Golf Babe

DRIVER FITTING for 17 HANDICAP GOLFER | Mid-Handicap Club Fitting

This driver fitting video features Stacy Sazama, a 17 handicap golfer in Minnesota. As a fairly regular golfer, Stacy is going through a driver fitting because she felt she could be hitting tee shots farther and straighter. Through a 2nd Swing Tour Van driver fitting, she was able to do that.

0:00 Intro
2:07 Warm Up / Current Gamer
6:54 Titleist TSR1 Testing
11:45 TaylorMade Stealth 2 Testing
14:05 PING G Le 3 Testing
17:55 Callaway Rogue ST Testing
22:00 Analysis & Recommendation

Master club fitter Tyler Fitzel, who is a 2nd Swing fitter at the Minneapolis and Minnetonka stores, works with Stacy to replace her current driver with a newer model custom fit for her unique swing tendencies.

Also of note, in this driver fitting, Stacy is a left-handed golfer. But at 2nd Swing, there are still tons of options for left-handed golfers to choose from, test, and potentially put in the bag.

Schedule an award-winning 2nd Swing Tour Van driver fitting:






Hey golfers I’m drew mahol the second swinging Golf and today I’m joined here in the tour van by Stacy Saima from the Minnesota Golf Association and she is going to get fit for a driver today so uh Stacy first of all thank you for taking the time uh to join us today and

Get fit so uh can you may be first to start by maybe telling the viewers a little bit about yourself and your golf game sure sure so I work for the Minnesota Golf Association in membership services and that’s where I support and provide education on handicapping and

Course rating to over 420 of Our member clubs and 90,000 individual golfers who have a handicap index yeah there’s a Minnesota is a pretty strong Golf Community isn’t it it as you know for sure so um now Stacy coming in today to get fit um I guess You’ got we’re doing

A driver fitting for you today so maybe tell the viewers a little bit about your game maybe how often you play um handicap index you know things like that uh to kind of set the ground workor okay well first off I’m left-handed so it’s always tough to find clubs that

Are first off ladies and are left-handed um and so uh I’m hoping to find a good fit for that and I play golf um probably let’s say three to five times a month during the season and um I’m a Boga golfer so right around 17 or 18 okay um

And I’m looking just to gain distance consistency and accuracy off the teeth yeah totally and it looks like you’ve brought in your current driver which is a kind of the Cobra uh Max sort of a is it like a lady set driver is that what

It is yes yep um I’m just a I think it’s a senior flex and just looking for something just um based on how my game is today going to need some changes for sure absolutely yeah and that’s that’s kind of the cool part here is you’re you

Turn around and there’s all kinds of clubs in and also we can make adjustments maybe potentially to that in terms of the shaft as well to optimize it for you but um I think I think now are we ready to get fit yeah let’s all right we’re going to bring in Mr Tyler

Fitzell our Master Club fitter and uh we’ll start fitting right now okay sounds good hi Stacy great to have you today um taking a look at drivers uh would love to uh maybe see if we can’t find something a little uh a little longer or a little straighter based on

Our conversation a little earlier um what what we want to do today is a couple of things first we’ll just get you warmed up and hit hit some shots kind of let you uh feel for the space and what’s going on um to we’ll take a

Look at at what your Club is doing so I got a couple of highlights for that we’ll take a look at some of the numbers and I’ll explain what we’re looking for then the third part to that is kind of hitting some drivers uh in in today’s

Technology uh that might be a little bit better maybe it’s a little higher or lower straighter um and we’ll also kind of wrap that up by um taking a look at uh possibly some adjustments could be a shaft could be something in that club okay so let’s get started by just

Hitting a couple of shots and see where you’re at perfect I’m hoping this one’s a little straighter yeah H it’s okay we’ll talk a little bit about that you know in terms of straightness what’s that doing and and where that’s going maybe one more so I’ve hit one to the

Right I’ve hit one to the left so hopefully this one will go down they they’ll yeah you’ll you’ll even it out that’s how it works good so let’s take a look at a couple of things I I like to to kind of break things down into the numbers that

We’re talking about but also the idea about um from your perspective is like what are we looking for that’s better there’s four things that happen to a golf ball when we hit it so there’s the speed of the golf ball so how fast it moves there’s the launch angle or the

Way that it takes off into the the air there’s the amount of spin on it and we talk about spin as a total spin although I know sometimes it may it may curve in a different direction that’s a part of of the spin as well and then there’s the

Direction so or dispersion to that okay so one of the things we’re looking at if we look up here in terms of the a the average number one of the things that we’re talking about here is the average for your driver so this happens to be a

Cobra and the ball speed averages 110 mph or about 15° of launch 3,800 RPMs of spin carrying about 158 yards going about 176 these aren’t good or bad that’s just where you’re at and for the best shot of the day we look at 113 so a couple more

Miles an hour of ball speed but the launch was very close to the same the spin very close to the same but we’re seeing a little a couple more yards of carry and a few more yards of total on that um the one thing that I look at is

In in terms of getting a driver to today’s technology is making some of the the Miss shots better that means if we can get more ball speed out of a Miss shot or if we can get uh something to fly a little bit straighter out of a missed shot and that’s the technology

That we’re looking at you can see here uh the highest ball speed down to even the like some of the lowest ball speeds that’s where our distance comes from so that’s one of the keys that we’ll look at is to try to get as much as possible

In terms of ball speed because that gives us our distance also we’re going to look to maximize the type of launch and spin for each shot if we get a really good number in terms of how it gets up and how much it spins we can get something to move farther but also

Straighter the other thing that a lot of people ask about is you know where where’s my club speed speed and we do have the average Club speed is right around that 80 mph Mark that’s good it’s not it’s not um something that I have to concern myself with which is like all

Right we’re not going to be swinging 100 miles an hour so as a result of that um if we have 80 miles an hour we want to get the most out of every shot that we can so that’s something we’ll look for as well let’s start with talking a

Little bit about your choices is there any particular manufacturer that you’re interested in I know you have cobra in your hand yes I like Cobra um possibly Titleist or tailor I’d like to check those two out um but really I’m open to any manufacturer great I guess whatever

Fits best let’s just start with that and U let me go grab a Titus and a tailor made and let’s hit some and just kind of see what happens from there okay very good so um what we’ve got here is a Titus tsr1 happens to be their newest

Model but in this it’s a little bit lighter and also has a little bit more launch to this so this is a 10° um with the swing speed being around 80 we’re going to start with something in a lady’s Flex just tends to be a little

Bit lighter we’ll see as we move along here if I need something heavier because it’s not whether it’s a man or a woman it doesn’t matter if you’re young or you’re old it’s really truly about the weight of the shaft and the club that produces the best result so we’ll find

Out whether or not we need to go heavier or lighter or even for that matter longer okay let’s hit about four or five and see what this does sounds good this one feels a little bit lighter than my regular Club okay which might be good not bad okay that’s that already

Just matched your highest ball speed so that’s a good start I think I hit that one off the toe a little bit yeah a little good this is one of your longer ones already I feel like with the lighter Club I I can move it a little

Bit faster good we’ll take a look at that and see what happens yep there’s your best of the day nice there’s your new best of the day all right yay so one of the things we’ll look at is just a quick comparison if if we’re talking about where you were to

Where you are you can see I’ve got both of the uh shots from your current Cobra driver to the Titus driver in our in our chart here you can see the two shots up here that we were talking about that were your best of the day these are the

Last two shots that you had hit even if you look here at the bottom this average number 100 11 33.8 ball speed to 110.67741600 have a little bit more distance to it on average there was a shot that was a little bit off to the left but right and

Left isn’t totally my concern just yet the first thing I want to identify is can I get you some more ball speed and I look at this and I say here’s Two Shots essentially to four shots for the Titleist versus your current Cobra and you notice that the these these two are

Very similar to what you did with your best in the Cobra and these two are Beyond yes and this shot even in terms of distance isn’t much different there as well so the average is really good um one thing you mentioned about swing speed is that you may be able to um

Swing it a little bit faster you actually didn’t swing it faster you actually now the last two swings were 80 80 miles an hour and 79 but the first few swings as you were getting maybe just getting comfortable or or adjusted to this it was a little bit slower and

That’s not good or bad that’s just getting comfortable so one of the things that we look at as well um is what what I like to talk about is the optimizer in other words what would be the the the type of carry distance and the type of

Total distance that I would expect to see out of a club if it’s performing at its peak and essentially These Bars you can see here are in blue blue is good and blue would give us one I would say a perfect Drive minus the direction because we don’t know which direction

This is but in terms of the ball leaving the club it had great ball speed it had a really nice launch it had enough spin it it should carry 173 if it were perfect and you’re just a few yards off of that and it would go 195 yards and

You were like one yard beyond that and then in terms of Direction it was just slightly to the left but it was still in our it was still in the field of play right you know the these two lines on the outside indicate 25 yards to the

Right or left and generally a fairway is around 40 yard wide generally and so this this sits in in inside the Fairway lines for the most part okay and that’s good too yes everybody likes the Fairway yeah all right let’s try something like uh the tailor made let’s try this so we

Got the uh tailor made stealth 2 uh it’s a 10 and a half degree again we’ve got the ladies Flex in here which is very identical to the Lash app and the reason I want to stay with that is I want to compare more of an apple to an Apple for

The moment so shaft is something that we look at but it’s it’s something that we kind of look at at the end if we can maximize the first thing I want to know is am I in the right Loft and do I have a club that’s giving us um maximum

Distance and forgiveness the other part of that too as I was mentioning is like I’m not really concerned about right versus left just yet okay because there are adjustments with this if I find something that’s already working longer and straighter and I don’t have to adjust that would be really nice but we

Have that leeway or the ability to make some of those things happen let’s give this a shots hit about four or five and see what this does for you Okay okay good start okay there we go nice and solid I’m not sure if that one’s still in the Fairway but let’s try this one probably not it’s okay I’m okay with this it’s not it isn’t it isn’t the ball speed that we’ve quite seen although we did have our uh

We kind of matched the the ball speed on um one of the shots here 115 miles an hour but this is basically performing much like you your uh current Club yes you can see that just as an average it’s about 176 yards with your current cobra versus about

178 versus that 184 in terms of distance so um it’s it’s more so that there’s a little bit more ball speed than where you were but it was also a little bit lower on the launch side of it so you know for that I it’s okay but I’m not

Sure if that’s beating your driver just yet let’s let’s try another one actually let’s try ping okay and uh and just see what that does as another model maybe even another like a Callaway sure and um see what happens with those okay yeah so this is the Ping G3 it happens to be

Just the newest model to this uh this lineup ping released um let’s take a look and just again see does this produce any more ball speed does it give us any more forgiveness and may maybe the look or feel even changes for this and let’s see where the ball goes all

Right nice and straight good start again nice and straight like that oh even favoring maybe a little to the right okay still pretty good distance too let’s hit another one should I try one more okay yeah yeah and I don’t think that one was my best shot no it wasn’t but but even

For that matter is like it it’s still nice and straight so when we start to talk about some of the the attributes we were earlier right ball speed launch Spin and Direction um certainly this didn’t win our ball speed as an average but that could have just been the the

First and last were a little lower on that but this was this definitely wins kind of the straight straighter award to that if we look at this as an average in terms of the optimizer we’re really kind of missing off almost 20 yards on the on the carry distance side more

Specifically because of some ball speed or maybe even the launch if we look at that tailor made it’s kind of in the same position we’re missing 20 yards on the carry and if we looked at at the Titleist again you can see that we’re missing but not we’re missing half as

Much right yeah we’d probably like to see the if if the just the the launch condition of the the title is if the launch angle comes up which we can change so that’s that’s an adjustable feature to this um that would benefit us in in getting that ball higher in the

Air and that actually would probably carry a lot farther in the air and also roll a little bit farther both go hand inand on that so that that’s really good um I I like to hear things like um when you put the club down and said you like the way this

Looks look is a very important feature and there are some people like through the years we’ve seen the wh headed or white painted drivers and people people just either I love the white or I can’t stand that color or there’s certain shapes or there might be certain color

Patterns on things um that also matters and So like um what in terms of the look between the ones we’ve tried the Titleist a tailor made or even this ping um what stood out for the look between them was there kind of like a rank is there a ranking you could put between

Them what was the best looking to the worst looking gosh I think I don’t know for some reason this ping just looks nice just when it’s up against my ball um looking at the blue yeah um head of it um I guess I mean the tailor made was

Okay uh but I don’t I don’t know I just really this one caught my eye for sure so let’s take a look at one more let’s I’m going to grab a Callaway and just see what we’ve got in that because I think that would also be you know we’re

Talking about the industry leaders we’re talking about a titlist we’re talking about a tailor made we’re talking about a a ping and a Callaway there’s no bad driver out there for anyone it’s finding the right one it’s finding the combination that gets us that ball speed launch Spin and Direction and for that

Matter a lot all the drivers have a legal limit it’s like there’s no company that can just make something do better we got to look at and see what’s going on with the clubs in general that way let me grab a Callaway okay thank you okay so here we have uh the Callaway

Rogue St Max and this is um 10 1 12° as as much as we’ve been uh um playing with the other drivers as well the Ping was 11 and a half because that’s the only lot that it comes in all the rest of these at 10 or 10 and a half um same

Thing in the shaft we’ve got lightweight we have a ladies Flex they’re all the same length to that so we’re not trying to get something that’s longer versus shorter just yet let’s see what the Callaway does for you okay okay okay good start I think that was very similar to

The first one it was and actually they’re maybe a just a few yards apart right that’s okay consistency right yeah nice nice straight one too let’s do one more absolutely that one felt great well that that was the best of the day we saw that that carried 176 and and it went 20

One yards oh yes you know so uh really nice on that one uh we look at a couple of different things ball speed best of the day launch and spin were in a great spot and then we see 176 carry that’s the best carry distance of the day mhm

And then we see uh 10 and um 201 yards so the best total distance as well yeah that that’s absolutely excellent against anything else that we’ve seen yet um the other shots were also nice and straight they weren’t the worst that we’ve seen on that they’re pretty average to that

Um one thing I’m wondering on that one too it’s like I wonder if swing speed plays a role in that so I I’d like you to swing another one with this go after it you know okay see what happens if you go after it and you hit just the worst

Thing in the world is I’ll go get your range ball in here and there okay let’s see what Happ it’s easy to pick up they’re right in here yeah yeah that’s also 192 yards that’s really good mhm that’s interesting too yeah mhm with swing speed um that one

Didn’t quite catch the club head speed no but even at that point we already know that at 11 16.9 or 117 mph ball speed those are the two fastest ball speeds of the day they’re also two of the longest distances of the day so both

Of those are are excellent to that no it felt really good I felt like I had control good as I came through and hit H the ball the the result is there on that side of it too mhm oh let’s hit another one okay yeah yeah that’s and that’s the second

Longest drive of the day M that’s really nice so we take a look yeah yeah we we take a look at this as an average and the first couple of shots maybe weren’t the the the best of the day but they were nice and straight to that you look

At the last four shots that you’ve hit with this and they’re all up past the 180 Mark towards the 200 Mark so from a distance perspective the first few shots with this versus the last few absolutely capture the best of the day yes we see our best ball speed we

See a launch and a spin that’s that’s excellent we see the most carry distance the most total distance now part of this as we talk about it is this idea about well what do I keep and what do I throw out from from a numbers perspective we look at the

Average and the reason that we want to look at that average is because when you go out on the golf course you’re also going to have an average you’re not just going to have the best and again that’s where I said is can can we get better on

On our misses as well from a directional perspective this absolutely is going straighter which which I really like all of these are in play even if we had one that was a little bit shorter so this is really nice yes this is great news let’s

Um let’s go back on on one other driver and that was the Titleist and the reason I want to go back on that and make an adjustment because I would like to see a little bit more height out of the the Titleist so I’m going to add a little

Bit of Loft to that club and see what happens to that club otherwise I’m really liking where the Cali is because of its distance as well as its direction right now MH um how does it look I think yeah it looked great yeah when I had it

On the and it feels the tea yes yep it felt good those are key components that’s excellent okay so we’re back to the Titleist tsr1 that we had tried earlier this time I’ve adjusted The Loft and um see if we can’t get the ball a little bit more in the air by the

Numbers this was going to give us some really really good numbers with just a little bit more law so let’s try that so when we look at the data one of the things that I really enjoy about about this is we start looking at at what we

See up here from ball speed perspective launch perspective spin perspective Direction This Callaway driver for us beats everything right we’ve got more ball speed in in some cases here you’re about 5 miles hour faster which is where you’re going to see some more of that distance okay okay yep and so would you

Say I increased my distance by like 10 or 15 yards today with my driver good point um generally speaking every one mile hour we gain is about two and a half yards and so as we start talking about 5 miles an hour on average of ball speed you should be seeing somewhere

Into that neighborhood of about 15 and if we look at where we where we started to where we are just as a um a comparison we started off with we started off with about 1106 and we’re on average to 112. two Okay um one of the big factors is we see

Our average carry went from 158 to 163 and we see our 176 total distance goes to about 187 we can also look at this in regards to the best of the best your best ball speed with your Cobra driver was 113 where it carried 167 185 and the

Best with this Callaway was7 there’s there’s on average about 4 miles an hour you carried at 178 which was um excellent that’s about how far you were hitting yours dri your driver total now it’s in the air that long and you’re seeing out there about 200 yards so yeah

You’re in in between about that 10 to 15 mph far or sorry 10 to 15 mph yards farther just based off some ball speed to it but a lot more direction we kept the same sort of launch but reduced spin so it’s it it carries farther it doesn’t curve as much

And it rolls out even more it’s awesome because I’ll welcome any y extra yardage that I can get yeah and and this is this is what we look for in a fitting is we’re looking to try to make uh some of your your average shots maybe some of

The misses a little bit better if you look at some of the the least distance you see at about 175 yards they’re no different than 175 yards with yours but they’re straighter and then on average the better shots are all a little bit farther so I’m looking at the best shot

With your Cobra driver being about 185 that’s that’s where everything else kind of starts 185 192 196 starting there mhm so that’s a huge difference yeah big difference MH awesome thank You


  1. She uses her legs and hips to make her golf swing which is fantastic. Could get a little more weight on her back foot on her backswing, but not bad at all! Great finish!

  2. Nice for her she gets to save a few hundred dollars by getting leftover stock previous generation. Kudos to the fitter !

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