Golf Players

What is an Australian Christmas like?

What is Christmas in Australia like?

I spend Christmas in a small country town 90 minutes drive from Perth in Western Australia. Christmas here is dramatically different to what many of you will experience in your hometowns.
Christmas in Australia is all about the outdoors, having fun with family on the beach or dining alfresco with your friends at home.
This video highlights the differences between a summer Christmas and a winter Christmas  and I’ll be well keen to hear how your Christmas differs from mine; so please comment. 

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Merry Christmas from Down Under now many of you are probably from the Northern Hemisphere and maybe have little idea of the differences between Christmas in your world and Christmas in Australia so in this video I’m going to run through many of those differences for a start

It’s hot we’re in the middle of summer and it’s not just hot in Lancel and Western Australia which is where I am now uh 90 minutes north of Perth it’s hot everywhere well except in the far north of Australia where it’s hot and humid and this is Cyclone season up

There in the north back in 1974 a cyclone completely wiped out at northernmost city of Darwin now I’m dressed in what most Australian men will be wearing for Christmas day today it’s very much shorts and t-shirts all around the country this is a town of 700 people it’s quiet there’s only one

Establishment open it’s only open for half the day and that’s the fuel station but a lot of the activity on Christmas day will Center along the beach and the parks on the beach merry Merry Christmas without all tears every night every I was hoping this wouldn’t happen

But it has happened T is a volunteer ambulance officer and she can get called out at any stage of the day this is Christmas morning this is our time here just after 8:00 a.m. and now she’s got to go on a Job well that’s T now gone for every bit of four or 5 hours hopefully returning in time for lunch behind me is the Lancel and Jetty and this town is a cray fishing town or as you probably know them in the northern hemisphere as lobsters and a lot are caught here both

Commercially and by amateurs now a lot of the amateur fishermen are heading out this morning to see what they can catch I think it’s 24 is the maximum you can bring in if you’ve got three people with fishing licenses on a boat and a lot of the locals use tractors to put their

Boats in because there is no hard boat ramp here you have to launch off the sand which can be paral hello was a quick job just uh 2 hours this one t in Australia we’ll typically give presents on Christmas morning um Christmas tree goes up maybe 3 weeks before Christmas sometimes longer we

Used to have some amazing Christmas lights in Perth but um that all ceased in 2012 and it’s got too big but there are a couple of houses here that have Christmas lights oh okay you know that I could have got one of these for free I

Think one time during the year that is guess would date thank you T this is a very nice gift they’ve used Lando’s photo here which one did you get that I would suggest yes I was going to say the sh gr I know exactly where that was that’s awesome map it’s

Lego Lego world map M that’s so cool we could use that for planning my F1 travel Merry Christmas actually quite fun this was a great Christmas Christmas gift my son got me the best of 2023 kimelman F1 photo book it’s an absolute Ripper Go to order now and you get a nude

Picture of Kim order now for delivery Before Christmas order now 2024 and what about the religious side of Christmas in Australia only about 54% of Australians claim to have any religion most of those are Christian so they would obviously observe Christmas for the religious side of things but pretty much everyone

Enjoys the days off and we get two we get Christmas day and we get boxing day which is the day after Christmas day and that goes back to Queen Victoria days where they get all the money from the church boxers and give it to the poor but um boxing day now is something

Completely different in Australia that’s for sitting around on the lounge watching the boxing day test Americans uh just for you this is a game of cricket that goes up to 5 days always played at the Melbourne cricket ground Jason has just spotted Dolphins should we go and have a look yeah maybe we’ll

Go and have a look no I went out to see but typically they come very close to the short sh and sometimes even Beach themselves when they’re rounding up fish and they’re quite delightful to watch when they do catch a fish they take it

Out maybe 50 m and throw it in the air before eating it and something traditionally Australian a Christmas ham and these go back in a ham bag which can be a pillow slip uh keeps them from drying out fridge is complaining lanon has some of the best

Bread on offer in the world this is great leg hand and gburg cheese but not complete without eat a barbecue sauce I’ve eaten this since I was six and it’s disgusting I love it this is an epic epic sandwich another common site along the beach here in front of our

House is horses and this is my neighbor Lara who is a horsey chick and has two magnificent horses and uh she rides them in the ocean are they race horses yeah oh they only just come back into work two months off another difference about Christmas is that our kids are effectively on

School holidays the long break because our long break starts in about December 20 and goes through until early February this is their summer holidays of course Australians are big drinkers although I don’t drink any beer but I’ve brought in an expert in beer my son Jace and what will Western Australians typically drink

On Christmas day maybe one of these or this perhaps this or this one but what do they taste like well I’m No Beer Drinker but jaay is quite the connoisseur so first up let’s try the Emu export I wonder how that look not much of a

Pow that is all head and no beer that’s a fail that’s a fail I’ll allow me to go first I reckon I’ve had four beers in my life and I’ve had a mouthful of that one it’s just great it’s the best Single Fin next oh that’s got like a fruit flavor

That one one it’s a bit like a novelty drink not as good as the bit but I don’t like it this is a Balter xpa n that’s not dissimilar to The Single Fin so far I’m leaning with the MU xort as a non-beer drinker interestingly enough this is quite

Famous this is a very large logo on a what is it a s Flower Factory down in in um freemantle and I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt in Kenya had a chat with him then not 2 days ago I saw one of the partners up here with a dingo logo on

His car and I said hey your T-shirt made it to Kenya anyway we’re trying the dingo logger now I go this is the number one number two number three number four one two three four a beer review from a big drinker and a very light Drinker on Christmas day here in

L well I have to rush back to Perth now for a big beach party normally I’d stay day for dinner but this year I’m not uh I have to got this ham though that Mom cut off for me and I’m excited to eat it on the way home Merry

Christmas yeah I’ll get ready ambulance job before dinner Bri has got an ambulance call out cuz she too is a a volunteer so it looks like we’ve lost our dessert Chef or maybe Tyler’s going to have to go as well cuz he too is an ambo I’m not an ambulance officer I’d be

Hopeless at it but they are marvelous volunteers well lunch today was uh ham and cheese sandwiches toasted for dinner tonight look at that that is a beautiful leg of lamb in Australia that is very good value it’s about two to four times the price whenever I eat overseas when I

Have lamb this is a Weber and typically we’ll cook out the front or the back and for dessert Brie has made a pav over although because she’s gone off to that ambo job we might be eating that quite late but tonight our neighbors have come and joined us for dinner this is Kim

Scadden this is his wife Anita Kim is a prominent cray fisherman and as always he brings crayfish and Anita is fantastic at preparing it oh and the scad’s daughter Lara has also joined us T tells me that this leg of lamb cost about $20 30 Aussie and it’s done 2

Hours on here and let’s see if I can get it off without injuring myself beautiful so this one now rest for the a little bit then we will celebrate with a beautiful lamb roast it was caught this morning in the amateur pots just off the

Back of the island just there and um I expect it’s going to taste really good this would sell for probably 70 local um 10 and something in China or overseas because Australia is a warm climate we’ll often eat outside but we’re not quite outside because as you can see

This is a deck but all the doors are open and we serve inside and eat out here we have a beautiful meal lined up tonight one another peculiar thing to Australia are these bon bons Christmas crackers and I didn’t realize this until I saw a couple

Of USA Tik toks where people said you come to Australia at Christmas this will be a curious thing I got this one so I got a pair of tweezers a white party hat and a joke sheet I SC him the sun’s just about to set and we sometimes get what is called

A Green Flash so tonight I’ve decided to record the sunset and yes that is a that is a green flash it’s a rare phenomenon caused by something in the atmosphere but yeah you’re quite fortunate to have seen it tonight on Christmas night 2023 we’re back from a quick ambulance

Trip and here is my path that I’ve just decorated that czy I know right that’s really nice looks nice yummy well Breeze pavalova was nothing short of exceptional in fact the whole meal was great earlier in the day I had an hour or so to play with so I headed

Out to the sand Junes and we have these most magnificent sand Junes and you can drive on them it’s a off-road vehicle activity area that draws a lot of people to this town and there’s also sandboarding out there quad bike tours and a whole lot more and if sand Junes

Aren’t your thing and you’d rather be on the beach and you’ve got a boat you can head over to lanon Island which is not more than about a kilometer offshore here and attracts a number of people particularly on public holidays I trust you’ve learned a thing or two about Australian Christmases admittedly this

Is a country town and you’d find things a little bit different in the city but it’s been a long time since I’ve spent Christmas at my house in the city with that said I’m now going to close these doors and head up to bed if you’ve enjoyed this video one thing I’ll ask

You to do please hit the like button no big deal for you and if you want to see more content on this and F1 hit the subscribe subcribe button thanks for watching and stay passionate crap just baking isn’t it like we hate it


  1. Merry Christmas Kym and Happy New Year 2024 for you and for your family. You are the owner of my favorite channel and huuuuuuge hug from Colombia.

  2. Σας εύχομαι να είστε καλά και να περνάτε έτσι υπέροχα πάντα.Χρονια πολλά

  3. Oh wow, that's your house in Lancelin 🤯 Every time we holiday in Lancelin, I say to the misses, best looking house in town 😂

  4. Appreciate the video seems strange for a northern Swede to not have snow on Christmas and spend time on a beach 😂 with that being said I would not mind the heat as we have -28c this morning !brrrrrr

  5. Great insight Kym. I'm Aussie too but from east side, beautiful part of the world you have there. Great job to your family for being Ambo volly's, it's a big commitment. Question, near the end 10:40, is that a retardant drop, the red line?

  6. Kym, this was a lovely video and thank you for sharing your holiday. You have a beautiful family, I know you’re proud. You’re a true gentleman and family man. It’s what I respect the most about you. Happy New Year! 🎊🎈 🥂

  7. Good lord look at that house. You are truly one of the most elite photographers in the world

  8. Loved learning about Aussie Christmas, also kudos to your family for being volunteers, especially during the holiday! ❤

  9. Hola from Ecuador and Feliz Navidad! We do have Christmas crackers in Canada and England but to my American friends they are unknown. Happy New Year.

  10. Aussie christmas' are awesome I have family just outside Perth WA and we spent many Christmas' in the sun away from rain soaked UK beach barbie and. We'll that's about all you need really

  11. I am originnally from Perth and still have family their. Every 3/4 years we go back to visit for christmas. This video made me feel like I was back in Australia for christmas ❤

  12. All the best to you and your family Kym.Keep the videos coming until you start F1.Greetings from South Africa.

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