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Rangers @ Lightning 12/30 | NHL Highlights 2023

Extended highlights of the New York Rangers at the Tampa Bay Lightning

As that one bounced right back to COV and up  ahead now is Dick perck perck centering pass   redirected by the Rangers and a lead pass up the  ice stepping in it’s a two on0 across they score  

Artmi panarin an odd man rush and the Rangers did  not miss less than two minutes in it’s one nothing   the show for the New York Rangers tough lock there  for Victor hman he just blows a tire at exactly  

The wrong time the crossy pass and the timing is  perfect tro is having an outstanding season and   when you’re having a big season some luck follows  you that was pure luck takes advantage of headman   makes the pass at exactly the right time panan  is ready here’s mod the backjack L forier try  

To tuck it in pad down with vasilki Rangers with  some pressure here into the corner swep around   by tro troble with a drive save rebound they  score Vincent troch tucks it home and it is two nothing get the puck inside the Zone use your  pointment and then go to the net really hard  

Look at the lightning blue shirts lots of guys  back how are you going to play When the puck   comes from the point are you going to pick guys  up ahead of time it’s a 2on one in front of the  

Net Victor Hedman got stranded out on that left  side there and never got back to the front of   the net in time he lost his man there and it was  troch he was with troch for a second perix is in  

Front of the net he’s got a man tied up but  he can only take one and it’s the extra Guy   the two-on one that wins it there b centers it  that one’s into this gate but picked up by aimont  

Aimont cut back move then another one he throws  it back up top here’s danan his Drive stopped by   just Sten rebound picked up by Ayan raer and he  scores Mikey gets the liing on the board and it’s

2-1 referee had his hand up in the air was going  to call a penalty I’m not sure on who I think it   was on the Rangers but what they’re saying is  I think that there was interference on their

Goenda and from that line asmon’s really good  Around the Net he’s got quick feet we’ve seen   him do these wraparound before that one was  in cleanly they’ll be looking at this though   there’s the Collision in the crease area but  that’s not what pushed shurin out of the net  

In my view at least he ended up four or five ft  outside the paint and had to recover so far to   The Far Side there’s another look at it see  look at sherka sh Jen goes there of his own  

Accord that shouldn’t be a problem for me that  should be fine this should this goal should stand Brandon blandina and Peter McDougall Are  the referees here tonight they are on the headset   with the Situation Room in Toronto looking  at this one and I got to agree with you that  

Sherka did push away from the goal yeah at the  conclusion of that play that that part made no   sense to me now of course gold was scored so he’s  going to complain and yes he bumped into that’s  

Very easy to see but did it have a bearing  on the goal to me more of a bearing was the   fact that he pushed out here we go after coach’s  challenge video review it was determined there was

Goenda into the line lead for aimon his drive  and a glove save made by shurin aimon with a   quick shot he’s had a couple of great chances  tonight and now it’s a breakaway pass barklay   goodro in stopped by basoski he clears the  rebound back up the ice hay flurry calling  

Forward is Hegel on the right side stops HS on in  for Celli back to chck and shoots save by shurkin   here’s Hond gathers the puck he’ll bang it back  to points and point picks up some speed down  

The right side stops up leaves it for COV krov  sweeps his way in and they set up flip pass back   to Heaven here St goes save rebound another one  for Point Pucket still lose St goes across shoots

Star there it is Nik CRA gets the lightning  on the board 21 they were just not going to   be stopped here I think lingren made a save  here I thought oh my goodness how did this   not go in braid point right there I think  lingren made that Save Right outside the  

Crease area but the lightning don’t stop and  that’s the key stamp go is quick to jump on   it there’s the play lingren is down and out the  goal tender is down and out he’s pushed off to  

One side and right out of it lingren tries  to play goenda finds a way to go five hole   being tipped of the way through so it goes  all the way into the Rangers corner9 mod up   there along with Brandon Hegel now Celli gets  after the corner Rangers dump it down here’s  

Potential two-on-one tro puts it across shot  scores Chris krider answers right back for New York this was a set play by the Rangers and the  lightning Defenders didn’t recognize a quick   clean up corner and this is a flip play gan’s not  looking at what’s coming at him radish is but it’s  

Another outnumbered attack and the execution is  perfect tro who has been just on fire the entire   season and was having a heck of a game again that  is as good a pass as you can make little bit of an  

Aerial but it lands right on krider’s stick with  Pace KRA in the middle drops it off hangle inside   for Point never got the rebound headman and shurin  came way out shot from Jano was blocked tro Park  

Is really bouncing around all over the place and  now here comes paner V era trying to get loose scores our timy panan with an absolute dagger  here in the third period in the ranger Zone   they look like they were going to keep it in  the zone and then there’s chernak who ends  

Up getting crossed over on the left side which  leaves headman backing everybody up well that’s   what he had to do with back up and when you  have that big a gap Panera knows exactly how   to use it see how he protects the puck Victor  did pretty much everything he could do and  

Then Panera just makes a beautiful shot hangs on  hangs on vasileski is they come in Over The Line   Savannah Jad was headed for the net that was cut  off by flurry lead pass up ahead for Paul Paul’s  

In oh he got it behind sh and it’s pulled off the  line there by wheeler getting the puck up quickly   from Zone Zone catches the Rangers Paul gets a  good bounce now Paul’s going to fight it right  

Into the crease area oh my goodness how did that  not go in and yeah it is fox fox comes and clears   it away with his glove nice little move how about  that save oh my goodness with the stick backwards  

And then that’s where he gets the help from  Fox who Scoops it out from off the line look   at that stick work talk about never giving up  on a play you can tell that he’s working with  

Jonath the quick as his Timmy paner with the  puck got a couple Tonight download to fox fox   in the corner back to paner paner to Fox Panera  shoots scores and it is a hatch trick for our timi

Paner it it didn’t really have to worry too  much about Fox there just stay out on paner   paner the one who had the best angle so  chernak probably should have stayed a   little more in the middle of the ice wait  to see if Fox is going to walk out of the  

Corner but that shot just handcuffs vasileski  I don’t think it was deflect star of the show   are Timmy panan with a hattick tonight and this  one is over 51 final for the New York Rangers


  1. The commentators yapping on whether the goal should stand or not got me furious. They never played tendy and don’t know that you can’t recover properly of an off balance save.

  2. I am NYR fan but I also dont understand how that challenge was good. Yes, there was interference at shot but than Igor went far from net. When I was watching MSG broadcast I was like – come on Sam and Joe, Igor went out and did not returned fast enough and nobody from Tampa was blocking him.

    anyway I am fine with the call and happy for W and hattrick for Breadman

  3. Congratulations to the New York Rangers. “You guys are playing Stanley Cup Championship hockey. You’re showing 100% tenacity and 100% effort. If this is how you are going to play, Lord Stanley is going to be in New York City this season. Outstanding game guys and I take my hat off to you!”

  4. that 4th goal was insane, stickin' with the puck to get it to Panarin! that's the Rangers I know!

  5. as a ranger fan i really like the lightning announcers. i agree the goal that got waved off shouldve stood. ill take it though lol. panarin is next level.

  6. boy this broadcast is bad. 1st rangers goal is "all luck" 2nd "bad call". took the 3rd goal to finally get some credit from these hack announcers.

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