Golf Players


The PD2 is back!!! The long wait is over, as all discmaniacs will now have an overstable workhorse back in the bag! So excited for this disc!


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Oh that one’s flying now go in these are going to be a lot of fun to Throw what’s up dis Maniacs it is the final mystery box of the 2023 season the black mystery box I have been dying to rip this thing open and see what’s inside and I don’t think I can wait any longer you guys know why you’re here I

Know we all know want to know what’s in this box the legend of the Lost Stones all right so you guys may have seen the promotional videos and all of the hype from the red mystery box and basically this is what I’ve already received in

The red box it’s half the map to the legend of the Lost Stones so now theyve officially received the other half of the map and what you’re going to get is a promo code with your mystery box if you bought the red mystery box and the black Mystery Box you combine those two

Numbers and you will unlock the Cloud Stone which has been a very big mystery in the dis Mania world and right now we already have a hidden disc right here no way this is a white tilt this is the original prototype tilt I actually have

One shout out to Al Kennan he gave me one that he got but it was like an extreme misprint it has like a big divot this one is freaking pristine wow this is this is very cool so the note says congrats you you uncovered a special gem an extra special

Gem this extra ninth disc in your mystery box is a rare find from deep in the dmania vault whether this is awesome treasure makes its way into your collection or your bag we hope you enjoy just Mania I don’t know if everybody got a tilt I haven’t watched any other team

Members black Mystery Box uh opening so maybe other people got this but I feel like it’s pretty special that I landed with the Tilt the first disc on top here the disc that we already knew that we were going to get and that is the long

Awaited sine pd2 and the swirls on this thing holy crap and when we’re saying pd2 we’re talking spaceship overstable just unreal I I I’ve already got to throw some and no matter how much anheiser you put on it it’s almost like throwing a tilt I am torquing these

Things and they don’t they don’t care they’ll Flex out and still Glide it’s pretty awesome oh a JoJo stamp Miss print that’s pretty cool it’s a oh it’s just P2 Flex 2 P2 shout out to Jojo love it JoJo works at the warehouse next we have a gray

Sparkle lone how 3 that’s a sweet color I have a black one but not a gray yes it’s a stone it is the flex one sea line tactic CR Brownstone I’ve heard about this and I’ve bagged the Seine tactic since they whatever made them in

2021 but the flex one this is the first flex one disc I’ve gotten my hands on because my other ones my other box I didn’t get uh the Doom Stone or the cryo Stone this thing is crazy gummy I did not expect it to be that gummy I knew

That people were like bending them in half and stuff but this is like rubber wow ice clear too I’m a sucker for ice clear disc Neo Instinct xmania stamp pretty solid oo nice purple black stamp stock stamp sine dd3 bomber those are all bombers the sine d3s EXO hard link better than the

Soft I’m I’m a big fan of the hard link compared to the soft and one more disc right here at the bottom oh no way H sealine logic and it’s a Mania night so that’s really funny because that’s two for two in Casey White’s book of scoring a Manan night and the

Funniest thing is that orange is my least favorite color but they’re the most rare so I’m not going to complain and the cosmic Fury has been my favorite disc all winter I just got my 35th Ace with it not not my 35th Ace with that

Disc but my 35th career ace and I Ace with my Cosmic Fury and this is a sealine logic I’m digging it I’m definitely digging it especially if I put my manite Iron Stone in the bag and the cosmic Stone I could have like the manite combo overstable and straight spicy and that

Is what was in the secret compartment if you watch my last mystery box unboxing there was no disc in the secret compartment so to save this one for last I’d say that that was pretty dang awesome but this is all the discs I got in my black Mystery Box

Including this is incredible I literally cannot believe that this came in my box excited to see how these Bo Bad Boys fly but most importantly let’s highlight the sky stone for a minute because I’ve already had the chance to throw them they are incredible the pd2 has been the

Most awaited mold I’d say for the reinvented molds and you always need a work course over stable distance driver especially when we’re on tour and so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to head over to metal Brook Orchards I got to play on a beautiful day in early

December and testing out the sky Stone and when I say how beefy these things are you’re just going to have to see it to believe it hold to it Meadowbrook dead straight which means it’s the perfect hole for the most insane and Heiser Flex pd2 Shot you’ve ever seen

But uh first shot out here with the sky Stone oh it’s so beefy I felt like I threw that like a tilt yeah I felt like I literally just like yanked it over let me try again even more Annie oh I got that one you got that one

Over it still flexed out like the whole way though chance for Birdie the most overstable pd2 ever made not enough oh not even close to enough there it is all right at least one men in all right hole seven red little pd2 action usually I go Heiser flip forehand down the left side

But since we got these pd2 is it’s a Annie Flex forehand on the left side so let’s see if I can even reach it so beefy I mean great shot that was perfect no no no no no no oh look at that hang count it all right this is where my first shot

Landed little Flex flick off the tree hopefully we can make the first put this time y we did all right yeah there it is now you’ve seen one backhand and one forehand and if you haven’t seen how much beef these things offer it’s all about that pop top but

The thing about the pd2 that makes it that much more overstable than all the other discs is this little bevel right here the old pd2 is had it as well but this one it feels like it’s so uh exaggerated because of how Dy it is typically when it’s a Dy distance driver

On a forehand I have trouble not like kind of coming all the way over on it that’s why I prefer like a flatter disc for overstable sidearm but these are so overstable that it literally doesn’t matter I literally I’m not kidding when I say I’m throwing this as if I’m

Throwing a tilt I’m just Jack knifing it over no fear and they’re flexing out and I still can’t wait to see what these will fly like in like a 40 mph headwind hole 11 once again another hole that typically I would be throwing like a Hiser Flip or just like a Hiser bomb

Type shot but because we have the sky stone that means it’s an anheiser Flex bomb yeah that’s it right there perfect drop drop drop drop oh yeah love that one all right let’s try and do it again that’s a one drop that was close coming up to the

Basket here can clearly see right where the pd2 dug in it’s one of my favorite things throwing a Heiser bomb in some soft ground or snow you get to see right where your disc dug in a nice little collection of them let’s hit some put oh high right we’ll take

It yeah and if you were to tell me you’re going to meal Brook and you got to throw the pd2 a couple times what hole would you throw it on this is the first hole I think of cuz it’s just like the perfect distance I can throw it as

Hard as I want and it just knifes right in but two birdies with them let’s go whole 13 um perfect higher bomb hole and another one of those holes where I don’t think a pd2 can even go wrong because it doesn’t go far enough but Spike high as a race

Run a little short all right we don’t have to be that scared of it let’s just smoke it on Annie yeah and it still works perfect come back in bounds on the line that’s 50/50 50/50 we got uh first one a little bit short second one barely hanging on inbounds

With a little bit of a swinging back basket not a problem all right the muddy the muddy boy over here barely in give it a little Minnesota slider oh buddy all right back to back hole 14 350 ft yeah again another hole that I get to throw the sky Stone as

Hard as I want and on a lot of Annie because it just cannot outdrive the basket dude did he do it like it it doesn’t get old every single time I’m impressed pared all right let’s try it again jack knife Annie oh that one’s flying now go in just

Long these are going to be a lot of fun to throw we got some putts here I know I said I couldn’t out drive the basket no matter what I did well apparently I was wrong because this dark blue one I don’t know what it was but I just really

Connected with it on that last one I really freaking torqued over on it and it seemed like it actually like started to like fly and glide but we’re going to give it a bid from way downtown here Heiser come on hey come on no that’s never going to happen our

Backto back pd2 birdie stretch is over but at least we can maybe chalk up one all right we still got one and this was actually the first shot so that’s more important but we got some mud to take home with us as another souvenir but this one is clearly showing

That it’s the allstar I think I’m throwing all my best shots with the lighter blue one the dark blue one is still doing just fine I’m just uh still figuring it out a little bit there’s something about a disc that is so overstable that like it’s so much fun because you’re

Never like no amount of anheiser is too much we got a couple more chances to Showcase that here in the closing stretch all right hole 17 500 footer a little downhill little Tailwind but uh I don’t really think we’re going to reach the basket here so we’re just going to

Try and see exactly how far I can throw it ah too high it’s flexing out no problem yep yeah it’s a beef cake all right let’s see if I own this one a little bit bit better according to whole 14 I I got a hold of this one pretty good still

Flexing yep it’s still flexing dude how far over did I come over I feel like I’m like here like I’m throwing like I’m throwing like a splice roller right now I didn’t quite reach the basket but I did give myself a two putt so not bad

For a 500t hole with the most overstable disc like ever made no too short all right another try another try come on come on come on let’s go second time is the charm all right whole 18 one more to go and we are on the brand new 18 Reddit Metal Brook I

Have no idea what the distance is here but it looks like a pd2 flat to Heiser so let’s try it way out wide it looks like that to me drop drop drop oh the wind’s pushing him left okay all right gave it a scare one last shot to send us home in

Fashion I like that one drop jop hit it hey a little little wood chip Splash in front of the tractor first Birdie on this hole there it is toy SS luck no all luck uh so that’s going to do it today’s video with the sky Stone the reinvented

Pd2 is officially here and if you got yourself a black Mystery Box around Christmas then that means that you have a sky Stone headed your way guaranteed along with a couple other discs that are brand new to the dis Mania lineup new color combos new plastic combinations

Everything it’s all going kind of crazy and it’s very exciting but I know there are many many people out there that have been dying to get their hands on the new pd2 and it is finally here so no headwind is any match for a dis

Maniac now that we have pd2 back in the lineup but once again thank you for watching like subscribe hope you got yourself a mystery box and we’ll see you next Time


  1. Man I can't wait to get one of those Tactics! 🙌Seems like the ultimate approach disc. Good luck this season!🧝🥏🌳

  2. “I’m a sucker for a clear disc”, that’s what manufacturers say as well when you’re back to replace your lost disc each week 😂

  3. Casey! Let me know if you would trade anything for your prototype splice! I would love to get my hands on one of those!

  4. 35 aces? i do not hope you count if you throw 2+ disc on a hole and ace with one of them as a real ace?

  5. Wow. I mean, this is really top-notch content. Casey, you are a talent! (I know that sounds really lame because your talent is so obvious, just wanted to make the point).

  6. Bright Orange is one of my favourite colours of discs. It can't be a dull orange or a brownish orange as it will blend with the leaves. However, Yellow is my least favourite. In Canada, that's how we spell colour & favourite.

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