The Perfect Golf Swing Alignment | Paddy’s Golf Tips #49 | Padraig Harrington

One of the key fundamentals in the set-up of a golf shot is having the correct alignment, which is the subject of this ‘Paddy’s Golf Tips’ lesson. As well as how to achieve this on the range with alignment rods, I explain how to incorporate alignment into your pre-shot routine on the course, where to tee up on the tee-box, as well as various “dos and don’ts.”.


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Produced by Viral Nation

Welcome back to Patty’s golf tips we’re going to talk about alignment today uh what it is how to get better alignment and a few OnCourse tricks to help you when you’re out there playing on the course the winner of the gold medal and the champion golfer of the year is Podrick [Applause] Harrington [Applause] So when it comes to alignment in general what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to get all parts of the body lined parallel to the Target so what I mean by that is if we use an alignment draws and we point it where we want to go see four

Or five Ines out of the way so you don’t and you line it up standing behind I want to go I’m going to go with the Left Right edge of the picket fence at the end of the rage and we got a second alignment rod and we put it broadly across our feet

Right so this is the target line this is only beig parallel left now when we set up in general I’m going to bring that I won’t move that actually I bring that one out make sure it got it right you’re going to use them you better get them in

The right place so set up generally you want your feet parallel knees parallel hips parallel core parallel chest parallel shoulders parallel everything paralleled so running on this line in general we have seen decent players who will have an open lower half very rarely will you be successful if your torso is

Shut and a lot of amers get their torso open that these the Torso being out of line is really Troublesome so you’ve got to get that right okay so in general we get our alignments like so the feet are slightly spay so sometimes your feet can throw

You off in your alignment and if you want if you were that person who wanted to check it you could put a club across the back of your feet and check where that’s aligned it’s a fraction even though the front of my feet look Square the my

Heels are a tiny bit close so something I might need to look at but again your because you tend to open up your feet the front one can be a little bit awkward with your feet but again everything else parallel to that yes you some people will be open to some people

With that but I definitely recommend your your core and your chest and your shoulders being Square okay nice alignment that’s how you do it on the Range but you don’t have that advantage on the golf course so the people with the worst alignment I you’ve ever seen amateur

Wise and they do it on the golf course and it looks very amateurish it actually looks terrible people who stand there and they try and line themselves up with a club it never works I what you think what everybody puts the club down and lines thes up it’s it looks terrible and

It doesn’t work a much better way of doing it right out in the golf course we don’t have the advantage of having these sticks and not fed away very few you don’t see a lot of people who line up very well from taking a practice through

Here and walking in this way they tend to line up poorly people who line up well and you see the pros they tend to start behind the ball they might aim their clubes and they’re walking around but it’s much easier to line up when you walk from behind the ball into position

That it would be to start over here at the side and walk in this way so so definitely I recommend on the golf course if you take practice swings take them back here if you don’t take practice swings te the ball up walk back have a look and walk in it’s a great

Habit it’s good for your routine but it’s brilliant for your alignment okay so what do I tend to see goes wrong now you will see other players I I don’t do this myself they might stand behind and they might pick a blade of grass here and line up to

That if they get used to it it can work I it really messes with my head so I can’t do that at all so I definitely don’t use an intermediary point you will see Pros practice on the Range and they’ll pick their target and they’ll walk out and they’ll put the alignment

Stick at an angle so that it doesn’t helps it to Ricochet I got the actually spot on so yeah they put a stick down there they know that’s at a certain point and they might want to start the ball right or left of that again it’s an intermediary

Point and it’s good for the start line okay so it does work but I prefer myself practicing just lining up from here again I’m trying to get things parallel but there’s a few kickers to this okay and this is what I see happening to amateurs okay so the number one rule I

Would say for for amateurs on the golf course if they’re playing with friends regular if they’re playing if they have a caddy as long as it’s regular it’s not in competition when you’re over the odd shot okay just ask somebody to stand behind you and ask them where do you

Just say will my camera R will where do you think I’m lined up and they’ll give you a general impression they’re not coming in and putting clubs across you which you cins will do that and they’ll check out things but you don’t have that Advantage when you’re out there having a

Bit of fun but you can have the advantage of asking somebody you know where do I look like I’m set up what shot do I look like I do I look like I’m aiming right for a draw or do I look like I’m aiming left for a fade just a

General impression and that really helps and really works cuz you will find and this I’m going to get to this you will find there’s a golf hole on your golf course that you never play well you might hit out of bounds in this hole all

The time or you might hit a hook in this hole and you never hit a hook what’s happening is you’re getting misaligned it’s not your swing your swing is changing to the misalignment and you’re getting drawn into the shape of the hole so what could happen is there could be a

T- box aiming too far right there could be a hedge r or a tree line that’s drawing your ey line and it gets you set up like if I’m trying to hit it at the Pekka fence and I’m started here and think I’m aiming straight my mind knows

That it’s got to manipulate something and it’s going to start making all sorts of crazy swings so alignment is essential if you’re going to try and make consistent swings so ask a friend to check your general direction that you’re aiming and you’ll be shocked and those holes you don’t like you’ll be

Surprised your friends will say God you’re aiming in the middle of tre rice or you’re aiming straight at that bunker when you thought you were left it always get somebody to check couple of things to watch out for okay again we’re looking to be parallel if you’re on a

Golf court a driving range or a t- box so I mentioned you can get drawn in very quickly to the direction the team box is aiming that there of the hole the tree line and the hole it catches your eyeline and it makes you aim that way so

I’m going to set up a t box here I’m going to use my wion D parel with Wilson head cover so if I put that marker there I’m going to use my practice bag over here right so this is a t- box okay now even there I’ve set this up I was

Trying to aim at the pick a fence down here I’ve set this up this T box is suck and be into aim and right okay so a couple of things if you’re on a driving range and you want to draw the ball always practice on the left hand side of

The t- Box left hand side of the range if you want to fade the ball or or stop hooking it always go to the right hand side Okay because I’m going to show you now with the t- box I’m going to actually square up my T box

So the reason being is right so now little further back so this is pointing directly where I want to go so if I tea up in the middle on a straight T box that should be pretty okay I I should line up where the T box is aiming

Pretty close to the time now if I tee up to the right we got this still if you te up to the right hand side of the range right and the Fairway is to my left so I tea up Square to the T box look up oh the Fairway is going to

Be left me so what do I do I shuffle left cuz I’m lazy I didn’t restart I’m lazy and anybody can watch down this camera will see the minute I scre yeah that’s good oh I’m too far right all of a sudden I’ve just pushed the ball

Forward I’ve kind of opened up my stance creating a Big Slice exactly what I didn’t want if I tee up on the left hand side of a range so say we’re teen off the left hand side left hand side of the T so I T up

Square I know like I’m square is way too far left I want to aim forur the right cuz the Fairway is you know if we’re on the left hand side the middle of the range is over to the right watch I shift my weight this way to get to the middle

The ball comes back set me up for a draw or a hook depending on what you want so all I did here two balls one on the right hand side square up when I look up I’m I’m going to have to go this way which is

Open and slice one on the left hand side of two for left I’ll move this way which is bringing the ball back which will encourage a draw so simply that on a driving range right hand side will make you slice the ball left hand side will

Make you draw help you draw the ball I think I can’t say make because I know there’s a lot of people who love to draw the ball if if it was the only solution but it’s part of the solution now there are tricks to this on the golf

Course okay giving you the good stuff now so when you get in a golf course and you have a t- box that’s aiming the wrong direction there’s designers who are famous Jack nichas was great he always did circular t- boxes so it was up to you to align but there’s designers

Who would deliberately aim a t- box offline and it’s very difficult to get perception of where you’re aiming okay here is the big key and and this could be as I said that one hole in the golf course that has a might have a railway up one side and you always hit a

Hook on it because you’re but it’s actually a fact that the railway is drawing your your ey line in such a way that you now you’re getting struggling with your alignment which affects your site so there’s a very simple rule of to if the T box aims right tea up on the

Right hand side and it will help negate the angle of the t- Box you will absolutely lose quite a bit of this space when you cram into the right hand side if the t- Box aims left te up on the left hand side that works wonders

For me it takes out the shape of the t- box I really shouldn’t be telling everybody that but it really does work if you struggle with the shape of the tea box does tea up if the tea is aiming right tea up on the right if the tea is

Aiming left tea up on the left and that will help a lot ultimately if you can have a caddy who can do it or friends always get them to check as it’s not in competition where you’re generally aligned and that will give you the best alignment just general idea oh yeah you

Were down the right half you looked like you were hitting the draw that’s what you don’t they don’t need to get in there and make it detailed because detailed get in your head and mess you up it’s just a g hey yeah that looked good it looked like you were going to

Hit that shot can’t be because a lot of Ares are misaligned and if you’re align there just nowhere to go that’s all there is from Patty sclf tips on alignment

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