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NUCLEAR! Disney CEO Could FORCE Aaron Rodgers OFF Pat McAfee’s Show after Jimmy Kimmel’s MELTDOWN!

NUCLEAR! Disney CEO Could FORCE Aaron Rodgers OFF Pat McAfee’s Show after Jimmy Kimmel’s MELTDOWN! McAfee’s show is broadcast on ESPN and Kimmel’s late night show is on ABC. Disney owns both networks and Bob Iger is the CEO.

You’re tuning into black and white sports on YouTube the No Holds bar truth on Sports the main event starts now all right black and white sports supporters well in case you have not been paying attention there is some major drama going down with the Pat McAfee show and Aaron Rogers and his

Appearances yesterday he took a what can only be described as a fantastic swipe at Jimmy over the Epstein list we know there’s a list that’s getting closer and closer to being revealed and a lot of people I think in h in and around Hollywood is in a code red right now they’re getting

Very very nervous now we know Aaron Rogers he does not hold back I think Pat most of the time puts him on the YouTube only part of that so it’s uncensored but Pat mcafe show is on ESPN Jimmy Kimmel’s on ABC guess what they both have in common they’re owned by

Disney okay now in case you’re wondering I will never come off of this all this started all this hate from these celebrities and all these media members on Aaron Rogers started from one word and one word only immunized this is still about him not wanting to disclose to them like they’re

Entitled to it his vaccination status so he’s been Public Enemy Number One ever since you add in the fact that he publicly endorsed Robert Kennedy Jr who is on the on another one on The media’s Hit List then you mix in the fact that Jimmy Kimmel is a suffers from a

Heavyweight champion version of trump derangement syndrome and you’ve got a concoction of chaos going on and it is all getting ratcheted up a notch this is going to get very very interesting uh by the way this was I believe last year sometime Jimmy Kimmel went after Aaron Rogers last year during

His show Aaron Rogers reportedly received a homeopathic treatment over the summer instead of the vaccine you know we should have know because nothing says I heal myself with crystals like this haircut I mean that little knot on top Aaron is a Karen that’s the fact of the matter see they have been going

After Aaron Rogers for quite some time um this is this is nothing new at this point so Aaron roders went on the pat mcae show Pat mcae Uh Tuesdays this is what he said yesterday A lot of people including Jimmy Kimmel are really hoping that doesn’t all right all right obviously a

Clip from this particular program was run on Jimmy Kimmel show uh whenever Aaron brought up the the list and then Jimmy mocked him for it Aaron has not forgotten about that but here we are sitting right in front of that nice bottle of Scotch what do you say I’m

Waiting to celebrate something oh yeah he’s been waiting for you been waiting for I’ll tell you what if that list comes out I definitely will be popping popping some sort of Bot hey you’ve been call for it for a few years now anyone else noticed this oh my God no okay

So he just come out and said he would pop some kind of a bottle once the Epstein list gets released and that shed started yeah shed and started a storm and Jimmy Kimmel fired back dear for the record I have not met flown with visitor had any contact

Whatsoever with Epstein nor will you find my name on any quote list other than the clearly phony non nonsense that soft brain whackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality your Reckless words put my family in danger keep it up and we will debate the facts

Further in court at Aaron roders so he’s threatening legal action against Aaron Rodgers well the plot thickens folks the plot thickens because this is what happened I have a this is AJ Perez of front office Sports by the way there’s all kinds of pronouns in his handle just

To give you a a an idea of where we’re at I have messages in Disney ESPN does censor the Pat McAfee Show’s language when it airs the show Pat mca’s YouTube feed runs uncensored could ESPN block air a block of replacement programming if McAfee insists on bringing Rogers on so you see

What that says right there okay now Kimmel this was uh this was last February took another shot at Aaron roders needless to say all this UFO talk has the tinfoil Hatters going wild including Green Bay wack Packer Aaron roders who offered this hot take on the

Pat McAfee show I I believe that this been going on for a long time interesting uh timing on everything there’s a lot of other things going on in the world did you hear about the Epstein Client List about to be released too what’s that what are you talking

About there’s some files that have have some names on it they might be uh getting released pretty soon oh oh might be time to revisit that concussion protocol Aaron that was an unsolicited attack by Jimmy Kimmel on Aaron roders all right tin full hat Hatter and and all that kind of thing by

The way Aaron Rogers exle tackle David barari crushed Jimmy Kimmel over that so the plot thickens an ESPN spokesperson has a spokesperson has declined comment to front office Sports when asked if the network is examining Rogers future on the pat mcae show then it takes this

Turn have we seen the last of Aaron Rogers on the Pat McAfee show Bob Iger may have to insert himself into this situation given that Jimmy Kimmel Live is ABC Pat McAfee is ESPN are both broadcast by Disney properties so that makes you wonder right here and

Now is Aaron Rogers appearances on the Pat McAfee show in Jeopardy because of the fact that Jimmy kimel’s owned by Disney and so is ESPN this was all of our fears when Pat McAfee’s show and occasionally I still watch it but when he left YouTube only

One of the big fears was that Disney or ESPN or ABC or whatever would step in and either censor and or remove the show and or remove certain personal I ities from the show like Aaron Rodgers and let’s be real Aaron Rogers Tuesday on the pat mcae show it is become mustsee

Content all right he’s always dropping something and a man he’s he’s not afraid to push back against the mainstream narrative he doesn’t care he’s Unapologetic about it and it’s kind of funny that a celebrity like Jimmy Kimmel who has constantly attacked along with other all these other media personalities Aaron Rogers over various

Issues including his vaccination status all of a sudden now you’re butt hurt now you’re rubbed the wrong way and the fact that Bob iger’s brought up in this makes you wonder has Jimmy Kimmel already contacted Bob Iger I mean is that a thing is that already in

Motion it makes you wonder what’s what’s going to be the status of Aaron Rogers Tuesday is going forward is there going to be such a thing anymore we’re talking about the CEO of Disney who owns ABC and ESPN you know I mean that’s that’s that’s why everybody so desperately

Wanted and had wished that that Pat McAfee had remained independent of everything like ESPN of all places that was the big fear and here we are right now ESPN is being asked to comment Jimmy Kimmel’s threatening lawsuits I mean how many lawsuits could Trump threaten Jimmy Kimmel with over all the

Attacks that he’s LED on on him and his family question mark just wondering I’m just throwing that out because yeah if you’ve if you’ve seen any clips from Jimmy Kimmel show it was a nonstop stop assault it’s crazy and I guess uh uh Kimmel doesn’t believe in freedom of speech you

Know so tell me what you think this is taking an interesting turn Aaron Rogers has a lot of people very very butt hurt on a weekly basis and I’m here for it I love it it’s great Aaron Rogers I said this on my ex has become more likable by the weak over

The last couple of years he doesn’t give a and that’s awesome tell me what you think peace I’m out till next time thanks for watching the show be sure to like comment and subscribe be sure to tune in next time on black and white sports


  1. Hate ESPN and hopes Arazia sues the hell out of Molly Querem. And McAfee show was always lame except for his Aaron Rodgers stuff and I always knew this was only a matter of time till the neutered his show. Clowns watch espn

  2. Who even watches Jimmy Kimmel? I think several times as many people tune in to watch Aaron Rogers on the Pat McAfee show on one day a week than tune into Kimmel all week. Not that ratings matter to Disney – just look at the movies and shows they put out…

  3. This is exactly why so many PM fans were pissed about him going to ESPN. Let's see if PM bows down to his Disney overlords. If he does, PM is done. Selling out can be costly.

  4. Of course a zionist needs to step in and censor any talk about their zionist child trafficking blackmail scheme

  5. Rodgers speaks TRUTH and the media hates his guts. One of the only celebs that is an actual human being and not a DEMON. Keep going Aaron

  6. Mcafee is the only show I watch on ESPN. Hugh mistake ever going to ESPN. Will stop watching when they make him go woke , and they will make him go woke . ESPN, ABC and Disney all SUCK !!!!!! When they make the SEC go WOKE . They will f ing ruin college football!!!!!!

  7. The Jimmy Kimmel from 20 – 25 years ago who could dish it out just as hard as he could take it is long gone. I don’t expect him to still have a show chugging beer or girls jumping on trampolines but if your going to insinuate something be prepared for someone to return the favor. Maybe he should try a beer other than Bud Light lol.

  8. This is what happens when you sellout, Pat. Now they own you. Be a good boy now, son. Do what you're told.

  9. So Disney is going to sensor PMS but not Kimmel? This whole video is speculation and a complete waste of time. PMS wont take being told to be quiet lightly. Hopeful he gets paid and walks away.

  10. The thing is, Rodgers never said Kimmel's name might be on the list, all he said was Kimmel doesn't want it released, it has been everyone else saying Rodgers is claiming Kimmel could be on the list himself. Rodgers is not responsible for what other people say.

  11. Rodgers never said that Yimmee Kriminal was on the list. He just said he didn't want it released. Big difference.

  12. About 15 years ago Kimmel co-hosted the game show "Win Ben Stein's Money." Stein is a conservative and a Jew. I wonder how they feel about each other now.

  13. Why does everyone always throw hate at Pat? He has said that ESPN basically licenses the show… I was worried about changes myself, but it ultimately came down to me doing what I always do. I watch on YT, and if the show is too woke that day, which it is sometimes, I don't watch.

  14. Disney seems to be concerned over Kimmel’s feelings getting hurt, as Iger & company are apparently sending Disney into oblivion.

  15. If Disney intervenes period I hope that cancels Pat's ESPN contract so he can be an minority owner on the Carlson or future Rogan TV network.

  16. If Disney was smart, they'll try and keep this going and probably will? When is the last time they had ratings like this? Be cautious out there. Don't take the bait.

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