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Is the Trash Talk in MMA Going Too Far? | WEIGHING IN CLIPS

Big John McCarthy and Josh “The Punk” Thomson talk about the current state of trash talk in MMA. Clip from WEIGHING IN #431

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I like the where the sports at I don’t like where the fighters are at as far as how they’re gaining attention I don’t like you know the Colby Covington type of uh media and what he what he’s bringing to that and it’s I shouldn’t I don’t want to put that all on Colby

That’s not you know all on Colby it’s that style I can’t stand it that drives me nuts because it’s it’s so there’s so many things that are happening you know and uh I I can bring up Fighters that are doing things with Sean Strickland is the one right now

That you you take a look and you know this is a guy who became a champion he’s my fighter of the year you know for when we did our award stuff I think he has had an incredible 2023 but he’s had some moments lately he had this the stupid you know incident

That happened at the fights with him and DDP and you know that shouldn’t have happened but I kind of understand why it did and he’s had a couple of instances on shows he had the theovon thing he broke down and people need to understand they they look at someone like Sean

Strickland and they go oh you know he’s he’s a you know a fighter you know he’s just you know he’s a you know a dead head he just you know says what he wants stuff he has feelings he has memories he has demons and those demons sometimes

Are not his fault and this happens with a lot of Fighters and stuff and you know you take a look and people too many times dehumanize Fighters based upon the fact that they’re they go in there and they punch another person and they they have no feelings they have no emotions it’s

[ __ ] Fighters are people they have problems like everyone else they have mental breakdowns at times they have physical breakdowns they have so many things that are you know normal every day happens to everyone but everyone looks at them like oh they have to handle it different they can’t handle it different

They’re human you know and I look at those things and some of the some of them when I’m looking to see what DDP does as far as the talk and if he starts to bring that crap up then I’m going to put him in the Colby comington section

Of you’re crossing the line because everyone has problems I mean do you think people that are listening to this right now are saying well Sha’s went in on guys like Ian Gary before you’re right he did with the whole thing with the wife and but he

Tried to make it funny but there’s a difference when you when you take a look at someone and the way they grew up you know and and you know how your father was and you know I know how my father was and again my father was

Fantastic but was he perfect hell no you know and there was things that he did that he was you know he was like you know there was one incident I will think he he had something with me and then he realized he was wrong and then he

Started punch at himself know and you look back and you know he’s human those things you know you can make a mistake and when you make that mistake you know you feel terrible but you cannot underestimate what someone went through at times and what scarring

That did to that person you know part of it is what makes them who they are you know and one of the things that I learned from my dad was you know my dad was on his own basically from the time he was 13 years of

Age okay and you know he made an incredible life for me for my sister for my family as far as you know he worked all kinds of jobs he became very famous for what he did with uh SWAT and stuff like that he became someone special and

I learned from him he he goes never make excuses I don’t care what your background is you make the decision do you want to be good or do you want to be bad do you want to be the [ __ ] do you want to be the person that helps out

And that’s the thing you know you as you know the kid you don’t get the choice of who your dad is you don’t get the choice of if he’s good or not you know and when you get the bad one and the one that does things that permanently scar you those things

Stay with you you can suppress them and you can put them you know in the back closet and act like they never happened but they did and eventually they’re going to come out yeah eventually you’re going to have to deal with them and part of that is what we’re seeing

I think the sport itself and this goes for a lot of sports but I’m saying you know a lot of kids they engulf thems into the sport that they love the most to get themselves out of the things that are going on at home and so whether it was

Boxing kickboxing soccer you know Jiu-Jitsu it doesn’t matter look at a lot of the kids that have come from Brazil they grew up in the flas you know they just immerse themselves in Jiu-Jitsu because they wanted to leave and get out of there a lot of the

Coaches were just let them train let the young kids train there if they had talent and they weren’t and they were taken it serious they would let them train there to get them off the streets you know um you see it all the time and Fighters are something that

Is Fighters are people we know that but it’s there’s a lot that comes along with them a lot of baggage almost all of them you know and um I can speak for myself there’s a lot a lot of baggage that comes with me you know and um it just it translates into

How hard I trained how focused I was during certain stuff during certain times understanding where I what my goals were um was because I didn’t want to go go back to this house or go back to this home or go back to and that goes for a lot of these Fighters and they

Understand what why would I want to go back here when I know that I’m having more fun here like all my all my problems all the things that are in my mind they’re all I I don’t I don’t even think about them when I’m in this location if I’m on a basketball

Court if I’m on a tennis court or if I’m on a on a Jitsu mat or a wrestling mat they’re not even in my mind all that’s in my mind is winning and um it’s crazy how Sports can do that now Fighters they have a little bit more baggage I think than most

Football players most basketball players or tennis players golf players whatever it is is they tend to carry a little bit more baggage majority of them have we’re just cut from a different cloth and um I would say majority of them didn’t grow up in nice areas you know um two two parent

Homes you know those type of things and it translates into how hard they fight how hard they train and they give their all in that and they really they display their emotions on there I mean you’ve seen Fighters break down after fights winning and losing because it’s so much went into it

And where they’ve come from I mean I just about broke down when I heard pantoja’s uh interview afterward when he dude when he won that title and things he was saying I mean you take if you don’t feel for that guy and understand what he he’s doing he’s everything that

He did to get to that point is to prove to somebody I have value I’m good yeah you know and it’s if there was one thing I wish that you know Fighters did more of you know and you bring up like the NFL the the best part

About the NFL is it’s a business and the players that make it understand it’s a business and they treat it like a business and they do the work that is needed to stay and be part of that business where many times Fighters they’re just so good they don’t put in

That work and it happens with with you know NFL players too you know they’re so talented that they can make it for a while but you can’t stay if you don’t have that work ethic and you’ll you’ll see that and I it would I always want

Fighters to look at that and mimic and understand hey don’t take this for granted don’t look at this like it’s going to last forever use everything you can to make what you can and be what you can but treat it like the business that it is and treat it with respect and

Don’t slack off 100% agree weigh in a


  1. Sean Strickland can only blame himself if everyone roasts him next press conference and cries. Shouldn’t throw stones in a glass house

  2. Keeping some civility to a sport like MMA is a good thing. Just leave the women and children out of it and just handle your business like a man. Simple🇺🇲

  3. It may spawn a culture of hiring investigators and degenerates like me to dig into their opponents personal lives, find weaknesses, get pictures, find avenues to disrupt their minds.

    What people show themselves to be, is who they would like to be. Who people are is someone full of petty, pathetic, and deeply personal emotions, everybody, even hot girls are insecure emotional wrecks on the inside(this seems to be the realization most pick up artists have, pretty people are just as, if not more fucked up than me inside. I can weaponize this! Not my first thought, but not like my hands are clean either). Hell, most people(including myself) have zero security on their fone. You can just walk behind them or park outside their apartment, take all the data you want, they just giving it away, especially with Bluetooth and wifi, giving it away, "here take it, I'm not even trying to hide it!"

    Underneath, people lie to themselves, dissociate themselves, hide from themselves, maybe psychological warfare is the next step in mma, expose everyone's secrets publicly. Look how popular it is to do online?

    Personal, i think people should just be nice. "It's nice to be important, but important to be nice" and even though i may financially benefit from such a world, I'd still prefer if people were nice

  4. It says a lot about the kind of consumers UFC has actually. The company has opportunity to slow the devolution of its audience' 'culture' & understanding by simply discouraging such promotional tactics for starters but understandably they will choose profit foremost before the integrity of the sports. The media community of mma also amplifies the problem. Maybe if more Eastern influences in general are able to make it in the company the culture will be more balanced… it's why I'm happy to see collaborations with Middle East promotions enter the picture. In my observation combat sports people/lovers in the east still reveres the philosophy & values behind their martial arts relatively better than those in the western world.

  5. Strickland brags and laughs about his shitty father then when some one brings it up he want to play victim. It’s all on him. It would never have come up if he didn’t make a joke of it in the first place

  6. Strickland is the one opening the can of worms, now he can eat it. Calling DDP and his coach faggets, did he stop and think that they also have families. Coach Morne have children how do you think they feel. No Sean eat your worms you let them out

  7. Nobody likes a show off!!! When I grew up, if you didn't have it, you didn't talk it or flaunt it. Now a days everybody is trying to flex.
    When Conor was doing his thing, he was winning. Collecting belts. Now we have fighters who aren't in the top 15 talking smack? Trying to build hype instead of a solid winning record.

  8. Strickland's problem isn't that he has feelings, the MMA community is OK with that I'd say, it's that he's the first one to cross the line with EVERYONE, woman, , gays, wives, fathers, even dead people, he never showed any limit, and now that HIS feelings are hurt, there's one ? No, can't have it both way, you dish it out, you have to take it too.

  9. All in for being respectfull and mindfull, but please tell me you are not making ddp out to be the perp and Sean the victim.

    I am 100% sure ddp does not mean/wish harm to children, rather making a comeback at Sean in particular who started the trashTalk.

    Sean made fun of Khalil Rountree when he opened up and briefly cried about his childhood trauma.

    Furthermore Sean made fun of a Brazilian fighter who got runover and killed by a bus only days after his death, joking that if he couldn't dodge a bus how was he gonna dodge a punch. Zero regards to the still grieving family.

    Very "hollywood" move to then play victim on a massive podcast-platform.

    I like Sean, but there is no scenario in which he is the victim here. He just got bested on the mic.

  10. Sean says people shouldn't talk about peoples family and wives. Then talks loads of shit about Ian Garry's wife?

  11. Sean is a pansy. Abused other fighters wives … Called DDP and his coach gay… But could not take it when it was given to him. I have no mercy or respect for him. Dricus is in his head and he is a better fighter. He will murk Sean. 3 rounds max.

  12. So sean can't talk about people's wives and personal sht but when somebody brings up his stuff he gets all in his feelings 😂 a fcking hate people that are bullies all the time and when you fight back they get in their feelings

  13. 😂😂😂😂Talking about Seans feelings and memories, please. DDP was respectful all the way until Sean started.
    He dishes it out badly and then when he gets some back him and his new dad wanna get upset?

  14. would agree with big john however , not trying to be political, but how do the following groups of people, all just as emotionally abused as sean was, feel when he tears them to shreds every interview : gay , trans, women, the kids of fighters who need to hear this stuff, etc. just because you are sick or have trauma does not give you any right to walk over others to cover up that sickness or trauma. it shows you how much the fight community thinks of those other groups when they ignore sean's terrible verbal treatment of them but come after DDP when he goes just as below the belt (yes the way sean treats others is just as bad as that). eye for eye is a saying for a reason. sean started it. someone else finished it. end of story.

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