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WWE Employees (Like CM Punk) Who Have Bashed Triple H

In this captivating video, we delve into the electrifying world of professional wrestling and explore a fascinating topic: WWE employees (like CM Punk) who fearlessly bashed Triple H in the past. Brace yourself for an extraordinary compilation of savage critiques that have rattled the foundations of the wrestling industry. Triple H, a legendary figure in the realm of sports entertainment, earned both adulation and criticism throughout his career. However, this exploration focuses on the rare but impactful moments when fellow WWE employees dared to openly challenge “The Game.” From scathing interviews to shocking backstage incidents, we unravel the untold stories that reveal the depth of animosity directed towards Triple H. Our comprehensive compilation showcases various prominent figures within the WWE universe who have fearlessly expressed their discontent, resentment, or simply voiced their differences with Triple H. Witness their unleashed fury as they passionately criticize his backstage tactics, controversial decision-making, and even his in-ring abilities. These unfiltered opinions profoundly shook the wrestling community, leaving an indelible mark. Prepare yourself for jaw-dropping revelations and intimate accounts that shed new light on the polarizing persona of Triple H. Through this video, gain valuable insights into the internal dynamics of WWE and the power struggles that occasionally emerged behind the curtains. Immerse yourself in this captivating rollercoaster ride of emotions and opinions as we bring you the no-holds-barred moments where WWE employees dared to challenge the widely celebrated Triple H. Don’t miss out on this insightful journey that unravels a side of professional wrestling rarely seen by fans. Stay tuned to witness the revelatory tales, unprecedented confrontations, and emotional disputes that have shaped Triple H’s legacy forever. Subscribe now for more enthralling content that goes beyond the squared circle and explores the intricate dynamics of the wrestling industry.

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[Applause] with word getting out recently that WWE head creative fella Triple H was now in charge of the WWE Hall of Fame it made us wonder if he’d be keeping the warrior award because first it was always odd to have an award for courage and compassion named after someone who didn’t show a

Ton of compassion during his life and second because the warrior had quite a few negative things to say about Triple H over the years which led us to look into people who are actively under WWE contracts who have thrown some shade Triple H’s way over the years I’m

Seniorita cete for seven rasling and let’s take a look at people under WWE contract who have bashed Triple H if you enjoy this content although Triple H might not do us a favor and like the video subscribe to the channel and pedigree that notification if ation Bell number one CM

Punk too easy well the internet is forever and so too are the things the best in the world has said about the King of Kings although in CM Punk’s defense he’s been saying negative things about Triple H since long before he originally left the WWE remember Vince McMahon’s doofus son-in-law anyhow the

Bulk of these comments took place during the infamous episode of The Art of wrestling podcast where Punk opened up about his time in the WWE to his best friend forever col Cabana and punk said a lot of things he even ended up getting sued for some of them but when it came

To Triple H he was upset about how Triple H basically came out of retirement to beat him in a match and cut off his momentum in 2011 how Punk was asked to take a drug test after he had a concussion when he was pretty sure that Triple H wasn’t taking drug tests

At that time and most importantly Punk discusses his theory that Triple H was the person who told Vince McMahon about his wedding to former WWE star AJ Lee which prompted McMahon to send Punk a pink slip as a gift on his wedding day yikes but hey

Triple H has a reputation for being a peacemaker he managed to bring Vince back together with Bruno sartino and the Ultimate Warrior so I’m sure there’s no way this relationship ends with a locker room brawl and ndas for everyone number two Road dog it’s me it’s me it’s that Dooug ah the calling card of the road dog Jesse James he and Triple H used to be key parts of the merchandising Dynamo known as D Generation X and today the road dog enjoys a cushy job as the senior vice president of live events for

The WWE but there was a point where the former roie wasn’t so thrilled with his former stablemate in 2001 Road dog was let go by the WWE allegedly due to some substance abuse problems dog reunited with New Age Outlaws buddy Billy Gun in TNA and eventually would change their

Name to the voodoo kin Mafia or vkm for short get it vkm like Vincent Kennedy McMahon genius and they love to get their digs in at their former employers even going so far as to offer Triple H and Vince McMahon a million dollar to face them in

An actual street fight I think that’s my favorite part a million dollar that’s like trying to lure Ronald McDonald into a fight with a fraking french fry needless to say Triple H didn’t bite but he was legitimately concerned that the vkm might actually try to fight him according to former WWE tag champion

Trevor Murdoch there was an event where the WWE and the vkm were in the same city and Triple H ordered Murdoch and his tag team partner Lance Cade to watch his back he even gave them permission to beat up the Outlaws if things got heated but nothing ever came of it and

Eventually DX was able to let bygones be bygones and both members of The New Age Outlaws were welcomed back into the fold number three Shawn Michaels really sha Michaels but him and Triple H are the bestest of buddies nope that isn’t a back in 2001 3 years into his first

Retirement The Heartbreak Kid was being brought back into the company for a role at that Year’s WrestleMania however at the time Michaels was still battling his addiction problems and showed up to an episode of Monday Night Raw in no condition to perform and not just any episode of Monday Night Raw but the

March 26th 2001 episode of Monday Night Raw where Vince McMahon told the whole world that he had just purchased WCW kind of a big deal to hear Triple H tell the story Michaels was pilled up loud belligerent and literally falling all over the place a frustrated McMahon sent

Michaels home which is where Michaels would go but not before running into Triple H in the hallway and ripping his best friend a new one Michaels would later go on to describe this interaction as him brow beating Hunter unfairly a mentally exhausted Triple H vented his frustrations with Michaels and his drug

Addiction and once Michaels had left the building the duo didn’t speak for over a year the happy ending to this one is that when they did speak they agreed to face each other at that Year’s SummerSlam in an amazing match a cleaned up Michaels would then make a complete

Return and have one of the greatest runs of all time today Michaels serves as the senior vice president of talent development creative for WWE and pretty much runs the show at NXT and with the exception of the time he super kicked a little girl he hasn’t gotten in much

Trouble ever since number four Scott Steiner oh look it’s the least surprising name on this list I mean it’s pretty fair to say that Scott Steiner has had something negative to say about everyone but he came at Triple H with both barrels the feud started when Scott

Steiner joined WWE in 2002 and was immediately put into a main event slot which was extremely rare at the time Steiner and Triple H squared off at the Royal Rumble 2003 for the world heavyweight title and it was a train wreck that might even be an insult to

Train wrecks it was a train wreck that had pooped its train bed it was bad Steiner would never recover and was immediately shuffled down the card he didn’t even perform at that years’s WrestleMania a few months later when asked what went wrong during appearance on sitting ringside the freak with the

Peaks would say quote same thing went wrong for me that went wrong for everybody else that went from WCW look what he did did Triple H beat everybody Kevin Nash went in and look what he did he had a DQ and then he got beat sting

Got treated worse he had one match with him and he was done that’s the thing when a guy is a mark and he wants to beat everybody and he was a legitimate I mean Wikipedia don’t lie of course it does help banging the boss’s daughter so you know he took advantage of everything

That he could and he beat everyone from WCW I like that Scott Steiner thinks that Wikipedia is some Fountain of Truth anyhow a few years later The Steiner Brothers were welcomed into the WWE Hall of Fame along with the typical Legends contracts that come with that honor and

Seeing as Scott’s nephew is none other than NXT Powerhouse Braun breaker perhaps freakzilla should be more diplomatic in his future podcast appearances number five Ken Shamrock the world’s most dangerous man has been one of the world’s most invisible men when it comes to WWE e retrospectives very rarely do you see

Ken Shamrock show up in any lists or video packages until recently when these shirts mysteriously showed up on or his face started showing up in the game WWE super card so safe to assume he’s under a Legends contract and will probably be an inductee in the 2024

Class of the WWE Hall of Fame but during a 2014 episode of the shoot Shamrock did have a thing or two to say about the game quote here’s a guy that has a huge ego he has a hard time with putting anybody over and let alone outside the

Business when someone like Brock Lesnar would have to hurt him his ego wouldn’t let him walk around in a sling he wants people to know it’s entertainment unless he’s the one doing it then he wants you to walk around in a leg cast you’ve got somebody in that position that’s got too

Big of an ego to run a company like that well that should make for an interesting ego even at the hall of fame number six Kurt Angle oh wow our favorite meme had some crosswords for Triple H as well shortly after leaving the WWE in 2006 the Olympic gold

Medalist had this to say about Triple H on the Bubba the Love Sponge Show wait sorry to delay what angle said but there’s your problem right there has any wrestler ever come out looking better after an interaction with Bubba the Love Sponge okay back to the list

Angle said he didn’t respect Triple H because he used his place in the company to forward his own career and that Triple H had once fought against Kurt Angle getting the world title because he was too small however when Jerry Brisco suggested a shoot fight between angle

And Triple H to see if size really was an issue Triple H apparently backed down but it didn’t stop there in a 2008 interview with the son angle would say quote Triple H obviously wanted to bash me me because I was a better wrestler

Than him and I deserve to be in the spot that he was in but he was never going to give up he’s Vince’s son-in-law I’d wrestle Shawn Michaels and I’d get a little rough with him then I’d get heat from Vince McMahon because i’ beat up on

Shawn too much so I’m like well you know what I’m tired of the two long-haired sissies if they can’t go up against me then don’t put them up against me oddly enough Kurt Angle has been all smiles and rainbows since returning to the WWE even facing Triple H at russle Mania in

A surprisingly awesome tag team match not bad for a long-haired [ __ ] number seven Cody roads okay this one is a bit of a stretch in fact Cody has gone on record as saying that Triple H is one of his favorite wrestlers of all time but what was going on at aw

Double or nothing pay-per-view in 2019 that Throne looks pretty familiar and if I’m not mistaken a sledgehammer is definitely Ely one of the game’s trademark foreign objects apparently it isn’t a big deal Cody came back and won the 2023 Royal Rumble main evented WrestleMania and everything is as cool

As the other side of the pillow in fact the duo has never even discussed the incident but uh it still happened we’re just saying watch your back Cody well there’s our list did we forget about any wrestlers that bashed Triple H then returned to the WWE if so leave

Them in our comment section below also like this video subscribe to the channel and pedigree that notification Bell until next time I’m seniorita cete for seven rasling saying bye-bye


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