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10/15/2022 | Regular Race Program | 105 Speedway


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Here Min outlaw scen Fagony Randy Ward out here leading R number one and two knocking on his back door the number 48 of Kenneth Kenneth theberry on the high side Randy W on the leftow side coming under the flag stop one more time it’s Rand with five to go five more times A Randy Ward Kenneth Cur winning one and two with the number zero of Lee prer in that third spot four more circles to go Randy Ward trying to stretch it down a little bit coming up at some last traffic they go to the high side LA traffic down low three to go three more Times down the back straightway Randy Ward and Lee prer two to go 10 more turn around Randy ward in the Volkswagen mobile hold and know Kenneth theberry in that party8 machine we coming out of turn number four we got the white flag at that means we’re going to make one more circle

Around coming up on some more LA traffic right here down the back straightway got the pull away just a bit as he is getting for that checker flag on the S a turn for there is in number one 91 followed by Kenneth the B and Lee Prer if not the green flag is at and he here we Go U 113 on the high side as they go from the back of the pack up to the Leader Michael Burton in the one U here comes the number one one3 of R Board Riley Bard always got a pretty quick car as he is sizing up our leader in the U Michael Burton side by side under the flag is in the house the 113 of R B from Harden Texas Riley Bor coming out of turn four still leading the parade with five laps Left I tell if you listen to that number 32 he’s he sounds like he’s going 506 M an hour or either needs to sh gears one to the Other Riley B starting to catch up with the back of the pack here comes the noise Mobile Riley board got three more lamps as he comes up on the pregnant rcap up Bary Beford Ry board making his way through some lap traffic as we come out of turn four with two laps to go two More rally board tiptoeing through laic FL traffic as he comes out of turn number two the checker flag and he is In I’m not real sure but I think that Steven Bera in that 32 has got a lawnmower motor in there because that is one of the loudest race cars that I’ve heard he’s not going for 12 M an hour but I guarantee he sounds like he’s going to turn it Left Tyler bendale after an early Lead follow by the number 16 machine of whan Turnmire side by side going off into three we got us a little race going on here underneath the flag stand a new leader in the house that is the one the 16 machine from Sweeny Texas whing turnmire Got us a battle for that third spot with the 191 of April Butler and the number 101 of Ronnie MB as we are piled up for that second third and fourth spot everybody still chasing the 16 machine of whan turn M three more laps three more times around underneath the flag stand with

Two to go as the number 16 from Sweeney whan turnmire white flag is out one more time around Mr turnmire in the 16 starting to spread his lead April Butler trying to run him down and she is running out of Time checked flag in you here is your winner from Sweeny Texas whan turnmire followed by April Butler and the number 66 of T here here we go heat race number two P Stock Mike Martin out in that five star Mike copel on the high side followed by the number two of Mr Jackson and JT Garland running in that fourth spot in the 15 machine Mike Martin driving the old Cadillac as he comes out leading this lapa six to Go underneath the flag stand of five more a nickel more to go Mike starting to spread that lead from Mike copelan Gage Jackson in that third spot starting to get up tight JD Garland on the outside in the 15 as we go on the flag stand one more

Time getting us a battle for that second third and fourth spot as we start to cluff him up as Mikey marttin starts to spread his lead down the back straightaway underneath the flag stand one more time it’s the five star Mike Martin copelan and Jackson as we brighten up the

Scoreboard two to go two more times Around out of turn four here comes the r the white flag means one more time around oh just about got all my Flags mixed up Mike Martin spring it out Mike Copeland holding on that second spot here comes Gage Jackson making one more bid for that second spot as he goes down

Low your winner Mike Martin second place side by side in it’s Mike Pand G Jackson and JT Garland for all you that know Mike Martin he’s been racing quite a while all kind of in the air here we go racing one more Time Robert Stanfield in the 21s starting to get that lead from the early early early here comes the 911 Nathan rro he’s down low with a three L coming out of turn number four that’s that’s a smoke CL somebody called down we got us a new leader in the house made

For Nathan rro liking this little tacky track as he starts to put his lead down the back straight away he is opening up to S8 10 laps 10 cars under the flag stand five more to go five more times Around coming out of turn four up front it’s Nathan rro for second place everybody here the 143 machine of Jason Plank taking over that second Spot all 911 sing very very tight very good tonight as he is liking this track the way it is set up for him in fact he’s slowing down and saving that motor a little bit as he’s got two laps to Go Nathan rro put a big lead out he slowed down let everybody catch up as the white flag is out We got one to tap the wall that was the 21s of Robert Stanfield out of turn four here is over in a 911 no for the while is in the air we are limited manif racing Yell yell yell yell yell out of four green flag one more time let’s try it again limited modifi Number woo Bubba gates in that Ford mobile the 16g getting a good bik as he comes out to an early lead follow up number 24 of Zachary Suman don’t look it now but here’s the 53 of Edward HS taking over that third Spot Jaden pya in that one X running in that fourth spot as Bubba gate start to spread some uh distance between him and the rest of the practice we got five laps to Go here comes Jacob Martin making his way back up fighting for that fourth spot with Jaden Kenya two Young Guns out here running for that fourth and fifth spot that is our Racers of tomor right there guys as buba gates in that Ford power 162 takes it under the flag stand one more Time two to go two more times Bubba Gates got him a white flag that means he holds it together one more lap he will be in the Zachary Suman and Edward o running two and Three R gates in that Ford power taking that Checkered Flag Zachary Suman and Edwards Oaks as the One X of Jaden Kenya and Jacob Martin rounding off your top five let’s turn the flag on let’s go Jason Downing out to an early lead Here Comes Cay Caleb sor in that $4 sign

He’s got him a f pass pass car as he starts the reel in Jason Downing in the 165 Randy Bridges holding on that third spot Mark CBS in the four SE in that fourth spot Kevin sturis raning off your top Five Na crackling Poppin Jason Downey Caleb s and Randy PES running one two Three Ste Downing faer and bridges bringing up that fourth spot moving up it’s Kevin stures from Tom Ball Texas under the flag stand we got three more to Go got one off Pace he’s slowing down that’s the number 26 machine of Clyde McCoy as we got two to Go Jason Downing having to hit the brakes as he gets past some lab traffic with the 14 machine as our white flag is Out Caleb say he gets past lab traffic got a lot to go it looks like we’re going to have us a new leader a new winner in the form of the 164 of Jason Downey T in that second spot bries now that they want to and the

Green Flags New Year and here we go Justin Collins out to an early lead as he comes out of turn number two down the back straightaway Collins he gets out front with that fresh air he is hard to Be Collins riding the Cushing oh he got a little bumper here slows him down he gives it back up he holds on to that 38 machine as he still comes under the flag stand with six more to Go J Collins starting to spread his lead out Mike Matthew Cel in the 75 in that second Spot Justin Collins under the flag stand Collin spreading his lead out as he comes under the flag stand with three more to go Matthew Cel in that second spot the number 42 I’ve got him as the four but that’s C Kenneth Montgomery as he is reing in cuz B that’s wear side by side under the flag

Stand two to go with two more times coming out it’s Justin Collins as he gets the White Flag meaning we’re going to go one more time around a battle for that second spot as will swapping paint Matthew Cel and Kenneth Montgomery Kenneth Montgomery all over the back door of manew Cassel Coming out checker flag is at Justin Collins your winner Matthew Cel and on his back bumper Kenneth Montgomery a line pushed the pedal here we go green flag in here and we are Factory stock racing Dron Graham he won him a he won him a feature here last week a couple of weeks ago trying to make it two in a row as he

Is leading this with the Lucky 13 of Jerry Morton Here Comes Jaden p on the high side in the 77 as he takes over that third Spot it’s still Graham out in front followed by Morton and paa got them spread out north to south as we come under the flag stand with four to go it’s still Dron Graham in at 66 with Jaden Kenya knocking on the back door in that yellow 77

Machine it’s coming under the flag stand it’s Graham Cel and Pia Jaden pin starting a show knows if he goes down low see if he can get past Matthew C Cassel senior with two two more laps two more times Around Jaden pin in that 77 he’ll showing nose but he can’t will it in meanwhile greaton Graham taking it to the house as we got one more lap white flag is out P coming down low for that second spot as we drag race down the back straightway they coming out of turn

Number four a checking flags are waving and Here Comes Your winner in the 66 six of dren Graham and Jaden Ken sneaks out that second spot with the 1D team machine of Jerry Morton green flag hey he he hey here we go one more time he rised number two Factory

Stock Justin mlen out early here comes the number 11 as Justin goes up that is J Jimerson I’m going to learn the name before over with Kenneth J jizzman Jimmerson Jimmerson Jimmerson Jimerson that’s It under the flag stand Jimerson leading the 5B of Brett Seaman Justin mlen in the 113 and Richard Cubs in the 0 T Kenneth J jerson underneath the flag stand with four to Go Still leading the pack jerson Seaman and Melen two to go two more times Jimerson leading the pack Seaman and mclen still running one two three Here Comes mlen as ah Brad sean gets a little sideways coming out of two Justin mlen said I’ll take it over as the white flag is out one more time around

Coming out of turn four Here Comes Your Leader Here Comes Your winner into one one machine Kenneth Jimerson followed by Justin mlen and Brett Seaman green flag in the air and we are green flag Racing Kenneth Montgomery out to an early lead in that Double Nickel Kenneth Montgomery followed by the 23 of Brandon oh got a little of Fire coming from the back right here let’s throw a r out here we going to put a fire up we need our fire crew let’s go buddy as we got us a loose wheel like the old country songs goes

You pick the fine time to leave me loose Wheel our fireman right here from Cleveland Texas coming out I think axle gave up and it caused a little fire underneath there so he uh didn’t even really know that he was on fire until all of a sudden the wheel come off and his buttock started dragging

Oh little action going on right here in the factory stock everybody pulls up to me and says what happened what what what what’s going on what what happened I don’t don’t even think he knew he’s on fire oh is it I’ve been told that’s the the wheel off the 21

One more time seven laps to go here we go James Huff out there one of the older guys out there in the mix with him in that 91 machine as we can put a hat over there one two three Montgomery still out in front Moore and huff

Here Comes Brandon Moore as we drag race down the back straightway Brandon Moore on the low side the Double Nickel of K on the high side K comes out there side by side and the flags and nose to nose as we uh pick which one you like

Montgomery gets a little run coming down the back straightway here comes James Huff knocking on the back door here comes Brandon Moore one more time as we come under the flag stand by her Kenneth Montgomery in the Double Nickel I tell you what we got three cars

But they are putting on a heck of a race sometimes three cars race better than 19 of them out there so Moore coming down low one more time and it looks like Moore is your leader this time uh the bo says the Double Nickel but I see Brandon Moore taking it

Right here James Huff taking that 91 Kenneth Montgomery coming down low with three wide coming in here with two to go two more times Around Brandon Moore starting to stretch out that 23 machine Kenneth Montgomery hanging on that second spot we come under the flag stand with the white flag out one more Circle last chance to catch Brandon Moore it don’t look like it’s going to happen Brandon Moore taking it off into

Turn number three out of turn four he’s got him a checker flag and there is your winner with Kenneth Montgomery in second spot James Huff as we go green flag in the air J M Norton he got a couple of ponies in that 17 machine as he’s out to early lead and

Leads lap number one Danny Jackson into 2J on the high side field Dixon the 29 Jaden Pena as we got us a race here who we got Jason Pena did a another slide job in front of Phil Dixon I don’t know if Phil’s going to

Like that we’ll see if he returns the f as we come back knows to tail meanwhile Jesse mcard and Danny Jackson they had in front one and Two B Dixon trying to get up there with Jason Pia heyar the 17 is just to magnard starting to stretch his lead out Danny Jackson hanging in that second spot Jaden Pia in the 77 running in third and the 29 of Phil Dixon Junior Anderson in that 2J starting to become some lab traffic as we got two to go Jesse mcnorton running him closing down fast on him as we come out of the turn four with the white flag in the air one more time around magnon getting past the lab

Traffic as he takes that 17 to Winner Circle Here Comes Jaden Pena one more lap to go see if he does a slide job in front of Danny Jackson as we come out and Danny Jackson takes that second spot in the 2D but your winner as we got the green flag as here we Go Rob slot at in front a race for second spot of Paul Davis and Doug mendz Davis on the outside hanging on to that second spot Douglas Manz beside him and the 138 of Tim Height got us a good race for that second spot as Rob slot starts to spread his lead the number zero from Cleveland Texas Paul Davis and the 73 of Douglas mendz they have been running side by side good race no swapping paint oh look like menz slid up Davis now comes down

Low MZ way up high he wanted that high line here comes Davis up high see if he gots enough to Spight to get out of turn number two but under the flag stand with two to go rob slot for Ley MZ now hanging on to that second spot is Paul

Davis falls back to third coming up on some LA traffic of Tim hyp as the white flag is Out Rob slot down the back straightaway he’s got to back it down don’t know exactly way which M Heights going he comes underneath and got him a checkered flag on the St your winner Rob slot Douglas Mes in that second SP Paul Davis raning off your top Three the racing Min stock Racing Ry Ward after an early fast lead Riley Bard out knocking on that back door trying to catch up with them that’s Michael B Randy Ward gets out front he loves the lead and he’s doing that as we going to the FL down with 18 more laps to go Here Comes Lee pler in that number zero trying to get up to that third spot it’ll be the well-known triple up at the front here we got the we got the pregnant roller skape going around and around the green light time right now and we are a green light Randy Ward sticking it on we got a pair of vol dragons up at the front Lee Prader taking over that second spot from the 1 three3 of rally Ward it’s a three man race up here two Volkswagens and R Riley Bard as we are coming underneath the flag stand rard going on the outside 113 starting to make a move now we got a sandwich between two Volkswagen we got yell yell yell we got a

32 GRE flag in here one more time 15 laps to Go Riley Bard on the high side Lee Prader down on the low side Ry Bor trying to get that high side trying to get Randy war as he takes over that second Spot here comes Riley B the high side Randy Ward slams the door he hangs on to that first Place coming out of turn number two we got us the drag stand the back straight away here Randy L Riley Bard Riley board on that high side in the 113 all over the back bumper of Randy Ward Ry board got to shut it down again as he got too close to the wall

Coming down out of that back straight Away Riley B on the high side can he make it stick this time we got dag stand the back straight away it’s right above Randon l side by side Here Comes Riley board in the one3 he got us a new leader in the house Riley Boy Ry board riding at 113 right up over Cen he comes underneath the flag stand where I pass halfway nine more to go Rally board fighting still for that Lead underneath the flag stand we are still put away side by side r b still leading the leading this Parade Sean O’Neal in that number 30 making his presence now as he is up to that fourth spot started number seven fighting for that third spot as we Speak Ry Randy Ward coming up on some lab traffic we’ll see how that works as we go on the flag stand we got five more to go five more turns around Ry B Randy W Lee Prader and the number 30 of Sean O’Neal no going to get fun right here coming up on

Tra side by side underneath the flag stand Randy W down low R up high we’re going to split him and go high and low there some more traffic they say ah the 14 machine gets into the run run a mercy Riley Board gets pushed around that gives Randy Ward a chance to take

Over the lead come up to Mr to Blackman and Blackman gets all there left traffic always comes into comes into Factor as we got two to go two more times around Randy Ward is thinking all the lap traffic as we got the white flag in the air one more time around Randy [Applause]

Ward Raleigh board and Lee prer running in that third spot underneath the frag Stand Here Comes number one Ry W followed by Ry board Lee pter and the number 30 of Shan Sean O’Neal Volkswagen your winner Randy Ward come on Randy I I’m old too get up that

Ladder well I tell you thank goodness for lab traffic huh that was a heck of a race I tell you man everybody was right on your butt right here for a while uh you know you played it down low um Riley went up up high he got caught behind

Some of the 14s coming out of two out of four here got kind of sideways but uh with a little help but you after it’s all over you get the checkered flag who we thank for this thing uh I thank Lee Prader and my wife and uh all you

Fans it’s getting better every week there you go in the Volkswagen mobile your winnery hard shut up we going past the white line hold on to what you got 23 cars 20 laps green flag fly and here we go M Mar Mike Martin down the back straightway wayen turnmire in that second spot in the 16 here comes the 9 one one of Nathan April Butler in 191 and the 2J um Gage Jackson Mike Martin raen turnmire and Nathan rro Le in two3 oh we got one going R and R back on the back straightway yeah yeah yeah oh we got him all the way up on the wall here you go with green flag in the air turn Mar Morton

Rro all running up one two Three Mike Martin he loves this is where we got right upside down over here hold on to what you got Riv that’s the number four 47 machine of Preston Longacre yeah we got one on the other side over here I can’t see his number but apparently one of them got sideways

And the other uh said 0 that’s who that is I don’t have a z00 that I know of all right hold on to what you got we’re getting ready to jaw our false teeth if he’s got any false teeth oh hold on seat belt work work work had a

Boy yeah I tell you what our crew is working hard and heavy hurry up and start that it’ll still run three out of turn four green flag here we go Mike Martin getting a good leap as we go side by side drag racing down the back screen away Mike Martin on the

Inside oh got him almost turned sideways Mike wanted to go on the side anyway nothing on theide the one one April B up in the mix with that in that 191 Machine new leader under the fire stand the number five of M SM on the outside as what swaps out

April Butler doing a good job in one as she gets up in the mix with all these old bullets Here Comes Brandon Mo in the 23 as he gets up in the pile Gage Jackson the TJ we have got us a race right here ladies and gentlemen

Super super here comes all over the back of Mike Maron as we come into the flags to let him there to go Mike Mar and turn oh got one up on the fence so we can get him done with the caution come on down oh we got a caution you It turn number three goag and going this time Mike Martin Nathan rro April berer and whan turnmire Mike Martin down the back straightway Nathan R here here comes a for baller going R and around we pull and see right here we get Crossing we’re going to see where that caution is on it looked like the her in the one1 kind of got together I don’t as we go

Off into turn number three out of turn four green flag in Here Mike Martin Nathan Rimo Side by side Mike Martin Nathan r as we go the Mike Martin on the high side Nathan REO here comes to number 15 of JT Garland as Garland come out mwh he’s on last side trying to make thir work we’re going turn this in this ain’t going to

Work by here underneath the FL stand four wide seven to go JT Garin on the outside while they’re bumping and grinding Garin takes over the lead oh got him slid R around that well bring out a car from there bang got inside right here we’re starting the start Zone and here we

Go JT Garland Mike Martin running one and two Nathan rro Gage Jackson three and Four five more to go five more times a It’s still JT g m Martin Nathan rro running one two three under the flag stand with three to go JT G Two to go P returns around JT Garden starting his stretch that lead out white flag is out one more time around JT Garland Mike Martin Nathan rro Gage Jackson there’s JT G Follow by Mar Nathan Roo He said excuse me I’m going around the outside and he did there he is JT gan Come on up here JT watch your head there I tell you what heck of a race right here you had uh them fast cars up there Mike Martin and all them guys was fighting for that first place you said excuse me I’m going to get on the high side you got on the

High side said bye see you heck of a good race you get the second flag who do we thank for this thing first of all I got to thank Tyler Moore for letting me drive it uh he’s super awesome guy uh my wife uh my mom and dad uh my daughter uh

They kind of playing cat Mouse on the bottom they left the top open for me so I took it congratulation and by the way the Astros won JT Garland that’s his name RAC Jason Downing having to hold up a little bit as he comes after to an early lead down the back straight away underneath the flag stand Jason Bu from and four of Caleb got one going one going over the fence oh hold on what you got

Three out of four green flag in here one more time we green Flag Jason Downing still out to early lead Here Comes Justin Collins taking over that second spot from another Gat second spot Here Comes Kay sail in the $4 sign as he is down low trying to take over first Jin got them all going around left and right as the yell yella comes out we are ready to go green flag in the air we are back green flag racing Edward Oaks taking over that third spot in the 53 as we got side our time and Bubba Gates running for that second spot everybody’s still chasing Jason ding as he starts to spread the lead about seven eight car LS 15 more to Go Jason D starting to spr his lead as he goes on the flag with 14 to Go as he starts to get that 16 war machine running mighty mighty soon he said he’s been working on that car and it’s looking good tonight Jason coming up from at second spot Edward Oaks and Justin cin ring off your top Five Dy gets past some L traffic here comes de Gat trying to work his way through as he go under the 11 under the flag stand halfway halfway to go Downing keeping his way out every L he picks up another Laker two under the flag with to go it’s B Gates terer oats and CS chasing down and picking him up and putting him down 64 machine looking M good tonight as he starts to SP his leap And under the black stand one more time more to go come on keep itan the Jason Downey coming up on some high Traffic Bubba Gates down beside him trying to reel him in as Gates and S go side by side fighting for that second spot I have to go five more C It’s still burning Gates saure oats and Collins with four to Go we got one that’s stopped on the high side here we go more as We Caleb say you he takes over that second spot as he squeezes in Ed taking over the four Spot look like a little bit of smoke coming out of another Gates number 16 but meanwhile with two labs to go play and ding got got him some clean trying to take it to the house one more lap to go got one lap make sure Jason can get by him he

Goes on the last half coming out of turn number four and here will in the 164 jaon and Just Ron Skinner out here tonight good to see you man I heard that you had your back was kind of messed up a little bit Ron Skinner you want the photos for ever and ever he will get them for you right here Jason Danning he is your

Winner get this young gun to come up here and talk with me watch your head good job right here I tell you you told me that you’ve been working on the car trying to get this out whatever y’all did y’all have hit it tonight because that thing was on a rail

Look good all night long Catch Me If You Can nobody had anything for you who all do we thank for of this uh first and foremost uh I got to give a shout out to C he’s actually the one that kind of led me on to switching IRP and everybody

Questioned us because we had a fast car like man we got something just let me get past this luck man we went through so much crap with this this feels good a big shout out to Rack suspension Ray alen konic seven days a week alcohol he’s answering I love that guy uh

Hellfire Racing Engines David D he I don’t pay for my engine stuff he keeps us going that I showed it tonight but uh Supreme vinyl Works repipe Pros does a ton for us webs Towing and Recovery Stars Motorsports C Racing Platinum construction shyo Joe Motorsports my mom

And dad window PR of Texas S&B telling I’m sorry I might be repeating some but it’s been a while I ain’t R to RAC in 3 months but uh big shout out to my wife and our newborn this first win since she’s been here but thank you all for

Staying and you’re size 12 foot to push that pedal good job Jason Downing for green flag in here here we go racing one more time Factory stock Racing oh got a dog p over in turn one and two break it down break it down hey hey heyy where you going green flag in here here we go green flag racing Kenneth jiz Jim Jimmerson out to an early lead as he’s got that 117 car rocking and a

Rolling underneath the flag stand lead lab number one 19 more to go got bobbing and weaving back in the back of this pack Jimmerson out in front behind Him Brandon Mo running in that Kenneth Jimerson coming out leading the the pack as we got 16 more to go Dron ground behind him that’s Brandon Moore in that third spot Justin mlan running in the fourth as we go with 15 more laps to Go He’s on my real who who is on my Real are you on my ra we don’t get on my RA are y’all on my whe y’all got to get off of my whe thank You all right I cleaned them all out that’s what I’m talking about Jimerson said oh he’s starting up here look like a jump start from here he’s not going to like that start yeah he jump well I tell you what turn number three right past that cone right there he can

Start anytime and he does and we are green flag and here we are back Factory stock racing Kenneth Jimerson making his way back up to to the front of this pack as he’s side by side with Drayton gah Jaden paa in that third spot in the 16

Machine as we got one coming into the infield James Bryant making his way from 10th up to Fourth as we speak right here rounding off your top five Brandon Moore in the 23 halfway home 10 laps to gu jayen Graham Kenneth Jimerson got the number 75 machine of Matthew Cel senior got a flat tire almost went up on the wall meanwhile Graham jerson and Pena still running 1 two three Kenneth J Jimerson lining him up sizing him up seeing if he’s got anything left for Dron Graham making a move down low jerson

Coming out almost side by side as he shows a bender up to a quarter panel down the back straightway it’s still grim jerson as we got a yell we got James Bryant on the back James Bryant got something a lot of smoke coming from underneath that hood

As all of a sudden he run back out green flag in the air here we go back green flag Racing coming under the flag stand five more to go Dron Graham Kenneth Jimerson and Jaden paa Brandon Moore as we start to make a move Graham trying to hold him off as we come up high and under the flag stand one more time still leading the parade with four to Go Dron Graham got three more laps to go get him a checker flag on his stick Kenneth Jimerson I believe is just sizing him up waiting until the last minute to find him a hole to jump into out of four two to go Around dren gaham still leading as we go off into turn three one more lap white flag is out Dron Graham Kenneth J Jamerson gerson’s got one more shot at it right here can he do it another L and Dr is in number 66 good race good race right

There Bren Graham I think he makes it two in a row that two for him two in a row it Dron gaham getting have the car right here drive the 66 make it two in a Row hey here you go Dron Dron let’s go I’m up here lonely all by myself Dron I got to talk to you bud one of the up and cominging Young Guns right here Drayton Graham I tell you what you won a couple of weeks ago you had so much fun you

Want to win again huh yes sir yeah it’s a blast man oh uh Kenneth all over you right there he was he was knocking on your back door you said no it’s my race I’m going to get two in a row who do we thank for this thing I want to thank my

Mom my brother my aunt camera Steve my girlfriend my sisters just a lot of people for this and just thank y’ for coming out we really appreciate it Dron Graham that’s his name good job going green flag it is Street stop Racer out in front Rob slot in that 48 machine followed by Jesse mcnorton Danny Jackson Jon paa and the 29 Ofon going to go all the way green to chck I put it in the blood Rob from new slot machine sh as he goes on to the flag stand leading this pack one more time Jesse mcnorton trying to lead get up and reel him in from De mag Norton D Jesse mnon on the high side a lot of smoke coming out of M B’s car as he comes down the back straightway Jesse mag on the high time as we got a lot of smoke coming out this ma got to break the Stu Doug Mendez in that 73 got a lot of smoke look like a break drum something sticking on it there a bunch of Sparks and we definitely appreciate him spraying for mosquitoes as he goes around and we got our fire crew checking him out got a good race up at the front of

This Jesse mcnorton Rob slot sets a fast pace he never gets called for jumping the star because he was running wide open it’s magnard and Slot W they got R all the way up that’s a 7 seven this one of Jaden p as he got up in the marbles he

Is upside down not s who is it S1 oh my bad that’s s Santos the 71 machine there’s p over there yeah I talked to this gentleman earlier right here and he uh he just got up in that what we called the marble the gunch that

Car just continued to go up against the wall it did a full pouette our driver is okay thank you Steve back straight away off in the turn number three one more time 14 left to go green flag in a stre spot Rob slot down magn up High Here Comes Danny Jackson on the

Outside and that turn D car Dixon in the 29 down low as he takes over W hold on and what he got here we got him all tangled up as Jay is out and we are back street star Jesse magn Rob slot running one and two coming

Under the flag stand we got a dozen more 12 More Jessy mcnorton Rob slot Phil Dixon Danny Jackson and the Z machine of Paul Davis halfway home coming under the flag stand we got nine more Circle more times around The front of the pack Mt Norton and schot coming up to some live traffic we’ll see how that big is into the equation here seven more laps to go Jesse mcnorton Rob slot Phil Dixon Danny Jackson and Paul Davis oh that traffic slow to mdon there a little bit that gives Rob slot a chance to re him In junior Anderson back of this pack in the two machine as he gets lap as we come under the flag down with four to Go underneath the flag stand the 17o Jesse mcnorton R slot hanging on to that first spot Phil Dixon Danny Jackson and the zero Paul Davis out of turn four two more laps to go two more times around Jesse mag Norton mag Norton V watering White flags in the air one more time mik

Slot Dixon Jackson and Davis there is the winner in 17m Jesse mcnorton all by Rob slide Phil Dixon Danny Jackson and Paul Davis hey it’ll stop when it runs over that four-wheeler back there huh [Laughter] Robert get this old man up here by this old man I tell you Jesse heck of a run there I tell you oh Rob had a little bit for you right there you passed him about the

Fourth or fifth lap and said it’s my race we’ll see you later on who are do we thank for this thing I want to thank Joey Smith for getting my car back uh where I can drive it Innovative race cars and everybody for coming out tonight Jesse mcnorton that’s his name

Congratulations Jesse all right hey that ends it up tonight right here y’all come back next week we’re going to do it again we’re going to have some fun fun fun right here 10 five Speedway

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