It is so important to practice both fades and draws to keep the swing balanced! #golf

In today’s speed session we worked on Fades just to balance out the swing so you can see this first swing my stance was more closed than it should have been without me even knowing and then you’ll see moving on into the session here I have a little bit more of an open stance

My swing is freeing up a little bit it’s quite hard to ramp up the speeds with the fade swing just because the path is a little bit different so I was maxing out at about 109 miles hour today


  1. Train me Savi! ❤ I'm stuck at 105 mph. I need to develop that " throw feel" before impact. I feel like I'm squeezing

  2. I fully agree. Practicing fades and draws, i.e. opposites, definitely helps to be balanced. When I don't hit well, I hit fades, and then everything comes back in order, especially for long clubs.

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