Ridiculously easy golf swing that FEELS good 100% of the time – Episode 3 Golf SOS #howdoIenjoygolf

Distance and Consistency ARE possible with a golf swing that feels good 100% of the time. In this first for YouTube, I present a series of live golf lessons over a series of 12 weeks in our exciting project GOLF SOS where we take golfers from Golfing Zero to Golfing Hero. In Episode 3 we lift Luke’s confidence in his golf swing from 60% to 100%.
I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.
#howdoienjoygolf #howdoienjoygolfagain

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#playmoreconsistentgolf #golftutorialsforbeginners
00:00 Introduction
00:30 The Challenge of Water on a golf course
00:49 I’m scared of water on the golf course
01:11 Building confidence in your golf swing
01:22 Recap from Episode 2 and building the shape of the golf swing
01:33 How to warm up before a round of golf
02:06 Why is golf different to other sports
02:39 Recap : reminder of the importance of good set up
04:45 A quick way to practice a golf set up at home
05:47 Up to 117 yards
06:16 Relaxed golf swing
06:37 Consistent Really Nice Golf Shots : The Easiest Lesson, you’ll ever have in your life
07:08 Massive Confidence Boost in three easy steps
07:18 hitting consistent golf shots even with a water hazard
07:43 Building the shape of the golf swing
07:57 Starting to look like a really good golfers
08:25 How the body should move and finish in a golf swing
09:30 Getting into an 8 iron posture
09:58 6 aspects of getting more distance with a fluid golf swing
12:00 Getting into a nice golfing rhythm
13:15 What should my arms do in the golf swing
13:40 What has a natural throwing action got to do with a golf swing
14:36 I’ve never been shown this before in golf
15:20 I feel like a proper golfer now
16:50 Getting towards 100% of my potential with my golf swing
17:05 How to increase your club head speed to gain distance
17:31 We have no idea what will happen next in the golf swing
18:24 Force is so bad for the golf swing – demo
19:50 A poetic golf swing and how to get it

What water oh hello doesn’t look good how do you think so in a short space of time learn a lot yeah I don’t know what we’re going to learn today but uh I need to try and remember what we did first time and make sure I do that you looks looks like you

Set me up with a bit more of a challenge just by seeing water freaks me out but um I’m sure I’m sure I’ll be in there way why does that freak you out it’s just like it’s like if I if I have a a te and there’s quite a narrow set of

Trees each side you can’t help but have that like your whole view just gets narrowed perfect uh so you can’t help but see that it’s I’ve got a very small Gap that I need to hit and it just adds pressure perfect uh I’m sure it’s like

That for other golfers as well but for my level that that creates a bit more and I sometimes do that on purpose because you know golf is not a game of of perfect is it we have challenges but what we want to do now is is to build

Something a swing that allows us to hit shots where we want them to go rather than trying to avoid targets um so we’ve we we’ve got a great session today what we what I like to do is just a recap on what we did last time okay and then

We’re going to start to build a shape of a golf swing today cool feeling okay yeah I for it I was going to ask as well warming up yep cuz you obviously don’t want to get muscle PS or anything like that see golfers do that that that is

That all that’s wrong big the golf swing involves big muscles so if they’re really tight if you’ve been satting at a desk for a long time you’ve been driving for a long time that’s going to be an issue so yes we should we should be warming up really yeah um there’s loads

Of different ways of doing it uh but there the one that I do easily 100 times a day is just turning my body right and left so golf is a very unnatural sport because everything is rotational most of the sports are face on so we we use very

Different muscles groups uh than other sports so just warming up this way is a fabulous thing to do but when I start to show you the arms the arms are going to move that is also going to start to help you loosen up because we’ll be doing

That before we hit lots of golf shots yeah um so yeah ideally there’s you should be we should all be warming up yeah especially if we’ve uh been setting po post you for a while okay good great question yeah let’s get to it then so what we’re going to do now let’s recap

On your setup so what can you remember from last time just very quickly arms hips knees brilliant TI that into a nice level of three so it was cuz my stance is far too wide um so it was using the more of a natural stri smaller smaller

Step um the position in the crease yeah uh my hand position on the grip sitting on there bring it down coming down and then uh moving my feet rather than the club to wonderful to get closer wonderful great moment yeah cool so what we’ll do we’ll try a couple of

Shots from this uh just getting used to this posture and then we’ll get stuck into not to squat not good is it squatting is not good even when you do that can you feel your your thighs are under a lot of tension I actually did squat the other night so that actually

Did hurt yeah yeah but the um yeah soften soften the knees is what you said yeah relax soften and then to untense myself so that’s it see just look fractionally close to it there if you just n you took feet slightly further back just there you go just getting that

In the right place yeah and you said about cuz my club face was too close to the edge yeah so you were tended to to have the golf ball a bit more towards the heel of the golf club so we’re just trying to keep it nicely in the middle y

Okay cool that’s something I can keep remember oh God I just s there water again love it brilliant what water oh hello so we haven’t even touched the golf swing yet and we’ll take that one 99 yards straight on the green what so is the water on here that’s a good start

Episode two how how does the setup feel does it that felt really good and have you been able to practice it a little bit well given the weather time of year and the fact that this is a simulator not really but the yeah without clubs in

The house cuz I would smash something um keeping that rotation but yeah I think I’ve kept in mind I’ve been able to do it without using clubs or golf balls weirdly cuz it was all about the setup yeah the routine and trying to make that the muscle memory for future and become

Habit I show you a very quick way of doing this if you got nothing you just yeah please kind of two for one so what you’re going to do stick your left thumb out and you’re going to hold it with your right hand okay so you’re just holding your

Thumb oh sorry holding the thumb that’s it arms hips Bend forward from your hips so there were your knees get your knees straight oh sorry there you go and now just relax your knees there you go you just practiced it so you’re just holding your thumb arms hips knees done so imagine how

Quick you’re going to get at that yeah cuz we didn’t touch on the swing last time so I was about to go like that but then it wasn’t anything that we touched upon no we didn’t do that yeah it’s just that setup so so that then becomes you

Get really really quick at it yeah uh so although it feels a bit bitty to start off with it it soon take shape do you mind if I see if I can do that two more times please he’s really showing off now so somebody has been

Practicing so that one’s now gone up to I know it’s running on the green but it’s gone up to 117 yards but more importantly back on the green again does it say how far from the pin it is uh it’s 27.7 ft to the right of Target take me

Another four shots to get that in anyway you’re uh nine nine yards away from the flag nice okay well let’s see if this have to do my master so you’re just going through your routine and then what you did without hopefully without even noticing it as you just before you about

To hit the shot you did a breath out that just helps everything relax a bit more yeah brilliant soften that’s it okay okay don’t go in don’t go in I’m done finished is that the easiest lesses you’ve ever had in your life okay so they’re really consistent really really

Nice golf shots yeah so it’s not really look that they’re consistent in terms of setup you’ve just gone through that lovely routine again okay good right well I well I yeah and it’s recorded and it’s recorded um just puts a smile on your face doesn’t it know that you’re doing

Something right exactly rather than wrong what what already what’s that doing to your confidence massive yeah yeah massive CU like I said before that’s daunting yeah um if you I’m able to hit three shots onto the green with that going on that is a a confidence

Booster and it be like if you’re playing with mates as well and they say good shot there um like you get confidence boost off that as well definitely cuz your mates not might not be able to do a shot like that every single time um it’s a whole different story but

My putting would probably let me down for that buildup shot but that’s um that’s by The Bu cuz it’s it’s not what we’re doing at the moment yeah we we definitely we can look into that one so what we’ going to do now let’s um start

To build the shape of a golf swing and we’re going to split that into two sections we’re going to work on the body movement and then we’re going to work on the arm movement and then we’ll piece them together yeah so so why start to look like a golfer now you’re going to

Start so you know like I said before imagine your piece of clay now we’ve got it was rough and now we’re going to shape it so this is not going to be the finished product but this is now going to get you to look like a real golfer

Which is really important okay so if you can hold your Club up and stand up nice and tall can you see how I’m just resting this on my hands that sits on my thumbs and then I can just put my thumbs on top good so your arms are nicely

Relaxed if you watch my body now so I can see that golf ball so I’m I’m I’m seeing that golf ball so in my back all I’m going to do is turn right and turn left you see where I finished on the follow through no sorry I didn’t ready

So I can see the golf ball I’ve turned right and I’ve turned left but what do you see now in terms of my body movement it’s like 4180 4180 oh and your heel gone up my heel went up great and where was I facing forward okay so let’s see

If you can do that so I want you to turn right so you can see the golf ball yeah that’s it so you can see that so you’re going to turn right and then turn and through does it both Hills go up the one yes as in in the back swing your

Lead heel is going to move slightly but we’re not going to lift it so that was it’s going to be mobile yes so your your left foot so what you’re going to do is see the golf ball but I want you to still be able to see the golf ball once

You’ve turned to the top of your back swing so there and now I want you to turn in that direction good so um can you now just put this club across your shoulders and then if you cross your arms over okay now now I want you to get

Into your a Time posture so you’re going to turn Bend IN so you’re going to bend from there just relax your knees ready so I’m going to move you now so I want you to see the golf ball turn and now on the follow through turn turn turn there

You go boom okay can you just do that again so need to see the golf Bo are you turning there you go turn right and turn left boom okay what is that doing so what we’re doing now is there’s actually six things that happening when you’re doing that and hopefully it just feels

Like turn right and turn left yeah so the first thing is we’re starting to turn the body so the body twists turns same type of thing so we turn the body in the back swing twist it in the back swing but also is there a weight

Transfer yeah from front to back or back front to back that’s it so what I know that you’re doing before because nobody taught you is the body wasn’t really transferring its weight so you lost out on some potential distance so we’re also starting to get a bit of a weight

Transfer if we just think of the art of throwing something if I go from here and I’m going to throw it forward so this is transfer to transfer this me or what you’re teaching here this will push my yards further further yeah and it’s going to feel so much nicer which is

More important you can go with with me yeah you can play and play You’re I’m still getting at the same distance I’m still getting that same distance there’s obviously a way in which people get it further because everyone else can correct I just would you’re you’re strong you’re fit You’re athletic thank

You we can use all those assets to to give us distance so before you’re hitting it let’s say on average 115 so by the end of this we’ll start to see those numbers change be interesting yeah yeah yeah cool so you’re just going to turn right turn left so there’s a

Turning there’s a weight transfer if you keep it going just keep it going keep going keep it going a few more times why the shoulders why why are we holding at the shoulders isn’t that a great question it’s just so easy once you’ve got it here you can really feel how

Everything’s moving together sometimes if you do it on the hips they don’t move very we’re getting a real almost a 90° so into your hit hit that’s it 90° turn here and full turn that way so 90° turn in that direction good so I guess the shoulders actually really drive this

Movement the shoulders hips um actually the ground’s really important so as you’re doing this your stance is gradually getting wider and wider felt that good okay that’s it so you just going to turn right turn left okay so this the things that I’m seeing now as you’re turning your weight

Transfer and there’s also a rhythm to it you’re getting into a nice Rhythm it doesn’t look rushed it doesn’t look static that’s it and now you’re also starting to coordinate things so before your body was stuck when you’d hit the shots now it’s starting to move in more

Coordinated way how’s your balance feels good great so balance is going to be super important for hitting good golf shots okay so I want I only want you to do this once I want you to do exactly the same thing but with full tension with the

Hold it there and get your whole body feel really tight there you go look at lips are gone it just hurts it’s just uncomfortable feels uncomfortable straight away yeah no it’s not nice no flow to it absolutely no flow so this is yeah so we created that little bit of

Awareness but you can see now nobody can really move very well when their body’s in that physically tied up state so you’ve just let it all go so now it’s it’s a word that we use is Suess is relax maxed yeah instead of tight okay so that feels easy yeah okay never been

Showed anything like that before so that’s okay so if you can stand this side for me um what I’m going to do now is is try and put the arms onto that movement so we’re just going to separate the arms so if I hold the club out in front of me if

I was now going to throw this club over your head quite easy to do quite natural yeah yeah so if I wanted to put a bit of power in I could lean back and I could throw it with bit more Authority dang would you say that that’s quite a

Natural way of of throwing something uh no no so so you just got a stick you just want to throw it oh I don’t I don’t know that okay question trick question so if you stand on there you hold the club so as think we’re going to hold it correctly that’s it

Ready so if you were just to throw this over your shoulder okay yeah yeah does that feel quite natural yeah now if we look at the golf club this bit here it’s actually staying nice and straight okay yeah so it’s not like we’re doing this yeah or we’re not just

Stopping it here would you say that’s more in flow yeah okay so if you keep hold of it and just let that drop here so the first movement if we’re thinking about the body turn so we’re just going to turn the body here and now just throw it over your

Shoulder is that real easy to do yes okay and then we’ll let it come down and now here we’re going throw it over this shoulder okay okay so no ball okay never done this before have you’ve never done this before never showed you this Okay

Cool so if you keep hold so that’s it we’re going to put the club just off the ground so we’re not actually going to put it on the floor so now we’re just going to turn throw it over your shoulder that’s it do you feel the wrists are moving slightly differently

Now so the movement is so I feel like I’ve always gone to like here yep and then that’s like a a circular movement but then when you’re saying get here it kind of that’s it it drops that’s it and then you go through and does and then we let it go

That’s right so that to me feels like what I see on TV it’s started to look like that now already yeah cool so like we said what we’re doing is we’re almost modeling it we’re getting a shape now yeah getting no golf ball so we turn and

Then we let it let the wrists do their job good so on the follow through now that’s it there down okay what feels different now feel like a golfer so could you just do one swing with a very short back swing and a short follow through which is what I was doing yeah

From the start does that feel restrictive yeah I probably did go a little bit further than I normally would but okay yeah I’m almost like clipping it yeah Okay cool so I’m just going to pop that in there and just make sure that’s in the right place it’s always good to double check

That’s it on that one there you go so you’re going to turn first then let it go of the shoulder down through great just bring your feet slightly closer together it’s very normal when people start practicing everything starts to get wider okay so we’re just keeping that so it’s like

Natural stride that’s it over down does look good how do you think feels good so if you were stood in front of a camera and you were on a film set how would it look I imagine pretty good pretty good that starts to look very different what feels different

My movement is wider as in like I’ve got a A Wider breadth of movement y so it’s full it’s like a full swing rather than full swing okay so what’s full to you what in terms of length full look like well it’s kind of like it’s the whole thing it’s the whole

I guess I was I only had a snippet of it before yeah I had maybe 60% of my potential potential swing and this feels like it’s more towards 100 yeah brilliant so what do you think is going to happen in terms of speed cuz you know

Ultimately we all want a bit of distance do you think the speed of the club head will increase by it going further it’s got more like kind of buildup isn’t it yeah more moment leverage and then same with the follow through so you’ve got further to travel after you’ve hit it so you’re

Going to give it more well yeah so what we’re going to do we’re going to put a ball in the way okay we don’t know what’s going to happen cuz you’ve never done this before and and I’m kind of in a nice place because I know where you’re

Going you’re on the journey yeah so don’t worry about what happens to the shot just think of this as hitting it into a screen there’s no consequence to doing it wrong what we’re looking for is see if we can just start to get the shape right um things won’t go right but

We’ll we’ll keep altering them okay there you go brilliant soften relax relax yeah brilliant you saying Bol okay can I hit a shot for you now he so good to be able to catch don’t be embarrassed uh in fact I’m going to hit two shots um one might be okay one might

Not be I want you to tell me which swing you prefer okay more potentially more importantly why you prefer it so here’s shot number one okay oh he [Laughter] four where did I go I didn’t see where it landed uh it went along the floor 46 yards right

Okay see so that was swing number one how does this swing look that one’s way better what what was different you were way more relaxed way more relaxed what did you think I saw yours doing on the first one oh did I lock up oh yeah I was

Really tight okay okay so what I would like you to do is we’re going to have you’re going to have two practice swings okay without the ball without the Golf Board one two and then we’ll put the ball in the way it’s funny you said this before is um golf

Isn’t about power necessarily cuz you can tense up and want to hit it really hard and give it all the force that was a word use Force but everything you did there was slow and steady and fluid it went 12 yard where we wanted it to go so

Um so just think again we’re not interested in distance we’re not interested in accuracy with just building up a shape that feels nice okay okay so two practice wings and it just almost feels like mine locked if that makes sense okay there just let it flow

Great and again can you do it even smoother I think so brilliant how did that feel poetic okay great word great word can you just do exactly the same type of Swing but with Force no ball not on the ball no ball yeah you TR I’m trying to throw my

Body at it basically yeah and how did that feel as a as a fluid motion still tight okay so now just show me what it looks like in fluid in where it feels really fluid yeah let’s go back to fluid okay brilant and getting into the habit of not

Dipping just soft isn’t it softer yeah okay so shall we put a ball in the way of that so we’re still just getting a shape of Swing yeah don’t worry about what happens yeah okay what felt different it was oh a good shot don’t go

In um you keep telling me not to worry about my shot but that’s it’s ni automatically wor about right um it was slower okay so like it it was steady slower steady and softer but the outcome is betterce isn’t it yeah should we do it again

Oh whoa I did say it was going to start to go further so if you’ve over hit it I might have to change the dire so that one’s now carried 124 Brilliant now you look like a Golfer hold it so how’s you balance pretty good where are you facing forward what’s your right foot do everything it should be up on your toe yeah where’s the club finished where it should be yeah and how do you physically feel like a Go


  1. That was a great example of how relaxed the swing should be. I must get back to this philosophy of yours as I know that I have far too much tension throughout my swing. Thanks again for producing these videos. I must keep this mental image of the swing with me on Friday. Fortunately, I am living in sunny and warm Portugal, and so there is no excuse for not practising what you teach. I hope the weather in soggy Gloom Island improves soon for everyone.

  2. Hi julian. Aside from a shank, what causes a shot to go 45 degree right, even with chip shots. I am ready to give up. Help!!!!

  3. It is interesting to see how Luke is making good progress with his swing.
    It is far easier to learn to do something correctly the first time rather than trying to correct numerous ingrained faults.
    Many golfers were taught to try & play like gifted, young professional golfers instead of playing to suit their own ability.
    Luke is very fortunate to get great guidance early on with this game.
    I wish Jo & Julian good health & all the best for 2024.

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