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Bodycam: Wisconsin Woman Stabbed Boyfriend 19 Times with Scissors While He Slept

Bodycam footage shows the disturbing moments when police responded to a 911 call about a woman stabbing her then-boyfriend while he slept. The Oshkosh Police Department said 22-year-old Morgan Taylor Lund told the victim she “had a dream” after he wrestled the weapon out of her hands. Lund was found guilty by the court after she pleaded no contest to charges of aggravated battery intending great bodily harm and second-degree recklessly endangering safety. The victim survived and promptly ended his relationship with Lund. Law&Crime’s Elizabeth Millner breaks down the shocking story.

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Was all confused like I was I thought I saw something that wasn’t happening body cam video shows the aftermath of a bloody crime scene at the home of a Wisconsin woman who’s now in prison for stabbing her ex-boyfriend more than a dozen times with a pair of scissors

22-year-old Morgan Lun was sentenced in November for stabbing her ex and the father of her child 19 times while he was sleeping on the couch back in February in body cam footage obtained by long crime officers arrived to the scene to find the victim lying on the couch

Begging for help as Morgan stands near him covered in blood right is it just the three of you okay ambulance is downstairs over the officer then pulls Morgan to the side to get more information from her as the victim continues pleading for help have you got shoes or something you can oh

They’re downstairs okay they’re coming we go we got to go we got to go I can’t see yep Medics are coming is this your stuff yeah do you have an ID in here um no it’s in the car Ean no Come oh my God what is your name it’s unclear when but during this time emergency crews seemingly tend to Morgan’s ex-boyfriend’s injuries portions of the audio were redacted from the video but Morgan can be seen visibly distraught while begging the officer to let her speak with her

Father Morgan can you tell me a little bit more about no No and why is that do you feel no why why are you saying no I don’t understand what you’re reacting to right now are you just scared about the situation or do you not want to talk to me I want my dad I want my dad to come

Here okay I understand that but you’re you’re an adult so I need you to make your own decision about whether to tell you what what do I need to tell you the questions that I was asking what kind she then explains to the officer she thought she saw a mysterious figure

When she attacked her ex-boyfriend while he slept I was I was sleeping and then I don’t know I was like half away I BR out here every morning beer uhhuh and I mean I seen the same thing before I never done anything like that you have seen the same thing before

Okay have you ever had any kind of medical treatment or anything like that have you seen a doctor psychologist counselor anything I didn’t to embarrass to talk to anybody okay went back to that I didn’t I didn’t get much sleep last night I don’t know why okay and then I finally fell

Asleep and you and you what I finally fell asleep and I was seeing all these weird things I know it’s blood all over me but you don’t remember coming back out but you do remember seeing something I was like it was like in my head though and it wasn’t

Real that’s when I was like what is going on I didn’t know what happening can you describe for me what you saw I was like I don’t know it was like something black you scissors no still there and then he was like I felt like I don’t know

What but it was like then I was like is he attacking the thing that I saw I don’t know I was all confused like I was I thought I saw something that wasn’t happening shortly after another officer takes photos of Morgan whose hands clothes legs and feet appear to be

Covered in blood then the officer continues his questioning where Morgan explained she had been suffering from hallucinations and experiencing mental health issues adding she had an outof body experience during the incident you usually see the same thing and I feel like somebody else it feels like it’s not even

Me if you had to physically describe what you were seeing like big or small black or white white gray blue whatever like a like a blob like a blob like a black blob a blob but like a figure okay I don’t know I something I do you see a dark figure but it

Doesn’t look like a person am I understanding that right it’s just sort of the the shape I can hear I hear I can hear him who and then I came out and I saw something like over him so I don’t know like what was like real and what’s not real what I don’t

Know if I was Dreaming but the other experiences that you’ve had have been when you were awake yeah we’re like half awake okay right before you went to bed or right after you woke up both both but it’s usually never do that I would never do that to him but it’s usually that same sort of dark

Figure that you see yeah but it’s like it’s like it’s there something it’s something in my head it’s not like I don’t know how to explain it but when you see it your heart beats really fast and you you feel afraid okay I just feel like like

Something’s taking over me like I don’t know and now it’s like everything’s normal and that happens every time what is going on the Mental Health Institute and I feel like ever since I started working there like cuz I talk to the patients a lot and I feel like it’s

Just like getting in my head and i’ I’ve talked to people at work about it without like saying anything like I’ve been like is it like do people ever get affected by this and like have you ever seen anybody that works here be affected by it and they like all of them have

Said that yeah like they’ve seen people be affected by it or like I don’t know and I just feel like something something just changed in me since then as Morgan continues to speak with police another officer arrives on scene to speak with Morgan’s brother Ethan who was staying the night at the couple’s

Home on the night of the stabbing and called 911 Ethan while holding Morgan’s crying child tells the officer he was sleeping when he heard Morgan and her ex and what he thought was another verbal argument I thought they were just fighting like normal and it starts getting loud loud

What the hell was he screaming back at her it was kind of like a I don’t even know like get off me help I and that was him saying that I don’t even remember and open the door they’re on top of each other what do you mean

They both were on top of each other he was like on top of her trying to take the knife out of or something I don’t know okay so okay how was she positioned like when you say when he was on top of her was he like straddling her

Yeah he like had her wrist down and then holding her wrist like straddling her like that okay and then was he bleeding already at that time yeah where was he bleeding where’ you see his arm and stuff and then had seen the couch go over there I don’t even know

She’s that was like when it was ending okay was she saying anything at this time she’s just freaking out I don’t know she’s saying she doesn’t know what happened she that she was seeing stuff having a dream or something and then realized it was real okay does she

Suffer from mental health I think since she’s had kid CU that’s their kid yeah and then I just went R call the cops Ethan goes on to tell the officer a similar story to Morgan’s she thought she saw something in her head but Ethan also revealed to police that Morgan and her

Then boyfriend were experiencing a lot of relationship issues and that fighting between the two wasn’t uncommon okay did she say it might have been a dream or go back into that yeah she was kind of saying like she was like as I’m calling you guys that she’s dreaming or

Something and then like uh seeing something in her head I don’t really know and you Aon is this his bedroom that’s that’s where he stays he doesn’t live here but he stays here yes um and you said that she might have some mental health issues since she’s had a

Kid explain to that have you seen a change in behavior um I think just a bit of maybe postpartum depression maybe or but you’ve seen a change in change in personality um maybe not a change in personality but sit there she uh you’re not getting me a those are you

Okay they got a a lot of relationship problems okay so okay so this is this fighting minus the actual injuries is not uncommon no so they argue a lot yes are they physical a lot no just verbal arguments a lot yeah okay Ethan says he never saw the actual stabbing only the

Aftermath the officer later puts a pause on questioning Ethan so he can tend to Morgan and the victim’s child who continue to cry then the officer briefly observed the scene noting just how Bloody it was you got all this ladder it’s on a kid toy over here too

Yeah I got meanwhile a frantic Morgan continues speaking with police who inform her she’s under arrest and they have to take her to the police station I just can’t even process this minutes later she tearfully pleads with officers asking what will happen next you know what’s going to happen we

Genuinely what’s most likely in this in this we don’t ever know be honest we seen before my dad worked for a prison for so long and I work at the mental health in I I’ve seen like things like this and I I just want to know like what’s most

Likely going to happen to me I’ve been doing this for 12 years and I’ve never been in this situation before no so this exact situation and each one is a little bit different but this exact situation what I will ask not to intervene is your mom and dad are outside they’re going to

Take is it possible miles to C her at the vehicle where do anything they’re just I just don’t want them to see her being are you okay yeah I don’t want okay um we’ll just walk with you and then go from there I would just ask just don’t don’t really

Talk or anything to them at this point um we’ll allow that later okay they can come in and we we’ll work with you as the officers walk her to the squad car Morgan can be heard crying asking her father for help as he tries to figure out what even happened shortly after

Morgan’s placed in cuffs and taken to the police station where her brother Ethan is already in an interview room and gave a written statement to police before going over his account of what happened with detectives so you guys all kind of came home around the same time

Yeah but I never saw them okay they in their bedroom or yeah well I’m pretty sure you s on the couch sure do you know why he s going on the couch or just because they’re arguing I’m guessing Okay so they’re arguing a lot then or uh

I don’t know I think they’re just breaking up or something but they only argue like I don’t know when something goes wrong I guess I don’t know okay do you know why they’re breaking up or I don’t think she feels like he’s treating her like right okay any issues

With uh her thoughts on how he’s treating the baby not that I know okay have you ever seen their relationship get physical no okay do anything to her physically anything no so when they’re arguing they’re just verbally arguing yeah how often uh since you’ve been there has he been sleeping on the

Couch I say I want I get the wrong time but prob month or so something like that okay and that’s like all the time he’s been sleeping on the couch not just once here I don’t know if he occasionally goes and sleeps in the room or something okay

Ethan tells the detective his sister has been suffering from postpartum depression since she had her child nearly a year ago and the baby’s 11 months old yeah she’s almost one okay so was she talking about that before before the baby was born or while she was

Pregnant or no I never really seen her when she was pregnant but okay no not that I know so after the baby was born what was she talking about just uh whenever be hanging out or whatever meet her and her boyfriend and like if she would get sad or something

She would bring it up and I don’t know just didn’t know how to do with it we didn’t know she just saying this or what but she definitely start acting way different can you kind of explain what that what that acting was or um it just like maybe her mood overall

And how she’s going about her day and not being as active and just really showing your emotions I guess so uh and I don’t want to put words in your mouth I’m just trying to figure out what you’re saying like is she kind of a flat effect or is she

Really emotional or what what is it that you’re seeing um it’s like she’ll be crying out of the blue or something or yelling which is just stuff I’ve never seen stuff like that that’s different from when we lived with my mom in high school and stuff she wasn’t like that okay

So kind of out of nowhere she just started crying has she gone to the doctor for her I not sure if she’s ever gone to a doctor but she’s told me and my family members about it okay did she talk about seeing images or things or anything I don’t think so

No just today she was saying she was seeing something I’d heard her when when I was in the spare bedroom after all the cops and stuff I heard talking to one of the cops saying she okay but when I was on the phone she was saying I don’t know what was going

On I didn’t mean it I think I was dreaming like I didn’t have control just something along the lines of that okay have you seen or heard them talk about breaking up or what that status is yeah I mean they’re uh they definitely breaking up like I think their uh leas

Is up in want to say June first maybe and then both trying get apartment okay so they’ve basically broken up but they’re together at that house because co-parenting right now something okay and how long has that been going on that they’ve basically broken up and decided they’re going their separate

Ways uh I mean it’s hard to tell because they’re so on and off but i’ say definitely a solid month that they’ve been distant and while Ethan says he saw something in Morgan’s hand when she attacked her boyfriend at the time he couldn’t narrow down what the weapon was

As he initially thought it was a butter knife Ethan wraps up his interview telling police he was in shock that the incident happened adding he’s never seen that amount of blood before and I’m sure you’ve seen some blood in hockey right not that much though no probably not

That much but at this point Morgan is now in a police interrogation herself being read her Miranda Rights after the detective asked Morgan if she wants a lawyer present unsure what to do Morgan again asked the detective if she can call her father who advises on the phone

To hold tight you’re not yourself you’re not you’re not yourself you didn’t do this on purpose I did it on purpose was he sleeping I don’t know I was like I was like half asleep I know you you having a dream yeah I was like like I was having a dream and then

I was like half awake to the living room yeah and then I I woke up again and I was like half asleep and I was like seeing things but I was like I don’t know there’s like something in my head that like makes me not who I

Am did your doctor give you any medicine no no can I come there as her like she has a representative with her can I come there with her um sure if you want the video then shows Morgan in the police interview room for about half an hour

Waiting for her father to arrive once he arrives he explains to the officer while Morgan has been suffering from mental health issues and postpartum nothing this violent had ever happened before how how much do you know about what’s happened this morning not too much um my son called me a couple times I

Didn’t answer and I I called him back I think he was probably calling you guys and stuff but he said she was like sleeping and she had a bad dream and she said she didn’t know where she was and stuff and she know what was going

On um she’s been having like she’s had postpartum depression since she had the baby and like my wife was a social worker for years and like program director and stuff and she kept saying like she’s got she’s having like mental health issues and I it would I would

Bounce around it with her but I didn’t want to like accuse her of having like mental problem and stuff so I would I never pushed it far enough to like make her go get help okay um but as far as today goes like he

Ethan said and I saw her too it was like she wasn’t even it seemed like she wasn’t even there like she’s never like grabbed a weapon and done anything like that before and um she’s just been like I know she’s been crying out of a blue like she’ll

Just start falling for like nothing’s going on and she’ll just start falling like she said when I say she said weird things to me she’ll she’ll say weird things to me and I don’t I don’t say anything I just let it go cuz I know she’s having like mental issues so I

Don’t want to say the wrong thing what do you mean by weird things just weird like she’ll not just talking about or weird stuff like I don’t know like I can’t think of specific example just like this weird not not like weird crazy stuff but like talking about stuff that we weren’t

Talking about or something and like it’s just like she’s different she’s way different you know I’m pissed at myself because we wanted her to get a good job and everything and now she’s like now that this happened I’m thinking I told my wife how stupid are we like we

Encouraged her to go work at the mental health facility because my wife was a program director there for a long time okay and we thought that’s a great job it’s a state job I ran a prison for a living so we’re like we know it’s a good

Job we never I never thought for one second about like the stuff that she was going to be reading and hearing about people she was going to be talking to when she’s having her own issues already it was stupid I never even thought about that but I can tell you right now she’s

Never grabbed a weapon and done anything I was shocked when he called me it just it doesn’t make any sense or what happened I don’t exactly know what happened but I just don’t it doesn’t make any sense but I know I can tell you 100,000% she’s been totally

Different since she had her baby and she’s never gotten any help for it the body cam video ends with the officer telling Morgan her father had gotten a hold of an attorney she was ultimately arrested for the violent slashing and at the time charged with attempted first deegree intentional homicide according

To court documents Morgan’s ex-boyfriend who survived the incident told police she had been physically abusive throughout the duration of their relationship even threatening him in the past he said he didn’t know why she stabbed him especially in front of their daughter Morgan initially pleaded Not Guilty by reason of insanity back in

March but later pleaded no contest to aggravated battery and second degree endangering safety in November a Wisconsin judge sentenced her to seven years behind bars plus 5 years of extended super for vision reporting for long crime I’m Elizabeth Milner


  1. That officer was the most terrified person at the scene. I couldn't imagine him being a first responder, just to pull out a notebook and start a therapy session like girl's having tea time while ol'boy got 19 shanks. Other cops over there in the corner taking selfies or tweeting "grrr mondays"

  2. That's a worry as it's believed Demons are moving closer to our Realm and 5g is going to break that barrier to let more through to create havoc

  3. Yep Demonic Possession, so many say, they didn't feel like it was them, that something else took over. This is an area of concern that no one looks into yet there's so much evidence out there to suggest that this does go on

  4. Check out Jeremy McKenzie, he's worked for years in Mental Health Institutes and has learnt a lot about Schizophrenics and how these voices are not their own but are Demonic voices that tell the Schizophrenic that it's their own voices. Once some Schizophrenics have come to this realisation, they have challenged them and managed to get rid of them by themselves without any highly dangerous and toxic medications the Psychiatrists want to pump them with which does nothing to solve their problems but shrinks their brains instead. This Demonic interference is well known about by the higher powers above us that prefer us the people to suffer as all this has a negative knock on affect to the rest of society but you're not allowed to talk about it

  5. Shes seeing spirits from the demonic realm because we are in end times and the veil is thin and demons are very real she doesnt need meducation she needs deliverance. God pritect her in Jesus name

  6. Wtf? The cop should be attending to the victim! This is insane. And she only cares about herself and not the dying man! And the cops leading questions. Wow

  7. Why aren’t at least one of the cops trying to work on the victim? The interviewing cop sounds like some calm shrink who’s being way too patient.

  8. Mental health issues aren't contagious. She used her job and other people's mental health problems to create her own.

  9. Omg this is WILD!!!!!!
    The way the treated her with such kindness like she’s a fragile victim is absurd.

    Maybe she had psychosis from ppd, but she almost killed him and needs to be treated as such.

  10. that cop is a wannebe shrink ? or an exorcist ?….give her the princess bracelets and let the detectives do the talking at the station….
    she works where ??? in the perfect place….

  11. That’s sad ,regardless of what went on there relationship people will always argue and have disagreements, we all have our own ways of thinking, it’s how we handle the situations,mental health issues are real and important to identify, this girl was struggling for a while with no help, it’s always good to talk with people about your issues, but finding the right person is always the toughest

  12. Poor man, rest in peace to the victim. Horrible just horrible.Crocodile tears, imagine giving this much support for murdering a sleeping person.

  13. My uncle was killed by his girlfriend who he thought loved him but she only loves money and is willing to do anything to get it no matter who she hurt in the process. What's even worse is that she was never even questioned because she fled the state and she still roams free and will probably always will. I miss him so much, he was a big part of my life.

  14. I don't understand stand these situations it's so easy just leave don't answer phone calls from them and just move on simple me i had girlfriends and onecs i figured they had anger issues didn't answer their calls and texts

  15. This cop is disgusting,wth is he trying to do get a date ? Why does he think hes a freaking therapist,, another pos cop …

  16. WTH this girl is mentally ill that fuc up she did that man like that she seen something on him to stab em 19 times she need help

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