Golf Babe

I Didn’t Know This Was Illegal…

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All right we’re here today with Breeze from France and uh he’s going to jump from my La house roof into the pool how high is this six me don’t [ __ ] up bro I don’t have insurance oh [ __ ] good I’m just kid I was like damn I

Don’t want to get wet but I got to go get them rocking this cam boot I’m creep got to [ __ ] little [ __ ] I be put elbs on SK pack in the demon that [ __ ] little my my dick on my ask about I got ring B I’m nobody beat me I’m I’mma

Bully your with thism [ __ ] many many many years ago we did hot tub on the freeways So today we’re in Florida we couldn’t get a truck so we got this box truck so we’re going to try to implement that again this should keep them more

Warm though this is a real hot tub the last one was kind of cold I’m sick so I got to drive the [ __ ] thing I wanted to be in the back we wanted the little people to drive Cameron steers key on press the gas Jake D driving guys take care of

Yourself man take care of yourself so you get to hang out with your friends and have fun you know you don’t have to drive hey the only reason I feel bad for you guys is this you got Jake who smells like [ __ ] and that’s going to be shut so

All you’re going to smell is Jake and kyan’s breath but you I don’t even know if you’ll smell Jake that’s how bad kean’s breath is look at this it’s leaking this is lit actually this is sick dude it’s not that bad how crazy do I go not too crazy

Let’s do a little l This is Extreme Hot tubing ready baby might to hit that [ __ ] too hard you guys good hey good we out here manab over here the W oh [ __ ] sh get in the boot of my face get off me get off me I hear Cameron saying Jake get off me I don’t hear Them I don’t hear them so they came here yesterday and we’re jumping they got kicked out figured we’d come Vlog it today what are you doing with the bag you do not need a it tells you bro six feet that’s not even high for them it’s

High for me there he is there he is there’s someone up there yeah hey hey what did your room number hey budddy can’t jump man hey bro imagine Bree Go’s naked dude he might go to jail I don’t know what’s going on no my dad owns this building

Your dad doesn’t know I bu you’re my daddy I don’t know ma’am they crazy no no we’re I’m not I’m not jumping five people I’m not jumping they’re not leaving I told them to leave man’ we need somebody here there was a guy there’s a there was a guy we’re trying

To one more guy we’re just trying look we’re trying to get him so we can leave no no we’re leaving oh my god dude he jumped bro he jumped all right sorry about that what do you want us to do we’re we’re going to leave 17 18

Ma’am no we’re going to leave is that okay yeah hop in hop in go go go go go go go go dude hurry dude the cops are going to come oh [ __ ] he’s he got the van dude look at him running dude cover the tag get in front of the tag get in

Front of the tag oh you too late I kind of like that guy he seemed kind of wholesome Bree did that last jump he the guy jumped go slowly into the city that’s River I feel the snow SP the ring on the [Applause] finger do you know circus yeah I know circus they have in friends yeah do this part up your butt we throw the balloon you got to try to pop the balloon okay imagine okay it fail you on here try to pop it with the

Dart how do you not know we just did dud that ain’t key won that we won hey you put another firework in my car we’re going to have a problem buddy yeah right usually when kids act this way it’s because of the parents I know that’s easy we’ll see it’s harder than it

Looks okay not bad oh oh he still got it no way oh no dude you’re the most athletic kid we’ve ever seen you won the challenge [Laughter] yeah everyone’s running that is so funny dude hey that’s his car yeah oh he’s getting Kobe’s [Laughter] car big prize picks day today we’re

Going head-to-head me vers him well we got four picks each and whoever does better wins the loser has to be the butler for the other person for a whole day I a’t been nobody Butler I’ll tell you that right now my P looking nice bro

Your p’s suck bro yeah you going to look good in the tuck making me dinner putting the soup in my mouth rubbing my feet no I I feel confident in today I think I got you that’s what’s cool about prize picks you don’t have to worry

About what team is what I’m all about the Players you stink bro even if you win you still smell like [ __ ] Bro [ __ ] you you going to be my butler I’m going have to [ __ ] wash your nasty ass stink that’sa you going to was my back but who do you got let me see don’t worry about

Me I’m going hit all four man don’t even worry about it I’m n you got a bunch of bums bro right here TI go not that guy big boy you picked that guy yes come on hell yeah nothing would make me happier than to see you massage my feet tomorrow and

Make me breakfast we we’re not fresh right now as my butler I’m going to make you brush your own teeth you got brush my tee could you put another Tic Tac in your mouth please keep on it’s going to be close Man keys I got five on it messing with no I got 89 on the even on the field hey is he even playing still is he alive this is where it’s really game time right now right here right there he th right there that’s another opportunity right there

Wasted he can’t hear you bro let’s go baby let’s go baby let’s go got lucky mother bro that had to hurt your toe that had to hurt your toe bro it did bro why the hell why the hell did you kick that bro damn that sucks Kean

I’m sorry buddy we’ll do it again you get to try to get Redemption you know against daddy wake me up at 7:00 a.m. though with breakfast okay Kwa my feet hurt this video is brought to you by prize piics do you guys like fantasy sports head over to prize pick prize

Pick is different from other daily fantasy apps and instead of choosing teams you choose individual players each player has a set projection so you either choose more or less on that set projection so if you know what players are going to perform and you’re knowledgeable about sports download the

Prize piix app and try it out it’s available in 70% of the United States including California Florida and Texas for firsttime users use code Danny that’s going to be 100% deposit bonus if you use that code and put in $100 they’re going to match that 100 with that code [Applause] Danny anything

Else can I get a strawberry a with water Butler boy he’s my butler today thank you keian you been coming to this bridge so much not bad not bad if this was higher i’ I’d do it I’d do it 720 I actually learned how to death dive recently I’m

Pretty good at it but this is a little low for what I usually death dive so and I I’m a little sick I’m a little sick today so you’re the the best are you the best at this or no I don’t know who’s the best What’s this called oh [ __ ]

What you guys are actually kind of good at this stuff got just SM [ __ ] day you can find me a l way where they G Play R all day got J I got the sheriff coming all right he’s right there he’s calling he’s calling the cops we’re going to have to get out of here we’re going to have to scram look look oh dude he just [ __ ] in the water that’s s her bro I say you’re

Worse than me I don’t like poop I’ll piss him out of mouth but like I don’t like the poop stuff pissing on each other is like whatever it’s just piss [ __ ] on people is like too much dude look at Bree no dude Bree went in the building

Dude he didn’t the guy and see Breeze Bree [ __ ] off the roof you understand English I’ve been trying to tell them all day they don’t listen to me either you know how kids are these days if you can read you see the sign over there what does it say it says no

Diving or jumping okay don’t jump off the [ __ ] I’ll get him out of here sir sorry about that cops are here go go down get down he’s crazy get no get down serious yeah they’re serious they’re jumping off that’s crazy yeah come on Dan sorry why you got to make us come

Out we were actually leaving too that was the last one we almost made it sorry guys Dam ack [ __ ] all his good with the rocket the tra in a PL on the profit yeah that [ __ ] full of the RO [ __ ] like I SW with the nox B my swag they cop the spot

With a whole lot of box pull up in my get a [ __ ] like a get the [ __ ] back [ __ ] get the [ __ ] back maybe do it on front of do it on Keyan new this day at the barracks once a year they do this they’re spreading awareness to all the new people out there French people you know got my Frenchman over there something something something you need to give it up to you need to give it up to it up before you w w

W w W dude that hurt so bad I Tre flip way better naked honestly I don’t know what it is come on I think you get a better flow of the [Applause] board let’s go hello and good evening it was the last week to be entered to win the Tesla

Model 3 with horns you want to be like these guys he won the Tesla I swear to God what the [ __ ] crazy oh my God can’t believe I’m looking at you guys I [ __ ] it’s crazy oh my God what’s up Bro I never take a day off work around the clock my engineer getting paid off Rock like a up like the weed and take off so high can I see a off now I got these rappers all breaking up a sweat cuz every time I get up on the mic I

Come correct and I learned it from the best always dressing something fresh looking full L dime big butt and nice yes they heard I used to guest but now I’m rocking clothes that ain’t in thees yet you eating goldfish out of a cup yeah that’s like kindergarten stuff you

Want to make some money a lot of money all right two eggs for 500 right sure all right sit down dude go wash off Drake I wouldn’t do it I got a lot of spit right here it’s going all over you we only do one egg

But we told him two so I don’t have to pay him anything that’s the joke cuz see I still have the other egg Jake’s fried dude thanks for doing that thing for me earlier with the egg yeah you owe me [ __ ] 250 bucks no I don’t there you

Go watch back the the deal we made we shook on it yeah 500 for two eggs and we only did one egg so 250 no that wasn’t the deal suck my ass for two 500 bucks I will you want to shake on it I don’t want you near my ass


  1. Kewon is such a champ for sticking with Danny all these years. Part of me hopes Danny pays him well but another part of me hopes he doesn't pay him and they are just actually good friends.

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