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Clash Of The Podcasts Episode 70 | Predictions for 2024

#WWE #AEW #aewworldsend

Happy New Year !!!

Everything Pro Wrestling and Hubbard Wrestling are joining forces to bring the wrestling community Clash Of The Podcasts. We will get some discussion points and talk pro wrestling with you all. In Episode 70 we will discuss the following:

– AEW Worlds End Review
– NJPW Wrestle Kingdom Preview
– Reviewing our 2023 Predictions the giving our 2024 Predictions!

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Happy New Year 2024 is here clash of the podcast is here episode 70 is live this is a new year we’re coming in with predictions we’re going to review our predictions from last year we did our homework Sean’s back from Miami yes what is going on man everybody welcome

Welcome welcome we got to talk about this aew World’s End show uh The Fallout from that some of it not really surprising other parts of it interesting things to talk about a lot of points topics things to get into when it comes to this um I’m excited I’m excited for

This episode of uh clash of the podcast me too man me too I mean it’s it’s a blessing to be here God has blessed us with another year um cheers in advance to 2025 but we’re getting 2024 started off on the right and there’s only one right way to start

It off right only one way to start off the show only one good way to start off the year and that’s by saying what I always say to my good brother from another mother Conrad kushman we’re in the building we’re happy to be here Conrad my brother Dro that Thing Welcome everybody welcome I appreciate everybody I hope you guys appreciate that intro I still love it every time I hear it man um we’re doing good things up in the building man if you guys are here share this we’re on Twitter I put this thing on threads I got it on Blue

Sky um I got this thing on Reddit we’re all over the place I’m trying to get to that 2K I’m not playing subscribe to me we’re going to get Shawn up to 1K this year we need them Subs so make sure if you haven’t done so already go up into

The description box Sean’s channel is right there if you’re sitting up in here and you haven’t done I don’t know why you haven’t done it I couldn’t tell you why you haven’t done it it’s it’s foolishness at this point you’re wasting your time hit the Subscribe button so

You don’t miss out when we talk wrestling Sean’s Channel you might hear some boxing talk we got a Royal Rumble event coming up that we’re going to be talking about the Royal Rumble when 29 other competitors will be going over the top rope you don’t know what’s about to

Go down and we got two rumbles to talk about two yes sir all right so make sure you guys are subscribed to us all right I’m feeling myself tonight I’m hyped for this show I love the prediction show it’s always fun all right it’s a blessing to be with you man I

Mean um people little people hit me in the DMS were a little confused with what I said last week I was saying this is our third calendar year how could it be third calendar year if it’s only 70 episodes well we started in the summer of

2021 we’ve went all the way through 2022 excuse me some excuse me I I have to correct myself we started in the summer of 2022 went through 2023 and now we’re into 2024 so this is our third calendar year so it’s a blessing um um 70 episodes in uh I’m fired up about

Tonight man I’m back home in my home studio which I’m really excited about you know vacation’s a beautiful thing but coming home is even better so uh let’s do this thing bro yeah big shout out to triller TV as well I know you guys see when we can give those

Giveaways away um I owe a big thank you to Shawn for being able to to provide you guys with some of that content and uh we talk about things for them uh we’re going to be talking about battle in the valley that’s coming up make sure

You guys check that out on triller I think it’s definitely going to be well worth it uh they’ve got a bunch of events coming up and they have that really cool triller plus service if you guys are into it and if you like aw plus

They have that as well uh go in there they’ve got a bunch of different like subscription packages that I recommend you guys check out um I want to piggy back off of what comrad just said big shout out to a certain individual um somebody who’s become a part of the

Extended family I will not mention their name because they requested us not to reveal who they are um but thank you you know who you are thank you to triller TV appreciate you yeah shout out to the whole social media team over there um I won’t mention

Anybody’s names but I do have a relationship with a bunch of people over there so thank you guys for all that you provide us with and we’re looking forward to doing business in 2024 Joel Joel jumped ahead of everybody I gotta I gotta let him he put the two bucks in

Happy and healthy my dudes thanks for everything um happy New Year happy Happy New Year to you Joel same to you same to you yes sir I appreciate it man we’re going to talk some wrestling you know who the first one was in here Sean boy we appreciate you man quilly says what’s

Up Conrad Sean and jack happy New Year everyone your boy sir quills is back with my two favorite Bros CJ and hubs for episode 70 the New Year’s edition of clash of the podcast quilly we appreciate you my G very much so Quill’s always showing love on the IG post make

Sure you guys follow us over there as well uh we’re always putting stuff out and you guys will see what we’re working on on there on the stories especially thank you quills uh hopefully professional wrestling in 2024 will have more great sensible moments and a lot of

Less buffoonery but we shall see uh but either way let’s get into it by the way aw’s world and your lips to God’s ears quilly quill said aw World’s End was disappointing seven out of 10 show for my tast S out of 10 sounds pretty good

Though it’s not far from from it but I do think it’s arguable that if you wanted to say like this is the weakest showing for them I could see it I can understand why you would say that douge fresh in the house he said first day of

The new year and the first Clash of the New Year coincidence you bet ad said got my votes in yes yes if you guys haven’t already uh I pinned it to the top I don’t know if you guys can see it someone in the chat let me know if you

Can see it I sent out our end of year Awards I was updating some things in there that I miss I missed like Punk returning at the Survivor Series how I missed that I don’t know I thought I saved it but I guess I didn’t but we got

All those in there 10 categories 10 Awards uh me and Rob will probably do the show later and shout out to Rob I know he’s not feeling well today um but we’re GNA probably do the award show at a later time so get as many votes in as

You can and share that thing as many times because I want a vast majority of votes I know last year I was very saddened that the match of the year went to Cody rhods and Seth Rollins after we had but FTR and brisos they played themselves out of that spot they had

Three Banger matches in one year and then everybody split up match but Seth Rollins and Cody got the dub man I was hurt Mike said yeah boy it is what it is right what up Mike no I was hurt Sean there is no way it is what it is we

Going we do podcast it dang it no not good enough I’m holding all of you accountable who voted for that match with Cody with the Tor pack if you want to if you want to say you know Tough Guy Moment of the year that’s something different I would agree

With that M Ley F Shey appreciate you my G hello everyone happy New Year good evening best way to kick off the year then with the best podcast in the game your lips to God’s ears uh Matthew and ly we appreciate you man God bless happy New Year appreciate you Matt thank you

So much for that and shout out to Matt he always shows us love he gave us us like a new year shout out the weekend shout outs all the time I appreciate that thank you for always thinking of us me and Sean and Dereck I’ll even throw

In here appreciate you so thank you for that be BJ says happy New Year wishing nothing but the best for everyone in 2024 thank you BJ BJ Happy New Year to you I also hope we get some kind of rants from Conrad and Sean oh trust me

This gonna be 52 weeks full of rants coming up eventually with 2024 is GNA be full of rants from Sean hubber but listen also I want to give shout out to BJ and say yes I have finally I’m finally ready to admit The Miz is with one of the top set

Intercontinental Champions of all time that’s what we like to hear around here it took me some I had to do my own research right between BJ’s uh BJ’s information she he sent me some really good audio a while back between that and doing my own research I have come around

To admit that the Miz has he’s not very high on the top 10 he’s about number n number nine that’s a slight now see that’s a slight that’s a Shan slight wasn’t he wasn’t on my top 10 at all he wasn’t even on the radar but I have to

Admit his resume is quite is quite strong I have to give BJ credit for that for opening my eyes to that yeah I respect that um Anthony slate said great to be here happy New Year Anthony great to have you here my brother thank you so

Much for that Mike telling us happy New Year thank you xgw talking about some yes yes yes welcome welcome so disappointed in the Adam Cole reveal who else did you think it was going to be Renegade l2k said happy new year new ndas oh Lord

Oh 2024 is gonna be a blast oh my nephew’s in the house knowledge he said Happy New Year’s happy new I like that knowledge great game tremendous basketball player if you ever hear this name one day in the NBA you remember always Joslyn said Happy New Year Conrad Hub

And Chad Joselyn welcome Joselyn welcome and feel better my sister yeah she is watching us over on Twitch uh and yo we have a Discord by the way for epw Sean I don’t know if you’re ever on Discord but if you guys ever want to feel free jump

In I post all the Clash episodes all of the anything we do on YouTube uh it goes into there we have a self-promotion tab if you guys want to come in promote your stuff too feel free but Jocelyn’s always in there posted some delicious food picks and stuff like that we got some

Non wrestling things we got Sports in there that you could talk to whatever you guys want to talk about so come on in meet some people conversations get a little heated about CM Punk stuff but that’s the worst thing we’ve had so far that’s about it not with me either uh we

Got some big Japan shoes this week Noah tonight at 1:00 am and tjpw and New Japan on Thursday wo it’s going to be rough GNA be rough Eric Douglas said get better m JF I hope you’re back by a double or nothing cray in the house hope everyone’s having a blessed New Year

Peaceful love happiness in 2024 mjf gone nope it’s a work we got to get Cay a shirt that says that he is the rodri strong for us I’m I’mma give you this one your boy our boy McKenna is in the house Happy New Year to you sir he says yo I’m here

To talk wrestling with the fire live chat and the scari and Hutch of Monday of Monday clash of the podcast to let everyone know I like this I like this your subscription to 2023 is cancelled and your new one starts now I like that mcken very

Smooth he yeah yeah let’s go yeah I like it I respect it thank you mckenny mckenny has been looking Dapper in the IG photos too I see you out in them streets speaking of dapper make sure you guys pick up a swag anointed t-shirt or hoodie just saying and where can they

Get get that Sean then get it at threadless slh wrestling weekly I’m really excited about it really really excited about it the sales have been surprisingly that’s because I’m a humble dude surprisingly good um my best seller is the main event Jayo shirt that I’ve remixed and also the uh God above all

Things t-shirt which is a really cool one as well get in there grab you guys some shirts it’s still not too late after the holidays to get yourself some shirt great way to support as well josa says ringing in the new year with the

Flu and no voice yay me we we’ll do all the Talking for you right now feel we do all the Talking Donnie in the house what’s going on Donnie happy New Year everything pro wrestling looking forward to an exciting New Year for pro wrestling I appreciate you saying that

Donnie Donnie was over here watching The World’s End show with us so much love to him I gotta get out to Buffalo man hey man you know I got you I got you if you want to come through yes sir BJ said glad I could Open the Eyes hopefully

Memories will allow that Miz spot to climb for your hubs I hear you brother I hear you I always said CRA says Triple H and Miz are the most complete WWE Superstars ever they are the prototype for what I think people would want a WWE Superstar to be we finally got you to

See Miz Miz M Miz mcken is great he’s well one thing I will say I’ve never and Conor has a witness to this I’ve never said he’s anything but a Hall of Famer I’ve never did I’ve never denied that that is true Renegade l2k say how about

Them Dolphins one more week baby I need that dub if we get that dub we coming for that spot I’m G be real with you bro I’m really upset with you guys cuz as I’ve said a thousand one times and as you’re a witness to off the air and on

The air the Buffalo Bills were my pre-season my pre-season prediction to win the Super Bowl and now you have to win next week and possibly if you lose next week you guys miss the playoffs completely if other things fall in a negative Direction man you guys are you

Guys better get it together I don’t like being wrong we’ve been winning yeah but you still have one more very important win to go I know listen we got to do what we got to do but we’ve been balling I’ll say that we did not

Ball great you guys look like the team I predicted you to be I just hate that it’s coming down to the last game of the season imagine if we were fully healthy imagine if we had other people in too we’d be much better uh I hope 2024 is

Very newsworthy Matt calm down with all that because I thought it was going to be Christmas Eve I was like me and Sean are good we don’t have too much to discuss or worry about nope while he’s in Miami he’s down there eat now EO Amy

YY and I’m up here like why is Chris Jericho tweeting on Christmas day God what are you doing we’ll get into that momentarily because I don’t want to get too deep into it but we kind of have to discuss it as as well um and I see you guys talk

About it Derek yoyo and my guy Happy New Year my my G appreciate you appreciate it Matt lope said praying for the bills let’s go due to the scenario go Dolphins how dare you how dare you uh josa said we watched World’s End last night this morning not

Being able to react was torture once Adam Cole came out in Black put two and two together hey hey hey let’s get into World’s End shall we um I’m a little light in the uh the graphics department but I think it’s fine we can go through

These kind of piece by piece here and uh discuss so we did have uh some matches that were on the pre-show they added Willow Nightingale and uh Chris statlander thought it was a fine match to doing some storyline trying to separate them with stokeley I don’t know

If you have anything you want to say on that Sean if you got passes pass I’m I’m a big fan of will Nightingale I mean it is what it is um you know um I’m a big fan of big fan of uh of hooks so to me everything worked out you know

Justifiably um I think Willow n Andale should be on a main card fighting for championships but that’s just excuse me my two cents and I love how um kill switch won the 20-man Battle Royal and how it played out a little later we’ll get into that soon yeah well that was

The next match too was the Battle Royal this is all pre-show Zero Hour stuff um once I couldn’t figure out who was in it I I was debating with Derek on Wednesday’s show because me we didn’t know half these matches me and you we couldn’t even do anything on Monday

Exactly uh which is I think that’s kind of a problem but I also understand when you’re booking week to week you also need people to tune in so they can see what happens instead of saying like this is the all the matches for the card yeah

So the Zero Hour once I saw everybody who was in I was like oh the only person who could win this to make this remotely interesting was luchasaurus it it came down to him and Trent Beretta and you should have seen my face oh no not Trent

Beretta but once it happened we knew uh kill switch ends up getting the win he wins a contract title shot anytime anywhere it’s going to be important later on and I thought hook and uh Captain Planet wheeler UDA did a great job here wheeler UDA tried to heal up on

Uh the crowd needs some work in that department but give him a mic and let’s see what he does they had hook and him put him out of his misery early by playing his music yeah he stumbled over his words a little bit youa did but he I

Mean he tried um had it flowed you know articulately uh it would have been a halfway decent promo you can’t go wrong by disrespecting the the hometown fans he just has to work on a little bit more um let me see here kin Abu in the

Chat what up okay he said um that Tony KH still has not figured out how to make his pay-per-views not long Tony KH has to make his pay-per-views long because he is charging you $50 for them uh WWE gets away with a lot of stuff because their pay-per-views are

Cheap they are free they have to do those there’s no incentive to buy them it’s kind of a steal like why subscribe to it if you’re not going to watch all of them well they’re not you know what I’m saying they’re not free for those who don’t have the network right but you

Charging 40 bucks also oh do they still do pay-per-views technically yeah oh yeah you can you can access WWE on pay-per-view oh no I’m good then but why would you do that when you could pay for I’d rather watch SVU and my free time at the same time so no

I’m good exactly I’m good on that note um getting into the matches for this show I’m trying to remember what they opened up with they had that uh eight-man tag with everybody in it it was the basically everybody who lost they did the new Japan thing everybody

Who lost in the Continental classic and if you didn’t have a match you got thrown into an eight-man tag solid it was fine I really don’t have too many complaints about it it was a good match Garcia got the win for his team still trying to put momentum on the young

Guys I mean A match that I could have had or not had it was fine I I I appreciate who they had winning the match I thought that was the correct decision right um it it wasn’t bad like I said they they kind of went through

And did what they had to for things I’m trying to pop up everybody’s comments uh with this stuff as well um the next match I’m I don’t remember the order exactly was it was it Meo Meo and uh yes Andrade now this plays into tonight’s

WWE Raw as well we’re going to be mixing a lot of stuff tonight um the big rumor that day was that Andrade might be out sooner than later from aew Miro miro’s uh wife was managing Andrade CJ Perry they really had it was a bad time to put

Them together because you couldn’t see them gel F so you had to show a lot of segments with them backstage hugging celebrating together they did their best with what they could with the Continental classic the way they had it set up uh Meo gets a victory after his

Wife helped him um how are you feeling about this whole this whole storyline or the do you have thoughts on the Andrade thing like I saw disgust coming from you with this no I mean it’s it’s it’s I mean really appreciate what they’re doing with Meo and and how they’re

Having um you know his wife you know side with with Bobby Lashley oh I mean Andrade and and uh you know basically now now now it ain’t that nasty of a storyline then Lana has to choose between Bobby Lashley o I mean uh Andrade and his her husband and then you

Know she shows loyalty over you know over Bobby Lashley I mean Andrade over her husband like give me a break bro like that’s it’s it’s like rinse repeat wash rinse repeat it’s corny I don’t like it it was pointless I thought it was a good matchup but I did appreciate

So the match was good from an athletic standpoint from the media scrum standpoint it sounds like andrade’s out already it sounds like as of midnight he was done probably on Raw tonight which will be a complete let down for me because as much as I like him as a a wrestler if

WWE we’ll get into this a little later if WWE tries to work this as this is their former world champion that’s coming back if they’re playing it on the NXT Championship I think that would be a complete slap in the face he was a was

He a US champ did he ever get to win a belt on the main yeah but that’s not what they said they said a former WWE Champion ah got it got it NXT and the sad part is he’s not even gonna have the cool Andrade music he’s gonna get something

New mix his music into something terrible yeah yeah whoever’s doing their music now they got to go for real they got to go um I well let’s uh I’m gonna avoid that match first let’s talk Tony storm and reho uh Tony storm continues to impress reho tremendous athlete I love rho for

All that she does um this was a fine and dandy match I don’t really have any complaints about this one I complain a lot Conrad I think my complaints are just but I do complain a lot but one thing so so you know and and our and our viewers know that when I

Give somebody a compliment that must mean it has been a beautiful beautiful thing first of all shout out to both Rio and Tony storm for a great match but secondly if you saw the media scrum afterwards as I’m flying back from Miami watching on JetBlue Wi-Fi big shout out

To JetBlue sponsor us we appreci appreciate you guys I’m watching re uh I’m watching Tony storm interact with Tony Khan and the media backstage Tony storm is pure gold oh my God that was the most entertaining kayf media scrum situation because there’s been many controversial moments CM Punk whoever you know this’s

Goes on and on cuz cuz I I I mean you would agree that was a Kay you know media scrum okay cool but unbel she is outstanding I mean she is so entertaining I didn’t know she had these kind of chops Tony storm has become my favorite female competitor in the

Company she is amazing when we talk about people fumbling I listen listen Sean there are people who in aew they have ex they have exceeded what they are supposed to do me and you me and you can go through one day and look at it there are people who have

Done better in aew than WWE and I don’t care even if it was Triple H in charge they have done so much better and there are people who you can go back to WWE and you’re good just as good or even better so I think it’s just going to

Depend on where do you fit in where do you get in um what do you do here in these certain situations I I like it I like it a lot what she did and um we’ll get more into what happened with Tony Khan too because I thought he made a a crucial mistake

But I can see it’s it’s easy to make that mistake we’ll get into encourage yeah but I do want to encourage our viewers to go check out the media scrum on YouTube and and go to Tony St it’s it’s 10 minutes of pure comedic gold it she she’s into the character the

Entire time and never leaves out of it I mean Conrad Conrad No Ex so good it was so good I was rolling I was on the plane laughing my butt off it was it was amazing how good she was yeah it was very well done um I

Still have not caught the end of the media scrum that might be something I may have to try to uh play and catch up with later on this week but um people whing someone just told me get ready to have big numbers on Wednesday I appreciate uh Jesus for sending me that

Message I don’t know why he must something must be Happ happening right now in the midst of all of this while we’re recording uh yeah the the goodness of all of this is about to be taken down a notch because we got to get into this

Other eight-man tag we had two of these on the card which I thought was a little ridiculous but let’s let’s talk about it Sean this was the eight-man tag where they put the Tag Team Champions who were supposed to originally face the Young Bucks but then the last pay-per-view

Kenny Omega Chris Jericho win it the golden Jets no one calls him that they get the tag title shot to okay we’re challenging Big Bill and Ricky Starks to now sting and Darby are on our team and Jericho ran his mouth on Christmas Day and now all hell has broken loose uh and

I mean that very lightly like all hell has broken loose because of this um Nick hman kind of put out something vaguely uh in the back and forth that Jericho was going back and forth with Stephen P new who is Jim cornett’s lawyer that he advertises on his

Podcast this turned into a whole He represented CM Punk and a steel he was getting questions this week because he has a wrestling podcast too and he’s a wrestling fan and he was getting questions about uh can anybody talk about this we found out CM Punk a steel

The Young Bucks Kenny Omega have all signed a lifetime NDA that none of them can speak about it but he said one person and he knows who can speak about it is Lucy this leads to Chris Jericho saying I never signed an NDA and I saw

Everything now can we get into this part first Sean I want to point out the Ridiculousness of what Chris Jericho number one hold on I gotta take this down so we can have serious moment here and I see you guys with the comments too thank you for all of

Those Chris Jericho if you saw everything that happened that night right Sean what kind of friend is that or what kind of person do you work with if he just stood there and I’m just taking him at face value if he’s telling the truth you stood there and watched

The elite get beat up by two people you watch them get beat down like that what were you doing that entire time Chris yeah if that if it went down that way that’s reprehensible also he said I don’t adhere to any uh uh what what was it called uh handbook there’s a handbook

For a doesn’t adhered to any handbook or any kind of you know jurisdiction under that kind of umbrella either I don’t know if you caught this piece but Jim cornett’s podcast host Brian lass has a copy of it which later on he ended up posting a piece of it for people to read

So the handbook uh he said is interesting because a lot of people violate it this is where Brian Danielson we’ve made the jokes about that’s a patlin coming for you Brian Dan is going to discipline you the discipline Ary committee jokes have been on fire I get

It but Jericho says that he was there Sean it is Christmas morning you should not I don’t know if he was up drinking I don’t know what he was doing at 400 a.m I woke up and my my jaw dropped like I got a lot of stuff to do today why did

You wake up and choose let’s fight let’s fight right now like I’m down in Miami you’re up in Upstate New York we’re both with our families we’re both we’re both on our job if anything were to break you know we’d be prepared for it but I never expected anything to break on Christmas

Day that was Madness for no reason this all could have been avoid it by doing this phone yes put it away sit it down why did you need to say anything you really didn’t watch your kids open presentence and call and just chill just chill out right

Sit back and just have a chill day that didn’t happen so Nick hman commented on something cuz Jericho said I’ve never signed an NDA and he was like well what about the ndas you make other people sign oh and then that’s where the speculation came out and it broke out

Nick hman has a podcast called rumor in inuendo where he had Stephen P new on he was asking questions actually I think his co-host was a lawyer as well so they were kind of conversing back and forth about lawyer type things that they’ve had to deal with he couldn’t answer

Everything but it sounds like he got compared to Harvey Weinstein if you know the background of that that is someone who was very famous in Hollywood who uh went to jail for some of his disgusting things that he has done uh you guys can Google that for yourselves if you want

To know what that situation was and he didn’t say that Jericho’s done that but he said that eventually the things that you have done will come to light the skeletons will come out the closet a whole lot of a whole lot of inuendo yeah and that led to speculation

About Kylie Ray Jericho comes out for this match tonight first time that the fans have seen him and we heard Jericho got booed badly they sang Judas but then after that it was there were booze when it got quiet there were chance of NDA there were chance of Kylie Ray there were a

Chance of CM Punk not not greatly loud but loud enough that you knew what happened I heard that I had some people that were there they told me that the chants are were not properly represented on pay-per-view that the chants were much louder in person like it did not it

Did not project as loud over the over the television as as it did live it was quite loud and it was quite apparent what they were targeting um yeah and it was just awkward that you paired it up with sting Darby the the whole match seemed off

After that there were even Darby Allen yelled some very weird things in the beginning of his match Ricky Starks got in with Jericho flipped the bird and then got right out did did did that stuff seem awkward to you like while watching it seemed very real

Um I I really don’t have anything else to say about this the baby face is Win Sammy gavara being paired with him with his past allegations and this is what I’m talking about we got rid of CM Punk for all those things Sammy gavar has got

Quite a list himself of issues he’s been involved in whether it was fights things said on podcast um before and I’ll say it again CM Punk is far from the only person who has some transgressions far from I mean um I just always thought that that that he had

More to lose which is why he needed to chill but under no circumstance would I ever insinuate or outwardly say that CM Punk is the most egregiously um egregiously acting person in the industry I mean there are people who have done some far greater uh allegedly far greater and more

Treacherous things than simply just having an argument backstage 100% 100% and uh looking at this situation I felt like it was awkward for all um I’m going to talk about what I think’s going to happen with Ricky later on in the podcast guys do you do not

Want to miss the predictions I promise you like that’s the main event of tonight’s show that’s going to be the best part of tonight’s show um I I don’t know what to say about this Jericho thing we don’t know what actually happened I feel like we don’t know all

Of the facts yet and it’s either you kind of take the fact of get get this guy off your television screen right now and there’s other people who are like no that’s admitting guilt I don’t know where we stand amongst all of this but I thought Tony Khan who got asked the

Question after Tony storm had just given him the glasses in the hat that he’s wearing that Sean referenced before he got he started getting asked about um misconduct and things like that and investigations uh related to all the stuff that we’ve spoken about I thought Tony Khan mistake number one was

Answering the question with that stuff on made him look Goofy and just came off kind of awkward when people were going to clip this and somebody came up to him after like hey hat and glasses please boom boom boom I don’t know if that’s a PR guy or somebody just had enough sense

To be like yo take that off because it’s not a good look but he the only thing he mentioned was aw’s the safest place to work didn’t you just say you feared for your life after CM Punk and Allin what what I I don’t know what’s going on here

From a PR perspective Sean I mean we both operate in the real business world as well this is a hobby for us we love love to make it fulltime but what what do we do in these situations Sean like what what happens here like your assessment sir I I believe that we have

To just go back to the drawing board as it relates to the hierarchy of leadership in aew I mean um we’ve said it before with the CM Punk situation we’ve said it before with with the bucks with Adam paage with the list goes on

And on and on we have to get to a point I mean it was reprehensible to see uh what was originally a really funny moment with Tony storm with the hat and the glasses and then he leaves the hat and glasses on during a serious moment you have to

Be more cognizant of your situation it it was a funny moment with Tony storm Tony storm is backstage now and you’ve been presented with a question that is very serious and can have great great uh results and and and determination as it relates to how your company moves forward Chris Jericho is

One of the pillars of your company so you’re going to sit up here and you’re going to sit up here and answer these questions in a very matter OFA way with this with this comical hat and glasses on that’s number one um but more importantly than that um it’s just another uh another

Seismic seismic situation that you look at from an outsider’s perspective and you say man aew just can’t seem to get out of its own way because it’s not just one thing you’ll realize Conrad and I know I’m preaching to the choir here because you’re very smart in this regard

As well it’s not just about when controversy hits It’s about how you handle the controver controversy once it hit and aew has had some very strong deficiencies in being able to handle when the inevitable takes place which is controversy backstage in pro wrestling so what you need to do now is

You need to go back to the drawing board and figure out Hey listen for the thousandth time when you listen to Conrad and sha on Clash of the podcast maybe you need to listen a little bit heavier and say Hey listen I need to get in place some serious leadership as it

Relates to how to handle situations that such as this because I have failed in this regard and if we’ll see about the predictions later on if aew does not flourish into the future I would have to say more than 50% of it is because of Tony Khan’s lack of

Leadership it it’s it’s getting better at the things that you have messed up on Live Events person left that’s fine yeah he he left on his own that’s fine this is your chance to improve Live Events uh Matt Jackson’s wife has left and if they

I’m gonna let me get into this a little bit too if they left if she left because of how her husbands and them were treated that is terrible so you stood around and took this man’s money and didn’t take the stand when you could have oh well you needed the money that’s

Fine that’s fine but you should have made it aware a long time ago that you were leaving then and if you did that great if you didn’t whatever but to sit around and throw yourself a pity party because CM Punk called you out because you put the wrong date or day of the

Week on a shirt that’s reprehensible that’s your job you didn’t double check this come on man come that’s weak but those are areas for Tony KH to get better in by the way the merch stands looked a lot better I noticed immediately after she announced her departure at like the next show I

Noticed I was like wow there’s more stuff there it looks like interesting you know what I mean and I see some people in the chat not agreeing with uh uh what me and Sean said about the well Sean said everything about Tony storm I like rho rho is amazing to me but you

Know some people don’t like Rey Mysterio either if Rey Mysterio is selling the most masks Rey Mysterio should be at the top of the card I don’t care what you say you could preach all that great KH should be at the top of the card because

He’s big if you want to this ain’t 1980 anymore I’m sorry you got to have some work rate you got to be able to do something in the ring you’re not just going to get by on your looks and what Sean said about Tony storm is a % true

Her character work and work rate top top bar that’s why that was a great match just had to clear that up too I’ve seen that in the chat Chris welcome thank you uh I’m going to the chat I want to see what they’re saying here um update score there for the Michigan

Fans josa said Jericho needs to keep his mouth shut he’s going to be the Catalyst exposing inner aw that uh don’t need to know Jericho’s saying that he doesn’t have a a employee handbook was ridiculous there is one it exists and you saying that you don’t abide by it

And he just said and Stephen P new said alaches as exhibit a and if Jericho just said that they might be sending over paperwork now to say he needs to sign an NDA and you lied to me so you owe us some more money or something I don’t

Know what the agreement is between them but Jericho might have messed up big time Jericho was lying he didn’t see anything he fought back he was getting ready to uh get into the scrum Jericho has connections won’t get in trouble ask his wife woo I’m not getting into that

Uh Ace Harris world says I feel bad for sting during that match Jericho’s face showed it all yeah he looked kind of sick uh McKenna says Jericho is a clout vampire he has to be in the mix about something and now he open Pandora’s Box

And he’s not going to be able to get to stuff that monster back in the Box Jericho about to eat this one Tony KH has to do an investigation whether he did one or not before like and it might expose Tony for what he said he did or

Didn’t do but he needs to do something about this cuz this isn’t going to go away this issue is not going to go away like you said Sean you have to address this you have to change how you address this I thought you said that perfectly in your uh message to Tony

Khan um and I see a lot of people until we get all the facts I’m not going to judge the situation because we’ve seen how untruthful words can get a person black balled I hear you I hear you when it comes to that uh another word for

Soft Punk called him softer than Sharman reho is red Jericho thinks he’s smarter than a small Town bird lawyer I like I said I think he made some big mistakes when it came to what what was said on that I’m done with the Jericho stuff uh Sean go ahead if you

Want to say anything else I think I think these these older Superstars really need to think about their legacies and I I really think it’s unfortunate that these older superstars that are on their way out are are doing things that can then inhibit their ability to be seen as

Legends already Jericho’s who who has a Hall of Fame career first ballot hall Hall of Fame career is now being looked at in a different way we have to be more cognizant of our actions and our movements because I’m telling you it’s 2023 and it’s not just about things that

You do now excuse me it’s 2024 things that are going on okay things that are going on are are very well documented and seen all over the world and you know what also is a scary thing things that were done 20 years ago can be Revisited and brought to the light in

2024 let’s be smarter man because I I don’t know what’s going to happen as it relates to this Jericho situation it don’t look good it doesn’t look good at all and it’s something that we really probably going to have to hear about a lot longer because you never know and

That and you’re going to see in my predictions later on Conrad what I think this is going to lead Chris Jericho okay let’s uh I’m going to kind of go through these other matches a little quickly here uh Julia Hart and abdon uh it felt like a testing match

For abdon to see if she’s going to be sticking around longer or whatnot because I’m sure her contract’s got to be coming up in the next year um I’m I’m not sold yet but I’m also not ready to write abadon off just yet either I like that her character showed more like

Human accuracy if that makes sense that’s the kind of the good part about having like a Undertaker like there’s that human to him um yeah they had a little botch moonsa at the end there I’m not going to lie so yeah but overall I was like okay

Sean I that was not an accidental yawn that was a yawn of of discontent this pay-per-view was really um lackluster um most of the matches the determination of who was going to win was very very clear there was no way let me let me ask you this

Did you like the Continental classic I did not so you thought the Continental classic brought this pay-per-view down I think the Continental classic brought the entire product down over the last two months really I like see I like this style though but I like New Japan though

As well in the G1 a it’s a carbon copy you can’t just copy everything and expect it to be the same this had New Japan written all over it you can’t do that you have to do your own thing you have to be you have to be different not

Saying be different just for different sake but at the same time this Cal classic had and New Japan Pro Wrestling written all over it all over it it was definitely a second rate uh tournament at that I thought it was good for in ring but uh I think it inhibited like

Telling stories if you wanted to that’s the reason why you’re my tag team partner that’s exactly what I was obviously I’m not a fool the in the in-ring matches were tremendous but how does it enhance the product it did not not one iota did disc Continental classic enhance the aew brand you’re in

A war right now bro you are in a war WWE for whatever reason God knows I don’t understand it but WWE is kicking your tail right now you have to figure something out well and I think they’re trying to put a stake in you and put you

Into that spot well I’m GNA get deep into this first I got to say Vinnie thank you for coming in Happy New Year my favorite Vinnie he says spending time with my girl God bless y’all Vinnie I appreciate you swerve show Happy happy New Year guys left that 14th like good

Stream as always thank you swer show um going back into what you said though with the WWE stuff they have their foot on your throat and they want you to be like TNA and impact they want you to be number two and you can’t get up you

Can’t get up from this you will do whatever we say if I come to your town you’re leaving that town if I’m here you’re gone and I think Tony wants to fight the fight though he’s got that he’s got that Ted Turner in him I think

Like he wants to fight he’s a dog I respect I respect him he has some dog in him don’t get me wrong I you have to to go against them you have to have that dog in you but you have to be a dog and be strategic at the same time it seems

Like he’s just being a dog and he’s not really thinking about it the Continental classic was a waste of time I like what Craig had to say he thought it was a um he thought it was a soft reboot to create new rivalries that may be true

But I don’t think they did it properly cuz you know let’s let’s think about this now right if you’re going to go with that I see you too BJ but uh to focus on CRA comment um okay so swerve lost in the semifinals or whatever you want to call it the finals of

Semi-finals whatever you want to call it but he’s still entrenching the situation with Keith Lee but then Keith Lee can’t wrestle so it’s end up it’s end up being Dustin rhods at the paper viiew Okay so that’s a waste um and by the way that

That was a match I don’t even want to get too deep into it but Keith Lee supposedly I guess apparently I’m not going to say supposedly cuz he he tweeted it so I believe him more than anybody he said he’s been hurt since the Arthur Asos since they probably did the

Tag team match so he’s been trying to fight through an injury for a long time is that part of the issue what’s going on with Keith Lee like he’s been on and off on and off on and off is that because of the injury or is it bad

Booking by Tony I don’t know what’s going on and swerve right now Sean which is I’m going to throw it back to you because I think this is where you were going swerve is in the biggest part of his career right now and some people were complaining well why wasn’t swerve

In a bigger match and then then this happens and it got ruined kind of and not Tony’s fault either fully like things got ruined that’s exactly it’s a situation now where you leave your highest hottest rising star in the lurtch on a major pay-per-view now you

Have you’re left to wonder when is this going to pay off you know how do you how do you insert him into a storyline with Samoa Joe if you’re G to elevate him to the world title how are you going to insert him into a story line with

Christian Cage if you’re going to insert him into the CNT Championship conversation how do you do that well you could have done that by having a storyline built up to the World’s End pay-per-view instead of him losing in the last match and having to basically supplement by going in against Keith Lee

And then circumstances beyond our control you lose Keith Le at the last minute get well soon and can’t and can’t and have to uh put in Dustin roads and also all due respect to Dustin rhods for his career but uh uh what does it say about swerve Strickland that he

Struggled to beat Dustin rhods that’s another thing you have to think outside the box okay I want to put on a good match cool I want to put on a good match but you know what Dustin rhods was a ringer on Saturday night right no disrespect D Dustin rhods is a Hall of

Fame talent but on Saturday night at World’s End Dustin rhods was a ringer so you have a ringer going up against what many people believe to be the person who should be the the next World Champion that match went 20 minutes and there were numerous times Dustin rhods

Could have won how is that proper storytelling I listen they did their best with what they could after they made all those eight-man tags it took people out of your hands that you couldn’t get um and some people question should Jericho have went out there maybe

You could have taken that match away but then what do you do with the other people that aren’t in the match anymore either it it puts you in a real tough spot and swer the heel you’re a smart guy and as soon as I see this it’s going

To ring in your ears it’s going to ring in in your ears like the Liberty belt all you had to do was have swerve Strickland come out for an interview that’s all you had to do but you promised people swerve in the mat I get I get Tony’s Logic No no you

Didn’t no you didn’t let me correct you on that my brother you didn’t promise swerve Strickland in a match you promised swerve Strickland on pay-per-view swerve everybody would have understood that Keith Lee was hurt if you don’t deliver swerve Strickland that’s a problem no argument there you have swerve Strickland’s music hit you

Have swerve Strickland come to the ring you have Prince Nana do his dance you have the crowd go crazy and you have him talk for five minutes about how he should be the next world champion and the first ever African-American world champion and you let the Crow see him

And you do not have him face Dustin roads in a match that Dustin rad should have never been in and then have Dustin roads take him to the Limit it makes no sense I so I well I guess I’m going to get into it in the Continental classic

Because I’m disagreeing with people in the chat who said the Continental classic didn’t tell stories the stories are still happening off of the Continental classic swerve cannot be bogged down by this what the Continental classic did for swerve was he beat a bunch of credible people over and over

And over and I’m sure that that lost to Moxy where his shoulder was up I think that was done on purpose he didn’t beat me the ref made a mistake obviously but now I’m going to go into this Triple Threat that was set up as a triple

Threat for a reason I knew swerve wasn’t getting pinned in that because swerve has to take his time with this they’re not going to go super fast now I agree with Sean when you take your time in long-term storytelling something bad Could Happen see the Keith Lee thing you

Should have bended this match this is I think we’re at moot point at this point in doing it but I feel like swerve is gonna move past it they’re GNA probably try to revisit this later out more on that later on but I I’m gonna leave that

Where it is and I don’t disagree with what you said about it I think no no but I think Dustin came out there Dustin stepped up and Dustin said yo can I have a match like he’s probably been asking yo can I if I go out there can I have a

Match with somebody I’m only getting older like I’m not about to come out here to get dogged every single time either so I it was a darned if you do darned if you don’t type of situation with that let me getting into Moxley and Eddie Kingston I thought this was

Perfect this was for this was for Eddie Kingston for his all Japan love with the Triple Crown belt he put all of he put He put it all on the line he put his uh uh I’m trying to think of a nice way to say this he put his guts out there he

Said I’m putting all my belts on the line and I’m going win this thing he was the loser he came back from it Moxley is the Ace who’s going to think he’s going to lose they get into it they’re slapping each other in the end spinning back fist to Moxley Eddie Kingston wins

This is a great story for Eddie Kingston like if you don’t see this that Kingston lost to punk he lost to Daniels and Daniel is like you’re a bum you never beat me now he’s the king of the bums right he beat claudo again it it it it’s

Telling a story throughout this whole time where Kingston was the underdog in all these matches and then at this point everybody wanted Kingston to win I’m happy for him and I if you didn’t see the promo he cut afterwards it’s like a f minute promo it was great he made the

Camera the light guy put the light down he said come over here get in the shot with me he was like yo this is my dog right here he always gets me for promos Eddie Kingston was nice I love Eddie Kingston’s promo style he feels real he

Feels authentic he gives me Dusty roads Vibes he feels like a human he feels like someone you could get behind he does stupid things in storyline sometimes and that’s what cost him right because he’s a human he’s a flawed human so so I I I like that match a lot I

Thought it was really good I feel you I feel you bro no no but how did you feel the same about the match though were you like yeah whatever I think my My overall consensus for the evening was ma not mad at it uh Deana said the thing

That makes me excited for aw is the problem with aw the leadership needs to act needs to lead and not react to issues the talent and news created well said uh for everyone saying mjf is leaving it’s literally the CM Punk storyline without the title CRA says I agree with hubs with

About the swerve uh there are four matches from World’s End that were fantastic the All-Star eight tag MOX Eddie copelan Christian and Samoa Joe Keith Lee needs to take six months to heal up oh my goodness this is from mckenny lose some weight and again uh where else aew booked him poorly his

Health didn’t help sometimes you miss the mark and they totally missed hubs is right about Dustin and swerve the C2 told a lot of stories agreed Daniel Garcia story is still being told from this um I maybe House of black You could argue really didn’t have one but claudo

BCC the Eddie Kingston stuff was all within there and swerve story was told within it too uh swerve and Dustin went too long I totally agree Sean swerve didn’t need that match a quick promo maybe a face off with Dustin yeah you could have even done it where he came

Out for the match they do the Keith leaz 10 till the cendant get to the ring they know he’s not there they count him out then you cut the promo after um Dustin tagging with Keith probably to preserve uh hurt Keith Lee match made sense yeah

It makes you wonder now about a lot of the stuff if that’s why they’ve been putting him in the tag matches but I don’t I don’t know what to say with the Keith Lee thing um let’s get into the TNT title real quick uh Adam Copeland

Christian Cage uh I got the Mick Foley Vibes as soon as Adam Copeland came out with the jacket and everything I kind of had a feeling 100% uh Nick Wayne tried to light the table on fire they had some issues with that then by the time Adam copelan’s

Ready to put him through the table Nick Wayne went flying over that table I I think he maybe he didn’t realize how light he was but he went all the way across that table um very poor execution That’s all folks um afterwards he gets the win though he

Hits the unprettier or kill switch whatever you guys want to call it depending on what era you come from on Christian wins the match Here Comes kill switch luchasaurus he comes out with his open contract Christian says give it to me and he says no Christian Whispers something into his

Ear probably something to the words of uh you want to go extinct again hand me that contract take makes it Christian signs it hits the spear on Adam Copeland and gets the win and Christian Cage is now a what is it three time TNT champ now well technically two times but three

Times y he was walking around that belt long enough before so he gets the win I thought it was a a cutesy little way to get the belt right back on him um this is this isn’t over obviously it’s not over I mean I like the fact that edge

Now in the anals of time as a former TNT Champion um and now Christian has it back which is cool like I I like I mean they did the little money in the banks money in the bank switcher rle that was cool I didn’t I the match was excellent

Don’t get me wrong the match was excellent they did their thing the only thing that messed up was that table spot yeah yeah and I’m and I’m okay with it like I said these two are going to be fine I’m looking forward to seeing what they accomplish next Main Event time it

Was mjf Samoa Joe Adam Cole comes out with his best friend mjf they’re getting into this match and Sean I really don’t have a lot to say about this mjf kind of got dog walk for most of this match for most for the first time since 1996 a

Clean sleeper win on a paperview I don’t we we haven’t seen that since 1996 hyper Hogan yes sir boom took me a minute look at you wrestling historian it took you two seconds good for you bro um I had to think about it so the Finish

Comes mjf is asking for the ring from Adam Cole he goes oh here it is and Joe came right from behind go to sleep coina clutch mjf’s arm Falls Twice the third one kind of fell on the side I think there’s a little argument that could be there rice looked shocked

He was like right ring the bell we were like it’s over and he R rings the bell and Samoa Joe is the new aew Champion the ring is then surrounded by the devil’s henchmen and they have mjf down on his knees holding him two of them the other two

Have uh or excuse me maybe it was one of them only had Adam Cole they’re holding his arms back the one’s got the chair he’s going to hit one of them don’t hit my friend Hit Me No you hit me hit me with the chair lights go out they pop back

On Adam Cole is sitting in the chair with all of the devil’s henchmen revealing themselves to be rodri strong wart low in the kingdom and Adam Cole is looking at him and he throws the devil mask mjf said I’m in he’s in his hometown how could you do this to me how

Could you rodri strong bam that knee to the that knee was perfect how could you do oh god oh oh I’m down I’m down they put a Beatdown on this man and mjf is surely to be written off of Television for a little bit after this to heal up

From some of those injuries but that was the devil reveal I thought that was the best thing you could have done with it Sean yeah the best thing you could have done with it to what’s aail for what’s available to you I mean no question um

Only thing I’ll say is that Ward B still sucks and he had no business being a part of the storyline I would have much rather seen KY Ry but it is what it is well I I think kylo riy is still recovering right now and um what was I

GNA say wll I’m glad you brought that up because I saw a lot of people man every time something happens bad mjf loses his pushed because of it I call it karma and I’m going to remind you all every single time you bring this up do we not

Remember what happened at double or nothing right before this with mjf and wlo where mjf stole all the Shine off wlo because he was like I’m going home hand me a ticket I’m leaving if you don’t pay me he basically held Tony count up I’m gonna say it he held Tony

Count up for more money and supposedly he’s off the roster page now he’s gone things are going to get a little interesting we’ll see I’m sure we’re going to talk about that in our prediction so I won’t get too deep into it but I don’t believe he’s gone for a

Second he if he didn’t sign Tony Count’s getting crushed by me yeah there’s no way that he can like T Tony Khan with all the losses he’s taken you you give mjf whatever he wants to make sure he doesn’t show up on that other person’s television

Set you have to at this point because you if mjf goes over it might be game over and you cannot have that um let me see here oh no jungle boy’s going to come back and save his Dino from Christian we’ll see Adam copela Christian Cage yeah yeah I saw some

People Christian went from the clb to the SLB I appreciate how appropriate for someone to pull an edge on edge and be at his best friend he did he did Edge can hate the player hate the game Edge I’m not Edge I’m not calling him Adam uh and Christian was my match of

The night the double finish got me mad but uh then I realized Christian is heel of the Year Samoa Joe said on the scrum that the Triple B is going in the trash he’s getting a new world title as he should as he should I don’t want that

Strap either that nasty Brown strap uh mjf is going to have to run through all of Cole’s devils in order to get him just like mjf used to do yeah also rodri shaved the stash time to be serious again interesting interesting interesting does this group have anything for you are you totally not

Interested in it I’m a big fan of of Adam Cole um I respect the kingdom I think that w l is a waste of oxygen um so I’m about you know half like I mean it’s about a seven out of 10 for me I mean Ward L being a part of the group

Brings it way down for me I mean he’s just a Juiced up loser to me like he stinks to me I I I think that I think he is one of the most disappointing guys in the company um the kingdom deser I mean the kingdom are is it based on his

Talent or based on how the company has handled him I think he’s a talentless hat wow wow I think W was pure trash I loved him with mjf I thought he was great in that role I thought he was he was great with mjf you know everybody

Can’t be diesel everybody can’t go from bodygard to Superstar the D he was protected by mjf in the role that he was in okay okay I I will disagree I will we will agree to disagree on that one uh I want to move forward here and get into

Do we think it’s time for a new aw World title design um thoughts on that Sean did did you see the r the rumor one that’s floating around of what it’s gonna look like yeah I mean I’m cool either way I don’t think it’s necessary I think that you just replace the the

The burgundy the Burberry strap that’s all mjf held up Tony C so bad he should have came out with my baby tonight to sandbag that war L match my working hard on the go but the hands on the clock keep spinning too slow I can’t wait to be alone with my baby

Tonight and for the opener oh my God here we go oh you think Brett’s better than Shawn ID wow he’s not better than Hunter Get him out of here oh me and CM Punk and I said what am I doing I went up and hugged the guy right after shut up Road dog he makes me mad he makes me mad too with that crap I agree uh let me see

Here BJ said I think warlo is going to keep on keeping on I think this raises the kingdom and makes uh Rody more important it’s all about how you book him though BJ because if you ask me I haven’t seen them make them important yet but maybe they will so I think it’s

A good shot for a new new Dynamic I’m I’m right there with you uh they were doing something with the kingdom winwin where’s cool Kyle yeah uh he’s still injured right now he he had some complications with the surgery they had to do another one it sounds like he’s

Training to come back hopefully he gets back there and I know Bobby fish is hoping that he gets back as soon as possible because that’s the only way he’s getting back in the AWS if Kyle O’Reilly says I want him as my partner Y no disrespect but Bobby fish is like the

Quintessential example of like he has to be in a group yeah or he he needs those other dudes to vouch for him or he’s not getting to come back in and he talked a lot of garbage about Tony and the whole Punk thing and if Punk if Tony’s mad

About it maybe that’ll get him some brownie points but who knows but I know what’s coming up is wrestle Kingdom Here wrestle Kingdom 18 um this show does not have a lot of juice to it Sean I’m that’s I’m glad you that’s why I said oh baby like not OB

Baby in a great way OB baby and like oh man like it’s not looking wrestle kingdomes to me like it’s not giving like super card musty energy and I’m disappointed I don’t know what’s going on but yeah you’re right getting some getting some Wows for you in with the baby tonight shout out

To e for bringing that up and my uh and my vocals are not that bad either let me find out he been sing singing in the church y’all better watch out for him that’s where all the great singers come from by the way if you didn’t know and

And the most studious singers too which I am one of I ad it I admit it yo I’m slapping my knee over here you gotta chill with that you go CH be honest I’m a Christian but I’m also a sinner I’m The Sinner saved by grace my

Brother wgp Jr Tag Team Championship uh we got tjp and Akira they’re going to be challenging Clark Connors and drill Maloney from the bullet club for the belts um that should be an interesting matchup I’m just kind of bringing this to people so that they could see um you

Got Yu yamura going up against uh uh sui I hope I’m saying that correctly um in a special singles match the president Hiroshi tanahashi we did not get to talk about that that was announced too he’s going to be challenging Zack zaber Jr for the television dinner Championship I

Hate that big brown strap on that Bel too oh my God but tanahashi is the president now like everybody Ste down the one thing that I thought was going to get them to lose okata was the president seemed like he did not like okada he was trying to move past okada

And now that tanahashi’s in charge this might save them from losing him it’s possible it’s definitely timing is key uh shoda Amino and Kaya are going to be taking on evil and Renita House of torture better lose just because I can’t take it we also have tat Tonga versus

Shingo tekagi uh in the never openweight Championship that’s kind of been their their new like IC type of belt where they just get people that that match is going to be hard-hitting and good we got the junior Heavyweight Championship homo Takahashi versus El Desperado we’ll see what despy doeses here if they could

Pull one out uh for the Tag Team titles we got the strong Champs versus the uh IWGP tag team Champs heroki goo and Yoshi hasi versus hickoo and L fantasmo okay that that that looks good on paper on paper I mean I don’t know if this is for both belts if they’re trying

To unite these championships or what I don’t know what the purpose ofle for title announcement yeah I can see it being for all of the all of the gold uh IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship so they’re creating a new belt threeway you’re going to get will Osprey John

Moxley and the Le leader of the bullet Club David Finley in a in a match to Crown the inaugural Champion that should be fun I mean best wrestler on the planet I I mean if I go back and I’m looking at predictions for these uh I mean I could

See I’m looking at this I could see a retain for the junior tag titles 100 I will say give me give me tsuji for the win in the singles match Zack saber Jr defeats Hiroshi tanahashi definitely I think he I think he announces his retirement from

The in ring he doesn’t need to do it now if you’re the president you don’t need to be up in there oh I hope I’m wrong about this but I feel like they’re gonna have evil and ren nitao win I’ll cry but that’s my prediction that’s my

Brain predicting not my heart um for this one does tatanga be shinga what do you think I think yeah I mean I I I think got to continue his momentum yep you got to keep him happy cuz he did resign he he almost went to the e was

Huge because I didn’t think he would yeah and hickoo seems like he’d be right up there alley too uh I think Takahashi retains in this unless they’re going to really try and put over El Desperado uh in the winner take all match who do you go with in this one you

Go do you go with the former bullet club guys or so underwhelming I guess by default maybe I guess yeah I’m gonna take goo and yoshihashi just because you I’m not a yoshihashi guy either I’m a big bullet Club I mean this current Incarnation Le

Leaves a lot to be desired but it is what it is global Championship do you go with Moxley Finley or Osprey I mean two of them are going to a one’s going to aw one’s in aw I David Finley is my pick I’m a person that believes that you

Reward the person who’s homegrown and the person who’s a company guy um Osprey is obviously respect full of New Japan which is why he’s still wrestling through the duration of his contract moxley’s kind of like an assassin For Hire I think you reward David Finley on the big stage even though wrestle

Kingdom is not what we expected it to be it’s still in a Tokyo Dome it’s still considered the biggest event in in New Japan wrestling and I think you give David Finley that opportunity to win because the last few years he’s been in the um the battle Royals um I I want him

To have a a signature singles or in this case Triple Threat victory at at their biggest pay-per-view interesting and then the two main matches here uh I saw this one live I would love to get an opportunity to see them get more time I heard the match was

Cut short actually that we saw in Toronto because of the injury to Danielson but kazuto okata Brian Danielson special singles match I think this one is going to steal the show the reason right this match is the reason why the pay-per-view is not a complete dud I mean this this is going

To be a five-star match um unfortunately the entire pview is not living up to it but when you say steal the show n my brother I think this is the entire show I don’t I think I think anybody who has any kind of wrestling knowledge like you

And I and our viewers would realize that this is the main event matter of fact arguably should be the main event of the entire Pay-Per-View 100% will be the best match of the night and I think that okata will be victorious I I agree I think okata gets

His dub back and I’m not mad see I’m not mad at the main event either because the main event tells the story of am boy well Sonata to me is a throwback Champion Sean he is a a throwback to muda chono those guys from back in the

Day and he left nido’s group he turned on all of them to start his own group just Five Guys um and now he’s out here he’s been big dogging it for a while he beat jungle boy beat a bunch of anybody who stepped up to him he’s putting him

Down and now Nao is back in this spot and Nito has always felt disrespected if you guys go back to uh a previous wrestle Kingdom I think it was nine or 10 fans voted in the Intercontinental Championship got to Main Event over him in the world championship and he always

Felt like he had to get back to the world title because he was disrespected on that night and that’s one of nighto stories that people don’t know well to your point I mean I obviously this will be the main event I you do not um discredit the lineage of the IWGP

Championship by making it this the semi-main event so I agree with you in that regard I’m I’m just trying to say when you look at this pay-per-view top to bottom including this match for the world championship the the the Danielson match clearly is the match of the night so for

Me it’s one of those things where it’s like okay do you have the best match of the night Hogan versus rock or you have the world title Jericho versus Triple H we all know how 18 turned out let’s see how ironically let’s see how 18 turns out for wrestle Kingdom right let’s see

But I mean obviously this this will probably be the main event but but Danielson you know just to kind of CounterPoint what you were saying I’m just kind of just a play on words when you said it’ll steal the show it is the show this match between Danielson and

Okado will be the the match that that saves the entire Pay-Per-View and it’s back to one night too it’s not two nights this time which I’m not thrilled about I mean it’s kind of like to me it’s kind of like a oh like what are you

Uh what’s going on you know what I’m trying to say Well they’re still dealing with more restrictions than anybody too like with things happening over there things have been changing I just saw u a tsunami uh warning was in order like the past couple days so praying for

Everybody that’s over there but I’m hoping for a good show for anybody who is going to watch wrestle Kingdom um I think it’ll be tremendous so get your uh wrestle Kingdom on and uh do your thing man I be watching on Friday morning because I have to get my

Sleep uh let me see is it is one4 Thursday yes so when I wake up for work I will probably have that on in the background and try and either catch the main event first and then go backwards or I’ll try to go backwards from the beginning and then try to watch

Everything even though when I look at it it’s gonna be like this show is six hours long oh Lordy but you can get it on the New Japan World app uh I think it’s great um so make sure you guys check that out if you are a fan of New

Japan Pro Wrestling um I feel bad to the point to where they’ve gotten but this is the main match sell in the show you see that old school robe I’m telling you that’s the that’s the Heritage the old school and if Hiroshi tanahashi is taking request as the new president can

We please have back the old IWGP version four of the belt with all the names on the side that belt was fire that’s why aw shouldn’t change their belt because they have the best belt in the game right now in my opinion so that’s just for me being a belt fan

So listen we don’t got any more Graphics to put up me and Sean are here we can give out our uh stuff now I took dubious notes on the old uh ey pizzle here uh that’s falling apart but this is what you guys have all came in to see

I’m sure that you guys are going to love this um I got my predictions here but you can’t just go over your predictions without talking about what we said last year and I wrote down all of Sean’s and mine brother let me say some of you guys are going to be

Dogging Us in the chat and sometimes you’re going to be like yo am I looking at two nostradamus’s right here so respect where respect is uh earned in this one yes sir Sean let’s let’s go down through this this is like us just going through the resolutions from

Previous years and let’s uh let’s get into it y let’s do it man what do you want to go you want to go every other I think I had way more than you last year but we could we could Rock through these pretty quickly yeah I mean yeah let’s

Talk about it yeah there there’s some potential half credit ones so Chad if you’re like nah nah nah nah you don’t get to do that um I I also understand that um no problem I feel Sonata is way too underrated hold on here I think it’s the

Start of naido farewell tour both are great uh going to be good to me most people that don’t watch New Japan that will deem okada Dan in the bigger draw yeah I think that’s how the international fans will perceive it especially Nito does need to retire I

Love that man yeah his knees are clacking Danon is leaving in a body bag tust off the WCW Mayhem track and crank up the Cypress Hill Brian is getting a fistful uh Japan got hit with the earthquake today so yeah well wishes to everyone there yes uh yes here we go Conrad’s

First prediction and we could write some of these off NBC Universal gives a big deal to WWE they acquire Smackdown from fox ding ding ding ding ding ding ding we got ourselves a winner in my first one I was happy I was happy with that one um Sean

You said stuff about the rock this is the first time I think where we got to hear Sean’s hatred for the rock last year I noticed and off started unleashing on Dwayne Johnson yes yes um but I I don’t remember was your prediction that he wouldn’t show up I

Didn’t write this one down my prediction I was wrong about that by by technicality I said the rock would never show his face on WWE television in 20123 and in September he showed his face so Dwayne Johnson the movie star did show his face so that means I’m technically wrong about my

Prediction I hear you and uh jaselyn I do agree with Sonata is slept on I said that so I should partially be wrong on this one but in the end I was right I said Vince McMahon will remain out from WWE in 2023 yeah that’s 5050 because

Yeah right he did come back for a little bit but he also kind of tried to stay out of it but that was his uh Shawn gets points for this one kind of it depends on what your argument is over that ajpw announcement WWE is too stubborn to open the Forbidden door but

Charlie Dempsey just went over to ajpw with like weeks left right before like a week left right right before my prediction where to come true yes uh the next one we had I put the rock won’t show up at WrestleMania in a wrestling role but Stone Cold Steve

Austin does and I was wrong about that one Austin did not show back up Sean says that Bray Wyatt’s return uh would be disappointing storyline wise and uh we never got to see how anything played out unfortunately yeah rip to Bray Wyatt I’m gonna have some more on him later for

Myself uh I put Sasha Banks goes to aew incorrect once again um I got that one wrong then going to Sean Sean says Sasha Banks will wins the Women’s World title her first night in aew might be wrong some people are saying we might we might have just been

A couple days off we’re going to see what happens with that might be a couple days off Emy I love it em Ley cist I heard Dre Johnson created yes Dwayne Johnson did create a new football league yes UFL baby yes honestly honestly you guys want

To know what the real play with that is he wants to uh he wants to be the developmental league for the NFL that’s it that’s where the money is don’t fight them work with them Vince’s object was to fight them and he’s like Johnson was a very accomplished athlete in the

University of Miami that’s the only athletic thing I remember him doing you hate him bro you gotta stop this you gotta stop this look first of all Dwayne Johnson showed up on Smackdown one time technically makes me wrong but this whole like the rock is do

You let me let me let me tell you something okay do you you and so many people bro the rock is back Oh look The Rock is back the The Rock isn’t back give me a freaking break the rock happened to be just down the road in

Boulder Colorado he took a a red eye over to the arena just for craps and Giggles the Dwayne Johnson is gone it’s over he’s just gonna show up sporadically for appearances he’s not wrestling anymore it’s over over he’s a football executive and he’s an actor I’m

Sick of this crap man I’m sick of it let’s continue on uh with Sha’s next prediction he said the Nostalgia for Charlotte Flair uh making her return will fade oh it faded real quick that night she came back so Shawn was uh I’ll give Shawn points for that one uh I put

Jade will lose her first singles match and Willow does the gives her the first loss I was incorrect but Jay did lose her first singles match eventually it was just a Chris statlander Cody rhods wins the Royal Rumble and D Thrones Roman Reigns at WrestleMania was a

Prediction I had incorrect for me um yo nostradam is Sean when I went back and listened to this Sean was in Miami when I was listening to this CM Punk returns to the WWE unbelievable and that is a bold prediction that is a bold prediction and

I was correct yes yeah I knew it I just had a feeling I was like it’s going to all come full circle Sean also says uh he called Seth Rollin becoming world champion upon splitting the titles another one Sean was right ding ding ding winner winner

Chicken dinner I F and I I study and I believe that I’m a student of the game here’s one for me Montreal I said Sami Zayn versus Roman Reigns Sami Zayn will lose and then Sammy and KO will will defeat the Usos at mania this was before they had even announced that

Match way beforehand and uh that one was in there incorrect I got another one this one is partial points but mostly wrong I would say Brun breaker Carmelo Hayes Cameron Grimes Kaden Carter Katana chance will all be called up to the main roster I was right on most of those

Except for the first two I mean Brun breaker and Carmelo appeared but they did not get the official call-ups yeah but you were mostly right on that I would give you the knot on that one you said Brun breaker will be failure on the main roster we did not get to that point

Because he’s still in NXT to be determined right sooner rather than later um Sheamus becomes Grand Slam champion before the year ends wrong got that one wrong real bad um where is the next one here for you you said Lacy Evans will be out of a job another another one called I’m a

Student of the game Conrad I am I I actually pay attention bro hey hey you got that one right as well um I’m going I’m trying to go back and forth here between both of these I said La KN will have a breakout year I

Think that’s correct I think I I think I should get some points for that I also then called I’m trying to do because I know I’m going to have more uh what was the other one I had underneath that DIY will reunite got that one just in time

Towards the end of the year reunited hasn’t been successful but they did reunite you called that Mandy or NOP wh who I jumped I jumped I jumped Cody rhods wins the rumble by eliminating Seth Rollins got that one wrong we were close but no cigar and then you also

Stated Mandy Rose goes to aew she is still holding on to that that money from them yeah it’s true she’s being she’s on that oie fans Vibe so I no she’s the no where to be found money must be good yeah I put Pat mcafe he returns and we

Will get a match before the year ends uh I don’t think he had a match he have a match but he did return yeah so yeah half points I guess uh where am I Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green returned to the WWE I only got half for that I think half credit for

That you said mjf’s Title reign will be seen as a failure that is up to uh interpretation I I mean I think that’s correct I don’t I don’t I don’t I’m sure people would disagree but the confident wrestling fan Johnson is I love it I love it thank you for being

Real he only came back because of the actor sh I I will never his name is Dwayne his name is dy come on qus thank you quills for standing up for what’s right and being honest the guy just came back cuz the actors were on strike and he was bored

That’s the only reason he came back and MGF title ring I’m not I that’s 5050 in my book so I did a count afterwards I’m GNA go to you again Sean called aew UPS their pay-per-views to eight per year I don’t know how he knew this I don’t know

Who he knows but eight was the exact number on the pay-per-views I what part of I’m a student of the game don’t you understand my brother this is you know me off camera I I am entrenched I study this I take this seriously when we get signed by a major promotion or a

Major Network it will never be said that I’m not doing my homework listen I’m trying yes I’m trying not 12 not seven not nine eight so backto back Dubbs for Sean but here I come right back Nick Aldis gets signed by WWE man that’s a you’re right though I’m

Giving you the impact You Gotta Give me that when I said you’re right no argument there no argument there I also said great muda goes into the WWE Hall of Fame he did muda was in Tiffany Stratton uh is the top women’s wrestler

That on NXT yes I think but n know I why would you say no I think that’s actually accurate she held the title twice she’s made a vented most of the pay-per-views from a woman’s standpoint Sean called this one will Osprey signs to aew how does this man

Know how student of the game dude well said uh CM Punk returns to aew I called cuz I said TK let that money get flushed it was the second time once they had the problem but WWE WWE Kota abushi I’m taking this one too kot abushi wrestles in aw as a free

Agent he did but now he is signed yes um I also called aw does House shows but for small venues that did end up happening as well going back to yours you have the elite will hold the trios titles for a long time 12 months that

Did not happen that did not happen I thought they’d held the titles for but yeah you’re right I was wrong um I am going to I’m going to run through a bunch of mine because I think I only got one or two more for you uh I called forbidden door 2 Kenny Omega

Okata and Brian D versus tanahashi boy was I wrong about that uh FTR will leave aw and return with CM Punk I was wrong about that I thought that they were gonna do a storyline go figure and make some money but apparently somebody wasn’t having any of

That yeah we’re not even on TV now um House of black won the trios titles I got that one I did get these two wrong Ethan Paige wins the all Atlantic title and Kos teska wins the RO title wrong about both of those I also said Ro will

Move to YouTube to put more eyes on the product after failing to secure a TV deal I was wrong Diana perazzo returns to WWE I I think I might be a couple days off on that we’ll see what happens tonight you never know you never know I called Jonathan gesan winning the impact

World title I was wrong Cody deer winning the X division title I was wrong Chris Bay and Ace Austin win the junior heavyweight tag titles I was wrong but they did win the impact titles back and I said will Osprey defeats Kenny Omega and I see I talked too long on this one

He’ll win the G1 Climax and then beat okata clean wrong I did not Nao won the G1 climax so talked wrong but he did beat Kenny you said Jericho would win back the RO title he did not did not and I’m going to give you points for this

One Rampage will become the r show because it basically has in my mind I I think so yes um Hub you cheat an eight pay-per yo e i this was before any we knew any of this he called it bro he and I count I was like one two three me and

Rob yesterday he was like how did he know that I was like yo I don’t know but it was the perfect number uh I’m the NXT guy on you’re right Tiffany Stratton is the top female in NXT gyv will make their TNA debuts at

TNA hard to kill yes uh does it work for me brother the super click Sean with that said man do we bust out the uh the 2024 predictions yeah let’s go back and forth man uh you want to start what what do we want to do we

Flipping a coin for this who goes first I’ll start bro it’s all good I have as many as yours but I I have like I I think if we had to do who won on their predictions I think you got more correct I think yours were more

Impressive than mine once I went back and listened to it so take the humble do your uh Young Bucks lap around the ring you you got this one on me got I just I just take I take this seriously I’m G do another game but anyway so all right my

2024 predictions I’ll start with the one that’s pretty obvious everybody knows how I feel about Jay Uso I think Jay Uso does hit Pay Dirt in 2024 he will win a singles championship in 2023 2024 excuse me in 2024 Jay Uso will win his first singles Championship okay I respect it I am

Going to start with aew I put aew Warner Brothers Discovery come to a deal to double their current price so whatever they are getting right now Warner Brothers Discovery will double it and aew stays on their network is my prediction um next up for me I believe

That Ring of Honor this was not in the email I said to Ring of Honor will no longer be a thing by the end of 2024 okay write that down for me so I can add that in yep and then and then we’ll send me an updated One Ring Ring

Of Honor will no longer be a thing in 2024 okay similar to give anybody some context it’s similar to the way ECW came back in WWE Ring of Honor will fade away I put aew pay-per-views will stream on HBO Max okay I think that there is a deal in

Place and that the pay-per-views will wind up on there all right special cave up for this one by the end of the summer because I think by saying the end of the year is a little bit too easy by the end of the summer Ria Ripley will lead the Judgment Day bold

Bold um I’m still on aw for mine for some of these I got them all mixed in I also said aew will turn a profit this year okay so they will finally make money in their company for once don’t make it into the black okay I like that I like that

Um oh this bring me so much joy Cody rhods will not finish the story at WrestleMania Cody rhods will not finish the story at WrestleMania wow Wrestlemania 40 to be specific okay I got WWE Raw goes to FX and it will stay on Mondays is my prediction so FX will be

The new home of raw and FX don’t miss the Usos whether it’s before or after Jay gets his singles title run whatever title that may be the Usos will reunite by December 31st of 2024 oh and probably and probably after their WrestleMania match they will come to

Their senses or Jimmy will come to his senses and the Usos will reunite these are going to kind of be linked together with some of these I predict that swerve Strickland will become the first black aew world champion and I’ll and I’ll save my next

One for after I love it I love it well they if they tieing together keep going I’m also gonna say at all in swerve will face will Osprey in the main event of Allin for the world championship that’s a strong prediction I would love that to be true wow you

Talk about me having a difficult time picking who I want to win my god the guy who I consider the hottest star rising star in the game against the guy who I consider universally to be the best wrestler in the game oh my God that’d be

Dble for me but I would love it I love that e says that hubs got phones tapped no but I love that prediction Conrad good for you all right now this is kind of an open-ended one but I think you know you’re smart I know you’re

Smart enough and I think our our viewers are smart enough to pick up on what I’m trying to say and kind of come to its own conclusion TNA reboot will not make a difference now I know that’s a little open-ended what do you mean by that I’m just basically saying that impact will

Impact Wrestling will not have a surgence because of the TNA reboot okay interesting I’m I’m kind of on board with that I can kind of see where it’s going at least looking at ticket sales but I’m hoping that they can pull out something that I’m going to

Talk about later here uh my next one is Brian Danielson versus Nigel mcginness will happen at all in Nigel mcginness will dust off the wrestling boots and get into the ring and all of this garbage talking to Brian Danson will result in a match Adam Cole Will for the first time in his

Career become a major promotion world champion dare you disrespect Ring of Honor like this I love Ring of Honor Ring of Honor is not a major promotion they’re a wonderful promotion but they’re not a major promotion uh this one might be a little bold I’m going to say Jamie haer returns

And wins back the women’s title at all in whomever is the champ at that time will lose to Jamie herter Chris Jericho will retire by the end of the year you think he’s done though Chris Jericho will hang up the boots by December 31st 2024 here’s when that’s going to hurt

That would hurt because I’m a Jericho guy before all this crap came out CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble this year but I am predicting right now that CM Punk will lose to Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania 40 interesting because my prediction is that ties into the same thing Cody rhods

Will lose the Royal Rumble and Cody Rose will earn his title shot at WrestleMania at the elimination CH I’m just going to coign that but I have it that he earns the title shot in the chamber to challenge Roman Reigns and defeats Roman Reigns at WrestleMania

Well I already said Cody Rose is not finishing the story at WrestleMania so that’s where on that one okay right uh less familyfriendly if the FX deal goes through I see a lot of people saying La KN in the chat uh will be Champion the

US champ I put in that AJ Lee shows up in the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant aw will bounce back in 2024 and have its first profitable year in 2025 oh I think it takes I think it takes a little bit longer a little bit longer

Than you anticipate they will have it they will bounce back they will have a good year in 2024 and be have its most profitable year the following year I have solo seoa will win a singles Championship this year Jimmy Uso will no in no way shape or form be a singles champion in

WWE okay for the year you’re saying for the year okay this year will come and go Jimmy Uso the only chance he has a CH chance to win gold is if he teams up with his brother and wins the tag titles back I have TNA signs a shortterm deal

With Mercedes Monet but later this year she will sign to aew I might be wrong about that according to the rumors of today but I wrote this yesterday so well Offspring will become the aew heavyweight champion of the world at upy a little bit at all

In I’m not mad at that I might even agree with that a little bit TNA will sign to Neil dashwood and Ric Moss John Cena will never become a 17 time world champion I will say Julia will sign with the WWE before the year is out and that’s Julia from Stardom Seth

Rollins will not only lose the World Heavyweight Championship but he will leave the WWE you think he’s going to aw I think Seth Rollins is sick and tired of this crap and I think he’s ready to go interesting Nick Aldis will return to the ring I need you to come through for

Me again Nick in 202 yes in 2024 and his first Feud will be with Randy Orton and my next one will lead off of that one as well the Survivor Series will return its original four on four or five on five elimination format oh returns to television and will become

The smackdown general manager when they go to USA Network before the year is over damage control will cease to exist I ain’t mad at that Craig’s gonna like my next one Ricky Starks leaves aew and signs with the w we mjf joins the

WWE I if Tony Khan did not sign him to a longer contract Sean I think Tony Khan fumbled the bag I know it all seems like a storyline it seems like a work I have a sneaking feeling not tonight I have a sneaking feeling mjf will end up in World Wrestling

Entertainment now come on Deanna be positive he’s been good so far he’s been he’s been a good guy give him time well she into my next prediction my next phot is wlo leaves aew and signs with the WWE CM Punk now this is how crazy I

Think CM Punk has been over the years this because it wouldn’t necessarily be a prediction because it’s so easy but in CM Punk and Phil Brooks world is not easy I predict somehow by the grace of God CM Punk will make it through the year in WWE still

Employed it’s crazy that that’s even a prediction but but you know why I’m saying that though of course um I also have Sheamus will sign with aew actually should I do my next two because they’re all the same like that Ali will sign with aew and Dolph Ziggler will sign with aew Dwayne

Johnson will never ever wrestle again I’m about to come with a bold one too sting and Darby Allen will challenge for the Tag Team titles at aew Revolution they will win and sting will retire as a tag team champion retire as a tag team champion I like that

Okay I had another I I had a part two to it but I kind of stopped it do you know who I think wins them after though in a tournament or whatever they’re going to do who’s that they are feuding right now over the TNT Championship that is not

Part of my prediction but oh back together again huh okay all even if it’s by uh uh these two will random we’re going to do random pairings I think that will be the random pairing now I’m I’m I’m off my list now I’m I’m got to start thinking of stuff now

Um did I mention Dwayne Johnson me wrestle again y okay did I mention Dwayne Johnson Will Never Wrestle again you have you have want to make sure did I have did I happen to metion that Dwayne Johnson will never ever wrestle again just want to make sure people mad

At me they say Mercedes ain’t going to TNA I’m digging these predict Let’s Get Serious again Dolph Ziggler will eventually sign with aw you’re looking like there’s a part two and then get fired really so you think he’ll be in then out really quickly in and out

Within 12 months he will be in and out it’s not going to work okay okay um yo you guys are crazy I am positive but a snake is a snake I hope that’s that’s why I like de de doesn’t hold back y’ y’all gota Chill on my guy Punk

Man oh I got a prediction for you the fight forever fr frch will go away after one game okay T Tony just said that he was keeping it alive we’ll see we’ll see if that’s you will never see fight forever another there might be more incarnations there’ll never be another

One I WB Games I don’t know what that relationship is supposed to be maybe it’s just to promote Joe as uh uh The Suicide Squad game that he’s going to be in but I’m just putting it out there aew gives Goldberg his retirement match that he wanted from

WWE I think Tony gives him his match to give him his flowers because he likes wrestling so much Triple H loses control of creative wow wow I think it’s too early for that one but that’s we’ll see I hope it ain’t Gomez back in the picture loses loses complete loses singular control of

Creative okay okay um my next one is kucho okada will remain with New Japan Pro Wrestling after the the news happened I had to change that one up um I got three more all so I only got one more okay I’ll let you have the floor the bloodline will

Reunite as a whole with solo seoa as the leader interesting de said I didn’t say I hate him I’m just calling it like it is I just hate when people Doom and Gloom the guy I’m like ah let let’s see what happens he’s been happy so far

Maybe the time away will help him um I like that solo so solo leads a new version of the bloodline you’re saying no I think that the Usos reunite and matter of fact I’ll take it to another level The Bloodline reunites with solo as its leader and they’ll be a face with

They’ll be a face stable with uh matter of fact I’ll take it even a step further bloodline 2.0 there’ll be a face stable Jay will be back Jimmy will remain solo will be the leader and Sammy Zayn will return to the f as well wow yo I’m loving the predictions the hardies

Will go back to WWE in 2025 somebody just said Trinity remains knockout champ these are not mine by the way trick Williams becomes NXT champion okay okay look at that look at that Steve Blackman makes a Royal Rumble appearance y’all bugging uh Craig you you were reading my

Mind with one of them I’m GNA get to it in one second so my last three are Gunther will become the world champion in 2024 before year end he will become the world champion Butch will go back to Pete Dunn yes I like that for anything for all

That is good please let that happen and my final one is for the Hall of Fame Bray Wyatt will headline this year’s WWE Hall of Fame class and he will be joined by two other people who are long overdue for inductions Lex Luger and Bam Bam big

I like it I like it this is all documented all documented on video on film we got it let’s lock it in locked in so you had your 25 I had 28 some of them are connected some of them aren’t but it’ll be interesting next year

Around this time when we have to revisit those so remember that I predict I predict 80% success oh now you’re tripping that’s a lot that’s a lot right there pretty close to 80 this year for you not for me but I make a lot of predictions though yourself brother have some faith

In yourself uh the Wyatt family Hall of Fame original Wyatt family oo oh interesting call there if Triple H loses control of creative I’m calling uh we tip on hubs like San Andreas you’ll see you’ll see uh before 2024 ends will ospr will be the aw World Champ CM Punk was happy in

Aw for a few months as well oh de speaking speaking fat though he was I don’t think there would have ever been a problem if you never mentioned Co Cabana and you would have just chilled out Punk was trying write the sh saying is that

CM Punk has a history of kind of like why do you think my prediction is that he’ll still be employed with WWE that’s a bold prediction by the way that’s a bold prediction that he’ll still be gamefully employed by January 1st 2025 it’s just weird because you’re

Watching it and you’re like waiting for something bad to happen you know what I mean like isn’t that crazy I think him getting that time off like how they’ve been splitting him up I think that’s better for him yeah get away from this for a few like a week or two comeback uh

Hardy’s returned to TNA with the broken gimms uh yes Pete Dunn and Tyler bate is a tag team yep big boy Hall of Fame I’m hoping so Pete Dunn and Tyler bate they gotta do it Snoop Dogg will be DLC for WWE 2K write it down 80% success Co

Cabana will leave aw I don’t think so I think they’re St prediction the Buffalo Bills I have no rooting interest I’m a giant fan the Buffalo Bills will win the Super Super Bowl this year I know it’s it all comes down to Sunday but if they

Win on Sunday and they get that home playoff game the Kansas City’s not who they once were the only team you’d have to worry about after that is the Baltimore Ravens hey and we and we’ve been showing a lot of teams our Pretenders I think

That I think the talent is a lot closer than people want to admit in the uh NFL this year but listen man we’ve we’ve rocked out with you guys we’ve held it down we threw out our predictions if you got more put them in the comments after the

Fact helps us in the video Sean swerves when he drives make sure that you guys check us out and show us some love I’m gonna have Sean get us up out of here real quick um and end the show for us but thank you guys for rocking with us

Uh a drink to 2024 here take a little sip boom cheers Sean take us out man well it’s a new year I don’t believe in all that new year new me crap everybody says that every single year but I do believe that with the New Year comes new blessings new

Lessons um you know I I really have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy hopefully for a long time to come clash of the podcast Conrad appreciate you my brother um this show has grown Leaps and Bounds in 2023 um I would probably think I’m safe in saying this and that Conrad would

Agree we never would have thought we would have gone 70 weeks in a row without a breef we we brought shows to you on during Thanksgiving week we brought shows to you on Christmas Day New Year’s Day through the dog days of summer through the holidays you name it

We’ve been here and you have been here with us so we want to say thank you um not like I said no new year new me stuff but I will say that through the when as the new calendar has changed let’s go into the new year with a belief

That things are going to get better than they were last year whatever your shortcomings may have been whether it be Financial whether it be family issues whether it be you know issues on the job hoping for promotion hoping for you know better days ahead you know whatever your shortcomings were

In 20123 I pray that your uh will be your upliftment and your success in 2024 and Beyond so with that being said um we pray the best for you uh we appreciate you we will be back next Monday night January 8th enjoy day one tonight enjoy the national championship semifinals

Continue enjoying your families as we all get back to the normaly of work and school as the holidays have come to its conclusion this year we automatically start looking forward to next year I know I am my family’s already decided Christmas 2024 will be in New York thank

God so looking forward to that but as always be safe be encouraged and remember that evil never prevails June January I should say January uh the 4th Thursday in January myself Conrad and uh Jesse from uh the wrestling the wrestling shoot will be doing a Royal Rumble preview and retrospective so make

Sure you’re on the lookout for that go subscribe to HUB wrestling weekly if you haven’t subscribed to epw make sure you subscribe to epw right now to make sure we get him up to 2,000 as he deserves but uh as always evil never prevails God bless and we’ll see you next


  1. Worlds End was ok. Not my favorite PPV but not a dud either. WK18 ain’t hittin like past ones I think once we see the matches it will be good.

  2. WWE will continue to have senseless mediocre booking of buffoonery and by the way that's not a prediction……THAT'S A SPOILER and also by the way that's not an insult…..THAT IS JUST THE FACT OF LIFE!

  3. Been away the past week with the Holiday's and being sick but I appreciate you guys not letting that hold you back from making content! playing catchup now on your videos

  4. 2024 Predictions
    Cody and Punk both walk out of mania with world titles
    Priest has a failed cash in
    Ospreay wins AEW title at All In
    MJF signs with WWE

    Ilja Dragunov dethrones Gunther at Bash at Berlin
    Orton turns on Cody after mania
    AJ Styles competes in a TNA ring (does not sign stays with WWE has a one off)

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