Golf Players

Is The Nylander Deal Close? | January 4, 2024

On This episode of The Chris Johnston show Julian McKenzie and Chris Johnston go over a variety of topics including:

02:00 a William Nylander contract update
15:10 Ilya Samsonov
22:30 NHL All-Star roster announcement
25:30 Changing All-Star format
34:45 World Juniors
42:20 PWHL
48:00 Winter Classic & where it could be next
51:00 Ryan Hartman
56:45 Stick Taps

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Uh I know that some in our audience know the finer points of hockey the Chris Johnston show we are your friends the biggest stories bringing you inside the game what did you hear the Chris Johnson show what is going on here’s Chris with your host Julian McKenzie part of the

Game for everyone who rushed to get to this episode yes we will talk about William neander there’s other stuff we’re going to talk about too uh like All-Star Representatives uh Samson off will come up as well the world juniors will come up as well the pwhl too but I’d like to

Ask you CJ how’s life how’s how are things how was the holidays it’s feels like it’s been a minute I know there was an episode that dropped earlier this week but we we pre-recorded that it’s actually been it’s actually been quite some time since we’ve seen each other

Yeah I know the ogs have probably figured out by now the last couple were uh put in the tank ahead of time which was good it gave you time to go back to Montreal gave producer Nick time gave myself some time I must admit I feel like not Rusty that

Would be overstating it but it’s just like a little out of practice because we do have the normal Rhythm and and we haven’t recorded one of these in real time in a little while so I’m good the holidays were were great lots of time with family and and a little bit of un

Time to unplug and I feel a little like oh man it’s just weird to to get back into the routine um but man it’s 2024 I’m hopeful I think great things are ahead it’s going to be an abundant amazing year and I’m ready to get after it did you write

Your goals for 2024 yet not done yet but pondered I pondered them okay but I haven’t I haven’t put Panda paper yet I wrote a few uh I’ll add a few more to that list but I do have a few but I’m I’m really glad you got some time off

And I’m grateful that everyone uh got to listen to some of the last few episodes while we were on a break but now we’re back at it and now we need to delve into these topics William Lander Nick caos dropping a bomb on everyone earlier this week saying that

Uh 11.25 mil that could be the number it’s around there maybe it’s that we could see a resolution soon who knows please add some clarification to the William neander situation a story we have been chasing all season long to this point you know I don’t know if it

Was a bomb and I’m not trying to correct you or Nick either uh it’s like one of these ones of course it makes a stir you know my sense of where we’re at with William neander and the Leafs is that they’ve been digging a away at this for quite a long time

Now they’ve been having a a continued dialogue and we are now getting closer to the point where I think they have to to make a deal you know when I say closer I still think there’s time until the trade deadline um even time until the All-Star break you know potential sort of soft

Deadlines you could put in place but you know there there’s definitely been I think a little bit of understanding about where this is headed you know eight years is what we’re expecting for the term you know I think 11 million potentially plus is is basically the

Range for where the salary is going and and I think that the talks are in a healthy place but you know as we’re recording this it’s been stressed to me from multiple people that this thing ain’t done and that there’s still you know a lot I guess that needs to fall

Into place before you’re get you know you’re taking the contract to the league you’re get getting it signed you’re having a press conference you’re smiling and kissing babies and doing all the things you do when you announce a big contract I mean it reminds me a little

Bit of what happened with David Pastak last year in Boston where for that entire season you know there was a grind of a contract negotiation behind the scenes and never any sense he was leaving Boston but you know it didn’t happen quickly or easily even if you

Look in January and February there’s all these reports they’re close they’re close they’re close the contract was finalized on March 2nd you know I’m not saying it’s going to take till March 2nd to get nander done but you know I would caution anyone who’s expecting this any minute now it’s not a foregone

Conclusion I think that there’s still some issues to be worked out here but talks are in a good place and and let’s face it I mean there there’s a couple ways for us to attack this story right neander has wanted to be a leaf all

Along they’ve wanted to be him to be a player on their team all along Brad Trill living on the first day training camp said this is a priority it’s now an imperative I mean when you see the way Neil Ander has performed this year uh how well he’s played I don’t think the

Leafs have a choice honestly and I know the number is going to people out there will will either bash it or I’m sure you know there’ll be these Columns of anonymous you know people working for other teams taking a kick at the contract when it’s done I

Mean because that’s you know we’ve seen this sort of thing happen but I don’t I don’t think the Leafs have a choice quite honestly and and you know I expect the number to be north of 11 million when it’s when it’s all said and done I

I I don’t I don’t know where that’s going to land I would suspect based on sort of what I know is that the number itself isn’t fully defined I think the range is is pretty clear here but how that money gets paid out in terms of the signing bonuses and everything else

Could could dictate a little bit one way or the other where the actual a lands but you know we’re talking about a player that’s going to surpass Mitch Marner uh I believe on on marner’s current deal is where you know you’re going to see Neil Ander land he’s going

To be second behind uh Austin Matthews on the Leafs on aavs when this is done um and and I do expect it to get done at some point in time but we’re not there just yet so I don’t want to I’m probably radioing myself already I don’t even

Know what I’ve said I’m trying to be very measured and clear but I’m I’m sure I’ve said too much already in some way I’m I I can’t wait until someone takes what you’ve said and then turns it into an exaggeration of what you’ve said and it turns out to incite an entire fan

Base into thinking you said one thing when you said something else cuz that never happens let’s not go back down that road no but yeah I mean obviously look it this is in a good spot it’s not done um but you know if you want high

Level takeaways like if you just want to know if you don’t want to get into all the minutia and you’re a big Leafs fan or maybe if you’re fan of another team but you’re just curious about where this sits you know I think all signs are pointing to an eight-year deal for

Neander getting done in Toronto at some point here in the future I just don’t know if the future is three weeks or three days and I don’t think that the key principal people involved at this point know if it’s going to be 3 weeks or 3 days until it’s done but I mean

There’s a general understanding at the table you know you can’t let this drift on forever they I think they’ve they’ve made some ground they’re trying their best to keep it all under a lid um and it is pointing in a positive direction but it’s it’s certainly not done as

We’re recording this tonight I have two follow-up questions one smaller picture question the other one larger picture question let’s start with the smaller one so we know there’s a money figure out there we know the Leafs know this is important for them to do what is the holdup from this coming together like

Now what’s the one thing that’s holding this up well you know I think William neander is probably pushing for something more like 11 and a half million on an 8-year deal I’m sure the Leafs are trying to keep it to more like 11 million or

10.95 or you know but I mean like and so there can be a little bit of a negot even when you’ve got to a healthy spot with talks about exactly where that number lands depending on how the money’s paid out and if it’s all up front and you know obviously there’s

There’s trade Clauses and things that go on these deals like I think that I think that even when you get to a healthy spot there’s still a little bit of wiggle room at the end about where it ends up and so that’s that’s probably a part of

It I would say I mean the other part of it is just functional the Leafs are in California as we’re recording this on a road trip you know I’m not saying can’t ever get done when you’re on a a road trip I remember years ago Dion Fu’s I

Believe it was an eight-year extension a long-term extension in Toronto got done the day before the Winter Classic when we were in an Arbor Michigan that’s a different Leafs regime different time but I mean an example of in season a major contract a major decision with the

Team captain at the time you know you can do you can do that stuff on the road but I think generally it’s not where the business gets done and so you know I think that that’s that’s maybe the best way to articulate it the other is you

Know deadline tend to move you know to Spur action and so I can say to you Julian I want this and you can say I want that and you sort of need the deadline where maybe we move and and so maybe the deadline hasn’t quite got here

But you know I think if if we sort of again zoom out it’s it’s all headed in a good direction but I’ve been saying that all along I I I don’t know if you remember the episode early in the season I think I said I’d be 90% sure it’s going to get

Done or something like that and everyone went nuts at the time and I was like what was that a hot take uh because it didn’t if to me I’ve I’ve never not thought he was not going to sign in Toronto like I’ve yet to have any moment

In time where I felt like the talks were either off the rails or there just was a misunderstanding I mean William neander couldn’t be more clear he W he wants to be a leaf and he followed up his best ever season last year if you remember

His best season was two years ago by points and the goals and assists then last year was the next best 40 goals 87 points I believe was he’s now on Pace as ing this for over 115 points you know he’s continued to get better he’s clearly more important to

The team he’s playing a higher role in the on the penalty kill he’s playing more minutes in general for for the Leafs this year he’s on he’s producing more and he wants to be in Toronto and I don’t think that’s ever changeed I don’t think that there’s ever this sort of

Like lowkey yeah but he’s trying to angle himself to this situation on July 1 I think truly he’s been open with his intent and I think the Leafs from their side have been the same way and so you know where where you’re going to end up

Is it’s this is going to be a way bigger contract than the average Observer would have probably said last June but it’s also it’s kind of hard to argue with what you’re seeing I mean he’s he’s got points in 31 of 35 games this year uh well inside the top 10 and

Scoring been probably the Leaf’s most complete player I mean Austin Matthews is coming off a ridiculous December where he scored 15 goals and you know he’s going to be the least All-Star nominee when they announce that on Thursday night but you know I do think that that neander will will join him

There ultimately and so he’s kind of done everything he can do and the team’s taken its time and I just I think they’re going to get to where they need to get to but you know they’re not they’re not quite there just yet then let me ask my big p picture my big

Picture question could the Leafs realistically afford a core that has Austin Matthews making a little over 13 mil John Taris at least through 2025 making 11 mil Mitch Marner making a shade under 11 mil and then William neander reaching that point yes the reason they can do it is

Because the salary Cap’s going up 4 million next year they have a they have a ton of money due to come off the books whether that’s TJ Brody uh Max doy Tyler bruzi you know these are all expiring contracts and so from a from a functional standpoint if if you factor

In you know the idea that that Matthews is extension kicks in next season so he’s getting a raise of what 1.6 million um to to next season you know Neil Ander looking at a raise here potentially of 4 million maybe a little bit more I mean

It’s a lot I’m not denying that but that’s basically soaked up by the the natural rise in the NHL salary cap and then you you couple that with the fact that the lease of contracts coming off the books I didn’t even include elas Samson off but he’s also an expiring

Deal this season the the leaf can very much make this work now now whether it’s the right way to go that’s an open question like like you know I think that this has been an experiment in some ways in the Cap World with the way the Leafs

Have allocated the money of their top four forwards um obviously it hasn’t resulted in playoff success they’ve had a ton of regular season success you know that that that debate will continue on but from a functional standpoint the leaf can make it work and and I would

Remind you too Julian after next season John tas’s 11 million contract comes off the books now now you know I don’t think you necessarily want to just see him walk away if you look at how productive he’s remained for the leaves but maybe maybe he’s signing a contract Beyond

This one that that works a little bit more in the team’s favor and all this can be symbiotic and you know Mitch Marner can be will be talking about his deal on next year’s show at this time I mean I do think it can all work but you

Know one thing we have now is Brad TR living a new general manager who’s wasn’t tied to the decisions that were made uh when all these players were coming out of entry level you know as was Kyle dubis either as the GM in charge or you know someone who was there

As as second or third in command behind L larell um you know we we have a fresh set of eyes on this this kind of situation generally but that the leaves can make this work for from a caps perspective no question and you know it’s going to be on the players to keep

Being productive but you’ve already signed Matthews like it’s just at the end of it no matter we can you know we can debate what is the exact right number someone might say it’s 10.5 someone might say it’s 11.5 someone might say it’s 11 the truth is I don’t

Think there’s much debate that William neander is a difference making player in the league those are really hard players to get and if you let him go what are you doing you know and I think the the Le get that though like they get it he

Wants to stay they want to keep him it’s going to be a huge contract he’s a star player in the league and stars get paid man and and so don’t be surprised I’m telling you that number might end up being a little higher than what’s been out there when

All a said and done and it might be a little higher than a lot of people are expecting but I it’s hard to argue against the fact that he’s he’s earned it it might it might not be totally comparable to players around the league or all you

Know people are going to say that but we have to remember the cap is going up big time next season and there’s at least the implication of the idea that it’s going to continue to go up over the life of any future contracts and that’s something that players are bringing to

The table too and N Lander’s got all the leverage he can walk out the door if he wants July first he’s having a career year and he’s clearly a huge part of what the Leafs are doing and so I I think they’re going to get it done it’s

Just let’s see how long it takes to get there can’t wait until we do a future episode of this show and the signing will break in the middle of our recording that’s what I think is going to happen I would love that it it’s only if it breaks 5 minutes after that’s

Annoying yeah cuz then we have to blow it all up again if not if it happens you literally would have to blow up an entire show it we would do like a random like Monday show and then five minutes after we learn about that that show’s

Gone that would be like a lost episode I don’t know Nick Nick a wizard I think we could just like graft on a new opening or something we’d find a way I guess I I mean look at that’s the nature doing business we can’t broadcast these things

Live at least not yet at least not every week no not yet and so everything’s recorded to some degree and yeah you run the risk you run uh you touched off on ilas samsonov uh in that earlier discussion uh what are your thoughts on what he’s going through right now with

The Toronto Marley’s not going through a great time at the NHL level yeah it’s a difficult situation I think you know what’s interesting here or or notable here maybe better way to put it you know he’s dealing I think primarily with a a mental sort

Of issue a mental block as as opposed to just something that’s you know technical or in his form and you know we’re talking about a goenda hopes last year who played most of their biggest games I know he got injured towards the end of the playoffs

But you know was in net for a lot of their successes last season and you know earned a raise to 3.55 million to what he’s making this year and it just it has not worked and the team has worked with him like they’ve given him little breaks

Already you know not where they put him on waivers and send him down to the AHL the way they have this week um you know but they’ve had him not be the backup on certain nights and called Martin Jones up to be a backup to Joseph wall and I

Think they they’ve tried kind of everything and this is the newest or latest and maybe biggest hail Mar yet is to totally remove him from the situation as an NHL goal tender to to put him through waivers which I think for any proven NHL player I mean it’s an

Uncomfortable idea right as much as it was probably unlikely someone was going to grab him you never know and you might have to move you know within 24 hours if just one team claims you uh on top of that it’s just it’s kind of a public acknowledgement about how bad your

Situation’s going there’s there’s no positive spin to be spun here other than Martin Jones started the year as Leaf’s third goal tender he’s been great so far in limited action he’s he’s he’s allowed them to get through a tough time um you know but the best outcome here is still

For Alias samsonov to regain some degree of form and the Leafs playing him I just don’t know if that’s going to happen I mean I don’t think the Leafs can know that right I mean they’re this this is a pretty you know it’s a pretty extreme

Course of action to take I mean I I don’t I don’t blame them you know he got to a point where he was second last in the entire league in save percentage for any number of goalies that have played meaningful number of minutes and the other one that was below him is anti

Rant who’s in the same spot in Carolina was sent down to the AHL I know he’s since been recalled by the Hurricanes but I mean you’re sort of desperate times call for desperate measures and you know for on a human level I I hope

The best for IIA I hope that he can kind of get in in the right mental space to to do what he does well when when clearly he is at his best and if not I mean I I don’t even know what could be next I mean everyone wants to say what’s

The trade like like I would say to you who would they be trading for with what assets with what cap space like how does that all work I mean I I’m not saying the front office isn’t looking at those options or thinking about them but

I think that that the I I’ll save you the homework if you haven’t looked at them or thought about them there’s not an easy answer there’s not there’s not like a an obvious quick solution here and that’s why the Leafs are in the spot they’re in you know samsonov is is

Literally working one-on-one with the henu toyan in uh you know a goal tending coach within the organization he’s not practicing in the HL he’s not not at this time playing in the HL and the Leafs are hoping he can get back to the NHL at some point in the near future and

We’ll have to see but there’s opportunity here we haven’t even talked with the hild the Beast yeah Dennis hild yeah he’s supposed to be making his his debut I I do want to ask one thing about samsonov and and what they have him going through with the Marley’s like I

Get we’re not goalie experts but the fact that he’s not practicing or or playing with them at least to me that’s a bit of a surprise but also we’ve seen other goalies go through that and it doesn’t always work well Jack Campbell earlier this year sent to Bakersfield

And just had some stinkers of games is I I wonder why the Leafs are going for the opposite approach right well this is only the first week of it so like I don’t see this going on weeks and weeks and weeks where he’s kind of in limbo I

Think that they’re taking it a little bit more day by day to see how things go but that that has to be a factor is that just by playing a game in the HL even when you’re been an NHL quality golender doesn’t mean it’s going to go well

You’re playing behind a different team it’s a different different game to some degree and and obviously if you arrive there you’re not arriving there at your best you’re not arriving there ready to to dominate the way you might at another time in your life and so I think that’s

That’s definitely a big part of it and but then the flip side you’re right it’s a weird situation because you’re going to say well then how could he get better I mean we understand he can get better by maybe calming himself down getting out of the grind of whether it’s the

Media Spotlight the the game prep the the practice at the NHL level like I can understand how that could become a negative thing but it’s you’re almost like how can you build yourself back up again without playing or practicing and maybe the answer is this time next week

When we’re recording the show he’s he’s playing games for the Marley’s and that’s that’s kind of how they end up so um you know I don’t I don’t know how that’s all going to shake out just yet but you know I I think this is an

Example though of how far we’ve come in a lot of ways or how things have changed just the fact I mean this truly is just a mental break at this point in time um they’re they’re obviously taking the opportunity to work on the physical aspects of the game and some of the

Technical ones too with him but um you know you just wouldn’t have seen this type of thing I don’t think in the past and again I I’ve got no idea if it’s going to work unfortunately it’s been tough for Ilia it just feels like from the start of training camp just never

Really got back to where he was it’s not to say he hasn’t had good starts along the way but it it feels like he’s been chasing it all year long and you know now he’s in a position with Martin Jones playing well and you know once Joseph

Wall gets what gets healthy again I mean he just might not be one of the best two two options in in the organization even when healthy even even without acquiring someone he just might not be on the NHL roster and that’s that’s kind of the reality of his situation and he’s got to

Work his way back from that and fight through and battle to be in a position I guess to be one of the two goalies when when this season really gets to its most important days and that is going to do it for Leaf’s Corner our first one of

2024 that was a long one that was a very long Leaf’s Corner did I say anything I’m going to regret or what uh uh nah nah well everyone freaked out when I said it was 90% sure NE Lander would remain a leaf I’m now 98% sure

So 98% you’re laying a lot on the line with that one well if you already said 90 I’m not backing down now it’s now there’s more information there’s more time obviously there’s been more talks and contracts I mean you always you always have to leave yourself a sliver of

The unknown something could happen that you don’t foresee a Black Swan event it’s called in the financial world something you just a Black Swan event I thought that was just a movie I think it’s a in the financial world it’s a reference to something you just don’t

See coming like just something that you can’t even almost imagine I mean it would be like us in 2019 predicting that they wouldn’t be able to finish the 201920 NHL’s regular season because of the pandemic like you just it’s like it would it was on no one’s radar so I mean

There could be something like that but I mean beyond the absolute unknown I think it’s it’s going to happen big money Siege let’s get to the NHL allstar game it’s Thursday you’re going to know uh which players one from each team will represent at this year’s game which will

Be in Toronto in February what do we know about that process and what are your thoughts on one player per team for this event ah I feel like there’s like a lot I could unload on this please do it it’s more it’s it’s a complicated process right not every player necessarily wants

To go to the All-Star Game and so I think that behind the scenes there might be some degree I won’t call it negotiation but just let’s face it the league on Thursday night will announce one representative for every NHL team now on some teams San Jose it might be

Tough as an example to say that a player there is an All-Star in the class of the other players that are picked in a league we to dump on San Jose there Jesus Jesus be well who’s their Allstar I’ll give you a minute to go to hockey DB and I’d

Like to see who you pick okay you know what I I will go to hockey DB and I’m also not trying to hate on them but I’m just saying some they’re in to clear rebuild they their best or most not I guess it’s Thomas hurdle probably is is

Pretty good guess I mean he leads the team and PS yes but and and look at it hurdle’s a great player like I’m not actually but in the scope of what this is the problem is you have teams like an Edmonton or I mean let’s go around the league

There’s so many teams where it’s between three or four players right like like legitimate you’re like wow how do you choose between a Maserati and a Ferrari and a Porsche and a you know like it’s it’s a tough Lamborghini Lamborghini cars uh what’s it McLaren yeah like and

And as I say sorry I’m really not trying to kick a team I’m just trying to point out that that the problem with one per team is that there’s definitely some teams where it’s difficult and I will say this I’ve become known like this is something I’ve become attuned to in the

Last couple years maybe just getting older knowing more players there’s a lot of players who want to go who aren’t going to get a chance because you know maybe they play beside the Lamborghini and then the other team is sending like a Toyota Corolla and it’s not maybe entirely Fair

Toyota Corollas are nice Vehicles they’re maintenance is not that tough and they’re fine that was an Easter egg for my dad D my dad has driven it’s funny we were trying to figure out over the holidays he’s driven like nine straight Toyotas like going back as far

As I can remember he doesn’t buy lots of new cars but like let’s say he gets a new car every three to four years like going back like eight or nine Vehicles he’s had a Toyota he he will swear by it so I’m also not right good cars fine but

Like not the sexiest you you don’t have a car show to have Toyotas there right you have a car show to show off the the goods that’s true that’s true so why not have a format that allows you to show off the goods why not have a format that

Allows you know Nathan McKinnon and kale marar to be announced as you know guys who will for sure be at this event as opposed to having fans you know do the work for them because I think they were they want to have interest in every market and

This is where maybe it’s too old school of thinking right like if you remember like what has been the longest this this is not a new Trope but this has been out there that that like the league would rather Market teams versus stars and all that kind of stuff that’s been a thing

Forever yes right and so I think this is born out of that now I’m not saying we can’t evolve Beyond it like the question is if you’re a hockey fan in San Jose or Northern California like maybe you still want to see Mar and McKinnon and McDavid

And Matthews and Bard and Bard like like maybe you and and you understand that hey you’re a sharks fan deep down be like hopefully we get the next version of those guys because our team’s going down this path like like I do think the modern sports fan maybe is a little bit

It’s not as hyper local as it used to be right like it was local when I was a kid Julian in all seriousness because you couldn’t physically see other games like there was no you would have had to get someone to Mill you a VHS of a game so

Someone would have had to like like if if I had a friend in Dallas would have had to record a game on TV physically put it something in the mail who knows how long that would have taken to get to me like I at best I’m watching a week old game

And so that’s how y’all that that’s how it went down back in the days this is what happened you didn’t watch the rest of the league you watch them when they came through your town like and and if you lived in somewhere like New York or whatever of course you could see a

Little bit more because there’s multiple teams but in general you understand the idea here yeah and but I just don’t think we live in that world anymore I don’t think as much as I do think people root mostly for the team and their Community there’s lots of examples I

Mean my nephew lives in Miss aaga and he’s a Habs fan so I mean like just cuz he you know he loved the Habs when he was a kid and there he goes like it wasn’t no one made him he just he he he

Got onto that and and there he is and I think there’s lots of that stuff so I guess what I’m getting at is I understand that the idea of wan to include all the teams but I’m just I think there’s so there’s too many limitations to it and you look at some

Of the sort of most potent teams in the league the best teams in the league like they should have three or four players there and the math doesn’t really add up for that because there’s only 12 extra players after the original 32 for fans

To vote in and so you know the games in Toronto Austin Matthews is going to be the Leaf’s named representative by the NHL are you allowed to say that well I I I can because it’s my Show’s called the Chris Johnson show oh no I I think that’s the one

Spicy thing you were worried about you just you just said that in front of everybody oh no Austin Matthews what a shock but I’m just say well it could be a shock though because quite literally you if you’ve been watching the leaves closer this year you attention to the

Zeit kist that means William neander is not picked now I think it’s reasonable to expect Leaf fans because there’s a fan voting portion we’ll probably get at least one more player in the game it’s probably going to be neander but it’s not a guarantee I I don’t know I don’t know the perfect

Answer you want your fans to care about this but I I do think think ultimately come on let’s just get all the best players I don’t care if they play on 17 teams like if you got 42 of the best players or 44 I guess it would be and

They played only on 22 teams would it be the end of the world okay there’s one other thing that I realize in all of this too and maybe you disagree maybe you agree I’m not sure but the hyper localness the hyper localness of all this made me realize

Something I think that still exists for following teams regularly but in terms of how having guys represent the All-Star Game we’re totally in agreement of that where you know you should have the best players there but what about the TV product for everybody watching those games because I mean there’s a

Reason why they switched up that Allstar skills format right and in recent years I’m not seeing a lot of people clamor to watch the All-Star game on TV so yes you’re right we’re I think I think you’re right in the fact that we should have the best players there but until

The game itself turns into like a mustat for a lot of of fans and I’m not going off numbers I’m just really going off of how people talk about it isn’t it more of a moot point probably should be there probably we sit here and argue online

About who should be at the game and then no one watches the not no one watches the game but like but people will don’t watch the game it’s true I think this year might be different because it’s in Toronto and a significant amount of people will watch but it’s in Toronto

And there’s a Thursday night event I don’t know how it’s going to go like I’m not this is not a prediction but you’re going to have the players in like street clothes and Skates on the ice in some way and there’s there’s they’re going to be picking

Teams and you know anyone who watched the draft format way back in the day I covered those ones in Carolina I remember Columbus I think was the last one it’s kind of fun it was off script there was yeah I think it was some adult beverages

Consumed that might have led to the like the point is is there there was definitely some what were viral moments in those times out of that and so I don’t know if this will replicate it or how I I don’t know how it’s going to look if it’s all celebrities anyway but

There’s at least now you’re gonna have four captains picking their own team so we’re not by division then you have the skills competition on the Friday where the winner individual winner we ain’t talking about teams anymore we’re talking about an individual winner is going to make a

Million bucks yes can you imagine what that Friday night’s going to look like for that individual and his friends I mean they could always donate that money to charity that’s sort of what I expect that’s sort of what I expect from the from the guy who wins no way sorry

There might be a charitable aspect but I think I I I don’t know I sort of expect like if it’s a player who’s well off with that money I see them donating that money if con Mak that don’t do that what was I’m not saying don’t set that as

Like they have to donate it like the whole point I think they have to donate it I think that’s what’s going to happen the whole point of establishing this is to give a little bit more reason to care right but but like I until the NHL

Players do it for me my default is that they won’t right we’ve never seen we’ve never seen this it’s 12 individuals we don’t know the 12 yet but it’s going to be the 12 of the best players in the world are know the 12 tomorrow sorry well tomorrow

No we’re going to then once on Thursday night we’re going to know 32 of the players in the game we could probably guess or or start asking the you know are you in or out we’re going to have a better idea but even still it’s going to

Be 12 of the best players on Earth having to do individual competitions a series of them so like they don’t just do it once and then like disappear into the back and goof around right like they’re going to have to take it somewhat seriously and one of them

Walks out of the building with a million bucks and I’m gonna guess of course there’s a charitable component I’m not saying but like they have to earn this million bucks against the other best players in the world so if they want to go out and rang up a $100,000 bill with

Whatever doing things I can never imagine in Toronto I say all the power to them doing things you would never imagine in TR I don’t know man I I I I I just naturally assume you’re in a much different tax bracket than I am so you might not be that far off

Dude if I ring up a $200 bill in Toronto it’s been wild KN that means like a couple guys got Wings someone got a second beer damn like d but I’m just saying like yeah I think it I think it’ll be fun but who

Like but what does it look like on TV at the end of the day what we’re talking about I have no idea like how does this come off I think there’s promise to that I don’t know what the I don’t know what can change with the the day itself

Because then it’s it’s a three on three tournament with four teams we’ve seen that now for a number of Seasons obviously those teams will have captains and so that’s a little different versus divisions but I don’t know that that’s going to be more of a TV product or not

But I I do think the Thursday draft and the Friday skills now that’s individual with big money on the board big money CJ [Laughter] approves what the big budy CJ approves sorry that broke me for a second that you you call me that I’ve never called myself that

Once until now you’ve been calling me that for a couple years oh man yeah one day one day I’ll explain the story of why big money CJ Cav to be one day I’ll explain that story one day anyway not today not today let’s save that um did

You watch the uh you watch Canada get eliminated at the world juniors have you been watching the world juniors much I did watch the world juniors I really like the tournament and and I get it like it it seems to like go In Waves right like there was a time it

Felt like everybody was watching and everyone was pounding their chest and loving it I feel like we’re maybe not in the same era now but I just find first of all for me it’s a chance to see a lot of these players play because I’m not

I’m just GNA call it I’m not in OHL WHL ranks I’m not at NCAA games it’s not the normal course of my work uh obviously I’m very familiar with a lot of the names in the games but I haven’t seen a lot of them play so it’s that chance and

Then it’s I just love the fact that I feel like the big games in this tournament always deliver there there there are lead changes there is chaos there is heartbreak there is horrible officiating as we’ve seen in the last couple days and I just find it pretty

Compelling and and you look at this time of year I mean I I watched some NFL games over the the sort of Christmas and New Year’s period of time what else is there to watch I don’t know like I’m not a as you know I’m not a big movie guy

And stuff so I for me college football you’re not watching any of the the bowl games I’ve never watched a college football game I find it really mesmerizing that there are a lot of people who I’ll ask about that they they don’t show an interest in those college

Bowl games but they’ll show an interest in the world juniors where both of them if you really think about it it boils down to the same thing all the teams that are involved have highly touted prospects who we will probably see at some big level but they also have a

Bunch of kids who this might be their Peak like this is as big as it’s going to get for them and you see the Heartbreak and you see the emotions we on their on their sleeves because it’s kids at the end of the day so so like

I’m really intrig I’m intrigued at why people will go all in on the world juniors but not so much on on on Collegiate football but also it’s Americans it’s it’s I don’t have a rooting interest it’s that simple that’s true and a lot of people who who follow

College football they’re like if you went to Alabama or you’re into the program like there’s there’s there’s an affinity to those schools I can understand that but it is interesting whenever people are like oh man I can’t get into that at all but it’s like if

You boil it down it’s more or less the same thing right I should be clear then it’s not that I couldn’t be interested in it I just have never I recognize there would be a time commitment there I’m not making like I’m not watching normal college football as much as

Everyone knows that listens to this podcast a lot I’m a Cowboys fan I don’t even follow the NFL draft honestly like I will find out who the Cowboys drafted after it’s done and I’ll find like like I don’t even know who the top but I’m just saying I don’t even know who the

Top prospects are I’m not pretending to be an expert and so I can’t get into football because if I turned on a random game I’m not betting on this stuff like I just I don’t care like I you know I I recognize it’s amazing Athletics and

It’s like I I know why people care I just personally never cared about it and that’s okay by the way I’m not trying to judge I’m just i’ that was just an observation I wanted to make right well and honestly I get why people maybe are

Like a little down in the world juniors to some degree but I’m just like if you actually just like watching hockey which is me like I’m not saying that cuz I’m paid to do it like I just enjoy watching hockey games it’s freaking competitive it matters to the people involved and

You can tell that right you’re not watching like preseason NHL games where you know okay it matters to like 10 of the people on the ice because they you know they don’t they’re not going to play in the the main games but like it matters there’s Stakes there’s

Atmosphere like it’s I just find it enjoyable and I’ll still watch even after Canada lost of course like I’m curious to see what happens now in the tournament um my my observations on the Canan team are not Prof found I that they never found their Rhythm ironically

In the game against Ceta that they lost in the quarterfinal the best they played in a tournament was for portions of that game like it’s one of these ones if Canada wins on a weird bounce with 10 seconds left instead of the other way around they’re probably going into the

Semi-finals feeling really good for the first time all tournament because they kind of been searching for it they’ve had players in and out with injury and all this other stuff but they they sort of unlock something in that game and then unfortunately for them it’s a bounc

The wrong way but you know even as a Canadian I you know I have a global enough perspective I’m happy to see other countries have success I think it’s ultimately the end of the day it is unquestionably better for the sport if more countries produce more great hockey

Players like that’s that that’s better for the long-term viability it’s better for long-term competition I mean we’re gonna have to live a long freaking time Julian for hockey to ever have a World Cup that Rivals the way soccer’s World Cup is now but it could happen in 80 years like who knows if

I’m not predicting that I’m not betting on it I’m just saying like like if you have more and more places where the game becomes part of the culture or part of what people want to do okay it’s not gonna probably grow to soccer’s World Cup because let’s face it

That a lot of a lot of factors working against it but even if it grows into something where 12 countries could win it like could conceivably win it that would be a huge step from where we are now because I don’t know where we’re at maybe five countries could conceivably

Win a true best on best men’s hockey tournament at this point in time it’s probably not deeper than five yeah but in 30 years it could be 12 countries that have a puncher chance like that that have like a legitimate shot not just to get to the quarters not just to

Upset one of the big countries but maybe to go on a run and that that would that’s progress so you know I’m not sure we measure progress by One World Junior tournament but then I know a lot of Canadians forgot what happened last year where Canada won against Slovakia on an

All World overtime goal by generational player in Conor Bard one on four in the quarters and they won the gold medal against Ceta in overtime after losing to cche earlier in the tournament so like you know I didn’t go back and watch those games but when you’re winning by

Those narrow margins there’s probably times you could have lost it either by a save a bad bounce for the other team one that hit the post and went out instead of went in uh and this this one didn’t work out in Canada’s favor but I’ll still be watching you know on Thursday

We got two semi-finals and I’m kind of rooting for Sweden I have to say like not just just because like that’s a country that obviously has a a huge hockey history and and they’ve had a lot of tough Locker or poor performance or whatever it is in this tournament and

They’re on home soil and the atmosphere looks awesome in gothenberg if you’ve watched the games and so I’m I’m curious to see how the Swedish team does I’m I’m guessing Team USA is most likely to win the gold medal but it’s single elimination hockey baby anything can

Happen one gold in 42 years for Sweden I too would love to see it uh for for Sweden in their home in in their in with Home Advantage too I I I personally would love to see that right and they still needed some maybe some favorable calls and an overtime goal against

Switzerland though I’m just saying like garbage I guess my point is we could be talking about how Sweden and Canada went out just as easily on this podast like the margins are so narrow I think people forget that in hockey sometimes I don’t know why like obviously Canada’s had the

Biggest run of success at the top levels of the sport but nothing is guaranteed anyway I think that’s probably the biggest argument to watch games like this and and when we get a World Cup back and hopefully Olympics and all that going again is like who knows what’s

Going to happen because it’s in one game of hockey it’s crazy I mean I remember when Switzerland beat Canada in Turin that’s a long time ago 20066 I think can had like 52 shots in the game or something like you know I’m not saying they played a perfect game but it’s a

Tough game to lose when you have 52 shots but it can happen that’s the sport did you watch any of the pwhl games this week I’ve been I’ve been watching a lot of hockey I watched both I’ve watched both of the first two games the Toronto

New York opener on January 1st and then the the Montreal game at Ottawa on January 2nd and I gotta tell you it was like spine tingling I have to say the energy is unreal and I’m I’m just I I’ve you know I don’t want to at all like put myself

Forward here because I haven’t been out there like hitting the drum for you know women’s sport in in hockey but I’m just happy for I know a lot of people have and and to see it not just launch but launch at that angle you know we talk about launch angle and baseball like

This thing was like off the bat straight to the Moon dude uh right out of the gate and I just think it’s so cool I I was feeling like literally like the hair was up on my arm watching it the the before the game in Toronto and then it almost went to

Another level I don’t know if you saw the second night but with 8,300 people in the crowd in Ottawa new new record for pro women’s game yeah and just like the game itself was awesome it went back and forth there’s like re P penalty shot that stopped there’s what looked like

The first goal in Ottawa history and it went under the side of the goal and comes back and review then Ottawa does score then Montreal comes back you know back and forth goes to overtime like it was just a it was even if you don’t and

I will profess I don’t know all the players up and down the rosters like I’m not watching it in that degree but it it was just exciting and you could see the the the emotion in the crowd I’m pumpman I’m actually going to a game in the

Crowd in February in Ottawa uh I got family down that way and one of the Christmas gifts I gave to the my niece and nephew was bought some tickets to a game in Ottawa that’s on Family Day weekend there but I’m like just I’m just

Pumped to go and sit in the crowd and watch one of these games I mean uh it’s impossible to get a ticket I know right now in Toronto I hope I don’t know the exact status around the league but seems like it’s all been positive and

I don’t know it just feels like this is this is for real for real if you know what I’m saying yo I I I feel you and I I wish I I lived in a pwhl market because if I was in Montreal right now I would be I’d be rounding up friends like

I’ probably be going with with uh Andrew burshire from game over marumo as well we’d be going to a game we would be going to games and uh I can’t wait until pwl Calgary becomes a thing if that’s in the works I don’t have any intel on that

But I I I got to watch a little bit of the muncho Ottawa game I I went to a bar and it was up on a screen it was up on one or two screens at least one screen I was watching and I was trying to watch

That at the same time as the Calgary Minnesota game it was just cool to be in a bar where that’s just on the TV and it’s it’s the norm and that’s that’s the whole point of these things right like I I’m really happy that this league was

Able to get off the ground and I’m really happy that at the athletic we’re going to have some really great coverage Haley salvin’s been Le leading the charge on that but yeah like I think the quality of the game the qu the look of the league as well I get some people

Will complain about the jerseys and The Branding but I actually a really good start it’s a good start did you know that they put this thing together in six months yeah like like I would actually argue it’s cooler that they’re starting this literally is the original six of

This league and and it’s it’s born out of a place like this came out of nowhere I mean obviously it was a lot of years of work but but you know in late June early July this this this idea was formed and they just went for it I think

It’s cooler that they have basically Anonymous jerseys because guess what’s going to happen over time there’s going to become fan bases and mascots and and you know team nicknames and and maybe different color schemes or like all that stuff is going to evolve kind of naturally like you’re watching the start

Of something and on the first two nights totally sold out I mean Ottawa I don’t if you know much about the the rink there Julian they they had originally only sold about 4,500 tickets that is the lower bowl and they weren’t even planning on selling the upper bowl but they had no choice

Because the demand was so high yeah like I don’t think even the owners or the the people I’m not sure they would have allowed themselves to dream this big that’s that’s what I took from it you know I read a really great story that Haley and Ian Mendes wrote on on the

Game specifically in Ottawa on night two and Carlo McLoud the head coach of the the Ottawa team was just talking about how like yeah we could come here and talk about a result their team lost 3-2 in overtime that game he like that would be missing the whole freaking point of

It like um something special is going on there and and I don’t think it’s going to stop it’s not to say there won’t be road blocks and and difficult times ahead I mean look at the NHL is a pretty wildly successful league with 32 teams we could still talk about some problem

Spots and things that going like that will that will probably always be part of the conversation but they’re they’re off to such a strong start I mean I feel like a it won’t be long before you’re seeing more markets and and in the markets they’re in like Madam me the

Leafs play or sorry where the the Toronto team plays is the old Maple Leaf Gardens it’s like 2 200 seats like it’s already like come on if you go on StubHub the tickets are ridiculous like like they should be clearly the demand outstrips the Supply right now and so

Hopefully they can find their themselves to a different venue next year where there’s more seips to sell and you know obviously that’s going to keep the thing going but I mean I I I have like this it could not be better I’ll say that it could not have started better than it

Did very well well said did you watch the Winter Classic a little bit I watched it first period okay I watched like parts of the second period and the third period I watched the first period in the highlights okay yeah I mean it looked cool I mean it’s cool that like the idea

If you would have told me like three years ago Vegas and Seattle would play each other in a Winter Classic I’d be like huh but they found a way to make it look really good at least yeah I love the opening the crowd looked like it had a great time

Obviously it helps when the home team wins it’s New Year’s Day you know at the risk of repeating myself I will say you I’m not telling everyone at home they have to watch every outdoor game because I get it it might get a little like stale from afar it’s the novelty may be

Worn off ultimately when the puck drops it is just an NHL game but if you’re in the building if you’re there I know producer Nick was there doing his is work for sports that I mean I I just I think it’s it’s a cool atmosphere it’s

It’s neat for the market it’s cool to have that many people in a game it it’s once in how many years like it’s not like we see a lot of repeat venues over time so that that you know it might be 20 years before we there’s another

Outdoor game in Vegas so or sorry in Seattle rather and so I thought I thought it was good I don’t have any like hot takes on the Winter Classic I still think it has a place on the calendar I think it’s it’s at the point now where it just it makes sense they’re

Going to have one every year it’s going to be a a killer in the place where it’s had like there’s never empty seats of these things like it’s always sold out tell it just tell like I just think it’s a cool event on the ground if you’re

Flipping around on New Year’s Day maybe you don’t sit and watch the whole game I didn’t even watch the whole game as I mentioned but I still think it’s it’s great that they have the the event itself what about the next one do we know anything about where the next one

Will be it’s up in the air a little bit you know the the NHL has toured the Ohio State stadium and I know there’s some desire to try to bring the game to Columbus um I you know from what I understand there’s some concerns about that stadium in terms of being

Winterized enough to have the a Winter Classic there so I don’t know if it’s going to happen next year I mean it’s it’s been 12 minutes since Chicago isn’t an outdoor game so you wonder about I mean Chicago I’m just kidding but Chicago has been in a lot of outdoor

Games including one many years ago at Wrigley Field that I I covered for the Canadian press back in the day uh both as an opponent and as as the host and now they have Conor Bard on the team and so that’s that’s a very strong market

For the NHL in the states obviously a strong TV Market you have a very marketable player so you wonder do they find a way to get them involved I mean let let’s see where it shakes down I I I do think that Columbus should be on everyone’s radar though the Blue Jackets

Are one of a handful of teams that have never played outdoor game and I think Ohio state is an appealing venue just just not certain it’s going to come together in time for the 2025 version but but I do think we’ll see outdoor NHL hockey at that that venue at some point

In the future and you know that Bard guy is pretty good in Chicago so may maybe they’ll find a way to to feature him on New Year’s Day next year I think so I I I realized we’re we’re just jumping through all these different topics while

Our our brains are kind of wired as they are right now do you have any thoughts on the on the Ryan Hartman situation in Minnesota open-ended question okay I mean like do you want me I think this thing H this stuff happens all the time honestly like that’s not excusing

It though I you know I don’t know that that’s where I find kind of the line is a hard one to draw because first of all I do understand why you know there was a time when players weren’t miked in games coaches weren’t miked in games referees weren’t miked in

Games and if you if that was your job and you’re used to not doing it that way all of a sudden someone to put a mic on you it is naturally a little bit invasive as much as it’s cool when a guy scores an overtime winner in the cup fin

Fin and he’s miked up and you hear you can hear the celebration like that’s great but then there’s a lot of other stuff that’s maybe a little bit more you just wonder where you know who hears it and where it ends up because you know the ice can be it’s a different

Workplace and you and I work in Julian you and I talking to a microphone for a living so I know that what comes out of here I got to own it but it’s a little different when you’re not used to wearing one so there was an agreement

Made years ago that in exchange for wearing those microphones that that it wouldn’t be used against the players and so it wasn’t a fact ultimately in what player safety was was ruling when they gave Hartman the the you know $4,400 fine for intentionally High sticking Cole Peretti basically in retaliation

For something that happened to his teammate KIRO capriso in a game the day before in Winnipeg I I just think this sort of thing H like I don’t want to brush it off and be like it’s nothing but I also I don’t know I’m not sure what should be

Different because if players start getting nailed for that they might be like okay I’m never wearing a microphone again so is that does that serve the interest of the league um even Peretti like I I I wish I could talk to him he didn’t seem that

Upset about it I don’t know if you saw the way he he spoke about it with the reporters in Winnipeg he was pretty matter of fact though he’s just like yeah I got he said he whacked me because of this like I just I guess we’d like to

Say this doesn’t exist in the sport but I mean we we all watch it right like last night there was a moment I was watching The King’s Leafs game and Austin Matthews gets dumped in kind of a vulnerable position by Pier Luke duwa and you know I think a lot of people

Were celebrating that the the Leafs went and at least sort of roughed up duah and like nothing bad came out of it um but it was a response thing like like the whole the whole game is kind of a version of response and so I’m certainly not condoning the actions but it’s hard

For me to be like I can’t believe Ryan Hartman did that because I sort of feel like that’s the game but I don’t know am I am I you tell me am I like on the wrong side of the dinosaur curve here like how do you feel

I don’t I I think it’s really really weird that we have that rule in with the mic stuff but if it’s the rule I guess it’s the rule I I think you do make a good point that if we start messing with that to one degree yes uh players aren’t

Going to wear bics anymore and that affects a part of the NHL product but I mean I haven’t heard the audio for myself whatever was said but like I If if it’s something that should be used if it’s something if something really bad was said like

That has to cause some kind of concern right true and that’s actually a good point you raised I haven’t heard the audio like I don’t know how it was said what was said I don’t know like we’ve heard how Peretti sort of relayed the conversation or the dialogue to

Reporters but I I don’t know I might have a different opinion if we ever hear the audio it’s funny the Jet’s account on on X nay Twitter uh kind of teased that the next uh version of their I can’t remember what they called their their series but it’s you know sort of behind

The scenes series that they put out as a team I think they said comes out January 16th but they they like they kind of teased that maybe we’ll hear the audio then I don’t know if that’s the case or not interesting but you know I’d like to

I I I reserve the right to change my opinion if I hear what’s on the tape but it it’s it’s hard to I don’t know I’m not sure either I’m really not sure like I don’t know how much he cross the line I guess it’s sort of understood within

The game that there’s some amount of retribution it’s a weird thing though also like as Peretti himself said like he had nothing to do with the original hit yeah dude’s taking a face off he just gets whacked in the face for a couple stitches I mean he should be

Penalized for that like that was very blatantly like offside right but are you saying he should be suspended four games like I I don’t know about that but doesn’t he have a history of being a bad but Brian Harman has a history of being good I think he’s had three suspension

And seven fines if I remember he has a history to be a dirty player he does right well it’s fair I just it’s it’s it’s one of these weird it lands right in the gray cuz when I think about it well also here’s the other thing like did I I mean

Does it even matter though I was going to say did Hartman even know the guy’s miked up but does that even matter I don’t even know if that matters I know there’s a lot to think about this well when you think about it just like

Imagine if all of a sudden you can never say anything that isn’t used against you I don’t know man that to your point there there might be a larger conversation to be had aggressive sport though like a lot of stuff gets said a lot of things happen I mean that at the

End of the day I I’m guessing that that is actually nowhere near the worst thing that’s happened even in the last five days it’s just that we’ve got to know about it through this sort of unique set of circumstances around it but not for the faint of heart this

Sport since this was a long episode and we packed a lot of information on it and it’s the first week of the year do you have a stick tap if you don’t I’m okay with moving it to next week I have a stick tap but an easy one

Okay Max petti my man I like that that’s cool I mean almost a year between games after missing all the the months and the initial Achilles tear to see him come back and play for Washington on Wednesday hard not to give a little stick tap to Max just an unfortunate set

Of circumstances in a career with with two Achilles injuries back to back at his age if you actually look across his last 100 games he has something like 98 points like unfortunately he’s been robbed of this time but let’s hope this is the beginning of a healthy run for

Him with the capitals and I do think that for all the rehab and work that goes into just getting back he’s deserving a STI stick tap to see that through to push through you know obviously he’s played a lot of games in League he’s made a lot of money but uh

The Love of the Game clearly still brought him back to where where he’s playing in the NHL today okay then I will give my stick top to uh an Sophi betz who uh plays for the pwl Montreal team who uh was the goal scorer of the overtime winner that gave Montreal its

First win over Ottawa ear earlier this week in the first ever OT game in pwhl history all right I wasn’t sure if you were going to be able to come up with a good stick tap second we could given it to Ella Shelton too she scored

The first ever goal in pwl history for New York on on we absolutely day we absolutely could have done that as well just a really good week uh all around when it comes to the sport that we cover awesome yeah we’re back bud we’re this is the fourth different calendar year

We’ve recorded a show when you put it like that that’s really special we’ve done over 200 episodes of this show I know but we started late 2021 all of 2022 all of 2023 now we’re early 2024 I love that man continuity my friend like I said at

The end of 2023 this train is not stopping uh so get on it because we’ve got more episodes to come subscribe to our show however you listen to our show subscribe to the sdpn YouTube channel which I believe not that far off from 100,000 subscribers and if you’re not

Subscribed already like what are you doing what are you doing hit that button smash smash smash who whoa I don’t want to I want to break my microphone whoa I’ll calm down anyway uh we’ll be back on Monday with a brand new episode of the CJ show for CJ I’m Julian

So long happy New Year and peace the Chris Johnson show inside the game twice a week Follow Chris on Twitter reporter Chris and follow Julian Mackenzie at jka Mackenzie


  1. So, if they don't win the Stanley cup this year they won't be competitive for another 3-8 years when the cap grows enough to get a decent "rest of the 23" instead of just the "core 4"

  2. People only watch the WJC closely when it's in a timezone that's reasonable for them.

    Also Canada didn't play like a team willing to win at all costs. No urgency.

  3. Willie making a cent more than pasta is an effing joke. 11×8=88 more than enough, matches your number, higher than marner – that’s enough… if he needs to make more than JT he just needs to wait until July 1 2025 and John will take care of that for him 😅😅

  4. No wonder the Leafs have gone 20 years without a playoff run – if they’ll pay a one time 40 goal scorer $11 Million while not appropriately $budgeting $8 Million for and acquiring a top NHL goaltender. Why do the Leafs insist on overpaying forwards?

  5. if that's true, 11M+, the leafs will be the most mismanaged team in the history of any sport ever. they had so much potential in 2016 and then wildly overpaid everyone…WITHOUT WINNING ANYTHING like chicago, tampa etc.

  6. I think the Leafs have done a great job building the team through the draft, Reilly, Mathew’s, Nylander, Marner, all star calibre players but the salary cap hinders the team.
    Can the Leafs actually win a Cup with 4 players making 45% of your cap hit? Nylander deserves to get the money but can Shanahan pull a Cup win under this scenario? Bertuzzi and McCabe are great additions, Domi not so much, but how do they add the Defense and goal tender they need? If you think this team has a shot at a Cup is Sheldon Keefe the coach that can do it? I don’t believe so.

  7. Regarding the Perfetti/Hartman incident: my biggest issue with it was it was a cheap shot to an unsuspecting player who had nothing to do with the original incident. That's not retribution. Also the viciousness of purposely maiming someone's face is fucked up. It's an over the top, misdirected response.

  8. They'll certainly sign him so long as the cap hit is under 11.5. Like, that's easily fair value. Panarin's contract a few years after Panarin for a guy who is imho better than Panarin. He's neck-and-neck with Pasta (career wise I view his performance as 1 year behind Pasta, once you shift the years they're very comparable players). Letting him walk would be bad asset management, because you can't recoup much value for him otherwise. You then have 1 year of cap hell, and then Tavares and Marner's contracts are up. If you want to maximize the cup window around Matthews' contract, you keep him, even if its a bad year next year, and you then have 3 shots at the cup. If you do need to make a change on the core 4, even after Tavares re-signs at like 4 or 5 mil, then it's clearly Marner that goes, and given playoff performance and even how they play the game (Nylander now plays a more dominant game), it makes sense to move on from Marner, which assuming you can't trade him, means after next season. But signing Nylander is always a no-brainer. My guess is 11×8.

  9. Leafs contracts are a joke vs the rest of the league, as well SJ has great player no fords there….sad u think that, maybe ur just a leafs fan and not a Hockey fan Chris

  10. 'Desperate times call for desperate measures' are you quoting Hippocrates, or The Hip(I'll Believe in You)?

  11. I feel like CJ overstated the cap opening up. Sure – those contract end, but the Leafs would need to replace Samsonov ($3.5M), Bertuzzi ($5.5M), Domi ($3M), and Brodie ($5M). AFAIK – the Leafs don't have 2 scoring line wingers and a top 4 d-man waiting in the wings, so they'll need to replace those goes via UFA. If you move those a big chunk of those $'s to MN, you're looking at dumpster diving to replace those guys, which can work or absolutely bomb. In goal – I guess the Leafs could go uber-cheap with a Woll/Hildeby duo, but I doubt the Leafs want to gamble an entire year without having a proven #1 goalie.

  12. I love Willy but honestly Leafs management should capitalize and sell high on him to acquire something like a top pairing RD and a above average goalie

  13. That Nylander contract probably means Marner’s days are done in Toronto. If they keep both next year this won’t be a competitive team.

  14. No one talks enough about how players had a good year for a contract and never lived up to it because they got the contract. Not to say Leafs will suffer after giving it out, but how do they also know he's going to produce at this level next 5 years when signed?

  15. The leafs will always have the same problem as long as they keep paying their top guys crazy money. If the cap goes up and all the money goes to Matthews Marner Nylander. Good luck fixing their problems.

  16. Sign Willy, convince Marner to waive his NMC, and get rid of him. This should have been done before Marner was locked in. Keeping Marner gives everybody the okay that you can give up on your team, throw a tantrum, and still play top minutes. I love what he contributes but the cry baby episode erases all of that.

  17. Let’s hope the cap goes up a lot cuz paying 4 forwards 10/11+ doesn’t make sense, dubas fucked this team when he payed these guys so much out of there elc’s

  18. Is he worth that over 8 years based on comparative salaries…yes. Will it further hamstring the Leafs ability to build out a deeper team; starting goalie, top flight dman…yes.

  19. Just shows that team success isn't really in the books it's just hope and prayer. This is for the business to keep the exciting players here punch a ticket to the playoffs crazy fans continue to purchase tickets buy the gear makes the Leafs a lot of money. They are finished just get ready for the another rebuild and just hope this brass is gone. Trash organization led by the biggest fool shanahan

  20. Nylander, Marner, Matthews, Tavares, wtf is left for the rest of the team? I think he is totally worth 11-12 million, but not on the Leafs.

  21. Unfortunately the reality of these moments are difficult and unusual in so many ways.

    The other were signed before the pandemic and flat cap. Without it then Matthews contract would be closer to 20 million. Within the reality of the current team. If the cap goes up 4 million that is gone on Nylanders contract. No Klingburg is 4 million saved and Brodie won't be brough back at the same value. If you can resign domi with a close number and give bertuzzi a slight raise based on production. You might have enough to convince dumba to sign. They wanted to earlier, but couldn't make it work. Without a big change on the forwards you could conceivably have:
    Reilly – Dumba
    Mcabe – Liligren
    Benoit – Lagesson/Timmins/Anyone.

    Woll and just about any two bargain vets should give you enough.

  22. I get the NHL wants viewers from every market but how many people are going to watch from San Jose because hertl is playing and how many viewers are they losing because the NHL straight up excluded better players? I for one will be a part of the latter

  23. lol at these ‘experts’ like Johnson saying that they have to sign him for whatever it takes because he’s an elite player. He is not an elite player, he’ll paid more than Pasternak who signed last year. Anybody who thinks he’s close to Pasternak and anybody who thinks so needs thier head checked. You’re paying Nylander an obscene amount based on this season. 3 months!!!. 40 goals and 87 points last year was a good season but not a 11.5 million dollar season. You’re overpaying him because he having a career year and once that deal is signed he will not get get 100 points this year.

    And Johnson will be the first guy to say 2 years from now that they shouldn’t have paid all these guys so much money when they crap out of the playoffs yet again. And yeah they have a lot of guys who are free agents but who are they gonna get to replace them at Rick bottom prices. I know these guys won’t wanna criticize the star players because they need to have a relationship with them. And Nylander is not a difference making player. Historically he’s been inconsistent and refuses to fight for pucks (like his other 3 high priced teammates) and that’s why the leafs crap out in the playoffs EVERY YEAR.

    The Canucks said good bye to Horvath because he wanted too much. And now they’re in 1st place. Trade Nylander right while his value is high. Even him being a free agent will still net you some value. Ideally he shouldn’t have been dealt in the summer but you still have that window. Signing him to that ridiculous contract is a death sentence for this franchise.

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