Golf Players

2005 Canadian Olympic Trials – Gushue vs Martin

Curling Legends Podcast Presents:
Brad Gushue vs Kevin Martin
Canadian Olympic Trials Draw 16
Halifax Metro Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
December 8, 2005

Related Podcast Episodes:
Don Bartlett –,,

Canadian curling trials on TSN are brought to you in part by Ford built for life in Canada by Strauss herb company makers of the original Strauss heart drops when only the best will do and by Scott paper limited proud sponsor of curling for 25 years well Kevin Martin finds himself in

A position where he’s at three losses and would be in danger of being eliminated should he lose another one as we say good morning Canada and welcome back to tsn’s continuing coverage of the Canadian curling trials Linda Moore and Ray turn alongside and while it’s not

The last draw it’s a very important draw for some of these teams oh he huge you know if you can finish off this day two big games for the men today and setting yourself up right now for a position for the playoffs is all important all right

Let’s meet these two teams that will’ll be watching closely it’s brought to you by True Value Hardware help is just around the corner and the guu team out of the St John’s Curling Club Jamie corab Russ Howard Mark Nichols and the skip Brad gushu and from the savel

Sports Center in Edmonton Don Bartlett Carter rro Dawn walchuk and the skip Kevin Martin they’re playing on sheet a it is an early morning it’s uh just past 8:30 Halifax time not many people in the uh in the stands and so you wonder just how it might affect the ice should we

Introduce the stand the people in the stand you know where they are they’re home and watching the The Ice has been fantastic uh all week and I expect it to be the same I think you see the curl a little bit earlier this morning but the

Boys from The Rock Brad gushu and their young team have been fantastic but they’re going to have to he’ll get their test today because Kevin Martin isn’t about to just uh pull the sheets over his head Frank guu playing the red stones and Martin the yellow guu with

The hammer here in the first and you said good morning to Canada I think a little special good morning to those who are in British Columbia and in particular Alberta to get up to watch Kevin Martin that early in the morning with their little cup of coffee in the

Living room hello and thanks for joining us and it is such a big matchup between these two teams Kevin Martin is quite aware of how well Brad gushu and the rest of his team have played so far way back right back right back and this is an interesting thing we

Have not seen this I would say the entire week Center guard goes up and Russ Howard is playing to the wide side keeping things well away from that guard to start the end well it’s obvious is what they’ve decided is that they don’t wanted to be bunching and grouping the

Stones in the 4 foot area to let Uh Kevin Martin work with the big weapon he has which is the big wet big weight and the ability to be able to move Stones around so this is a predetermined plan I’m sure Russ and Brad talked about It how’s up for an early roll much of the focus the entire week on the uh the Two Front Runners and John Morris and Brad gushu and this is how it works for them they meet in the last draw tonight and uh and of course it could be determined there

But guu really must win both games to finish first and remember here at these trials unlike the national championships where four teams make the page playoff here at the tri is just the top of Three sure you get it out the team’s at two losses include Pat Ryan Jeff stouton and they can with wins in both their last draws getting a tie Breer got to go hard guys just a little hesitation there you had to had to think about it for a second yeah hard hard

Guys for L ear in the game now in the past we have said that past two trials 97 2001 anything more than three losses eliminates you so you know that Martin is desperate right now he needs to win he needs to stay at three and needs to have Ryan and stouton

Come back to join him a little more desperate for Glenn Howard if he loses today he’s out and then even if he manages to stay at four he needs a lot of help room Line’s good hard guys Hard Kathy Go’s been with us the entire week and I know you can’t look past today and this STW but I would think John Morris is looking ahead to to possibly playing guu tonight well he is and the really nice thing for John I spoke to him before the game is that we

Have commented over and over how relaxed how loose that team seems to be in delivering one of the things that he said is that they really wanted to put themselves in a position that they are today that they’re in the playoffs and the nice thing that he said is that for

Tonight yes it’s a huge game because it may determ in first place but we’re playing loose we’re in the playoffs we’re exactly where we want to be and ultimately we and we alone control our own destiny and there you see John Morris he is on the opposite side of the

Metro Center playing Glenn Howard and we’ll keep you updated on all the games in this eighth bra men’s Play Center trying to roll it as close as they can good shot pretty nice shot making so far and we’re seeing that more open play as we said with that first rock going wide instead of around the center guard we didn’t see the Angles and come around so

They’re looking to position by hits and rolls and they got that roll they played the inside outshot there Linda they took the six and seven inches of ice and if you play the outside in it runs very very straight You’ be on the edge of the Stone

Something we always talk about we think maybe the rules are a little easier to get when you play From the Inside Out then put the brushes into play both teams have great brushing C like yours Brad gushu has the hammer in this first end still that lonely Center Rock on the

Center line not heavy you saw Mark Nicholls numbers we’ve seen amazing shots overall his numbers are a little low but he is on the plus side so he does out Cur the opposition third more often than not so he’s making the right shot he’s made some Sensational shots

Especially in the game against Jeff Stout of course he’s playing against one of the game’s very best in Don walchuk so light I couldn’t leave have to you’ll have to have a big game here this morning did you like these morning draws Linda as a player well I know you’re not

Liking it right now but I was thinking what are you talking about um you know it wasn’t so bad I think one of the things about this week is it’s a little more balanced schedule when they get to the Scot tournament at hearts and Brier the schedule you can be morning

Afternoon or afternoon and evening it’s a mixed kind of schedule here at least Vic you know exactly what you’re doing so the day before you can plan your day get up at the right time and that nutritious meal like you do every other day that’s right every other day they

Would do two in one game today the ladies just play they their final round robin draw this afternoon you’ll see that as well as we have a three draw day for you here on TSN would we’ve done that before Vic we have bumper yeah ha up difficult to get

This little flip in behind that Center Guardy who who and all over the guard I like mentioned the women’s draw their final round robin draw this will be our featured game when we are back with you at noon Eastern that’s 900 a.m. Pacific and Shannon cly Brink at three losses against Stephanie lton lton losing last evening to Sher mad

And right now it is Kelly Scott from Colona alone in first place at seven and one women’s play Four losses very much part of the playoff picture right now so it’s going to be an very interesting final round robin draw for them both pretty good though it’s a nice chance

For Kevin to put some early pressure on Brad gushu Mark Nichols just uh little light maybe or touch inside Lind could have been a combination of both you heard Russ saying he really was trying to keep things open his first roll away but decided to play that

Quieter way got them caught there’s now two Martin stones in the Rings and Martin will try and cap the shots by yeah if you Happ to get un lock right there then you’re dra oh that’s fine okay I got my weight think there half Rock y Russ Russ

Is right he’s going to play the come that much yeah it will you heard Russ say if you don’t make it he’ll put another one right there on you and you’re drawn against two but you did hear Brad say just that voice you could hear it I’ve got my weight I’m prepared

To do that he’s just so confident right now and again we point out the relationship that has developed between the two he knows what he’s talking about look at that it backs up just a little bit and in behind cover live look moris and Howard and again the importance of the game for

Glen Howard at four losses final on it way from John Morris and he looked for the angle double and it will be a steel of one for Glenn Howard in the first I went to get on the elevator the other night and uh Brad and Russ came

Along and I got off because these guys are on fire I’m not going to go I’m not going up in the elevator with these guys are sizzling what a great shot yep go real hard Martin trying the run back and we’ll drive it by and so it’ll

Be a chance for two but that’s that was the question mark coming in how they would work together kushu and Howard indication right there Linda as we’ve seen all week happy with that throw Howard skips it’s still gu’s team we saw it in that shot against uh against ston he said I know

This shot and now Howard if he’s skipping it’s his team he says no no I want you to play this backed off you’re doing that good indication right there again guu said no I want to play this Howard backed off again but you also have a young man who is so confident and

So on what every term you want to use in the zone he just feels VI he’s going to make them and so R defers to that confidence last thrower what could he say he’s making them all we’re good we’re good you never you never ever

Switch uh or try and talk someone out of when you’re on a roll man you’re on a roll a lot of this game is gut feeling stomach feeling percentages do matter but he is hot so you let him go and he scores as two as he makes the draw

Guu with the lead after one now we want to take a quick look at the game between Mark Daisy and Jeff stouton they’re playing right beside and you see stouton is playing the yellow Stones he’s lying one has the hammer against Mark Daisy Daisy the former Canadian champion from the Mayflower

Club here in Halifax eliminated from playoff contention looking to play the spoiler against stouton out of the charleswood curling club at his front end Gary vandenbberg on the right Steve Gould on the left and it’s longtime third John me calling the line for two a good start there for Jeff

Stout on a busy Thursday morning the first of three today on TSN we’ve changed cotton over the years now we’re giving it a softer name cottell is changing its name to Cashmir Canada’s largest Coast to Coast mover AMJ Campbell has been moving households and offices locally and internationally since 1934 as the official mover of Canada’s Olympic teams AMJ Campbell is dedicated to exceptional personalized service our Olympic teams trust us with their valuables so can you as the most trusted movers in Canada AMJ

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So F meet between the sheets be part of a tradition be part of a team you don’t know what you’re missing you never forget your first end your very first End come play discover curling see you on the ice see you on the ice see you on the ice get off

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Jim’s son Peter the Strauss herb company has over 50 unique herbal products available across Canada and around the world our featured game is on sh day one of the outside sheets on this early Thursday morning let’s read the ice now with Ray and does the early morning mean something to the

Ice yeah I think you’ll see a little the curl a little earlier today Vic we’ve talked all week about the fact that it breaks late and it’s still going to break big time but I think that curl will start a little earlier out in this area here so you have to watch that

Closely and when you’re hitting for example if you’re hitting the stone and you’re playing it from the outside in it will run very straight if you’re playing it the other way you’ll be taking about oh 6 to 8 Ines of ice someplace in that area there but in all I tell you it’s

Been perfect yeah congratulations to Hans VRI out of gim Manitoba and his ice crew they’ve done a a wonderful job although he’s quick to point out the biggest help has come from the big fell the big fell we it’s been cold and and dry for the

Most part a couple of uh couple of flakes here and there but no snow so far it’s been uh the humidity’s been down Victor I’ve noticed you’re really really on it tonight you’re really you’re up you’re you’re sharp as attack now remember this is a three period game

That’s right I don’t want you to I want you to be you know you have have to pace yourself a little I just stayed up all night a long way to go today I want that same Sparkle this evening uhhuh we’ll see who’s sparkling more by the night yeah wow so guu with

The red stones gets a couple in the first and Kevin Martin playing yellow has the hammer here too want to go here guard on a one this is interesting because remember in the first end Russ was hoping to keep things a little less complicated yeah but with that Martin Stone coming short tempting

Just to put another one out Front what a great start to make a double like that I mean Lind you know you you’ve played so much yourself and been in these in these pressure situations you know you’re really when you when you get a start like that uh in any sport I think it’s it’s true that

Can carry you so he’s been hot all week but what you make a double then you make it you get a draw for the 4 foot to get the extra point it’s it’s really important Ray let’s check the ice times now brought to you by Ford built for

Life in Canada well the consistency is the key word we’re talking about 14 and a half seconds between the hog line it’s really being like that every morning draw peel 6 seconds guard 16 seconds it’s just a dream for these curlers to be able to throw consistently all week

With the same weight just been perfect we talk about that peel weight as we see this quiet hit coming down that sixc peel is only at this kind of level normally we talk about peel weight as 7 Seconds between the hog line but we’ve seen a lot of really fast ones

Especially from Kevin Martin I like this yeah okay Brad lot of people across the country this morning watching this game as we used to say Vic through their toes pulling that t of Room right Off seven eight It did a lot of grinding as it came in it looked like it was going to be too strong and you heard them say they thought it was going to be back 4 foot does that suggest something about the the houses it’s interesting because we thought it would be sliding a little

Better than that so you’re right thck it looked like it was uh slowing more than perhaps yesterday in the house no wait good hard line tight Carter rro hard yep yep those couple of Strokes that rust on there really made quite a difference and he actually got the engine going first

With a couple and then just made sure he was uh he was ready to go I watched him the other day I yelled at him don’t he was brushing in prti don’t hurt yourself I like that you know what he’s uh anyone who’s talked to him and I said he’s just flat

Out having fun very reminiscent of the team he had with his brother Peter Wayne Mall when they were much Younger off for line six off for line short of it not yet not yet we’re still six the weight was pretty close just didn’t curl to three didn’t curl at all that’s a very bad spot for that stone and Mark knows it they were taking a little chance

Because of that yellow one on the side of the8 foot they knew they had to get it in there partly covered or down normal on boards yeah you move that over six inches just tuck it in behind that guard this end is setting up well for gushu

But a good shot here can turn the whole thing around heavy boards y yep Tom Walch yep whoa hard hard hard trying to angle it back r heartlet on the brush angle it back he got to the face of it and pushed it by good and guu continues to lie two

Without without well da didn’t quite get the double but he does now have two in the house and you can see Russ’s concern he’d love to try and protect but you cannot afford to do it there’s a yellow run back on a possibility you don’t want the big score

Against you after getting a nice deuce in the first you do leave him a good opportunity though to set up the possible ability of scoring two back sometimes I think you have to when you commit early like that you maybe have to follow through but I certainly do believe without the hammer getting

Opponent rocks out of the out of the Rings but this an interesting situation now looking for the roll no now he’s going to sit right there wall Chuck’s going to get another chance and this is the kind he really likes the first one was soft and over

Curled a little bit now they’ll play the big weight get the Double that was the only way to get at that Redstone that was shot rock is to have something set up to come off of well Che and his second and again too thin gots that probably you don’t see that very often that one just over curled that weight we normally don’t see

That kind of he and we in and freeze yeah real yeah real cute yeah then he’s got that even yeah I don’t mind guard my guard if you guard this one what’s he doing he’s probably playing a haway tap tap for one might set up a

Double for us and uh he’s got nothing anywhere else he’s got the double raise here off of Red Guard you like guarding this well that’s that’s my instinct because it’s we guard that and he makes it good he’s got two buried we just guarded it okay you know he’s going to

Try it okay I like that BR what do you like yeah I like it we turn you like they’re talking about getting real cute by that they meant maybe touching that one just over slightly into this area shooter staying kind of there and would cover this one

And this one but I think they’ve uh like that going to try and put it right on this position Here here in this second two oh Line’s perfect higher the better two clean it over Cur just clean just clean it’s overbending over Cur don’t let it Pick build the hole good shot down we showed you earlier Glenn Howard with the steel of one against John Morris now they’re playing the second final stone for Morris and the team from the Calgary Winter Club Morris former Canadian Junior and World Junior Champion Kevin Koy former Canadian mixed

Champion calls the line the front end of Mark Kennedy and Paul Moffett Calgary Winter club and that’s for two oh oh stay close close no close clean no no y yep hard a more weight just a little more weight his right oh Russ I know but just as easily give us

Two get hit and roll y yeah cuz he can’t hurt you this way yeah okay going to roll on top of that thing yeah no this isn’t bad yeah no you might trick you into trying it all them fooled I like normal BR you want to go there or there whatever

Yeah it’s a pretty nice situation if they make some sort of play on it and get a little roll it’s a very tough shot left for Kevin Martin his last lying one without a little bit and he’ll hit it and sit right there I got it stouton opened with two with the

Hammer this is Mark Daisy 2004 Canadian men’s curling Champion out of the Mayflower club right here in Halifax disappointing week for uh Mark as well Bruce lonus Andre Rob Harris that’s both the right line and that’s for a pair and a two two tie huh what are you talking about this

Right here right onto that red is the angle yeah okay very close that’s got to be a little thinner than that hey a hair thinner than that go across the top of that red one it’s the angle all right Ray what’s you playing here please he’s going to try and hit this

Red one here onto this uhhuh and come off of this here and into to tap the yellow onto the red wow there a couple of angles he could bring the yellow directly onto the yellow as well okay final Stone here in two a bang bang play if he can make

It and it’s a steel of one for guu get a couple things there but had Reon to smile one red three nothing guu David nedan throws the fourth Stone of course for Randy Furby disappointing wheat for the fby team out of the Granite Club in Edmonton having committed couple of years of preparation

For these trials he makes the hit against Pat Ryan who’s among the leaders Ryan with a 2-1 lead here in Halifax perfect there you go honey next time use the new JBC aario no tapes or discs it’s the world’s first hard drive camcorder Scott tows is changing his name to sponge

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Encouraged to throw rocks at houses and we even like to give them a little help that’s why we applaud and support all the Canadians who coach instruct and organize events from the Grassroots amateur level all the way up to the national championships True Value is proud to be the official Hardware

Supplier at a curling season of Champions and future Champs too True Value around the corner from your House Back pain it can affect more than your back Robo Platinum a special combination of two active ingredients one to relieve back pain the other to relax tense back muscles roback Platinum helping you walk away from back Pain looking forward to going back to Regina and our coverage of the Tim Horton’s Brier the Canadian men’s curling Championship begins March the 11th here on TSN the agrom and what they’re calling the party grw as we welcome you on this Thursday morning back to Halifax and the Canadian

Curling trials this is the eighth draw of men’s play Brad gushu tied for the lead with John Morris top of the standings at six and one scores two steals one and it it’s Kevin Martin who has the hammer playing the yellow Stones here in the third things just didn’t work for Kevin

In that last in there was a couple of chances great chances to get at the shot Stone and couldn’t quite do it including that last double run back so going to be tough now well he could have got that the last one a couple of ways by going

Back straight back at it coming off the side one scoring two is going to be very difficult no matter where to get there though yep come on get it over get it over come on well it’s good just tap tap the front one just going to he just going to run it back

Can you can it don’t matter to me that’s fine with me sure whatever uh this hasn’t been a comfortable team this week Lindon well especially the last couple of days Vic it started really with one of the games where two days ago where Don walchuk and Kevin

Martin started to disagree a little bit on the strategy and since then they’ve been like this where you don’t often hear Don bar fall down this early in the end about a shot and it’s tough to win if you’re not all four really clicking together they wanted to keep that in

Play because in Truth at the start of the week this Martin team went an early loss but it’s been the last two losses after four good wins that really have caused them the problems and they’re just not the same team as they were earlier in the Week and the shooter will it hang on no so let’s take a look at the way Martin has performed this week and that is the problem against pich Kevin had to make a great shot to win but still record was great at 4- one then against Howard

Things started to go wrong not just on the scoreboard but some disagreement amongst the team members and since then they just haven’t look quite as sharp and quite as together as they were early in theek so he comes in with a record of four and three we’re

There and what a week it’s been for right this Brad guu you know it’s easy to say when they’re playing well and all these wins but this team has been very together and we weren’t sure inserting Russ Howard as the skip throwing second Stones a new combination but what a

Great string of wins and great play throughout the week Kathy well I sat down with Mike Adams a misplaced player if you will are displaced from the guu team this morning and it’s interesting because when they chose Russ Howard they were ideally looking for a fif said that

Could bring them something at the trials that would sort of alleviate some of their up and down play they inserted Russ into two Bond spiels earlier in the year and they found that in a variety of positions he just helped them on the ice by giving them some a little bit more

Control and so Mike said unfortunately for him the best position for Russ was second and he’s just so positive I was overwhelmed with the young man this morning because he said c we always thought Russ would play the first three and sit out but it seems absolutely

Crazy for me to get in there now when things are working so so good for the whole team well that was a uh Miss of appeal by Russ hav’t seen many of those he’s played very well but obviously got that inside fine tell you what Ray it takes a a

Special individual as as as R very gracious move by Mike Adam to sit himself down not kidding I don’t care I just think we hit and roll on it yeah just hit [Applause] roll yep hack we’re kind of wait solid hack okay Mark Nichols corab on the right guu on the left he

[Applause] hey well it’s a really nice shot but it didn’t roll to the best spot for them it got by the guard that guard is going to cause him some problems I one they wanted off that Russ did Miss on the attempt the yellowston in a great spot as

Well certainly get those two Reds out anytime you okay Line’s good wa oh wait for it a little guys whoa give it a chance give it a chance okay that’s a good shot same Shot double same shot just playing it quietly roll the shooter over Again with the brushing and again with the quiet roll up on top well they had to brush it to get it by I couldn’t thr that any no I I thought you threw it okay kind of reacted like you hooked it but I didn’t see it I I see that in practice

And they did the same thing yeah still talking about Russell’s Miss I guess I just have to tighten you up jeez not even sure that’s there this way think we can get by that guard and freezing there what about getting by the guard oh yeah yeah no

Problem should be all right what was Don’s concern is that they have to go over so far that guard might come into play well no it was Kevin saying that once you cut it by the guard Vic is it going to stay straight enough to get the

Right angle in the house that’s just a great amount of curl that we keep talking about but Don wal said oh I think so I think the line will be good line real hard line can’t bounce though can’t bounce be gone we’re there we’re all there who we’re

Bouncing finish perfect nose is perfect finish then we got him both ways yeah I like peel trying to get to the inside of it well I’m just thinking we got to watch if we yeah if we stay now we’re a little higher than he if we stay

Here and he gets it in the center he might spin I think we got to know’s rest yeah or a little on side was it yeah or a little Center one okay yeah basically everything goes it’s going to be some rock spinning they want to make sure they get that top

Yellow one spinning Brad gushu and his first Center Line side and they’ll squeeze that one stone it’ll sit on the button so yeah the the inside one wasn’t going anywhere thought maybe they could spin it a little bit beer they wanted that top one out of there that’s perfect good it was where

They left the redstones too Vic they wanted to make sure that they had some position in the house you try to make this double soft weight what about if we just what well then well yeah brings up a point about something that’s always fascinating me about this

Elite level okay huh okay I’m okay with that I don’t know right in the middle he’s got nothing on this one long as we make it real good we don’t quite make a perfect yeah we have shot when they talk about I thought on that out spot where I no

Bounce that little bounce that little separation gives guu that shot try to make him a chance to get rid of the one Vic you’re right and that’s a matter of millimet here at this level what a rock pile we’ve got on sheet B is lying one two and he has the hammer

In a two two tie against Mark Daisy and this will be Daisy’s last playing the in off pick with the big weight trying to come off the one on the 12 foot roll it over see lonus is there not quite enough to get it to the 4 foot still line two just

Out and Kevin Martin with here we got a back eight anyway I think back eight no I know well you can see what happen hair high he good doubles there if not to jam on the back red outside the 12 foot Jeff ston trying to figure out a

Way to get in look at the massive stones on the left there trying to find a path to the forefoot okay there a way to get to the T line that’s all he’s got May more we have to tap it you guys go Brad with a double attempt Hey back eight guys Brad was just a little inside so a chance for two for Martin as stouton gets ready to throw his last this a cold draw or a little quiet tap possibly basically you throw the draw Vic of course the brushers can take it

To a tap but you’re just trying to find the T line trying to hook it in there hey much ice and it’s two for St as the shoo off just a little bit yeah never buy the 14 and a half That’s Heavy That’s Heavy I don’t know I don’t know about that heavy

Carter line how’s the line uh real good Line’s great we’re there we’re there line come on come on you sure good good sweeping guys very nice brushing by the front end of Carter roft and Don Bartlett and Martin is on the board he scores the two guu still leading will have the

Hammer in the fourth John Morris scored two in the second to take a 2-1 lead over Glenn Howard at four losses desperate for the win needs it to stay alive and this is his final Stone of the cold water and District Curling Club make the double doesn’t the one R to the back

That’s the shot Stone as they kick it away steal a one for Morris All right next time use the new JBC aario no tapes or discs it’s the world’s first hard drive Camcorder they say football is a game of Interest I wish we hit inches the Scott Tournament of Hearts proud sponsor of women’s curling for 25 years hi I’m Randy Kirby if your typical day is anything like mine I recommend you Strauss spam mind a broadspectrum dietary supplement for people with an

Active lifestyle St spam mind is available at your local Health product retailer at True Value we encourage kids to throw rocks at houses and we even like to give them a little help we’re proud to be the official Hardware supplier to curling’s season of Champions just like we’re proud of our

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A reminder to join G Miller Pi Maguire for the 2006f world junior hockey championship from British Columbia it’s a holiday classic and it all begins Boxing Day on TSN and all the games are available as well in tsnh HD you get that high def television for Christmas again would that be nice

Boxing Day turn it on and watch the world juniors right free up little more you see the amazing curl because you had that Center guard first stone Redstone come around top 12 nicely buried then you bury around both of them with the other turn a lot More Wa good now no line wait’s good oh not yet not yet a little well y yep hard all you got right to it right to it right to it right to it hard Mar good eye boys we have to wait a little bit for that nice shot

You can just see what’s developing here it’s 4 foot play and little quiet as well angle freezes that usually lead to a run back of some nature someone then big weight shot yep wait there wait there line only hard line come on come on got to go hard to get by

Jes through it good just curled reacted a little different throw like 101 looking to tap that series of stones yellow under red under yellow back back 12 weight 11 up Up nich in get it by the top one first that’s job one get it by by again tap it Back maybe a touch light Linda they wanted this 12T weight and once it starts to go oh it really curls they barely got it by over curled the spot a little bit took a bit of the steam off the stone way here him a pocket way another freeze Clean oh there bouncing we’re bouncing hard to get by guys come on would have been we would never been by though might hit the back though but you’re still rolling in same thing same shot where was I back eight foot he was it’ll Bend it’ll Bend who lot of Wait wow you definitely had a little more weight and that’s I knew I could there hope not can’t really run it back come off this one smoke into those two change angles a little bit just come down with quiet weight sit there tap that back there

Here that’s not bad we got to keep our some rocks in play can’t hit that one at all we got nothing to do we showed you John Morris with the steel of one after running back Howard couldn’t make the double and now it’s Howard his final

Stone in four and facing a couple back here some place being freeze to it need yeah something like this sits in time for his single must win for Glenn Howard everybody having a look at these Stones this is a tap so that you can get some possibilities for skip stones nothing

Much there at this point for John walchuk just hack waight he’s going to try to hit it they got to keep the shooter there they don’t bounce off it back way okay he got this Too yeah he makes s he makes sense he’s not buried is he no that’s why I kind of like he’s got a corner freezer now how can he how close can if he whips this can he get it in there anywhere no I don’t think so no believe in that one

Eh either that are we uh yeah well he might Corner freeze on Us the only thing that hurts us now is that o turns off yeah I like to hit and roll in R yeah hit this one try and roll over here this shot here can’t get into the for foot with it so they play the other side they’re afraid of the come around

The angle freeze yeah the outturn draw at the moment can really take the end away you have to close that side possibilities but not nearly as good Nich just ran too straight or they thought he was a little outside now we did talk about that they played the outside in turn and that means if he is a little full Vick it’s never coming back just’s go off the top of that just make this double it’s half

Rock say wide out of 10 we were talking about Mark Nichols how he had such a brilliant game against Jeff stouton but his overall numbers were a little low that’s the problem he hasn’t been as consistent and that right shot at the right time that was the one right there that they

Needed yeah they needed to roll over a little bit this is the the big weight double Don Walo we got an outside it looks like that’s not bad he hasn’t been on his game yet either has he no no we thought it would be a great battle at that third Stone

Position both of them with some Mist I would rather have seen three Reds out of the it’s real good then want to call time out yeah yeah he had to hit that thinner he could have moved three Reds out of there can you get to the inside of this like

The shot I through not bad that’ be peachy well Russ the only danger this this Rock right now is not hurting us if we have move that right but he’s going to hammer that in real hard do that go across the top yeah so it can hurt his Weight cross the top but why what they mean is that he can’t make Hing the yellow into there this will obviously that’s what I was saying this one that you hit will go across the top of that one I I don’t I don’t know if I like

This we ever bumped that out an inch is no good can you bump it out of the Rings though what if we draw here can you throw normal and get that out of the Rings what if we draw here is z killer they’re afraid you heard what

Brad said I’m afraid I don’t want be nice to come down on this one here the inside and drive it that way yeah but we do that he makes move that one at all what what what if we just Do’s not hurting he can’t make a play on these

Right now he slashes it in you can’t get to the inside you like just bumping it into the CR yeah the red one I love that exactly we do that and then he plays this well this is going nowhere and now you going to kill that either that or or this I

Don’t mind this either of us I think is that out the tap yeah let him well if we make this good we got the Ang we get it there we got angles Ryan is lying one yeah I do final Stone David n i yeah if you can get it on the nose

It’s pretty good even a hair high it’s not bad either and they pick for the blank do you like this rust yeah I do I’m just trying to think of the other options if we get a little heavy or something we could always do that yeah

Move that in there yeah so so we’re just going to move it here E Yeah bump it into the crotch so it’s a straight draw y that’s why you love the game how why we love the game so much I mean there’s just because of their ability to throw

Up weight and then play the soft shots they’re always uh one stone or two stones ahead looking at the Angles and it’s you know sometimes it’s very hard to follow you know it’s uh just Heine so many options all right and it’s just positioning have Stones they’re just trying to rearrange

The rock so that Kevin Martin cannot play the big weight and remove multiple Stones they had a chance to get rid of uh three of them uh four five a shot there six we good line line six five five six six just six W bounce good shot okay pretty good guu line

Two with the hammer here in the fourth get that into the pocket for now Jeff stout one of those teams at two losses along with Pat Ryan leading Mark Daisy 4-2 as Daisy gets ready to play his last in the fourth and this is a bang bang angle

Rais trying to get that stone off the top of the button that belongs or Stacy right now is lying one pardon me right up and across the trop as he tried to squeeze out that Yellowstone for a possible two he’ll get his single 43 stouton will have the hammer in five everybody stand

Back everybody off the ice please from the hip close that just shows you how well the red stones were rearranged by the guu team that was a very difficult shot Kevin even threw the really high hard one couldn’t do much more than just rearrange him again got rid of a couple in that Area he’s got a triple there now yeah yeah we got to guard daddy either that or we do this it’s not bad my thought was even interning if you came here yeah these are so easy though oh I know but if we can bump it a little bit well we just

Don’t want to bump it there I guess if we already plays this we only get one if we can ever bump it the here that’s not good makes a quad or triple anyway like right now we got a chance to score never bumped out to there we got to do something with that

Rock for sure we guard it or we bumped it that’s that’s the options we got here no don’t like it you can see I think we guard it cuz why get it right in tight another rock and tyon I know but Kevin can get rid of all three of

Them by running that Red Rock back into the two other Reds so they have to do something with it mind the you don’t think getting hit enough of that to get them all well get them all well this is still third shot where he can’t do this cuz the two

Goes nowhere but can he get a dare out this I mean the two well then we got to draw for two right I like I like a guard guard or tap I do too he likes the guard I’m not going to argue with him I like your you heard the conversation they’re

Going to play the guard play the top Russ oh well sorry where you want to tap it just tap it a rock on the inside he just going to hammer it you want to get to hear you mean yeah so now you’re second shot and he just hammers this in makes the

Triple now you’re drawing for one all right well let’s play the guard well no whatever you think he’s got a run back triple here too though well if he ever catches that we get four I know okay well let’s guard let guard let’s make it R make make it we

Can stay here all day and talk about it well especially when you’ve got the Arsenal of a Kevin Martin you’re never taking away everything he’s got the one yellow on one side he’s got the long guard at least that much I don’t mind a little more what you can do is take away

Kevin’s easiest option if we can choke off that Center one you have to be careful with guard since you’re not trying to do double duty you’ve got to get it on the spot where you protect the shot that must be protected and that’s the Redstone in his first hard it’s Five that wasn’t even close to the right weight that’s a very big mistake from someone who has not made many this week not bad I don’t think I can get them all oh whatever got to knock this onto it anyways see if they can get those three stones going out there

Sorry hey should be able to get just just just yeah just hit what you can see you’re going to jam and give him give him probably one two a drop or two yeah what do you do I I’ve got no other options here hit as much as we can

Hit what’s this for if we do this well doesn’t work out draw for two I don’t see how we can get all rid of all four but get rid of maybe three yeah well I think you probably can tap for two anyways whatever yeah they just maybe didn’t

Take enough time to set themselves after the conversation L because they the weight wasn’t even close we’ve seen what s seconds this week sixish just under six he got three going that’s a great shot and he thought he’d give up two after that that was a huge mistake by Brad

Gushi to leave that option for Kevin Martin yeah that that certainly was because with any guard out there he’s got no piece of [Applause] this and now a tough draw for a single to bite the forefoot against two hold the lion early on it guys y he’s little more little

More guu kept asking for a little more I think Russ only moved his feet final Stone wow it was setting up so well or so it seemed for guu room who whoa backing wouldn’t this be a turnaround if this doesn’t hook in oh we didn’t no we didn’t no we didn’t no we

Didn’t no he [Applause] Didn’t yeah okay Perfect there you go honey next time use the new JBC aario no tapes or discs it’s the world’s first hard drive Camcorder remember when you had to travel to find yourself you had to stand at the edge to feel alive dreams were something you chased after nothing’s changed and yet Everything’s changed the newly designed Ford Explorer the adventure never ends all the way from the craftsmanship

To the perfect poor all the way from its introduction to becoming the number one light beer in the world all the way from an exacting Brewing process to the easy drinking taste all the way from the line to inside the club all the way from the brew master to the bartender when it

Goes down this smooth make it a Bud Light smooth all the way We’ve changed cottell over the years now we’re giving it a softer name cottell is changing its name to Cashmir Dr Carolyn Dean in her new book death by modern medicine says that the key to good health is being an informed owner of your own body and making informed Healthcare choices Strauss herb company 25 years in Canada Trust the tradition why Eminem um well they’re just so helpful yeah you know unlike

Some places excuse me can you help me uh I have to go ask someone at Eminem they suggest things they’re they’re not afraid to help well they’re just not [Laughter] Afraid Annabeth prosecutes a murder For Hire case involving a notorious drug lord don’t miss a new episode of close to home tomorrow at 98 Central on CTV Hate’s draw men’s play yeah it’s one of those shots one of those mistakes if guu should lose this Linda you wonder if he looks

Back and it was it something that Ry mentioned and I guess if Russ Howard wants any of my advice one piece of advice for Russ is I know he’s trying to let Brad come in and help with the conversation of what to call it was a long discussion I think maybe if Russ

Could limit the discussion a bit get right to the where is the biggest danger and then make sure before Brad goes to the hack hand that discussion is really clear as to what they’re playing cuz that was not even close to guard weight that Brad gushu threw on that one

Stone should be good weight all right be pretty good Line’s tight shouldn’t be in Line’s tight y real hard hard guys get it get it tight get it tight H it’s okay go go go go so when we look back at Martin’s shot will it be the key shot brought to

You by cashmere now cotell has an even softer name cashmir so far it is the key shot Vic when we talked about the fact that it could be a multiple score for the guu team and he didn’t get rid of all four but all four were negated three

Gone one left his only third shot and it left a very tough shot for Bru yeah as this game progresses we’ll see how important that is because it certainly was setting up for guu to score a couple for sure maybe even more and uh you’re right

That he wasn’t even close to the guard I mean he came right right into the face and tapped it it was going to be stting game just need more ice with that Rockets think it’s normal here yeah live look at the house Morris and Howard Howard Yellowstone flying

One four John Morris final Stone on the way out of the Calgary Winter Club clean Up quiet tap might get him a couple and through the hole let’s see count him up one and two it is two for Morris as he looks to stay tied for first place with Brad gusher wait sir got to go wait got to go wait Line’s real good wait okay freezer in

Here sh car very ni the men will play two draws today as they wrap up this round robin and uh it’s getting a little more tense isn’t it Kathy it’s an unbelievably different feeling down here at ice level today Vic there is two completely different sentiments you have

The absolute fatigue of the players that know that mathematically that they’re out and it’s not a physical fatigue as much as an emotional dream shattered fatigue and for the other teams that are on the bubble like Howard or Morris we are fighting to stay in the tension is

Unbelievable that brings up the point of when the pressure is on and you’re starting to feel that tension that’s where you have to be very clear when you’re getting into the hack as to what to throw because if you’re not your mind is racing I Brad gushu and John Morris

Have a lot of nervous energy anyways and your your mind doesn’t seem as clear and all that is going on in your head so you really have to just before you go to throw take that extra breath and make sure you’re very clear about what you’re throwing Carter rro and all these

Players like any sport have great pride Line’s good got to go wait okay so despite the fact that they may be out you don’t want to go just out there and throw it up and down the sheet come on she’s there come on let’s go come

On just late yeah yeah good yeah line is good how difficult Ray is it to play when you’re out of her uh it’s tough to keep got nothing there because the game takes so much concentration you know you’re you’re disappointed uh it’s just it’s harder pocket

By throw by reflex you know as long as you get the shoter behind it yeah even draw around it it’s not kill her I don’t think trying to move it that one yellow stone is in such a nice spot how to deal with it I don’t

Mind that you chip her own it’s great that’s what he call it was a chip I don’t mind that the problem by you know what Kevin can do with big weights wanted more yellow stones in that Rings Twice they’ve chipped the guard he needed probably a little bit more to get the shooter

Out Mark is being asked to rearrange the position of that shot Stone get it out from behind the yellow eight got to go hey hey You got wonderful brushing over and roll the shooter to the edge of the four just want to push bump stuff around a little bit try to get this back into here just through the house weight hack hack weit hack weight knows this won’t drag more than to here

Wait yellow onto the red the one thing the last shot by Mark Nichols did was require this weight to be pulled back a bit if you threw more you’d bounce the yellow out further h hard hard come on come on guys come on shot do Shot he’s got a whole lot of nothing there now doesn’t He what do you like G I don’t know he’s that doesn’t even help him really [Applause] no whatever just a guard he’s got two shots to get at ours now he’s got to make two shots yeah yeah okay let’s make the guard two or three right two asking for a slightly longer guard

They talked about hitting the Yellow Guard and trying to roll a little bit because of course they know Kevin can use those rocks out in front but they just feel that the positioning will be better more accurate with the draw keep it out there line three who who right here not

That you got to go we can Be good Jeff stouton has a chance here for a couple here if he can grab the button stouton at 5 and two if he wins his last two draws he is guaranteed at least a tiebreaker and stouton will wind up his round robin play tonight in draw nine for the men against Kevin [Applause] Martin right on the nose wow very nice for two and they’ll go to the break 62 stouton what inter what turn in the nose hang on here put the different spin on things where’s he going what’s what’s what’s he saying same shot the inter right on the

Nose it’s funny how that last guard ended up in a place where now you can hit this and kind of Wiggle in through squirt through you got to C got C no got to get nose that’s fine not bad it be careful real feather double eh

Yeah well you’ll never stick it but okay might get his deu which one do you want to guard ours or his we got to guard his this time yeah here don’t you ni yeah yeah guarding the yellow that touches the center line I’m going to overlap it a little

Bit okay so right on center yeah well just B and Center’s pretty good okay yeah two Line’s tight all line hard line Line’s good who Line’s good now Line’s great two mine’s real good clean it just clean overbending event clean it just two yeah get it balls real good there talked about the

Pride Factor this Furby team for the last five years they’ve won the Canadian championship hasn’t gone well for them at these trials and they are out of contention David nedan with the draw here Rock and Fifer with the brush against Pat Ryan roll over and he’ll make the draw for

Two they’ll go to the break tonight three three TI one in front of it then tap that onto that both these roll over yeah how am I going to ever have a double gets rid of that one I have to move this a little bit I’m thinking just

Coming around with the out turn just tap this back a little bit roll this just a little bit right into the center of him you heard Kevin explain exactly what he’s doing he’s going to come around the rocks and try and touch not even be there just touched the yellow he’s

Looking at it now that guard is positioned pretty well for that blocking that shot not there yeah it’s not there what he thought play the outt tap you can’t see you have to have ha weight oh yeah tap it up roll two yellows in front and

You got to bash right he thought he could do this just touch have it yeah a little bit if I can get right on the nose we might be able to bump our three a little bit that one back I don’t think this outturns there I can’t see enough of

It let’s do this let’s get in there for second shot try to throw your button weight try to bounce off enough so I can uh angle raise that corner guard just just button weight bump the one couple Ines couple inches roll 6 in so it’s the corner guard on the other

Side that he’s talking about if you get this in for second shot he wants to be able to run at the outside one and drive it across back four Line’s real good back eight Line’s real good close clean oh we’re there no no we’re there backy back four whoa bump that front

Yellow come on touch it can’t do a whole lot of good other see uh boy you got that just a hair I think it Miss this R this one again it’s only for one if we pick it up let him draw for one hang on a

Minute what what’s he got I don’t see a shot for two unless he plays a little unless he gets it there and he gets the back when he rolls here I don’t want leaving him that give him H yeah no just want to hit the other one out of

There peel it off get rid of the shooter is this an example IND right there what you were saying before make the decision then go down the ice and with it planted exactly you have to be very Kevin Martin has some shots Vic but they’re hard and Brad guu keeps saying

Let’s pick the one that makes Kevin make the most difficult shot yes he’s going to have something he can’t take everything away with the weapons Kevin Martin has so trying to pick that yellow stone off the edge of the four pick it out get rid of the shooter I like

That good end boys we uh we can’t give him too much respect he’s still got to make sure no I understand that but I just I just wondered if well that’s been the secret of the whole game I just wondered if that if it did make the

Double there was a potential that he hits it at 3 o’ and his yellow I know what else are we going to do well exactly how key was that statement gu says can’t show him that much respect and Howard said what we’ve been doing the whole game we’ve been playing our

Game we haven’t been showing him that respect pretty wise too for a young man to be discussing that kind of logic about the strategy make Kevin Martin make a tough one and every once in a while he’ll make the big one of course EAS but he can’t do it end after end oh

No if we go over a little bit only get one famous last words well we’ve seen right teams go on the ice both men’s women’s play almost shaking reputation sometimes can win you a game but you get that rep reputation by deserving it usually the fact that

Kevin Martin has been making those kinds of shots for a long long time and you do have to be careful with him because You’ I’ve seen him so many you’ve seen him we’ve all seen him at the Skins turn turn ends right around but in this end

And we’re seeing it now Kevin shot was very very difficult as soon as you picked that out it was for one so good logic and now even a tough shot for Kevin to get in there it’s good whoa final Stone here in the F never close never close

Never no he’s trying to tick it out and he’ll miss it all it is a steel of one for gushu here in the fifth 52 they’ll go to the break the 2005 Tim Horton’s Canadian curling trials on TSN are brought to you by Tim Horton’s limited canister and

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Better make your holiday even better with the Walmart gift Card Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tick tock tick tock tick Tock tick tock tick once a season and only once a season Moors has a sale right now over half our suits and sport coats are on sale at Great low prices you’ll find a huge selection of dress shirts and hundreds of casual and dress pants plus big savings on sportsare outerwear

And shoes which means the only way to beat a Mo’s price is at the Moors year-end clearance sale Moors wellmade well priced well dressed of course one of these teams will represent Canada at the Winter Games in Turin and just a reminder our coverage along with that on CBC begins

February the 12th and it’s a Chim weight who will lead the team to Italy and Jim is with cath Jim we have seen some tremendous curling this week how come the Canadian men have not come home with the gold medal before well it’s a good question

You know but uh a couple of things people have to realize in Canada that there’s a tremendous amount of pressure on our teams to come back not just with a medal but with a gold medal and in 98 we were very close when Mike Harris went

Into that final as the uh the favorite but was very very sick and didn’t perform the way he should and Kevin was within two inches of winning last year you know and he hadn’t missed a draw all week in uh the whole week in Salt Lake

And comes up 2 Ines heavy so uh we’ve got a a month and a half long plan for the team that whims here and we will lay that out to the teams at the end of the competition and hope to help prepare them for the event let’s talk about the

Top of the field some Young Guns how does that make you feel well as a part of this lab relev program we’re thrilled uh that the the kids are coming through and uh I think it’s it just shows that the the way we’re going is the way of

The future and uh these people I know that if they win here whoever wins will perform over there in Italy we wish you all the best thanks it’s going to be an exciting time yeah one of the Young Guns that is Brad gushu at six and one tied with John

Morris on of fans here from New Finland and Labrador the 2005 Tim Horton’s Canadian curling trials on TSN are brought to you in part by Scott paper limited proud sponsor of curling for 25 years by Ford built for life in Canada and by Strauss herb company makers of the original Strauss heart

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Going to help you take over this town I love you Tony cotti I’m getting paranoid Tony just because I think everyone hates me doesn’t mean they don’t you know what I mean Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories rated M for mature hey honey hey did you go for a run yeah I went

Running Andrew it’s dry and doesn’t smell bad new power stripe anti-p purse Sprint from Gillette series helps keep you dry its patented Extra Protection stripe delivers all day protection against odor power Stripe from Gillette series The Power of the stripe [Applause] It’s it’s time to check the numbers after five they’re brought to you by Tim Hortons and The Limited mug and canister well those steals have been all important and the pressure has been on Kevin Martin to try and make some big shots and you go down the list you’ll

See the last line we put down four percentage Brad gushu at 88% Kevin Martin at 63% that’s being the big difference but it does go down the line because Kevin Martin has been facing some very difficult situations but with those two big steals a huge lead now for

The guu team as we welcome you back to the Metro Center here in Halifax and this eighth draw of men’s play the men will play two draws on this final day of round robin and we were just talking about that last end you weren’t far behind and

It got very complicated and Kevin Martin ended up trying a tick double for two very difficult shot yeah and he could have drawn for one there lindai I think he had room to draw and uh mind you it’s it is swooping across so there wasn’t a big window to

Get in there to drw SL good sling good I guess he felt make the tick double but yep yep Don wanted us to thank Canada post on their behalf for their sponsorship of the team and for Dawn to uh be allowed the time y the same weight wait’s good 7 didn’t feel like

More wait Jamie works for X want to rub it Russ six bye hey [Applause] hey Jeff St looks like he’s gearing up for a run here he’s up 63 and these are the kind of shots that Mark Dy has been facing in the entire game and Jeff had a

Great opportunity in this end to close it out he was throwing a guard you’ll see in a moment yellow rock that comes into play Mark Daisy would not have had this draw that is availa to him now you see the Yellow Stone right there

That was to be a guard to fill the hole and it stayed straight and uh left mark this here now he’s got to dig in here and may slide a little too far oh boy look at that I tell you what Bruce lus thought it might go right through and

There’s that grinding of the house you were talking about earlier Linda we’re seeing a little bit in this draw this morning huh a little mistake by Jeff St he could have really made that difficult on Mark Dy saled that game away but in this game you have to give Jamie

Corab full credit he’s making some nice come arounds that one to the top of the four foot is in a good spot so now they realize that Kevin’s going to have to manufacture some tremendous shots to try and score a couple of points so that’s why just peel it off and make Kevin

Generate that offense now you really do have to be careful you have to keep that concentration through the whole game you know you can see the momentum change sometime we saw it last night in the Sher mad Stephanie l where really Stephanie the first half of the game really uh

Controlled the whole game but Sher didn’t let that that get her down they they hung in and hung in and eventually the momentum changed and and some great shot making and turned it around and a big win by Sher mad so it’s uh you have to be careful and when you miss little

Opportunities uh you know to to close things off what do they say when you got them down you got to kick them mhm step on their Dr well sh M made more run backs than I think she’s probably had to make in a long time she made them all she had a great

Performance think the young team from saskat kind of controlled the game early but yeah good point switched Around Carter roft is the co co-owner of a very West hot shot it’s a delivery Serv as Majestic rental Line’s real good right back here we’re all there we’re not okay mine’s real good you take it yeah I got it trying to get rocks in the Rings get them

Buried H roll on the top one that’s what I’m saying H roll on that try and run that red back onto the yellow normal or peel normal waight whatever you like I like to keep shoot around you want PE W Mark attending Memorial University Right well there was a little uh frustration to start with but Rock didn’t line up very well that was coming hard and out I didn’t for guu two rocks now are in a great position to be able to double off what oh if I don’t put it

Right there he’s going to make a double can’t a dou what are you saying what’s that mean put it right here you only it’ll bury in here like I’d love to come into here like that’s got to be the best shot if we can get it right to

Here right now he’s got nothing up front it’s it’s only where we at here it’s only your first shot though pretty early go here it’s got to be back here though Rock in the Rings bu that’s all here’s no good yeah but this is no good because

Of this have easy dou if it doesn’t it’s got to be here even with this yeah at this stage of the game there’s not a lot of discussion because you have to take a few risks they need some rocks in play now one way or the

Other you have to get a cover the red st’s top four are overlapped and they protecting that yellow stone behind it the other option is to go around the red stone that you treat as a corner guard in this stage must be very deep come on hard

Line hard line real come on come on looking real good okay you that’s good shot shot do Dy we got to be are we fourth I think we’re four yeah you are just went a little too far that you like that yeah I think so see that you’re moving

Around just I six in too far make it Mark going to freeze to the back r or they could just uh move the two red ones in front around get different angles on those it’s important this one is in front of the other one heavy n just set up shot if nothing [Applause]

Else all there all there finish thought that would go a little more now weight was absolutely perfect it just didn’t make that final little uh move that uh Russ thought it would still a pretty good shot be tough to get more than one if you do this yeah Kevin is concerned

About playing these Comm rounds because you’re just building it into the button area roll rather than trying to set up and maybe even still trying to bring that yellow at the back of into scoring [Applause] position you put it anywhere in here unless you go right on it I hit that on the

Nose well no I was just thinking making this double and sit right here go in here if you want that’s not bad might be the smartest play at least give us our best chance of two they talked about this right on the nose isn’t bad either hitting this one here

Hitting that on the nose coming across there three rocks to two they can make they can definitely make the double on these two what do you think of that sit right there can of you like the other thing they talked about is coming down sitting

Here I don’t mind this at all make this double okay let’s play that double that’s even better nice shot [Applause] Don guard it good what does he do goofy here he ham this maybe something goofy uh yes we’re l two you got here Mark can he can you hit

This really thin and get this to come straight back he should come back here I think yeah you could probably do that you could no get the top one as well I don’t know that just leaves him the freeze I like a guard it’s just

Where do we put it yeah which one do you want to guard though like if if you make a mistake you want you want to be this side or this side yeah it’s not bad he could take that one in he’s probably going to leave us an in

Off and any kind of hit he’s losing this one you can move it an inch or two also I don’t like doing that you don’t want to bump set up pretty good now for this to just fly out so I like here three yeah perfect what turn do you

Want yeah I play the in you know I’m throwing the all in too it comes top 12 is not going to kill us either right here the three I don’t mind the int he lik the in turn play the in yeah I’d like to are we trying to split Center split Center Kevin looking to try and get some stones in position and he’s done it so far he’s got two in there but Brad feels if he guards the situation Kevin doesn’t have anything now remember the last time Brad tried to guard he was a little deep three just three got to

Cur a little line three Line’s good bending it’s over bending just three W it’s over bending not quite three it’s over bending mine’s Good yeah it’s not quite to the hack not quite to the hack it’s got to be tough on uh Kevin Martin he he’s losing here I know he’s got to concentrate on his game but right next door halfway he knows that Jeff stouton is in control of a game with h mark

Daisy well that game could have almost been over as I mentioned uh if Jeff had got the guard on the last hand it was Mark was really in trouble but a nice save by Nova Scotia skip no it’s still a game they love to save that shooter for

Sure it’s not Kevin’s day so far get all he can see all he is struggling with the throws but they are difficult shots that he is give him one can he make it though R I don’t know is it there I think so with a lot of weight he

Hits it there he’s still good you mentioned the game the Jeff stouton game and how it affects Kevin Martin as we look at the Ryan Furby game and a chance to make the double for a possible three for the Ryan team out of Colona Jim cter throwing the fourth

Stones you’re right if Kevin Martin should lose and either Pat Ryan or Jeff stouton win their games Kevin Martin will be Eliminated right off [Applause] got a cur mine’s good two over B over B just drop it just drop it we’ll be fine much weight clean clean over and stop that’s clean clean boy that’s one thing a lot of curlers at home don’t really understand about the

Path of the stone because you brush t go a little straighter because it delays the curl they think should be brushed to keep them straighter but it just keeps dragging them along the curling path so they just dropped that one over the hog line and left Kevin the other side in

The draw blocking the bigger shot that he might have had yeah he’s just going to try and tap his yellow in for shot take the single that’s all he’s got I wait clean final good yep around 14 hard line guys right Ro Bartlet not enough one

Two one for sure anyway think I think it’s only one isn’t it one for sure and they’re going have a that’s close you’re right very close you’re close Victor it’s just over curled Don wal has a look Don waluk wants to uh bring the stick out and have a measure that’s a

Huge two points boy wow oh you think it’s two I if it turns out I think it is but it’s really a huge Point even if it isn’t the second one Vic said so I’ll mark two in my book here yeah you’re scoring at home mark two

Down I think it’s red right but it’s red but yeah Don even Don now said he thinks it is but let’s put a stick to it too much on the line here and again we EXP that Kevin Martin comes in at three losses if he drops to four win by either

Stouton or Pat Ryan who are at two losses eliminates him it’s the same over on shidi where Glenn Howard comes in with four losses I’ve never done this before we Glenn at 4 has to stay there and then needs people to come back that’s quite funny yeah Brad’s

Uh as the third the third watches the measurement and points at the red stone so that is two for the guu team out of St John’s slipping away Kevin Martin Emma McKenzie just 14 months the uh daughter of Kevin and Lynette McKenzie Kevin plays for Pat Riot cheering for the greenstones it would

Seem Right all right next time use the new JBC aario no tapes or discs it’s the world’s first hard drive camcorder now through Sunday at peoples we’re having an extraordinary storewide save the tax sale now through Sunday save the tax on our great selection of jewelry from rings and bracelets to earrings and

Pendants save the tax now through Sunday only at peoples the diamond store my grandson said it would be easy to play poker online he was right now I can beat him and his college buddies every Thursday night learn to play poker with thousands of other players right now at you can check your email you can have fun playing poker at party poker party poker the world’s largest poker school it’s fun and real easy Scot towels is changing his name to sponge towels be That Spong towels that’s a good idea Scott towels is changing its name to sponge towels now with powerful little sponge Pockets Strauss herb company because there are options at True Value we encourage kids to throw rocks at houses and we even like to give them a little help we’re proud to be the official hard A supplier to curling’s season of Champions just like we’re proud of our Master Mechanic tools all hand tools

Have a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and material Master Mechanic your purchase of a lifetime True Value around the corner from your House Let it hey I’ll be right there you’ll shine with the only phone with iTunes only at Rogers the weather has really been terrific it’s turned colder certainly from when we arrived last week but still no snow Jeff stouton hard to believe this I we’ve got two draws left he comes in at

5- two and he’s playing Mark Daisy now chance is Jeff stouton could be out of this as he goes into the ninth drop but he’s playing very well here in this game the eighth round of play and he has a hit for two here against Mark Daisy the former Canadian

Champion it’s a stout team from all reports that came in playing inconsistently on the curling tour and that’s the pair and so they now lead at 84 over Daisy well the thing about this team though Vic is that they’re they’re sneaky they hang in there that’s their

Reputation and on the tour and they just uh slowly get better and better and better and you can bet they’ll be contenders if they if they can hang in and qualify pretty good bradu and his team out of St John’s Newland and Labrador Ste of one in five stole two

More in six they lead seven2 over Kevin Martin y y we’re there sit good shot boy guys it really uh often looks like it’s the last thrower that wins games but I point out again Jamie cor great two shots to start this end for the gushu team looking live at the house John

Morris Glen Howard Howard again in that position you see the four losses has to win his game must win his game but he also knows that a win by either stouton or Pat Ryan will elim him John Morris with his final Stone Kathy well this has been an amazing game it’s the

One that I’m the most focused on Glenn Howard has thrown a lot at John Morris today but last stand that was a blank John Morris made a great triple followed by a double by Glenn Howard to blank you’ll see here that John’s forced to

Take one that he will do but I for one moosey I’m looking forward to a big Showdown tonight yeah and that Showdown tonight of of course in the final draw will be Brad against John mois that’s the final round robin draw for them and if they

Both get there with one loss then it would be the winner who gets first place again only three teams making the uh playoffs in these trials C yep yep if we were tied mine’s real good shot hey if we’re tied I like getting rid of the Guard this way yeah a

Off off off right off W make sure Mark out keep going nice peel by Russ Howard keeps it clean out in front and that’s where it can be very dangerous to leave those front Stones they know the Yellowstone in the house can score but a guard out in front can mean multiple points for Kevin

Martin and with the scoreboard the way it is you just don’t take any chances on those guards Russ uses that baby peel weight T the job as long as you get them out that’s right you can right there y well up well clean yep yep yep

Sorry you want to carve the top the yellowing deeper back here tap the yellow back onto the face of the two red stones moving them back slightly trying to get a little bit of a wall back there Linda maybe a jam pick up a deuce it’s really desperation time

They’re way down this is a must win so frustrating they’ve made some fairly big mistakes had to try some big shots so you’re looking to manuf some points right now Sh yeah you sense the air has been taken out a little bit don’t you London out of this Martin team we’ve talked about the fact that they’ve been a little frustrated but this morning in particular things have kned G on their way have tried some big shots that just didn’t work

Shot Pat Ryan Randy Furby and Ryan is lying one covered back eight not a not the best of weeks for Randy Furby and the team just weren’t able to string anything together David trying to come around and just tap the rock back to maybe score two this is his last Rock

He’s had one of those kind of weeks where especially got off to a bad start And it actually looks like he’s making virtually everything today Jim cter had a little mistake on a front Rock very nice to get the deuce [Applause] that it’s pretty safe isn’t it as long as I throw it hard enough throw it hard enough like and if

We ever feather it we should get rid of should get rid of it eh all right let’s do it picky clean is great if not no biggy pick it out kill the middle one yeah pick a clean this the time when you know your position you know that

You’re that you’re up you got complete control but you just have to force yourself to not relax in any fashion the disappointment is written all over the face of uh Kevin Martin wanted to get back so desperately F winning the silver medal Sal l i play tight I didn’t want

To feed back oh no that’s the way to do it absolutely yeah oh yeah Martin and his first he has the hammer in this seventh down by five 72 Brad gusher roll it and that’s a difficulty when there’s no guard Kevin trying to get the score by leaving rocks in the house and

Playing freezes but at some point you have to make a play on their Stone and it’s not easy but there is a chance to get rid of them God wants the thin double no play the out same we just played yeah little more little more make it don’t be afraid that’s good

He is pretty Fearless this young man he sizes up the shots sees them in his mind and is so clear as to where he wants to hit the stone maybe just a bit too much ice as it turns out and so Martin will get his chance

For two but what Russ is talking about there is he wanted to play the double the other way you’re going to lose the shooter he wanted to play the top one and hit half the Rock and get them both but uh you heard Brad say don’t be

Afraid I want to play the thin double and uh it just didn’t work maybe a little too much ice as you mentioned Linda and now a hit for two for Kevin Martin and a little bit of life it’s only the seven then anybody that plays this game knows what can happen sometimes

Good hit for two so it’s a 74 game and gushu will have the hammer back when we come back to the Metro Center in Halifax on TSM ym uh a a cooworker recommended it all right people we have a problem it’s 4:00 and I still have no idea what

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Now I give her an Old Navy puet jacket and I get an award jacket soap jacket the gifting is featuring Old Navy outerwear starting at 3950 how was it to work with a winner for best gift from a dad it was amazing we got these great Old Navy sweaters to have a dad

Like this give gifts like these it’s a miracle it’s the gifty featuring Old Navy sweaters starting at 1950 now through Sunday at peoples we’re having an extraordinary storewide save the tax sale now through Sunday save the tax on our great selection of jewelry from rings and bracelets to earrings and

Pendants save the tax now through Sunday only at peoples the diamond Store robot It Doesn’t Rob to help stop a bad cough respond with the strength of robotussin that bless you for coughs and try new robotussin cough gels for Relief on the Go well TSN will have all four rounds of the Target World Champ Cheng from Thousand Oaks California first round coverage begins today at 300 p.m. Eastern that’s noon Pacific the PGA Tour on TSA y yeah just right right on center line they were still playing uh some

Golf earlier this week while when the temperature was above freezing some of the volunteers were telling me some of the courses were still open down the greater Halifax Dartmouth area a little chilly I would think I would think this one dug last time still playing Florida real hard good well Line’s good

Dug in here last time yeah make sure we’re close to top four can’t hurt it can’t hurt it yep has had a tremendous game another one top four all right well let’s take a look at these uh player comparisons they’re brought to you by Alexander keiths those who like it like

It a lot I guess when they say tremendous you just can’t get better than 100% for Jamie corab what a game and that has made a huge difference in the game Don Barty not a bad game at 89% but we as I said earlier look at the

Four stone and look at those impressive shots it all starts with the lead doesn’t it Ray always has but it is so much more important now before the rule change just as you say he’s got round everything and he’s got everything in that top eight foot or middle eight foot

Or top four foot we saw a couple situations in games this week where the cover arounds came to the button for example and it’s too deep and then your opposition gets a chance to sit on top of it [Applause] try play we have our first final Sean

Adams is a winner over J pachy so Adams will go to three and five and the Golden Ears in Maple Ridge 83 the final score pachy still looking for his first win and has one draw to get [Applause] it wow wow 11 close they’re going to try the

Tick we say we haven’t seen a lot of these but with the score the way it is there’s not a lot of risk to give it a try roll Brad roll Brad hard Brad BR Brad hard hard down perfect that’s a beautiful shot don’t bite there’s your tick Victor is it in or

Out you the man baby you the man great shot Russ Howard showing that he’s likeing making the second Stone position 89% perfect on his draws which has always been a very strong part of his game Carter a little low based on his hits which is unusual to

See think we got to go this [Applause] way I’m getting cocky now all these peels at the second position he missed one earlier but he’s been pretty good this week with that shot like more tired the the better hey don’t think I’ve asked you this week Linda is it a different shot head space for him throwing that

Second Stone I mean he’s still skipping and but the preparation the thought process you definitely Vic not just the shot tip because we say at this point in the game with being a fairly big lead he is playing a lot of those fields but it’s just you’re right getting into the hack

And actually we talked about it going down the ice he watches the first lead ston then he goes down the ice there’s a lot of different things that he has to prepare himself for here don’t want to jump it in off that other Stone it’s touching so it’s going to

A job well done by Russ Howard and the thirds are pretty even although there’s been a couple of key misses by both Don walchuk with pretty good numbers at this point hey big guy they been trying game tough shots too on the uh Martin team you’re not enjoying the game

Look at them look at look at them oh yeah way over trust me big need to the center line though okay good player look at him player I got shooter what I think you have to remember also with the russ uh skipping the game Brad is brushing and he’s a very very good

Brusher yeah we did talk about the fact that with the exchange Russ Howard and Brad guu Russ having to go up and down the ice being second Stone and skip it did cost them a little bit of time this type of game with the early lead means that

That will not be a factor and they seem to be on cruise control now shot how about the back one Brad how about the back one I don’t mind it pill top I think which one top okay make it just through it one thing we’ve seen a few times is

They don’t want Brad sweeping hard so on the fast Peels and occasionally on even some of the draws they get him to back off and just Jamie brushes Mark Nicholls shots and that’s what happened right there don’t want their last thrower to have any problems any injuries from brushing so

They save him on a few of those shots now they elected to go after the top one and you heard Brad say uh I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have mind going after the the the one closer to the to the Rings why not right well the the tight one the tight

One if you get if you can get around it of course uh you know you can it’s makes it more difficult for the uh opposition to get you to get to the face of your L Line’s good Line’s a bit tight Line’s good with all the movement the longer

The long guard is you can get by it get right to the nose and back for remove them as we look live the house between Ryan and Furby in a 55 tie it appears that the Yellow Stone thrown there by David newin is the shot Stone that’s the

Top of the four and so the final Stone of the end on its W by Jim cter who throws the fourth stone for Pat Ryan and the team from Colona not bad even if Miss we got we’re probably going to have a double for one

Or a hit and roll I don’t mind it Russ I don’t mind picking it but then he buries it on the butt he’s going to go too far so it’s a steel of one forby and remember the scenario here Ryan if he should lose this and stouton goes on to win here in

This eighth draw it would mean Ryan must win tonight to keep his Chanel alive and we have a a final and the hand shakes and stouton has won his game so Jeff stouton will improve his record to six and Two and so Kevin Martin Glenn Howard I fine Glenn Howard right now knows he is done at four losses Kevin Martin knows that he must win if he loses he is also out of playoff contention so Jeff St we’re going going for lunch but I’ll uh I will come back for 85 the

Final a little mistake by Brad leaving the Yellowstone in play Kevin will try and hit this and maybe get a little roll and then see how Brad could get in there for the single point no good good he’d be playing the double here one going to have to jump it

And that’s being a problem and the hits normally Kevin strength at 56% now granted he’s tried a lot of very difficult shots partly because of the way he skips partly because of the great execution of the guu team is that enough there for interestingly enough if Martin should not be able to

Come back and is eliminated he’ll wind up tonight against Jeff St in the final round robin c a hair [Applause] hair Brad wanted to take that point they hadn’t talked about it obviously that’s why I was trying to get him to stop I knew he wasn’t going to out so I didn’t say nothing okay I want to get one there you did okay

Yeah so it’s 84 there and now we go to the game between Morris and Howard the win by stouton has eliminated Glenn Howard coming in at four losses the hit and the roll will it sit for two it’ll spin a little too far so it’s one for Glenn Howard but he knows he

Will not be in the playoffs at the trials you and me are back I’m going to help you take over this town I love you Tony C I’m getting paranoid Tony just because I think everyone hates me doesn’t mean they don’t you know what I mean Grand Theft Auto Liberty City

Stories rated M for Mature Thunder 120 DB highway traffic 70 DB highway traffic inside a luxury sedan 64 DB inside the Ford F-150 63 we keep thinking about tough because we want you to drive a Ford this is the famous Budweiser beer we know of no brand produced by any

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Randy Furby it’s not because heart drops taste great take the taste test yourself Strauss hard drops available at your local Health Food retailer once a season and only once a season Moors has a sale right now over half our suits and sport coats are on sale at Great low prices you’ll find a

Huge selection of dress shirts and hundreds of casual and dress pants plus big savings on sportsare outer wear and shoes which means the only way to beat a Mo’s price is at the Mo’s year end clearance sale Moors wellmade well priced well dressed now through Sunday at peoples we’re having an extraordinary storewide

Save the tax sale now through Sunday save the tax on our great selection of jewelry from rings and bracelets to earrings and pendants save the tax now through Sunday only at peoples the diamond Store well Jeff stouton takes a big step towards making the uh playoffs with the win over Mark Daisy but still I mean the combinations are there the right combination is there that he could be out because you’d end up being in a tie breaker and if you’re eliminated in the tiebreaker you don’t

Make it to the final three but it’s a big step for Jeff who’s with Kathy Jeff at this point in the week how hard is it to focus on your own sheet thank you very much instead of everybody else’s um it’s tough when you get a bit

Of a lead as well so we were sort of peeking over looking at every sheet that’s going on so uh it’s going to be an exciting finish and uh we’ll probably stick it out here and watch the last end tell us about the feeling of your play

And your teams this week uh it’s going along pretty good uh couple hiccups here and there but not too bad today we came out pretty strong everyone’s got their draw weight so things are looking good good luck tonight thank you yeah and in tonight’s final draw Jeff stouton will play Kevin Martin no

No no no bump theirs against the boards wow you got a long way to roll a throw board all right just SLI so as we play here in the ninth did I just Threw it is Brad gushu wow leading by four up 84 so it’s pretty desperate for Kevin Martin must win stop Kevin to give himself any kind of a chance stops in the ey stop all right the bottom line is most important must win and that is a very tall order at the moment

Now you showed uh Kevin’s numbers Linda but as Ry you pointed out yep that this is uh this doesn’t his numbers look bad but this has been a team that hasn’t really set up anything for him today has it no he he’s had to make a lot of very

Difficult shots and they just you know they just uh didn’t come out real sharp and missed some shots that they would normally make things that you don’t see them do very often and with a little jump uh you know the nice two points that gushu made got

In the first hand when he made the nice double and set that up Linda you get off to a jump then the steel of one uh you’re up three nothing and uh only does that relax you a little bit when you have such uh great a great

Hitting team in front of you which they do have even though Russ is at second no they Kevin Kevin had a couple chances Martin had Kevin Martin had a couple chances he just didn’t take advantage of and we have talked about the last couple of

Days Kevin has seemed to make it maybe a little more complicated and really rely on the huge shot by him wallchuck to set it up and then Kevin to finish it off and if you’re even a little bit off that day as far as execution goes you are

Going to get hurt by that kind of game plan really hard he’s going to leave it there perfect time to second last the two mistakes on PE have come in that same spot twice one over curled and one did well they both over curled one

Was trying to come the inside and one to the outside and they did not work for Russ this is how you can get a three Ender you got the two guards out there now we’re deep deep the through that’s good no it’s not through

Not all the way back all the way all the way all the way all the way shot shot mind trying it like that Mark yeah angle it back we’re going to try and angle it back onto the stone in the 12 foot kill it who whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa Mark

Nicholls got to be kidding me unreal try they did what they wanted to do Unfortunately they just stuck it yeah how many times are you going to do that in 10 tries so close to being perfect call now a chance to get a second one behind that single Corner

Guard now you’re going to need a run back so you score three I’ll always remember that uh Brier rard against John Morris Morris scenario similar to this wasn’t it last missing the they kept missing the peel and he kept just sticking them behind it was a 10th and two and they needed

Points to win go hard go hard go hard go hard wow never were thrw an anchor ear that was in the trials wasn’t it it was good job last time like the hit and roll or the run back double one or the other the problem

With playing the run back is if you just offet it there’s a chance you leave a guard out in front like whatever you want to throw you’re making it all day Mark you play the hit and roll over run back yeah all right see you there’s the decision they let Mark

Make the decision you play the hit and roll over or you play the uh run back and yep Y come on get nice shot that’s a great shot he almost got them both but he got that rock out into the open Linda so that’ll keep can hold it to

Two there are two rocks out in front now though now they can still get in behind but you needed to get one gone and bounce the other to at least limit this end could have St it in behind he’s been a terrific story in fact this whole Brad guu team has at

These trials in Halifax couple of wonderful shots against Jeff St c not much weight Kevin oh not bad got no line no line leave it high to have that line was good line would have been good no wait no wait the game story is brought to you by

Strauss herb company trust the tradition we’re at that part of round robin play where we’re looking at matchups who’s beating who while Jeff stouton an impressive performance to go to six and two Pat Ryan still on the ice trailing Andy Furby needs to win to stay up with

Ston and Kevin Martin will be eliminated unless he wins this game against gu well that wasn’t that a far part though rid even get cute make the double if you want y I wouldn’t get too cute here I’d be eliminating rocks peeled out I’m sure you get it they talked about

Maybe hitting even hitting the back one the wide open one what did yours run like down here Mark make sure we clean this real good there’s I seen it you threw an intern down here a couple ends ago no you threw a peel down here oh yeah okay so that’s good

Yeah Brad gushu and his first as we play the skip stones in the nine never mind never mind boy [Applause] Mark well the run back by uh by Mark really was a big big shot n’s on the Rock especially bouncing the one into the open although it didn’t get rid of

Both that means that Brad has that open hit just back four back Kevin Martin in his first must win Line’s real good Line’s good sweep for the te go go t line go t line we’re back four back then whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa shot see a little more I was

Hoping he is pretty confident we also want to keep our eye on the game between Pat Ryan and Randy Furby it Pat Ryan and his team out of Colona comes in with the two losses now right beside them they’ve already seen Jeff stouton win so stouton stays at two

Losses Ryan wants to keep pace and we’re down to the final two stones David NN wants to talk a little bit more now with Kirby before he throws his Last oh that was the danger of trying that thin double you could play the back when you hold the end to two and now it’s a one-point game I’m amazed they even TR I I was surprised and I just I didn’t have a chance to say anything

But I mean hindsight’s a great thing but I mean you play the wide open when the best he can get us two and we were talking about it the fact that Mark Nichols bounced the yellow onto the back Center Line area left you that easy shot that’s

It that is a little bit of life for Kevin Martin is it ever two down coming home light go now it’s only one you give up a dou you’re you’re two up with the hammer pull a string on this come on you got to drag it you got the [Applause] chance for the

Three and a little bit of [Applause] Life so decision made and David nedan getting ready for his Last and Pat Ryan has not had anything set up this end there was the long guard up for a long time and Randy Furby got some rocks in behind it Ryan’s team crashed on a guard early and have been really chasing these yellow Stones the rest of the end

I’m a little surprised that Russ didn’t tell didn’t talk him into playing the wide open one I know that the you know you’re you’re on a roll and you’re and you’re making everything but you know I mean he could have just as easily I guess made the

Double peeled it out but you could only see I can her there curl just a little hey so patat Ryan talking to Jim cter about his final Stone double for the uh the win yeah be an easy shot for the tie but they’re going for the double they’ve seen Stout and win they

Want to keep pace that’s brushing sound is is Pat Ryan just getting the path clean where he expects that yellow stone at the top of the button to go double for the win to stay at two losses Jim cter Kevin McKenzie on the left Rick sawatsky on the right they haven’t put a

Brush to it and he’ll sail it through and so it means that Pat Ryan and the team from Colona will slip to three [Applause] losses and it means must win tonight meanwhile this is is Morris and Howard and Howard will steal one in 10 Howard’s eliminated can play spoiler

Morris will have the hammer in the extra they’re here let’s give Tyler’s mom a gift I can do it come on buddy let’s Go my mom says I say thanks for those who are always there for you why not give it Tim warden’s canister including five packets of their favorite coffee for only 1049 plus tax or the mug only 6.95 plus tax with one packet wow your first gifty nomination

Excited excited for what last year she got soap now I give her an Old Navy puppet jacket and I get an award jacket soap jacket the gifting is featuring Old Navy outerwear starting at9 950 how was it to work with a winner for best gift

From a dad it was amazing we got these great Old Navy sweaters to have a dad like this give gifts like these it’s a miracle it’s the gifty featuring Old Navy sweaters starting at 1950 I didn’t learn by reading books or anything like that I learned by playing when you get online there’s no embarrassment factor I mean if you make a bad play no one’s there to laugh at you you’re in the comfort of your own home you can make mistakes poker players

Have very good memories when when you log on to you have virtually unlimited note taking ability you’re trying to remember are they aggressive do they Bluff a lot you they call off Bluffs things like that you make mistakes you learn from your mistakes and the next time you play

You’re that much better I’m money 800 come play with me on poker it’s been an interesting eighth draw of men’s play here at the Canadian curling trials must have the technology you think you’re right I could see the hog well the interesting part of that last

End is you get sort of caught up in just shot by shot play and Brad guu tried the big shot but if you took a step back and said if I hit the open one and I’m two points ahead with last Rock playing the

10th end am I ever going to lose and you would I’m sure say no I I look at it this way you and I and I talk about this a lot with teams that I work with and and and uh you and I talk about it percentages in most cases

You should be trying to play the percentages the odd time yes you do you go with gut feelings and things like that but that was a a kind of a percentage play hit the wide open one hit and stick he has to hit and stick uh

You know for for the two points the worst you can be is two up coming home with the hammer so no you can hit I mean once again it’s easy to sit up here and make those decisions Brad’s made everything all week and he he saw the double in his eye

But it’s a play against a percentage little yep Jamie cor close cross the face and tick very nice push it back that’s well done so for the moment gushu at one loss and leading with the hammer Morris one loss going to an extra with Glenn Howard and

Has the hammer stouton has won he’s at six and two Pat Ryan has lost and that’s where you can see how important this is to Kevin Martin he must win this game to stay alive and it’s looking a lot better for him now than it was an end to go having

Scored that three he’s still at uh disadvantage doesn’t have last Rock and he’s one down but Kathy well you heard when I talked to Jeff him mentioning that you know it’s hard not to peek and look at the other sheets and John Morris was making

His way down to make his last shot when Kevin Martin was throwing his third and final point on the board and was more focused on sheet a than sheet e he had a wide open hit and just under thre it and you have to wonder Lou if it’s about the

Power of concentration slipping a little bit it is that kind of day where focus is all important and if you peek around you get into the hack and you don’t feel as prepared any wait this one’s heavy no it’s okay let it go the quick stuff let it go clean

It make sure it’s on center line hold on we’re there we’re there we’re there yeah we’re in is it short we’re short yeah we’re short come on we’re short who whoa come on okay okay perfect trying to line the guards up so the double peel isn’t there all right

Right through the break slid tight on you yeah you wonder if this in fact might just rattle someone of Brad gui’s Rel of uh inexperience I guess his age and if and if the Howard experience will play a factor hereas I could Vic one of the things you

Have to learn pretty young is how to let go of a mistake but at this level in this competition with the big prize at stake remember this is to go to the Olympics there is no runner up you’re not here just to get some experience

Even if you’re a young you want to go and it’s not so easy to just let go of something as big as that mistake sh probably make the double there mark try it try it yeah just make sure the one anyway Mark you know the one funny thing about

It sometimes when you’re calling the game Vic and you’re standing at the end it’s hard to get rid of that negative energy now he’s not brushing this one but the fact that Brad gets a chance to go down and maybe move up and down the ice a little bit that is one way

Physically you can get rid of some of that negative energy that built up by a mistake as you’re Absol as opposed to just standing and thinking little less I I agree good comment you’re pretty alert this morning yourself easy easy easy same way maybe a little more PL weight plenty weit

Lots of weight here no no we’re heavy heavy we’re heavy yeah better you don’t hear many words from Carter let’s go now let’s go now no spoke up that time we’re not heavy that doesn’t look heavy to me they do want as much separation as possible and

That’s what Dawn is working for but good shot one of those real nice young guys doesn’t say very much just does his job to go on give me the go go go and roll the shooter as over as far as possible and another of play make

That yeah I know that was a little different line and they almost made the double they weren’t trying it at all they were trying to roll the shooter away but it was pretty close Kevin with a chance now to get the the top of the button and we know how

The ice comes across how it breaks so you can certainly get it fully covered that guard was longer out even if you got it to the top of the button you could get around to the face of it with the you know back light hack weight

And remove it that’s the beauty of this ice so that the guard being tighter of course you you can still get it covered back four back eight they can’t move it but they can run it back remember there was a two point difference you could be running that start off and having

Something the last one that wasn’t quite so tough clean it right on the button said now off now right on the on it and look at how that snapped you’re right and it is on the pin wow you just see Brad guci go for a little walk little

Pace yeah he’s just going to gather himself here’s try to run it I think ever stick stick I like peel well this is a decision you have to make you can try the double but Russ and Brad chatted for a moment and they’re going to peel you know Kevin can replace it

They’re banking on the fact that Kevin might not make the guard perfect he trying to run back and have him a little opening to get at that rock on the button you don’t think he’s playing the run back here Lind he said straight peel okay you’re right

Well my point being if this was a two-point difference if Brad had just hit the open one and nine no matter what Kevin did he would just be having to remove something to win the game got a hit right in front of it or oh doesn’t really matter

If M well be here is supposed to here yeah hey yeah Martin’s called a timeout I think you want to be in y I think so if you bring it in you’re leaving him a double and you’re hoping he miss H Line’s a big thing you show them even here biting is

Not the worst Line’s a big thing some water okay it sure has picked them up Martin and walchuck hasn’t I mean there well two ends ago you never thought you’d be in this situation Kevin was four down going into the ninth end talked about the big three points and the decision

But huge game for Kevin Martin obviously we talked about that in detail as well if he loses he’s out MH so this is a breath he’s [Applause] got just deciding if we should show him solid half here we go trying to get right to be over I’m just thinking if you can

Make a guy throw a little less weight maybe tap it or something rather than oh he’d be running he’d be running G no matter where we throw it I think if you put it in he’s going to be trying the double if you left it short more and of

Course he would have to try the draw a tap you’re not going to fool him by if it’s in the Rings at all and they’re lying too he’s going to be trying to double should be there go just short right now go ahead H it good Line’s good okay Line’s good

Line’s good over Cur of anything yep come on C got to get it here come on it’s got to be in the ring come on trying to drag it as far as they can oh that was supposed to be in and it’s over curled a throw

He can see half of it take a look at the center line and something there’s a good look at it just needs to pick it out make it go away for the win I think something must have happened to Kevin Stone because it almost looked like it lost it little more

Ice keep an eye on Mark Nicholls and Jamie Corb needs to pick it they haven’t laid a brush to it needs to pick it grab a bit of it get some of it for the win Brad guu out of the St John’s Curling Club got a big scare from Kevin Martin

With three in the nth but he’ll win it to go to seven and one hi everybody back home and Kevin Martin hey thanks a lot has been eliminated from the playoffs here at these curling trials and now we go to the other side of the Metro Center and John

Morris you had to look over and see the shot I think so yeah now in a 66 tie playing the extra with Glen Howard he has the hammer this will be his first looking for the win to keep himself tied and then they’ll play for the first place

Tonight never never never they decided to draw there is one of their stones out in front they could have tried to run back but if they happen to miss it Howard could guard he’s got great line is going to curl enough or is he just going to tick

It on the Corner rolls away and he’ll sit for shot I like hack just hack tap it through it bounced off the lind he wanted to sit right on it what of a just just back ring Maybe you probably want to play this as quietly as you can see Reon I roll at

All it’s a gimme that’s right you don’t want to roll makes the I just really got a bump them the spot so much easier to get to yeah okay so just okay just hack just hack just hack weight touch it back kind of sit over on top of your own roll over

Take the right over on the Tim Hort just H that’s an interesting comment from Richard because there is a Yellowstone on the edge of the 12 and if a big run back was made on the two and the 4 foot for example if John Morris decided that

Was the best way out of the situation if he didn’t stick it it would be that little yellow stone on the side that counts so that’s why rather than playing a draw they’re going to try and move the Redstone completely out and sit three back weit

Hey Craig savle Brent Lang the front end of this team from the cold waterer and District Curling Club to sit three and now you can’t be it you can’t hit it on the nose you can’t be you wouldn’t be shot would you if you just hit it a little on the outside you’ll

Tick the back one and maybe move both those two yellow if your shooter doesn’t roll too far too late yeah CL knows it too late okay he like Kevin Marton four losses okay too many yeah just Ha well they’ve talked a lot about the uh a new found calmness and new found composure of John Morris here he’s not uh full of fire as he was a few years ago such as those trials when it all fell apart in that game against Russ

Howard we’ll see if he can find some of that calmness here trying to keep Pace just have Brad gushu has who has gone to seven and one the weight’s perfect he has to touch both of those yellow rocks for this to work he just needs some movement it’s not going to

Come enough move it across the face will not and Glenn Howard will steal the win and hand John Morris a second loss play Brad guu thumbs up his team is all alone in first place he’s making headlines here in Halifax he’s cute he’s Charming he’s too in other words my son’s a

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Viewing experience they also produce a crowd when you have amazing picture quality in the size you want Life’s Good close shave that’s irritating better by barbasol close shave barbasol blocks skin irritation lets you go for the comfortable close shave of your life close Who’s Next Love close hate irritation better by barbasa so after eight draws of men’s play four teams remain alive for the three and remember that three playoff

Spots in the these trials tonight Brad gushu John Morris meet in Draw N that will be for first place the other thing to keep in mind Pat Ryan at three losses he must win his last game and then he’ll need some help everyone else those four losses W

You see remember past two trials told you earlier in the week past two trials in fact four losses would be too many Kathy is with Russ Howard and Brad gusher well all week we’ve talked about the Synergy between these two men Russ first of all let’s look at nine what

Happened well I missed a peel the scker stone screwed up to start with but um Brad just uh tried a really tough double it was a tough shot and um we jumped on it early and uh he threw it right through the break he threw it ni so

Clean but he threw it right through the break really basically I uh you know we


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