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Blake Snell vs Jordan Montgomery | Yankees Face Tough SP Choices (ft. Pat Hennessy)

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[Applause] all right let’s hit the field it is January 4th and the Yankees still have pitching on their shopping list we’ll talk about Blake Snell Jordan Montgomery Trevor Bower and Jesus lazardo among others and we’ll try and figure out who Yankees fans want special guest tonight Pat Hennessy fellow

Creator and friend of the show this is n y y Recaps welcome to D Stadium York C just when they they pull me back in all right happy New Year everybody if I haven’t seen you and happy New Year to you Pat how you doing man happy New Year

Derek yeah long time no see um I think last time we talked was probably before the sto trade right yeah I feel like it’s been a while uh the Yankees have done a lot for us to kind of catch up on and kind of you know I do want to talk

About stto and the offense at some point but I think people right now are kind of locked into to who we’re going to get to you know throw the pill every fifth day so let’s talk a little bit about Montgomery and Snell and burns and imanaga and Bieber and CE and the list

Goes on and on lazardo we were talking before we went live that when we wanted stto everybody wanted stto right I mean everybody in the uh you know the consensus way I’m sure there’s a few people who didn’t want to trade for stto but the consensus

Was we wanted Soo the consensus was we wanted Yamamoto but I don’t feel like there’s a consensus for who we want going forward yeah no it’s kind of weird cuz it’s like you look at the Yankees rotation and I think any fan with like three brain cells can identify that

There’s just a glaring hole in that starting rotation and it’s completely different than the mentality we had going into last season where bro until we had a couple pitchers go down like we thought this could be the greatest starting rotation of all time with Cole rodone Nester sevy Monas and now we’re

Coming into the season this year and the only real exclamation point is garri Cole right I mean obviously you still have rodone you still have Nester you have Schmidt um it’s just all those guys feel like question marks to me so that’s why I can’t see a scenario where the

Yankees finish this offseason without going and getting at least another starting pitcher and you look at the options out there none of them really jump off the page to you too much and it’s weird to say considering Snell just won sa young this year but I mean you

Look at all the the peripherals and just all things included when it comes to snell and he’s not the sexiest free agent Target um any other year it wouldn’t be like oh my God the Yankees need to go out and get Blake Snell um Monty’s obviously out there who Yankee

Fans either love or love to hate depending on who you ask I wasn’t a huge fan of him during his time with the Yankees but he proved otherwise once he went elsewhere um and then obviously there’s some trade targets there’s Burns there there’s cease there’s a bunch of

Other options there but I think the issue is that Yankee fans can’t really come to terms on Like Loving pursuing one player because no one really sticks out of the crowd right now yeah so the word around the campfire today is that Snell wants to be with the Yankees to

Which I say why not I mean who else is out there that could give him a huge contract that has an awesome City to play in and has a chance to win next year and has somebody who he knows in Juan sto a good offense I mean who

Wouldn’t want to pitch in front of Aaron judge and Juan sto in the same lineup and collect you know 25 million plus doing it but here’s my issue with Snell sa young Awards in 2018 and and 2023 but in between he was kind of mediocre like

He was he was an average I guess as the kid say he was mid but he was mid the lingo okay I’m trying I’m trying to you know I’m 40 now I feel like I’ve got it invest some time in learning how these kids talk no but so like he’s he’s bookended several

Mediocre years with a couple of really good years 99 walks this year he led the league in walks he does pick up a lot of strikeout like a lot of strikeouts which the Yankees love Montgomery on the other hand has been here done that we all know

That I was the uh president of the uh gumy Nation fan club there you go and you know I never wanted them to trade Montgomery but also I would feel really awkward giving 180 190 200 million to somebody we traded away for somebody who barely played for us and by the way

Who has who’s now 31 years old he’s not getting younger uh I do think that a crafty Lefty like Montgomery something the Yankees could use and have you know somebody like pett and CC you know over the years we’ve always had this type of pitcher and he could be that type of

Pitcher but for 200 million man it’s tough yeah no that’s why it’s so weird I think like if you look at the the two free agent options right Snell and Monty I think if I had to pick one I think I’m still going with snail um just because I think that while the

Ceiling well while the floor is lower I feel like with snail I feel like the ceiling is a lot higher I feel like with Monty you kind of know what you’re going to get I’m looking at like a three four in the rotation and it’s not my money

But I just I would just feel weird about paying a three or four of my rotation like $200 million you know I I I hear you and you know when you you look at the other trade options I mean they’re all going to cost you a ton Dylan CE

They’re reportedly asking for three of your Top 10 Prospects that’s tough man that’s tough uh I he’s he’s good good strikeout guy but he’s not three out of your Top 10 Prospects good Jesus lazardo we don’t really know what they’re asking for for him but I feel like it’s a good match

With the Yankees because they need a short stop and the Yankees have Oswald perza the way I look at it with perza we know that he’s a better shortstop defensively than vuli we’ve seen it with our own eyes better arm more range just more athletic and

General vulpi won a gold glove so this guy by definition is going to be Gold Glove caliber you know day one who else can give you a cheap Under contr Control Gold Glove shortstop who has some upside as a hitter we don’t know what he’s

Going to hit he hit well in the minor leagues he hadn’t done in the major leagues I mean are we in agreement on that he’s been very very disappointing offensively yeah no 100% but also like that’s not really a knock on him I think it’s more more of a knock on the Yankees

On not being able give him consistent playing time you know fair fair he did hit that nuke at the end of the year that got me excited against the Diamondbacks where he hitting the left field bleachers 450 or something like that yeah but I feel like don’t you feel

Like that happens pretty often with our top prospects where we kind of like call them up to give them a taste of Big League experience and then it kind of like ends up not working out whether if it’s because of lack of consistent playing time or going up and down

Constantly and then it kills their trade value I feel like pra look at what happened to Floral bro I mean he’s kind of like the definition of that um so I think if there were a scenario where this offseason you could utilize pza in some sort of trade and the Marlins are

Interested I bro you got to pull the trigger 10 times out of 10 Brian Perez says what about Yamamoto yeah great idea man great idea my man’s living under a rock oh man that that stung cuz I mean usually when the Yankees want somebody like really want somebody they get him I was

Surprised they didn’t get him what were your what were your thoughts I mean I like going into it I wasn’t like listen like my whole thoughts on Yamoto the whole time is like while he is a very very good pitcher like I don’t know how comfortable I am given somebody like the

Biggest contract for a pitcher in Major League Baseball history while never pitching in Major League Baseball before um and now that he’s a Los Angeles Dodger with a lot of deferred money by the way I hope that He Flops I am on the downfall of his career is that a hater

Thing to do 1,000% but I’m sitting here hoping that he is like a 6.5 ERA this season yeah I kind of hope he gets clobbered too I just you know I just I feel like Karma you know and I don’t want to be a hater either but I just think that would be

Funny I just think it would be funny if for from a sheer comedy giving the largest contract ever to a pitcher having never played and then he has a Hideki arabu type of season that would be amazing and it would make me feel good you know like it would be like all

Right like we didn’t miss out on anything right um all right so we got a super chat here from Richard K uh if I can get it onto the screen is that I don’t know uh $10 that looks to be USD uh he says Montgomery is the safer

Conservative to play uh Snell is just boom or Bust the Yankees are not one conservative play away from uh it when the screen uh one conservative play away from going deep into the postseason so for them snail greater than Montgomery I can see his okay so he’s saying you got

To go all in while you have a chance while you have stto you’re trying to win this year you know take a gamble on on Snell the problem is Snell I think Snell is gonna break down too he you know the way he pitches and we’ve talked about

This a lot on this channel he throws so many pitches to get out of innings you know because he walks guys and he has high stress pitches with runners in scoring position he leaves guys on because he’s good at getting strikeouts but once he starts to lose a little bit

Off that fast ball where that curveball isn’t biting quite as as much he’s going to be Carlos rodone this year like seven ER type of pitcher no I think that that’s that’s definitely the scary part with Snell and that’s why I said like I feel like his his floor is a lot lower

Than Monty but when he’s on his ceiling is Sai Young status so I think that’s when becomes a little bit scary but out of all these options I think in a perfect world if uh packages didn’t matter and budgets didn’t matter I’m going out and I’m getting Corbin Burns

Um in a perfect world that’s the picture I’m acquiring this off season personally I feel like he’s not even going to be traded um I feel like there hasn’t been that much smoke surrounding him if anything if we were going based on smoke right now Blake Snell is destined to be

A Yankee by the end of the week potentially um just because there’s so much fire there whether it’s like uh quote coming out from Aaron judge about him or uh Blake Snell privately expressing he’s dying to be a Yankee sure it could be like a leverage play on

His Cam’s behalf but if I had to assume something right now I would assume that the Yankees come out of this offseason with Blake Snell and Pinstripes here’s one we haven’t talked about much is Trevor Bower so I remember back in 2020 when you and I were both doing podcasts

Every single day and collabing all the time first of all that was a ton of fun man that was great year greatest great greatest Year great 2020 and 2021 even though the Yankees didn’t do so great it was a fun year for podcasting uh we were

All in for Trevor Bower then of course he has this whole incident with the woman where it turns out he was kind of headhunted by by as you know somebody would say a sking ass hoe and uh that’s crazy a scheming ass ho and uh she made

Up this whole story and um you know uh he was basically I don’t know to say acquitted but they settled and evidence came to light that she planned this whole thing she was a trap she uh videotaped like herself saying I’m going to get this guy

And all that great stuff and so I feel like he’s been kind of blackballed like he’s out of baseball but doesn’t even like he doesn’t deserve it yeah I think it’s a really tricky scenario right because obviously all that information is out there now um that he was kind of head- hunted but

Then there’s also that stigma that’s still attached to him and will always be attached to him right um and whether he deserves it or not that’s kind of just what’s a part of the game now and it kind of sucks for him but I think if I’m

The New York Yankees now obviously me as Patrick Hennessy would I give Trevor Bower a shot right hell yeah um considering that we we know that the upside is very high when it comes to him also I mean he just pitched in what Japan last year year and he pitched

Pretty well yeah um I wouldn’t be opposed at all to giving him like a one-year deal uh back of the rotation to start things off kind of see what he does worst case scenario he sucks and you just release him there’s nothing much to lose there however knowing how

The Yankees operate I don’t think they’re going to want to deal with the distraction because he’s definitely going to be a distraction spring training start of the Season he’s a polarizing figure with a polarizing story polarizing P but it’s just a little bit weird to me because the

Yankees haven’t been afraid to that in the past with other circumstances right whether that’s Chapman going out and trading for him like while there’s an ongoing domestic violence investigation or bringing back Hermon after being suspended for a year like they haven’t been afraid of it in the past but I feel

Like with the bower situation I don’t see them taking that risk for whatever reason so there’s been some talk lately about Trevor I mean not Trevor um about uh Domingo Hermon again after so to recap for everybody this is the channel NYY Recaps just recap in case you missed

It with Hermon he threw a perfect game this year and then about six weeks later he was on the restricted list because he got drunk in the clubhouse he made fun of Ron Marino as he was trying to after he got like sent to Triple A and he was

Packing up he’s like pack your bags and then and then and then Aaron he tried to fight Aaron Boone and uh they had to lock him in he he flipped over yeah unhinged New York he flipped a couch he smashed a TV and then end up

Getting put into like the sauna by the Yankees players which is a stupid move because you’re drunk you’re dehydrated being a sauna is like bad for your health ended up having to go to rehab he’d been in rehab you know for a couple of months look I want no part of Domingo

Hermon back on this team like I get everybody deserves you know a chance to show that you know they can redeems themselves and all this stuff but he got suspended he’s he’s had all sorts of go figure it out in the St Paul Saints League The Independent Northern

League like Daryl strawberry did dominate there and we’ll talk yeah no I agree th% and I think what’s going to end up happening at least in B situation is I could totally see a team like I don’t know the Royals going out and giving him a deal um get all that like

Beginning of the Season controversy out of the way and then if he’s pitching well by the All-Star break I guarantee you that a contending team will go out and give the Royals a pretty nice package for half a season of Trevor Bower while they’re contending for the postseason Yankee Dame says getting

Bower would be a huge distraction we don’t need guys like that in the locker room especially when the accountability is at an all-time low on this team I agree about the accountability but guy you say guys like that I mean he yeah does he like his attention

Does he Vlog sure does that make him a bad person no it doesn’t I mean he W he he basically was proven innoc yeah so but it’s it’s such a weird situ but that that’s that’s what it is right like even just the conversation about it

Like it gets people going and I don’t know if the Yankees want to like dive back into that water considering they’re just coming off Hermon and Chapman situation so going to be interesting well if one you know if little else it’ll be some a reason to watch you know

This year was super boring that was the worst part about this year wasn’t the losing it was the way we lost with no offense every night just boring Two Hits 10 strikeouts and God Donaldson makes me want to vomit coat hangers he is just impossible oh Aaron Hicks give me a

break all right well hopefully the Yankees get on their horse soon what is your hope like what is like what ideally for the rest of the season like let’s say you get two guys and 32 million to spend yeah I would say oh this kind of fun I feel like Brian

Cashman right now do like and I can make trades too yeah you can make trades you can move some guys to clear some money cool so what I’m doing here I’m going out I’m trading for Corbin Burns I don’t know what that package consists of however I’m giving up every Prospect not

Named Jason Dominguez and yeah I I definitely would give up Spencer Jones in a trade for Corbin burns like bro we’re looking at a guy who’s a solidified two behind Garrick Cole at times can be your number one which is a crazy thought um and then also I guess

If I had to acquire one more pitcher um maybe I Shore up the bullpen maybe I go after a guy like pretty sure Jordan Hicks is available right yeah yeah yeah I’d probably go out I’d get Jordan Hicks for the bullpen yeah I think uh I think I would try and

Trade some prospects to get losardo I would move you know pza if I had to move a Jones I would do it to get losardo uh and he becomes probably your number two two in my opinion behind Garrett Cole I’m going to I’m going to roll the dice

On Nester Cortez as my number three and Carlos rodone bouncing back as my number four I don’t want to run Clark Schmidt back out there so I might still sign Jordan Montgomery uh slot him in there wherever you see fit uh and that’s probably 25 million and then I also

Might make a move to to you know clear some salary whether it’s you know trade glaber Torres and you know get like a second base Prospect uh and then sign a closer somebody like Josh hater don’t know if it’s gonna be possible but it’s so tricky right because trading

Laor makes a lot of sense like whether uh Yankee fans want to agree with it or not because I know a lot of people love glor but it makes sense to try I don’t see a scenario where he gets extended at the end of this season and if you could

Go out and let’s say let’s say it’s like a a one for one deal or or the Marlins are sending maybe back a prospect or something I do glaber for Lardo straight up yeah would it hurt the offense a little bit sure but you have to think about like the offense is improving

Vastly with the additions of stto and fugo I think you can kind of like addition by subtraction with glaber lazardo but here’s the thing though do the Marlins even want glabber Torres anymore because they’re going full rebuild now I mean the only guy that they’re saying is Untouchable is Yuri Perez

So uh they probably don’t want to take his money right before he becomes a free agent I think you know if you if you go out and you get losardo and you trade perza that makes it harder to trade gabber tours because you don’t have as many infielders but they just got this

Guy Vivas who’s pretty pretty close you got Oswaldo Cabrera in a pinch you know there there’s things you can do they already traded Trey Sweeney so he’s you know not on the horizon It’s Tricky and that’s why there’s a lot of hard choices for Brian Cashman I’m glad I’m not in

His shoes because there’s more ways that this can go wrong than it can go right yeah but I think like at the end of the day like we we could talk about all these names that we want I think the only thing that’s sure is that the

Yankees need to get at least one person right like this isn’t a scenario where it’s like last season where you could kind of like go into the season not really do much to improve the offense Bank on some guys um having rebound years can’t do that again this time with

The St rotation because we’re going into a year where this should be all in right all in for the first time in a while stto is a free agent at the end of the year I doubt they extend him before the start of the season so you’re gonna have

Soto being in a free agent at the end of the year you’re gonna have judge a year older Cole a year older this is the year um so if you don’t go out and kind of like go all out for the rotation it’s a huge mistake on Brian Cash’s uh part A

Lot of people saying that it’s a dumb move to trade Torres and I’m not like advocating let’s go out and trade glaber Torres it’s not that I dislike Gaber Torres I think he’s a great great player problem is you’re probably not going to resign him you know I can’t see them

Investing that kind of money in him so get something for him to reconfigure the roster because right now the roster just doesn’t feel like it it just doesn’t feel like it gels very well last question before we roll out of here um in terms of the Outfield we saw John Carlos Stanton lost

Some weight I guess is hoping to play some Outfield I I’ll believe that when I see it are you comfortable with Aaron judge playing center field for a while and and uh I’m kind of getting tired of that because I don’t want him to wear down and get

Hurt yeah I mean it’s not really a concern in the back of my mind to be hon I mean no maybe in the in the depths of the back of my mind maybe it’s there but I don’t see an issue with judge playing center field at least for what would it

Be like the first like three or four months of the season um and I would hope that if there becomes a time where judge is like kind of feeling some wear and tear from doing so I mean maybe he tells Boon he shifts back over right I don’t

Know but last time I remember judge playing center field on a consistent basis he h 62 home runs so I’m not too worried about that I mean if anything kind of like what we what we’ve seen from s over the years getting more action in the field benefits him at the

Plate as well um but think about it this way he this is a guy who’s got a up toe right and it he didn’t have the surgery do we want him running to cover and back up on every play like the center fielder has to do it’s a lot more

Mileage than it looks like on TV if you go to the game and you watch the center fielder they’re running constantly I don’t know if I want I don’t know if I want to put that kind of stress on him but do we have a choice that’s the

Problem right I mean that’s the problem you kind of have to be okay with it right you got wonder what else you GNA do you got to wonder if they would consider judge in right stto in left Verdugo in center now Verdugo doesn’t play a lot of Center and stto is not a

Great left fielder but with positioning you can put stto where you need to and I think Verdugo can hold center field down till the Martian gets back and then once the Martian’s back you take a look at everything and you say okay is Stanton healthy is Stanton hitting if the answer

To either of those questions is no Juan sto becomes your DH and then you’ve got an easy Outfield of uh Verdugo in left Dominguez in Center and Dominguez on the screen right now and then judge and right but in best case scenario everybody’s hitting then you have a

Trade piece you have two trade pieces really you could trade Verdugo uh who is uh GNA be a free agent or you’ve opened up John Carlos Stanton’s Market again uh somebody might be willing to pay for him and obviously he’d have to wave his no trade clause but the the to me that’s

The best case scenario everybody hit it yeah I I mean as far as the Yan’s Outfield and lineup configuration goes right now it it’s kind of a good problem to have right it’s it’s the opposite of their C rotation it feels like they have an abundance of resources um and looking

At Stan like I know maybe you not maybe you’re not buying into it just yet but he looks slim he looks good and I know we’ve said this with with a few different players in the past as well but I said after this season that Sten

Is that type of guy he was going to go into this off season with a Vengeance we know he’s not the type of dude that’s going to come off a Bad season and just sit on the couch and eat Doritos and just be like oh well like I’m falling

Off I’m getting old whatever we know Sten is going to work his ass off this year to do the best he can to come back next year and become an absolute dog again so I’m confident in Stan having a rebound year this year and it just it

Would make things complicated in a very good way for the Yankees if Stan comes out of the gates this year absolutely mashing because then you kind of have like five really good outfielders between judge Verdugo stto Stanton Grisham and then Dominguez once he comes

Back so six so it’s a it’s a good bad problem to have and Grisham he’s not making a lot of money uh I I think he’ll fill in nicely in Centerfield but he’s to me a DFA candidate once everybody’s back if everybody’s back when was the

Last time we had the entire roster right I mean it’s like we always plan oh how are you going to fit this guy in there how you going to get enough at bats for whoever and then we’re running Willie Calhoun out there for 100 at bats or

Something like that Jake B right I I don’t want any more of that like get as many like I don’t care if you have to stack you know major league players behind major league players I just I’m so sick of having no depth on this team yeah no I’m glad it’s a

Mistake they finally learned from right because how many years have we gone into the season with no left fielder the Yankees haven’t had a legitimate left fielder I don’t know it’s since bre Bret Gardner maybe I like obviously Joey Gallow was supposed to be the fit that

Didn’t work out but it feels good to finally have a Major League cable Outfield where you know even if I don’t know Verdugo goes down like I’m fairly confident in gishan being able to step up as one of the best defensive center fielders in the league Chris is all over

John Carlos Stanton seen a few comments that said like just because he lost weight doesn’t mean he can hit a slider down and Away now and I 100% agree but look I I I think there’s Merit to what you’re saying too is that you know he’s

Going to work his ass off and and all that but uh hopefully drive line is able to fix his swing path and and we’ll we’ll see a better St if you have put money on it right now would you say that ston hits I don’t let’s let’s go with

Ops does he have a higher or lower than 775 Ops is year I’d say lower I I I think he’s I think his legs are done I mean if you even if you look at the picture of him now where he’s lost weight his upper body is still like

Massive and his lower body is still like you know those little pipe cleaners that you make stick figures out of in kindergarten you GL you know that’s just mean I if I had to make a guess I say is an uh plus 800 Ops and

Hits 30 plus home runs this is this is a Revenge season for St I I’m guaranteeing that I’ll take it anybody who’s down listen anybody who’s doubting Stan in the chat right now I’m taking receipts bro and Derek we’re going to come back on here when St

In like 350 at the end of at the end of April with 15 home runs and we’re going to remember this and if not dude you guys can roast me it’s fine happens Yankees made a couple of moves today they got Bubba Thompson uh outfielder right-handed hitter depth piece and then

Um Cody uh oh I forget his name p p petite potit poti potit yeah uh who Major League contract hasn’t pitched in a couple years kind of feels like one of those those Ian Hamilton type of moves if you ask me we’ll see yeah no I I it’s interesting it’s

Not it it’s kind of weird to me that they gave him a major league contract to be honest with you um a guy who I think has like 20 career Major League games um didn’t pitch at all last season uh but apparently the Yankees see something and

I always have faith in Matt Blake apparently he’s a big change up guy so I don’t know we’ll see how it translates but I’m I’m not going to be mad at it until we see him hit them out and have like a 70 R right ladies and gentlemen

Mr Pat Hennessy thanks for joining and we’ll see you on the flip [Applause] [Applause] Side most impressive


  1. No Bauer, no German! Get Snell I think Blake can cut his walks down. I like the a kid from the Marlins and then let Cashman work his manic with the Bullpen.

  2. Pertaining Judge in center. 1) you can't predict injuries so theres that 2) Yes put him in center so he can earn the contract we gave him!

  3. Pat does a great job of analyzing everything this is the kind of person the organization needs in any decision for the team's future.

  4. Does sandy alacantra pitch for the marlin’s, if the marlins want to get rid of everyone let’s try and get him,lf I remember right he’s a stud pitcher

  5. Even as a huge German fan, and wanting the Yankees to win at all costs. I can’t really disagree with you Derek. Though I will say Im not upset or confused by any Yankee player who wanted or tried to fist fight Aaron Boone during last years awful season!!!! The team was horrible, players should be upset and flipping out!!

  6. Pat and Derek, like you say all the time "Just I bit outside" I know as Yankees fans we have high expectations. But what Volpe did as a rookie was pretty awesome. It was not like Derek Jeter rookie season, but his stats included 21 home runs, 60 RBIs, 24 stolen bases, 23 doubles, BA . 209/ OBP. 283/ and Gold Glove. His OBP and BA were not what we expected but compared to the of the Yankees expect for Judge and Torres he was the 3rd best hitter for the Yankees in a team with such a high payroll.

  7. Trevor Bauer is innocent so there should be no controversy, this why false accusations are the worst because even though they found innocent people still treat them like their guilty and their life is still ruin, these type woman are extremely evil and dangerous and are ready to ruin a man life just like that. The people who treat these innocent man as guilty when he found innocent are horrible human beings also, after all imagine you have a male child and he gets falsely accused and he found innocent and the woman was lying, you don’t want people treating him like he guilty . The Trevor situation should not have any controversy at all anymore.

  8. I am glad we didn't get Yamamoto. Giving a pitcher who hasn't thrown one pitch in MLB three hundred million plus is crazy

  9. Bauer was innocent of criminal activity but GUILTY OF BAD JUDGMENT. That is why he's being blackballed. Look at the scenario in which he was charged. That's some pretty weird and kinda evil stuff.

  10. I hope Pat Hennessey predictions for Stanton come true. He's right in this though. If I had the bet If Stanton is working his hard this offseason, that is where I'd put my money.

  11. I predict Trent Grisham will end up being very valuable to this team..Mark my words. hes going to be the next Nick Swisher. Grisham was clutch in the playoffs with the Padres a few years ago.

  12. Hey Derek quick question what do you use for editing your videos because I’m starting on making my own channel thanks

  13. Trading for Corbin Burnes (or Cease) would cost a HAUL of the best Yankees prospects for a one year rental since Burnes has already stated that he plans to test free agency and his agent is Scott Boras. Since the Yankees already lost four viable young starters to San Diego in the Soto trade, the Yankees should approach 2024 by adding more players without trading away a possible future core of outstanding star players at low cost, conrol Yankees who could win multiple World Series Championships from 2024 to 2029+ similar to the Jeter core days when the Yankees won in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000, four out of five year championships! A Dominguez, Jones, Judge outfield and Peraza, Arias, Volpe, Rice, Wells infield, Soto dh coould provide the kind of circular lineup reminiscent of the 70's Big Red Machine and 98' Yankees lineups and is the kind of potential circular lineup to match up against the LA Dodgers dominant starters (Ohtani, Yamamoto, Sasaki, Beuhler, Glasnow, Miller) over the next five or six years.

  14. I’m a believer in rolling the dice on Trevor Bauer. I like Jesus Luzardo as well, and I think Blake Snell’s a good 3rd option. Monty’s pretty lackluster I’d be disappointed if he’s the only rotation piece we add.

  15. I would go for the marlins Luzardo before either one of these guys imo. Dude is younger than both, lefty, higher upside and I don’t think you have to give up a whole lot to trade for him. Let’s all hope that Soto has a good yr AND signs an extension here because that trade for him really did a number on the starting rotation of this team. This coupled with putting all your eggs in the Yamamoto basket and not getting him has this team starting rotation mediocre at best. I don’t trust Nestor to stay healthy even 1/4 of the season he is more of bullpen arm at this point of his career more than anything with all the injuries.

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