Golf Players

A Better Backswing Just Happens When You Fix This Mistake

In this video, we’re going to show you how to fix your collapsed golf backswing and improve your rotation. If you’re struggling to hit the ball straight, you need to watch this video!

We’ll show you step-by-step how to fix your collapsed golf backswing and improve your rotation. By the end of this video, you’ll be able to hit the ball straighter and with more power than ever before. So make sure to watch it to learn how to fix your collapsed golf backswing and improve your rotation!

Does this position here look like yours collapse at the top of your swing the club’s almost hitting you in the shoulder what’s going on well I’m here to tell you that actually the answer to that could be in turning your hips I’m PJ teaching professional Todd Co

Director of instruction for us golf TV and I see this position a lot and this might be you if you’re watching this video is a collapsed right arm or Trail arm collapsed elbows at the top of the swing and the club head way down there all right looking almost like it’s just

A super long swing but yet you got no distance and you got no power so here’s what you got to understand is in order for me to get this golf ball to travel out there in this driving range with a seven iron 140 50 60 70 yards I got to

Have some length in my back swing and what a lot of you are doing if you have a collapsed back swing is you’re actually restricting the turn of your body and then you’re trying to make it up by collapsing the arms looks like this let me just show you and I’m going

To talk to you and teach you what the fix to this is so here you go let’s say you got a pretty good setup all right and your swing looks like this you could see it long loose and collapse now what could be causing that well in my experience as somebody’s been

Lucky enough to teach this game for over 25 years especially for my older golfers you know who you are out there my experienced golfers you do this because you have lack of Mobility you can’t turn your body like you used to turn it all right but you can actually help yourself

Out and fix this by turning other things so if I know I want to get the club up here on the back swing in order to get the ball to travel if I don’t turn my body at all my hips my shoulders my chest the only way to get it there is to

Collapse however if I release my trail leg if I turn my hips if I rotate my shoulders now I’ve got a enough Mobility even if I don’t have a ton of flexibility I’ve got Mobility now I can get the club up there and not clap my

Shoulders let me hit a shot let me hit a shot and just show you how it is and I’ll give you a couple checkpoints so here we go I’m going to turn my hips I’m going to turn my shoulders and I’m going to keep my hands nice and

High oh yeah way better way further better Rhythm better Tempo so let’s talk about how we can get in that position and do let’s do this real quick if you could right now hit that subscribe button do me a favor if you like the content that you’re hearing from us here

At usof TV hit that subscribe button ring the bell and do me a favor leave a comment good bad indifferent leave a comment cuz I love answering and hearing from you so the key here to not collapse in the back need to have body term how

Do we get body turn well we got to turn our hips okay you got to turn your hips how do you you turn your hips you let your Trail leg release a little bit Trail leg releases that allows us to turn the hips which allows us to turn

The shoulders and get the hands nice and high now I keep using the word high hands all right because I find that when I give that Q golf instruction is all about a cue I say a particular word it gives a student a particular feel I

Repeat that word to repeat that feel and we start running that cycle High hands is a great cue to keep you from collapsing so I’m going to hit a shot and that’s my queue here we go I want you to try this at the driving range let

Me know how it goes Turn The Hip High hands that’s our feel Here We Go hip turn High hands I like that now why do I want your hands to be high two reasons number one it’s going to give you more length okay going to give you more

Length to your back swing also believe it or not it’s going to give you more Club head speed when your hands are low you can create speed speed but it’s a lot harder cuz it requires a lot more rotation when your hands are high you can use gravity you can let them drop

You can let them flow you can hit better quality golf shots so if your back swing is collapsing because you need length of Swing don’t think about this first think about this release the hip turn the hip turn the shoulders High hands as your queue you do those couple things you’ll

Get rid of that collaps back swing and you my friend will start hitting the golf ball further with better content Act


  1. From Paris, France, thanks for all the tips shared in 2023 👍and looking forward to the ones in 2024 ! ⛳️ 🥳🥂

  2. I was just talking to my buddy about this last night! He’s 6’5”, and hits it a mile(high draw). I’m 6’2”, and hit it a pretty average distance, for a low HCer. I was actually pointing out to him how he creates so much effortless speed. He stands tall at address, and has high hands at the top of his backswing. He allows his forearms to naturally roll, which helps him keep very good arm structure(left arm straight, forearms close together). He also has a very “centered” turn. Plenty of hip turn. Very little sway. My swing is almost the opposite. I swing the club more around, and limit my forearm roll. I definitely hit it straighter than him, and can work it either direction, but his distance is hard to contend with. Just as you pointed out, I feel like his “high hands” helps him take advantage of his height. I’ve also experimented with allowing my forearms to naturally roll, and the swing feels so much more free, and adds effortless speed, and distance. However, my direction definitely suffers. I feel like I lose face awareness. Would love to see you do a video on forearm roll vs keeping the face square to the arc. It literally feels like 2 different ways to play golf. Love your channel.

  3. Thanks Todd for all the instruction this year, you are definitely a blessing to us older golfers. Loved the Video. When I was younger I did that. I watched Freddy Couples swing and studied it and his take away helped me as well. You Nailed it. Thanks Great Video. Happy New Year.

  4. Excellent tip Todd for a better backswing! I like the "turn the hips, release the leg, and thumbs to the sky!" Happy New Year Todd to you and Nick!! Looking forward to more tips from you in 2024!

  5. Yesterday I accidentally met Todd at Ocotillo golf course in Chandler, AZ. What a delightful young man. I have been enjoying Todd's videos which are simple to follow and very informative. Todd, all the best in the New Year. It was a real pleasure meeting you.

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