3 FATAL Mistakes Most Golfers Don’t Know They’re Making With Driver! (Simple Golf Tips)

3 FATAL Mistakes Most Golfers Don’t Know They’re Making With Driver! (Simple Golf Tips)

Most golfers make these 3 mistakes and they can lead to poor driver shots, but they are easy to fix and will make you hit your driver much better!

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That is a terrible terrible drive three reasons that it could be happening all due to your setup and I’m going to fix them in today’s lesson if you’ve got marks on your driver like that you need to subscribe to this channel because we’re going to help you get better at

The game with the free tips that we do every Tuesday on tip Tuesday let’s give you some reasons why this driver is looking like that so three reasons why you’re hitting driver badly and like I say all to do with setup I always think that when I watch Pros on TV they’ve all

Got Immaculate setups and if we don’t set up to hit the ball well we’re probably not going to do so and it’s probably the easiest thing that we could get right because we don’t need to be physically strong to hit it 300 yards we don’t need to have the perfect golf

Swing but we can stand to it hold to it create the correct angles actually to give us a pretty good chance of hitting it and the first one that I see wrong is the actual stance and what I’m talking about here I like to build a Pyramid of

Success that I I call it with my students a lot of times when I see people with driver we’ve got a conflicting mindset with how we actually want to hit the golf ball we get this club out and we think oh the big dog I’m

Going to smash this and then when we see you actually stand to it you look like you’re going to I don’t know maybe hit it with a wet slipper doesn’t look good it doesn’t look powerful it doesn’t look like there’s a Pyramid of Success there and

What I mean by that is that when I address this golf ball it looks like everything is working in a small rectangle so as I draw lines up from my feet up to my shoulders they’re pretty much on the same lines there they don’t look like there’s actually any stability

Any platform for power and actually any platform for building a swing that is going to be the fastest swing that we use throughout all our clubs when we’re stood to it let’s try and build this Pyramid of Success and what I mean by that is both your feet and then where

Our head is as we’re going through it so if we think of Pros on the television when we think of Rory maroy probably the best driver of the golf ball of my generation he looks like he’s going to launch it he’s a small lad but he looks

Like he’s going to knock it to the moon and that’s because as he stands to it now and we see the distance between both his feet his stance widens he looks like both feet are wider than his shoulders and then from there if we were to just

Draw three little lines up to where my head is I’ve built now a triangle it’s no longer my little rectangle stance from my shoulders as I actually stand to it now I’ve actually built a base that I’m going to be able to make a big golf swing at and actually put some power

Into it so my head stays pretty much in the middle of the triangle and then both feet are wider than my shoulders so when you stand to it please please make sure that as you do stand to it you are building that Pyramid of Success don’t be stood here looking like you’re not

Going to generate any speed or any actual hit in it let’s start to actually build something that looks stable so then we can start to get some better drivers second tip is all to do with ball position and this is going to make sense for tip three as well so make sure

You stay around for that but big common fault I see when we get into ball position we’re either too much one way or too much the other we’re not quite getting that middle ground and finding the ball position where we need to be it can be quite easy to fall into these

Habits and as we stand to sometimes a lot of people think well I’m making a golf swing I’ve got 14 golf clubs in my bag I should hit them all from the same place so as we stand here I get a club that’s got 9° of Loft on it my driver

And I actually play it right out of the middle of my stance the problem is that with our driver we know that we want to try and hit up on the golf ball so we want to try and make sure that the blow isn’t descending it’s ascending as it’s

Coming into the golf ball to make sure that we’re launching it on the correct height and we’re also getting the correct spin allowing us to generate some distance and also if we’re getting up on it we’re not going to be hitting down too much across it which means that

It’s going to get that Poe contact and also lead to the path being too much across it which is a real common fault we get a lot of people who just go well all clubs are the same let’s just put the ball in the middle of our stance

Couple of problems with that number one we’re not going to see that we get that ascending blow we’re probably going to be coming down on it and then again leads to that poor contact also if I’m going to be doing that it’s too far back

In my stance I’m not going to get the correct Loft delivered on the golf club so then I’m not going to get my flight I want the other reason you might have gone too far up the scale now I’ve just said we need to hit it on the up and we

Need to try and make sure that we’re launching it correctly and you take that knowledge on board and you maybe just go a little bit too far off the Cliff’s Edge and we end up seeing that the ball actually gets outside our lead foot now

In an a to try and hit it more and more on the up couple of things there a you’re actually going to hit more down on it because as it’s further out this way and as the swing is changing the Arc of the Swing I’ve actually got to go and

Try and find this golf ball because it’s getting further and further away from me so there are limitations to these things so I’d end up hitting down I’d also have to have it teed up about seven or eight Ines to try and get that upward hit so it’s actually a little bit

Counterproductive if you get it too far forwards outside that front stand so what we want to try and do and it’s really simple to try and do this each time as you just put that club in there behind the golf ball so it’s not actually aligned to the golf ball just

Bring it inside here and just get the shaft aligned with it all you want to try and do is just use your eye close one eye and just see that that in that front foot is just sitting on the inside of it there and then just have a little

Bit of a flare of the foot and now we’ve got it in the right spot if you actually try and line it up here where you do it where the club is actually behind the golf ball addressed to it and then you do it we’ve got got it too far outside

The front so we’ve got to make sure we put the club just in here align that for a little Flare from there then now I’ve actually got a ball position I’ve got my first point that nice Pyramid of Success and I’m starting to get to the point

Where I can hit a few shots that are actually going to get into better drivers let’s take a look at that third and final one tip number three actually aligned to tip number two and it’s what I call the tilt of Terror and that is all to do with the tilts we’re creating

From our shoulders and our spine angle we just talked about ball position and a lot of people end up getting it too far forward and have it up here and what that tends to do as we get the ball further up our stance what we end up

Doing if it goes you know exaggerated outside my left foot I would have to tilt to find it now I’ve got my tilt of Terror it’s locked in I’ve got my spine tilting towards the Target and I’ve got my shoulders tilting down towards the ground I said earlier we need to try

Make sure that we’re getting an ascending blow hitting it up and also trying to hit it neutral or maybe out to the right doesn’t look like with the tilts of Terror I’m going to do any of those things so when we actually address this golf ball a we need that pyramid of

Power B we need to make sure that ball position is in the right spot and then from there if we think back to Rory mroy who I mentioned earlier as he stands to actually hit his driver what we’re starting to see now is is that he has a

Spine angle that is tilted away from the target so it leans ever so slightly back his head sits behind the golf ball ever so slightly which thus means that his shoulders are now tilting up towards the sky they’re not tilting down and from here with now some tilts that are

Actually in the position that we want we’re actually going to be able with the other two factors to deliver a swing that is more likely to actually deliver that ascending blow get the good strike and actually get those drives we want so three key simple things things that like

I said earlier in the video we can all do real simple make sure that stance is right make sure the ball position’s right and make sure we’re tilted in the right direction and from there then we get nice high drawers just like that one all fades and you’re starting

To hit that driver a lot better so go through those guys just identify with all three of them do you actually do all those three traits if you don’t you need to and then you’ll start actually getting better with the big dog guys show it around with someone who’s

Struggling with the driver and we’ll see you in your next tip Tuesday after you’ve Subscribed


  1. I know I tee the ball a little high, but when I have it "where it should be" it mentally gets to me, like I'm going to hit bottom of the driver OR hit the ground first. Teeing it high, I generally drive it about 230 carry.

  2. My old club had mats for last 2 months and I was carrying about 200yds with driver. My knew club still uses grass tees for winter, which are soft, I was struggling to carry a drive 175yds😦
    Assuming its because I lacked confidence to use the ground as I would off mats? Am I correct in my thinking?

  3. Cheers Matt ‘ nice simple video to start new year ‘ Happy new year you and thanks for all the content’ ‘👍’ 2024 big year for YouTube golf so keep it going dude ‘

  4. Fantastic fast tips Matt, I've definitely been guilty of putting the ball outside my left heel teeing it too high reaching for the ball and skying it. This'll definitely help add structure to my driving top man.

  5. Happy New Year Matt. I thought the average on tour was 1 degree down. If so, is that because they have the speed to make it work?

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