THIS Is Why You Struggle Hitting Your Driver! Simple Fix!

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Many golfers struggle with their driver, and it could be due to a very common issue. In this video, George Connelly from Scratch Golf Tips breaks down what this issue is, and a great drill you can do to improve your driver swing!

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I’m George Conley with scratch golf tips now today we’re going to be talking about a specific move with driver that is a real game killer for a lot of people not only does it uh really help decrease your distance and your accuracy but just

General consistency in your ball striking is very negatively affected by this move so the move that I’m talking about is swaying off the ball called lateral sway so ideally with any club especially with driver we want our power and any energy in our golf spring to be built through rotation along the spinal

Axis right here the issue that a lot of people run into is they confuse this element of rotation with lateral or horizontal sway like so so if we’re thinking about our spine here as the center of the golf swing if we’re turning effectively that Center remains

Fairly constant if I put my golf club right here and that’s my center and I can rotate around it it’s going to continue to point to the center of my chest however if we’re swaying off the ball in this is my center and we’re starting like this look at where this

Club is it’s almost completely away from my torso and what that’s going to do is it’s going to change the low point of your golf swing so if my low point is right here and then I sway now it’s back here the weight transfer everything gets

Messed up so in order to diagnose this I would just film yourself swinging a golf club from this angle especially with driver because driver is where we see it the most and maybe if you can just draw a line on your screen or do whatever you

Can just to see okay this is my Center Point point and then at the top of my back swing I’m actually back here now and then you can diagnose the issue now let’s talk about a drill that we can do that can help us work away from this if

You’ve watched any videos on this channel you know how much of a fan I am of having a physical Blocker in the way of any golf swing so if you’re trying to swing uh a little bit more shallow put an alignment Rod right here so that you

If you hit it you you know exactly what you’re doing wrong we’re going to do the same premise here I’m going to be putting this alignment Rod vertically in the ground just stick it in and have it just a little bit I’d say this is about

An inch and a half 2 Ines behind my trail head so now if I take my stance up to a ball and I take the club away I can feel the outside of my right leg the trail leg of the golfer making contact with that and some people may actually

Feel the hip Hit it first but that is the initial way that you can see okay I’m I’m I’m I’m swaying here I I have a little bit of horizontal sway this is going to always occur in the takeaway move right here and you’re also with that sway because your body is Shifting

You’re going to feel less weight on your lead side and again that’s part of the reason that this is so common with the driver because with irons people actually may sway forward with the driver because you’re hitting up on the ball and the weight isn’t nearly as

Forward that’s when you’re going to hit this alignment Rod as with most changes in your golf swing I wouldn’t just take a driver put this in the ground and just start swinging full speed I would make an effort on the driving range to do some slower swings so if you’re here and

Your slow swing just naturally bends into the into the alignment rod on your right side I would just really focus and even putting this club down right along the center of your spine I would just focus on working on this rotationally now people have different feelings for proper rotation for me especially with

My driver swing I’ve always felt it in my shoulders once I feel this back shoulder for a right-handed golf your right shoulder I just want to take it away I just want to have it pinned back and away from me and when when that’s pinned and you can keep neutral weight

Positioning then you’re going to be able to eliminate this way because this is where your power is going to come from it’s also going to come from the hip rotation not the hip sway the sway does the exact opposite of what we want to do so try something as simple as putting

This alignment rod on the ground and holding a club or even if you have two alignment rods put another alignment Rod right here just so that you can feel the axis on which you wish to rotate I’d love to hear your thoughts on this I know that a lot of people struggle with

The sway but not a lot of people necessarily know how to approach fixing it so I hope that this video helped you out if you did enjoy it please like the video and subscribe to the scratch golf tips YouTube channel for more I’d also like to remind anyone if you would like

Your swing analyzed by me you can subscribe to the scratch golf tips Instagram account it’s $10 a month you can cancel at any time and you also get access to weekly content that’s a little bit more long form than what you’ll normally see on the Instagram so if

You’re looking to improve your golf game that’s a great way to do so thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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