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A Jamie McGrath double and a classy Bojan Miovski finish gave Aberdeen a 3-0 win away at Ross County, starting the new year off with 3-points! Join us as we discuss the win and what the January transfer window has in store for The Reds.

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An Aberdeen Football Club based podcast, hosted by Glen Schreuder and Calum Wright. Make sure to scroll up and subscribe for reviews and previews of every Dons game – at Pittodrie or elsewhere – as well as regular interviews with former players! Not in direct association with AFC. Also covering the Scotland games during EURO 2020!

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Good evening welcome back to another episode of red tinted glasses merry Christmas happy New Year because of course Callum it’s been a while since we’ve um come on here and done a live it’s been a while since we’ve had to cover any football because of course over the festive period we’ve had two

Postponements so coming up on tonight’s show we’ll look back over the festive period we’ll discuss the postponements and I know you’ve got a lot to say maybe on the the Dundee one especially and we’ll take a a brief look back at the home defeat to C Min which piled the

Pressure on not only Barry Robson but the players as well because I think it’s fair to say both should come in for equal measures of criticism but there will be some positivity on the podcast because the Dons are unbeaten in 2024 of course Callum a fine 3-0 win over Ross

County a change to back four saw some success along with playing players in their right position who knew it was that simple he bar um but Callum how was your festive period first of all oh it was fine I am once again gainfully unemployed however so if there’s any

Part-time work going then uh let me know uh but oh it was good it was uh relatively quiet but Happy New Year to everyone how how was your festive period Glen to be honest the fact there was no not as little football as possible was maybe a good thing yeah I know we

Couldn’t be uh our FES F couldn’t be ruined by Aberdine anyway I got a new microphone um for Christmas so hopefully um those may be catching up on audar of course tuning in live with us tonight here on the YouTube channel um and may be sounding a bit clearer than normal

Although that may be a bad thing for some um giving me more voice um to my opinions but other than that yeah fairly steady and nothing too exciting to to write home about but we’ll get stuck into um some football discussions because there is lots to to cover

Despite not having a couple of games of course the game a lot of you look forward to was that game on the 23rd of December down in dunde unfortunately less than an hour before kickoff the game was called off now I know you were down there um Callum there was no kind

Of ever hint of the game being in doubt but um much to the frustration of those that traveled and certainly by all accounts both sets um of clubs uh the referee deemed the pitch unplayable and um Aber now have four games in hand over most of the league Absolut mad

Um yeah there was no real indication at all and then the sort of rumors started gathering on on um X formerly known as Twitter as I believe it’s often called it was very odd it was very bizarre and I felt like we got to dund D probably about 11 o’clock in like the

Three hours we’d been there it drizzled a little bit I think it rained through the night but it drizzled a little bit so you would have thought if thought that that was going to be unplayable then it would have um you know we’ have been aware far earlier it was very very

Odd and the fact that you know it was like one goal mouth and they couldn’t clear it in however an hour before kickoff or even delay kickoff by half an hour or so to give a little bit extra time seems absolute Madness um and then the fact that you know that dy’s latest

Home game against Johnston called off again it’s uh raised a lot of questions about the quality of their pitch doesn’t it yeah it does raise a lot quality around the um the pitch especially when you look at the three home games we spoke about that in the buildup to the

Dundee game they had a three- game package ourselves Celtic and St Johnson all visiting Den’s Park quite convenient out with the three games the only game that made it on um was the the home game against Celtic also maybe helps the fact that that was on TV as well but um

Certainly something that that needs looked at because again yesterday as you said the the game against St Johnson called off when a lot of um those certainly in the Dundee area said there wasn’t a lot of of rain so poses the question kind of going into the winter

Break and potentially we we’ve always seen January and February sometimes does produce some pretty bad weather as well where we’re going to be able to fit in that that trip to dundy but we’ve got a lot to to fit in as well so you think well that’s fine we get well rested for

The the game against motherwell but once again Mother Nature has other ideas so an extended break for the players this one though seemed the right decision albe it took its time to to come yeah um you was trapped in ki and I thought I was going be driving up

Thought there’s no way I’m going to be driving up in that even if it’s sort of if roads are open but then it I end up with no choice but again yeah sort of felt like they could have done that well in advance I know there’s um certain

Mwell fans sort of on their way up already uh allbe how slow they had to go up given given the conditions but again yeah it felt like it was inevitable for that one I suppose so there could have been a lot more time um but at the same

Time again it meant we didn’t have to you know you know watch whatever sh was served up so that’s okay and we managed to stay in and be nice and cozy but at the same time I thought the little break that we had you know would have been a

Chance to uh you know put together some decent training sessions and work on something decent for the minut game but at last no yeah I know I guess we’ll come into that subm minut game again but I want to pick up the point that that Sam Gordon put in the the comments there

About the need to overhaul who needs consulted and in what order before games are fully called off because of course the weekend of the the dunde game when that was called off you saw um cove’s Pitch at bmal was fully covered in snow they called in um the Cavalry and they

Managed to to clear the pitch of the snow um and they delayed kickoff up until half three but there seemed to be no indication that that could have been done I know Tony doy raised that point um as well and there was a lot of kind of discussion around the the game

Against motherwell whether the fact that with both teams already being in the city could they have played the game game um and allowed those to that were able to get to the game from within the city boundary to still attend I know maybe a few people had commented about

Could they have just played it behind closed doors because I think you know had they said the game was going on people would have tried to get to the game regardless um but I guess from the club’s point of view I know dund D came

Out and said that the the game cost them about six figures I’m sure despite that being a midweek game for us against motherwell it will probably cost as a similar sort of f figure because of course these festive fixtures tend to be well attended especially from the

Corporate side A lot of people are home for Christmas I saw a lot of people you know the offshore workers as well commenting on the fact that both dundy and mwell games were maybe the two games that they were home for over the the festive period and unfortunately

Couldn’t get to either but um when the submitting game rolls around you think well here we go let’s as you say well rested a team that had failed to win in their last seven away games well you wouldn’t have thought so judging by the the level of performance looked like our

Mob thought it was off didn’t oh it was abysal well actually weirdly we started off quite well in that game of the first 10 minutes right before they scored we looked quite bright we looked quite sharp H and then it all just went to p and didn’t get any better whatsoever yeah

And I think that was for me the mental thing about that mid game was the fact that we had that break and I was kind of expecting us to to come in fresh I was surprised to see you know the the lineup that we had against dundi Conor Baron

Featured and then going into that St mid game doesn’t feature at all and the kind of scenario and what’s going on with his future remains very much up in the air and obviously featured against Ross County will’ll come to that a little bit later on in the show but you know at the

End of the game obviously for those that stayed to the the very end of that game made their feelings very well known to um Barry Robson and the members of the football monitoring board that would have still been set todrey H did you stay till the better end or was the

Second goal enough for you oh the second goal was enough for me I had Tesco to go and H stack shelves at so I I departed and I had a couple slices of toast before work so actually worked out okay for me in the end had a little bit of

Time H to relax prior prior to my shift but no that was that was more than enough as far as I’m concerned it was it was only 2-0 really well the thing was it was 2-n when both of us left but in that time as well Min had a goal dis

Allowed for offside and probably one of the worst penalties you’ll see at pauri U Marco Harris scuffing that wide so even though it was two legitimate goals it could have been a lot worse and I think you know listening to to sports scene on the the way home um pretty much

Got home just before fulltime um Willie Miller calling that performance embarrassing and and I felt that was so generous because it was much more than embarrassing because the score line almost flattered Us in the fact that it was only 3-0 and of course the last goal coming in injury time a really

Poor piece of Defending from Stephen gartman in conceding the penalty that performance seemed to come from absolutely nowhere and Robson rightly under pressure on the back of it but the Players Once Again may be avoiding a lot of the criticism because I think we’ve said that they should be

Certainly being able to take some of the flak not just Barry oh they weren’t good they weren’t good let’s say that be around the bush I actually thought Lon Clarkson um was doing a lot of work that we didn’t really see the rewards for H

He was the key man for me in terms of actually trying to make things happen well only a few out there trying to make things happen really Danny pvar maybe came off the bench and did a bit more than chiny done he in his 45 minutes and

B had probably done that in about five minutes but it was very very poor all around but the same time sticking with the back five after we’ve changed to against Livingston and we’ve seen it work and uh just limiting ourselves once again I mean I don’t know how many times

We need to say this um it it was abysmal and I’ve kind of wiped a lot of it from my memory now if Ross tried to forget it and thankfully things got a little bit better but it was really really poor and it’s like it seemed to just be the same

Sort of Errors same issues that we’ve seen so much this season H and and it’s OD then as soon as we change amazingly to back four against Ross County a different yeah and you know as Kaiser says the fans have been telling Robson to ditch the three five at the back for for

Months it just shows that Robson has not clue but it’s for me not maybe so much that he doesn’t have a clue it’s for me kind of the similarity to Jim Goodwin in that he’s a stubborn bastard that wants to prove that he actually does know what

He’s doing and his ideas will work um just might take a long time and what I thought was interesting from his postmatch comments yesterday after the the win against Ross County was he said that in the last few weeks he’s learned a lot um about stuff that doesn’t work

About stuff that does work about how the European stuff has affected and that he’s done a lot of learning over the last few months and it kind of goes back to I know a point that that Jonathan main made when he’s been in the the co-host seat before and certainly

Comments he’s made on the live episodes as well about the fact that this job shouldn’t be an apprenticeship it shouldn’t be a kind of startup for people and some of the comments that kind of if if you listen into that postmatch interview in between the countless M that Barry throws into his

Interviews there’s a lot of hinting that that inexperience was really kind of coming through and how much he’s learning on the job and it really was like oh for sake kind of just shows the not immaturity but the kind of how inexperienced he truly is and kind of the pressures We’ve Been Under

By having an amateur manager almost in charge of us this season amateur wow that is a scaring review Glenn H but no I I I would agree and I suppose um at least he maybe does seem to be learning hopefully slightly I don’t know um it certainly shouldn’t have taken this long

Anyway when us noeds uh at home could could recognize that there’s five at the back three at the back nonsense wasn’t working and in fact it seemed to have worked a little bit more when it was the 541 formation when there was the sort of former fielders who could get in support

Of of me off here whoever was up there but then we stopped using that as well which seemed mental even though H well we went to Mother well on 142 and okay um you know you can read into as much or as little as that result as you like

Given how poor mother well have been um but they did go back back above us actually after we lost to S mid um but hopefully now that is him starting to learn and he’s maybe has learned that um we just shouldn’t go near it in in games

Like like Ross County like s like Livingston H and actually you know try play some football and realize oh we’ve actually got some decent players here let’s play to their strength yeah or as sker who’s been buying the drum of the the Center Midfield showing that that

Connor and Dante are the the future and maybe it will stop Barry playing Leon Clarkson as the the midfielder that sits in front of the the defense because just shows what happens when you actually play him in a a more forward position he played off as a number 10 yesterday

Against Ross County and I guess we saw the L Clarks of last season um yesterday and again this is for me the biggest frustration in those home games where you’ve got greme Shin running around like a headless chicken the game against San was a prime example of kind of going

Back to Our Roots of last season under bar where we should have been keeping the ball down we shouldn’t have been hoofing the ball the first goal that we con seeed comes from Leon Clarkson trying to play a ball long in the air and it gets held up in the wind gram

Shiny kind of loses concentration in the Midfield and as dael pointed out to me as well just kind of aimlessly watched Mar Ohara boot the ball into the the back of the net from the edge of the box there were just kind of simple mistakes

And again kind of going back to a point we made on a few shows ago where Stuart fiser had made the point about players playing to the tactics employed by the manager not playing to either the conditions or a style that would be suited against the opposition that we’re

Coming up against like you you mentioned earlier about you know playing a different style to when we come up against like m in Livingston and Ross County yeah I mean certainly I do agree with school sc’s comment though about Conor and Dante and I think we’ve been

Quite we’ve been quite vocal about on here certainly I have anyway as well about I’d argue that those two make up three of our best midfielders um and I think we sort of saw that against uh against Ross County and it’s nice to see um Dante actually starting these games

Rather than H just in the big moments which he delivers in and then doesn’t really get much a chance otherwise so it was certainly good to see him back in but it was a massive Improvement uh against Ross County compared to what we have seen recently and the Haso is kind

Of annoying in a way the fact that it’s we’ve now got a little bit of a break before before we next get to go um but uh at the same time uh plenty plenty time to maybe get that Ramadan replacement through the door between now

And then yeah I guess we can also spend some time on this episode talking about the the January transfer window which of course is open and those that may have got the Aberdine calendar over the Christmas period will know that already three days into the month one player can

Be scored off your calendar as ree Williams was recalled by Liverpool having not played any serious competitive minutes for the club um unless those um count the challenge Cup game against Peter head and the Aber jire Shield against Fraser as competitive minutes games of course which we did win um certainly the Fraser

Game but ree Williams by all accounts didn’t exactly cover himself in glory so one signing that is certainly going to be quickly forgotten I’m sure and I just wonder if the other member of the January page of the calendar will soon follow um reys out of the door at P I’m

Surprised he hasn’t already but I suppose yeah get into it now what a pointless signing that was I don’t even want to know how much of his wages we were contributing I’d hate to think what he’s earning H and he’s just come up here and done absolutely nothing uh

Apparently a massive attitude problem H we obviously don’t know anything for sure at all whatsoever but it certainly would appear that way given the fact he was not even getting on the bench for games and it’s a shame cuz it kind of was a signing that I was quite excited

About um at the time um with the sort of experience he’s had playing playing for Liverpool G was during a a bit of an injury crisis for them but he did okay H and he thought he would be able to come up here and do a job and nope didn’t

Even play a competitive minute really for us for the first team so absolutely mental absolutely mental signing and hindsight and quite glad that it’s h been dealt with um early on in January I suppose yeah and I think other than that game against Peter head as Sam says I’m

Sure he’ll cheris the minutes against tff in the preseason game he only ever played against Highland League opposition so going from Champions League to Highland League I mean that’s some slump in your career um although the Highland league is some league in itself um we were speaking about the

Formation in the back three and um Kaiser pointing out the fact that if we had a game this Saturday would probably revert to that back three and it’ll be interesting to see if he does so against Clyde before we get into the game yesterday against Ross County I just

Want to pick up the point that that John Keela makes in the the comments here about the 5-32 system he says it’s not actually too bad it’s the lack of two good Wing backs and a Center Midfield that um screws obviously you you mentioning the the lack of Y ramadani

Replacement and probably we have struggled with the wing backs because Jimmy mcari probably doesn’t cover himself in glory again in that game against Min interesting to note that he didn’t even make the match day Squad at all um again Ross County no kind of word

On if that was an injury or just down to a couple of poor performances but if it’s down to a couple of pure performances there could have been a few players that that miss out on Match Day squads in general do you think that’s a fair point though overall from John

Around the 5-32 system um I think yeah if you do it right it it can work certainly but we’ve just been doing incredibly wrong um I in terms of the wing backs it’s like I like Nikki delin a lot I think he’s a very good fullback

But at the same time he doesn’t he doesn’t cover the Wing part of wing back all all that all that great and and when he’s the only wide player with nothing ahead of him it’s a real problem then on the left side it’s just been an absolute shambles with players being available um

Really and then when players have been available sometimes they’re not being very good H maybe a lot of the time not being very good I suppose in terms of Center mid yeah when Clarkson’s the deepest one and he’s trying to make things happen but he’ve got very little

On ahead of him H it wasn’t excellent where maybe you rather a holder there which might allow the wing backs to go h a little bit a high at the park give you a bit more width um but it was it was yeah it’s been I hope we really have

Seen the back of it because it’s been an absolute disaster for the most part apart from when it’s been at 541 oddly yeah exactly and as Andy B points out that Dev and McKenzie are fullbacks rather than experienced Wing backs H again I know a lot of people have been

Picking that out on on Nikki delin quite interesting I didn’t realize how much we would miss Jack McKenzie until his reappearance in the in the squad yesterday um as of course we made a lot of changes well three really for the starting lineup we saw a change in

Formation going to a back four Richard Jansen dropped to the bench still no place for Angus McDonald as transfer rumors circulate around his future at the club I know I’ve certainly been told by a few people they don’t expect to see him at the club past the January

Transfer window for me that would be a disappointing loss um to certainly our defense if we needed to cover um going by media reports Toronto FC from the MLS are linked with the defender along with a host of clubs from down south do you think that lack of game time so far for

Angus this season could see him tempted by a move um away for the remainder of the season if not on a more permanent basis uh I would say might be tempted probably and we’ve been a pretty a bit of a shamble defensively a lot of the

Time and he’s not seen a lot of minutes whatsoever when he has come in he’s not done anything wrong that would warrant dropping so and and certainly I suppose H in terms of a chance to go and live in Canada I’m sure sure earn a pretty penny

There too H obviously I got a young family too as well um that would be an opportunity that would be very difficult to turn down you’d imagine I couldn’t really blame him and it’s a shame to be honest because I think he should have played a lot more football when he has

He’s been pretty decent especially with those six months initially when he first came in uh really sort of Saved our bacon a lot of the time so it would be a shame but I couldn’t blame him for wanting to go certainly to the MLS and and try his hand there why not different

Experience chance to live in Canada sounds pretty good to be honest I still haven’t forgiven my parents for choosing Aberdine over um going to Canada what the hell yeah um but hey look I’m here now and this is um you know R know this might not have been thing had we moved

To Canada instead but um on the pitch Paul Donaldson at the top of the show saying it was a massive Improvement yesterday I mean there was the barrier wasn’t exactly High to judge um that being an improvement but as people said we’ve got to give Barry and the players

The the credit they deserve for not only changing it but also raising the performance levels and kind of putting back to a standard that we as fans expect to see every time they take the pitch not just against Ross County as seems be this season yeah it certainly

Does seem to be uh it was a vast Improvement um different shape it absolutely worked excellent and for me the big the big Improvement was the might have been fielders that were then able to get up in support of Bo meowski and I think you saw that with the goals

Which will come on to um and it was just sort of for strating away that why have we not been doing this kind of thing H more often this season but it’s a a big Improvement and a good start to the year um go it would have been so miserable

We’d lost that and then gone into a little break with Clyde on the horizon given what happened last season yeah especially with again the game that game in particular being live on the BBC you just have a bit of the fear but of course with the Midfield we went instead

Of five at the back we had five midfielders Connor baren coming into the starting lineup along with Dante bva and it it saw a change um how we lined up with um Leon Clarkson coming in behind boam meowski Jamie mcgraph playing out on the left and I was quite interested

Um if not a bit surprised to see Dante pvar line up on the the right wing thinking God how is he going to perform but I was genuinely impressed by um his play out on the wing and as Ross medine points out Clarkson behind the strikers instead of in front of the defense

Surely must see this as more beneficial to the team certainly based on yesterday’s performance alone um I think everyone can see it’s more beneficial to the team let’s just hope Barry doesn’t revert to type um in the games coming up because as much as yesterday rightly

Barry will get the praise as will the players you know one swall doesn’t make a summer it’s it’s a win against Ross County we should be beating teams like Ross County we have them we did it comfortably we did it well but it’s now doing that consistently and regularly

Will help see us climb the table because of course you know we’re going to keep hearing from the clubh we have these games in hand that we’re in a false position we need to win those games to climb the league table but just because we’ve got those games

In hand doesn’t mean that’s automatic three points we’ve got to put in performances like we did against Ross County regularly to earn those three points certainly that’s what I was going to say we play like we did yesterday then there’s a very good chance that that those games and hands will turn to

Three points but there is no guarantee but Clarkson absolutely excellent you saw that in the in in in the buildup to to McGrath’s second goal uh I really enjoyed for the first one actually about the fact that he tried an overhead kick it looks hilarious absolutely brilliant stuff but

So many midfielders in support in the box of Bo meowski I think pvar was waiting to receive the ball as sort of a cut back he had mcryan there shiny was in at the back post I think H Clarkson tried the over kick and then and then

Baron waiting on the edge of the as well or maybe I’m getting confused with the second goal I can’t quite remember um but certainly a far greater Improvement but it’s the type of result we should be getting on a more regular basis H and

It’s for me it’s a little bit of a worry that we’ve got so long before the Clyde game it’s a bit of a chance for Barry to overthink things perhaps and himself and go back to the back five yeah you know can’t avoid H we can’t be

On the end of a cup up set I should say um instead but I think that was the the thing in the first certainly 10 minutes was the the level of intensity to our play it was very free flowing we were getting forward in numbers and we were

Using the wing um to to our benefit and we were were definitely frustrating Ross County without being overly clinical um in in front of go we then kind of reverted to type and kind of went within ourselves almost and Ross County were creating chances without really testing Kell Rus and I thought

Kind of around the 20 25 minute Mark thinking God the first goal is going to be kind of hugely important in this game please for the love of God let us not concede it um only for Jamie McGrath to settle any nerves as you said um lighton Clarkson will probably be disappointed

That he didn’t connect with the overhead kick because it’s going to be now included um in the highlights of course with Jamie finishing that move but both the first and second goals come about from from good play um boam with the the cross for the the first goal I think his

Play in the build up to that is is excellent H and of course the work Leon Clarkson does for the the second goal as well the the nut mag and some of Leon Clarkson’s touches and and passes yesterday were were absolutely top drawer yeah and it’s

Just annoying that he’s not been able to do more of it this season but let’s Revel and it was absolutely excellent um I mean the ball from boam meowski I thought a lot of boov’s work H off the ball was brilliant uh for us and and um

S was Hold Up play as well I suppose with having midfielders close to him was really really effective um great delivery into the box for the first goal if only Leon Clarkson was an inch or two taller perhaps we could have been talking about another another overhead

Kick up up at ding wall and but Jamie McGrath once again arriving late in the box and making things happen I love that man so much H and you know he really earned the two goals he really really grafts doesn’t he go in he he earned it and what a man what a

Man and just you know he maybe goes quiet in in some games but when he’s on it and when Leon’s on it they’re two absolutely vital players to this team but players of extreme quality and again just showing probably how good ass signing he’s proved to be getting him in

On a free as well yeah absolutely one that um many people were sort of doubtful of and I think you know given a few years down previously he sort there was rumors that he’d sort turned us down H he eventually turned up seven goals I believe this season for us H none of

Them penalties so he’s not quite the penalty Merchant that perhaps he was branded as uh and just he’s he’s a gifted player and so is Le Clarks and when we dominate the ball and when we actually get the ball down and play football it’s incredible what these guys

Can do and it’s frustrating that it’s not been happening more often but you just hope that towards the back end of the season we can really see that quality shine through more yeah and I think that’s exactly the point that sker makes in the comments as you were you

Were making your own point there saying it’s not hard just put the players in their natural positions and we win we have a good squad if used right and that’s for me being the biggest frustration this season I think I said it a few shows ago um as well about kind

Of the comparison between I think it was in the buildup to the Dundee game actually um where Tony D’s got a spine to his team but we don’t have have that spine we don’t have that settled formation we saw it again this weekend where the fact that we’ve changed our defense

I I really feel that this Ross County WIN based on the formation and the kind of starting lineup as well we actually have a platform to build on um and maybe we can see this team being used on a regular basis we’ve now got that break

To to work on that formation that we we employed against Ross County get those players really up to speed and let let’s see if we can we can build on that and when we come back look I expect us to beat Clyde I think we should should be

Beating Clyde but it’s that kind of run of League games that we’ve got afterwards which is going to be the real test because we’ve got of course we’ve got a trip to T castle and a home game against hearts in the I think two of the first three games back oh I’m not

Looking forward to all that um but yeah it’s play using players in the natural position giving them the ability to use their technical gifts uh and and play to their strength and we saw that in abundance yesterday it’s just hopefully we can see a lot more of it Mike get

Concern was I thought we’re going to be very narrow I had no idea how the Midfield was going to shape up to be honest when that first that team lines came out but it was good it was good got to give Robson credit it’s a shame it’s

Taking this long but if we finally sum upon something and we can’t get ourselves back in the mix in the league and make a decent run in the cup then hey you never know but another concern for me was if one of those players goes down injured we could be up a

Tree um I suppose we’ve got Ryan Duncan who you might be able to see more of his natural position uh rather than playing Center mid in in a in a three and you could see him in one of the positions behind the strikers but out with that

There isn’t a lot yeah and even to be fair even up top as well with some of the tackles that that Jack baldman was putting in yesterday on boam miosi and Esther suler as well you thought she’s were lucky to come away without um any injuries and certainly up top you know

You’re you’re right to mention the Midfield but I suppose we should also touch on the fact that Dukes not being called up to the um cap Verde squad for the African Cup of Nations which is certainly a relief from an aberin point of view that we’ll have all three

Strikers well four if you want to include P pug gay as well um available for the month of January well hopefully pray to God that we still have all four by the end of the month more on that one a little bit um later but the Midfield area is an area where

Probably we are strongest um we’ve just maybe not been playing our strongest Midfield in every game this season no we have not H and we just decided to shove them all in there against Ross County and hope for the best and it worked it did work but I still think H there’s

Certainly room for another holding midfielder ramadani type player um a bit No Nonsense will do a lot of the work that sheny sort of or you’re looking to sheny for and that might help him to um and also simply win the ball and give it to the technically gifted players we’ve

Got because they are good when you give them a chance H and thankfully we did that against Ross County yeah um an interesting to note as well in terms of Strikers Aaron Reed was um recalled from his lone spell at Peter head after only playing 12 games for the the blue

Tune this season so I guess that’s now we’ve got five out off the bavage remains out on loan and I know that um Kaiser’s saying that maybe we should try and get the boy um papy PAB gay out on loan um and I don’t see why not um

Especially if we can keep a hold of um our three main Strikers that we’ve seen this season up until the the end of the window um there was of course before we got the the third goal yesterday um we did have a disallowed goal Paul Donaldson saying was the shiny goal the

Best ever disallowed goal you’ve seen I mean where sheny decided to turn into Prime zidan Ronaldo um I’ve seen comparisons to both those players where he pulled that from I will never know but what a finish I I was so gutted for him that the offside flag

Went up well he won’t be surprised to hear this Glen however but I was queuing for a pie when it happed there we go every time I’m up there or even more so in recent times just in games in general I seem to miss something H try

To fill my fat bely um however h i was quite glad when it was ruled out because I didn’t know what it was like but I’ve seen it back excellent feat he showed there um amazing what happens when he doesn’t waste his energy just running around barging into people and

And it was a real shame that it was called ruled out for offside it’s actually a real shame because L Clarkson could have had he been on side it wouldn’t have affected anything else later on um because he could have still like it would have made differ he was a

Yard the other way or not um so it’s a shame uh how ever glad I didn’t miss a goal at least I suppose because I came charging in and it had been R ruled offside but excellent from him if we could see more of that unless of the

Charging around doing nonsense then I’d be delighted and I think the people really want to know how good was the pie yesterday well I only Scotch left so but to be fair in terms of even as far as Scotch pies go you know I’m not not a

Big fan however in terms of scotch Pi it was one of the best I’ve had so you know there’s one one thing they do well up there if it’s not football golf golf DK Adams Then H it’s the pies it was good it was good good I’m glad you enjoyed

The pies and the day out um as well and enjoying his first game of 2024 was Boy am meowski as we’ve mentioned got his assist and got the goal that his play deserved his 15th goal of the season the Macedonian can do no wrong in front of goal this season it

Feels and SKS was saying in the in the comments that the only set of fans that seem to be speaking about him leaving is Dawn’s fans but you can’t help but feel interest is going to keep building if he continues to put in performances like that Sky Sports News tweeting out today

As well that the Don are braced for bids with the the price kind of starting at five million five million just for one of his foot I think but it’s can’t be bothered says he expects there to be lots of Interest what’s everyone’s valuation so Callum I’ll ask you what’s

The the valuation that you would view as miosi if of course he was to leave this window H I think 5 million’s too low I would say 8 million with a massive hurin sell on Clause um plus perhaps any bonuses depending on uh what sort of Team he

Goes to that’s that’s how I take he’s 24 years old um he’s clearly very very good far too good probably for us uh with way we’ve been playing this season he scored 15 goals in the league I suppose um yeah I do agree with the school SC the interest builds the price

Builds but I’d be starting off minimum 8 million and a sell on Clause um otherwise I wouldn’t even pick up the phone to the yeah and I don’t know if it was somebody commenting on our last live or if I saw it on on Twitter that there was a rumor that that

Leads United um were sniffing around and put in a bid of 9 and a half million now if that’s a starting bid now we’re talking oh yeah um I just wonder if 9 and a half million in this window really tests the resolve of the of the club um

But if 9 and a half million was to say be a starting price I I think we would see a bidding war um between now and the the end of the window but Sam’s absolutely right he’s our player and we’re in the driving seat um with this

And I probably agree with with Bob do um 10 million plus um 15% sell on I think 15% um sell on as a as a minimum I’d be looking at the like Lewis Ferguson range of 20% plus um for for for buan but a lot of people again commenting earlier

In this in the show about the importance of buan to to this team for the rest of the season the the pressure’s kind of on the board um this month because of course we I think it’s fair to say our resolve will likely be tested between

Now and the end of the month it it’s so important though given where we are in the league just now and obviously games in hand it it’s so important for our season and our hopes going into next season of course with a third place finish and what that brings and also

Hopes of winning silverware this season that we keep buan beyond the January transfer window and I think if we were to do that and he was to then leave in the summer he would go with pretty much everyone’s best wishes yeah I think he would um I think

Sort of we’re in a similar position as hearts with shankland in terms of he’s worth a lot of money to us now as without them we’d be up a tree and likewise heart shankland so we’d have to take a lot of money um to pry us pry either of them from the clubs

Probably in January um and the money that potentially we could get with boan staying grabbing the goals and if we do end up somehow finishing third once again and then I think well then what was it6 million Euros or something like we’ve made so far this from this season

Uh not even so far we’re out sake um like you’ve got to take that kind of thing into consideration as well it would have to be an extremely generous offer and and the fact it’s certainly January as well perhaps we are able to knock up the price even more so and but

Ideally i’ just like him to be here until the end of the season if he goes in summer absolutely agree he’s definitely aren’t his move um I think um and if we can still get very good money for him then for example if he goes on and scores 25 goals throughout the

Season um then I think we would be looking in the money and potentially in Europe once again so ideally we we don’t go but I do have to say that at the end it did look a little worryingly like a good buy and I try not to read into it

Too much but I wasn’t far from it when he came over and gave gave someone his sh who had a North Macedonian flag which very nice of him but it was the couple of waves afterwards um that was a bit of a concern but I’m hoping that it was

Just sort of like thank you I’ll see you soon H given we won’t be playing for a few weeks yeah well I saw him obviously the the video of him giving the the shirt to Jordan and I saw his sister Jasmine saying that he should have kind

Of he promised Jordan his shirt in a game previous but the club didn’t allow it and then the done dear Mother well game I can’t remember which he said was obviously called off so he didn’t get it then so this was the kind of opportunity

To to get the the shirt um after but yeah there was a video I saw from I think it was simply Reds where um there was that little wave at full time but I think you know a lot of people reading too much into it a bit like myself on uh

New Year’s Day when Connor Baron tweeted um not tweeted was on his Instagram about about 2024 with the eyes emoji and I thought for sake he he goes that’s him leaving and then he’s named in the starting lineup we’re we’re too quick to get our our knickers in a Twist

Uh up here about the simplest of thing so let’s hope we are reading um to too much but I think the point in the comments here from from David mcclanan the valuation um obviously referring to meowski is the difference between flirting with relegation and not he’s the only player getting regular goals um

I think maybe relegation playoff because Livingston L absolutely murder just now and I think they couple of defeats in the last few games for me I struggled to see where Livingston pick up enough points to overhaul Ross County let alone catch up with us um certainly at this

Moment in time let’s hope to God doesn’t come back to bite me on the ass um but yeah I feel feel for Livingston right now it’s too much of an ask for them this season um but of course John kilo as well also saying as well you need to

Remember the club philosophy is to actively move players on you just need to look at the the ramadani transfer earlier where we turned a player we signed for 100 grand into into much more um and that is the philosophy of course looking to to bring players in develop

And sell on for a profit so it kind of interesting to see where where we go um from there we’ll come on to January in a little bit because we’ll finish off of course speaking about the the Ross County game and just kind of tied in

With W with buan um there was um a penalty awarded in the game Jack Baldwin having Esther suler I think to put it politely um second booking um and then red but v intervened um CU certainly on the first replay I did think it was just outside

The box a lot of people kind of commenting on the fact that the foul kind of continues into the box should it mean a penalty but V are overturning the decision of free Kick awarded and Jack Baldwin um getting a straight red instead but quite enjoyed the fact he

Had to wait at the side of the pitch to decide what was happening and um I did think surely the referee is not just resending this and it’s just going to be just a free kick for us well that’s why I thought thought at the time but I was

Delighted H when when he he he got that red card I don’t think there can be any complaints he absolutely wiped out sore I don’t actually know what he’s doing because okay s maybe gets a chance well he would would get a chance to take a

Shot on go probably a decent chance he scores but at that point um pretty much out of the game anyway so seems a bit mental to make that challenge and then risk you know missing future games and I think uh it’ll be several since it was a

Straight right red card and a second yellow uh very very odd not a good day for Jack bald after he got nutmegged prior and then it was him that was on me obviously when he scored as well so um get it up him um but I I don’t I don’t

Know it looked like to me on first VI it was slightly outside the box potentially on the line I think you can still make that argument um however thankfully just doesn’t really matter because it’s a really nice position to be in actually why do you sat con Rangers complain all

The time this is class yeah I know and while speaking of s con Rangers of course could see Rangers avoiding um getting a a world record when Kar get their penalty at ick yesterday I haven’t seen it back but looked like um certainly from reading a very soft

Penalty but who’s surprised at at that H one final thing on the game yesterday I know you were um in attendance and a lot of you certainly in the comments were um in attendance at the game was the atmosphere um certainly from those behind the goal um very noisy obviously

Colorful as well pre-match as as well with with the Pyro display um I think it’s got to be commended the atmosphere um because of course there was a lot of negativity a lot of frustration apathy anger choose whatever negative objective you want um on the back of the mirin

Defeat and I think all of that was fully Justified but the way the fans um got behind the team yesterday from the first minute to the last certainly watching on on TV yesterday the noise came through loud and clear um and I think it’s got to be commended

How well the fans backed the team given the kind of negativity and and anger to the team um after just a few days prior absolutely um excellent throughout to be fair I think it did help uh the fact well I mean it felt like we were even

When it was two nil it felt like we were just taking the piss most of the time which was class and but great great backing and um it’s about time we got a result like that because God the fans deserve they’ve been all across Europe uh this season usually it’s just up and

Down the country but there’s been that included too H always include good numbers and uh absolutely excellent through I sort of uh oers group adjacent almost um and they were absolutely brilliant throughout the game so delighted that it was uh finally a rewarding three points and uh I think

It’s it was a good year that the um it’s been picked up a lot on as well I think the I think Robson made some comments about it as well H post match so no nothing less than the deserve for the fans they absolutely brilliant and uh

Again another great crowd taken up there too with not just the end but I be B on the side too yeah no absolutely of course we now go into the the period of the the winter break um comes up so the Dons aren’t actually back in action

Until the 19th of January as we mentioned a Friday night game against Clyde in the Scottish Cup Live on the BBC given of course the the win and the performance in the formation and all the positives that that come with the the win yesterday you know players in the

Right position some of the performances of the players the return of the likes of Jack McKenzie and to the starting lineup Connor Baron as well has this winter break almost come at the wrong time um for for Aberdine in the sense that we’ve just got that win obviously I

Think someone pointed out that it’s four four wins out of our last five League games it’s kind of maybe halted any momentum we’re just looking to build possibly um I would have liked just have have a game on Saturday but me that’s just my personal interest H I think

It’s I don’t know coming off the back of the way you always want to just go in and go again don’t you but given the way this season’s gone there was no no guarantee that that’s going to be the case h and I’m suppose from Barry robson’s uh point of view be delighted

To to get him to have some time on the training Park and I suppose also with the first half of the Season being so chaotic in terms of all the games we’ve played uh which we want to be doing a little bit of rest for the players is

Probably a good thing too yeah I was going to say you mentioned there about bar you know getting work um on the training ground I wonder if there will be any break for the players um if they’ll get either away as a group for some warm weather training or if they’ll

Get a few days off holiday or if it will just be straight down to business at Cormac Park and working on things ahead of that that game against Clyde and that that tricky um triple header that we’ve got um on League Duty when we get back

H top reminded me about that I like to think they’d be I think they they’ll have a we break they’ll have a we break and then you know maybe a week and a half in the buildup to the to the cly game and then they’ll be back on the

Training Park but um I just stop mentioning we’ve won a game let stop the triple header and let’s just enjoy it Glenn happy New Year I was actually thinking this morning about the fact that um the the games when we when we come back are against Ian McCall and

LaVine I mean that’s a proper throwback in terms of managers we’re coming back um to face now of course when we come back um from the break against Clyde of course we could um have a few new faces um in the side we could also have lost a

Few faces as we mentioned or dadia likely to maybe um leave the the squad between now and then what sort of areas do you expect the club to look to strengthen in in this window if if any um um B’s probably going to go as well unfortunately I’d imagine yeah of course

Because of ke was um I’m more surprised around that he was on Gary Forbes flight to Amsterdam the day that we played some minut and I’m more surprised I didn’t see a selfie of the two of them um that day he said he wasn’t drunk enough to

Ask for a selfie but I know I was definitely kind of annoyed about him being able to leave um the country whilst we still had games on I know um he’s not been involved but I just think it kind of shows a poor attitude either from the player or the management to

Allow him to kind of leave and it just certainly on the back of that s um St Min defeat annoyed me that there was maybe that attitude towards not caring about the team um just now well Kaiser says Wingers H David mcclanan says Midfield and Ka also backing up with

Holding midfielder um I would be surprised if we brought in Wingers given you know we’ve not been playing this sort of two we have um maybe du concluding that uh If he if he plays out left potentially three we’ve not really been playing with them however perhaps

Now um we’re going to start seeing that with this sort of formation maybe then you can see is zvara an actual Winger that would be incredible and unheard of almost I forgot about shanon Morris I suppose to a holding midfielder would be my if we were only to sign one player

I’d like a hold midfielder and someone uh to replace sort of ramadani do a lot more of that dirty work they take the load off shiny H and someone who can simply win the ball and give it to our more technical technically gifted players um is my my main would be my

Main goat if I was playing football manager for example oh football manager not like you’ve got any content to plug coming up is it possibly maybe now that I’m unemployed again good to see you um keeping busy um whilst you still look for a job a few people mentioning a keeper as well

Because with um Kell and Nadine expecting their second child in the summer um I I certainly saw this rumor um circulating yesterday that they’re set to leave um and potentially go back to to the Netherlands to to raise their child so should we potentially be

Looking for a keeper um in January is it a priority for January probably not but I would like to think that the the the board and certainly the the the recruitment side are are looking at that um ahead of the summer because are we kind of looking towards

Ross Duhan is number one or are we got someone better lined up um I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to to me off from some Johnson as Sam Gordon alludes to I I guess the other priority for January um depending what way you kind of fall in favor of Connor Baron Steven Wilshire

Um comments has Baron already plans on leaving if kns we best get him signed ASAP would that be something you’d be Keen to see the club do um certainly based on his performance yesterday I think once again showing his importance how much he’s eager to get on the ball

At every opportunity looking to get looking to distribute it for me it’s important that we sign Connor up if certainly him as a player wants to stay it could be well that his mind’s made up to go elsewhere but certainly from the the rumors that have done the round

About what he’s been offered it’s no surprise that he’s currently rejected the deal um I think he deserves a lot better than certainly the rumor going around um but would you agree with Stephen um that we need to get him signed up as up what’s the rumor Glenn

No no I’ll tell you off Fair I’d put you on the spot there get the bloody thing signed um give him if you’re saying he’s been offer tuppin he deserves more I think he’s been um one of our standout players out with meowski I would probably argue this season we

Think we a lot better team with him in it uh counts towards homegrown uh homegrown quot as well for uh UEFA competitions which you’d like to think would also be a problem next season um and you don’t want to lose good young players for absolute pennies which at

This stage we would um potentially even a development sort of fee or compensation H which would not be nice at this stage um get him signed up yeah no absolutely and if game time is the biggest issue for Connor and signing it it’s absolutely mental that we’re not

Playing him because for me he’s our best midfielder certainly in the in the middle of that Park um and what he can offer to to this team so we certainly need to be doing that I do agree with you as well in terms of a holding

Midfielder um and you know I said in terms of like kind of looking ahead to the summer when we we mention a keeper I think a striker is something that we should be looking ahead to for the the summer starting that work um certainly now because we’ve obviously not seen

Seen anything from from Pap PAB G as yet we know probably what’s coming in the summer so I would like to see us begin some work on on recruitment of that would Kean bakis fit your mold for that holding midfielder I’m not sure he I’m not sure

He qualify as a whole in field but certainly someone who could do a lot of that dirty work I suppose um I think that he himself probably sees him would would rather be sort of more of an advanced midfielder not quite in the M of sort of McGrath or or Clarkson Buton

Eight if you lik rather than a six to use that shite terminology oh God yeah Jesus don’t start and none of that NFL bollocks sorry I’ve been a real potty mouth today h I’d like bers as a player I’m not sure he’s quite the sort of hold

Midfielder that um I’d be looking for but certainly if he was to come in I wouldn’t be disappointed because I like him a lot yeah and Paul saying should we bring any of the the players out on loan back obviously I mentioned the fact that Aon Reed’s been recalled I suspect he’ll

Make another loan move I wonder if he’ll return to Elgen city um Alfie bage is obviously on loan kely hars who who Paul mentions I doubt we’ll see Alfie back I think it probably benefits um Alfie continuing development elsewhere um so I I can’t see any loan

Players coming back I think Kon anden is of course out on loan as well but he probably doesn’t fit into this team right now as well so there’s probably not much benefit in some of these loan players coming back unless they’re going to get regular game time I doubt it h no

I think they’d be better off if if they some they certainly playing and getting that experience at a young age and they’ll stand them in good stad perhaps to State their claim H in summer should they be here yeah no absolutely and I think you know we’ll we’ll see that that

Come the summer there’ll be chances for for certainly those players to to stay they a claim whether they’re giving that or not obviously remains to to be seen But January of course will be a long month for some uh on social media with the rumor Mills of course I know the

Obsession many have with mat Pollock and the fact that he was in Edinburgh with his now fiance um has sparked wild chaos about the fact that he’s only a few hours from Aberdine and is he just stopping in Edinburgh on the way up to back to

Aine H I think that’s most uh I think it’s most likely they were just visiting edra however I think a lot of it’s in Hope rather than expectation but I am all Bor The Hope train uh however I don’t know if he would do if Angus McDonald was going off to Toronto maybe

We’ll see my poic teaming up with him in Toronto you never know yeah well of course I know again a few people also mentioning the fact that he potentially is off to um Hearts um but again the joys of football fans putting two and two together are making five purely

Based on the fact that that a players found themselves in a city um you could imagine the amount of players that come up here to to play golf the rumor mill would be an absolute overdrive oh it would I tell you what once again with my unemployment so if anyone wants to help

Me find a job and S me scrolling through Twitter aimlessly H in the hope of finding something small H to hold on to in terms of a transfer rumor then please do let me know uh and if you don’t it means we could see The Return of the

Calum right transfer rumor segment that we saw which was hugely successful and popular well if even if it wasn’t we claim it was um in the summer transfer window um as well so uh we’ll see if that makes a return um through the course of the month of course with no

Game um this weekend coming um content next week will probably likely be in the way of of a news Roundup um or you know something else could be in the pipeline we’ll see what develops over um the coming days around that so um if you are sub subscribe to the channel here on

YouTube get the notifications on because we could potentially um look at a pre-recorded episode for next week depending what happens um in the background here um if not we’ll be back um with a live episode discussing the latest news and transfer rumors because as Calum said he’s unemployed he’s got

Nothing better to do than look and maybe start rumors um but yeah thank you very much for tuning in to tonight’s episode um sorry we’ve been away for so long but hopefully we’ve eased an hour um for you tonight and those of you that are Keen

To watch the darts we’ve made sure we’re finished in time for that as well pretty good huh I can’t wait for the rumors Glen I’m really excited well at least you’ll be kept busy and I’m way to go and watch starts and thank you very much to everyone that’s tuned in whether it

Be here live on the YouTube channel tonight on audio on catch up or as well on catch up on the video if you have been tuning in remember to leave a like on the video comment down below with your thoughts And subscribe wherever you’ve been watch listening even oh so

Professional indeed thank you very much for tuning in and we will see you next time on rtin in classes


  1. It's good to see us press higher up the pitch, with purpose and in numbers. 4 at the back is the way ahead. Nice to see us move the ball around on the deck better. Barron needs to start alongside Shinnie.

  2. Not to flog a dead horse, but this formation we used against county is perfect for a creative, exciting player like Vinny. He could play right across the front of that midfield 4, on either side.

    Sadly assuming he'll be off in January, what a waste of talent.

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