Golf Players

The SECRET To Hitting DEAD STRAIGHT Golf Shots

You don’t have to swing on a perfect plane to play great golf, but you have to get pretty close, these drills will make achieving that incredibly easy.

We will also examine the distinct swing shapes of professional golfers compared to amateurs and discuss the reasons why striving for an improved swing shape is essential.


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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.



#golfdrills #ballstriking #golfswing

00:00 Introduction
01:07 PRO Vs AM
02:28 First Drill
04:26 Second Drill

As far as approach shots go they don’t come much better than this this is this is a phenomenal hole I’m at the Montgomery at the max Royale in Turkey uh golf Travel Center sort this out so massive thank you to them this is honestly phenomenal H PL myselfself

Around about well 185 yards away from that flag and I want to talk to you about a really really important move to start the downwing almost the key move and in this video we’re going to look at some amateurs that I’ve been coaching over the last couple of years look at

What they do and we’re going to look at some professionals what they do we’re going to look at Ludy gber the new kind of rising star on European circuit we’ve got Tommy Fleetwood we’ve got Sam Burns we’ve got Dustin Johnson so we’re going to kind of look at their goal things

Look at what they do compared to what many amateurs do and then kind of show you how you can move more towards it so we’re talking a little bit about kind of getting the club into kind of the slots really kind of that delivery position which is going to

Allow you to deliver the club with speed efficiency and hit the ball on you know pretty straight ball flop without a lot of curve many of you with the irons and the driv will will be experiencing curve the go that’s due to how the club is

Delivered so let’s take a look at these Elites you know we said there were s Burns Tommy Fleetwood L and DJ and let’s get them to the top of their goal sing and you’ll notice that I’ve drawn a line on those screens now that line gives me

A pretty good idea as how the club should arrive into the golf ball but notice how they’re not on that line at the top their hands are above it and the club is above it but as they start their goaling they all quite early arrive at

That line okay and you’re going to see them kind of on that line or the club head make even be slightly lower than that line now in contrast if we look at some amate some golfers who were coming to me because they were struggling we see they’re complete opposite often the

Top of the back sings are similar referencing that line but as they start down they never get closer to that line and that’s where I we want to show you in these videos how you can start to change your transition to find the slot if you can do that you’re going to start

To play some really really good golf so the first thing would be on all of those swings we can’t swing and keep the arms really low it doesn’t work you can certainly have flatter swings and more upright swings but really to get the biggest range of motion and to get the

Most speed in your gol sing we’ve got to have the arms lifting in the back swing that’s kind of key and all of those golfers do that but what it means is that in that early part of the down swing you’ve got to lower them or you’ve

Got to reconnect them to that reference point that we drew so this is the first little exercise I want you to do this is really really important so simple something like this is great this is just the the cover for my align stick it needs to be something fairly slim and fairly long

And I’m going to put that underneath my lead arm and when I take a setup you’ll notice that you can quite clearly see the logo on my shirt here and I’ve obviously got that under my arm now when I make a back swing my arm slides up my chest that

Logo is no longer visible okay my lead arm did not stay in this relationship relative to my chest it worked up my chest and hid that logo okay one of the key things we have to do as we start down is reverse that movement

So I want you from the top to feel as if you’re squeezing whatever it is that you’ve got under your arm but as you’re squeezing it you’re lowering your lead arm relative to your kind of rib cage or chest so I’m now revealing that logo now

What does that do to the golf club where does it send it downwards and what do those golfers that I showed at the start what did they all need they needed some more downwards because what they had was up left arm didn’t change its relationship to the body they added

Rotation and the club and the arms went out this way so all of those amate goes that we looked at needed some downward movement as they begin their down swing this is going to give you that feel so I can go ahead and just rehearse that I can go

Back swing and as I start my down swing I can slide my arm down my chest I’m revealing that logo the arms have a job in the back swing they have some movement they have some swing around the body it’s not simply just a body turned back and a body turned through yes

There’s a body turn but the arms have a job to do they have a swing of their own we have to undo that on the way down to enable us to achieve that perfect delivery that’s your first little exercise that’s going to give you a really good sensation really good feel

For what you’re trying to do what I’m then going to do is set up a little Channel make sure I get this lined up to the the Target and this is going to be pretty much on my toe line you can see there and it’s probably around about two Club

Head widths wide and what I’m going to be doing here is from the top trying to slot my golf club into that channel and it needs to be from my viewpoint and I’m pretty sure it’s probably going to be the same from where you’re viewing that

But this is a great checkpoint the key thing is when I’m doing that I’m still shifting my body I’m still initiating my goal goling with some pressure to the lead side and some rotation but as I do that I’m effectively trying to slop the golf club as I’ve done it there now how

Do I do that well I do that same move that we spoke about before but now I’m in a position where I can deliver the golf club on a pretty good path and it’s under control if you’re struggling you try this exercise you might find instinctively you’re someone who’s out

Here or even just pop your golfing on video from down the line slow it down and what you’ll see is as that as you arrive at this delivery position the club head should be in line with your hands but it might not be it might be out here somewhere

And if that’s the case your golf club is going to be cutting across the golf ball and it’s going to be far more difficult for you to control strike and for you to control the curve so if you can get your lead arm slided on your chest you can

Slot it into the zone that you create here I’m pretty confident you’ll hit some better shots and I need a better shot here because well there’s not a lot of margin for error those alignment sticks are a little bit skewed so let’s straighten them up a little bit and let’s see if we

Can get one onto the green I’ve got seven iron and that’s pretty good is a little right but it should be in the middle of the green perfect so I started my dcing well I got it into the slot ball flight was very neutral that’s how you do it that

Start of that down swing is so key the transition from back to down you’ve got to get that right if you do that you will hit some better golf shots


  1. Good video, Chris – assume same with Driver as although longer club still feel my backswing is too flat hence struggling with strike. Cheers, Ken

  2. My brain can't seem to multi-task during the downswing. If I thing of moving my arms down, body stops rotating and I dump the club into the ground. Any suggestions on training both moves to happen at the same time?

  3. Chris, if my hands are in the slot with of the alignment sticks is it okay if my club is slightly to the inside at club head at last parallel ?

  4. I feel I get too far behind me in the down swing leading to shanks. I see myself leading with the hozel. Sometimes I get lucky and make a good strike.

  5. Great Video. I'm what you would call "American build"😂. With that said, when I raise my arms upward, my chin gets stuck into my lead shoulder. Any help would be appreciated.

  6. I saw your other video that showed the slot, but I'll be darned if I can't get it to come back into the slot. This video might help.

  7. Chris your thoughtful intelligent lessons are a different class to the other YouTube providers.You are not egotistical ,almost modest,and your teaching is outstanding. Thankyou so much. Robbie.

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