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Myron TOLD The Ladies His IDEAL Type Of Relationship!

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Okay next one says the best oh I know I know who wrote this one the best relation in opinion that was you huh what no the grand what’s the best relation for you your your opinion okay you want to hit first okay so uh best I would just say

Um one where the girl special um feels that she’s the one for you and also that like she knows that you’re her priority but also uh you don’t cheat in her face so uh that’s the best relationship where like she’s think she’s special she’s the

One you don’t put it in her face you just tell her what she wants to hear damn hey man it’s the truth I Ain lying uh what you the easy route that’s that’s actually hard to hide your [ __ ] that long hard what do you think is a better solution then I

Mean think about it like if that if you’re going to be like in a relationship and lying in a relationship why are you in a relationship mhm no one’s lying you are though to her you’re telling her you’re special you’re the only one I’m telling the truth though she is

Special special but you can put your dick in anybody that’s not really being special not committed to her you know you know what’s harder is being in a marriage or in a relationship and loyal to them for a long time that’s hard you ain’t pay no bill Stephanie all right

That’s what would you sit there start for sex right you ain’t paying [ __ ] I I I’m I haven’t I’m not paying bills my parents are taking care of that but okay I’m going to get an apartment when I’m 21 I’m halfway there and I’m 19 so when you

Do it then you can talk [ __ ] all right okay see me when I’m 20 all right cool uh okay um it’s fine I got I got it got bro um I see it okay interesting um this is where I think me and fresh are a little bit uh differentiate I

Think the best optimal relation ship is you have multiple women and they’re friends with each other oh [ __ ] no good um yeah know hold on before you guys go all crazy misog yeah so um I guess you could say Sister Wives or whatever but I think um having having multiple girls

And having them be friends with each other works out the best because what ends up happening is if you’re a guy and you got strong frame and you’re picking the right girls they’re all going to have similar interests anyway what I’ve come to realize about women that aren’t

Hoes is they T they tend to have similar interests they tend to like to do um things inside they tend to like uh more simpler things they tend to be higher IQ they tend to be interested in like learning and developing themselves to a degree and when you bring these girls

Together like oh my God like what the hell and they have similar interests and similar mindsets and most importantly similar worldviews um and they end up becoming really good friends um I mean to this day uh you know some of the girl well one is still friends with Angie and

They hang out and [ __ ] like that and it’s because Joe man you on air [ __ ] um this [ __ ] bro but uh but works out because um you know they I introduced them and now they’re cool and I I think that that would have happen had I not

Had this mindset no no no nah Chris who you dating bro yeah Chris Chris who you dating [ __ ] Chris not all of us are like you and do three CS with our main chick you [ __ ] weirdo so I don’t believe in doing threesome with your mang girl I think that will

Cause a lot of problems let alone with a second girl that you guys in relationship with [ __ ] that um but uh I think making them friends and having them int ucing them it actually works out I know some girls are like don’t want to put they want to can’t put their

Ego to the side whatever but it actually does work out and they end up being friends with it and they end up like really getting along because they have a common interest and then from there they could build Upon A a friendship yeah but if only but it’s a

Lot of work though it ain’t easy don’t get it twisted you got to be that guy to do it yeah my brother does that he dates a lot of girls they know about each other yeah they have like three four something five some I think I think he’s just [ __ ]

Then if he’s out here put they’re doing three subs or four sub I thinking I just don’t think that’s the way like he lost his way like he was about to like I didn’t I think every brother just [ __ ] hoes man I don’t think I don’t think he cares about n no

No he really is hold on hold on that’s not what I’m talking about I’m talking about having a girlfriend that you actually care about having another girl that you care about and having them be friends and they hang out for like hours and together like they do all this stuff

You’re saying both of them but together wait so do you take them out of the at the same time like do you take them out I’ve done that before at the same time yeah to get to get dinner date I’ll give example time back in the day we went

Golfing ex Top Golf myin had literally four girls four girls three in the well four three same one you keep adding his yours your own three girls all the same venue shaking hands kissing babies I’m like who are these who are these people but then remember oh that’s number one it’s

Number two number three and all got along play golf and it was it was good yo fresh who’s uh two and three man [ __ ] this this is allegedly by the way ask question he knows the answer to you know this is allegedly why you over here doing why you doing this

Chrisly we hate him too he talks [ __ ] to us as well so don’t feel bad he’s honest about it I think that’s respectful you know yeah yeah yeah I’m hon but here with that said you know a lot of girls don’t like it they can’t put their ego

To the side oh what the [ __ ] I’m supposed to be the only one but dude no guy wants to be monogamous man it like very few you know maybe her dad and like three other guys in the world but like the reality is most dudes don’t want

That so it’s like I I just keep it real you know it’s a lot of work right you obviously have to be a certain caliber to be able to pull this [ __ ] off the girls really have to respect you and like you to do it but it could be done

Um you know you might have to deal with some headaches and [ __ ] but but in a perfect world I wish marriage was viable like it was back in the day cuz obviously a man and woman together coming to bring their goals together to build I want to say family is important

But now it is it’s kind of but to your question the reason why I think that works is because right when we look at relationships right between men and women we typically only look at the female perspective I want a I want children I want a family I want to walk

Down an aisle in a white dress and fulfill my dream but we never look at what the guy wants yeah men almost always wants sexual variety you can’t get it with one girl sorry you can only wear a pink wig every now and then and you know say that you’re Sheniqua on

Wednesdays it’s not going to work men want variety we want different colors different skin tones different shape sizes whatever it is so you’re never going to be able to fulfill that on your own so how I look at it is obviously you take care of your girl treat her well

Etc but if you have multiple women both parties are happy now if the girl could put her ego to the side a little bit she can literally formulate a form a lifelong friend that you can actually trust because you aren’t competing like you there’s no weird [ __ ] like yeah you

Both got the guy so it’s like what it is just hang out now you don’t got to worry about [ __ ] and I think if the guy takes care of y’all what you complaining about yeah but what happen if you want a family right you with both are you going

To have wait are you going to have five women the same house you would you you would give them each their own home I would give each of them their own home I would so are you going to just take turns every day what house you go or why

Wouldn’t live with either of them oh [ __ ] oh okay I don’t think so you’re going to leave your children just at their house with their with their moms or yeah number one I don’t believe in uh women working I think uh that’s that’s a that’s a that’s a lie from feminism I

Don’t think women should work I think women should work electively um and they could work and do some side job or whatever it may be but I think the man should be the predominant winner and the woman should work from a position where

I want to work and I can do it on the side but the kids come first so yeah if I was to do this I would have a house for each wife or each girl kids there and then I’d come in and out every now

And then and then I’d have my own place I don’t think living with a woman is in a man’s best interest do you think that’s good for the family for the child you’re not really being a father figure you’re just popping in and popping out

That’s a fair critique um the re so in the in the early years the formula of years for the child I think the mother’s the most important and then as the child gets older into their teenage years Etc that’s when the father really comes in because you need to be there to

Discipline your CH child let them know hey this is appropriate this inappropriate Etc and that comes into the more teenage years which obviously I’m going to be in involved a significant amount and to be honest like you know a dad as a dad you don’t need

To be there as much as the mom like you know you come in for disciplinary reasons make sure there’s a you know food in the table roof over their head mom says hey what the [ __ ] wait till your my dad comes home a lot of times

That does the job like my dad was never around but he was a great dad because he was working all the time and it allowed my mom to be a stay-at home mom for most of my childhood and then uh at some point my grandma came in um I mean you

Might disagree with that but I think that’s the father’s main role now if you could be home more that’d be great but that’s just not realistic change your mind you’re like okay you know what I I don’t want you anymore like you’re fat you’re ugly like whatever you want to

Say I’m not maintaining you anymore you kick her out to the streets and now what I would get heavily penalized for that so thankfully in the United States we have very uh aggressive laws in a woman’s favor so if I were to do that you know and every Western country is

Like this if I was to try to sit there and be like oh you know I ain’t supporting you no more she could literally [ __ ] me up and be like oh well I haven’t been in the workforce for 10 years right the child support isn’t that

Good like it’s it’s going to barely make ends me she has to pay for bills she has to pay for the child I have to pay alimon too I’ll have to pay for alimony I’ll have to pay child support child support is a significant amount of money

Based on how much the guy makes so she going to get a bag off me all these problems you’re having just because you wanted to have sex hold on hold on but I’m not going to I’m not going to but the other thing not you personally but

Like if you’re trying to have like a lot of girls like and have a family with a lot of girls you’re just putting yourself in a in a situation when you’re going to have a lot of headaches the other thing too I I want to bring to

Attention cuz you mentioned like what if she gets fat and old or whatever and you wrinkly and you don’t want to be with her no more um statistically speaking that is just not common it’s women that actually initiate the majority of the breakups and divorces men rarely ever

Break up with their women men almost never leave relationships do you know why women initiate divorce though it’s because men cheat or they’re getting abused it’s financial reasons typically that’s the main that’s the main reason is financial they even said it what your pick a guy he was broke yeah couldn’t

Maintain I didn’t break I mean abuse could play into it but money is typically the main bottom line why women infidelity is a big I tried my best well most guys aren’t I mean most guys don’t even have the real capacity to cheat man let’s be honest here most guys like

Barely can get one date let alone cheat on their girl so it’s I get what you’re saying um but realistically speaking if a dude’s in a relationship with a chick he’s not going to leave a lot of times especially if she has kids by it’s the women that initiate the breakups by the

Way intermission guys oh is it time to go to Rum all right ninjja switch on over to rumble we got almost 10,000 yall on YouTube and then another 12,000 you guys on Rumble over 22 plus thousand y’all in here man so come on over to rumble we’re going to switch on over to

Rumble right now guys if you guys want to go ahead we got a better panel man I’m not losing hair follicles and we don’t got here so this is good shout out to you Chris for once uh cuz you had some low IQ P panels that hurt my head

List but yes I mean you have some Fair critiques but I think um in general most guys aren’t going to leave a relationship especially if like it’s preference their preference yeah like you know you have your own thoughts I have my own thoughts everyone does has

Their own thoughts yeah I I get your perspective but I’m just telling you how men in general think that most guys want variety though I mean most guys are pretty similar man we’re really not that complicated we think alike a lot we think alike the only difference between

Me and like a more regular guys like I’m able to kind of like say it out publicly on a podcast and whatever right maybe I’m I have the financial resources to like actually do what I want to do but a lot of guys think the same way they

Might just not be able to say it or express it or do it you know but a lot of guys want variety not all but a staggering majority if I took like a 100 I’d say 90 of them probably want more than one girl I get that I mean that

That goes into desires though cuz look her dad was able to be like loyal to her my parents have been high school sweethearts and right now they’re like 60 they never cheated they’re like to your knowledge like I think we’re we’re talking generalization your dad’s a higher net worth guy they live together

Every time they have their location all the time they have but your dad is a higher net worth guy right no he he just works in renovating um wait they they run a uh management uh real estate Man by themselves they don’t like have anyone else working for them it’s just a family

Business so we buy a part ments we renovate them and then put them for rent and then that’s how we get the money you purchase the properties yes so your father’s a multimillionaire I already know then if he’s purchasing and acquiring properties and he’s able to do

This he has he has he’s a millionaire that’s not cheap he’s that’s not cheap at all um what you’re 19 which I don’t expect you to understand that but your guy is your dad is definitely a higher net worth individual uh the difference is is that guys that have money A lot of

Times they just get escorts man yeah you would never know you would never know like they they they pay they’re paying for the girl to shut up and never talk about it also you’re forgetting generational like differences back in their day day totally different nowadays there Tik Tok there’s travel there’s

Instagram there’s hoes right it’s way more access than back to time and also like it kind of goes with their beliefs too so like it’s the world is constantly evolving is out the window now


  1. I respect and agree with a lot of what Myron says, but being a father of two myself (married 11 years) it is essential a father is there throughout the child’s whole life from beginning. Respect and good luck with that logic.

  2. Why is this chubby 19 year old girl talking so much? She doesn't pay for anything and has achieved nothing. As Chris said, once she starts acting as a full adult, she can talk sh-t. Until then, she needs to listen and learn.

  3. The "sister wives" thing i find it very hard to accept especially if you're a young woman who's been told her whole life about prince charming and true love. But if women are told from the beginning that that's how things are for real, then… maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I for one feel I'd kind of accept it now that I've kinda been through hardships. If being happy and stress free means i gotta be roommates with the sister wives, oh well, so be it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. This 19 year old has too much to say at a young age. She is still in her Disney feelings not in real life. The top man has it his way!! Now learn this.

  5. why do the women leave? lol que the homosexual stats. male couples versus female couples divorce rate. lesbian couples get divorced 75% more than their male counterparts, so……

  6. I had so much respect for Myron but after seeing this I am really so not okay.
    Traditional men=Traditional women. Earning them should be on both the sides.
    I don't really think that logic of his will work if it does its great. I read your book it is good. One thing I have obsevered its kinda getting toxic I have been following your stuff for a few time and I like what you guys have to tell but now your stuff is offending and its not helping me to gain anymore knowelege. I will be unsubscribing your channel. All the best.


  7. I disagree. No marriage will work out with lies. These people are living in their own hell.

  8. Absofuckinglutely NOT, Myron! Hard disagree here! Sexual variety is nice, for sure, but at the cost of a strong family unit? No thanks. I cannot wrap my head around this concept, you are literally being a slave to your biology as a man, like women are slaves to their hypergamy — You HAVE to rise above it, just because you feel it is natural to do so, doesn't make this shit right. Please do not say the majority of men want this

  9. Most men should NOT listen to Myron. He owns a sh*t ton of cash-flowing properties and is a millionaire HE can have this type of relationship with women. The best, and most realistic thing men can do is level-up to attract ONE high quality woman (young, fit, feminine, traditional, etc.) and be happy with that. Don't be greedy. If you match Myron's energy and attitude but don't have the finances to back it up, you'll end up looking like a joke and end up with no one. Besides, if you had to attract women (who share you) with money and lifestyle, how much would they actually like you, or would actually be invested in you? How do you know they wouldn't just trade you up for a higher value man who could offer them more in a heartbeat? That's not love.

  10. myron is talking s..t in this one .
    thinking he will be a good dad and a father figure while having 3 or 5 (or more) ho.s living in different houses
    and everything will work out just fine is honestly nothing more than a pipe dream .
    his son/sons will never respect him because he is basically treating their mother like a ho. and dropping in and out whenever he pleases .
    there is also a big difference between a.) the kid knows dad is not home because he is working (understandable)
    versus b.) he is not home because he doesn´t even live here or he is just F-ing another one of his regulars on that day .
    that´s just not viable long term .
    his son/sons will know their mother is just another side chick for myron –
    and once they come into their teenage years and become young adults they will never respect him and may even hate him for it .
    also myron is always talking about how he wants a near virgin girls – that´s another contradiction
    because girls who agree to such arrangements and
    they know about each other and they willingly put themselves on "rotation" are 304s by definition .
    them bi…s being friends with one another is also just a facade –
    they secretely hate each other (no woman likes the idea of playing a second fiddle , she just pretends it´s ok for the time being)
    thinking these women will by faitfull to him is also naive – because they will get some action on the side as well while he is not around .

  11. HILARIOUS The fact she thinks her dad isn’t rich BUYING property and doing renovations and renting them out. Shows how clueless young women are when it comes to making money

  12. That would be terrible for a young child to not have his father, especially boys. Flat out immoral and wrong. Single parents make the most violent adults.

  13. So because a man pays bills, he’s entitled to cheating in marriage/dating? GTFO. You guys sound so fucking ridiculous. You do NOT speak for all men.

    Literally, these are some of the worst arguments ever. It’s obvious you guys lead with money and ironically, you’re all creating the BS (degeneracy) we see in modern day society. For the men who even have the ability to do what these losers are doing, do NOT take this advice. These guys are laughable and women don’t like them for obvious reasons.

  14. Myron's scenario requires a dearth of female ego. Not saying that doesn't exist, but its a big ask.
    Someone ask the one beside myron if her brother is an actual rockstar or something.

  15. I like this content. Myron is spot on(to a certain degree) in regards to relationships. Any bloke worth a pinch of shit does tell the main girl you gave a decision.

    That is correct, best to have them mates

  16. Myron, your view on the child matter is mad misguided. Do you think parental involvement is only crucial when the child reaches their teenage years? Both parents play a significant role during a child's early developmental stages, particularly in cognitive growth. Suddenly becoming active in a teenager's life can lead to resentment, similar to how a child might feel towards a parent who left and returned after many years. You capping hard af on this one.

  17. I'm not gonna lie what the first girl said is the ideal but none of the can meet that standard. Men are going overseas for that ideal now. You see my pfp? Where you think I was going? To do what? Why? 😂 Myron, I thoughy you were sane for a while but ain't no man want that islamic old testimental shit in their lives, we just want 1 woman with 0 bodycount, to raise our kids in a healthy manner. Just because we're against female promiscuity, that don't mean we not against the top 10% promiscuous men.

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