Golf Players

Swag My Bag | Episode One: We gave a new set of clubs and fresh apparel to a single mom of 3!

We fielded thousands of applicants but only chose 6 people to get absolutely swagged out for the 2024 golf season! In this series, each guest will receive head to toe apparel from @pinsandaces, custom clubs from @takomogolfcompany and a dedicated coach for the next year through @golfliveapp!

In this first episode, we fly Emily Taylor out from Chicago to get swagged out! Emily is a single mom of 3 and recently picked up the game of golf. Now that she has become more addicted to the sport, and her handicap is going down, now is the perfect time to get her in the right apparel and set of clubs!

Welcome back to the channel we’re launching a brand new series called swag my bag where I partnered with two companies Tacomo Golf and pens and Aces we filled thousands of applications but only picked six people to bring here to Dallas and swag them out with new apparel accessories a new golf bag and

Brand new golf clubs on this first episode we’ve selected Emily Taylor Emily is a mom of three she just recently picked up the game of golf a few years ago but quickly became addicted like most of us have she needs a little bit of work on her game she’s

About an 18 handicap and her bag is a little bit dispersed where she doesn’t have a full set of clubs she’s really kind of pieced it together so she is the perfect candidate my name is Emily Taylor I’m from the suburbs of Chicago I’m a mom of three children and when I

Saw the post for swag my bag I thought I got to do it because I could really use some new gear and was just really excited to get fitted for all this and come back strong and 2024 so first I’m going to head to Denver go meet up with

The crew at pens and Aces and get her swagged out on her apparel and her golf Accessories all right we’re joined with Nick MZ who’s the CEO and founder of pens and Aces dude this place is incredible yeah thank you unbelievable to see where you guys have come we started working together way back when when we were both starting out remember

One skew one skew fired it up and look at you now you got all these different lines of accessories apparel golf bags really blown it up man yeah everything but shoes clubs and balls yeah that’s kind of our uh our Focus right now and the brand is just on par with PJ memes

And my style of golf it’s just you guys like to have fun you got crazy designs incredible collabs with a bunch of companies but it’s exciting to see where you guys have come yeah it’s been it’s been a blast and you know we’re able to do everything uh pretty much out of this

Here in Arvada Colorado we have 27 employees now working for us so to take it from one skew to you know where it’s at that’s that’s probably the most rewarding thing yeah when you guys are just blowing up man it’s cool to see like I live in Texas I went into a local

Mun that I’ve never played before but we’re Look Me and George were looking to get a round of golf in we go in there in the Pro Shop had the ham and egg head cover and bunch of stuff I was like dude this is sick man pins and ases right

Yeah seeing it in the wild is awesome you know you see a random guy at the course with the pins and ases head cover or Polo on or going to a store of course you’ve never been to seen that is uh it’s been really fun well I valued our

Partnership and things we’ve been able to do together but the reason why we’re here is for this new show swag my bag which I’m really excited about really kind of a playoff of Pimp My Ride if you will but for golf and you know for me

I’ve just come across a lot of people that you know love to play golf get out as much as they can but it’s an expensive sport yeah very expensive hobby from the apparel all the accessories to the golf clubs bags you name it um it adds up pretty quick and

Then throw on top of that your balls your round of golf everything right adds up yeah we posted a video basically looking for applicants whether they wanted to nominate themselves whether they wanted to nominate a friend or a family member and we got thousands of applications coming in we went through

It over the last couple of months and it was pretty cool to see a variety of people looking to nominate someone close to them or themselves just looking to swag their bag for the new upcoming season and we’re gonna start with one candidate uh Emily Taylor uh she’s a

Single mom out of Chicago and she got three kids who were already into golf and she picked up golf just like everyone else did really during Co where the sport really just blew up and just like most of us just got addicted and started working her handicap down to

Below 20 and I think she’s a good fit for both Our Brands where she likes to she takes the game seriously and she wants to get better but she doesn’t take herself too seriously on the cour still wants to have fun likes to have fun we’ll have a casual drink likes to

Listen to music play with friends even play rounds where maybe not not even keeping score just kind of enjoying your time out outside yeah so she’s uh faces the elements in Chicago area obviously their golf Seasons come to a close for the most part but perfect opportunity to

Get fleeted with some new gear and uh some new clubs and then that way she can attack the spring you know in full force yeah let’s get her geared up and and ready to go for spring we got a a great selection of products that I think would

Be would be great for her and like you said we definitely have the gear and the products to to make that work yeah let’s take a look I want to show people on to the facility just cuz uh first look at it so let’s go uh check out this retail

Space and check out the warehouse and all things pins and Aces let’s go let’s check it Out I think we got a a great mix of products for Emily I’m super stoked to see her reaction of uh what we’re able to swag her with uh we’ve got a lot of great polos great accessories a great golf bag so I think we’ve got a lot of

Really good products that are going to help her uh enjoy the game a little bit more I know she’s having a great time just picking it up only a couple years ago um I think this is just going to further enhance her enjoyment with the game and Emily I know that you love

Music a lot of us love listening to music on the golf course but sometimes it can be you know a little bit too loud we’ve got our Spade speaker that pairs perfectly with the golf bag it sits right onto that magnetic handle attachment so you can listen to the

Tunes on the ch or off the course it’s magnetic it sticks anywhere it’s a great little accessory to bring with you on the course and help you go low on your next round at pins and ases we have a wide variety of different products that kind of pay homage to different

Territories different regions different genres and so Emily You’ being from Chicago I think we’ve got a really sweet head cover uh kind of in our back pocket that we think you’re really going to Love we have everything wrapped up here pens and Aces Emily is going to love all the gear that we put together for her from the head covers down to the apparel some fun accessories she’s going to be swagged out ready for the upcoming golf season let’s head back to Dallas go meet

Up with Tim at Tacomo Golf and we walk through everything that we have to offer there from the club side of things let’s Go hey what’s up guys I’m Tim Urban I’m the video guy for Tacomo golf Tacomo golf is a golf club manufacturer we make a golf Club s everything from wedges all the way now through Fairway Woods drivers and what really sets us apart from other golf Brands is that we are

Direct to Consumer um but our manufacturing how we build the clubs uh we use the same high quality uh production and materials as the big name companies we just don’t charge you the same uh Big Brand prices so that’s kind of what sets us apart in the industry is

We’re giving that high quality performance without that high price all right we’re joined with Tim Urban from Tacomo golf Tim what’s going on man not much just excited to be here man yeah well listen I’m very excited we had so many people apply to be part of the show

We’re grateful that Tacomo is a part of this we’re going to be giving back to some people that we’re going to help Elevate their game get them better equipment some really cool apparel and some other fun stuff that we have in store as well but I’ve been gaming

Tacomo now for a little over a year I love the clubs and you guys just continue to add more and more to Your guys’ Arsenal you guys offer just incredible product high technology for such a great price I think when people really find out about it they’re like

Hold up wait what are you talking about that is one of the biggest things we have to overcome is people look at it they look at the price and they go these can’t be that good and then now you’ve got people like Wesley Bryan like yourself and like all these creators

That we work with that have the option to work with other brands right it’s like there are there’s a lot of people in this space but we’re excited because so many people have chosen to work with us because the clubs are u high quality they are what people are looking for and

Wesley Bryant is not putting them in the bag if if they’re not going to perform like he needs them to perform you know if if they’re good enough for him I guarantee they’re good enough for me you know you’re right well hey changing gears let’s talk about Swag my bag so we

Had thousands of applicants submit videos and tell stories about you know why they should be on the show and so we ciphered through a lot of that and we have six contestants or applicants that we chose to come be a part of the series I’m really excited about it I feel like

We rounded it out with a bunch of uh great guests our first one who’s actually here going to be joining us short here in Dallas her name is Emily she’s coming from Chicago she picked up golf just a couple of years ago and caught the bug like a lot of people do

So she’s addicted to it she has a assorted bag she doesn’t even have all the different clubs in her bag right now that she should be using but she’s making it work and she’s enjoying the game but I’m really excited to get her in here hit some shots get the feel of

The clubs and give her that full range of variety in her bag so that way when she heads back into the new golf season when uh everything felt BS out in Illinois she’s ready to go so how about I’ll I’ll bring her in um and let’s have

Her hit a variety of clubs and see what feels right and get her tuned up sounds good sounds good let’s do it all right let’s go Emily how’s it going Travis how are you I’m great welcome to Texas thank you so much we got a lot of fun stuff in

Store you ready to go I’m so ready all right let’s dive into it real quick okay all right so Emily we filled thousands of applications I saw yours that came through and I was instantly drawn to it I was excited and I was like hey I think

This is a really perfect fit you have one of the most important jobs and really just crazy busy job being a stayhome mom with three kids so you don’t have a lot of time for yourself I’d imagine and they all love to play golf correct yes they do they love golf

And you just recently picked up the sport yep that’s right all right so during the co time frame what got you into golf what got you started I needed something like safe fun challenging to like call my own so what am I going to do and golf was really interesting to me

I always wanted to challenge myself so I just picked Golf and ran with it well you picked the right thing cuz golf is challenging no matter how good you get you can be feeling so good about your game and walk off the course and just be so humbled and frustrated so well

Picking up the game of golf and obviously having three kids in the sport it’s expensive and you might have a bag it sounds like your bag is assorted a variety of different clubs and with this show working with Tacomo and penss and Aces we really wanted to bring our

Partners together and do something great for people to where we can really elevate your bag your equipment coming into the new season and I’d imagine you’re not going to be playing a ton of golf in uh Illinois over the next couple months so we’re going to get you tuned

In so we have some fun stuff in in store uh I went out to Denver I met with the pen and’s crew and we picked out some really cool stuff for you accessories head covers bag just some fun stuff and we’ve got Tim uh from Tacomo that’s

Going to be here with us and we’re going to hit some balls into the trackman simulator and just get a feel for uh what you like and see how it Compares against your your set that you have now and just have some fun so you ready to

Do it I’m so ready all right let’s just dive into it let’s go meet up with Tim real quick cool all right Tim we’ve got Emily here with us hello Emily hi nice to meet you came long ways from Chicago yeah she’s ready to go get dialed in

It’s cold up there yeah oh yeah love that for you got a beautiful day here so nice escape to some warmer weather right now so well Tim is the man so he does all things Tacomo he’s the face of Tacomo he all the content they do this

Man right here is solely responsible for producing that he’s a great golfer there’s some other people they’ll get mad at me if I don’t there are some other people involved but normally it’s my face in there hey and one thing Tim has got an incredible and most beautiful

Voice he was actually on American Idol back in the day so we didn’t have to talk about that it’s got nothing to do with what we maybe he’ll serenate us with a song here momentarily probably not anyway we’ll say I’m going to step out of your guys’s way let you get to it

So we’ve got you set up on the track man got a full bag of Tacomo clubs over here the purpose here is just kind of get a feel for it and just uh hit the variety of different models they have kind of talk through some of the shots with Tim

And see what feels right so you ready to roll I’m ready right let’s do it leave you guys to it all right Emily here’s what we’re going to do I got a little bit of information about your game from Travis now your handicap right now is

About a like a 18ish okay 18ish perfect that’s totally fine um So based on that based on what I know having played with a bunch of people and the information we’ve gotten from Tacomo just knowing kind of what clubs people like to use and the clubs that are going them best

What I did is I kind of put together a a bag for you to see if I can if if I did this the right way see if I can put some clubs in your hand that you don’t have to think too much about you just get to

Hit them and hopefully they’re going to feel good um and we’re going to see what those numbers look like I have a bunch of other options we can try as well but the first thing I want to do is put the set that I have here in your hands and

Have you hit them and then we’ll go from there okay sounds good all right awesome so first question I have for you though is what is your favorite Club to hit favorite Club in the back of all all of all we’ll start there um does pitching wedge count absolutely okay yeah pitching

Wedge is my favorite followed by maybe a seven perfect so what I’ll do first thing I’ll do is I’ll put a pitching wedge in your hand and you can hit that get used to how it feels and then we’ll go from there perfect the set that I

Grabbed for you is the Tacoma 101 irons they’re are distance iron they’re the most forgiving easiest to hit and the shaft that they have in them is the KBS Max 80 so it’s a lighter shaft should be easier to swing um and I think it’s actually going to fit you pretty well

But we’re going to let you hit some and we’ll go from there Okay I think you’re really going to enjoy hitting these wedges um CU they’re just going to be super easy to hit up in the air uh really way yeah way up in the air which is which is always fun right yeah um now you did say that you love

Your seven wood right so we have the brand new ignis faway woods and I have the seven wood here and the fivewood so which one would you like to hit first seven or five let’s try seven okay here you go okay and I believe that that shaft should feel pretty comfortable

It’s fairly light so you should be able to swing that pretty quick um but let me know if it does feel um feels off or feels too heavy for you see how this goes yeah felt great that was hit really well I can do better I believe you like

That’s one thing one thing watching you swing um I know you can generate a lot of a lot of speed uhhuh um you uh and and when you connect it’s going to go a long way So I love I love how you’re hitting the Fairy Woods I think they’re going to be great so I think it’s perfect bet love it so last thing last Club the swing we got the driver ignis driver okay um I mean I could tell you like the specs and

All of the things but it should be basically it’s the same shaft as in the other fairway wood so it should feel very similar when you swing it um it is a 10.5 uh degree head and it’s turned up so it’s got even more Loft about

12.5 um 12.5 of Loft and I have in the back I actually have a 15 G weight in the back which don’t worry about it just swing away have fun and we’ll see if we need to play with yeah exactly don’t worry about it um you just swing and

Have fun and I think I think it’s going to work out really well Okay all right Emily so what we ended up with is the 101 irons which I think are really going to fit you really well um and then we have the sky forger wedges which you really enjoyed hitting and I think I actually think these were probably going to end up being your

Favorite clubs uh I know you said right now that it’s your pitching wedge but I think you’re really going to love these wedges and I am very excited cuz I think these ignis Fairway Woods like you you hit them so well and you’re going to have now instead of just having the

Seven wood which is what you have now you’re going to have a seven a five and a three wood as well uh so that’s really going to help you fill out the top of the bag so I’m pretty excited about what you ended up with today um but I wanted to get your

Thoughts like um what do you think about what your bag is going to look like now well first of all it’s going to look amazing and I feel like look good feel good play good so I’m so excited and I can’t wait awesome well I’m I’m very

Excited for you and I Know Travis has another little surprise for you so I will send you back over to him so coming here and meeting Tim he is a wealth of knowledge um working with Tim hitting you know just different clubs um felt really really good so what I have now

Just a couple clubs here a couple clubs there didn’t really know exactly you know what I was doing with them but here I was able to hit them felt really really good really it’s it’s all about feel so they felt great and they they look really really good so I’m so

Excited to be using them now working with em was awesome uh big fan of her swing she’s hasn’t had lessons um which is crazy because she does have like a really good swing she generates a lot of speed with her swing which I really enjoy because I Like to Swing the golf

Club pretty fast and there’s something special about when you hit it just right you’re going all out and you catch it right out of the center uh it’s a pretty special feeling so um I’ve got kind of a soft spot for people who swing like that and Emily definitely does um I’m excited

For her for this next year to watch where where her golf game goes overall I think that 18 as a handicap now that number is going to go away soon I think we’re looking at lower numbers and in her near near Future all right so we went out to Denver we got all her gear from pens and Aces Emily came out to Texas she’s hit some clubs with Tim test out some Tacomo irons the wedges the woods we’ve got all the gear lined up got her bag ready to

Go so let’s call Emily in show her what we have for her send her on back to Chicago to get ready for the next golf season oh my God we’ve got you decked out now so we’ve got some cool stuff for you I think you’ll be excited about so

Let’s start back here so penss and Aces have been working with these guys for several years great company creating tons of American jobs just great people they’re based out of Colorado and so they’ve got you set up with a variety of things they got their new waffle

Pullover super comfy I know it’s going to be chiler weather back home even in the spring got this performance hoodie in pink what I’m wearing here in black but such a cool athletic fit hoodies are more acceptable in the golf course you got to swag it out your apparel and

We’ve got a few tops here to choose from as well some different styles pen Andes is traditionally loud and just fun but that’s the kind of energy I think you bring to the course from what we talked about couple of belts I know you said you like listening into some music so

They’ve got a Bluetooth speaker here that’s magnetic that goes onto the cart so listen to some tunes a few hats and gloves ball markers and I threw in a couple PGA memes things here too so this is a fun game that we created it’s called PJ mes poker it’s

Got a bunch of uh ball markers bunch of good ones a bunch of bad ones so you can play some fun games with your friends and maybe settle some bets and this cool uh snaps accessory that goes on the back of the snap on the hat which is the ball

Marker so some cool stuff there to kind of uh bring some color and some energy to your apparel so what do you think about it so far I love it like I was not expecting this and the colors are beautiful it’s like it’s it’s everything I love they got

Some awesome stuff I love what they do so you’re going to love that apparel and then they’ve gone down to we got some head covers here for you as well so on your Tacoma driver we got this nice pink puffy uh head cover right here that matches and compliments your bag and I

Mean this bag here is cool too they just came out this line my name on it got your name on the bag know that yeah I’ve got your name on the bag this thing is just amazing it’s got so many different compartments everything that you need got your Flamingo head cover for your

3-wood wanted to pay homage to your your home city so we got the Chicago dog and this is something that I’m actually not giving to other people that we picked but I’m actually going to give you this Odyssey Putter oh my God so you got a

New putter that we’re going to put in your bag thank you so much so we’ll throw the head cover on there and you’ll be ready to rock and so you got your 101 uh irons that you were hitting with 10 yeah so you’re ready to go your wedges

And then we’ll have a diff the seven wood and the fivewood in here as well so you’re going to be decked out you got every Club in the bag that you can possibly need now so I know you’re missing a few of them now yeah but no

Excuses anymore right so you’re all set what do you think so far is this uh think you’re ready to go for the next golf season I am so ready like 2024 is going to be my year all right I I love to hear that there’s a few other things

I wanted to throw in for you okay so I run a bunch of charity events throughout the year called the PJ memes challenge so typically we do four and they’re throughout the country throughout the year and so I want to give you an opportunity to bring a guest and come to

One of them by of your choice and we’ll take care of your airfare and the lodging and so you can come out and experience what the PJ memes challenge is all about and I want to see you rocking all this apparel bring the clubs and just have fun so it’s all about just

Having fun we raise a lot of money for children’s hospital and it’s a good cause so we’re having a little bit of fun but we’re doing it for a good good reason so I want you to be a part of that I would love to and the last last

Thing which is really cool is another company that I’ve partnered with that I love to death they have such amazing technology they’re just really shaping the game of golf it’s called golf live mhm they have virtual lessons that they do through hundreds of PGA professionals throughout the world and we’re going to

Give you access to a dedicated coach for an entire year a year yes so you have absolutely no excuses now so 2024 is going to be yeah so you download the app create an account and you’ll have coaches available to you to where you can just jump on and through video calls

And set it up to where you’re going through your game whether it’s wedges irons you know grip you name it you can go through everything you need to it logs all of your history and your commentary back and forth and basically your takeaways and you’re going to be

Able to really just really dive in and work on your game even in the winter so over the next couple months when it’s cold you can set up a camera and do some swings inside your house or in the garage whatever and they can help you

Through your swings so that way when you get out out there in the spring you’re ready to rock and roll so you’ve got all the gear you got the apparel you got the speaker have fun I mean really 2024 is going to be your year I can’t wait to

See how your game progresses thank so much Travis yeah no absolutely I’m I’m happy that you could be a part of this and can’t wait to see what uh that comes with this yeah thanks for having me yeah thank you when everything came together from the accessories the apparel the

Golf bag I mean that bubble gum pink is Awesome with the head covers I think it complement it very well she seemed very EXC exced about everything I can’t wait for her to hit the course in the upcoming season believe me she’s going to be loud and proud on the course she’s

Going to be standing out with that apparel and just huge thank you to Tacomo pens and Aces and golf Live Throwing in the subscription for a virtual coach for the next year I mean she’s got absolutely no excuses she’s going to be improving in her game and

She’s going to be doing it in Style thank you so much to Tacoma Golf and pins and Aces I am looking forward to 2024 and this is going to be a good One


  1. Great first episode! Love seeing the collab between Pins & Aces, Takomo, and PGAM. Can’t wait for the rest of the Swag my Bag series. 🔥

  2. My bag needs some swag. I’ve been using a putter I stole from the closet at Kings Deer for the last 5 years! 😂 congrats Emily! 👏👏

  3. Awesome to see this happening! Grow the game! I’ve just got my wife into the game and we already have our 2yr old daughter swinging plastic clubs.

  4. This is so awesome and such a great idea, I would be honored to be picked cause 2023 was a really bad year for me and my family!

  5. Awesome 1st video. Emily is a much better golfer than I started out years ago and you guys are great to treat her with a bunch of swags. Can’t wait to see more in near future 🙌 A giveaway to us viewers is very much appreciated ❤

  6. This is awesome! Love the working with people and love Pins & Aces here is CO. Would love this to swag me out with their gear and would love some new wedges to get out with the family hopefully this year now that I got my wife a set and the two little ones!

  7. Congratulations! You’ll love the @PinsandAces gear! I love every piece I’ve bought. They will definitely take care of you

  8. 2024 off to an amazing start! Awesome episode, if I do say so myself! Can't wait for the next one!

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