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Will Jeremie Frompong JOIN Aston Villa in January? The Villa Filler Podcast

Jeremie Frompong is linked with a move to Aston Villa, but will it actually happen?

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Hello and welcome back to the Villa filler podcast I’m here as always with my good friend Dan wisman Dan I don’t even need to ask how you’re doing today because I know transfer room season Villa Phil is cooking man first one of the January window let’s go

I’m so happy mate I’m so happy this is what we do best this is this is this is where we cook uh and I mean it’s a really exciting name we’re definitely not the first to cover it but hopefully you guys will stick with us and listen

To our Insight because Jeremy frong of B lusen has been linked not just with Aston Villa but with a host of Europe’s top clubs and this is a player who we’ve spoken about before on wish lists really mate haven’t we on the podcast and been like wouldn’t it be great this would be

A fantastic Sig in don’t think it’ll ever happen and now we’re in this situation where it doesn’t look like B lusen are going to sell in January but if we can hold out until summer to reinforce on that right hand side of the field where I think you and I both agree

Mate we need reinforcements this is the guy at the top of your wish list isn’t it absolutely mate absolutely it’s interesting that kind of two of the heaviest links so far very early days obviously in transfer wi but two of the biggest links so far have both been

Fullbacks whove SE maros Luna come back to life on the left hand side but JY Fong is a new a really interesting very excited I think was just started there right mate like very very exciting at this point by lusen have kind of become some quasi Beer Club for the for vill

Like Leo Bailey Musa diabi and now Jeremy frang and it’s those last two names that make this particularly interesting because should we sign Jeremy frang he would link up on the same Wing as musabi once again a pairing that was so fruitful for leusen last season however this is not a cheap deal

Mate this is not a cheap deal Not only would he command a huge amount in wages he’s wanted the premier attacking right backs right now in European football by lusen jabbi Alonzo by lusen have taken the Bundesliga by storm this season they’re currently set top in the league

They have no reason whatsoever to sell this player he’s in contracts until 2028 so any deal here if is to be done in January all the Sun is going to take up a very very significant chunk of our budget you’re looking at a club record

Fee no doubt for this player he can play as a right winger in possession he likes to get really really high at the pitch he’s a real a real goal threat he’s kind of the ultimate evolution of the modern day fullback and as say would form a formidable

Partnership with Musa dii but this just feels that when you consider our summer uh sorry our winter spend over the last three seasons 26 mil in 2023 27 mil in 2022 and just 14 million in 2021 this kind of deal would blow those figures out of the water it would make

Wouldn’t it and I think the reports are saying mainly by fa brizio Romano it seems that there is a 440 million euro release Clause but it can only be activated in the summer transfer window rather than in this Winter Market that we’re in right now which I think will I

Don’t know if that’s to sort of encourage clubs to sort of splurge big but like these kind of transfers for whoever you know in World football they don’t really tend to happen unless they’re absolutely necessary unless there is you know such a demand which I believe there is to a certain extent

With frong but I don’t think that we will be biding any higher than you know the sort of rumored release Clause uh in January because why like I don’t I I think he I think he sees out the season with lusen and I think it’s important to

Sort of provide the context of what he’s doing mate because the Bundesliga is probably at its most interesting than it has been for the past decade really right this title race is enthralling shabby Alonzo is working wonders with B lus already Ted naturally to be the next

Real Madrid manager which is you know something I’m sure all Real Madrid fans uh yourself included Dan would welcome because he’s he’s sort of at the Forefront of this next generation of actually truly great players and uh you know sort of becoming truly great managers and you know really Innovative

System where it’s like a 2252 um the buildup plays so interesting you know when you watch lus and you know we talk I think we sort of all roll our eyes a little bit when we talk about inverted fullbacks and uh when you look at Players like what Trent Alexander Arnold

Is is doing and sort of evolving into um but frong really is the sort of epitome of inversion isn’t he mate like he gets high up the up the field he helps create overloads in that Midfield he’s got explosive Pace uh fantastic right foot as well you know he’s constantly getting

Involved in the sort of creation of goals and you know I mean this season already in the bundes leaga load five goals six assists for a fullback it’s like it’s almost unheard of uh his output is scarily high and you know I think at the end of the day the

Like I think tactical flexibility is something that you know comes to mind because as you rightfully said mate he can play almost anywhere down that rightand size and that’s what we sort of want from these players right now umh and do I think he’s that different in

Profile to Matty cash no but is he better than Matty cash undoubtedly undoubtedly mate yeah no I completely agree mate in fact there’s probably only one fullback that has out shun him really in Europe this season and it’s the fullback that plays on the other Wing by Leverkusen in

Alex galdo who’s out but has just been ridiculous um but yeah those two fullbacks are really the access on which this B lusin team has form super excited I’m really excited to see kind of how this develops um as I said you know we also apparently looking back in for

Maros auna on the other side so it’s interesting that we’re kind of still looking to refresh these bring back kind of roles provide some depth provide some options players that can do different things tactically so yeah it’s it’s really really interesting this one mate but um it does feel like a summer deal

You’re absolutely right yeah and I think like the end of the day as well you you have to sort of take a look at it from his perspective as well obviously by by lusen currently sit top of the Bundesliga 42 points B Mich do have a game in hand but obviously they can’t

Catch them if they win you know we’re talking about the difference of of ending the season with the widers medal and potentially not and you know the The Devil’s Advocate says that v r win a title race too and that he could join Aston Villa and end the season with a

Title but I mean it looks I don’t want to say dead sex I don’t wish to curse by lus I wish to continue the fruitful relationship that we seem to have with this club uh and and signing players and and all of that but they look almost nailed on like there’s just something

That isn’t right about Bayern Munich like 100% like this is this is this is the year that that leusin break that bundus leag of Monopoly and I think it’s totally understandable for him to want to wait till the summer not only just to potentially come to ason but to see what

Else is sort of on the card because I think if you look at most of Europe’s top teams I don’t think there’s very like there’s too many teams that would say no to a right back or a right wing back or you know a player of FR pong’s stature certainly you know throwing

Alonzo’s name into the hat with Real Madrid he’s a player who you could certainly see at Real Madrid as well really isn’t he you know I think they sort of that right hand side for Madrid is is starting to get on a little bit now when you look at Cara how is’s

Probably 34 35 um l Vasquez has been filling in there at time to time um Nat Fernandez seems to play everywhere in defense of Real Madrid as well um hasn’t been any links but you know this is the sort of profile of player which you

Would see go to Madrid and just shine so he’s been a one to hold out isn’t he mate yeah for sure and there’s a he’d be well within his rights to say that he’s kind of ticked off the British aisles you know he came through at Man City

Spent nine years in their Youth Academy uh the green and white inclined Villa fans amongst will know that he had a very successful two years at Celtic really impressed there with the young player of the season in 1920 before his mov to Leverkusen in 2021 so yeah you know he be well with

His man say he’d like to cuss his net further a field we are shopping at the true top tier of fullbacks in Europe and so yeah when you’re in the conversation with as you say these top teams mate um Villa really have to kind of throw their

Weight about but we kind of could be helped by Bailey and dii who have kind of both come in thankfully particularly Bailey really started to find his feet recently and so can hopefully speak well for that halfway uh but we shall see absolutely man absolutely and he just

Looks after the ball so well just to briefly reel out some numbers before we move on uh he’s averaging 5.13 Progressive carries per 90 uh 2.31 success successful take on per 90 5.47 touches in the attacking penalty area and and uh he’s receiving 11.09 Progressive passes per 90 all of which

Put him within the top 1% out of fullbacks in the entire world over the last year the guy’s numbers are crazy his output’s crazy really classy operator and this is one to 100% keep your ey for in the summer in the summer but um you mentioned AA I feel like

We’ve we’ve done him to death really and I think the only sort of bit of Insight or you know knowledge or whatever from me is with Luca Dean and Alex Moreno playing as they are this seems like a bit of a weird signing at this point

Like the last time we spoke about it we were obviously looking at it through the lens of Luca Dean had offers from Saudi Arabia he had offers from nce and he was potentially leaving and it’s like well we’re obviously going to need another left back somebody who can provide

Competition but I think it’s fair to say that Dean has actually been our best left back this season so unless one of Dean or Moreno is all of a sudden going to leave in January or the summer to sign a third player who can play in that

Position and listen I know that he can cover the wing I know he can cover left Midfield I know he could even cover Center Midfield in a Midfield 3 if he had to it just doesn’t really seem to add up and the fee is only8 million Euros which has been touted mate but

When you consider age the depth in that position already and all these things I’m struggling to see where the truth lies and sort of these rumors for are interested aunia yeah so he’s 32 h you know we both kind of Omar and his age last year when

He was hey 31 for the mathematicians out there that one was for you um but yeah you’re right so he kind of played as a left midfielder left Winger in the World Cup Argentina successful run all the way to the trophy he was kind used as a bit

Of a utility figure in that run and that is what he’s good at 8 million they say for a player of his age he’s an amazing player one of the Premier left-sided defenders in La Liga but feels a little bit high but I dare say his wages would

Be significantly smaller than luk Dean who’s on apparently around1 120,000 pounds a week he’s one of the top earners at the club we had to really pay him big bucks to ward off other interests when we signed him from Everton so when you look at kind of a K

And maybe look at it in that gaze maybe you know we’re trying to balance the book a little bit ahead of some big summer spending should we achieve our goals and end up in European football don’t know if reach to say it starts to make sense but Dean’s only you

Know he’s 30 himself he’ll turn 31 in the summer so there’s not a huge disparity in age between those two players it’s just interesting because a has not been the type player that we’ve been going for all the leaks you know that we’ve seen seen so far this window

Jeremy frong we’re going to talk about serin in a second Matt O’Reilly at Celtic I saw linked with today all of them are are really exciting young players by and large auna has been the outlier and has been we wanted him desperately in the summer we know that

We wanted him in January last year as well definitely seems to be some truth there you’ve obviously got the whole munchy connections with sevia obviously you and I spent some time there as well that’s how those two really got to know each other so you can see where the

Interest is coming from it’s just in and amongst our other transfer business it kind of looks a little bit offset from the rest yeah it does it does and I think as well like and maybe I’m looking into this too deeply here but you see on Luca Dean story all the

Time how much of a sort of family man he is on the socials he’s always sort of doing stuff with the kids he’s this and that like I don’t see a move to Saudi fitting the lifestyle for the dean family that like they seem to be be pretty settled

Where they’re at so you know obviously it would make sense to be considering moving Luca on at some point but given his fall uh and and given how happy he seems to be in Birmingham uh you know they something just doesn’t necessarily seem right um

But you know as you say it’s a player that M you know it’s a player who has you know has won everything there is to win he’s he’s he’s reached the Pinnacle of football won the World Cup somebody who obviously Emmy both of them would

Know well to a certain degree um so yeah it’s an interesting one mate but um sir and gone this this one almost had sort of looked like it had been and gone um that was a terrible point I’m so sorry that was Dreadful I got a promise I’ll

Never do that again um but the sort of the RAS came up for him the other day and it looked like he was you know potentially uh not interested in the move to Aston Villa and that Fiorentina were after him uh but now tuto mararo are reporting that you know we found an

Agreement with Harris Verona to sign him for 10 million EUR and this is player that I can’t say I’m too clued upon uh is a but you know he’s a forward player um and I think you know there’s been a few comments and I’ve mentioned it a few

Times I want Dom sanki this is the guy who I think as vill need to go and get uh in that position uh up front uh so it’s interesting to see that we’re looking somewhere else and again you know to sort of repeat the point from the frong section earlier sanii will be

A summer signing th sonan is going nowhere in January he is key to everything that Bournemouth do uh especially in terms of you know that they’re looking fairly comfortable now looks like they probably won’t get rated but you know should you sell your Star Striker that is the difference between

Staying up and going down so that’s obviously something that isn’t going to happen now John Duran I think you know this this raises question for John Duran really doesn’t it mate because he has been linked with AC Milan I believe it was and it looks like they have to lose

One non-e registered player in order to sign him due to league rules um but you know due to the uncertainty of that you know maybe maybe looking to sort of bring somebody else in who’s a bit more ready than John Duran is or maybe somebody who is singing from the same Hy

Sheet you know if you to believe the ports with you know about the friction between unai and John Duran uh then you know sort of looking looking at it through that perspective this deal starts to make a little bit more sense doesn’t it mate and obviously MCH isn’t

Going to sanii just because I want him to no he’s this is this is M written all over it this is what he does this is what he does uh we’re going to see a lot more like this there I say fans this is where M earns his name he kind of picks

From from these leagues and in Europe with teams that perhaps were not as familiar with to go and find the bargains this is he’s a a mastermind in the transfer market and so yeah I dare say before his time is out in B6 we’ll see a few more names like this but

There’s no doubt he’s he’s an exciting player um 23 years old uh five goals and two assists from 17 appearances so far in a side that are really really struggling I think that’s important to say those numbers might not blow you away but when you consider their 17th

They’ve won just three games this season and have scored just 15 goals in 18 games you begin to look at his share of those 15 goals and suddenly it all starts to feel a little bit more impressive so there’s no doubt that he’s a talent there you know he’s a product

Of the club buger Academy he’s come through various different clubs to kind of get to this point spent a bit of time in the Netherlands with young PSV with Gran has ended up in Syria and yeah you can kind of feel it that pathway to fantina feels like a really natural step

Up and it’s interesting that should you know if this rumors are true that we are battling fantina to the extent that we are at um it’s it’s also quite interesting that he’s leaving at this point I know they’re in a relegation battle and nobody wants a relegation on

Their CV but he’s not actually been there a full for a full season he joined last January so he’s only played the back half of last season and the first half of this season so he’s yet to complete a full season with helis r um it’s a fair bit of money for him

Obviously it’s more they signning for so they’ll be happy to take a profit the Sor our strugglers accepting that fear as you say about 10 million EUR 8.7 million pounds so it’s no you know this is no Slither that’s still a fair proportion of you know I mentioned that

We spend buying you know by and large about 20 million pounds in the January window this is a fair chunk of that um and so Munch’s reportedly held talks apparently we’re trying to agree on personal terms but there you know you expect that they wouldn’t be a problem

And if it all goes to plan he can play on the wing you can play up front you can play through through the middle he’s quite versatile um and so yeah move to the Premier League would definitely boost his profile but I remain Keen to see it’s interesting that sources in

England don’t seem to have picked up on this you know you right through the athletic who are usually very accurate you know the user faces Greg Evans John Percy all those guys that are usually on the money when it comes to Villa transfers um have been they’re silent on

This it’s it’s sources in Italy that are kind of leading it yeah I think and as you said mate I think we’re going to see more of this really like this isn’t NE I think there clearly are like still people at the club uh like the kind of

People who are sort of feeding information uh where that comes from you know obviously we don’t know because we don’t get that information um but the guys who know generally know you know Percy is always on the like if it’s not from Percy it’s generally not happening

Is it um but it’s interesting because obviously like in terms of scouting and recruitment now like the net cast so much wider than it ever has been before um even the signing of John Durant like came out of nowhere like that that is one that really caught off guard not

Only just in profile but just like the league all that kind of thing so it’s going to be interesting to see how this one develops but like it’s fair to say it’s definely a position that we need to strengthen and it’s you know hopefully whether it’s in January or in

The summer it’s something that’s addressed because again you know like we’re talking about thankfully we don’t have a a European game until March now but should we advance and knock on would everything goes well and we end up in Athens and obviously we’ve got the FA

Cup tie against middle to talk about as well we’re talking about you know this is still the squad depth isn’t where it should be so positions need address it and I it’s good to see see these inks M isn’t it yeah for sure I think one last

Thing just to throw in on this one it’s interesting bur and gor is a player that’s very key to this because not only is he off to afcon in January but the real significance of that is not even that he were a to play for Viller it’s

That his contract is up at the end of the season and so because he’s away with Pina Faso playing in afcom we’re not really able to put him in the shop window as we’d like to try and get him gone if we can get a fee for bur and

Troy kind of in this January window that you kind of Imagine a fully fit fully foreign vers in chori maybe doesn’t command up to 10 million EUR but it’s kind of around that and so when you consider that Wy will be will be with him in January and then you have to

Assume we’re not going to extend B Joo so that he’s going to be off at the end of the season um that that’s the kind of role in the squad that he might fill yeah absolutely absolutely that’s a very good point that I neglected to consider

Uh so that is obviously good to know but as well like we have outgoings um one that is obviously tied directly to this game at the weekend which we will briefly talk about uh in Finn as Middlesboro seemingly uh2 and a half million pounds you would imagine

There’s a sell on fee in there um Michael ker said today that he will be available he’ll be in the squad for the weekend I’ve seen the script already finz 90th minute winner it’s it’s all it’s all there it’s all there um but this is a really interesting you know he

He’s he’s had a really good time at our go over a couple of spells he scored quite a few goals this season as well I think everyone have S his goal recently the weekend I think it was against Blackburn maybe correct me if I’m wrong absolute pature of a goal

And it’s a shame because I think he sort of arrived at the club about three years ago never really got a proper look in but he’s 23 years old and we didn’t pay a fee for him he’s one of those guys who sort of came across was it um with was

It Mark Harrison I can’t remember the guy’s name who sort of came from West Brown to run the academy um sort of brought him over with him as well and it was a weird one because he was eight he was like 19 at the time uh around that sort of age

1920 and he sort of leaves now as a 23 year old having never really sort of had the chance to sort of play for Aston Villa so it’s quite interesting but obviously make two and a half million quid from this for somebody who you know we

Haven’t paid a fee for uh I imagine the wages were tiny anyway and you know maybe arar covered a portion of them while he was on his various Lo there as well um but it’s it’s an interesting one mate because yeah I feel like at the

Time like I feel like this is probably just what we’re going to see from the academy Now isn’t it like yeah we’ve saw a lot of a lot of business being done I guess in the summer with with Aaron and and uh and cam leaving and you know there’s

Talk of Tim potentially leaving maybe on Loan in in this window as well I guess it’s some going to have to get used to it like listen am I upset there were selling fers as absolutely not I think again we’re sort of I I I can only sort

Of express my condolences in a way to these players that are sort of getting eaten up by Villa’s success it’s uh it’s a case of the trajectory we’re on now I think we are sort of outgrowing some of these guys who maybe if we were sort of

Landing in mid table or sort of battling relegation maybe would have got a bit more of a look in at the club earlier on yep yep no you’re absolutely right mate he’s one of those kind of crazy players that is almost he’s almost too old seems crazy

Today doesn’t it at at 23 but players just don’t through at 23 anymore you know you only have to look at the amount of 23 year olds playing under 23 football which but is not a lot it’s all teenagers to show that the player the age the players has come through now is

Just so so young and you kind of look at him at 23 and whil that’s still so young it almost kind of feels that you can’t you’re not gonna it’s not going to happen for him at that stage which is a shame because everywhere he has gone

Every week you see incredible goals he seems to have really mastered the lower leagues you know he’s well League to with chelham whil he was unone there from West Bram he’s League one with Clen arle last season he’s runner up in the AFL trophy League two young player of

The Season he’s you know he’s done it all in the low League scored some fantastic goals is impressed wherever he’s gone I think two and a half million feels like a snip I think he’ll do really well at B definitely feels like a player you could see rocking up a kind

Of lower end Premier League team over the next couple of years he’s a fantastic fantastic player and one that I’ve always been really Keen to try and see a bit of in car blue but it’s never quite happened um and so yeah it’s it’s a shame but crazy to say it’s kind of

Happened a bit too late for him um and yeah it’s a nice kind of Full Circle moment for him being able to play hopefully against the Villa the we hopefully for him that against the Villa this weekend um but he needs a permanent home that’s what I always say with these

Guys you know he’s 23 he’s been at what is it one two three four five different clubs already four loans in that time the only two sides he’s ever been affiliated with on a long-term contracts West Broman Villa he’s never made a competitive appearance for so this guy definitely needs a permanent home

Michael Carrick B feels like a team that are going to be going places over the next few seasons it’s definitely an appealing option obviously he he’s staying in the same league but you know midboro you feel have this is no disrespect to RM Thal have’ done fantastic things recently but obviously

They’ve lost the manager in Schumaker and he kind of feels that that club could be kind of up in the a of the current Seasons whereas B you can definitely see the vision there and so it’s definitely an appealing option I can see why he’d want to make it but um

Yeah it’s kind of I I don’t know I feel kind of weird attachment to fzz I don’t really know why it’s because he’s done such a fantastic job whever is being I thing yeah I I think at the end of the day you want to see guys go out get the

Experience and have a chance right that’s football that’s you know that’s every you know he’s a sort of semi local I don’t know he’s sort of Irish um but it’s you know it’s one of them things like it’s it’s a nice story but no time for sentiment at Aston Villa because

We’re going to win everything and uh unfortunately that is without fit as as um but yeah hope he has uh you know finds his feet at burough um and obviously there’s the connection with Coach danks as well um he obviously know a fair bit about him you would imagine

Um but yeah before and before we sort of briefly touch on midb mate I know we don’t have a lot of time left just want to give a shout out to Tom heon Tom heon oh my God why am I saying Tom he it’s not Tom heon Jed steer Jed Ste I don’t

Know where Tom heon came from I can only apologize Tom well Tom yeah seems like a top bloke sh Tom um but J Ste he’s got a new club mate hasn’t he and I’m really happy for him because it feels like it’s been forever he’s been a free agent um I

Think his still only expired at the summer but yeah he kind of never really got a look in after the sort of survival season where he sort of rotated a little bit with is Nyland um yeah but Jed steer is you know I think like the thing is

Every like every Club has a character like Jed where they’re probably a little bit underappreciated didn’t get to contribute as much as they probably would have liked but you know he will be famous for that promotion season he will be famous for staring down Mason hogate

In the way that he did and coming up clutch in the semi final against West Brown that’s something that we will all take to the Grave with us uh fantastic memories and again you know like for for for Jed it’s kind of different because

He has been he has been a villa for like I think it’s like nearly 15 years which is like grounds for testimonial under normal circumstances um but he just never really played so hopefully he can sort of buy like find a home find his feet at Peter and hopefully that short

Deal gets extended into something longer yeah um it’s it’s interesting because yeah got released by Villa um 2023 so earlier this year he was actually signed as a free agent by myself um Chesterfield did a great job for us in League to on football manager

So shout out to you Jed um not that he knows anything about that but um yeah happen for him man love to see it streets won’t forget Jed still absolutely absolutely but mate we’ve got this game with middlesburg coming up and it’s a bit a bit of an interesting time

For them because they play Chelsea in the League Cup a week after so uh you know speaking I work with the middles bran uh speaking to him he’s not feeling very confident uh naturally he is for the Chelsea game because he would be um but it sounds like their squad is in a

Disarray at the moment you know riddled with injuries they’ve really struggled this season uh dam was the bottom of the championship and you know I think you could probably pin a large portion of that to losing Cameron Archer and Aaron Ramsey uh but as well you know they chba Akon moves to

Ax um the squad has sort of slowly been dismantled and it isn’t what it was isn’t the force of nature that midb were last season so you know all things here as we’ve already said points away a one-nil midb win with a finz goal don’t it

Mate yes mate I remember I remember the defeat last season to stevenage and doing short and the numbers have come back around and I’m looking at them right now and I don’t want to say I don’t want to voice it on the podcast I don’t want to say this St again so

Please the god Villa win this game since beating Wick and wanders in a third round replay Replay in 2016 Aston Villa have lost eight FA Cup third round matches in a row no side in English football ever has lost nine in a row whilst playing in England’s top two division this would be

Literally an alltime low Billa in the FA Cup no top no Top Flight side has ever gone out in consecutive top five seasons at this stage five times in a row since blackp in 1961 and then 1966 67 so these are the levels that we’re talking I cannot express for my sanity how

Important it is for Villa to win this game however I have some have done some diing and I’ve got one positive that literally I have given Villa’s form in the FA Cup I’ve had to dig so far to get this number but when Villa last won the FA Cup which

Was I’m going to set this really quietly because it’s kind of embarrassing 1957 The Villa W the villains facing us were in the third round and we beat him 32 and that year we went on to win the FA Cup so good diamonds is I mean is

Loose mate or would lie not exactly the most concrete statistics I’d like to be to provide literally as best I’ve got because we’ve been garbag in the FA Cup for the longest time it doesn’t even feel like you can count that 2016 win of a middle of a wick I’m sorry because it

Was a replay we were Dreadful in that so it kind of feels like that to cheat in itself so yes to save everyone’s sanity we need to win this game and it’s really important because the Cups have been the one thing that the United hasn’t been

Able to get a grip on it’s been amazing a star in Every Other category but it’s Cup competitions a lost to stevenage and that lost to Everton so far this season that are kind of staying in his record so a decent run in the cup is the only

Thing we’ve been missing under Rai it is it is and it’s the one thing You’ think that he could manage because he can manage rotating Europe hasn’t managed to crack it yet with Villa but it’s certainly for fans fans of a certain generation mate and by a certain

Generation I mean our generation some of the only enjoyable times watching Aston Villa have actually come in the FA Cup you think of that famous run under Tim Sherwood beating the baggies at home fourth 43 41 uh 4-3 last minute penalty from B weren’t it uh where Scott Sinclair scored the couple beating

Liverpool as well in the in the semifinals like I know obiously we go and lose the final 5 nil but like these are these are sort of the games that we remember being in high school watching The Villa some of the only good times really for us supporting the club um and

You think mate there’s going to be a whole generation of fans that have come after us that have been sers do well as the FA Cup so yeah crazy do it for them kids man do it for the kids do it for us do it for the big kids as well the FA

Cup it’s such a prestigious trophy like like I know we’ve sort of been carried away and talking about like title race this that Europe Champions League we end the season with a trophy and it’s the FA Cup I would be made up if it’s the only thing we win like oh

Without a doubt like we need to start taking this seriously and when you look at the fact that there’s like already draws like Liverpool Arsenal immediately taking out some of the big teams like let’s go for it do you know what I mean let’s let’s have

Let’s give us a cup run let’s go let’s go the way we sit here and dissect this defeat on Saturday is going to be heartbreaking because right now I’m so excited but but I mean come on come on um news there’s no podcast I’m sorry if we lose this we’re

Not we’re not doing this is your warning we’re not talking about the game if we lose I did like 30 seconds short after the stevenage game couldn’t face doing a podcast on it and that was tough enough I cannot sit here and F second the

Defeat um so please to God please to God I’m I’m St I can’t face these kind of numbers um middlesbor are great uh against Premier League teams in the FA Cup they’ve not beaten a premier league side in the third round since the turn of the Millennium 2001 they’ve lost all

Five games since then um we obviously had some success against the I mean I’m really clutching the straws here in the playoff semifinal beat them away M Ed at the near post good ens there but we do have to we do have to really dig uh and so you know

You want to see The Villa Go full strength you know no days off you want to see the big guns play here because you want no excuses um it’s a chance to really you know the FA Cup find winning any show it just buy you so much time

And you know like units everybody at the club you know kind of people spoke about it with Newcastle last season didn’t they when they I know it was the carbel cup when they got to the final it kind of pickarts a new era and it that piece

Of silverware early on just really puts you on such an upwards trajectory and at this time you know we really really need that and so yeah come on come on please we’re not asking for a lot but guys there’s less than a minute left of this in recording didn’t think

We’d gone on for that long but clearly we have so I have to say thank you if you’ve made it all the way let us know your thoughts on the transfers in the comment section down below and here’s up with your score prings for this game like comment subscribe and up the villa


  1. Frimpongs wages are currently €76 a week. that's less than Matty Cash's wages. With a buyout clause like £35 its easily affordable to us. If Digne does go to Saudi land then we'll pull their pants down for a fee. It then will free up money due to Digne being paid £163 a week currently. Matty Cash is an average right back. He's been good for us at times previously but inconsistent and Unai won't stand for that. We aren't the same Villa when Matty joined us. Cash is capable of ball loss on a regular basis. His pass rate and the ability to take on defenders doesn't exist. Not good enough now we are making strides. Cash is good for Forest or Crystal Palace. Acuna is around £15-17.5. And is arguably better than Digne. Been watching him for years at Sevilla. He also knows Emi Martinez very well from the Argentine workd cup winning team. Its a great fit. Acuna has a delivery as good as Digne or better. If Digne left I'd be 100% OK as long as Acuna is coming.

  2. Thanks Dans. Frompong would fit in so beautifully. Acuna would be okay I guess. He's had quite the injury run. We really can't afford more guys on the bench at this point in the season.

  3. Boys. Now, I really like Frimpong, he has developed massively in Germany and is a key player for Leverkusen and Alanso. His progressive play is off the charts but…..! His defensive side is poor, his defending 1 on 1’s is really low and has only played 2 games as LB this season and playing as a winger.

    Not sure why he would leave now, maybe in the summer but we will have stiff competition. We are still an unfashionable club and whilst our progression is brilliant, we are still going ti have to convince top players we are worth a punt.


  4. great vid as always guys, I think the acuna chat has got legs, but more to play on the left ahead of dinge or moreno I think, more of a stand in for mcginn is my thinking.

  5. Gutted about Finn, would bet on him ending up a 20m+ player. It’s a shame he didn’t get a chance to prove himself when he’s excelled at every club he’s been sent to. It feels slightly wrong and sends an unfortunate message to future loanees you could argue.

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