INSANE Wedge Fitting Discovery!

This wedge fitting at Cool Clubs will change my game forever!


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We’re out here at cool clubs Jack is going to hook us up with a wedge fitting I see I got the ell wedges but I never got fit for them and there’s so much going on here that we needed to come out and get a pro like you to help us out

Yeah we’re going to literally go from top to bottom we’re going to get you into a gap wedge a sandwich and a l wedge cuz that’s kind of the layout you’ve got right now yeah uh we’re going to dial in you know the the bounce the

Soul grind um I’ve even got a golf shaft here to match up for you so we can make sure that it’s going to feel and spin like your existing wedges and uh if we need to go even further than that and do any bending and grinding we can exciting

All right where do we start let’s start with The Gap Wich so full shot first yep okay sometimes I’ll thin it a lot okay this one in particular so is it just the Club Hitting high on the ball or are you hitting a bit of ground first and it

Ricochet up into the ball do you get that feeling usually I I think it’s a former where where I just thin it like that one was pretty good but I felt it was a little p okay so we want to look at um you know somewhat so sha profile

Can affect that a little bit L angle and then length if it’s obviously too short you know you can’t get down into it L angle could be either cuz people react slightly differently to L angle okay that was pretty crispy there yeah so you’re quite shallow your average

Angle of attack is kind of 2 3° down okay not good or bad it just is what it is right yeah um and you’re carrying it now around 105 yards okay um so we currently have 52 in I do like a 50 so we’re going to hit the

50 right now you know today’s conditions and what you’ve told me I’m actually going to give you the tea grind and the tea grind’s got a pretty interesting so you can see how the the Leading Edge has been ground away there then you’ve got another set of Bounce and then you’ve

Got the trailing Edge heel and Tow relief too super versatile wedge okay but kind of Slimmer uh lower bounce than what you’ve got right now so maybe that helps you get under the ball a little more tea grind here this is the tea grind got it

And you actually took a little less Turf then but it wasn’t thin right no yeah the B shots I hit felt great okay a lot better than the other one they didn’t the other one felt really um like I could feel the the shot in my hands like

Little viation yeah but it was probably those thin shots that was doing it so you did take a little more diot there yeah I went down after that probably hit behind that one a little oh and this is fine It Go in the ground a little more what

We wanted M so let’s go with the D grind D grind is even more interesting so you see this huge Channel kind of carved out wow so it’s variable bounce this is very little bounce but then you go through and out into this this behaves like a

Huge huge bounce so I think this is going to be good for your full shot but might be a little tougher cuz you can see on the back Edge there it’s not quite the same shape in in the heel in the back Edge to lay it down so it’s

Almost like hey we’ve got like 8° and 12° yeah I think it’s probably even more than that in the backside there but yeah it is exactly that concept okay love that that’s the sound that we’re looking for basically you want people to take a divot but you don’t

Want to feel the Leading Edge dragging you don’t want to feel the club ricocheting so it’s like this perfect skid through the ball where you where you peel up a little bit of the layer but you get good contact okay yeah that one felt really

Good so this one for me is much cleaner through the turf every single time 100% so last one we’ll try in the in the 50° is C and generally C almost every Brand’s got this version it’s just that half moon shape through there like the letter SE it’s just a bit wider than

That last D grind through the center here you can see how there’s not that aggressive Channel through the middle but this still has some nice camber on the Leading Edge so I’ve got some high hopes for this one too okay nice better worse or the same as the

D it felt good I like the feel the ball turned hard it did turn a lot a lot more and and actually you can see there that that divot isn’t quite as deep as the others so maybe that’s the club skidding through quicker and you can see this off

Mats sometimes Club skids off the surface and shuts and there that’s why you may get that left shot so this could be too high a bounce or bounce in the in the wrong spot for you that was a little better right you got at it into the ground and then you

Held your your start loine much cleaner yeah I mean it went straight but it was skinny again right yeah it’s funny like you could see it on the face they’re lower on the face than yeah the previous one I like that yeah the I I like the heel action in

This this yeah for sure when I open the face so this is the exciting thing that we could do now like if we’ve get a little bit more out of the D as an allrounder I can just knock a tiny bit more out of the heel in the D grind with

A grinder so then when I get the open face it’s it’s perfect for you yeah so what you felt was that the heel in in the C felt a bit better than in the D uh and you can see basically the SE grind just tapers away a little

Quicker there yeah so all I could do is kind of knock a tiny tiny bit out of that heel with the uh with the D grind and hopefully then you get the benefit of the higher bounce for full shot and the ability to open the face a little

Cleaner on the on that half yeah that’s great okay awesome but what I do want to do now is let’s say that the D is our home okay and we’ve got also with the Dell you’ve got this awesome weighting system it’s really interesting to watch like you don’t know what’s going to

Happen but essentially you’ve got heavy weight in the center at the moment and then even lighter weights on the outside you can alternate these between heel and toe some people you know it biases towards more draw phade some people just feel it strikes better some people just

Hit to ball speed or spin change so really is a lot of VAR variables that will occur but we should at least mess around with them and see what what’s yours great I know a lot of people think like oh that tiny bit of weight wouldn’t make a big difference or it wouldn’t

Matter at all but what do you see in terms of moving that that weight around so I would think that we would see um if we if we threw the weight towards the toe you’re going to have more forgiveness there’s more mass behind your toe shots if you do hit more toe

Shots definitely going to be a little more stable maybe a little more ball speed out of that area and also not that you get much gear effect out of an iron or a wedge but it will certainly change the CG enough that you might feel like you can turn it over or

Hold it off a little more depending on where that weight is so shot shape and then and then ball speed feel spin off the face okay which we’ve got track man for so we’ll be able to measure so all no and this is going to be the similar

For all wedges you can just see your strike patterns there a little bit more towards the toe that’s generally a byproduct just opening the face and cutting across it which good players do so if you put more mass there it could help that that shot so like I said it really is a

50/50 so I still love that divot you know shallow but through the ground perfect held its Target line really nice there that was yeah and look I mean it’s I guess a tiny on the toe tiny bit towards the toe so in that case any especially with a fuller shot anytime we

Can put a little more mass behind that that’s awesome it’s going to help great again that pretty damn good there that felt good I may have to change my bet I don’t know all right what we do oh okay so I’ll just flip the weight around

So you had you had the heavy weight in the uh in the toe and now you gone towards the heel okay so I love what we just saw with the toe weight yeah but maybe the heel is going to be a bit better okay just any anything you can

Say about feel there is is going to be good too okay interesting and now I know I hit that on the toe actually wasn’t that bad wasn’t that bad got be getting cheaper now yeah would be great to have didn’t love that as much right no well it turn

It it turned it turned turned left well that makes sense you got it’s got more heel weight it’s easier to shut it down to rotate faster the CG is closer to the shaft means your closure rate increases and that one and this is thing you a little block and it still didn’t

Go right though no it’s a good shot but you h that intentionally because you saw the first one and then that was even further right than the good shot right so I either like the center or the toe right now okay you want to flip back to

The center one more time yeah let’s try the center one more even that’s turning over a little more than the other mhm not bad I mean I love the turf I think we’ve nailed the grind grind feels amazing I like that Y and thetion is awesome that’s perfect difference

I think i’ would set it up in the toe first I like that and then if you want to swing it back it’s only going to the center it’s never going any further towards the heel right okay all right so now we’re going to go through the exact

Same process with our 54 degree wedge and get that dialed in and then we’re going to move down to the short game so lot of shots it’s a lot of shots but it you know this is the scoring end of the game so it pays off okay all right try

And hit a mid shot you know or your most common shot that you would hit to that back pin back and just feel that Turf interaction and then we should play around with flight a little bit can you hit it high can you hit it low okay so

Use like my 60 or whatever uh this is going to be your 50 well your existing 56 to be which is going to be a 54 just so we got the gaping correct and the full shots and just look how see how you’ve got that face set up there yeah open

Heels down like that’s what we’re paying attention to that’s what we need to build into the wedge love that so this is a SE grind that you’ve got in here yeah so very aggressive off the heel and it’ll do a very different SE grind in the sense of

The center of the wedge has actually got quite a lot of bounce back in the middle there so let’s just test one thing with yours okay can you hit it high and soft like very high very soft landing and like a shorter shot with it shorter like

To this first one yeah maybe like cuz that’s what that’s what the high bounce is going to hurt you with okay but you did it just nice so that that to me says that I mean this is actually a good w as a there you can lay that thing down

Open it up You’ hit that midot this is a 54d it matches that 50° that we’ve gone with see if you can play those same shots with that if there’s any better interesting I do like that you like that I mean it come out a little lower yeah

So maybe the bounce kind of got that striker in in in a different place on the face oh that felt good I was so those two are about as good as you can hit I know right okay turn this one try and hit a little lower one so this might be a more

Common shot You’ play with this right yeah like a low chasy one or a low checky one oh man obviously you know this is going to come out a little quicker than yours with 54° going to run out a little more but you’ve just hit three of excellent shots there with that that

Style wedge yeah and so what you’re testing is the first one is you know you’re natural uhhuh the second one is you’re opening up putting the third one is trying to present a bit Leading Edge just to see if we get all of that so in use does it work for you

Yeah and I do really like got going on there that felt really good let’s try the T here too okay just in case so the T has got you know the ability still so you got Leading Edge relief for the lower one trailing Edge and heel for the higher

One but this D grind looks good and what I do like about the D grind and listening to where you play most of your golf in those wet conditions with that variable high bounce in the middle it’s going to help okay I mean that jeez the result was

Awesome but you see how that pulled up a little more grass yeah so this is a little lower bounce well it bounce in a different place should I say okay and that is the perfect example right lower bounce Leading Edge of there so that thing just goes straight under

The ball and you don’t get to gauge your distance quite right m m again I I really like that de grind I love the de grind yeah it seems like the winner it’s interesting once you hit a couple you can immediately tell like yes that’s and like that’s good but it

You’re right it digs just a little bit here on the what Bermuda yeah you know dormant Bermuda it’s a little easier but you get on a soft soft ground wet ground kakuyu grass there there’s all these different things that show up and it should be tailor to everyone’s gam wedge

Fitting so so important and it’s so individual so let’s do same thing 58 so we’ve gone with 4° gap increments just to ensure your so that’s a standard gapping is 4° mostly yeah I mean it depends on your speed as well um and some people I I kind of pick the the lob

Wedge bounce on confidence some people don’t have much confidence in a 60° so you just back them up to a 58 and for whatever that is it might be you know psychology or whatever but people feel more confident and then other times it’s purely about the distance I want my Gap

W to go this far my sand W to go this far my LOB w this far so just feeling the player out understanding what they need and what they want okay I like your your wedge right now the the P grind it’s a nice flat kind of wide sole

Nothing crazy going on which is good for lots of sand wet ground um but in in conditions like this when it gets a bit tighter gets a bit harder this is going to Ricochet off the ground this is going to Ricochet so it’s hard to get under

The ball so I’ve bought two wedges down which aren’t really low bounce cuz we know that’s not going to suit your day-to-day conditions right but might be a little more versatile for areas like this okay so let’s see your your standard shot we just got a pin over

Here um somewhere nearly nearly flat I was going to bring you down here just so not up slope or down slope okay stand I like the up slopes better me too good and I’m I’m watching for a few things here so the ball was roughly here yeah your entry Point’s here way that

Back there which I mean not good or bad right it’s just it’s just something to note where where you’re striking it and what the club wants to do through that area okay so try something like this I’ve given you a c grind this isn’t something that we’ve used throughout the bag just yet

We Ed D predominantly yeah so C has got really good heel relief so you should be able to lay it open and it’s and it’s tighter through the heel so you’ll be able to feel it dig into the sand a bit more ah wa so ball was here strike was

Here you hit a little rock or something under there so it bounced on you but you actually still got under the ball yeah a little behind behind it y but you can just and and you you feel it behind it because you feel it pulling more sand

With you right it’s digging in a little more so we just got to figure out whether that’s a consistent and a good feeling or that’s digging too much that felt pretty good that’s nice and then there it’s much close it’s much tighter strike position right you’re not

As far behind the golf ball that was like 3 or 4 in y the other one was six or seven y okay well let’s give you the other one before you get too used to the same thing right good player you’ll figure it out pretty quick so okay I really like

This in the bunkers too cuz this that big Channel gives you so much bounce on the backage so at home and in heavier conditions you’re going to help but with this with this slim Leading Edge you you’ll be able to dig that under the ball different yeah took a bit more sand

Took more sand good bad I it felt pretty good okay like although I took more sand it didn’t feel like it dug right perfect I mean that that’s perfect right there yeah you like that feeling and you L you laid that thing way way down yeah I was

Really trying to get it as laid open as possible there it is nice do you honestly believe this is better than your existing 100% yes perfect yeah cuz I can’t lay that open as well as I can with that one on the tighter stuff yeah yeah okay well let’s hit some of these

Off the grass okay and uh see what we get oh nice yeah so good and this is the one that you should test off the little bit harder ground again and try to hit that very very high shot lay yeah exactly like that just lay it open and go right here

Oh yeah you can’t ask for more than that that’s that’s perfect the only wedge that we might change a little bit for exactly stock is the 50 yeah peel a little bit off that yeah that heel on that trailing Edge for you awesome there’s your edel wedge fitting

Jack you guys do a spectacular job here at cool clubs thank you when you got tools like Adele give us uh it makes my job easier and when you got a guy like you can hit everywh shot in the bag it’s really fun to watch them all get shuck

Appreciate it awesome thanks my friend thanks man all right love you guys see you soon


  1. I watched your vid when you got the new Edel clubs and was waiting for a fitting video. I have been looking at Edel clubs for the past 3 months. From what I have read about them they look awesome. Thanks for sharing the fitting experience.

  2. This looks so worth it! I bought Cleveland straight off the rack only because I used them in the past. These look like great clubs, but they really require a thorough fitting to get the most from them. How do you find a place to do a fitting like you just did?

  3. any reason you do not take divots in a straight liner? vs the patch? Most superintendents prefer the line as the grass recovers better.

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