Stephen Curry Paradym Ai Smoke Driver Fitting

It’s always special when you put a new club in the hands of Golden State Warriors All-Star and all-time great, Stephen Curry. This video gives you an exclusive look at our full Paradym Ai Smoke driver fitting with him.

Stephen had one heck of a year on the course with a massive W at the American Century Championship in Tahoe in July and moves the ball like a tour pro, so we were excited to get an even better driver in his hands. What played out that day was extremely impressive.

What Stephen got fit into:
-Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond (9.3 Degrees, N/S)
-Fujikura Ventus Red 7x Midnight Mode (45 inches, D3, Tipped 1″)

Oh my God w we got there and that’s doing exactly what I want what you saying is I didn’t change anything about the swing is starting a little bit left and coming back Right all right we are here at pal alel Hills Country Club Palo Alto is that we’re in your town we are in my negative WS Okay so let’s talk about your golf life in 2023 with the Paradigm driver it was good you had a nice year so you won

You won your major what call it your major your big one so talk to me about your relationship with the Paradigm driver cuz I got something better but I just want to talk about look at the P for I know there’s always something that you got up your sleeve in terms of the

New tech but the Paradigm was a game changer for me uh just confidence to keep the ball and play obviously I can hit it a decent ways yeah you get it out there trying to keep the uh dispersion in and be be able to find it and that’s

What happened this summer uh I hit a a whole lot more drivers in my major than I ever have and uh it obviously paid off so okay I like the ball fly I like the sound you got the specs right from our last fitting and just confidence from

There so I take it to the course so we’ll call it a 10 out of 10 10 out of 100 a 10 out of 10 in a trophy okay so you ready to see the new one absolutely okay I’m going to present to you Paradigm AI smoke the smoke so that’s

The max my first time seeing this for real for real so I’m going to go through the I’m going to go through the shop talk really quick we have the AI smart face so what they did was they took over 250,000 golf swings from real players not robots not somebody like players

Humans and fed all that data into the supercomputer and came up with the AI smart face so essentially what this thing does is it’s built to combat or mitigate the Miss of every golfer out there from John ROM to D Curry to Seth to Steph to everybody right Del Curry

Doesn’t have many driver misses but everybody else youf everybody okay so the face itself is the smartest face that we’ve ever created and it was so good that we were able to actually take out the jailbreak which has been the pillar of Callaway drivers for a long

Time right years so what you’re going to get out of this is ball speed across the face forgiveness and spin retention across the face and even better for you you liked the dispersion should be tighter dispersion okay okay so I’m going to show you really quickly so that’s the max head beautiful that’s

Going to be your fast ball down the middle for most of the players and then this would be what you played last year which is the Triple Diamond triple di Y and I tried to get him to do the the the triple and then one Diamond but they

Would do we got to keep working on it yeah so we’re going to build them up but I’m going to have you hit your gamer first while I’m building them up just to get the Baseline let’s do it okay so we got GC quad you can’t do a true test

Without GC quad we got some new golf balls we’re going to talk about later but you’re going to hit something close to what you have now okay okay and then uh we’re just have some fun so you have Ventus even though it’s a Black Shaft you have a Ventus red

7x TR all Stu curried out what he said that’s what I have yeah Paradigm Triple Diamond N9 at plus one yes okay Steph hits kind of a cutter when I’m dialed in that’s where it’s supposed to be going little left to right action so we’re going to start you

Off there I want you to hit five just stock shots I’m going to get a baseline on the numbers and we’ll go from there is that in the is that in the Box yep yes it is okay one for one that’s freaking beautiful do me a favor if you miss it a

Little bit call it out and tell me where you miss it on the face okay okay feel like that was a little Healy okay yep and the the the numbers show us that launched a little bit lower spin one up so you’re in interesting guy to watch hit balls cuz typically when

You’re humming your launch stays you know 10 launch for you is kind of high yeah like when you’re cruising you’re like 8 n and you like to see it kind of out of that window right okay so hit three more for me we’ll take the best Three that was absolutely crunched absolutely mesed your balls be your ball speed went up five 5 and a half miles an hour so that was uh 176 A5 315 carry at 2100 spin at 10 launch so remember we talked about last year if you watch the last

Video last last year’s video was a banger but 10 launch at 2100 spin is real fun for this it’s not fun on the golf course unless you hit it out in front of you right balls out of your hand if there’s not enough spin okay so

We’re going to pay attention to that cuz you like to hit it you get super geeked out when you hit it far that part okay and that was like the little Healy but it launched a little higher than the last one that I hit off the heel that

Was awesome numbers on that really good okay so that’s so those are I would call those like rombo numbers 12 launch 2300 spin 2400 spin roughly at 177 ball speed okay so so far you like the shape you hit four out of five four to five

Yeah four to five were like the right launch angle I like heel strike on two of them two are just absolutely perfect okay so this is a cool thing to look at your standard deviation what we call like a Delta 377 RPMs in spin so that’s a great

A great driver for you so what I would like to see you get out of this is a little more ball speed yeah yeah and then out of that heel miss that heel miss that you had went up to 3100 spin so if we can find a face smart face it

Kicks that spin down two or 300 RPMs you’re going to get even more out of that out of that strike so let’s try the AI smoke I like what you’re telling me okay let’s try this I’m just going to put it in the standard weight configuration we’ll mess with that mess

With that in a little bit this is a full service uh fitting stuff we’re going to do this the right way say what you just said about the weight so you have your weights you have like a 12 I believe a 12 G weight in the

Back and I think a six G weight up front so you have the weight built for like a higher Moi version triple makes it more forgiving it spins a little bit more now you would love it if I moveed The Way Forward cuz the ball ball speeds would

Go up the spin would go down and you hit nukes all day but we want we want to win Tahoe again right so we got to keep the like that yeah I just love the look at that thing look at that okay how was that one so that was

Heel for sure okay the launch was way higher just off of it was way higher okay give me one more yeah and more let’s talk about the look really quick so you like you like the look what the crown look like the color colorway all that stuff what do you think it’s

Such a clean look I mean I like just the Slate I have the murdered out yeah one now so it’s obviously a little different there but it gives you something to kind of get your eye fascinated on but doesn’t distract from you know me just trying to lock in on whatever shot I’m

Trying to hit the ball I like to have a little fun with what I’m looking at I don’t like it to be just too boring I like the and the the contrast yeah see that’s why I like they did a good job on the kind of the Top Line

There oh that’s so good well I’ll tell you this man that’s so freaking good so far your ball speed’s gone up 3 m an hour even on the one that you hit off the off the heel and that was a third is yeah that’s launching oh high so I

Want to fix something really quick I’m make a couple of adjustments here let me see this thing I’m actually going to put your shaft in I don’t know how much fun I’m having right now this is how you this is how every day should start that’s what hang out with Johnny on the

Freaking nerd box at the course nerd and out on some some gear for all six rounds I’m going to play during in the season getting ready for summer 2024 already we’re hitting the triple diamond cuz we’re just going to go gamer to gamer right mhm but the way that they made the standard

Head this year is last year you actually hit the head it’s called standard tour it was that standard head that had the weight up front they mimic that for the for like the the normal version now so it’s more of a tour tour Centric head so what I’m actually curious to see with

You is we’re going to hit a few more with this but I’m actually curious to see how you hit that especially if I move the weight that back weight around back I got you yeah so we could have some fun with that one let me just move

These weights around I got got know what I’m looking at when I look at the iPad just knob my head and yeah they all pretty good looks good yeah I like that number looks good there we go we’re going to neutralize the head a little

Bit so I think you might do well with a more balanced head as opposed to extreme weight back in front like you know extreme weight back and extreme weight forward uhhuh I think what this is going to do is clean up the strike a little bit

And I’m actually going to put this take it from plus one and put it in Stand just neutral standard okay so the reason why you would put it in plus one is cuz you hit a cut and you want it to start left right I think what

We’re it up it opens it up a little bit right no it closes it closes it so it starts left and come back right got you got so what we’re going to do and I’m going to put it on with the like this it’s going to look a little

Funny cuz it the shaft and your grip’s going to be turned around that’s fine but you didn’t have the you didn’t have it lined up correctly yeah which is fine so this is just neutral standard with pretty neutral weighting and I think not only are we going to

Neutralize a strike I think you actually might launch it a little lower so your M hits will launch a little lower which what we want so I want you to just kind of feel like once again stock swing nothing snoody and just bang it out there now we’re talking now we’re

Talking how is that for strike that was pretty yeah okay like n and a half out of 10 yeah okay let’s hit two more so that came out way lower that was came out way lower but 10 so so like you know 10 and 2300 roughly

Right on the razor’s Edge but now I know that’s going to car his flight though right it’s a good flight if you hit out in front of you but I now I know if I move a little bit of weight back I’m going to kick the spin up a little bit

So I now at least I know I got the launch there got you okay oh my God that’s so freaking good yep we’re in business here and that’s doing exactly what I want where you’re saying it’s I didn’t change anything about the swing it’s starting a little

Bit left and coming back right rbo number 178 112 at 2300 you do that all the time like forget Tahoe like you’re it’s a corn those are like corn fairy don’t you get me started Johnny don’t you I’m trying to I’m trying to gas you up for

For a comeback now we’re going to be in Paradigm AI smoke Max remember I mentioned before it’s kind of like a tour design with that weight forward yes sir so I am giving you this obviously because I want you to hit it for feedback but

I want to see if there’s a way that I can get cuz your misses tend to launch a little low yes right they come out like eight and a half and they go way up and spin or they dip down and spin I want to see if there’s a version of this combo

Where your M hits might kick up and launch a little bit and tighten the spin a little bit I don’t know if it’ll happen this this one’s kind of a guess but we’re going to try it all right cuz that’s what we do and this the weight on

The on this one has a slider weight right so so I can make that thing really fade biased which we can do for fun or I can make it go dead left either or either or and everywhere everywhere between left yeah ew how’d that feel that felt pretty

Good I I pulled that one so it started a little left of Target but it was a dead straight ball flight okay which this one will self correct a little bit more than the triple diamond will okay so whenever you look at a AI smart face that’s why

Smart face yes so whenever you see a a driver shape like Triple Diamond would be you know vertically stack right it’s deep face so the shorter the higher the toe the shorter the head the more that the head wants to go like that right the

More play there is in the head when you get a long heel the toe it doesn’t want to rotate as fast but for some players that makes that easier to turn over oddly enough with irons just the opposite it’s easier to fade but with a driver it’s actually easier to turn over

When it’s like that cuz the weight the head wants to kii around and you’re have to do stuff to counter that yeah so you you should hit this one slightly straighter than the other one e well you got me died in right now I don’t care you’re kind of hitting them

All good right now what driver here you get all right hit one more and I’m going to move that weight cuz you’re hitting this one just straight yeah just high and straight 11 launch for you is like that’s Sky High it’s me looking down here where is

It that’s like Vince Carter in the Olympics on that guy jumped over him and then he almost took out Kevin Garnett on a on a celebration the tree okay okay well you hit this one good like probably send this home this might be like your Sunday

Driver okay I want to do one thing on this cuz this is fun we’re in a rabbit hole we’re just going to keep going down it I’m going to do a couple things to this thing I want to see if there’s a version of this head I’m going to take a

Degree of Loft off it okay I’m going to make it really fade biased really okay like super duper fade biased just to see what happens what do you predict that’ll do to the spin I think it’s going to kick it down but this is for fun this is this is you

And I this is you and I nerding out here do you do that same routine you do the same pregame routine it’s the same Cadence same everything right when you’re Sho yeah I’ve edited it just a little bit since I’ve uh like my 10th year in the league just I used to do

Probably like five minutes more shots but all five spots and then the mid-range stuff and then shoot threes at the end so like what you saw was I do that every game I’m hoping you just hit just absolute power bullets with this but we’ll see yeah e ew hit one more of

Those dude that’s those are cool numbers 12 launch at 2200 12 launch of 2200 one 76 but look at like this is this is the cool so for people like he hits it really like he hits it his path like his pull left to right like we’re talking

About a degree here a degree there like it’s it’s like you hit it really good which is infuriating cuz you’re also the best basketball player in the world so it’s like the whole thing’s annoying and that was the quick pull okay all right we’re going to leave this

Alone let’s go back to this one I’m going to get this one super dialed and oddly enough I’m going to change shafts on you the pool so like what you’ll see a lot on tour and I watch Kell Watson who’s our guy that fits RAM and Xander and all

Those guys is you have to especially with good players you have to kind of poke and prod them a little bit to see what their what their feels are right like where they respond to so you have like um what I would call equipment sensitivity whether you can

Articulate or not doesn’t matter you just know where the club needs to be at a certain point so the fun thing with you is I can it’s actually easier for a fitter I can hand you the wrong thing mhm and you’ll try to adapt to it because you’re a good athlete you’ll try

To figure it out but if you haven’t figured it out in three swings it’s just wrong and I can take it out of your hands like all right screw it this isn’t going to work all right Lock and Load baby let’s hit three more to end this video and so

Far we’ve gotten you three miles an hour of ball speed your spin Delta is 100 RPMs tighter all great things all good things so we made you a little longer and a little straighter so like that one right there I I would love that in in act in uh on

On course where if that’s the Miss and it’s just a slight pull but it stay straight like that but look at the Bol look like dude and the only reason the spin went down is cuz it was a slight pull yeah but it did but you see that

Number is 2109 yep it’s not 1,800 so like you love to play I think you went back to X but you love to play that LS Ball but you liked it cuz ball go far yeah but that’s the that’s that with that ball that Ball’s going at

1,800 RPMs X was the difference in Tahoe too that was that’s why you need spin X got it done freaking love it doesn’t get much better than that it does not get much better than that you’re too that’s a wrap oh my God 180 baby we got there we’re done

So it’s always cool for these videos when it really works out so the numbers don’t lie versus Paradigm which he won a major with here major with I’m just spitballing the numbers here you got three and a half miles hour faster on average you got six more yards

A carry and your spin Delta got about 100 RPMs tighter so I just made you longer straighter che check and essentially the same setup you had before just with a new head new head yeah freaking a appreciate you brother way it go yes sir uh if you have any

More questions on AI smoke or Steph Curry’s we got a bunch of pictures of your golf bag on my website we do world the Wonder website that’s what new driver fittings are supposed to look like so I’m very happy man today want to thank Steph for having

Us over to paloalto uh that’s a wrap we’re done we’re out of Here


  1. I don't think they realize how bad the AI name is. Cringe. Over under on the AI count in this video is 95,756.

  2. Not much difference. Guy hit 5 with his and than was warm and went to the new one…of course it was going to go faster. Should’ve gone back to the old one for a better comparison. Marketing BS at its finest

  3. Would be nice to put the camera behind him so you can actually see the ball flights better, everything looks like a slice

  4. Spin deltas are such marketing BS. You cannot compare them without controlling for all the other variables involved in spin like strike, dynamic loft, etc. But the new driver does look cool.

  5. Callaway needs to step up their content game. You have Steph freaking Curry on and it feels like a couple of guys on iPhones recording.

  6. Love steph don’t get me wrong and like seeing him play.

    But did you guys have to inflate those launch monitors numbers. A 176 ball speed 10°launch with 2100rpm cannot carry 316y.
    Unless it’s elevation and downwind. Just gives a false narrative out there

  7. Life is tough for Steph Curry. 🤣 After watching, it really wasn't apples to apples with Johnny switching up loft and head weights. Those variables could have contributed to the different performance, correct? In other words, it was as much the fitting as the equipment, perhaps.

  8. Worst camera angle ever… Theyre going straight ???? Everything looks like a block right. Does Callaway know how to film golf??

  9. What happens when Curry goes to LIV? Wunder is gonna be fitting locker room attendants for their videos. This is the Paradym, but this one is grey.

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