Tiger Woods 2000 Vs Tiger Woods 2023 Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Tiger Woods 2000 Vs Tiger Woods 2023 Swing Analysis Slow Motion
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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Tiger wood swing has changed dramatically over the years primarily due to injury but he’s also changed it due to switching coaches so we’ve got his 2023 swing on the left 2000 swing on the right so setup actually pretty similar you’ve got similar amounts of knee Bend similar amounts of tilt as the

Thorax very very similar at a dress grips pretty similar very similar address so that’s about it though so let’s take the 2023 swing back to the takeaway so let’s have a look here this is where we’ll see a lot of changes so if we look at 2000 you’ll see that the

Hands work more out this way the shaft is still outside of his hands but in 2023 you’ll notice his hands work more on a straight line back there you go the shaft is still out which is very similar to 2000 but you can see on 2000 those hands have just moved way more

Outside than what it is in 2023 and the other thing we’ll note is that those hips have moved a little bit more back more rotation through those hips that’s just due to the back surgeries and he just can’t rotate like he does as a 24y old in 2000 so big big

Change there you can see how his hands are more under the shoulder whereas here they’re more out I know it’s a slightly different camera angle but you can quite clearly see when you see tiger that his swing is much more around him look at the difference look at the distance

Between his hips there in 2023 and 2000 so big difference there as we move it back he’s similar in terms of the amount of wrist set he gets a little bit of bump to the right side as we see in 2000 now the big difference there

Because of the position in I’ll get them at the same point because of the difference in the takeaway you’ll see how his hands are much more to the left hand side of his body whereas here they’re much more in the middle of his chest so big big change there you’ll

Also see look how you can see much more of his belt buckle cuz those hips have rotated more as we take him up to the top you’ll see a much flatter arm plane so you can see his hand arms are much more sort of level with his um shoulder

Plane at the top whereas in 2000 get rid of those lines for us you’ll see he gets up to the top very very different position he’s got probably less hip turn he’s got definitely more shoulder turn and the position of the hands are very different much higher Hands Club face is

A little bit more short if we look on here probably a little bit more open and then we’ll have a look at some other differences one being that right arm position you can see in 2000 that right arm is a little bit more tucked where it

Is in 2023 that right arm is a little bit more out you can see in 2000 he’s got a lot more width than 2023 primarily due to his injuries he’s had loads of back surgery that ankle’s fused he just can’t rotate as much which drastically changes that top of the back

Swing position you can you’ll also note just by the position of the club how much longer the swing is in 2000 very very different but that’s just due to the injuries and his age what we will notice though quite similar is look he still manages that little squat sit

Down that tiger add in 2000 see that he’s still maintained that admittedly probably with the less athleticism less speed than 2000 again due to the injuries and age do you know he’s nearly 50 now so let’s bring him down a couple of frames usually because let’s bring him down there we go

You’ll see that again because of that that arm position those hands being higher those hands are a little bit more in front of him than 2023 hands are a little bit more behind him that right elbow is a little bit more behind you’ll see how he’s got more

Flex in his right knee especially again due to that issue around his Trail ankle being fused you can see how he’s a little bit more up on the heel into 2,000 just because he can push off the ground more with that right foot so we’ll bring him a few more frames down

Let’s see the differences so let’s get him lead arm parallel to the ground you can see how the shaft’s a little bit flatter he’s a little bit more rotated through those hips you can see how you can see more of that right right but cheek whereas in 2023 his hips some more

Level just again because he’s got that few spine he’s just not able to create disassociation between the upper and the lower body so there’s less of a hip drive you can also see how there’s less of a knee drive through that right knee and there’s less again of pushing

Through that right foot bring him a couple more frames down try and get them at the same point and again you’ll see some very different moves here you’ll we’ll see that right foot again is a little bit more down that right knee is less driving forward just because he’s

Not got that ability and that mobility and that trail foot see how that right knee is really driving towards the ball he’s actually probably a little bit more closed in 2000 than he is in 2023 maybe just because I can’t quite get the frame so I’m not confident in

Saying that is actually the case but you could say that but you can see here very very different I mean he’ll try and put him just post impact you can see how much of a difference there is there he’s a lot more drive up through that trail foot

TIG is very right sided look look on 2000 how much he can see of his rear end whereas in 20 23 you can’t see as much he’s really driving off that right side and then let’s bring him couple more frames you’ll really see the difference here how much further he exits left in

2023 whereas in 200 he’s much more down the line with that release look at the difference in that foot position look how that right knee is pretty much touch him with the left you can see again the butt there and you can see how far extended those arms are very very

Different very much a 24y old swing on the right and then we’ll bring it up you get to see big difference here again so similar position you can see how much more those hands have exited above the left shoulder whereas those hands are exiting left of the the left shoulder

You can see the difference in that foot position how much more planted it is and how much more he’s jumped up off the ground and created that push off the right side in 2000 we’ll bring him up a couple more frames and again you’ll see how much more it’s around the botom

That left arm is more out rather than here it’s more up above his shoulder you can see that foot position bring him up to similar position again look at the difference in the width there between those two positions in the hands how much higher they are from the shoulders

Than in 2023 and you can see how much more side Bend he’s got through 2,000 he can’t physically side Bend as much with that fuse back so he’s a little bit more up right that knee is a little bit more sort of flexed and that foot’s just is

Almost cemented in place because it’s fused whereas there is a lot more Mobility through that trail ankle in 2000 bring him up to the top of the finish of the swing and you can see there much more gap between the arms in 2023 much more upright position of his

Body just because of that few spine bring him up to the Finish you can you’ll see how bolt upright tiger is in 2023 as opposed here you’d see a lot more curve through the spine he’s just not got the mobility now to do that and you can just see how much more he’s

Pushed up and how much more he’s rotated with that club than in 2023 you can see the clubs more facing at the ball where is in 2000 it’s facing down the target line very very different swings but considering he’s had about 20 surgeries this 2023 swing is very very

Good just not going to be as powerful as 2000 swing where he was free from injury a lot more width a lot more drive but this 2023 swing is still good enough to win on the PGA tour


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