Golf Players

SIG P365 XL Spectre

Shooting and discussing the P365 XL Spectre in 9mm.
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Hicock 45 here I know you’ve been waiting to see the p365 Spectre and what we think of it well I really kind of blocked it out of my mind but it has been haunting me oh it actually shoots feels pretty good must be a Sig

P365 or some sort right yes and it is a a ghostly gun maybe Gastly you might think it has a Gastly look about it look at that slide wow somebody that uh has a what some uh CNC Machinery at their disposal along with some uh really effective

Drugs just kidding but it is a little different isn’t it yeah it has the X frame or X frame slide you know it’s the X Series and it’s a distressed Spectre Series so it has that distressed uh look about it and actually it is distressed as I understand they they put whatever

Finish they’re going to put on and then they tumble it you know whatever and if it’s like in my Dyan case cleaner or what they put it in and they advertise that each one has a little bit different look because it’s going to have a little

Bit different wear so you might buy this gun and it might have a little bit more wear up here or back here so you actually have a unique firearm how’s that for cool so yeah going to shoot this and tell you what we think about it got it from on loan as

Usual they all go back for their EEG Gunner auctions and uh that’s their thing we send it back with the target the paper Target and I write out a certificate uh swearing on my life in blood that this is the gun you’re you’re looking at it’s in the video but anyway

Uh we appreciate Bud’s uh Bud’s assistance uh immensely as well as uh the food company okay for this firearm Federal Premium with some ammo we’ve got some to fire here how’s that yeah I really appreciate Federal Premium and their support and the Sonoran Desert Institute sdu get yourself some distance

Learning you can get a degree in Firearms technology get certified in Gunsmithing and get on the road you too could perhaps one day be skilled enough to build a gun work on a gun and get that kind of look on on a slide maybe you could take a high point and give it

That look really so just kidding uh we appreciate everybody that helps us though and uh you know had some requests to do this and uh Spectre what’s the Spectre they got another model out I really wasn’t familiar with it and got to look around

On their site and I tell you Sig is the Sig uh Sig is busy they got some busy folks over there they are uh coming out with different models and variations of firearms faster than I can keep up with with I don’t necessarily try to keep up with what everybody’s doing every day

But I had no idea I looked at this thing what what are they doing and uh requested one from Buds and when it came in I looked at it again what in the world that kind of bizarre I got the studying reading up on it and uh okay I

See that that something different and interesting uh it’s a Sig it’s a basically a p365 XL that’s why I have my XL out here P3 65 XL essentially the same firearm okay but not quite uh the look huh and as you know I I have the

Standard 365 out here as well and uh this one unloaded too but uh you know it’s just a little smaller a little shorter grip a little shorter slide Barrel okay than the XL so you y’all familiar this gun just took the world I don’t know how many they’ve sold but boy

Tons of them they were couple of Kinks they worked out early on and uh a lot of people really like these including myself John and and a lot of really experienced people a lot of new Shooters uh it’s just a very popular firearm and uh so that has just taken a mark and

Then they came out with the XL version of it a longer Barrel I think it’s 3.7 in that one I think it’s what 3.1 or something so it’s about a 3.7 in Barrel I believe and uh well you can see the difference what it uh said on paper but

Uh so the XL has a longer grip it holds uh 12 in a flush mag the standard one held what holds 10 flush mag you get a couple more rounds a little more grip to grab I think part of the rationale was everybody was buying the 12 round

Magazines or 13 round magazines to extend the grip on those things and so they just made one with a grip that would hold 12 and kind of the length that you want you know more or a lot of people want okay still pretty concealable I actually carry this one sometimes uh I

Brought the pocket holster at yeah p365 and uh you I put either one of them in there they’re much the same gun and I can pocket carry them just you know fine a little heavier than some other Firearms but it pocket carries you know just fine uh even with that bigger grip

It’s depending on your pockets again of course whether you wear skinny jeans or whatever I am not fashion conscious need I tell you that so the differences between these two basically you have it’s mostly in the slide you know with the XL and this model you got the the

Flat trigger which is cool you know the longer grip you got rails there uh so it’s just a nice nice gun nice size gun uh kind of their Glock uh 19 but a smaller you know it’s smaller than a Glock 19 it’s thinner not quite as heavy

And uh you know it’s a little more concealable and still feels like a big gun so it’s a very very nice option this XL uh really it feels like a dream and uh a good shooter so you got basically the same frame okay on the XL frame

Except for they did a really good job on the laser it’s a laser cut as I understand this new uh grip surface that’s pretty nice it really is for putting nothing on one this is one of the best feeling grips this one feels better with the Talon grips to me partly

Cuz I’ve got it wrapped I think I have two layers on this one maybe I don’t but it gives a little more meat it feels a little bit better but I tell you right out of the box with nothing this feels uh better than most other Firearms I’ve

Ever handled so that laser cutting is really nice if it stayed with that amount of friction uh you would like that okay so that’s a real plus uh you got the same SES you got what are they called the xray uh x-ray 3 night sights okay you

Got the same sights on the the Spectre uh but the slide that’s a big difference is it the way it’s finished and I think they’re both stainless steel slides but the finish on that thing and then the lightning Cuts you know just a tad lighter I weigh on I my scale has

Quit monitoring giv me ounces and pounds so I had to uh uh it it just shows grams and I don’t really think in grams but maybe you do uh this one I weighed them both unloaded and it was like six or seven grams higher or heavier than than

This one so not much difference okay and then before I shoot again I want to uh thank silencer for all their assistance you check you out get you a suppressor a silencer they’ll help you guide you through the purchase the choice and everything and then filling

Out all the things you have to fill out the information they need and then they’ll ship it to your door uh they have representatives in every state at least the 42 where they’re legal and they make it about as easy as it can be so check them out silencer

We really appreciate their support and uh so let me kind of shoot it before I give you some more of the specs cuz I really like shooting these These are these are fun guns I’ve got to load around mag in my pocket don’t I so let’s

Put some rounds down range and let’s put a few on this uh Target after I smoke a little pot that way I’ll feel a little bit better wow that was really good and guess what else it was really loud okay let’s hit that tar there we go y’all are bad about not

Reminding me when I forget to put my ears on I I think y’all must think that’s funny I bet you do oh nice I’m holding a little too high there we go boom yeah they’re they’re both good Shooters they’re the same gun I wonder why you

Know and uh and and nice you know while I’m shooting it can I shoot another mag it’s just fun got an idea where to hold now what happened to that bottle there we go let’s Reach Out wake up the gong there we go yeah nice trigger uh about an orange 2

L how about a buffalo I hit him but 9 mm did not drop that many Buffalo back in the uh you know 1800s did it uh I I think maybe the Native Americans tried the 9mm on them and it it just never work reliably so yeah the the big difference I think I

Before I was rudely interrupted I was talking about the slide and some of the differences you know same sight as the standard you know XL basically you have a again you have the uh the plate where you can take that off and put on I think a Romeo zero fits

On it and I’m not sure what else is available at this time the plate comes off you see no screws up there for those who don’t know you have an allen wrench comes from the fire or a Joe or a bill or an allen wrench of some kind and it

There’s a couple of screws there you just take that out and it comes off and then you can put on your RMR okay uh so that’s the same for both same ni size for both um and uh seemed like there was uh something oh this does come now it comes

In a uh a model I think it’s another $100 and it has a I’m not sure what they finish is called but it’s like a gold Barrel it looks gold it’s not gold for real but it’s a gold finish that looks really cool if you want a cool gun and I

Guess that’s part of the appeal to this it’s something different okay uh you know every firearm every modern firearm like this uh semi-automatic has the you know this kind of this this nice finish a parkerized look to it it seems like and they may be in different colors or

Cerakoted and all that this in a way it deviates and departs from that you have to admit it is quite different it it’s hearkens back to like some of my other older historic guns old Colt or something 19 an old 1911 or a cold single action or something where it’s uh

Developing some patina just from age and wear and it’s just kind of the bare metal with some finish on it but you know where it’s wearing uh so it’s kind of growing on me in that sense it is just the bare metal you know it’s not some thick stuff that

Glock or whoever puts on their thing to keep it from rusting and so it’s stainless so I guess it’s not going to rust a lot so it’s kind of weird I know if you get the X and all that if that appeals to you at all uh if not if you

Don’t really like the slide guess what I wouldn’t buy this gun because it’s 1,00 bucks in that ballpark so fairly expensive and I forget what exactly the I don’t think the XL cost much more than the the regular you know size but it’s definitely not $1,100 so but you know if

A few extra hundred bucks don’t bother you and you want a little bit different you the highest upgrade or highest Tech laser uh grip and all that and the different slide you know maybe it is worth it to you so I’m not not here to

Talk you out of it or to talk you into it I do find it interesting and I find I do like it more than I I thought I would can I load shoot another mag for I’ll let you go so I think I’ve told you all

The lies about it I can think of do you have any more yeah you got the beveled mag there not a lot of difference between the two you can pretty much eyeball the differences there uh you know I I think it’s uh something that will really appeal to some people maybe

A lot uh maybe just a little refreshing that it’s just that bare metal kind of thing and I I was impressed with what I was reading the uh was it the uh the P320 XF frame you know they got a spectre Series in that as well and you

With that flat trigger nice trigger nice brake nice reset uh so I’m a I’m fond of flat triggers and uh they Sig triggers that P320 XF frame Spectre maybe or maybe the regular one or whatever I don’t know how available they are but that’s one I’d

Like to get my hands on again and try that because uh the six are just nice I I like the P320 I like the big one the m17 that I’ve got and uh I I think I don’t know we did one of those smaller version the x-frame or something

And I I liked it so i’ I’d be interested in trying that in this Spectre series and uh just so many great carry guns I mean great Target Guns uh coming out of everybody’s Factory these days and Sig is doing a good job course I’m becoming a Sig guy I

Guess known as a Glock guy which I do like Glocks but you know I’ve told you that the m17 uh as far as what is protecting my life uh most of the time I tell you often it is one of these guns right here a Sig or it’s that m17 yeah lots more

Often than it is a Glock I hate to admit that but uh well I don’t hate to admit it I’m just admitting it I’m coming clean with you all and uh I there’s not a lot of guns I dislike uh it’s just that they’re also

Uh good the Glock M&P some of the rugers uh they were the H&K we’ve been shooting the uh vp9 some more uh today just a lot of great guns out there and a lot of great two lers that should not be alive yeah what did I tell you nice

Trigger wow oh that’s mine why’d I get it dirty well since I got it dirty well that’s a good chance to give a comparison see if I can feel a big difference here now can’t really tell much different maybe a little lighter I don’t know can’t tell much difference triggers

About the same both really really nice a nice break to them and uh yeah so anyway I don’t think I forgot too much about it uh yeah specs are easy to find if you’re thinking about something like this again I think the cost is the biggest negative

Probably for for most people or even if you can afford it uh you might look at it and well I’m not crazy about that slide so I think I’ll save a few hundred doar you know so that might be the way you look at it because uh my standard XL

Is same trigger beautiful trigger and uh you know I’m happy with it I I can’t see myself needing quote unquote one of these as is although I do like it I do like it maybe so I don’t know so anyway the uh the Spectre series and there

Other Firearms I think in that series uh Sig if you not checked them out lately like I maybe had not you might want to want to do that they’ve got some cool Firearms out there and we all like cool Firearms mostly we like Firearms or at

Least me many of you we like firearms that work and are utterly reliable right if you search back through your memory banks for the last whatever too long a time right 20 minutes probably you have not seen a malfunction right at least I don’t remember one uh and you know that’s really really

Important and I’ve been shooting this so and it’s not malfunctioned uh so that’s that’s of uh Paramount importance so anyway the Spectre a pretty nice gun I’ve got some red paint on my finger that’s not blood from the gun or anything was from painting targets for

You all one of the sacrifices we make so uh the Spectre Sig U p365 XL uh a pretty nice guy just no matter whether you would think it’s it’s worth uh the extra dollars or not life is good fire it’s a long walk from where I

Had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn’t see you guys there since you’re here I want to let you know about our friends over at Talon grips and ball Talon gun check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for

Your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they’re a Firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating uh it’s water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it’s a cleaner anal lube for over 10 years so Bast off Talon grips

Definitely check both of those companies out and also while you’re on the internet don’t forget to go to you can also find us on Facebook hickock45 Twitter hickock45 Instagram the real hickock45 and also I have an Instagram page where I post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that John Jore

H45 on Instagram and uh the next thing you have to do is watch more videos


  1. Our current Ammo Sponsor is Check out any video description for the discount code. This video goes back into the "Federal" days of early last year. 🙂

  2. Guitar guys have been doing this for a bit, we call it a “Relic” treatment, car guys call it Patina. Great video, always have a video to watch during lunch thanks to y’all

  3. There's a psychological effect with this worn look. People do this with cameras, guitars, violins as well. What this "well worn" look does is try to imply that you've got a tool that you've been using for years, if not decades, and it is so reliable, so excellent, and that you are such a seasoned professional and not some new-to-the-game rookie. It is silly and pretentious.

  4. Hah, I was just reading a novel that mentioned Hickok45 videos in it, specifically that being why a character bought the Kimber .357 she was carrying. He's now a figure in popular culture.

  5. This has been my everyday carry gun for more than a year. I shoot it better than my beloved 1911s. I have a Wilson Combat grip frame. No need to do anything else but shoot it.

  6. I'm tryin to boycott your stuff, tillu start postin on MULTIPLE platforms, butit duzn't seem 2b workin. Don'tu know who I am?! 🤣 I fondled'a P365CA the other day, n dayum, that thing was TINY! Def concealable, but my pinky was just barely hangin-on, n'it wern't hard to imagine it'd be pretty "sporty" to shoot. Seems like goin up to XL grip, mightbe abit too much. Any1 maka Medium?

  7. Get the 365XL tack pack instead. Its cheaper and the Sig holster it comes with will naturally wear the slide. It is pretty noticeable even after just one use… Enjoy!😊

  8. Y’all need to make a video of H45 jokes with a laugh track to it, maybe funny clips from viral videos or movies. I think that would go viral. Y’all welcome

  9. Lol I need a compact gun proceeds to put biggest mag in it . The extended mag is your reload carry with the flush I don't understand people anymore

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