Golf Players

Fabletics Are Not For #golf

They advertise a lot and often try to convince you they have crazy good deals, but at least in my experience they are not what I want in a pair of golf pants. this video is my attempt to explain to you and the world of consumer pants people why this brand while not bad looking isn’t for golf.

#fabletics #bryanbros
#goodgood #gmgolf #justinthomas #jt #pif #usopen #openchampionship #pgatour #golf #bigboypantsgolf #dpworldtour #livgolf #vessel golf bags #rickshiels #championstour

What is happening golfers today we wanted to have a little different conversation as we were in the middle of winter and all that jazz one of the most important things to think about with the new year is what your wardrobe for the golfing world is going to look like this

Next year as a golfer you know your wardrobe is pretty important as such I do have a couple of different pairs of pants that I like to wear and why I couple of you know a lot because in my opinion pants are more important than shirts shirts you know you can get like

A $5 collared shirt anywhere you can get um those you know time on time on time you can even go to Goodwill or Salvation Army stores and get pretty good selection but with pants I like to always buy brand new and I like to make

Sure that I get like the right kind so the majority of my pants are actually from the Greg Norman collection I love the feel but I do have one pair of pants that’s not from them that I don’t like very much I like the color this is

Actually a light blue if you can’t tell very much my poor lighting in my studio studio a office home office whatever but the point is this is actually from fabletics you know the company that makes the really awkward like booty bust commercials and all that jazz where

They’re all focusing on your butt like they’re like hey check it out you know it bends so I’ve had this pair of pants for over a year now and I can tell you right now I initially got them simply because I liked the color um it’s always cool to

Have one or two pairs of pants in your collection that I think are you know not the colors I have the majority of my pants are black charcoal and tan and then I have a couple pairs that are you know I have like one that’s like silver I would

Love a white pair don’t have a white pair for whatever reason not sure why um I got a pink pair for Christmas by the way what’s up a pink pair of GRE and Ormond for Christmas yes but anyway um I like having a couple of odd colors like the light blue and I

Get great compliment ments from people whenever I wear them like out in public these are fabletics by the way but they advertise sometimes on on Facebook Marketplace and all that jazz as actually being like for golf their pants being for golf and I can tell you right

Now they are not for golf a couple of big things uh as to why they’re not for golf and I want to talk about this right now um first off They Don’t Really they don’t really cover your ankles very well um I were size 3432 and pretty much um in all honesty I

Could probably wear uh 3430 uh which by the way 30 uh the the second number is usually in reference to length um I could probably wear 30 in most pairs of pants but I prefer 32 because I like to have my ankles properly covered I’m not out here trying to be um you

Know the the guy the guy who the guys out there wearing capri pants when they’re trying to do that or the joggers or whatever you know the capri pants basically I’m not trying to wear that crap so I like having my ankles properly covered especially during winter I I

Don’t want air getting into my ankles all right so you know when you’re sitting in the golf cart or whatever A lot of times with these uh you know fabex pants they ride up pretty high and so even on a 32 which is normally going to still cover my ankles whenever I’m

You know in a sitting position a Crouch position like this there’s still plenty of of of ankle exposure so I don’t like that at all you wouldn’t like that at all not a fun feeling um another big issue with them is that they’re they’re they do breathe

But they’re so thin most golf pants you know the reason why you wear golf pants versus jeans when you get jeans wet the water sticks in there and then it just wet um these pants they do wick water the way that you would want them to however they don’t hide sweat the way

That you’d want them to so you know if you’re wearing them in the middle of win of summer or you know a period of time where you are going to get some sweat on you uh if you’re not wearing an underpar like a secondary layer of pants

Underneath you uh you’re going to have the Lucas Glover swamp butt going on and that’s not fun at all nobody wants to be out there you know rocking that deep deep nasty Man Booty swamp but you don’t want you know your whole entire crotch area you know looking like

You know the the Amazon rainforest okay it’s already enough of a rainforest down there you don’t want it to be an extra rainforest so that’s one of the bigger problems the other big issue really comes down to the pockets um and again these are good pants for just

Wearing out and about they’re decent they actually stretch a little bit in the waist so that way if you have have you know some slight adjustments over over the weekend you know all of a sudden you eat too many steak sandwiches before you go out to the course and

You’re feeling a little tight in your waist well they’ll stretch a little bit for you just still be able to get out there however if you’re like me when you’re golfing there’s a couple things I like to have in my pants when I’m golfing I like to have in my left

Remember left-handed so you know reverse it if you’re right-handed front left pocket I like to have you know my te’s usually just one or two um my ball repair my divot repair tool and a ball Mark that’s what I like to have in this pocket right here

Nothing in this pocket nothing in this pocket this pocket back here when putting I’ll I like to have a my glove if it’s warm enough for me to not have my glove on when I’m putting if it’s below 45 or 50 I’m probably going to keep my gloves on when I’m putting just

Not interested in getting my hands colder than they already are but these pants they’re not really that great with keeping things stay in the right spot and what I mean what I mean by that is that with your pockets if you’re actually putting things in your pockets and some people I

Know put way more in their pockets than I do I got guys out there that I’ll run into the course that they’re they’re putting you know extra balls um you know their cell phone uh you know the the cart girl’s phone number kidding uh all in their pockets while

They’re playing so they got you know God knows what going on in here and one thing that’s important about good Pockets when you’re playing is that it’s really important for you to have know that whatever’s in there is not going to shift around if it starts shifting

Around or shuffling around in your swing man that’s going to throw you off even if you’re not cognitively able to recognize that that is going to throw you off and that’s something I noticed about the flat B pants there is a much much lower threshold

For what can be put in that pants and stay stagnant stay in the same spot versus my Greg Normans or my lululemons or my foot Joys or my underarms all of those other pairs of pants that I have they everything just stays right where it’s supposed to be

With a much much higher rate of con consistency by the way Lululemon actually I would say has the highest ability to keep things where it’s supposed to be like I can probably put three golf balls in my in my pockets and those things will not move I mean they

Stay right where they’re supposed to be um don’t like them as much because again the ankle issue versus uh the Greg Normans which do fix the ankle issue however um just personal preference at that point anyway but these Fabs like I said you can have like almost nothing in

There and they just flap about they flap about and God forbid you be that person like myself who sometimes will put your your phone in your pocket when you play um occasionally I’ll have my phone in there cuz I use my phone from my GPS that’s that’s what I use for being able

To you know get yardages I don’t I I don’t have the shooter tool my hands shake a little too much for that to be consistent and I just don’t like having to rely on my shaky hands to be able to actually accurately shoot uh the flag

Sticks so I prefer to have the phone GPS uh because also with the phone GPS I get you know front of green middle of green back of green that’s what my personal preference but anyway so if I have my phone in my pocket it’s just wicking and

Shaking like crazy so I can’t do it I can do it with pretty much all my other pants but I can’t do it with those over overall I mean they’re stylish you will get some nice compliments uh but they do feel like they’re made out of the

Material of a 1994 windbreaker so very very uh loud very very loud as you can hear from that you know very loud um very very wafty uh they don’t necessarily form fit to your legs very well so you know you will feel like a balloon if you’re in

The wind where you’re just like man my legs are not you know freaking wacky fling whacking waving flatable arm fing tube bands that’s what you’ll feel like by the way the point is though guys um if you’re looking at clothing options for golf uh with pants which I prefer to

Play in pants almost exclusively just my personal preference I don’t like seeing my legs just how I how how it is rather see my pants than my legs legs plus I feel a whole lot more conf confident walking into you know Shrubbery areas or uh water hazard zones trying to find

Free balls in pants than I do in shorts whole lot less likely you know or a fearful of like Thorns snakes dead raccoons dead hookers whatever you’re going to find in those spots um but yeah if you’re looking into pants for golf I would highly recommend not fabletics

Just you know I have one I have this pair I’m not angry about this pair but let’s put it this way even though I love the color it’s literally my last option in my entire wardrobe anyway guys have a wonderful day keep striping


  1. I wear the JOGGERS and I love them! I also walk every time I play. What are these carts you speak of?

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