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Pat McAfee ‘Apologizes’ to Jimmy Kimmel Amid Lawsuit Threats

ESPN trotted out Pat McAfee to run cover for Aaron Rodgers after the Jets quarterback baselessly accused late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel of being implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein documents that were just unsealed. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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Has something to do with the Epstein list that came out a lot of people including Jimmy Kimmel are really hoping that doesn’t after New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers without a lick of evidence implied late night host Jimmy Kimmel was on that dude’s flight logs whenever you’re free wheeling and dealing in here

You know and you’re having conversations Let it Fly they can they can certainly lead to some places that cause like international news and things like that and whenever there’s accusations made about people can lead the lawsuits ESPN trotted out Pat McAfee their newest BigTime hire to play cleanup there’s no

Scheduled conversations there’s no scheduled debates there’s no topics for you to think about before you get in there there is just an opportunity to talk about damn near everything for three and a half hours and in doing so the upside of that is some magic can

Come that you never knew was going to come absolutely good times can be had laughs be had especially when you’re rolling on like two hours of sleep like we were yesterday after the Rose Bowl you can have a blast and on a flip side there could be some things that were

Certainly probably I mean we’re going to have to hear from Aaron on that meant to be Tock joke that can then become something that is obviously a very serious allegation that then leads to a massive overnight story a lot to take in let’s pause for a moment McAfee would

Pull out the following in his diet tribe the first was oh we only slept 2 hours and you know we covered the rose bow even though we were contracted to do it probably and you know we just didn’t get enough sleep and then the other ones

Were it was all meant to be jokes cuz you know boys will be boys what’s the matter soy boy can’t take a little dig about being a pedo and essaying miners what a loser then shean jaraja put it like this Pat mcae dropping the Aaron Rogers is

Too stupid to know the meaning of his words that’s why we give him unfettered access to broadcast television defense just so with it’s on the record cuz I think this is important attorney Ronald Richards wrote we did a search for Jimmy Kimmel and he is not in the 943 Pages

Aaron Rogers may want to retain counsel hey then I pick up my phone oh boy but I can see exactly why Jimmy Kimmel felt the way he felt especially with his position but I think Aaron was just trying to talk now did it go too far and

A lot of people uh Jimmy Kimel certainly said that was the case we and I imately PA it happening trying to be like you know but that is Aaron and Jimmy let’s pause here and pick up the quote and quote apology in a sec another big

Problem and there are going to be some athletes who disagree with me and that’s okay when we are in this new media climate there are so many benefactors access honesty opening up sharing stories they wouldn’t with someone they don’t have a relationship with positives the cons are just so glaring

And they are so alarming because what you see here is in place of people who will ask firm some may view as tough though it is at the end of the day getting to the bottom of it questions in place of that in place of accredited journalists and interviewers

And reporters who have put in decades in this industry in place of asking poignant follow-ups important follow-ups wait wait you said this what what do you mean by that because the record shows something different having to have your guest answer to those follow-ups is so vital it is so

Important and now what we have is this friendly media where an athlete a commissioner team executive head coach what have you will go and have a have access that is completely unfiltered and what you get is this what you get is a Pat McAfee very entertaining highly entertaining but it’s a balance

And ESPN chose this and this is the end product as vus wrote which I co-signed the biggest problem with those Aaron Rogers appearances on the Pat McAfee show isn’t even Rogers saying goofy irresponsible things it’s that McAfee never pushes back on them exactly he’s a total dmat

To whatever Rogers wants to spew which looks horrendous journalistically now anyone with a lick of media training who went to school for this stuff who then had to do it uh signed up to do it pre professionally and have been in those environments to do

It we all know that Pat McAfee is not a journalist although he said it on his show it’s the same energy Nora had when he said he’s a journalist after his debacle of an interview with Kanye West we all know it but they claim because they have a microphone and athletes celebrities what

Have you that they are journalists they’re not they’re interviewers at this point the biggest thing is there is zero push back in order to get these guests because they know that they will never be threatened nor will they ever receive a lick of criticism by those that that are hosting him hosting

Them that is bad I need everyone to understand how porous that is and an indictment of where we are in this industry they’ve been uh jousting a bit I don’t know you know so like we obviously don’t like the fact that we’re associated with anything negative ever

We like our show to be an uplifting one a happy one a fun one but it’s because we talk try to make light of everything some things obviously people get very pissed off about especially when they’re that serious allegations so we apologize for being a part of it can’t wait to

Hear what Aaron has to say about it hopefully those two will just be able to settle this you know not Court wise but be able to chitchat move along cuz remember you’re allowed to disagree with people’s opinions you’re allowed to say like oh I don’t you sound dumb from

Bruce Arthur of the Toronto Star a columnist that everyone should be reading yes yes ESPN is bleeding money and Chase McAfee to compete with the Bro attention economy and the bar stools and Joe Rogan of the world yes TSN rebroadcast the show in can Canada a request for comment from TSN was not

Returned of course but the problem with that is that bro ethic is eventually going to say something sexist or homophobic or in this case potentially actionable s talking on American TV in 2024 means eventually your brain poison celebrity quarterback will accuse another celebrity of being a pedo and

Your bro host has to say hey we were just messing around in a week Rogers will probably claim that the mainstream media took him out of context because they’re afraid of the truth and McAfee and AJ Hawk will laugh and say sometimes free speech is controversial less we

Forget Pat McAfee was found by Andrew marshan who we called the rat for doing actual journalism that McAfee pays Aaron Rogers about a million dollars a year for his appearances in essence and I said this previously in essence ESPN signed Pat McAfee this is the problem with it

There’s so many positives the negatives are alarming and to add on to that in essence ESPN signed Aaron Rogers


  1. If Kimmel said this about Joe Rogan the Maga Right would crucify, get him fired , force advertisers to flee, sue,issue apology Thru be going Ape Shit. But now it’s Jimmy Kimmel can’t take a joke.

  2. Sue them. Don't give AF about no apology. Get these people off the media. These racist troglodytes need to be cancelled immediately

  3. So…here's the thing. Pat is being dragged into this for no reason. It's ESPN and their producers that decide the guests. They bring on Aaron because they know he'll get ratings as well as clicks for their YouTube channel for all the stupid things they know he's going to say. I'm sure nobody expected something this idiotic, even from him. To be perfectly fair, I don't think the malice of the statement was really intended either. It genuinely sounded like a stupid attempt at a stupid joke by a stupid man. Having said that, Aaron should be invited on one last time to issue a public apology and then never be heard from again.

  4. Jimmy Kimmel…not mentioned on the list. Donald Trump ON the list, but not mentioned by Fox News. You have to laugh at the hypocrisy. But the Fox viewers of the world will believe this lie because they have seen it, and that is enough for them.

  5. Seeing as I don't watch garbage shows featuring maladjusted right-wing washed up sports personalities who hit their heads one too many times in their former career, can someone tell me if the show in question was pre-recorded or broadcast live?
    If it was pre-recorded then they CHOSE to broadcast that defamation intentionally and Kimmel could sue ESPN, and McAfee for not challenging it, and Rodgers for making the defaming accusations.
    If it was live, Kimmel might only be able to sue Rodgers and McAafee (again, for not doing his due diligence in making clear that the show doesn't endorse the defamation committed by Rodgers).
    I really think Kimmel needs to sue, everyone he can. This is the ONLY way these freaks will ever learn.

  6. There is nothing funny about being on the released list. It’s not a disagreement of opinion. That was a piss poor excuse and an even crappier apology. He took zero accountability.

  7. Lol Pat just learned the hard way you don’t associate with Aaron Rodgers anymore. Dude is a mental basket case that will cost you dearly now. Enjoy!

  8. I don't blame McAfee and go as far not to blame Rodgers. ESPN/Disney knew what they were getting themselves into when they hired McAfee because Rodgers was a weekly guest before ESPN and they wanted ratings and engagement and this is what they get for being greedy.

  9. Kimmel has spent years spouting suggestive rhetoric about others that he disagrees with. He’s waded into political opinion based commentary and done so with little regard for what he’s saying and he’s made a lot of money with it. For him to cry about this is ironic. Rodgers said that Kimmel didn’t want the list coming out, he never actually said he was on it or called him a pedo. Threatening suit based on a possible interpretation of Rodgers words isn’t really going to fly, one because he never actually said it; and two, because a lawyer would have a field day in court with a supercut of Kimmel making insinuations and suggestive remarks about people he politically disagrees with.

    The question of his entertainment value aside, the reason Pat gets on and kisses the boot is because ABC is the primary owner of ESPN, and his 85 million dollar new deal will be in trouble if he doesn’t toe the company line. They can’t have anyone going off the reservation and rattling Kimmel’s expensive glass house.

  10. Rules for thee but not for them. You interestingly left out the accusations Kimmel has leaked to the world about Arod on his platform.

  11. Bahaha for all those in support of Kimmel. You do realize he is the same guy who objectified women, having them jump on trampolines. He incites drama and defames everyone he doesn’t like on his show. All under the rouse of it being jokes. So to put out videos peddling more drama for views, is sad and pointless. This right here is why this country is falling apart. I don’t like what you said so I’m going to sue you. Also someone who is supposed to be a comedian, should be able to handle jokes and scrutiny.

  12. Is this an apology, or gaslighting trying to give the person an out to calling someone a pedo just a joke on national television. Hmmm…..

  13. Lies cost Rudy Guiliani 148 Million dollars. Lies cost diaper donnie 5 million, than his dumb ass went and did it again opening the door for exponentially higher penalties. Why does the right LOVE TO LIE ?!?!

  14. Let me get this straight. Sissy Kimmel has repeatedly defamed and has even destroyed lives with his lying narrative. Now he’s playing victim? Because Aaron Rodgers said Sissy should be concerned? If I was Pat I would’ve told them to stick it on the apology. These leftist goons are disgusting.

  15. part of the problem is that very few journalists (even ones with training and education) adhere to journalistic standards and not clicks and eyes

  16. I wonder does Mr storm not understand that 90% of the country hates people like jimmy kimmel 🤣 whiles trying to take up for the POS 😊

  17. how did tyt look at the pre-production packet, create a list of candiates to host the sports media aspect and choose this guy.

  18. Can’t stand Jimmy Kimmel. The guy jokes and talks trash about everyone else and cries when he gets shit back in his face.

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