Golf Players

Reacting Live To Jersey Jerry’s Hole In One Challenge #LegenJerry | Mostly Sports EP 74 | 1.4.24

Mark Titus and Brandon Walker talking sports… mostly.

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Yes N A bar stool Sports bar tiid Brandon Walker mostly sport welcome to mostly Sports I’m Mark Titus he’s Brandon Walker today is Thursday January 4th we are live from Chicago Brandon is wearing an incredible Jersey thank you wow uh is that let me get don’t show me the back okay all right

Show me the back oh you want to guess the player yeah yeah uh is that an Antoine Jameson any other guesses in the room Armando Bott uh JJ Reck the best guest so far uh Bishop oconnell great Kendall Marshall who is it who is it Brandon I don’t know it’s it’s somebody named

Jordan so it’s it’s it’s Jordan my my uh my wife bought this for Christmas oh she saw that I that jerse day gives me joy yeah and the Christmas gift she got me was uh this Michael Jordan jersey that’s a good one to have yeah I’ve always wanted uh North Carolina Michael jordane

But I’ve never bought it but she she knew that and she bought it for me so that’s a uh discussion we should have at some point is like what Jersey do you circle around do you do do you not necessarily a must have but like it almost doesn’t

Matter if who you’re a fan of yeah if yeah what team what sport whatever it’s just like I I have to have uh Jason Williams Sacramento Kings number 55 black Jersey I just have to I’ve been circling uh a Larry Bird green Celtics Jersey my whole life just never have had

One I I was poor forever ever and now I got a little money I could go just buy the Jersey but every time I stand and I’m like no I’ll just get something else yeah but I I I mean every white guy who’s in his 40s probably has wanted a

Larry bir JY at some point um is it weird that it’s a Michael Jordan North Carolina jersey with a Jordan with Jordan brand yeah that is a little weird yeah I don’t know how that all works with the licensing and The Branding and everything but I feel like if you played

Somewhere and then you billions of dollars on your own merchandising company you can do that yeah but that’s to TJ’s Point that’s not an authentic jersey no it’s not that’s a that’s a knockoff unfortunately that’s from China uh now you you China you went with something interesting uh on the day

After a huge list was taken was put out there you went with somebody who’s been accused of sexual assault uh so Jersey Jerry is trying to hit a hole in one um and it’s Jers day it’s Jersey Jerry Jersey I honestly this is a true story

Before I worked at barcol and maybe even well after IID started at barcol I thought Jersey Jerry was named such because he wore jerseys all the time it probably would work like that’s that’s I thought his name would so to honor Jersey Jerry this is your Jerry Jersey

Yeah this is my my Jerry Jersey uh I wore a Ben rothberger which the Ben rothberger you’re like where did you get that Jersey did we not do we not all have been rothberger jerseys I thought I actually didn’t uh I know there was a big there was a big rush

Back there in the early 2000s yeah maybe I maybe I mistimed what was going on but I just I felt like there was everyone was running to the finish line to get your Ben rothberger Jersey and 05 you slightly misread the situation dude um Conor Griffin hello what’s going

On with you I was at JC Penney at the mall over the break and uh I Got A Garfield Jersey they just had it [ __ ] got the Garfield I don’t know why they have this he’s rocking the Garfield scoop the Garfield it doesn’t have anything on the back

Which sucks but yeah it was $20 at JC Penney that’s incredible and so I say yeah I might as well snag it on the day when you were the the Michael Jordan North Carolina Jersey you wear the rape Jersey you got to get the uh you get

Like lasagna on the back yeah I want to get something stitched on the back so we we’ll Workshop that no you get nothing Stitch that Jersey is perfect as it is all right well thank you very much happy to wear what would you get on the back

Yeah probably something like Las Las 69 yeah yeah exactly that’s what I was thinking by the way you you texted me over the break and was very excited about you had the perfect Jersey that I would love is this it yeah I mean he was very excited he’s

Like you I can’t wait for you to see my jersey I think it was the day I found it at the JC Penny yeah okay well I mean I like it I I it’s it’s good it’s good Jersey thank you Brandon the only one in

Here I can’t figure out is uh I don’t know what Evo’s doing yeah it uh it looks very generic on the back on the front but on the back it is a joerger Jersey oh yir oh it’s a joerger Meister I I I didn’t know if there’s now who’ he play

For that’s the Jersey I think he’s still playing in uh in Russia that’s the jersey that the uh hot chicks at the bar that aren’t bartenders right but are at the bar with with test tube shots yeah are walking around asking if you’d like to try a new sample with barely any

Pants on that’s the Jersey and a and a glowing belly button ring scking out that’s that that’s what you’re wearing you call me a hot chick yeah kind of hell yeah me on that’s what I’m going to say are you wearing a glowing belly button ring I am not no well maybe you

Work on that I don’t know if it’s the rothberger I’m wearing but uh I’m getting I’m getting very turned on right now looking at youo there’s a jagger shot is so fun oh it’s the best doing a joer B I can’t do Jagger Jagger’s Jagger’s one of the that’s all watch him

When he goes to the bathroom um I can’t do uh I can’t joerger was is one of the um I hav’t I haven’t officially retired but it was I think it’s one of the uh the bridge too far it it’s the it’s one of the the

Drinks that like I did too much of one night in college and then I think we all have yeah you know you know what I’m saying you throw it up and you’re like I now the smell of it just gives me PTSD and is your camera working yep all right

TJ what we got I’m wearing a jersey of The Proud 2013 West Windsor Plainsboro 16 to 18y year old Allstar state champions at a boy hell yeah hell yeah you’re wearing your own throwback I am dude is that Stitch yeah the I was about to say we

Had nice s jerseys one of the kidss dads worked for MLB so he had the hookup every year oh my God he was one of the guys that after a team wins the World Series he’s on the field handing t-shirts to the players oh that’s awesome that’s sick well that the way to

Say it like that doesn’t sound as impressive that was part of his job he’s just a t-shirt hand one day I was was like yo it’s Mr armis that’s cool that is a good point he started out really strong it’s like after the World Series sound like he was creating he’s

On the field and you’re like damn yeah handing out t-shirts he does okay he’s carrying a cardboard box he does uh merchandising Logistics on field with the players after the World Series does that sound better than handing out t-shirts no that sounds like a fancy way to say he’s walking around with a

Cardboard box handing out t-shirts to players he celebrates with the World Series champions he’s a distrib how about he’s a he’s a championship distributor of all MLB Goods my question is is he the worst t-shirt hand outter guy in sports uh when you look at I it begs the

Question if baseball is just letting random guys from New Jersey be on the field handing out handing out uh Championship merch does that make Rob Manford the worst commissioner in sports just goes all the way to the top really does it always does um I have ask me

Again what I want yeah what do you I I don’t think I even asked you I think I got distracted by the Jersey uh it is Thursday January 4th we are live from Chicago and what do you want to talk about Brandon the internet is an amazing

Place I’m going to go ahead and tell you this show is called mostly Sports we’re going to start with the mostly today yesterday I think there were three Pockets distinct pockets of Internet that were all on fire at the same time there was Jersey Jerry and what he is

Currently doing in the golf simulator MH where is absolutely he’s breaking records he he’s doing something incredible uh people are getting behind him he’s up to he’s had like 50k concurrence he’s over a million views he is Absol like 60 something when I was going to bed what he is doing is

Phenomenal crazy has he has he hit one yet uh so he’s at 2500 Strokes 2550 still going still not getting that I I still don’t think this whole location but there’s no there there is no such thing as being close like in the sense of we all saw the one that stopped

Yeah that was cl but I’m saying like in the macro it’s not like it’s not like if he hits like three in a row very close you’re like oh he’s he’s about to do it right because the next one because the next one just goes in the water well

This is pretty good this is pretty good oh oh they stopped too easy man there’s no way that ball stops that easy okay what this is addicting I I finish finish your your setup and we can come back to talk about Jerry but I I have a lot of

Thoughts on uh just the psychology behind consuming this content yeah so jery Jerry what he’s doing currently at bar stool Sports it’s it’s unbelievable Cat Williams in my opinion and I don’t I know it might go against a company or whatever I think Cat Williams gave the greatest podcast interview in

The history of the medium yesterday cat will my my Tik Tok my Twitter all that it was just clip after clip of Cat Williams just going after folks and I think he’s the perfect go after guy he’s he is I explained uh to Connor who

Didn’t who wasn’t aware of it I that the cat will the Cat Williams interview he had the uh strategy of a Madman like a psychopath that’s like uh just throwing shots at everybody and just Strays are popping like he’s he’s talking about one guy and then slips astray into about a

Guy who had nothing to do with this and like he was incredible but he had the demeanor of a very calculated like that’s what made it and the delivery of Del of a stand up comedian he he was yeah he’s just like an insane person throwing punches like this but every

Single one is hitting and he knows exactly what he’s doing with every punch it was wild I could watch wild I haven’t watched the whole interview I’ve watched I had to have watched most of it in Clips I’ve seen him take shots at Cesar the Entertainer at Steve Harvey at

At uh he goes he talks about Chris Tucker he says we don’t have Smoky Chris Tucker anymore we got EP Island Chris Tucker and Shannon sharp just goes oh lord it’s so [ __ ] funny I I love that Shannon had like 400 note cards also like he did like prep for stuff you

Wanted to talk about I I think I think that Shannon sharp show is the let me it’s one of the greatest things of it’s it’s unbelievable the Shannon just sits sits across from somebody and they just they just say whatever and the third pocket of the internet yesterday which was amazing

Was Epstein’s Island Jeffrey Epstein the list is is is has been released um an interesting word to use for uh for that story but yeah go ahead was amazing yeah we have waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and you said this before the show but you’re absolutely

Right people were were waiting with a very wrong sense of anticipation for a list of possible pedophiles this is a list of people who possibly have done very very bad things possibly to children and people out there were like oh God I hope this guy’s on the list dud

Oh I can’t wait I oh I hope man I I hope I find out this guy I slightly don’t like is a is a terrible person who [ __ ] so you know what would be great is if all the rich and powerful people in this country it turns out they’re all [ __ ]

Kids wouldn’t that be awesome awesome God that would rule yeah I’m I’m uh I don’t know it’s I I I’m very much out on the story I’m not saying that like it’s not worth car I don’t know it’s just like the whole thing just like is very

Insane to me and and dark and I don’t know it’s it’s just I can’t even talk about it like like just the whole thing is just like so what you just said it’s like [ __ ] up that like people are meing and and li like it’s not nobody actually seems to

Care about what happened what they might have done it’s just that they did it and they are attached to it and I can now take my political my or my enemy that or this this person that I am an enemy of or don’t like and I can absolutely [ __ ]

On their grave all day but that’s what when you brought up Aaron Rogers yesterday and the the Kimmel thing um yeah it it is bizarre that Aaron Rogers is like I will be popping champagne if Jimmy Kimmel’s on the list um right because I’m like why why would we what

You’re saying is what you’re saying is I would be I will celebrate if another 10-year-old got fought if yeah if if I if you deliver information to me that there’s another pedophile in this world I will celebrate that is what you’re telling me like and I’m like I don’t

Know and I I for me this is just me personally and and well I’m not for me personally I would not celebrate that I I would think that that would be a bad thing now I know I am where a r quick impression quick impression Aaron Rogers re find reading the list and

Seeing someone he doesn’t like on there meaning there’s a new pedop another pedophile and another 12-year-old got [ __ ] yeah yes yes this is awesome yes no yeah it’s uh all right okay I know you didn’t want to talk about yesterday but this the the fact that this [ __ ] went on

ESPN and said and basically said hey I don’t know if he said wouldn’t it be funny if Kimmel’s on there or if he said hey Kimmel’s going to be on there whatever he just threw a name Jimmy Kimmel into that list as a way to slight

The guy and then the list comes out to my knowledge we have did this come out didn’t it I don’t know I can’t just where I’m at I I’m I’m out on the whole story like I don’t well we I think some list came out yesterday there’s nothing

Tying Kimmel to the story at all and th this guy can you just go on on ESPN these days and just say anybody you don’t likes a pedophile I think so really your coworker you’re not your coworker but like uh a major player in the company within the yeah parent

Company yeah oh oh I see what you’re saying yeah I thought you were talking about somebody at bar stool but you but what he did was talk about somebody oh I did too I thought I I was I was waiting I thought you were saying someone at bar

Stool and I was like what did they do did what who at bartool is a pedophile I need you to tell me that right now yeah uh no we should have a guess come on and and try to guess who uh let’s let’s do our power rankings of guys we that we

Work with that we hope are on the list okay all right two two lists two lists BARC list on the left guys we hope are on the list yeah and on the right guys we think probably will be on the list cuz I got one guy that’s on both sides

I don’t want to do this I I don’t want to do put in the envelope put put put in the envelope so we’ll have an Ohio State envelope and a pedophile envelope yeah a lot of chatter about the envelope by the way oh uh so there’s quarterbacks

Visiting oh going on we got cam W declaring for the draft or did he like I know he did declare for the draft but does that mean lot a lot of people declare a lot of things you can UND declare you can unare Michael Scott declared bankruptcy didn’t mean anything

Till they sign in the papers so um still sealed will Howard still sealed Kansas State possibly we’ll find out soon iess we’ll find out yeah but I I’m not we’re not finding out via that no what I said we’re let the young man have his moment

Let the young man have his moment when the moment comes and goes we will open the we have our moment and I will yeah and it’s not even my moment it’s just like there’s people chirp at me all the time that I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m

Talking about and that’s just proof that I do so when the moment comes I’ll just I’ll let the kid have as a moment but then I’m just going to remind the haters that I’m locked in on this [ __ ] that’s all so and you still think you got it

I’m I’ve never been more confident actually yeah I actually I uh I there was a moment over changed there was a moment during the cotton bow where I got a little worried we’ll put it that way um but then some stuff has subsided and uh I’ve I’ve made some calls and I I

Still feel good about where we’re at so we’ll leave it at that um but yeah the internet back to your like original yeah three silos thing uh it was crazy yeah it was it was a crazy day yeah and and Jerry has Jerry hit the hole in one by

The way oh Jerry I keep asking I keep asking like if he did we we wouldn’t know about it um this is uh the the psychology I I couldn’t turn it off and there’s a part of your brain that realizes what you’re watching is insane you’re just watching

And like he’s sleeping and and you’re watching him sleep and you’re watch it is full-blown Truman Show at this point um but there is something about it that like he could literally it could be this one it literally could be this one right yeah oh it’s not this one okay but could

Be it could be this one like you just never want to turn it off it’s crazy so allow me to play devil’s advocate here a little bit um at some point let’s say he doesn’t hit it in the next two days are we going to let him go home yeah that’s

That’s no we’re not no I mean like if it goes two weeks it’s like the most legendary stream ever it this one’s pretty good guys oh D be so sick much um but but it’s not a guarantee that he’s going to make one that’s what I I I the people that are

Like and listen I’m I’m cheering for Jerry and I hope he doesn’t hear this because I don’t want to put bad vibes in the air I’m I I I want him to hit it but I’m just like coming up with a contingency plan here everyone’s talking

About it like it’s a GU like who cares if it takes him two weeks he’s eventually goingon to that’s not a guarantee there is no guarantee that he’s ever going to hit this I think the contingency plan is to bring his family to the office and they live here yeah that’s not a

Terrible yeah cuz we’re worried about him like missing time with his family and everything what if big cat just brings them here and sets up a wing in the office for them to just yeah chilling they just live here yeah that makes sense it it is CRA this is

Transcended obviously obviously this is this is transcended bar stool and then some I mean I have people I have people in my life that I haven’t talked to in months texting me what is uh what What’s the deal with Jersey Jerry do you think he’s got it and I’m

Like I I don’t know that’s the whole point it’s like no you have no idea you know uh got 64 people watching and there’s no like he’s close on that one and I I think I already said that but like he’s close you’re like okay he’s

Locked in all right now let’s let’s but it has to go in the hole there’s no there is no close there is no close you either made it or didn’t D our streams in general at bar stool big streams that we do the Dozen the mini golf thing we

Usually have an a ceiling at like 25k live that we can’t get by for whatever reason like if it’s over that it’s like holy [ __ ] this is a huge stream he’s got 64,000 people watching him and that number is just going to go up all day today yeah it’s insane yeah we’re we’re

Going to he gained 7,000 subscribers while sleeping last night the company by the time this is over the company will have made $50 million off of this stream and will have spent $46 million on resources to keep Jerry standing upright and like we’re going to be flying in

Every golfer on private jets uh every every chiropractor every massage therapist well that’s why when you said to start the show or I guess 10 minutes into the show like oh we’re going to start with the mostly like this is a sport story this is a sport story like

The the amount of people athletes who are chiming in and Scott Van Pelt like this is Sport it has gotten to the point that I will not be surprised if this yeah whatso like if he makes it I think I texted the group that if he makes it

And SVP runs the Highlight on Sports Center I will not be surprised if Good Morning America Cuts in and it’s like he made it or or not even he made it like we’re on day 19 of uh a man trying to hit a hole in one in other news day 19 of

Uh bizarre man in Chicago uh stations outside the studio like I I really will not be surprised by anything at this point how many days would he have to do this to get like Tiger Woods’s attention I don’t think it’ll go much I me got Brooks Kea now

He’s got he’s got Max hom like he’s already got professional golfers there’s not that big of a stretch to the to the biggest profession profal golfer go ahead I was going to say I guarantee probably has already already seen it tiger knows about it I think Tiger Tiger

Is aware of it um if Tiger shows up to help Jerry well the the play is I think if it goes until Sunday then Jerry should wear red on Sunday oh yeah and tiger absolutely would make a note of it that goes till Sunday he comes in with like

The the you remember that picture of him at the Masters read had like his hat on back go dog yeah big cat’s not going to do any like he he’s very close to a point where he’s just like canceling every show and he’s just going to sit on that cou and

And pour all of his resources into getting this done as well um which like I kind of feel like we should do that I’m very I’m very close to thinking like the entire company needs to just cancel every show shut down and go over there

Figure out a way to get this ball in the hole I I do wonder what what it’s going to be like like if he hits it during a busy show period like say say the well the yak is different because we’re we’re out there but say like we’re doing the

College football show and you’re doing the Titus show and somebody else is doing the show and then you hear that noise and he makes it do we all just shut down and run over there I think so I think we have to yeah I I I think so

Um yeah him hitting it at like 3:00 a.m. would be brutal too and there’s no one here really says a lot about the the quality of the people in the New York office that they haven’t all just got on planes and come out here it really says

It really says a lot about the teamwork that they haven’t shut down their lives and and gone ahead and come out they get their own private plane properly yeah I mean I don’t you’re you’re more confrontational than I am I don’t I don’t want to stir the pot so I’m not

Going to take shots of them I’m just going to speak on what I would do um if it was me and there was someone at the New York office doing this yeah I would fly to New York and support them um imagine you lived somewhere that wasn’t

Here in Chicago let’s say you lived I don’t know like out on the west coast yep uh and it was like morning and you were you were walking or running along the beach you always jog around the beach or something maybe you just saw a famous person at the diners I don’t know

Would you pick up from that and come out here to watch Jerry do it well I would have to take care of my dog Mimosa um and I wouldn’t want a hypothetical situation I wouldn’t want to leave Mimosa stranded uh and I’d have questions I need to

Write so I thought you I thought you’re I thought there was a Jeff DLo is Jeff Jeff’s like the only West Coast guy we have now I thought this was no no no I was just I mean I get yeah yeah yeah you’re right but uh what else we selfishly very

Should want like we should want him to hit it like while we’re live so that we also have a clip of watching us watch him and then this is the this is the hard part this is the hard part is that I think everyone else at bar stool you

You’re towing the line of like you want to support Jerry and you want all eyeballs on J if if if this if no no one’s watching this show cuz everyone’s watching Jerry I’m fine with that like you should Jerry’s far like this is [ __ ] legendary what’s going on with

Jerry um so you want to like help Jerry or whatever but at the same time you don’t want to step over that line and like take his moment or like make it about yourself or whatever you know like you don’t want to you don’t want to look like you’re jumping on his

Coattails uh so yeah I don’t I don’t know which is kind of what Dan figured Dan said on the Y yesterday like they had the epiphany of like it has to be Jerry that hits the shot because Jerry was having people yeah Sub in for him but it’s Jerry’s moment Jerry’s the

Legend but uh yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t I don’t know we’ll see I don’t know why he hasn’t just simply hit the ball into why he really should do that although you could argue yeah the longer he goes the the much better it is for

Him I think there’s a moment where it becomes worse for him yeah and then it will come back this is when he eventually makes it it’s like to me it might be more impressive than an actual hole in one oh my God a guy a guy taking

3,000 shots to make a shot is more impressive than a guy hitting on his first shot well the sad thing is and and big cat had this number for us yesterday I believe I believe the number to be right because he said it the odds for

The average golfer to make a ho one is one in 12,500 which means 36 hours into this Jerry is still about 10,000 shots short of the normal ODS of the normal odds exactly normal odds that’s right cuz the odds of a coin flip being heads and yet you could still

Flip a coin 10 times and hit Tails 10 times I mean there has to be something happened behind 12 12,500 to make it the the 12,500 so so I’m just saying if you go by the odds there’s nothing indicating that that it should be close yeah I just don’t know I don’t know

Which role to take on as far as like do you cheer for the content or do you worry about Jerry as a like I you know like you’re you’re going through the same thing of like Point we’ve been here for weeks though at what point are we

I’m worried about the the the actual uh well-being of the human being the content’s incredible and this is great for Jerry’s career and and I I want Jerry to be a legend but also I’d like another there’s another yeah he’s doing irreparable damage to his body he’s neglecting his children yeah all that

[ __ ] I uh anyway anyway he’s he’s he’s he’s the best um what else uh the NBA I want to talk about the National Basketball Association the Lakers uh have fallen off a cliff that that’s one story uh they won the inseason tournament but at what cost yeah um what

What have they done they’ve lost what how many in a row now or how many eight of 10 yeah they’ve lost eight of 10 they lost to the Heat last night uh the Pacers meanwhile um every story in the NBA goes back to the Pacers for me yes

The Indiana Pacers absolutely own the Milwaukee Bucks and the Milwaukee Bucks have have NBA title aspirations as we know you bring in Damen Lillard uh last last year they get up upset by the the AC seed they’re like we have to we have to make changes Drew holiday you’re out

Damen Lillard you’re in um can they win the NBA championship if they cannot beat the uh Indiana Pacers because they I I forget how many times they played this year is it like four or five I think they played three right they they’ve beaten the Pacers once and they’ve only played three times

Have they played three or four did they play in the tournament they did I think they played Four they played twice in the last week they’ve beaten the Pacers one time and the Pacers Punk their asses after the game because they stole the ball from Giannis and that was the only

Time they beat the but I thought yeah they beat yeah but they played Monday night the Pacers won in Milwaukee they play last night and the Pacers w w again I think they play every game against the they they they honestly that wouldn’t be

A bad idea for the NBA at this point yes five times they played five times they played five times already it’s January 3rd yeah and the Pacers have won four right correct yeah and the one that they the one that the Bucks won was 64 points was when Oscar sheway stole the

Ball which the Pacers lost the game but kind of won the fight well Monday night when the game ended you could tell halberton and a couple other people were like they kind of wanted to fight again yeah the Bucks didn’t but the Pacers were like all right let’s let’s [ __ ]

Let’s be on our guard here um yeah the Pacers are good I don’t know the the NBA is uh is an interesting animal in that a a team like the Pacers a young team like the Pacers beating the Bucks four out of five is tremendous for them however it’s January fourth and the

Bucks losing four out of five to the Pacers is virtually meaningless if that Mak sense it doesn’t mean anything but it means something for the Pacers but not the Bucks yeah like the the Celtics almost lost to the Pistons almost almost that one would have done nothing to the

Celtics and everything for the pist yeah and in college basketball if something like that happens I go wow well I guess the Celtics aren’t serious title contenders and in the NBA you’re like that does nothing for loses losses hurt in college basketball yeah losses hurt a lot in college basket yes losses don’t

Hurt in the N losses do not hurt in the NBA um at what point do we start talking about the ball being Juiced in the NBA expand okay so I’m going to read to you and I’m just going off the score app I didn’t put these in order this is just

The the app I’m looking at this is just last night Wednesday January 3rd all right the the following score totals for teams that lost in the NBA okay the this was not enough points to win an NBA game last night all right 13 from the Milwaukee Bucks mhm they lost 101 from

The Washington Wizards lost 138 points in regulation from the Oklahoma City Thunder was not enough to win the game 101 from the Brooklyn Nets 106 from the Minnesota Timberwolves 101 from the Memphis Grizzlies 100 from the Chicago Bulls 97 from the Portland Trailblazers 122 points from the Phoenix Suns did not

Win the basketball game okay 148 points in overtime from the Detroit Pistons was a losing effort 96 from the Lakers and 135 points in double overtime from the Orlando Magic was a was a losing effort as well okay so so you can score 130 points can I put on my Ser that was

Just last night my serious sports hat on for second and and really discuss this I’m not going to be snarky at all I’m just going to do this so there would be I I think the um the lazy fan would look at that and say oh they just don’t play

Defense anymore in the NBA right or or and I know you said the ball is juice as a joke or maybe they’ve done something to to slant it too much or they they’re they’re lazy they don’t try they don’t do this I think the actual answer is in

The NBA over the last 15 years since LeBron first came in the league and then Steph and and then and then a bevy of Shooters after I think basketball offenses in the NBA have evolved to the point of near efficiency Perfection and defenses either haven’t caught up yet or

It’s not possible for defenses to catch up yet yeah because basket offenses in the NBA now are more open and free flowing the ball doesn’t stop as much as it did in the in the 80s the 90s the early 2000s the ball doesn’t stop the ball moves constantly it’s going from

Side to side it’s going from corner to corner it’s going from three-point shooter to three-point shooter and in 24 seconds if you move the ball enough on a wide enough area of space you’re going to get it to a guy who is open yeah and I think offenses have simply evoled and

Figured out at some point I think Steph Curry helped it a lot but at some point NBA teams figured out that the most efficient use of the basketball is to end up in a wideopen three-point shot yeah and that’s and now guys are trained I mean to shoot those shots that’s the

Other thing 6 eight guys are not growing up in the post anymore 66 guys are not growing up in the post they’re growing up to play good defense and hit threes and that’s where we are if you’re 69 and you’re 16 years old yeah uhing and you’re working on your post

Moves you are wasting your time absolutely you’re a dinosaur yeah yeah um no everything you’re saying is right and and I agree with uh but I guess the followup question to that is should the NBA at some point have an obligation to Nerf what’s Nerf the offenses somehow

Well my question rule changes hand checking like almost always or no do we just let it like are we going to get to a point in 10 years where if we got to a point in 10 years where teams are averaging like 160 a game are you cool with

That yeah I think I would be um I think at some point the NBA or leagues always when they see the game or the sport tipping in One Direction they’ll always kind of nudge the scales back to to get so I don’t think it’ll be like overt I

Don’t think it’ll be like I don’t think they’ll move the three-point line back to 26 feet or something like that uh but it feels like I’m watching a golf tournament where everybody’s like minus 24 and it’s on the one hand yes these are awesome shots on the other hand

Every single night I watched the NBA and someone scoring 45 points it starts to get to where like 45 points from an individual player isn’t I don’t know the answer of how even if you said defenses would would snap back or or they would

They would fix it how how even do you go about defending a team of Five Guys with five shooters that that don’t know how to snap the ball around the court the easy fix is and this is going to sound like move the line back the the the sounds

Like the Boomer take but they call traveling like it was me like James naith wrote the rule yeah and I I mean that seriously like I don’t I like I the guys in the NBA don’t travel per the NBA rules but that’s what I’m saying like

Change the rule to where uh like the these the step backs dudes do where they’ve like hacked the Harden step back where he picks up his dribble takes a massive gather steps takes two more steps the Euro Step can I get that that’s all within the rules what but

Like you look at James naay Smith’s rules and he’s like if you pick up your pivot foot and put it back down that’s that’s a travel like they could enforce that [ __ ] more no I I got a simple solution but I don’t know how but like

That I I don’t think they would actually do that though because that’s that’s exciting to people so like they don’t want to Simple Solution instead of basketballs bowling balls they’re heavier they could possibly kill somebody when they come off the rim I bowling balls who says no I guess maybe

Bowlers do they don’t want their balls to be stolen true yeah go ahead Evo uh yeah I have a question with uh when we’re rolling out the bowling balls are we also rolling out new backboards potentially ooh well that would if you did that and maybe you had to make the

Backboards like some sort of you couldn’t make them glass anymore you had to make them wood or something like that then you’re taking away high dollar seats behind cuz you’re not going to be able to sit back there I think that’s kind of dangerous I I don’t know it

Feels D I think I think if you make okay so make the backboard W um back but then I think it’s my problem is like it’s 10 feet in the air throwing a bowling ball up that high feels d i I would say bring the bring bring the basket down to the

Floor and keep the bowling balls um okay but at that point at that point yeah at that point just the a repeated putting a bowling ball in a basket is going to get boring I feel like as you should almost have to roll it yeah instead of a basket

Instead of a basket what if we put like something that looks like it explodes when it hits it like that would be exciting not just one though I mean one would be it would be too easy I think you have to have like at least eight

Maybe nine possibly 10 okay 10 you put 10 things down there Vision okay put you put 10 things down there and you have to roll the ball yeah in backwards yeah what Chris Paul’s finally going to get a ring uh and uh the WNBA they can have um on

The outside actually WNBA is fine they’re offens okay okay we don’t have to we don’t have to fix their offense I was going to suggest we put up like hockey walls on the side there’s nothing we need to do to slow down WNBA off okay all

Right um did that kid win the darts thing no he lost in the 11th set the 11th set yeah like which is that’s deep like he he had he had the lead for a little bit and then he lost his 21y girlfriend leave him for the other guy

Probably who’s the guy who won what’s his story his name is also Luke are all darst Luke no name name five darst right now Michael Smith Michael vanwin that’s all I got well you just had those other what about Luke ller ller Luke other Luke other there was a guy named

Jeff what like he hey is he right he is right there is a guy named Jeff I’m gonna I’m gonna can I do one Steve I bet there’s a Steve I’ll look that up there’s a Steve you hold on hold on hold I’m looking up World Dart rankings that was

Not me joking there is legitimately a guy named Jeff no no no I’m looking at World Dart rankings and and we have to go around the room until somebody gets it wrong World Dart rankings the PDC order of Merit is that what it is yeah that’s [ __ ] sick what’ you say Jeff

What what’s the what’s the cut off um I’m going say top 30 top 30 you have to get a name you’re looking at it right now though you’re cheating I’m going to be the adjudicator okay okay there’s no Jeffs on this list brother and and and

And I was about to say if I said Jeff I’m out you have to say or Steve you said Steve I said Steve St at 66 I see I don’t have a Steve in the top 30 either all right go Wayne that’s a tough one man Wayne that

Feels like an English ass name all right Wayne No Wayne you’re out Connor go I already said Jeff I’m out say another one you’re um Matthew maybe this doesn’t work Michael well you knew Michael was there well yeah no learnning no like darts or something no stick actually I knew

Gerwin price I should have been able to pull that I think he has a mohawk yeah all right number one is Luke followed by two Michaels yeah Nathan Gerwin price Gerwin Michael Smith right then we got Rob Danny Peter Johnny basically the monkeys um Dave Damon Joe DK Dirk and

Demitri which good for them uh Steven oh there was a Steven that’s that counts uh that’s Stefan are those their earnings for this year this guy’s electric Stefan Bunton bunting yeah okay so he walks out to uh bulletproof fire away oh I saw that why do they put a fat white guy why

Do they put the dollar sign in that funny in that funny font e that’s uh Stupid Josh Rock Josh Rock’s a good name Josh rock is a good Christof yeah what’s the conversion of pounds to dollars guy that won Luke humph he’s number one in the world oh he’s made 1

Million pounds hey what’s the conversion of pounds to dollars Brandon I bet you hope it’s one to one because you’d be really rich right fat that’s good fattest on the show [ __ ] Slim Boy TJ TJ’s in his [ __ ] era TJ’s in his feeling himself era there you

Go I had um I found the Jeff by the way Jeff Smith how long far Jeff Smith you couldn’t remember Smith his last name was Smith and you extremely forgettable how far down do you have to go no I just typed in uh darts Jeff and Jeff Smith

Popped up he’s the guy that almost beat van Gerwin in the semi-finals New York second that’s the placeholder name they just put there as they’re filling out the rankings yeah he was he was bad um I have an NBA thing Jake Rodriguez that’s a name Rusty

Jake he kind of looks like Jake Rusty Jake Rodriguez is a euphemism I’ve had a I’ve had a woman try to do that to me Rusty Jake uh what’s your NBA thing uh not really an NBA thing it’s more of a basketball thing because uh I’m just going to speak

On this I’m just going to stand up and speak on this yesterday on another podcast in the bar stool Sports Universe there was the name Mark Titus thrown around as if it were a joke as if it were something to laugh at as if it were somebody that was a [ __ ] benchwarmer

That you that that didn’t win the Chili’s three for me threo contest mere weeks ago here at bar stool Sports just the name Mark Titus Mark Titus it’s a piece of [ __ ] name that’s how it was treated and if you want to go watch that go watch the pat beb podcast because

They did that repeatedly however I’m here to tell you that maybe the name Pat Bev should be treated that too because it was just he just treated you like you were gum off of his shoe like you were nothing but I have a chart here okay

Okay I have a chart here that is in very on very bright white paper and it’s Titus versus Pat Bev okay MH final fours Mark Titus played in one M well Mark Titus went to one warmed up in one you’re only as uh you’re only as strong

As your weakest link so you were there woman I was the weakest link that led us to the national championship game so ifof facto I carried the team final force for Pat Bev zero zero Elite Eights Mark Titus also warmed up in one yep Pat Bev didn’t check probably zero though

Mhm Years playing college basketball Mark Titus played twice as many years correct four years correct Pat Bev only made it two before he had to go to the NBA before they kicked him out yeah yeah so you played twice as much college basketball as he did as far as games watched yeah Globe

Trotter yeah yeah mark tius is one to my knowledge Pat Bev has never been a no that’s what I said like Pat Bev said he’s team New York and then in the same breath yeah he [ __ ] all over a New York basketball Harlem Globe a liter Harlem

Glob tro it was crazy and then one I did to In fairness uh made the NBA yeah but not in not fairness I declared for the NBA draft in 2009 yeah and was black balled the league told me to remove my name from the draft that’s a fact you

Can look that upal or white Bal basketball basketball yeah um that would have been a great clapback from the NBA no you got basketball uh yeah I I did that’s a fact there’s news stories about that I I you can you can you can Google that you can

Search that in 2009 I entered the NBA draft the NBA told me you’re not allowed to enter the draft so I don’t know what it was uh I don’t know if they thought I was gonna I think their plan was we’re going to let Steph Curry introduce everybody to the three-point shot we

Don’t need you to do that I was going to um but I chose a different path I chose the Chili’s three for me Three-Point Contest that’s my legacy um yeah that’s kind of crazy considering they let that like random Kid last year go through the whole Draft Day process you remember

That yeah I do yeah but that’s what that’s what I’m saying like I I strike the fear of God in people for some reason I don’t know I don’t know why he got so freaked out about you I maybe he saw the size of the you know what else

Is crazy is is Pat Bev also said that that embiid is on a path to the greatest NBA season of all time if if he STI with this this is the greatest NBA season of all time another thing you can look up mhm I there’s a a very good chance that

I am the one who taught Joel embiid how to shoot a basketball there is a very good and that sounds insane yeah but Joel embiid TJ you might have to help me on this one Joel embiid was this last year this was like about a year ago uh in February

March something like like not long after I started Barcelo because I remember talking about it on my show with TJ Joel embiid said that to to learn how to play basketball he Googled white guys shooting yeah Joel andb learned shooting from YouTube videos of white guys shooting three-pointers now if you go

Through the timeline of will of when Joel embiid first started playing basketball yep and when Mr rain maker the the trick shot video that I put out in 2010 when I was a senior at Ohio State sure um you go through the timeline find me a video that was posted

Before 2010 that has more views that is a white guy shooting a three-point that is basically just white guys shooting three-point shots over and over so it could be reason the timeline matches like it was like three months after if you go off of like the story of like Joel embiid started playing

Basketball when he was 14 15 whatever right which was around that time period and you go off of when I posted the video it was like four months after I had put that on the internet Joel embiid was Googling white guys shooting threes to learn how to play basketball so the

You might be responsible single-handedly responsible for the greatest season in history yes and Pat Bev who is Joel embiid’s teammate who is gassing up Joel embiid who has nothing but love for Joel embiid doesn’t even realize that I’m the inspiration for Joel embiid and that’s that’s what’s the most disheartening

Thing to me wish I had a gavl I wish I had a gavl there would be no there would be no Joel and speaking of gabbles yeah dude we got to talk about sag Listen Hold on this guy’s going to go to jail for a long time yeah probably forever probably

Forever this guy [ __ ] his life up Beyond repair however the clip we’re talking about the internet once again just just delivering the clip we’re talking about I think it was in Vegas a judge denied either parole or or sentenced a guy whatever and the guy wasn’t the guy

Wasn’t having it and he uh he attacked the judge yeah but he didn’t just like walk back there he he he jumped over poal it po po poal poal he just all right getting sentence what a clip getting it’s one of the Great Clips of all time all right disappointed looking

Around anybody gonna stop me no that guy’s not doing anything appreciate that but I think it’s time that you get a taste of something else because oh I didn’t know she was sassy about she was sassy in accordance with the laws of State [ __ ] listen Okay okay before before we go

Further is everyone’s all right I think I don’t want to I don’t want to get CAU on a live stream making jokes about a situation where this judge is like paralyzed or some [ __ ] okay right yeah make sure make sure let’s let’s uh let’s let’s check that you go ahead I’m GNA

You’re right let’s check that out I want to make sure that like she’s not fighting for her life because her head hit the back of the back of her head hit the no this is good you’re smart you’re you’re you’re you’re right on this uh there were

Injuries but I I’ll figure it out more oh boy she she got up she was so should we pin a put a pen in this or just I am I disavow what I disavow what this guy did I disavow what this guy did you should not attack judges hell you

Shouldn’t attack anybody yeah is I need to know if this is funny hurry up Connor is this I’m however in breaking down his ability to pull off what he had in his head yeah it was something that was exactly what he saw in his head exactly what

Exactly the the dive over the the cuz those judges benches or those judges things are not short yeah that’s a good five feet off the ground that he had to get up and uh I I don’t know I didn’t really I had not seen the whole clip

Where he he said I’m glad you’re amused because Connor just pointed out that she is in fact in the hospital no no no no no no no no so that’s that’s cool that uh okay the AP reports that the judge uh fell back from her seat against the wall

And suffered some injuries but was not hospitalized okay that’s good that’s good the courtroom Marshall was injured because he came to the judge’s Aid he was hospitalized for treatment of a bleeding gash on his forehead and a dislocated shoulder okay well he’ll be so it’s funny so it’s funny it’s funny

Like it sucks for that guy he’ll how how is can he sue somebody that’s kind of his job though no that’s what he’s there for that’s what he’s there for the the ironic thing is I think the Judge could sue somebody right yeah but who would

She would she would she rule on her own she’d Su the court she’d Su this courtroom um yeah okay so it’s funny it’s funny what who’s the so where was the Miss tackle who’s the is that guy yeah it’s that guy right like the first guy that’s on the floor that tried

To that that F yeah the guy the guy who did come to the help he it’s not his job right to stop right yeah well we saw somebody in a different in we saw a balea in his own little chamber there oh yeah the first guy you barely even see

The first guy the first guyy is the one who [ __ ] up the second guy that’s not his angle yeah he took a bad angle heic crash dude [ __ ] just goes flying in every direction the funniest not none of it’s funny I guess but the way it’s funny the way the flag crashes

At the end yeah everything goes everywhere but she’s also so calm about it like she sees him charging well I mean I I I her reaction time’s not great yeah true she should have reversed try to spear him like like edge off the ladder like this is the fall of America

It’s like symbolic that our courtrooms are out of control the the the [ __ ] leap that he took is unbelievable so he that was his probation hearing does he now have to be arraigned and do more criminal charges I don’t know but whatever it is he’s done

Go on trial again what if this is just an endless loop that now he’s going to get charged for this they say you’re going away for for life now and he goes now [ __ ] that [ __ ] does it again then we have to have another trial and it just this they put

They put at his next trial they have like a left tackle out there H he should keep having to do it like live in the courtroom until he actually lands the tackle on the judge completely if you’re like a if you’re like a Joo left tackle if you’re like you’re like 66

325 but your feet are a little slow and you don’t really make it in college football you should send your send your tape into these guys yeah you should become a judge’s protector or something like that or bayth is that what they call him BFF this what Frank was Frank was just a

Clerk right no he I think he was clerk oh my God what if Frank was in that courtroom Frank’s not afraid to Bear Down Frank got in with you guys uh in the office at one time the pick Central Intruder yeah the pick Central oh yeah

Yeah he did he walked over yeah he walked over um shout to Frank by the way down 150 pounds since his Peak yeah it’s unbelievable yeah dude it’s unbelievable it’s probably the most oh it is the most inspiring weight loss journey in this company m it’s uh the only one I really believe

So uh I’m Brady tweeted about Jerry yeah Brady’s of course he did Brady’s tweeted about other bar stool people I keco was impressed Scott Van Pelt was impressive I guess all of it’s impressive he put the link out which is cool yeah we quote to him yeah yeah

What’s the next what’s the next level where live golf also put it on Instagram oh by the way by the way so Tom Brady’s tweet about Jerry was picture of Tom Brady mhm what it’s a from 28 from before 28 to 3 right right but it’s

That’s that’s a great tweet Tom yeah but it’s a it’s a picture of Tom Brady yeah yeah I I I understand Tom’s not typing these tweets Tom yeah Tom’s not typing these tweets so this is really Tom’s account is really just a Tom Brady fan account I think

Um yeah I hear what you’re saying Brandon but I think like Tom Brady’s one of the few people that can yeah that can just every so often and just be like remember how awesome I am by the way TJ is our audience here today or are they

All over I think if people have both they’re in both okay so we’re doing okay yeah are we live right now have we started no uh what’s the next level for Jerry that we we are surprised or we are we’re like damn that’s Tiger Woods is a

Good one this has kicked up to the next level Tiger Woods is a good one I think a celebrity walking through that door today would be would be like big time in person yeah that’s I think if I know Jerry the way I think I know Jerry because we’re all

Friends behind the scenes I think if Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or some one of his political Heroes was able to catch one of this and then tweet about it I think that would make jokes decide if Joe Biden did tweet like go Jerry go that would that would actually be

Surprising that would that would now listen I you can’t rule out Trump tweeting tweeting about it can you no well do Trump on TW he is back on Twitter he is but I think he mostly posts on Truth yeah true that but the screenshot of the truth would

Get to Twitter but if you can’t rule out Trump you know who I would love to have chime in on this rothberger OJ Simpson yo juice not sure if you’ve seen but he loves golf know golfer like yourself with AOC or like anyone ilhan Omar or someone

Like that twe in it would be very funny Lori Lightfoot com I would love for AOC to tweet about it in a very negative way all the problems in the world and people are watching this this misogynist yeah um I got to get the he’s got 8 there are 84,000 people watching

They 84,000 crazy to put it to put it in in perspective I think this show is off to a very successful start 90,000 people watched Henny Friday since we put it out and I it’s one of the proudest moments of my life yeah and it should be it’s

That’s a great that’s a great number it’s that’s Jerry’s just on a I mean this is the most legendary thing this company’s ever done right I mean they like the the the stoolie historians will probably fight me on that but I the only live things I that ever had more viewers

Than this was the Doug’s National Championship games yeah and maybe I don’t know how many da those were on Twitch though those it’s different that’s it’s definitely it’s harder on YouTube and that’s yeah I I mean this is this is more impressive just as a feet like that

Was that was awesome and I I don’t want but I mean like if you’re if you’re stacking too up like playing a a video game versus this is like not even close he had the the stream that was 90% him sleeping has 660,000 views on YouTube this part two is a

Million like this one this one’s going to clear like two million views just so there is there is a large population of this country that spent their entire night last night watching Jerry hit a golf ball Andor tweeting about celebrities that might be pedophiles and that’s like how they spent their me I

Was watching Cat Williams cat I was one of them I was watching I was watching Jerry for uh yeah I oh my God you’re scared to death of missing it I remember I was uh I was in the bathroom when he was it was the second attempt where he came like within

Centimeters of the pin and I just heard this loud eruption as I was on the toilet and I felt like I was about to miss like the moment of the century you heard a loud eruption as you were on the not like that that’s beautiful uh yeah

He’s more than like double the highest twitch live stream right now and I he’s probably like eight times higher than any YouTube stream right now any other YouTube stream unreal yeah the highest person on Twitch right now is 42,000 now I wonder bodywise he took 2,000

Shots yesterday and he was up for 20 what 30 straight hours 36 straight hours um he did get well cuz he I don’t know when he got up the day before yeah like the day that he started I assume he he he knew that he was going to be up late

Into the night and he slept late so but I would guess he was up 40 hours um but you never hurt the day you do something you hurt the next day well it’s the next day the next day is here and he I know he got some massuse and all that stuff

But it’s got to be it’s got to feel like like he’s The Swinging bricks right now yeah uh something just developed that might motivate him more than Tom Brady uh Paige spanic just replied to the Tweet saying today’s the day who uh who’s she I’m not familiar with her I

Need to see oh um TJ if you could if you could I’m I’m actually with Mark on this one I I I I know the name I she’s in the golf world yeah I I know the name she Paige she how did she win the US Open no

I I think is that why know her no I think is she she might be on the senior tour now I don’t oh is I don’t what see is she the one that wears the she wears the visor oh just real quick if you can just she’s a golfer okay [Laughter]

Um I remember now um I have a surprise oh really yeah I don’t know there’s just been a box on the floor well waiting to bring it up but got to be honest there has been a box got to be honest Studio we’re getting a little messy we’re getting a little

Cluttered in here so I didn’t even notice the box so how would you like this to be would you like me to go get the box and open it over here yeah okay what’s in the box it’s mostly Brandon so um I was brainstorming some fun things

We could do for 30,000 views and I was thinking oh like maybe we could do like a mystery box of mini helmets something like that to decorate the studio with mhm and then I was like you know what I’m I’m feeling merry I’m going to get all the boys something related to Jers

Day oh did Andre fall off yeah yeah okay 3,000 all right so how do you want to do this do you want me to present it to everybody uh yeah well there’s there’s four things in there okay I’ll just move the sheet okay there’s a box you said this was for 30,000 views

What the 30,000 subscribers oh the when we hit 30 so I got the boys there are these are these are four mystery boxes of autographed college jerseys what I hear screaming oh [ __ ] no way did you do it cut in cut in cut in go no he did not

Oh my god did it oh my God [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] oh I’m so happy oh my God [Applause] Jerry Jerry Jerry you could hear that scream from all the way across y yeah oh my God a speech everyone give him a space speech amazing I don’t know what to say right I’m speechless I don’t know I hope they

Read direct their viewers to this show I mean but he’s got to give us like this could go on for another like 20 minutes of him just like giving a speech what he goes double for double or nothing no um oh they just found out good yeah yeah

I’m just going to shut up right now and just let you guys watch this 90k watching wow no uh that was really tough he did it that was not easy uh wow I didn’t even bring a change of clothes because I thought it was going to be

Like 3 hours I can’t believe it I’m stunned that was something I’m happy I stuck it out thank you D thank you bar stool everybody watch C prob not out yet there’s 111,000 people watching little guys out there maches yeah yeah uh Evo thanks for whatever this is yeah

We’re gonna yeah I feel bad for I feel bad for Evo that totally ruined it a fan I love this that’s [Applause] Awesome holy [ __ ] oh chills chills that’s so cool all right so uh Brandon the bar has been set 2,627 Strokes you’re you’re a competitive man the question is can you do it in fewer Strokes Mark I didn’t want to announce this but tomorrow I say we find out

Tomorrow on this show I say we find out yeah we got to we got to boost our subscriber numbers uh and Jerry proved that there’s two ways to do that one is killing yourself hitting golf balls the other is just sleeping so I figured we’d

Split it up I’ll let you hit the golf balls and you’ll sleep I’ll sleep on the stream and uh yeah and our numbers will come all right now congrats to Jerry that’s all that’s incredible the worst timing in the history well no maybe I I did something special by I started pause

It yeah all right so are they four random boxes these are four I have no idea what who they are what the players are but there are four autographed college football jerseys in there really one for you you guys one for Connor and one for TJ all right so pass them out

There are four autographed college football jerseys and we will all take random we’ll all get a random Jersey and I think maybe Brandon can open his first and then Mark can decide if he wants to steal Brandon or not hang on hang on we’re doing no here hang on before

Before we open yeah should does anyone want to trade yeah because I like the idea of a trade you have to live with that for the rest of your life that you were you had the best Jersey in your hand and you gave it up I like to

Trade do want or or someone else has the best Jersey and you might have a shitty Jersey and Connor has the I don’t know I don’t know we don’t have to trade do we want to involve the horses at all yeah we haven’t done the hor let TR

You and I trade and Conor Conor Conor I know Conor but who said I wanted to trade who’s the most likely to get the best one it’s Connor right it’s Conor yeah Conor I want your Bo no no no no but I’m I I [ __ ] Mark I’m keeping mine

TJ give me your box deal pause don’t do that don’t do that so you have my original box and I I had yeah yeah so you this one feels late TJ has mine Conor trade back Conor Conor you have to trade con you have to trade

Conor give me the Box Conor give me the Box you have to trade Conor Conor give me the box now you trade with me well I like this one’s heavy no no no no okay that okay trade you trade with me you trade no that’s mine hold on let me

Just let me film we’re not going to trade no no no I don’t want you to fill this box I want this box well I don’t know it might be too this might be hockey all right we’re going [ __ ] it [ __ ] it never Conor trade back no no no

Trade back trade back trade back I want to trade back I want to trade back I want to trade back all right here we go here we go who goes first I’m going first I anybody got a knife I got keys a knife I got a knife I don’t want your knife you

Keys all we don’t need this box do we okay any [ __ ] this box it’s uh it’s college football all college football you can do like also like mystery boxes of like helmets and stuff but I thought college football would be like more fun and random mine’s pretty good you already

Saw it yeah yeah I thought that we were doing like a I have Miami Hurricanes Bernie C that’s pretty goddamn good that’s really good that’s Bernie Kar I I like that one well well done e was that was that mine or initially yes [ __ ] no wait he’s got

Yours yeah yeah I have tjs this was TJ’s [ __ ] EO I’m so confused how this works all right how did you what website or what I can show you guys website but basically you can buy mystery boxes of like autographed baseballs autographed helmets cuz this is insane yeah it’s not

It’s not an authentic jersey but it is like uh feels like it that’s a real signature yeah and you have the you the authenticated like slip on there too so this is this is great fantastic thank you very much great Jersey good job Evo um all right all here I

Go uh I don’t know who that is I can’t tell I can’t even tell what school it is looks like it open it up looks like a uh San Diego Charger or something or other it’s a college though oh UCL UCLA oh is that Heisman Trophy winner Gary

Gary bben bben I think he won the N you you have to check 1967 I I’ll text Frank and ask him no dude you [ __ ] yeah this is you that’s I think that’s a Heisman Trophy winner yep Heisman Trophy 1967 yeah let’s go there you go you got

An Heisman Trophy winner Gary B pretty good Gary Bon I like that and that was originally mine and I would have been mad if I got that this worked out you don’t I thought you were the Heisman guy you don’t [ __ ] with the beams bro I’m a

Love B Co are Connor all right open it up he’s going to get [ __ ] Berry Sanders oh [ __ ] leave it upside down I do have it upside down Sanders or he’s going to get o see hear what he say o oh that’s that’s burn orange Johnson which Johnson from from Texas is

That which Johnson trying to figure that out that out which Johnson uh is that on the card no I have to look it up Eric Eric Johnson Derek Derek John oh the linebacker yeah that’s a good one Derek Johnson the linebacker play for the Chiefs he was awesome

Perfect all right number 11 stick city thank you Evo I’m definitely winning so far I think so I got a Heisman Trophy been win yeah that’s better der Johnson’s pretty sick too it’s a really nice Jersey yeah it’s definitely it’s it I don’t know what the company is it’s like this is

From China that’s what it says but it is well made company is just called China oh oh that looks good that looks good is that yeah is it that’s Ian book book Ian book that’s book that that shit’s book book that’s that’s perfect damn damn good gift good gift good gift next Thursday

Sorted good gift crazy that you wait till after Christmas yeah I have an after Christmas gift coming soon the so does Connor can’t wait to I I will get the ticket can’t wait to get it um well at least he couldn’t get the tickets Before Christmas because he

Was busy finishing the manifesto before Christmas so you understand yeah that’s right he was going to both things are coming all I know is about the manifesto me just me and you real quick all I remember about the manifesto is saying by the end of the year by January 1

Here’s uh here’s what I think about the Manifest though I I don’t think he’s I think it’s a bit it’s all gonna be like some joke he’s gonna you know how he did like the the blank notebook thing yeah he’s got some like Zinger where he’s like the manifesto

Is it’s GNA be like one word or something and he’s gonna he gonna say family it’s just me and you right yeah Conor sucks but the poem was good when when we had chance to write the poem the poem was good so he’s come through before and

There might there might be a poem hey are you listening to them uh yeah that is true he did the poem and now now we don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to buy a jersey for next jersday cuz I’m going broke cuz for some reason my ego won’t

Allow me to wear a jersey twice I don’t want to say I’m running out of jerseys to wear but I wore Ben R Jersey uh did you hold on did you have that or is that like on the pile did Jerry have that I don’t know how I have this I I I

Generally don’t know um this was look how big the holes used to be I have my family has started sending me jerseys my brother my dad um just all sorts of people are like your dad’s a huge roess Burger guy not for the football but for

The other side I have be careful now you better be I don’t care he does he watches show no no no no I know exactly what he cares about he took shots at me first Titus dad my dad certified not dead so be careful heok he took shots at me

First um that is true what do you say like the first time you met you he said I’m a big fan and then paused instead of Titus yeah the timing was illegal uh yeah I don’t know I just get jerseys like my brother sent me a box of jerseys

And rothberger was in it and I don’t remember my brother ever having a rothberger jersey but I don’t know are these on the side of the Box the ones that they have uh um I’m not sure you can like go and look they have like a catalog of players what’s the company

Plug the company um I believe it’s like Rochester sports associate or something like that Rochester academ R cool this is a cool idea yeah they have like a bunch of uh like Mystery Box type stuff and you can buy like actual players you want to pick but I thought the mystery

Box would Conor you had a Heisman Trophy winning Jersey in your hand and uh I took it back from you yeah even though I think this was my original yeah but you but then we switched and then yeah it could have been could have been could have been uh

Anything else could have been me I just love how ebo had that planned out over the break and was so excited for the surprise and then the minute he breaks out the surprise Jerry gets the hold that was too perfect pga2 or Legend hash Legend

Jerry wow I gotta go I I gotta go parent for for a second so we got to end the show all right my wife is taking the kids to Great Wolf Lodge the water slides what a great day here RS go what I don’t I wanted the Seinfeld music oh what

A that’s not a joke though my wife my wife is the setup was funny my wife is taking them to Great Wolf Lodge and Tommy just wants to sit and play video games all day and he’s he doesn’t want to go and now I have to call and

Convince him to go to a [ __ ] water slot days they have an arcade at Great Wolf Lodge do they yeah okay most of them do they have like a David Busters in Great Wolf Lodge okay well don’t holler at me but I’ll uh I got to I got

To go parent Tommy all right uh congrats to Jerry yes awesome what a what a [ __ ] accomplishment by Jerry 36 hours of just building a hell yeah we have our highest concurrent effort right now by the way oh we got the we got the yeah we got some overflow oh should should we

Keep going that’s a great shirt yeah that’s awesome 2,627 Strokes oh wow so they when they printed that shirt they knew how many strokes it was going to take cuz it was this has all been raped this has all been rigged this was all rigged they programmed

The oh no it’s a shame phone is ringing that’s mine I I’m I like I said I have to go parent I have to go parent all right uh we’ll be back tomorrow see you guys that’s how ball is Done A Nah Nah He Down


  1. Mark Titus got UCLA which is funny because idk if anyone knows this but he used to live in LA near the beach

  2. Peoples takes on how people get attacked are always so wildly ignorant. Like the judge could have moved out of the way, she’s sitting there dude took 4 steps and jumped. She’s not a fucking ninja, person who never faced any confrontation ever, clearly.

  3. TJ knowing the most about darts whilst confusing Peter Wright with Gerwyn Price and calling Stephen Bunting Stefan 😂

  4. I think they stumbled into a great idea with adding defense to bowling. It would be way more entertaining if bowling was a team sport played on a basketball court

  5. Don't really get the appeal of Jerry, but that was an epic moment. Is the appeal that he appears Broussarded?

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