Golf Players

Eric Johnson 1st Dan Brown Belt Promotion

On 12/5/23 Eric Johnson performed and passed his 1st dan brown belt promotion test at Portland Small Circle Jujitsu. This promotional test displayed Eric’s proficiency in empty hand defense, weapons defense, and weapons proficiency demonstration.

Mr Johnson how we doing tonight doing good s excellent I want you to stand right there perfect okay um today we’re going to evaluate you for your brown belt um we’re going to look at the different aspects of uh your Judo your ground grappling your weapon

Use um we’re going to start off with just some transitional walking about 5 to 10 minutes of you just go with wrist locks St you know the routine just where everyone puts hands on you and you just take your time about a one two three you

Don’t want to get too tied up with one person all right okay all right uh at least four or five of you start off you guys should trade out because we’re going to go for the next five minutes ready start the clock now this is no Patty K

Class you need a key ey when you hit the Bag come on John you low low up high go go go go go go go bre you five four three two one good Start NOP that was extra credit what Happ fure technique so worked off that crash and bang those three versus Weapon versus no weapon so he’s going to do it now I’ll be hitting him and grabbing him he’s going do the same stuff okay here nice remember your ful Le and

Base maintain forward pressure which is also part of the five elements of a close which is attack assessment control of center lines Center Line being your bicep line and your Center Line yeah next to grab cigar press press press2 man I’m going to kill you coming at you ER don’t go too far

I’m come on sacrifice something come on Face you picking on a little black little black suit huh watch thanks good job go get himti you’re not blind oh kick his ass dirty words nice good break it like forward pressure forward pressure [Applause] and come on John lift your legs up Pigeon T drop the other way there

You all right John push your head out now some you to go from the golf okay okay all right who I got first jum you just want me to get out there yeah I want you get him off of you and get it out and

Yeah choke him get that the get down the P roll and there he is gonna punch you in the face thank you sir have at me Bro dang it there get it get it get it get your heel hooked in there you go yeah choke you bring your legs up on his shoulders Eric now take a bent elbow wrist lock bent elbow wrist lock yeah now roll the wrist fingers and take them off

You your leg bring me to that we go that way go that way go that way forearm roll sck it in get his back there we go the camera needs to follow me now his your eyes bu what you doke his eyes I know there you go all right ears

His all the nasty stuff is not legal I know pop his ear Dr I already gouged his eyes out he wouldn’t respond got oh yeah Your Hooks in choke see those legs off the ground easy easy guys don’t resist that hard I know hurt yourself Budd I stopped

There you go all right leg get that arm come on there you go ER his J come here teag come on punch him punch him punch this is Portland make it hurt good one a good one that’s a nice one that’s a nice one here take this one take that one please okay

Break elbows and then knees on the thigh yeahp block there you go nice you okay je okay ready Tim push pull er down up down up there you go there go fingers good Portland small circle Jiu-Jitsu certificate of achievement this is certified that Eric Johnson is hereby

Awarded the rank of brown Bel third Q three promotions of black having met all the mental and physical requirements of this promotion it is hope the individual continue to strive for Perfection of the ultimate rank to always hold in profound respect the dojo the Sensei and those above your ring never disgrace Portland

Jiu-Jitsu and thought or deed where we closely follow nearly 300y old Society that’s recognized by The kodon Prestige and respect the certificate is officially registered with Portland small circle Jiu-Jitsu Eric Johnson congratulations please take your blue belt off right h

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