Golf Players

Tyrrell Hatton after an 11-under par 62 | I guess it shows how much of a stupid game it is

Tyrrell Hatton after an 11-under par 62 | I guess it shows how much of a stupid game it is. Sentry Round 2.

You said your body wasn’t feeling great what was going on uh just very stiff I think the he traveling from England 25 and 1 half hours door to door and my body still um I wouldn’t say I looked after myself in the December period maybe that played maybe that played a

Part um yeah so body hasn’t been moving well I’m sure if you’d seen some uh flight tracers of some of my t- shots you’d be disgusted but um they’re kind of going into not too bad a spot so um yeah managing fairly well at the moment

So what kind of frame of mind is that put you in when you shoot this number and you really weren’t working in the off season to get ready that much for the tournament according to you uh well I guess it shows how much of a stupid game it is

Um obviously I patted amazing today that was that’s the big thing for how my score ended up as low as it was but um yeah uh with how bad my body felt I’m surprised that uh going out this morning I that that score is just not even

Entering my mind it’s more probably like over overpar feel it yeah

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