Golf Players

Long Shots to win Men’s Australian Open

Here’s my list of long shots to win the 2024 Australian Open. Matteo Berrettini, Francis Tiafoe, Taylor Fritz and Ben Shelton

#matteoberrettini #benshelton #francistiafoe #taylorfritz #australianopen #tennis #atp #atptennis #atptour

The Australian Open gets started on January 14th what an exciting time to be alive if you’re a tennis fan this is going to be a great tournament to watch can’t wait to see how things are going to play itself out and I know ahead of the tournament right everybody’s kind of

All excited you know to see who’s going to be that Underdog that makes a big run and who has a very good shot of being a long shot to win this tournament so just like I did on the women’s side of things today on the men’s side we’re talking

About the players that have a long shot of winning the tournament or at least have a very good shot of making a very deep run and turning a lot of heads and making things really interesting so let’s get this video started with the guy that did just what we’re talking

About here in the US open late in 2023 and that is Ben Shelton uh obviously had a great tournament there he’s riding a lot of momentum coming in 2024 here can he keep that momentum rolling is the question but we know off that great showing that uh he’s obviously a guy

That has a lot of eyeballs on him for this tournament and we know that that big serve of his can give a lot of people fits so he’s a guy to keep an eye on here as a long shot to win this 2024 Australian Open another guy another

American Francis tifo how about him yeah we know he could do it on the hardcourts right he’s a guy that’s made runs in the US Open before making the semifinals there and back in 2019 he made the quarterfinals at the land down under in the Australian Open so we know that he’s

Good on the hard courts uh he’s had uh at least in the US Open Back toback years of having strong showings there so he’s a guy that I expect at least as long as on a hard court to be in the mix of things there uh not to mention he’s a

Very tough guy to put away right he’s going to be coming ready to play he’s going to be active as all hell out there on the tennis court so he’s a guy I think they give a lot of people some some problems the big thing with him

Though is I think for at least this tournament anyway he’s going to need to have the right draw to make a a Deep Run in it I you know could he get out of the early opening rounds sure but you know when things get later on he might need

An upset or two summer maybe to make a really deep push within this tournament especially being the first tournament of the year with a lot of people being fresh in it uh now another guy here’s a guy might get some push back for putting him on the list uh considering he’s

Currently the world number 10 player but that’s Taylor Fritz the reason why I’m putting him on this list is we haven’t really seen him make a Deep Run uh within a major championship but he has all the tools to do it and I think that’s the important thing here he’s a

Guy that can play at a high level we’ve seen him play at high levels in the past can he do it in a major championship is going to be the question here if he’s going to want to make a run towards getting a first Grand Slam there but

Listen he’s played well on the hardcourts we know he’s going to have a nice little fan base that Netflix documentary breakpoint did a lot form in that regard there I thought a lot of fans uh really enjoyed his story got to see what he’s like on and off the court

There so I think it’ be you know some soft spots for some people with Taylor there I think that may help Factor any he might have some crowd uh noise behind him whenever he’s playing there but again big question here can he get over that hump we’re going to get the answer

To that question here in uh in a few days here so let’s see what Taylor could do again I get that he’s a world number 10 player but still hasn’t made that Deep Run in a major championship so we’ll find out if he could do it and now

Finally last guy here on the list and again this is one I’m sure is going to again get some push back for but it’s going to be mato barontini we know he’s a great player he’s one of the best in the worlds but we haven’t seen a lot

From him right he’s been hurt we don’t even know if he’s going to play in this tournament which is why I actually put him on the list as I’m the day I’m recording this video you know we know that he’s had to pull out of a few

Things here in the early stages of 20124 but irregardless of that he’s a guy that if he does play in the tournament if he decides to give it a go could be dangerous in it right we know he’s a former Wimbleton runner up he’s an Australian former Australian

Semifinalist we know he’s been a top 10 player in the world before uh just health is going to be his thing we know he’s a steady player he’s a guy that nobody wants to go against if he’s healthy he can make a run is he healthy that’s the question if he’s healthy

Don’t be surprised to see him as a guy that’s probably gonna end up having a lower seed just from the inactivity that we’ve seen out of him he’s a guy that if he does have a lower seed can make a deep within this tournament so that’s my

Thoughts here about some long shots here to win the 2024 Australian Open let me know what you guys think I know there’s a lot of names floating out there a lot of people to debate on but it’s going to be a fun tournament really can’t wait to

See how it plays out of course with Novak jokovic there RAF and the doll coming back Carlos alcarez uh in the mix let’s not forget about yanic CER a lot of big names in this tournament can’t just can’t wait to see it it’s going to

Be a fun time to to watch Tennis so let me know what you guys think though about long shots to Win It

1 Comment

  1. I don't like my long shots in winning the titles but I think some of these guys may do well in Australian Open. Alex De Minaur had some great surge in form towards end of the year and had a very good indoor season, just beat Djokovic in United Cup. Dmitrov, one of the older guys, he seems to be back to his best form for a long time, had a great run at Paris Indoor beating Medvedev, Tsispas, Hurcazs before losing to Djokovic, his late season form is carried through to Brisbane and has been playing well in Brisbane.

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