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Hello this is good morning transfers we are 4 days into the January transfer window and we look set for a busy end of the week will killing mbappe leave PSG the latest from Manchester United Jayden Sancho’s future continues to dominate will he make a move back to Dortmund in

The next few days Aaron ramel’s future has been in doubt at Arsenal but we understand he is going nowhere this month and could we see former Premier League winner Casper schmeichel returned to the Premier League so loads to get through first up we’ll discuss Manchester United at 9:15 we will review

The back pages and have the latest from Arsenal at halfast N9 we’ll take a look at what the teams at the bottom of the table have to to do and then at 9:45 the latest from Tottenham as they hope to sign a Defender and joining me to talk

About all of that we have Harriet prior flex and Sam of asaki good to see you all good to have you all on good morning transfers this morning and to those of you watching on the Sky Sports Premier League YouTube channel good morning to you as well well before we get to

Manchester United we start with some quotes from psg’s kilan mbappe speaking to reporters last night he revealed this with the agreement the president and I reached this summer whatever I decide the club is protected ahead of the challenges to come that is the most important thing back in 2022 I did not

Know all the way up until May if I knew what I wanted to do I should not drag things out that would make no sense I haven’t made any decision on my future I didn’t make a choice nobody at the club is talking about my situation as it

Interests nobody right what do we read into all of this Sam I think he still doesn’t really know what’s going to happen with his future but at the same time I think because PSG seemed to be in a better financial situation if there is a possibility of him leaving

Free it won’t necessarily affect them the way that it would have when he was going to leave in 2022 or before then um I think it’s clear that Real Madrid is the destination that he’s going to go to no matter what other teams have rumored he’s made it pretty clear the club knows

I think his teammates probably know it as well but yeah I think he he’s got his immediate future on PSG and depending on what they do in the Champions League and maybe in the league as well but yeah I don’t I don’t think that that’s made his

Future any clearer I can’t believe he’s still saying he hasn’t made a decision that’s what aounds me because we feel like we talk about this every single transgender we come into and we think what’s going to happen with Kadin mbappe for PSG you have to think their worst

Case scenario is losing a player of his pedigree for free because he is now in a position where he’s got six months left in his current contract he has got the option to extend it for a year it’s usually the club that can trigger it but he himself can decide whether he wants

To extend it a year if he doesn’t decide to do that he’s now free to talk to clubs outside of France and say okay where can we negotiate a deal so if Real Madrid is still his desired destination and he’s still saying well actually I haven’t decided that yet do you think

He’s just maybe playing it a little bit safe at the moment keeping all his options all his Avenues open but PSG they don’t want to lose him on a free they don’t they don’t and the way that they run especially with the decimation of sort of the the globe truter effect

They had with with Messi and and and obviously Neymar’s a long-term injury gone as well it’s it’s just him he’s the focal point and in in this new look PSG but make no mistakes in my opinion I think mbappe knows exactly where he wants to go when he no I’m not I’m not

Having I think he knows exactly where he wants to go when he wants to do it and he’s just playing it cool and he’s just trying to just taper down any expectations taper down the noise but this is a this is you know Messi and Ronaldo are now coming to the end of

That and it’s ready for the likes ofpp the likes of it’s it’s set it’s set I I just don’t think he’s going anywhere now so he’s just like the future’s uncertain I’m not leaving in January so just don’t ask me any questions exactly Prem we’ll ask you

In May it’s not R out is it mve to the Premier League he could end up in playing in England you never know maybe know right we will keep a close eye on mbappe but for now let’s get to Manchester United and bissa Dortmund want jayen Sancho to join them on their

Training camp in Mara next week negotiations continue over a 6mon loan de deal right flexx would this be a good move for both parties I I think so but at at this stage it’s completely untenable between him why are you smiling sorry sorry why you smiling we spoke a lot

About I’m just waiting to hear what you have to say about I’ve never seen him smile at me that that much um it’s like he’s enjoying that this Situation’s happening with Chelsea fan um no but in all in all seriousness it is it is I’ve never seen you smell that much exactly I

Could ask about some of your bu question come on um no in all seriousness it really is time that there is a solution to this both parties need the solution to happen um and I’ve been saying actually in in the lead up to this happening which I think it really will happen it’s

Actually it’s actually a really sad situation because Jane sanch was so highly touted such an exciting sign and you know one of the Best Wingers in Europe at the time absolutely smashing it with an up and coming Bellingham and up and coming um Harland at the time and

It looked like such a good Coupe for Manchester United um and the situation that happened with Eric tenh har I think I think it just can’t be reversed and especially now there has to be this solution whereby he’s been out of the team he’s on huge wages um there hasn’t

Been a resolution in terms of sancho being asked to say sorry and vice versa and Sancho not feeling like he’s getting what he wants back from the club clearly they can’t come to an amicable conclusion and this is the best way that they can do it James San is going to get

The chance to go back to somewhere where he knows where he’s just come from be comfortable um and Manchester United can to unpick what that looks like life without him which is is is definitely going to put Manchester United at a loss but it’s definitely the right solution

Considering the situation manit yeah I think I think it’s slightly a lose lose situation for United and and and that’s because if he does go to Dortmund and he does well let’s say he gets 10 goals 10 assists he’s going to look at his situation and say Eric tenh this is why

He should have been playing me and obviously he’s still going to be a Manchester United player but is he going to go back into that situation and say a manager that wasn’t able to you know really put me back into a squad when our forward is struggling you know you’re

You’re struggling to fight wide men with confidence and you didn’t play me in a in a time where yes you know the situation around the the thing that he put on Twitter and all of that stuff that was the main thing Sam it became less about the ability of the player and

The availability of the player and ten hog not wanting to compromise on principles while he’s trying to build a new culture and he has come under some criticism about whether or not he should have went public with with that situation my personal opinion is I don’t

Think he threw Sancho under the bus I think he just made a valid point in terms of saying based on this week’s training he hasn’t been selected now there’s things going on behind the scenes of which Sancho took exception to I think we can all agree I think we can

Agree that how he then tried to handle it meant that the only way back regardless of your ability or how bad or good the team’s doing was to put it right and say sorry to start making amends that didn’t happen so I believe it only left Eric tenard with one choice

I don’t think but even making that public makes it more of a difficult situation because like you said you know the situation happened it unfolded in front of the public and in those type of situations we spoke about it before it’s better for it to be handled you know in

The training ground in in in meetings where we can say okay cool I’m still one of your highest paid players one of the players that you want to revolve the team around wouldn’t it make sense for us to come to some sort of solution where we don’t talk about each other in

The public anymore and we do what’s best for Manchester United because if they do lose him like like we said and it’s six months of of glory and then in the summer we’re thinking do they need to have another conversation or is it do they sell him now and then lose value in

Him because he clearly doesn’t want to be there and he’s still doing well but do you think they can repair that relationship or do you think it’s too far gone now it’s too far gone isn’t it you have to say now like they’ve been it’s been months where he hasn’t played

Football and my question to you Flex is in terms of the fact that this is a shortterm solution there has been a lot of question marks over his valuation and whether they sold him now they’d get the money that they really want for him do you think this is a strategy by

Manchester United to say look go and play your football prove that you’re still capable of playing at the highest level then you can come back and we can sell you for a permanent transfer because for me from from an external point of view I’m thinking we talk about

Manchester United needing a level of consistency needing to build that behind the scenes consistency and a Level Playing Field well they’re just creating more work for themselves down the line but how do you feel do you feel like the short-term solution is better because then you’ll get more money from in the

Summer or would you prefer now there to be a long-term resolution considering the situation that the player and the club find themselves in this is the best solution for for now you know in the summer there was reports sort of claiming that any sort of deal to take

Jaden Sancho away from Manchester United would have to come with a 5050 million obligation to buy because Manchester United want to retain some or recoup some of that fee that are the best part7 million that they paid for him um a few years ago but you’re right this is

Technically a short-term solution in terms of the club they’re looking at and saying if he can go and play well in Dortmund yes from the outside looking in it could look like oh Manchester United ruined him you man up with a problem all along however the club will probably be

Looking at it like right he’s back into the shop window he’s played some good football now we can actually demand some form of sign ific fee from Dortmund who would clearly want the player and Pro Player would probably want to stay there for jayen Sancho he gets a chance to

Start playing again find his best form again maybe the Euros will probably be too much of a push for him who knows you never know he could absolutely ter he’s absolutely loved him he’s getting in England team consistently when he was there so it’s a challenge for Jayden

Sancho to believe that player is still there and to believe that player is still there exact I do I think and that’s what’s sad about this I still think he’s very talented footballer and I hope that he actually goes and finds his feet and reignites his career right

So looking like Jaden sanchz on way out of Manchester United we do know Manchester United are looking for a striker and flex and Sam have been looking into some of the options doing Eric ten Hog’s work for him haven’t you yeah we have because we’ve been we we

Talking a lot about you know Manchester United Strikers and the fact that they haven’t been in incredible form five goals between all of the strikers so obviously when you look to the Janu transfer window it would be a striker on the market and these are the three of

The players that we thought you know if Manchester United were really desperate or even in a position where they are able to attain someone one of these players would be the ones absolutely I think Manchester United find himself in a similar situation to what they did

Last January we want know how that went with Manchester United bringing in V red horse as a support Striker somebody to just fill in until the end of the season ffp right at the top of Manchester United sort of concern list having to comply with that and making sure that

They’re above board obviously inos have now come into the club with Sim ratliffe but how much funds are available now in the immediate not not not very much so they’re looking at lowc cost options people maybe not playing at their clubs who can come in and fill a void and teoa

Eric CH promoting and Grassi are at the top of that list at the minute yeah I think when you look at their stats that we’ll we’ll see uh very soon I think Grassi is probably one of the the players that you could look at in terms

Of what he’s done this season 14 games 17 goals one assist I think when you look at Stats that is the type of player that you need but you said it doesn’t look like it could be that likely no I mean Grassi is reported to have a a

Release Clause of 15.2 million and to be honest with you that’s 15.2 million more than Manchester United can afford um during this point of the window of course he’s only second to Harry Kane in the league for goals scoring 17 goals in 14 games which is a fantastic return a

Really exciting player but it’s just not feasible for Manchester United um to get him out and and to pay that money then you are looking at Teo verer look he had a he had an indifferent time at Chelsea did win the champions league but I think that that that big transfer was largely

Looked at as something that didn’t really materialize into the potential that he had and now he’s gone back um to to Li Zig and again eight games two goals has an exactor up and Eric CH promoting I mean it’s incredible the agent that he’s got you know playing

Playing at Stoke then going on to PSG then find himself at Bayern Munich and now his agent might be able to get him into Manchester United I mean that’s the agent you want if you if you’re going to be a footballer but I just think as a Manchester United fan you’re looking at

These options and and it’s just really indicative of actually where Manchester United are this time last year need to bring in v v course quality wise not where Manchester United should be and now again I don’t want to be disrespectful but looking at the likes of chapotin and Teo Vera again not where

Manchester United should be but that is the reality but when you talk about the the players almost a stop Gap because you mentioned loans I think Teo Vera if you’re looking at Teo Vera and TR promoting in terms of coming in on loan or a really low fee I think true

Promoting could be a similar mold to what V did for United last season yes he didn’t score that many goals but this season at least you have holand who you know hasn’t really found his form in the Premier League he scored quite quite a few goals in the Champions League but

He’s a senior player that is proven he’s done well PSG at Bayern Munich when called upon yes this season hasn’t done that well but I still feel like there’s a there’s a player in there what what do you guys think do you think that any of these options or do you reckon there’s

Someone else I just think as you mentioned there it’s going to be really hard in January to be able to do any realistic business in the football director came out and he said we’ve always been consistent in saying that we do not see January as the optimal time

To do business and our recruitment strategy remains focused on summer Windows that’s always kind of been the way in recent times hasn’t it at Manchester United you think loan moves most likely exactly and you look to to last season when they brought in vour as kind of a short-term option and maybe

They’ll look into the loan Market as a more feasible option because they have to also be acutely aware of ffp regulations and and you mentioned there not having the 50 million to spend on a striker I mean for a striker that’s an incredi good deal there’s not many

Options in the market that would cost that little especially the striker Market with so many top clubs looking for that option so I think if they were to do that they would be looking at the loan options and there’d be question marks over the investment coming in but

That’s yet to kind of be ratified by the Premier League so that investment won’t have any real benefit in the January transfer window so probably looking into the low Market bad news for Manchester United fans for now no permanent kind of signings this this window but good

Summer ahead maybe I I just don’t think that there’s necessarily like a ster that would cost that amount for you to get to come in and hit the ground running I think Teo ver true promoting are are players that we’ve seen the best of them in different teams and different

Forms but if you’re looking at you know the Victor oans that we’ve been talking about these players cost way too much for a January signing and hland is their main Striker and and ten hog really does believe in him but I do think where there’s games where he’s having a few

Run of games where he needs his confidence or he just needs someone to know bounce off of like something that he could someone who can learn does support he needs someone to take the pressure off him as well because you mentioned how difficult it is to find a striker well Manchester United became

Aware of that in summer when they were trying to look for someone who was proven and you knew could come in and make a direct impact hyand does still need that time and he does need someone who he can maybe link up with take the pressure off him a little bit because

It’s hard for him coming in a younger player and saying right you’ve now got the goal scoring responsibility for Manchester United a huge club and only two clubs have scored less than them in the Premier League at the moment and that’s not where they need need to be

Right time now for a quick break and a reminder if you are out and about you can keep across all the latest deals and transfer stories on our Transfer Center blog just scan the QR code on your screen right now and we’ve got an update on tilo

Cara’s move to Monaco from West Ham there’s growing optimism a deal can be concluded in the next 24 to 48 hours after which Cara will travel to Monaco for a medical load to get through we’ll take a look at the stories making the back ages and what does the future hold for Calvin Bits And welcome back to good morning transfers time for a quick look at some stories featuring The Back Pages this morning let’s start with the independent they’re reporting that Bayern Munich has set to renew their interest in signing Fuller midfielder Jal Pia they tried to sign him in the summer now onto the

Standard and they report that Manchester United are interested in signing Crystal Palace bring at Michael Elis say in the summer and finally in the mirror they’re reporting arsal are prioritizing a move for a left back in January but manager Mikel Arta will likely have to settle

For a loone deal rather than a permanent transfer well that rounds up a few stories featuring in the newspapers what about Calvin Phillips future Sam and Harriet have been taking a closer look they can tell you everything you need to know yeah as Alex mentioned Calvin

Phillips is set to be one of the big names heading into this January transfer window Sam obviously got his big move to Manchester City but how’s it worked out for him since he’s been there I think he’s probably gone in the opposite direction that he wanted wanted it to

You know obviously when you look at him coming into the Manchester City side a lot of people questioned whether he would it was the smart move to go to you know rri is such a key um member of their squad and he’s almost become immovable in their team and ever since

He’s been in the team he struggled to get a few minutes and even when R’s had a few games suspended or he’s been injured you’ve seen Bernardo Silva go there you’ve seen Rico Lewis you’ve seen JN Stones go there so you can tell that you know the trust isn’t necessarily

There for Calvin Phillips but pep gu Ola was very unap apologetic to him saying in an interview that he said sorry to him many times that he’s a perfect professional that you know it’s unfortunate that he’s not able to you know be a key figure in his team he’s

Only played he’s only played 10 times this season with two starts so that’s not necessarily something that he would want as a player that’s looking to be in the Euro squad for England so it’s been unfortunate but it looks like there could be an opportunity for him to move

Away yeah you talk about him there being a really professional figure and that’s something that leads fans will know all about because if you think back to his time at leads he was such an integral part of that team and both in the championship and the Premier League in

The championship who was named one of the players of the season in that team he really was an integral figure both as a defensive midfielder and he showed his attributes in that way and that’s why manchest City wanted him but also as a leader he really showed how professional

He was how he was always a really big voice in the changing rooms and I think that’s why Pep Guardiola speaks so highly about him because as you mentioned he’s literally apologizing for not being able to give him game time but maybe just stylistically there isn’t a

Fit there anymore but as I mentioned showed what he was capable of at lead so still someone who I think could go on and be successful which clubs do you think are interested in him and where would he work well well the two clubs that we’re we’re hearing are Newcastle

And Juventus Juventus are said to be the Front Runners obviously they’re second in Syria at the moment um they have Wester McKenna out injured obviously pogba’s out indefinitely and I think they’re looking to strengthen their Midfield they do have two defensive midfielders that um that they could

Potentially you know use as well but I think they see themselves in a position where they could strengthen and Calvin Phillips like we said is a perfect professional he’s ready to go and he wants to play consistent minutes so he can be in contention for that Euro Squad

So that’s one option and then the other option is a team that we’ve talked about having a lot of injuries and and almost sliding down the table because of these things but if they were able to get a player like Calvin Phillips it would be really good for them and that is

Newcastle as well we’ve seen tanali is obviously out they’ve had a few injuries Joe willick is still currently out injured as well um Bruno gimes is a player that has also been a key player for them but looks like he’s a little bit fatigued you know playing a lot of

Minutes Champions League Premier League all the Cup competitions so I think Calvin Phillips has quite a few good picks you know Newcastle Juventus there’s other clubs that are potentially interested what club do you reckon he should have go to yeah it’s not bad is it having a couple of the top clubs

After you we know that g Southgate is a very loyal manager and he really likes Calvin Phillips as part of his team but you do need to think about his game time and whether he’ll be match ready to when he goes into the Euros as well so I I do

Think he just needs to go somewhere he’s going to be guaranteed that game time I’m I’m not entirely sure that at Newcastle that would happen what I do think is at Newcastle if he came in he would allow gimes to play a bit higher up and in more of a creative role he

Would come in and sit in the more defensive position but you have to think Juventus Riding High in in the league at the moment that’s got to be a really attractive proposition as well and maybe you think I want a new challenge away from the Premier League Italian Giants

As you mentioned so I do think that Juventus would be a really good option but we will wait and see where he ends up after the break we’ll take a look at what the teams at the bottom of the Premier League need to do will we see a

Former Premier League winner return to the league and away from transfers we’ll be speaking live to the new world darts Champion Luke Humphries Welcome back to good morning transfers let’s get to Arsenal now and they have no plans to allow an ramell to leave in this window and it would take an Aston nomical bid for them to even consider it we’ve been told ramel’s future has been the subject of widespread speculation

But his situation is likely to be reviewed in the summer but the euro is coming up he needs game time just how detrimental could it be for Ramel to stay at Arsenal Sam I don’t think I think detrimental was the wrong word to a certain extent just because I think

When you look at Arsenal now they have ryer and goal obviously but artto spoke about how he does doesn’t necessarily have a number one goalkeeper it’s clear he’s it’s very clear he’s a number one but at the same time if he gets injured now ramale straight in and that’s a good

Thing for a team that’s trying to challenge for the premier league and the champions league and when you look at the other goalkeepers that in the England situation um pford look he’s set number one you know ramsdale is in in two or three goalkeepers Nick Pope’s out

Injured now I think ramsdale is still going to be in a squad and I think similar situation to other tournaments so I don’t think he’s that necessary for him to get a move now but in the summer I think it would be just for he’s just as a footballer to you know have

Consistent football but I don’t think it’s going to affect his um Euro Squad I I understand what you’re saying in terms of Arsenal’s perspective and the fact that if Ry got injured then he would be able to come in as as number two option but do you not think from a personal

Perspective now it’s just been a really difficult period for him he’s been under so much scrutiny and so much extra pressure as well we saw how nervous he looked in the game he played against brenford when Rya couldn’t play 100% I think actually for both of them they

Look like they’ve been under more pressure and more scrutiny because there is another option who could just slot in in place of them and it’s difficult and a lot of EX goalkeeper Pros have spoken out and said you know if I was in that situation it would have made me feel

Anxious would have made me feel nervous because it’s a position on the pitch where if you make a mistake everyone is going to be on your back online and say what put the other one in put the other one in I think for ramsdale you can really see that the weight of the

Scrutiny the fact that everyone’s talking about it we’re talking about it everyone online it must be wearing on him and and to get a move away potentially even if it’s alone for the next few months yes maybe it wouldn’t be beneficial for Arsenal I understand that

But for him on a personal level on a professional level he wants to be playing regularly he wants to be getting that game time he’s a really really talented goalkeeper he deserves that just to take him away of that public scrutiny in the Limelight as well because it’s clearly not doing him any

Good I think that’s the biggest thing it’s it’s a personal thing for ramso like you said he’s going to go to the Euros regardless the same way Calvin Phillips is probably going to go to the Euros regardless of what’s going on I don’t think it’ll affect that and he

Probably isn’t going to be number one he isn’t going to be number one at the Euro it’s going to be Jord pford but on a personal for him he we know his personality we know his character he will be absolutely devastated fuming angry upset his dad came out and said

His dad was on a podcast and and said the sort of same thing and got a little bit scrutiny for that but he would absolutely yeah it was honest and he just he just wants to play but unfortunately for Aaron ramale he is in a situation where like like you said

There it’s going to take an astronomical bid to get him out of Arsenal at this stage and and also he has to think of it like in the summer he is probably going to have to move because can you see Mikela sort of reversing his decision sending Raya back to brenford not not

Taking because R made mistakes hasn’t he as well but he’s still sticking yeah and we heard our to say back in September that he was going to rotate his keeper mid game but unlikely we’re going to see that I think even you know Brighton sometimes do it where they use a

Different goalkeeper away from him and at home and I think yeah I think they maybe thought that would be the situation when he was talking about there being two number ones maybe we thought we’d see more rotation in that area but so far it just looks like there

Is a very clear number one and a very clear number two and that’s not helping ramale and maybe Newcastle a little loan they they might fancy a goalkeeper for a few months in this position yeah in a few months but in this position they’re Rivals to Arsenal for for those

Champions league and European spots so I just don’t think there’s any club that he would even want to go to you know he’s playing in the Premier League he got Arsenal to play in the Champions League he wants to you know keep on improving and playing at that level and

I don’t think any team in the top six or run that Arsenal would be willing to sell or that they’ll be you coming in for right well Arsenal are keeping their eyes open when it comes to potential transfers this month they given ffp restrictions they may look at the loan

Market if they want to recruit Flex do they need to strengthen if they want to be challenging for the tit season I look at this Arsenal Squad and I think the reason why it’s maybe dropped off and there’s this perception that they’re not as good as last year is because the

Tactical tweaks that that Mel aret has tried to make probably haven’t worked in in the favor that he would have liked them to work um and the stats say it too they’ve conceded slightly more goals they’ve scored slightly less goals but they have more control over games more

Possession um The Keeper has better distribution but we’re not seeing that in terms of Arsenal at the top of the league like they were this time last year so I think fans are concerned about that and also what you got take into consideration is the drop off of players

Who really were delivering last year I know Gabrielle jayu spent a lot of time out through injury last year but when he was playing he was bang at it scoring goals you look at the likes of Bayo saaka and Martinelli those have been the two big ones for Arsenal who maybe

Haven’t been at it so I think a striker is at the top of a lot of Arsenal fans wish list I know there’s a lot of talk about Ivan Tony but with brenford not doing so well and a huge price tag on that that’s not going to look well and

Defenders kentin is gone um you’re looking at the Alexander zenchenko as the out and out fullback only only one there at left back so Timber’s been out for a long time Tommy can come in and out and sedc Suarez has only made I don’t think he’s played this season or

Maybe only once so definitely looking for reinforcements there we saw what happened when CA got injured as well um last year so Arsenal fans will be concerned about that so definitely business for Arsenal to do but like we said with ffp and them even having to defer David Rey’s situation to get

Around ffp they’re not going to be able to go out in janary and spend 100 million on I to right we’re going to have to pause our transfer talk just for now because everyone is talking about the darts and Michael brid is in the studio with us with a very very special

Guest yeah I’m absolutely delighted to say the world darts Champion Luke humph is ready to speak to us there he is Luke big question first have you been to bed yet I think he’s still I think I actually think he’s still in bed I think he’s still in bed everyone

Breaking news go back to transfers yeah well that was just a little teaser saw you there we will we will have Luke humpr in a moment but we’re going to go back to our transfer talk for now and get to the three teams think he looked a

Little juggling at the bottom of the Premier League but actually you know what Luke humpr is back everywh back to Michael just cuz you’re world champion you can’t do this now Luke good to see you okay there um right have you been to bed

Yet yes I have been to bed yet um you know I’ve had a good few hours uh not as many as obviously I would have loved to have had but uh you know obviously I went out last night and celebrated you know my family my friends my sponsors

You know my management you know these are moments that that cannot be you know not celebrated and uh you know I enjoyed myself last night but uh not as much as I did on that stage it was a fantastic final and it was a pleasure to be a part

Of that was absolutely fantastic wasn’t it look you’ve had a brilliant few months I’ve been watching you in all of them but this one it just feels so different doesn’t it to to win the well World Championship it’s the Pinnacle of our sport it’s just everything with every

Single you know player in this in the sport dreams of doing is being world champion you know as you know bridg obviously won many many major titles in the last three months but this one is of course the sweetest of the more it’s the one that that will always live me

Forever you know as long as I’m being a professional Dart player I’ll always be known as a former reigning you know world champion that’ll always be my title now um and you know it’s just something that is going to take a good good couple of weeks before I can really

Comprehend of you know what I’ve really achieved when Luke ller went for to ahead what was going through your head were you starting to worry he he started to really push you didn’t he yeah you know I I didn’t have that panic in my mind because I still

Believed you know the way I’ve come back in other games throughout the tournament but uh the way he was playing it you know it was getting to the point where I’m thinking you know he’s going to have to start missing there because if he doesn’t then I’m in trouble um and he

Did and missed that one Dart to go 52 up and I managed to make it 4-3 and that was the pivotal turning point if you know if if he had have gone 5 to up that adrenaline would have drained from my body and I probably would have you know

Felt I’ve got an uphill task and it’s going to be really tough but you know went into that break at 4-3 and then you know I managed to reel up four incredibly great great sets of darts um at my aame uh and I put him under incredible levels of pressure and uh you

Know as a it’s a you know it’s a it’s a it’s a such a great achievement for myself to to go on and put on such a a great performance in the biggest game of my life did you ever feel hey look I’m I’m the new world number one or was it

Great to see so many new darts fans we’ve had record viewing figures we’ve seen everyone talking about it on social media but did you ever think what about me you know then them thoughts never creep in my mind of course but you know it’s important for me to go up there and

Say like you just said hey I am world number one you know I can I can play good darts and uh you know don’t write me off here uh so you know obviously you know Luc has has been a credit to the sport he showed great maturity on such

Young shoulders um he’s he’s create a massive Global following from so many you know incredible celebrities and stuff which is you know massive and great for our sport I think it’s a sport that’s growing at an incredibly rapid rate um so for me to just be involved in

Such a you know incredibly high drama game was you know really pleasing and obviously to be to be you know the winner of it uh it’s even Inc more incredible um but yeah like like you said it was important for me to go out and you know put a Satan out being you

Know my first game as world number one um you know obviously now world champion it was important for me to go out there and put a statement out there that you know I am the best player in the world at the moment you certainly are look you

You know about Luke L you’ve known him for a while everyone in darts has known about how good he’s going to be he could actually be one of your biggest Rivals for the next 1020 he could dominate it for 30 years it’s about having sometimes the right people around you but it’s

Exciting for darts isn’t it yeah he you know he well and truly could dominate the sport that’s for sure um the reason I say that is because when you walk into a tournament like the World Championships it never always goes your way and and he made everything go

His way you know he like I said he showed such great uh maturity on young shoulders um and if you’re doing them sort of things at 16 you know it’s mindless to think Ray could be in five years time you know he will be world

Champion one day there is no doubt in my mind I just thought to myself it’s important I get one in early before you know he does dominate us all and uh you know it becomes a a much much harder task to beat him but yeah I feel that

There’s going to be you know I’m only 28 myself so I’ve got a long career ahead of me and uh I think you’re going to see many many battles in that big stage in the future you know future tournament between me and Luke and uh I think most

Of the fans at home will enjoy seeing a lot more in the future the Premier League is announced later here on Sky Sports News 4:00 everyone do not miss it that’s going to be your next Target isn’t it it is my next Target um you know this

Is going to be the toughest Premier League I think that that we’ve ever seen obviously I don’t know the names of course I know I’m in it but um you know this is going to be incredibly incredibly tough to win uh that is definitely one of the you know the

Things on my resume now that I’ll need to tick off is being Premier League champion um you know fortunately missed out last year quite I was you know so close to being involved and the PDC made the right decision to leave me out because you know I went on to to prove

Him wrong and uh you know pick up some incredible trophies this year so you know I’ll be really looking forward to it it’s a you know it’s a spectacular for us as players it’s a you know showstopping event that uh all the players want to be involved in and um

You know I’m sure the the next four players that do get you know invited to this tournament apart from the top four will be really looking forward to it as well you’ve had so many well done messages you’ve had the Prime Minister saying well done but I know your

Favorite one will be leads United I know you’re a big leads fan this is the transfer show what’s the message to the leads fans or even the players secure automatic promotion so they can attend the Premier League at the start of May yeah I did I did get a message from

The prime the Prime Minister and obviously it’s incredible to you know to to have him watching you know the game with me and Luke and the support he he showed us both he sent a lovely message to us you know and that’s the the biggest person that could ever send you

A message and it the prime minister so you know that was incredible for him to you know send such a lovely message and then you know like you say from my you know beloved lead United to to send all them incredible you know supportive messages over the last couple of days

Especially yesterday um you know I’ve had I’ve had some some leads players come along you I had Jamie shakon come to support me yesterday one of the leads players um and I’m sure a lot of the other leads players would have loved to have come and supported me as well but

Uh you know it’s obviously busy times it’s you know busy season and I understand that um but yeah I’ve had some incredible support um and and they’ve showed me a lot of lot of support so um you know for me it’ be a dream year if I’ve you know become world

Number one world champion for them to you know get back up into the premier league would also be you know it’d be the most incredible year for me obviously you know I’m a massive leads fan so uh you know I’m hoping they can do the business this year because

They’re playing fantastic and uh to have them back in the Premier League would you know obviously be amazing for me also let’s go back to you where’s the trophy Luke I want to see it where where is it you can’t see it it’s right here a

Look just cameraman here we go look at that and that is that is heavy as well isn’t it Luke that is heavy that’s a gym session isn’t it it’s very very very heavy it is it’s very very heavy and very very very beautiful um but like you

Say it is it’s incredibly hard to to lift up for a long period of time so you know that’s why it’s on a table not in my arms because I don’t don’t know how long I’d be a to hold that for but you know it’s uh it’s it is a beautiful

Trophy something that become iconic and our Sport and uh to lift that above the the head you know above my head last night it was a dream come true and uh you know it’s a moment I’ll never never forget brilliant well I hope you enjoyed our pre-match hug no but you’ve had a

Brilliant brilliant year you’ve been absolutely fantastic last two two month last few months well deserves a classic final Luke we’ll see you later for a premier league announcement for now uh Luke thanks for joining us thank you very much for having me thank you so that was the world champion there

Luke humre he’s definitely in the Premier League but who will join him big day today we’ll find out the lineup for this year’s Premier League darts we little as heroics earn him a spot find out 4:00 right here on Sky Sports News well that was a very big trophy club

That haven’t won one of them for a while Tottenham they’re trying to sign a new Defender we’ll tell you who in a few Minutes Welcome back it’s time now for our new feature on good morning transfers it is the team selector which will randomly select a club let’s go today suspense suspense is it going to roll it’s going to roll today it is it’s like a fruit machine but it’s

Not it’s a team selected today it is Nottingham Forest right so nuno’s first window Sam what do Forest need to do I don’t think they need to do anything to be honest I think you know he spoke about the size of the squad Steve Cooper spoke about the size of the squad when

He was manager they have 33 players currently they have six players going out to the afcon and that still leaves them with 26 players they have got a few injuries but at the same time there’s still players that have come in and and proven that they can start like

Chriswood you know aani was the starting Striker the started season he got injured Chris Wood is coming now and he’s proven that you know he can be a replacement but also a starter as well and I think he just needs to find a settled starting lineup and and just

Keep going I don’t think that he needs to force a move I know January comes around and everyone thinks ah my team needs to make a move but I don’t think they need to so Sam’s saying they don’t need to make a move but if they were to

Make a move Flex are they targeting any specific play yeah I’m I’m going to say a goalkeeper okay yeah I’m I’m I’m looking at Matt Turner and I don’t think a lot of his performances would have maybe filled the forest faithful with absolute confidence in him I think it’s

A position at Forest that’s been quite choppy and changy recently I know that um you know Dean Henderson has had a spell Navas has had a spell and it hasn’t quite been right I’m a big cult hero Bryce sber um at Forest I’m sure Forest fans would love to see him given

A chance I know that might be a little bit out of out of their remit right now but I I definitely look at M Turner and sometimes his inconsistency and sometimes mistakes even most recently you know passing the ball out from the backat that made let Manchester United

Back into the game and set up a chance for Marcus rashford when Forest looked pretty pretty comfortable and he that was that wasn’t the first time in that game he made that mistake so I think could at that he did made a big Save which actually led to a goal exactly but

Overall though um I still think that that could be a position maybe another Winger as well Anthony langa’s doing fantastically well Hudson adoi can come in and out and and and’s trying to build his confidence but also Gibbs white has been playing out there as well and I’m

I’m pretty sure they like him in a central situation so maybe a Winger but for me I’d look at goalkeeper Harriet obviously they’ve signed so many players in the last two windows just how difficult is it for a manager when you’re coming in so many players I’m

Sure he probably forget some of their names doesn’t he it’s probably really overwhelming I’ve got qu quick quiz question how many players do you think they’ve signed since they return Premier League I’ve got it I’ve got it on here 46 35 what you going with Alex it’s you

Going for a guess uh you 35 let’s go 40 something 48 but you you’re close it’s 42 since they were returns to the Premier League so it was 22 players in their first summer window that was around 150 million spend a further seven signings arrived this time last year and

Then they added another 13 in the summer and for a new manager coming in he’s said now I want to think about trimming the squad not bolstering it because I’ve got so many options and also it’s a bit of a fresh start isn’t it for the players who can think okay maybe we

Haven’t been getting the game time previously but we’ve got a new manager coming in he might have a different style of play a different formation let’s see if we can adapt to that and get ourselves in the team but like you mentioned overwhelming number of names

And players to to kind of get a grips with so a difficult one for him and I think he’ll just take his time and let players go before he brings too many new ones in yeah how important Flex is it for him to offload some of those players

And is that the priority this yeah I think nuno’s a manag who like sort of like a squad of 18 small tight-knit uh group to work with not 42 in the last year not 4 exactly he’ll definitely want to want to trim that and I think also it

It’s it’s a kind of different situation as well because actually a lot of players who wasn’t playing under Steve Cooper now actually have the chance to maybe impress nunut in this time so he’s only been there a short while so he might want to look at some of the

Players that he he may want to actually see and see if they can perform for him but definitely he would not want a squad that inflated so definitely a trimming session for for not and Forest rather than incomings right to one of nuno’s former clubs now in Tottenham and it

Could be a busy end of the week for them as they look to sign a Defender talks continue with Jano over the potential signing of ru dragas he’s valued at around 26 million Harriet just how much do they need a Defender obviously a lot of injuries they’ve had so many injury

Problems haven’t they and I think Tottenham started the season so incredibly well and a lot of people were saying how would they cope without Harry Kane how would they be able to adapt and polu came in and really recreated the system he pushed his fullbacks wide he they looked defensively really solid

They were filling that goal void goal void different difficult words to say but then they have picked up injuries and particularly in that Center back area so I do think heading into January Mickey fander was so impressive I think he is due back soon but a few more reinforcements whether they’ll have the

Funds available to look at more short-term Solutions because Tottenham have been a club recently who have adapted their strategy they want to sign younger players who will contribute to the growth in the long-term plan for Tottenham will those payers be available think they’ll Target the center back

Position and then if they manage to get that done maybe look at Central Midfield a Winger as well but they’re targeting Champions League aren’t they top four spot and a bad January where they’ve got three of their keep players are missing as well joining up with their International Teams difficult period for

Them there is talk about Conor Gallagher going from Chelsea to Spurs now only Thiago Silva turn now isn’t it only Thiago Silva has played more minutes for Chelsea than Conor Gallagher this season his Captain’s side just how bad would this be for Chelsea this move I think it

It would be bad because like you said he’s Captain his side he’s an integral part to what pochettino wants to do at Chelsea and he said that so many times as well but I think I I can see both sides in in terms of in the summer gagov

Was clearly not necessarily a part of the plans even though poino was talking about it because of the amount of money they spent on their Central Midfield but at the same time he’s now proven he’s worth and I think the amount of money that Chelsea do want or the the figure

That they’re thinking of of selling him I don’t think Spurs would want to you know lose that in January so I don’t think it’s a deal that could happen but yeah for Chelsea fans I don’t think they would want to lose Gallagher because he’s been so important if Enzo Fernandez

Worth you know 20 Mo kaiso worth over 100 what’s Conor Gallagher worth cuz he’s your best midfielder yeah I know but it’s a it’s a team it’s a Midfield you got you’ve got a you’ve got to balance it out and I think he adds the balance that Chelsea needs so I think

Poino has said he’s important to the side and he’s definitely going to be one of the key players moving forward Le what do you think break Sam’s heart could Conor alago go you don’t think he’s going no no I think that would be an absolutely ludicrous decision for

Them to let him go profit got think of the financial aspect it is part of the Chelsea model though to to sell their Youth Academy graduates prospects etc for really really good money um so in the future I probably expect to see it but in January he’s literally been

Chelsea’s best midfielder right that is sadly all we have time for for now but good morning transfers is back at the same time tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. and we’ve got plenty more to come today from the team transfer talk is here at midday so we’ll see you then and for a

Full Roundup of all the day’s news you can catch the transfer show tonight at 5 and 7:00 and next up it is the football show Kevin cell joins Haley McQueen live on the show that’ll be straight after the break you won’t want to miss that stay with Us that


  1. Mad how there are so many black Chelsea fans in the media when the propa Chels old school fans would kick them out of the tube if they could

  2. 33:20 Everyone WAS talking about Rammers 3 months ago, I don't think anyone is anymore, until this transfer window. He either moves now or he'll end up another nearly man, yesterday's news

  3. Mbappe will never be viewed as a top player till he leaves PSG. Till then hes just someone who does well for france

  4. what’s the purpose of sky sports premier league talking about transfers outside of the premier league? mbappe has no relevance to the channel

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