – That putts gonna break slightly left, but it doesn’t read like it. – It’ not gonna break. – Emily, you have to putt out. – I lost, it doesn’t matter. – Yes, it does, our team score. If you don’t putt out, we’re disqualified. I don’t care. – Emily, think about your teammates. – I said I don’t care. – Yes, you do care. You’re just hurting.

When you think about yourself all the time, that’s the inevitable result. But when you think about others, you’ll be surprised at how much it will ease the pain. You need to mark your score and Chloe’s sign it. – We got third. – You played great, Madison. So did you, Hannah. So did Emily. – I feel bad for her. – Save it, Coach. I don’t need a sermon from you, so don’t say a word. – Emily– – I said don’t say a word.

There is anything you can say that’ll make me feel better. – Chloe marked your score wrong on the 11th hole, she wrote down a four instead of a three, so she’s been disqualified. Now, you’re the champion. They’re waiting for you in the back of the clubhouse. The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. – What? – It’s a proverb in the King James Bible. The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. – What’s that supposed to mean?

– Man tosses the coin, but the Lord controls the decision. – So? – Emily hits her putt, but the Lord decides if it’s gonna go in. – Great, so I missed my putt because God hates me? – No. No, He loves you. – He has a funny way of showing it.

– Maybe this is his way of trying to reach you, Emily. – It’s not the way to do it. – Emily, Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He was buried, and rose again for your salvation, You’re gonna have to decide what’s more important to you. Your salvation for all of eternity, or making a putt. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you’ll be saved. And then, do what Jesus said.

Follow me. – Receiving the first place medal and defending her title as state champion, last year playing for Park Christian School, but this year playing for Orange Hills Academy, Miss Emily Hilton. – I, I can’t accept this award. I didn’t win the tournament. Chloe McCutchen did. The title belongs to her. I’d like to ask the committee to please waive the wrong scorecard rule. She made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes. I was probably talking to her and distracted her, so it’s my fault.

Chloe deserves this award, not me. Chloe is the real state champion. Congratulations, Chloe. We got third. Great job, you guys. – Thanks. – You too. – I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you. That was a great thing you did there, Emily Do unto tell others as you would have them do unto you, right? – Right. – Coach. I believe. And I wanna follow Jesus. Thank you for being my coach. – [Announcer] And the winner of this year’s Girls Individual State Golf Title, from Franklin Simmons Christian School, Miss Chloe McCutchen. – [Coach Kelly] There are many lessons to learn in life, and sports can be a great tool to teach us. And sometimes, the worst thing that can happen to you might end up being the best, like missing a four-foot putt on the last hole in this state tournament.

For Emily, this was the day of her salvation. It was also a day when the words of Jesus became a reality to her. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And anytime you do that, every time you do that, you are always a winner.


  1. Very touching… praise be the Lord and Creator in the name of Jesus the Prince of Peace.
    Thanks ❤.

  2. Finally a movie without romance and offense so I could watch the whole movie! Most Christian movies are full of suggestive behaviors and always romance under the guise of clean and wholesome which it is not.

  3. So many really important messages in this movie — both spoken and unspoken. Lots of people have giftings, intelligence, and talent, but in the long term, a person of Godly character will excel above them all.

  4. All glory be to the most high Lord God Savior and Father in heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ for how relying on God and His will for us through His Word and prayer is so far continually exhorted in this movie, i say so far because i haven't watched the whole movie yet, God bless you all who read this and God loves you all and your families just like He tells us in His Word!

  5. Glad I'm not the only one who tries to watch mainly Christian, faith filled, good contect movies. Back 5 years ago I probably would've made fun of these movies. Thank you Lord for pulling me out of regular/worldly movies and music.

  6. The Bible tells us that there's safety in multitude of counselors,it's good that good and godly counsel is given to people,the Bible tells us that insults from a friend are better than kisses from an enemy!

  7. Boy it's a New Year and what a movie to have the honors to see powerful message beautiful story and the Almighty God teaching us new things through stories like this may you all have a blessed New Year you and your loved ones😢

  8. Thanks so Dave Christiano, my son Dave is a name sake, we had just gotten the name from God but needed confirmation and later some evening we watched a great movie and as it ended, we saw your name and we got our confirmation. Thanks be to God.

  9. I was touched so much by this film.There was no mean mean girls.They got strong and prayed together with love.Kindness matters. The tiny baby will know the Way The parents could say sorry and have a happier family and remember that mistakes are bringing to us to find God's forgiveness and Love again and again . Only Believe.could be the Title of this film.

  10. As I drive across this country, I sometimes encounter the clean-scrubbed, well-behaved, wholesome young people in the Midwest states (and in the Amish zones). They are always a refreshing treat. They are the product of the goodness of America…which, I believe, is one reason Satan wants people to hate America.

  11. Do unto to others as you wanted them to do unto you, that's how you're Always a winner ❤
    Dave Christiano's movie create really high in me. Am so motivate and inspire by his work😭❤️

  12. I loved how the meaning of the title of the movie wasn't revealed until the very end – made me tear up❤

  13. Great movie, loved it. But what about the girl who is pregnant ? That story line got lost. Is there going to be a part two?

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